The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 27, 1911, Image 1
WkmBmmr!IMSSI arftftwystt. 1 .. V" wvvvawM)Ma4avMH4rtatoiB4MMkMA)pM ,JS ,liy.U.,l,i Mi.,ifW'H"' '''""?''- ." .. t- Ifl-V ."U-'J.i-iiit.T,- ---ifc,-JWr. -'.C.C 'iin It loi!onl S i tv t V. j t. J.)U.MMVtltAt4iak J..,JcM ( volume xxxvrm. -r5r -- . i - . .' . " . " - '- t A NcHspancr Tliat fihes The News Firt)-lo Waks Year For $1.50. BBD CLOUD, MfillltASIvA. ,H'hV liT, HM1. NUM1JER :v( n tio Banking Business there N nothing Unit is stronger thtin a good name. If It. is the business man who teiests an accommodation at Ills hank, the lit sr question If), "does he hear a good name?'' When Wo Solicit Your Account your Hrst thought Is, "has this hunk a good uutue'.'" hihI we sue proud of the fact Mint the answer must he "yes," us we have inmle ti reputation for cour tesy anil carefulness second to none. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. Lloyd r'urqubiir ate his Sunday din tier with Postmaster Parker. I.. 'I', (ileason came honu' fiom Republic county, Kansas, Thursday. 1 The Misses Delia and Iietie Feign son were quests Siindayof Mis. K. M. r.irhwr. Miss (iertrude Lauihett went to Oil ier 'I'ue.sday to visit her sister, Mrs. I). I). Kuiiilcis. m.. io i.,,n .,. nf onu.liM i's Alheit Keener of Uener eiime in ,i,'.. .'.L. f i sU.i- Mis. r. i.'. ! Wednesday morning t( nlteiul th Mo.unville. funeral t his sister. r mole will lie a li.ise null mime on new I .. . ..... ine nome giouuiii mhuiuuv tietweeu GARFIELD Ab rotter is untiring for Col. Wig gins Ceoige Harris stacked his wheat Mor-iliiy. Clyde Uowen traded horses one day last week. Aubushon Bros, were on windmill row Thursday. ' Another line rain on Saturday after noon and evening. Omer Wolfe baled find hauled, hi? 'bay to town last week. Murriel and Ethel Fibber are home after a week's visit in town. Al Smith and family visited in town : Saturday nljrht and Sunday. Mrs. Ida Kent la having a ,nice oemeut cave built this week. George Harris shelled his corn on Thursday and sold most of it right from the shelter. Will I'islier was laid mi a part of last week from one of his mules kick ing him, but is better now. Charley Campbell's well played out on him last week and Tom Mutton is digging him a new one this week. Frank McCartei, fromj.Morrlll coun ty, Nebraska, was in Garfield one day last week, trying to sell the Dehait place, which he owns now. COWLliS I'liiulcy Foe Is home making a slioit isit wiili his paicnts. Mr. I!oss of Hidden is plastering Wallace Vance's house this week. Wallace Vance has a new nmtor ejele In which to inn his mall mute. Art Vance went to Law lence Wednes day to assist in a hall game at (hut place. GUIDE ROCK. -The -little-child of Mr. and Mis. Yoakle has been ill. MissVerna Scott is staying with Mrs. B. A. Hendrlckson. Reese Thompson and wife of Cowles were in Guide Rock Monday. Mrs. C. S. Jones has been severely ill since Friday of last week. The Illoomington base ball boys de feated the Guide Rock team here Monday. I 10. Full Held is building a house on his propel ty in the west pail of town. Mis. U. W McCallum is siiueriug from a senile attack of muscular rheumatism. Carpenters me again at woik on the l Ii Watt building and it will be tin isheil in about two weeks. Mis. Cathi ine Cov, mother of K .1 Cov, has been in town seveiul days visiting a number of old time fi lends. Mrs. Oscar Monla of Supcilor has been hwre for the past thtce weeks chi ing lot her mother, Mrs. Cliailes West. A huge number from hero atteuded the chautauqua at Superior Sunday. Tuesday another huge delegation went down. Mrs. Charles West Is very III. Mrs. Eliza Moranvllle of Red Cloud is ex pected the latter part of the week to assist in her care. Mrs. J. S. Gleason was taken sud denly very ill last Saturday night. Her granddaughter, Mis. -Gladys Payne, is staying with her this week. The Misses Frances GrlfTeth and Vena Sequish of Munden, Kansas, re turned home Sunday after a week's visit with the Misses Vernn and Gladys l'avne. I F. NEWHOUSE, Dry Goods I -r- MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Ladies' White Skirts With o-inch em broidered flounces and cluster of two tucks, $1.00 Ladies' White Skirts with three rows lace insertion and lace edge, $1.00, $2.00, $3.25 Ik I9f Hk Children's Muslin Drawers With hemstitched ruffle, sizes from 2 to 8, at - - 1 3c With embroidery ruffle, ages from 2 to 1 2, at - - 25c Misses' Muslin Drawers ' Misses' Muslin Drawers, 2 tucks with I -inch embroidery, sizes 8 to 12, at 25c Ladies' Nightdresses Ladies low neck Nightdress, with 2 A 1 ff rows insertion and lace edge in neck, K I lll 3 rows ins'n in sleeve, sleeve lacc-edge H7 Ladies' Nightdresses with 3 rows emb. in-d 1 A A sertionin yoke, yoke edged with emb., ntM vV Ladies' extra large Nightdresses, insertion (hi A A in yoke and embroidery edge, at - - P V-Jly All three numbers are bargains at these prices Children's Bloomers n Marde of a good grade of Black Sat een, ages from 12, at 2 to 25. Sol I Agents for Butterick Patterns TELEPHONES: Independent, 53; Bell, black 41. I InuMile ami Cow les Kieil Gnnd of Itlne Mill was in Cowles luiiiiinu' the Hank while V.. 'P. Foe was absent for a day A number of people tiled to attend the Oiuutiiiiiuii Sunday but failed on aecnunt of the bridges lielnif washed out. A number of autos wcie tiled out and found wanting a team to pull I hem out of the mud Mr and .Mis. Modioli ol Pauline Xelir . wiii lieie attending the of Mis. l'liller. He has a luriii in the hlue valley and ho said lie just har vested one of the hii'i;est aPalfa crops that ho ever had. Mr. Hudson uled to live out northeast of Cowles. Miss Avos Hitehey arrived home from the I'liillipines lust Thiir.sduy morulup. She hud heen gone nearly a year and reports having a tine time. Her brother has lived there a number of years aud is practicing his profess ion as u lawyer. Mitts Avos thinks she may return sometime to the land of ever blooming tlowers and where the grass stays green. The village was startled Tuesday morning on learning of the death of Mrs J L. Puller. Her sad bereave meut occurred Monday evening about teti'thiity o'clock. She woke up with u palu in her heart and before assist ance could he rendered she expired. Mrs. Fuller is the daughter of K. II. Kceney who resides in Cowles, The father and childicn have the entire sympathy of the people of Cowles and the surrounding country. Chautauqua Notes liesohcd: That this vein's piogram is the best u or; That the Kev. Tompkins is an ideal platform miiiiagci; That Or. Cook had a most plausible story and that he captuicii many of ills heaiciN but not all; That the Koihes Juvenile Hand was ...1 Iflt'dltl.. Iltlll All,, lf Mil. .IWM.I jl.kl t.l . ' v i'J",J imu nil. iw . nil- tiiviini uruut fill uiiiuheison the program mid that should they conic again they will lie adreilised to the limit; That mote .should be known con corning the talent hcfuic the Chautau qua commences. Wo get tired looking for something gieat to conio when we have no Idea what kind of greatness we are to expect; That the hwst entertainments arc not always the ones which command the greatest sahtiies. Any tiling per tuinuig to industrial development la oxtrcinely"'intoresting to us all and there should be more of it on the plat form; That we aie capable in a large nieas uio of entertaining ourselves. The Ued Cloud Concert Hand was one of the very best oigatilations to appear tills year. This bund Is composed of home folks and thtlr nuisio was us pleasing as any of the imported kind, Wu nio prone to think that some out sider can do better than those wo know, but the baud demolish ated that wo can do something ourselves. Next year wo ought to give out selves a little linger place on thu piogram; That the litt'.o ones should receive more attention, They count as In habitants and should liuvu something for tholr especial benefit. One eliau tiuupia management secured tho ser vices of an experienced kindergarten teacher who gave daily instruction to the children every forenoon and tho tent was crowded with tho mothers. This was a froo attractlon.but it proved to he the best drawing card of the en tire list The children were enter tained and instructed 'and the mothers who were busy had time to get their work done and attend the afternoon sessions. YOUR INTERESTS ARE OURS. J The Retailer in any line of business should stand for the interests of his customers. In the long runf it is on them HE must depend. 1$ It is because we know this that we have always handled the BEST goods in every line, and only such as would merit our guarantee of ti SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK" Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. B. A Q. Watch Intpmctor: Jmwmlarn and Optamatrlata. l - i vv Now is the Time to Buy r i v MCTQI I am offering everything in the Fly Net line at 2Q PER CENT DISCOUNT This 20 per cent from fadtory price makes Nets very cheap. Call and see. Also, my HAR- NESS slock is complete. JOE FOGEi THE HARNESS MAN .l.'WWAwA.J fi-f'Q&llaamVZaaam-i'A Bon-Ton-Bakery and Restauranti Ureud, i'ics and Cakes miido In Ked Cloud from Ked Cloud Fl.OUit. MEALS 20 CENTS ICC CREAM SODA S CENTS lev, Ciieam 25 Cunt Pi.n Quaiit. Wi: use artificial Ici: made fiom 111 tcred water pure aud clean. HUBERT NEUERBURG WWw'8 Puslti. The recent net of April 10th. 100s gives to all soldiers' widows a pension of 812 per month, ifred Maurcr, the attorney, has all necessary blanks. INImlv mm ammWx' l FIRE " insurance; POLICY" asjju CWV(T-. Don't Delay Ordering u firo insuiaiicc policy fiom us a sltitflo day. Vha Isn't going to stay away bccnu-e you mo not in suied. In fact, It seems to pick out tho miin foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Have us issuo you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about the matter. The firo llend mayj havo your house down on the list for a visit tills very night. MARK WHA TI SAY O. C. TEEL, R wllabl lifurmnom ; m i a m All II s "fiwpiiv ,FM('(.lfl W1M