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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1911)
1 t to is. v. The Chief C. 11. 1 1 ALB, Publlsncr RED CLOUD NEBRA8KA H A FUTURE 16 CEREMONY OF INVE8TURE OP PRINCE OF WALES. HAS EMBLEM OF AUTHORITY Lavish Decorations Provided and Unbounded Enthusiasm by th Welsh People Americana In Attendance. Carnarvon, Wulea. In the old ntiil well preserved castle of Carnarvon Thursday the young Prince of Wales wits Invented with tho Insignia of his high office. The quaint town in vestal uttlte made u holiday and drew within Its borders thousands of Welshmen from the surrounding country. The wenthcr was fine, untl two hours be fore the arrival of their majesties with the .prince great crowds had gath ered along the route from Griffiths Crossing, where tho royal party alighted, to the castle gate. The build ings along tho way wero lavishly dec orated. Troops, bluejackets and mn vines kept the way open througb which the procession passed. In the vicinity of the castle a thou xaud London polico and firemen held an open picnic. The scene within the castle was picturesque, the vast enclosure within tho towers and battlements forming nn Ideal section for the ceremony. The outer and Inner baileys woro lined with stands, enabling several thousand persons to obtain an excellent view. Their majesties und the prince re ceived an enthusiastic reception. Tho American embassy was represented by Secretary Hllles. American Consul General Orllflths and Mrs. Griffiths were present as guests of Chancellor David Lloyd-Gedrgo, member of par liament for (jnmarvon district. Forest Fires Under Control. Toronto, Ont. Reports from north ern Ontario aie to tho effect that the forest fires which for .Hevoral days have swept over a section of country extending :I00 miles northward from North bay and covering a wide section east und west, either have been extin guished or arc under control. No fur ther extensive damnge or loss of life Is expected. The towns of Cochrane, South Porcupine and Plttnvlllu hnvo been obliterated". The fire swept clean the townships of Uihmulr, Eldorado, Shaw, Ucloro, Ogden, McArthur and Cripple Creek- districts. Tho known dead total 11!:', tho majority of whom lost their lives nt South Purcuplnc. There arc believed to have been many other fatalities and estimates based upon unverified reports run us blgt us 400. t Dr. Wiley in Disrepute. Washington. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, pure food expert und chief of tho bureau of chemistry of tho depart ment of agriculture und one of tho most widely known officials In the gov ernment service, has been condemned by the committee on personnel of the department of ugrlculturc with a reso lution to President Taft that "ho bo permitted to resign." Attorney Gen eral Wlckersbum, In an opinion in tbo case submitted to the president, rec ommends approval of tho committee's action. Mighty Hot In the House. Washington. The house had uu ex citing scene Wednesday when Repre sentative Willis of Ohio rushed from his desk with his clothing nftro und several members came to his uid and extinguished the flames. Ho was unin jured. A box of matches In his coat pocket had ignited from spontaneous combustion. Fund to Ettabllsh a Home. Atlantic City, N. .1. A per capita tax of o0 cents will ho levied on uvery member or the order of I'lks to'ialto the SitfO.noo needed for the now na tional Blks' homo at Uedford City. Va according to action taken by tho grand Im'.-jjc. Hoke Smith Is Senator. Atlanta. Ga.llowrnor Hoke Smith wan elected 1'nlted Statc-f senator from licorgl.i on the first ballot taken by tbo legislature In Joint session at noon WeduekdU. lie succeeds Joseph M. Terrell, appointed by Govcrnir Hrown to till the unexpired term of tin lafo Senator A. S. clay. In a quart el which followed a dis pute over buEliU'fcs matters at Kel logg, Iowa, Jofcpph Cooper was struck over the head with u hanuuur and wll' probably die. Washington. Only the interpohltlon r a three-hour speech by Senator Bailey of Texas and the submission of one of his amendments to the Cana dian reciprocity bin prevented that lueasuro from coming to a final pass v age in the senate Tuesday. Atlantic City. Esperanto as a world language was Indorsed by speakers nt tho Christian Endeavor convention, -who declared that langungo would do more for universal peace thun nn number of peace treaties, lesolutlons or Hague conferences. EVENTS OF 1HE DAY SOME PARAGRAPHS OF TIMELY INTEREST. ARE BRIEF BUT TO THE POINT lems of Events That Are Transpiring In Our Own aa Well as In Foreign Lands Washing ton Political News. Washington HcpU'Fcntntlvc Magulre Is at .Mitch HI, S. .. attending the funernl of his mother. A revision of the Anglo-.lapar.cse ul 'lance is regarded at Tokio as the In vltablo outcome of the- Anglo-Amerl-:au urbltrary treaty. Thel peace pact be tween England and the United States will be formally signed within the next week or ten days. The defeat of the Cummins amend ments clears the sltautlon In the sen ate and leaves the reciprocity bill much nearer final passage. Champ Clark snyB the hoodlum who goes to the polls and votes is a better citizen than the man who Is "too busy" to exerclso that right. Governor Hoke Smith of Georgia will go to the United States senate to fill out tho unexpired t,;itii of tho Intc United States senator A. S. Clay. Few of the Panama bonds will be delivered to the succcFEful bidders be fore July .',', for the demand for t!ic coupon variety Is so great that uu sxtra supply has to he engraved. Chairman Smith of the senate terri tories committee has given notice of an amendment to eliminate tho Ju diciary recall provision In the Arl lonu constitution. The forty thousand odd rural free delivery carriers in the United Stntes ire to receive salary Increases as a re sult of a decision reached by Postmas ter General Hitchcock. A board of naval otllcers, experts In explosives, Is being selected by the navy department to study the hull of the battleship. .Maine In Havana har bor as the water Is pumped from the cofferdam now surrounding the wreck. Senator Hrown of Nebraska, after surveying the sltautlon In tho senate, has made the prediction that that body will pass the free list bill and the revision of the woolen schedule at this session In addition to Canadian reciprocity. Published charges Hint the president bad restored lnnds within the vicinity of Controller Hay, Alaska, to the pub lic domain at tho instigation of his brother, I'ulllugcr and a representa tive of the Guggenholms have been taken up by n house committee nnd more will be learned of the affair this week. General Newa 1-tlior troubles In England arc said to be about all settled. Fire In the cotton wharf nt St. Petersburg caused a loss of $500,000. Forest tires In northern .Michigan are causing great loss of life and prop erty. Europe Is much disturbed over the prospect of serious uprisings In the Unlkans. A huge boulder In memory of Abra ham Lincoln has be'en unveiled at Fort Stevens. The condition of John W. Gates, the llnuncicr who Is ill nt Purls, is said to be critical. Tho next convention of the Chris linn Endcavorers will bo held In 1as Angeles In 1IU3. Eighteen were killed nnd moro than fifteen wounded In a political riot at Ocotlan, .Mexico. ls Angeles was selected for tho next session of the Imperial council or Shrlncrs In 1912. A killing frost was reported at Deadwood, S. D., Tuesday night. Much garden truck was Injured. It is thought that moro than 400 lives have been lost in the fires now raging In the Ontario forests. Tho Wichita Natural Gas company's pumping station was struck by light ning and completely desttoyed. A number of lives were lost and much mining property wrecked by storms In Ohio und West Virginia. Tho McNamaras, on trial at Los Augclea, have plead not guilty of the 'limes with which they are charged. Portland, Oie., was chosen by the itrund lodge of the Benevolent Protec tive Order of Elks as the next meet ing placo. A huge pile of Fiiwdust which haB been on (Ire at .lohoygan, .Mich., for several weeks, has got bejoiul control and threatens the city. .Mnny lives, probably a score, wero crushed out In an Instant and probably three times as many persons were frightfully hurt when the "Federal" express, from Washington, I). ('., to Hoston over tho New York, Now Hnven & Hartford railroad, was hurled over tho viaduct at Hrldseport, Conn. The body of Wllbcr Chambers wns found hanging to n railroad signal post near Fort Dodge, Iowa. Disappoint ment In love Is the cause. Panic followed sevornl earthquake shocks at Kelskemet, Hungarla, the Inhabitants fleeing from their homes and taking refuge In the public squares. President Taft haB promised Repre sentatives Clnyton of Alabumn and AdaniEon of Georgia to direct the solv ing of twenty days' army rations to the sufferers from the severe storm of July 1 In county. Alabama, an.l Harris county, Georgia. Judge E. C. O'llenr was nomlnnt d for governor by acclamation In the state republican convention nt Loulr vllle. Ky. Prof, James 1). Hoffman of the fac ulty of Purdue hr.s resigned to suc ceed Dean Richards at the University of Nebraska. The Poltava, tho second battleship of the Dreadnough typo to be built for the Russian navy, has been success fully launched. One man wns shot, four were bad ly henten nnd sixty-two arrests were made as tho result of labor troubled at Cleveland, Ohio. Driven Into the lake at South Por cupine by the forest flies now Bweejv lug over the northern states, fifteen men loBt their lives. Nan 'Asplnwall, who started from San Francisco last September to ride hoiseback across the continent, has arrived at New Yotk. People at St. Joseph are up In arms over the notion of the Ice manufactur ers In raising prices us a result of the continued hot weather. The new station of tho Carolina, Clluchlleld & Ohio railroad at Marlon Junction, N. ('., was wrecked with dy nanilte and practically ruined. Ten persons were killed nnd twenty others serloutly Injured by an explo sion in a dynamite factory near Frankfort-on-thc-Maln, Germany. William Heedier, sintcnccd from Deadwood, S. I)., June 8 last, for sell ing liquor to Indians, died in tho fed eral prison nt Ienvonwctrtli of heat prostration. Udna Doble, a thirteen- ear-old girl, Is under arrest at Akron, Ohio, charged with attempting to hold up the Cuyahoga Falls bank at the point of a revolver. Egg quotations on the butter, egg nnd poultry exchange nt St. Louis were suspended Friday owing to hot weather, which hns prnctlcully re moved eggs from the market. Buenos Ayres newspapers report an other bloodless revolution in Para guay. Tho garrison nt Asuncion re volted nnd made a prisoner of Presi dent Jam, who forthwith resigned. Thousands of head of cattlo have died from hent, hunger nnd thirst on the ranges In western Texas and In Pecos valley, and tho losses even now arc estimated from fr.OO.Oim to $750, 000. Fire destroyed the stnbles of the Ar thur V. Dixon Transfer company at Chicago, burned 'J36 horEC3 to death and caused a Iorh amounting to $500, 000. The cause of the lire is un known. Warrants for the arrest of thirty five milk dealers of Kansas City, Kan., have been Issued by the county prosecutor of Wyandotte county, Kan sas, following charges that they had watered their milk. Justice of tho Supreme Court Frank A. Hooker of Lansing, Mich., died sud denly In the New York Central station at Auburn, N. Y. He was on an auto mobile trip, and abandoned it and had to return by train. The ravages of grasshoppers In wo3tcrn Kansas have become so serl ous that the Atchison, Topcka & Santa Fo railroad haB announced that It' will kill all grasshoppers along its right-of-way, and is urging farmeis to help Tho first ease of a woman being nr rested, under the Iown law, for de serting her husband arose when .Mrs. A. Soderholm of Ottumwa was held by the Davenport police charged with leaving her spouse. Franco has asked the French charge d'nffalrs at Madrid to request the Spanish government to furnish an ex planation of the mistreatment of Frenchmen by Spanish troopers at Alascar, Morocco. J. Alden Lorlng of Oswcgn, N. Y.. naturalist, hunter nnd member of the Roosevelt party through Africa, Is trying to get the government to es tablish a reservation to preserve and propagate the few remaining buffaloes in the United States. King Nicholas of Montenegro has called out reserves, and says he will light Turkish invaders to the last ditch. The campaign of devastation and musracre now started Is bound to result In scenes which made the great war of 1877 a chock to the civilized world. Tho German consul at Madrid bus Investigated nnd finds the seizure of the German steamer Gemma by tho Spanish authorities at Coicublon on the chnrgo that tho vessel was carry ing war material for Portuguese roy alists, was justified, nnd orders tho confiscation of tho cargo of IS I tons of munitions. The Inst section of tho Ninth Putted States cavalry has loft the maneuvers camp at San Antonio for Fort 1). A. Russell, W.vo. What Is believed to be nn anarchist plot has been uncovered by the polico In nucnos Ayres. Two Italian anar chists hnvo been arrested. In n speech to tho international Christian endeavor convention at At lantic City, President Tnft declared thnt tho negotiations for the arbitra tion treaty between Great Britain and tho Unltod States lmvo reached a point where thero is no doubt of tho singing or tho pnet. Many families aro In want ns a re sult of a storm which did $100,000 damage to property In tho neighbor hood of Opellkn, Ala. Judge John Campboll, chief Justice of tho supreme court or Colorado, was overcome by heat In chnmbeiB nnd was removed to a hosp!4il In an un conscious condition. The reclamation of SO.OOO.OOO aiyu of Bwnmp land In tho Mississippi val loy, l.SOO.OOO of which nro located In iho stato of Illinois, Js tho objoct of n campaign started by tho board of con trol of tho national Irrigation congress. KILLED BY MORPHIA BABE ATE TABLET8 WHILE PLAY ING ABOUT IT8 HOME. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What la Going en Her an There That la of Interact to th RaaeV ra Throughout Nebraska anal Vicinity, Lincoln. After eating several mor phlno tablets, which he had round In u small jewelry box on the dresser, Harry Kenneth Konne, the sixteen-months-old ion of Dr. and Mrs. Lo renzo P. Ronne, died Monday arter noon at the family home, 1621 South Twenty-second street. Three physi cians tried in vain to save the child's life. The tablets had been In the house for some time. Mrs. Roune no ticed the child eating the tablets and tecognlzlng what they wete. took them from the child. She summoned the father from his downtown offce, but by the time he had arrived it was ton late. The drug took effect and the skill of the doctors proved futile. The child died at .1 p. nt. Geta Record Wheat Yield. , Salem. What Is believed to be tho record yield of wheat In Richardson county was raised by Frank Saylor, living south or hero near the Kansas line. One yield averaged fifty-two bushels to the acre, both by weight and ground measure, and the quality was extra good. Fremont Geta State Convention. Columbus. Fremont was chosen as the place for holding the democratic state convention at the. meeting of the state central committee. Lincoln, Hastings and Grand Island were also after the plum, but Fremont landed It after a spirit contest. Beatrice Wants Street Cars, Beatrice. The sum of $:i0,000 has been subscribed by Beatrice capital ists toward the formation of a street car company. Mlx men having each agreed to put In $3,000. It Ih the In tention to raise $100,000 ir posHiblo In this way. A Victim of the Fourth. Peru. Dr. B. L. Sliellburn is con fined to bis home with Injuries he re reived In an accident on the Fourth of July. The democratic stato convention will bo held nt Fremont, July 25th. C. A. Henderson, near Rush vile, was kicked to death by a horse. Barney Miller, a runner nenr'Alns worth, was killed by a wagon turning over on him. Tho Hon. Chimin Clark win h , or the speakers at the Nebraska Up- worm assembly. A. L. Sullivan, a well-known Lin coln citizen, died early Sunday morn lug ut his home. Dr. H. A. Heagor is dend as the re sult of an automobile accident near his home at Beuver City. A ne. 'which started in the Bur llngton yards at Hustings, consumed ubout JtO.OOO rnllioad ties. The east side or tho street in Phil lips that was raxed by fire last spring Is being rebuilt' in cement. Adam Grab or Seward rell from a loaded coal wagon breaking his nock and cuuslng Instant death. A man, a stranger, was held up, sandbagged and relieved of several dollars at Falrbiiry Thursday night. W. F. Hackman has been appointed postmaster nt lrvlngtou. Douglas county, vice A. L. Anderson, resigned. Conred Nlmer, a German harness maker of DeWitt. dropped dead on the street Saturday. Death was caused by heart disease. Spontaneous combustion was the cause alleged to have started a tire In a bunk car stundlng in tho Mlssouil Pacific jurds ut Plattemouth. Tho Sutton electric light plant will start day and night service at once. The lant formerly furnished light from ulghtrall until midnight only. Jack Roach, a joiing plasterer and brick layer of Alnswoiih, was killed liy a patisonger train Tuesday neai Long Pine. In addition to tho drouth the grass hopper are especially plentiful and ire becoming very de.-.t motive around Shubeil. The 2-year-old sun or Henry I. In wood of Lexington, got one of his legs caught In u revolving carriage wheel and before tho team could bo stopped und the child taken from his position his leg was twisted ubout tho axle In such a manner as to snap the femur hone. An order restraining the putting Into eflect of the recently passed dol lar gat. ordinance ut Omnha was promulgated by Judge W. II. Mungor or the federal court Satunluy. While cultivating corn near Hrls tow, M. A. G. Wiving was struck by lightning Monday and Instantly killed. His sou, Anton, who was only three rows away, wus knocked down, but recovered v Ferris llalstead, and old man work ing on the Kljpatrlck ranch near Im perial, was struck by a Burlington train that wan switching In the yard and was killed. xJJMP' 'r- " 'ii&f. The Mennonlto hospital nt J'entrlcf will be dedicated Sunday. Arter being 'fatally Injured, Mrs. Mnddox, residing near Dart, walked fifty yardu toward a farm house an dropped dend, Frank, tho three-year-old son ol Charles Glenn, burned to death at Co liinibiis. Ho was playing wftb matclic In a barn, which caught fire. The W. M. Shephard livery barn ul Broken Bow was destroyed by fire, six stallions nnd five horses, valued at $10,000, being burned to death. William Oelsllgle, one of the wealthiest farmers In Antelope county committed suicide by shooting him self through the heart with u shot gun. The stato fair management have fenced In 15 acres additional of lawn and grove otf which to pitch tent ror those who wish to ramp during; the week. A three-and-a-hulr-poiind boy wa born to Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ash by, who live In South Omaha. Tho llttlo fellow Is perfectly formed and In a healthy condition. Two deaths nnd seven prostrations were roported ns the result of the ex cessive heat on the Fourth at Omuha. The maximum temperature was 105, a twenty-five year record. Elmer Snyder of Broken Bow wandered in the sand hills several days, crazed by drink. He imagined he was killing snakes and that the whole country was full or them. A car or rat cattle was burned at Rlverdale Wednesday. The bedding caught fire from a spark and before the trainmen could get the cattle out seventeen were burned to death. Chris Iatimson was struck by a Burlington train near Pawnee City and instantly killed. Lnhmson was riding the track on a railroad velocipede, watching the right-of-way for Are. There are twelve candidates for sheriff of Custer County, six on a side. Henry Bascom, a well known Usher man 40 years old, was found dead along Hie railroad track near Fort Calhoun. Eddie Zlnk. a Sterling boy, stepped on u broken crock while swimming In the Nemaha river nenr that town, and so badly lacerated his foot that nine stitches were required to close the wound. At! the national convention of the Modern Woodmen of America, held at Buffalo, N. Y., June 20 to 25, Chris Larson of Omnha camp No. 120, won first prize, a gold medal, for the best Individual drill. The polico of Omaha and Council Bluffs are hurd nt work on the theory thut II. E. Fullers, the. tollkeepcr at the Douglas street bridge, was mur dered nnd Ills body thrown into the Missouri river shortly before midnight Monday. The body of a young man apparent ly In good circumstances was found on the roadtear Clay Center Thursday with a wound In his neck und a knife in his hand, with every Indication of having Inflected the wound with his own hand. Standing in water almost to their necks for nearly half an hour, vainly calling for help, was the thrilling ex lierlence of Miss Caroline Weinberg and Mrs. Albert Keller nt Capital Beach, near Lincoln, the boat In which they were taking a row having' sunk. They were finally rescued un. harraed. LINCOLN vnrntw Returned After Breaking Parole. Ralph Neville, sent to the stato pen itentiary from Douglas county to servo a two-year sentence for burglary and afterward paroled, voluntarily re turned to tbo prison from New York, whence he had fled while on parole. He said he was sorry that he had broken the conditions of his parole and he wns ready to serve the reBt of his sentence. Neville had bummed his way back und was dirty and begrimed when he reached the prison. Stato banks which have been adver tising that they are operating under the bank guaranty law have been noti fied by Secretary Royse of tho stato banking board to desist, as the guaran tee Is not formally valid until the cer tificate making announcement to that effect have been given out. Dr. H. C. Victor, for twenty-llvo years a resident of Lincoln,, and one of the best known professional men of the city, died Friday, Fifteen convicts, working with War den Delaliunty and ponltentlnry guards, succeeded In stopping a fire Tuesday that started In tho stubble field north of the prison. Wet sacks were used to smother tho blaze. Sev eral stacks of uuthreshed wheat and rye were threatened by tho blaze, which presumably started from a spark from a Burlington engine. John Stahl, un employe at n Lin coln hotel, was shot In the foot while riding n bicycle to work, A 22-calibre ball was removed, Stahl said ho had no Idea where tho bullet camo from, Stute Engineer Price, secretary ot the state board of Irrigation, Is of tho opinion thnt Irrigators on the North Platte river will not run short of water during July or August. Water Is now flowing In the nt Kearney and ther? Ib enough In sight Tram tho gov ernment reservoir In Wiomliig to sun J uly the needs of Irrlqutois. ffjrfrrcir' M22iU7ViU' SEVEN YEARS OP MISERY All Relieved by Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Blkeston, Mo. "For seven yearn I Buffered everything. I was In bed mmtor four or are days at a time every monm, ana bo wean I could hardly walk. I cramped and had backache and head ache, and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded to see anyone or havo anyone move in. the room. The doctors gave mo medicine to ease me at thoso tlAa mmA baIi! AIimI 1 mmmL Am !. AK UUHJD, UU WW IUIHHVUHUI, bU lldfCBU operation. I would not listen to that nnd when a friend of my husband told him about Lydla E. Plnkham's Vege table Compound and what it had donei for his wife, I was willing to take it. Now I look the picture of health and feel like it, too. I can do my own house work, hoe my garden, and milk a cow. I can entertain company and enjoy them. I can visit when I choose, and walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in tho month. I wish I could talktoeverysufTeringwomanandgir." Mrs. Dema Betoune, Blkeston, Mo. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints Is Lydla E. fink, ham's Vegetable Compound. It is more widely and successfully used than any other remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, in. flammation. ulceration, fibroid tnmnra. Irregularities, periodic pains, backache, ithatbearingdown feeling, indigestion. miiu nervous prosirauon, aicer an other means had foiled. Wbydon'tyoutryit? NATURALLY. ftAier Hi!- Did you notify the police ot the' robbery? Dlx Yes, and I am expecting at any moment to hear that they have arrested the wrong man. Snakei In Prohibition Maine. Snakes emptied two snloonB In Port land of the crowds of customers a few evenings ago. A non-resident ordered a box of snakes aent to him from the south for the purpose of cleaning out a vast number of rata from his place. The snakes wero given a chanco to demonstrate their rat killing ability; and the large anake destroyed 15 in a few minutes. The snakes wetat then taken to two different saloons and la a few minutes cleared thcra of th crowd Kennebec Journal. No Wedding Day Bargain. The Husband (during the quarrel) You're alwnys making bargains. Was there ever a time when you didn't? The Wife YeB, sir; on my wedding lay. Extravagant. Ada Cholly Saphedde was In a brown study the other day, and I of fered him a penny for his thoughts. Edith You spendthrift! You never did know the value of money! To The Last Mouthful one enjoys a bowl of crisp, delightful Post Toasties with cream or stewed fruit or both. Some' people make an entire breakfast out of this combination. Try it I "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grocers Potutn Ccrtol Company, Ltd. Battle Creek, Mich., U.S. A. miMWMM'M HMLK9W rtii II 4 H WIISImllmlll!llli!nifn . 1 t Ml i Mr I llfVJF1,' ' '".ii.MM,it.)lMlw4t.PMM'''w-''' " &Ml-.m ! 4hti4,-4f' " Mt4MWMl ""nwntfKU "IWIWKilw .-