The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 27, 1911, Image 4
"( . - t . ..; , ,, '-vitr.inttaMm IK ' !. I- ' t 15he CHIEF (Ud Cloud - - Nebra.Uo. PUBLISHED UVEKY TIIUHSDAT ntcted In the 1'oitolUce MilItM rloml.Noli.. nj'scroinl CIm MAltt'f C 1$. 1IALU rcin.isiir.ii the 0NI1Y di-.mcm itA'in.' iAri:u i WrilHrilllCOI'NTV To the Voters of Webster County. Nebraska! I. I inn ii cnndldato for county clerk. , I itm !10 yi'uis olii, and was born nl Outdo Itn-U. In I Ills comity. t II, 1 iinvo never bcfoio been u can iliiliitu for oillcu. 4. Having served us deputy county elerk, 1 llilnk I am equipped for the ofllee, both liy experience nnd inclina tion. f, I am respectfully asking you for a (1 turni, not a second or third. (!. If nominated ami elected, I shall consider It an honor to servo tho peo ple of this county, and will always do M) faithfully and to the best of my ability. 7. I therefore topootfMlly and ear nestly aslc your support at the prl itinry, and at the polls If nominated. Yours truly, Wii.i.ivm It. Hwi.r.. The Last Four Days of The Chautauqua. The afternoon was given over to Dr. Cook, the famous A relit: explorer tie Jh tho original Dr. CooU who caused so much discussion a shott time ago. lie begnu by saying that lie was a mticli misunderstood mini, that he really Ud discover tlio North Pole and that all be ashed was fair p'lay and ufairhoar Ing. Whcthor ho was there or not wo do not know, but he had a rather plausible story and convinced many of his hourer.s that he was tolling the truth. t io evolution of our modern self bind er The entile lecture was full of in firination and enteitiiiiimeiit. The Chautauqua was a success from eveiy viewpoint ultlio the rains Inter fered a good deal at the beginning ami at the elo'-u. Rev. E. N. Tompkins as a Platform Manager As a platform manager and lecturer Itov. 12. N. TomplciiiH very pleasantlj mii prised the Chiiulniiiptii manage- meiit. this year. Mo kept up excellent enthusiasm at every session and in his int inductions made every effort not to encroneh upon the tlnid of the speaker and patience of I he audiehec His wit Is ultt! oilginal and his .stor ies weieapproprlatly placed mid fasci natingly told. Hit Mild neither ttio much nor loo little and everything of iuleiest to the large audiences. Mr. Tompkins has made several trios llirough Yellowstone l'ark and Is thoiotighlv fninllar with every point of Interest to the traveler or tourist. Mo has also visited all the bypaths nnd trails In the park not accessible to ordinary tourist parties. Ills illus trated lectin e on Yellowstone l'ark was one of the best and most interest ing numbers on the program. Mis pictures were flue and well colored to natiiie, many of which he secured with his own eimera. His Knglish is Hue and his descriptions neonate, lucid and fas'luatiug. Mr. Tompkins is an educated man of excellent judg ment, keen observation and of high capability ami appieclation. Tlieie is little that escapes Ids notice and liU gift of Kugllsh Is sutlicietit to diaw thorough desciiptiuns and ele guilt criticisms. His Illustrated lec ture on Yellowstone l'ark Is much like liclng thcie in person ami viewing with one's own eyes the most iiingul llccllt piece of getdogical llalltliuoi k of I ho Creator. People's Independent County Convention The People's Independent party met in county convention in this city Inst Saturday. Dr. Kohl. Danierell acted as Tho Forties Juvenile Hand descives more than passing notice. This Scot Mi baud, with its bagpipes and its boys, their dancing and mulching, drew generous applause from every audience. Had tho people known bow really meritorious this organiza tion is tho tent would not have been largo enough to hold tho crowd. A fdxtoen year old boy Bang soprano with the same ease ami accent as a lady singer; as a base drum beater be was n master. Besides the instrumental music this organization carried arcati cr and a singer. Miss Eva beuahan abowed exceptional talent as a reader and charmed her audience with her sensible selections, She acts well the part anil her voice was easily heard all over tho big tent. Miss (Carlton allowed unusual talent aft a singer and her Scotlsb songs were most pleasing nnd refreshing. She possess os a musical, highly cultivated voice and her hearers always wished for more. These two ladles could easily furnish an entire program alone, if there was one best entertainment dur ing the chautauqua wo would unhesi tatingly ascribe that position to the Forbes .luvenlle Band. , Owing to Congress being in session, Senator Ollie .lames of Kentucky was compelled to cancel all bis Chautau qua dates and consequently was un able to be present. However, the mantigenient. secured lllchard Yates, ex-governor of Illinois, to till the vacancy. This arrangement, was high ly satisfactory to the people and tho Governor delighted his hearers with his lecture on civic refoi in. He gave actual incidents which were apart of bis oftlulul year. II V. Adams' lecture entitled "Crap ok of Cold" was a high class and amusing entertainment along linos of mental influences in everyday thought and action. All his Illustrations carried deepuiideilleingRermoiiK, Mr Adams posesses a good sense of hu mor ami held his audience In excellent fcplrits all the time. H(s voice and easy manner are tpiite an asset in his entertainment. Dr. (J. K. Magiilro easily held his audience for more than an hour ami a ball'. Ho presented his theino in an original manner and succeeded m carrying his heaieis along with bun Ills voice was exceptionally wellnioilu latetl and ono could listen without t fatigue. To many his Ideas came as a surprise lint ho ovodonlly succeeded j in waning up a goon many who toe prone to move In the ell beaten pat lis Such a lecture, stimulating thought and research, Is one of great beiietii to any community and we would glad ly welcome tbo Doctor to our plat form again, Tho illustrated lecture "The Rom ance of the Reaper" was one of the beBt lectures delivered. Mr Wheeler had visited practically every nation in the world and investigated the differ ent methods of garnering grain and presented before our eyes the diverse Manner of harvesting as practiced by all nations. He also demonstited chairman ami Henry Uilliaui as secre tary of the convention. The follow ing delegates were chosen to tho state convention: Dr. Danierell, Frank Alios, George Coon, Ed Payne, J 1). Crisumn, II. F. Hudson, P. I,. Laird, W. U. House holder and (1. V. Hastings. Dr. Danierell and Henry Uilham weio elected chairman and secretary, respectively, of the comity committee, ami the committee was authorized to 1111 any vacancies that might occur on the county ticket. DIED. At her homo in the northwest port ion of this city Mrs V. P. Kenady at the age, of 58 years 0 months and Id days oiiThuisdiiy .Inly 2(1, Hill. Tho deceased came to Red Cloud with her husband in the year 1830 and lias resided bete continuously up to the time of her death. She was feel lug excceptlonally well for some time so that when she complained a little did out: think that it would be seri ous. However in a few hours she sult'ered a stroke of paialysis and soon entered the gieat beyond. She Is sur vived by her husbunil, who is in a sanltoiium In Boulder ami was unable io attend the fuucial, one son, Calvin ami two ibiughtt'i", Mrs. Susie Hollars and Mis. Ethel Wilson. The funeral services were held yesteitlay at the Itaptlst chinch Rev. Edami otlleiating. lutoimcnt was made In the city cemetery. Apples for Sale. Km bu., nf sprayed summer apples. On the 1). O Norris farm fi miles west and 1 south of Red Cloud. changes. Many people of this com munity have conliihtitcd to the html boom They have been atltacted by the fact that the propel tj they bought Is far from home and, as a rule, in a locality that they knew Utile, If any thing, about. A large amount of this busine-s has been done by prospectus and ciicular letter, and in -.uuni cases the buyar will bo happier If he never sees what ho bought. We all believe hi land investments, hut we have some good laud holt' in our own neighboi hood that ought to be improved. This movement has taken capital from our community tliatmightolher wlso have been spent for local im provements, for hollies, schools, churches, better roads, farm improve ments nnd many other things which would hiiio made for the gieater pros perity ol this vicinity We believe now, howevir, that I ho time has conic to center attention upon the welfare or Rod Cloud. We believe also that it isllinoto fiiget about politics tib ial ill' and other bogios and settle down ton plan for bettering this particular community by strong cooperative effoi t. It bus been said that the tariff is a local Issue and, in a largo measure, the snmc may be said of prosperity. The business men of this vicinity have It in their power to make pros pet ity in this locality, but, in order to accomplish something deliuite, their money must bo kept at home and spout at home. Our general welfare will not bo promoted by sending it to Canada or to any part of tho wot Id with which we have no daily business relation. Wo need a commercial club to lay out a campaign of development which will make this a bettor place to live In. "Tnnn. Is No Ib.An; Liki:" when everyone is trying to inako It a belter place. The time for action is light now. Wo can afford to disre gard every other issue but that of local piosperity, but we should be up and doing something to further our own interests. We have in this vicinity line homes, good farms, gooil schools, good roads and many other things that help to make life worth living. Let's try to nuiko them still better and put our money into solid improvements at home. Circus Day A Good One. The day was cool and comfortable and alarAccroNd was In town. Wednesday was Circus Day for Hed Cloud and the streets were thronged with people from morn till night. Many came in by train and tbo farm ers with the entire family took a day oil' and enjoyed tho big show. The bpeetactuiar street parade was pulled oil' at 11.00 o'clock. It was a good one and included everything from calliopes to roaring lions. The circus had a packed tent in the afternoon and almost as good at night. It was oue of the best that ever show ed under canvas here in Red Cloud It was clean ami entertaining from tho start to the close The trained elephants, horses and dogs were as good us ono will ever see. Tho aerial and acrobatic feats by the four Max well brothers were certainly splendid, as were nlso the Morales family as Mexican bar artists. The score of other feats and fancy riding nets were also line. The elephants, seven In number, did their woik with ease nnd aleitness. There was soinothlng do ing all tho time, and lnld tho big crowd's closest attention all the time. Tho Campbell llros. aro no strangers our people and have always been giv en a hearty welcome. The show is a good clean oue and almost free from a certain element that follow a show. The managers aro gentlemen with whom it is a pleasure to do business. "There's Ne Place Like Nome." Another era of nation-wide specula tion has passed, This time the people's spare cash went Into land projects, many of which have proven just about, us productive of dividends us huvo In the past similar tilers in stock ex- ssX" " 'vVa"'? Kv; IB bbbbbY-! .Jlia .ubbbbbs t bbbbbb.Hk..)mI jbbbbbbbI BfcWiW -BBBBBBBbH sMKlJ&ftW bIbbbbbV .BBBBBWr BbbbbbbbI flBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBv BBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBbV The remark is often made by visitors to our town that it Is a prosperous, thriving town. Traveling men espec ially speak of tho amount of business done hero. The reasons for these re marks are: That the grain and stock buyers pay the highest prices that the markets afford, often a good deal bet ter prices than aro pud in the neigh boring towns. To the incrchnuts nlso is duo a share of the credit. They curry largo and well selected stocks, bought in large quantities at close llgures for cash, and give their custom ors the advantages of the cut prices. Nothing helps to build up a town more than live, energetic business men. r W 1 JZT Vr I A L v r I am iieiiinllil.itti tor County .IihIkc at the, milnti p Initio ai tliellepiililleiin ticket. The iiiiqiori ol all l.s n pt-i-tfuly miIU'IUsL A ,. UllVh-MAN. A plan for drawing trade to a town that has been successfully worked at several points mtuiit be adopted to ad vantage in this city. The plan Is as follows: An agreement was reached between all tho merchants whereby they olfered special sales on certain days, each merchant selecting some Bpeclal line of goods upon which he made a lower price than usual. Thus one dry goods house would soil gloves at a special price, while another would oifor bargains in dress goods, Oue hardware merchant would reduco the price on skates, tivory line of busi ness was represented and euro was taken that no contlicts occurred. Priz es were then ottered to the farmer bringing in the best load of grain or . aw CI eann Sap Our Special Clearing Sale has been continued one week and will not close until Saturday night, July 29th. This is done in order that all may have an opportunity to take advantage of our many bargains- fj Our store is Alive With Bargains better bargains than you can possibly find elsewhere ( We can not emphasize too strongly the opportu nity we are giving you for the saving of money. When we say Bargains, IT IS SO The Miner Brother Co. LL General Merchants "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Quick Mea Gasoline and Oil Stoves and Ranges De Laval Cream Separators White Lily Electric Washers Hardware and Implements All kinds of Plumbing Goods. Work promptly attended to Windmills, Wagons and Buggies NXQJEr aTP3BBBWrBrPyCB Br the handsomest baby and the bargain , day wiib extensively ndyortlsed in tho burroiinding country, the names of. tbo merchants and their special sales! bolng in all cases htatcd. The farmers ' responded in a most gratifying manner and the merchants were well pleased with tlie plan? The Idea-has already been carried out in several citlts. The Chief $1 .50 a year. Up-to-date job work a specialty. t V m B.'M.Jt I UAUM l$g8i&ff rWM