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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1911)
mmmmmmm, rfTweat3 T.'. T'Mstai..":,'"?; -nruerarnr! XAIW T'mmmmmi -. JTTai?Jg ? i f'i w A," iTirant. ?.f:rffi' s .T.Tcrasssa .- ,. .wUfc 3Vw.w-Mt--Wi-.,.., w.ti tfcww. ,jw ,.-- ti . JJW ,wairrr3Wwwi fcwf ttAMTiw'et2mttTO?3g ,' SI 7"i Jjst Good Cooking No mn rnks for more. More could not be asked if vou ed our Fine Flavoring Extracts flavoring yini- nnd dainty des- Jusl the thine lor mer tleliraiios i Wc ar manufadurcis of Va n 11a and Lemon Extracts. You buy firsr hand. Wc guarantee the purity results guarantee the truth of our claim. When you think of cooking, think of our FINE FLAVORING EX TRACTS and the fine pastry and dessert you may enjoy through their use. In bottles for I Oc and up. Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist 5 LOGALETTES 5 a new Hood Hammocks ut Cotting'. (icorge Uliiir 1ms purchased auto. Jay Hayes wa down from Hustings Wednesday. Mutt Doyle was In Uladen the first of the week. All kinds of Electrical woik done by Morhart Uros Chas(!od.ey ot Superior was In town Sunday. A. 11. Hrowu of Horton, Khs., spent Monday in town. Fied Gund was down from Blue Hill over .Sunday. Onier Doling of Lincoln took ill the circus Wednesday. Remember the Hand Concert eveiy Thursday evening. Sam Temple of Kansas City was in the citv this week. Oscar Hughes was a passenger to II listings Tbuisday. w Have your picture fiauied ut Sloss' Best selection in town. Nothing like White Loaf Hour for making the bestbread. Twenty per cent off on dusters and fly nets. 1'. L. Hansen. Noble Ball and Lee Keith went to Guide Rock this mornine. (.5. J. Krai of Beatrice transacted business in town Monday. Mrs. Norton and daughter Minnie tpent Sunday in Superior Geo. J. Warren is transacting busi ness iu Beatrice this week. Harry nnd (iordon Harvey of Norton, Kus., were in town Saturday. J. F Winters of Lincoln was in Red Cloud on business this week. Mr. and Mrs. C J. i'latt are home from their outing in Colorado. Mrs. Bernhard of Franklin spent Sunday with Dr. Cross and wife. Mrs. Lyra C. (larber left Wednes day for a visit with f i lends in Bea trice. K. Fashe, F. Holly and C Crainerof Hardy spent several dny In town last week. Mr. Jarboe will preach at the Indian Creek school house next Sunday at 3 p.m. Wanted Piano pupils. Uulversity School of Music graduate. Three years pupil of Henry P. Fames. Mahie Smith Bkck. Phone Bell ill. Farm Leans, I am again lendy to make farm loans at the lowest rate and best tei ins. 1 am sole agent for Trevett, Mattis Baker. Some pri vate money .1 II. Bailey, Rod Cloud. Nebr. Regular son lees at the Biethtcti c'liiieli ntft Suiul.iv both inoriiliitf and evening. Satlslled eiistnmeis uio good ones. ll who live Am boy White l.o.if Amir ill c such. Ml.i Rosa MeCiiiie, the genial tele phone operator, is taking a mouth's vacation, Clins. Schwann of ,1'ltt'biirp. I'a. is In town visiting Ills son. Ilarij S'hwnini. R. (' Peteis and Flunk Perry of liable I!' elf took in the bull games lust week Mis Dux id WiiUnn and family of Winner, Kan"., witnessed the chvos Wednesday. i: K. Davis. ,. W. Billiard and O. N. Win then of Inavale took in the char tnuqiui Sunday. It. 1'. Ma and L. U. Loekegge of Campbell were in town Fiidny tailing In the ball game The Diamond Kleelrie VaciimcUan- or deinoiistinted In jour home flee. Call Phone Red 1)7. The Degiee of Honoi will meet next Tuesday evening. All members aie urged to be present Miss Grace Klusell, who has been visiting her sister at Lincoln returned home Fiidny evening. Mrs... J. R. milium and Mis. O. C. Teel and daughter Fay left Tuesday for an outing iu Colorado. Ralph McCoiikey was iu Superior Tuesday ".shooting trouble" for the Independent Telephone Co. Rev. .1 M. Bates returned Tuesday fi out St. Paul, and will hold hcrviees next Sunday at Grace church. Chas. Waldo and wife, and A. I). Wonderly and wife of Inavale were Chautauqua visitors last week. Wall paper, paint, varnish, mould ing, painting und papeilng contract ed. Sloss. the Wall Paper Man. Mr. and Mis. W. C. Fiubm of Blue Hill spent Sunday in the city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride. The tluest lino nnd best ns&oitment of Harness ever carried bcfoie. Call and look It over. MoiiilMti Bum. Now is the time to buy tly nets and dusters. Twenty per cent discount from regular prices. P. L. Hansen. Karn 8t:0 to S'200 per month by learning a trade at home Start now. Particular.s free Box 12:., Hooper, Neb, R. M. Beatty and son for lioueral lilaeksmlthing, Wngon Work, Horse shoeing a specialty. At Day's old shop. Hank Muurer, C. D Robinson and Louie Schmidt left Saturday night for an outing in the mountains of Colorado. Dr. Moranville nnd John" and Charley ArbuBhon went to Hastings this morn ing where Charley will have on oper ation performed. Geo. Hutchison, Bernard McNeny and John Polnleky were in Fremont this week attending the Democratic state convention. Two large furnished rooms for rent, close to town, opposite High School. Inquire of Chas. A. Sohellak, 7th avenue and Webster street. Former County Judge A. H. Keeney cime in from Denver Wednesday morning, called here by the death of his sister, Mrs Fuller, of Cowles. Wan run Man with family wants position on farm, either by month or on shares, for this fall or inthespring. K. K. Si'iMNCiEH, U. F. 1). No. I!, care H. C. Harris. . Mrs. Chas. StetVeu encountered a gasoline stove explosion this morning leeeiving severe burns on the arm and hand mid sulfered loss of hair. No other damage was done. Mrs. Beauchamp of Kentucky will be in Red Cloud about the 10th of August. She is a noted speaker and will give one or more addresses. Further notice will be given. Mr. and Mrs C. S. Warren aud sou aud Mrs. Ford arrived Saturday from Beatrice in the former's big seven passenger touring car and are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E S. Garber. Wolfe it Whitaker, genernl black smiths, now carry a full line of farm Implements, surreys, buggies, wugonst gang plows, gas engines, stacker rones, all kinds of machinery nnd heavy hardware, and all supplies for same. Also ail kinds of oils. fri to to to to to to to to (0 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to. to m to m m to to to to to DISCOUNT ALE JTo reduce our stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnish- . rf f 1 we are oirermg lor sale at 20 Per ings Cent Discount all our high grade Schaffner & Marx. Suit lines, will b the odds famous Hart and ends of Suits, including A few Suits, ii " e sola at a sacrmce. ALSO SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON Oxfords, Odd Trousers, Straw Hats, Wool Hats 4' Odds and Ends of Underwear $1.50, $1.75 and $2 SHIRTS at $1.00 This Discount Sale includes all our Boys' and Children's Suits Red Cloud Nebraska This stoic is the home of Hart Schaflner & Marx clolhes - THE CZ,OT&7F ih il vl li Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi il) Hi Hi il viz 4 to 0 li ft ii 0 til Hi to to to to to to to i to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to I am a candidate for re-election lo the office of County Judge and ask the support of the Peo ple's Independent - Democratic electors at the primary. I. W. EDSON. i- 4 Six cakes of IPalm Olive EMpsiut' one 50o jar oQPalm Olive Cream U for 50 cents atj Cott lug's Drug Store' for a short time only. Foit Sam: An exceptionally fine quarter of land 2 miles from good town iu Franklin county, newly im proved with lare house, barn, double granary and corncrib, machine hhed, cow shed, flue orchard nnd good fences Worth your while to Investigate. Price 810,500. DAN r.AKDKR & CO. We wish to announce to the public generally, that wc have the well known Taylor Ranch for sale. This consists of 510 acres, G miles south east of Red Cloud. This place needs no commedn tion as it is known far and near as the very best bottom farm in Webster County. Wai.kkk & Kknt. Some of the members of our tennis club went to Cowles Tuesday to play a match game with the boys at that place. Brother Diamond furnished the conveyance and Have Orice acted as pilot extraordinary. From all ac counts he did not make a hit with the driver or the rest of the club since it took two hours to go his way Flave says next time he wont bo so sure. Since Red Cloud elected a Socialist mayor, the town is again on the map, and folk, are beginning to sit up and take notice. Mayor Sum Fun has re ceived a letter from a com lot iu the Mot.tium penitent iary, who gives his name as "Toney Clark," requesting tho mayor to dispose of a horsehair bridle, made during the convict's lols lire moments. The mayor has taken the matter under advisement. Itandiuastor ,1. K. lietc, yielding to a very popular desire, has decided to nrganle a junior band, to be com posed of girls as well as boys. This will be a welcome feature of our musi cal activities ana we arecnuuuontinat he will receive much encouragement from our people, We would like to see every boy and girl in the city join this organization and niulte the old town ring with first clas music, the mention of each of the party lead er's. The resolutions leiiuirm the well known princi pies of Democracy and warmly commend the Democratic con gross for IMng up lo the Demociatic platform pledges. The platform was adopted without a dissenting vote. John C. liyrni-h was unanimously n-elected chairman and Leo Mat thews seciotary of tho slate cent ml committee. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stoiey and Mi nd Mrs. F. A. Good returned Filday .rom Spirit Lake, Iowa, after a llfteon day automobile outing. They spent a week in camping and fishing at Spiiit Lake, going via Hastings, Council UlulVsanil Des Moines, and returning via Sioux City. Fiemont and Hast ings, visiting all the cities enroute. The party traveled about MOO tulles and thus became quite familiar with the roads and bridges of eastern Ne braska and northern Iowa In Mr. Storey's estimation, the toads and br id ires of Nebraska are much better than those of Iown, and the roads of Webster county nre best of all. In Iowa the roads are narrow, 20 to 30 feet wide, and, a in Nebraska, con crete is rapidly displacing the wooden culverts, but often are made not more thau Vi or lrt feet in length Where the roads were rounded up in firm pike they were mostly too unrrow for vehicles to pass on the grades. Much of the grading is being done with the scraper, and the King road drags lying at tho roadside along the way mutely irave testimony of its once having rained iu the country through which 41, .i. miDLi.,! MM... ... iiu tin. I TViOmi'H showed terrible suiTcring from dioutli MHMMMBHHHHHMMMMa all tlie way from Hastings to Des Moines and fiom Spirit Lake back to yi Ml L QUeS- Ui.eoln. lUCIC Will UC UU LJUCS trip, and among Mr. Stoiey s other ac complishments he has become an auto mobile drher and icpaiier of experi ence. Mr. Good's Chalmers Detroit car stood the trip In fine shape, except for minor tire and gear tiouble. BISCUITS Nebraska Democrats Hold Harmonious Convention The Ddiuoointli: state convention, held at Fiemout Tuesday, which gavo promise of being a stormy affair, de veloped iwto one of the most harmonl ouh sessions ever held by the Nebraska Democratic organization. No attempt was made to Indorse any particular candidate for tho presidency, and great euthuslasin was manifested at tion about your biscuits when you use our well known Imperial brand of Flour. Be sure of your biscuits. Let your first thought in flour be "IMPERIAL." NEW BAKERY I have opened a In lied Cloud aud solicit a share of your patronage. Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes always in stock. Phono mo your wants (Ind. phone 188.) Deliver to any part of the city Ri-tall store opposite l'ostof--" lice, iu Dioderlch building. CURTHATFlELD,Prop. What is the difference between the President's traveling expenses and a menu curd? MKWMm One is the fate of of fine! Hill, the other a bill COME and look over our Hill of Fare before arranging 3 ours! You'll Like Our Meats Most tender our chops, our 'steaks are rare. Kxcullent our hum, salt meals the same. All cus prepared with gi cutest care , To serve and to please jou our aim) RED CLOUD MILUNG CO. I WM. KOON. X fe J? I . I If M is R m m m M ,i l'l m m X' . ; ?y v"!l , 31 'al ti y M I v it ,.M..'il ,f. i .fT..ii.. .j.7,.,,,.. ....wHfW.VV g t -'. . M. .i ii i. .'