The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 20, 1911, Image 7

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    ll!MH(ieutEMaMlWMin: f2f
I) .WJi'liL"!1.'
,i Dr. ' tinniiighiiui Dentist, ou-r State
js? ; aippT
Jjst Good
No man asks (or more. More
could not bo asked if you used
Fine Flavoring Extracts
Just the thing fr flavoring sum
mer delicacies and dainty des
Vc arc manufacturers of Va
nilla and Lemon Extracts. You
buy firsr hand. We guarantee
the purity results guarantee the
truth of our claim. When you
think of cooking, think of our
TRACTS and the fine pastry
and dessert you may enjoy
through their use.
In bottles for I Oc and up.
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist
Dr. n'Y of ( .1 i i iioli ' 1 1 lit Sun (i
III t(.Vll. i
Chsiv Knlry was a pnsseng.-i i0
ll.i-dy Tlmrcday. where lie tinnm-!. l
Waiwn l.nngt'Y returned to Ha-'.
iiii.--. Monday after spend. tg Sunday
al home
Bull mill Arthur Mi-Arthur
"ljird inoir ilr at lifting
(lood Hammocks nt Codings.
Dr. Cunningham, Dentist, over State
Win. Downs of Franklin spent Sun
day in town.
II. C. Wright was down from Rose
motit t-'riday.
All kinds of Electrical woik done by
-Morhnrt Bros
Max and wife arc visiting in
Lincoln this week.
W. A. Wiley of Hasting was in town
Friday on business.
John Dull' of Hastings was in town
Monday on business.
Mr. and Mr. Hoy .loties returned to
Clay Center Tuesday.
Have your picture fi timed at Slops'
Best selection in town.
Nothing like White Loaf Hour for
making the bestbread.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Barber are the
parents of a new baby.
Twenty per cent off on dusters and
ily nets. V. L. Hansen.
Frank Peterson and Ci-4-1 Wolfe
were In Bladen Tuesday. s ' "
Page Clute of .Hastings "spent Mon
day in town on business.
Mrs. J. C. Sloss is home from Orleans
where she has been visiting.
Bert Hatfield nud Ollie Schaflnit
were in Hastings Saturday.
Mrs. Arthur Roby of Beatrice is vis
iting her father, B. W. Ros.
J. C. Saylor and wife left Monday
for Chicago for a month's
Elmer Bent left for Cheyenne. Wyo..
Saturday for a sight seeing trip
L H lUjickledgc, wife and sons k-ft
Sunday for a visit at Long Point, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sherwood left
Sunday for an outing in Colorado.
Wm. Koon and family witnes.-ed the
aviation meet at Hastings Wednesday.
O. VCross of Franklin spent Sun
day with his brother, Dr. C. K. Cross.
Dr. Cuuuinghaui, Dentist, overstate
Wm. McKinuney and family took In
the aviation meet at Hastings Wednes
Mr. and Mr Ned ('.rimes attended
the aviation meet in Hastings Tues
day. Oliver Hedge left duties long enough
to see the aviators at Hastings Wednesday.
Miss Bertha Barlow of Centrnl City
is visiting her parents couth of the
Lee Keith was a passenger to Hast
ings Wednesday to see the aviation
The Infant son of Mr. ami Mrs. Will
Fincher died on Wednesday of last
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White are the
proud parents of a baby girl, born
Chas. Potter and wife were In Hast
ings Wednesday witnessing the bird
men lly.
Kellar Coplen and Will Storey wont
to Hastings Wednesday to soe the bird
men lly.
Misses Lillian and Nelllo Price- re
turned to their home at Lewistown,
pa., Wednesday after an extenueu
visit with their uncles L. P. and
Stewart Albright.
Farm Uans i Rn,n reiul-' t0
make farm loans at the lowest rate
and best terms. I am sole agent for
Trevett, Mattls & Baker. Some pri
vate' money
J. H. Bailey, Red Cloud, Nebr.
uv thti
NUi-lli-d ci'sioiicl nvo good ones.
All who ue Atnhoy While Loaf '.lour
tut- such.
Mi-. Davis Fiu-iiham of Clipvt-uuc i-
visiting at the home of Mrs. 15 M
Ben McTai'lnm! and Tied Temple-
saw .liminie Ward lly in Hastings
I'. M, t lard left on No. I vWdne'ihiy
for a mouth's visit with relatives at
Marshal. 111.
W. A. Wheeler of Hastings is in
town assisting local telephone men in
cable tumble.
Miss 'ih' Mct.uiie was a passenger
to Hustings Wednesday to witness the
bird men lly.
Matt I).vlo and Charley Walter
took in the aviation meet at Hast
ings Tue-duy.
Pi i-d Snyder of Hastings is in town
this week anil, Incidentally, taking in
the ehntilauipui.
Kenneth Williams was down fiotn
I'ranklln .Sunday spending the day
with home folks,
I. W. How aid was a passenger to
Hastings Wednesday and witnessed
the bird men lly
.Miss Blanche Foster was ti passenger
to Hastings Wednesday to witness
the aviation meet.
Harry Schwann and Donald Fultpn
were In Hastings Tuesday, taking in
the aviation meet.
O. i: Hughes made a business trip
to Hastings Tuesday and also took ill
the aviation meet.
Bud MeCune was in the city over
Sunday visiting his parents, Henry
MeCune and wife.
Misses Flora and Stella Shnto of
IMion, Kas.. arc taking in the Chan
tauipia this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh of Cowles are
the proud parents of a baby girl, born
Sunday morning.
The Diamond Electric Vacum clean
er demonstrated in your home free.
Call Phone Bed 97.
Mayor Foe and son 0!cn and Dan
Garber took in the aviation meet in
Bastings Tuesday. A
Mrs. -U. B .I.eaaott and daughter
To reduce our stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnish
incrs we are ofTerine for sale at
20 Per Cent
all our high grade Suits, including the famous Hart
Schaffner & Marx. A few Suits, odds and ends of
Suit lines, will be sold at a sacrifice.
Oxfords, Odd Trousers,
Straw Hats. Wool Hats
Odds and Ends of Underwear
$1.50, $175 and $2 SHIRTS at $1.00
This Discount Sale includes all our Boys' and Children's Suits
Leaaott and daug
departed Saturday for Mlnden for a
I", ilf I'ii .1 .1 -
Visit nun reiiinveo.
Mrs. Ada.Sears of Campbell return
ed home Frldaj pfter a visit with Jas.
Mcuuire anu laniuy.
' wUl'&ilteywbVh'a been visiting at
Walnut, Iowa, ami Omaha returned
home Tuesday nlgbt.
Mrs. James Moranvllle and Mrs,
Ethel nunt took In the aviation meet
at Hastings Tuesday.
Claude Henderson and Miss Vumo
Adams witnessed the aviation meet at
Hastings Wednesday
.1. K. Butler left for Oxford Triday
where he contemplates tijktng a posi
tion in a moat market.
Fredderlach of Cowles "left l-'riday
for Sycamore Springs. Kas., in hopesN
of beuenting his health.
Clair Wolfe and Frank 1'eterson re
turned from Imperial last Wednesday,
where they llnlshed a contract.
Found A gold-headed hatpin. The
owner can nave same by proving prop
erty and paying for this notice.
Wall miner, naiiiN varnish, mould
ing, painting and papering contract
ed. Sloss,. Hie Wall Taper .Man.
Tin: lluest line and best assortment
f iiumis'i- carried before. Call
Ul ! -
'and look It over. MoniiAitr Bros.
Now is the time to buy lly nets and
dusters. Twenty per cent discount
from regular prices. 1'. L. Hansen.
Farms listed on straight commission
basis. Land list liberally advertised.
Dan (iauiikii &. Company, Chief otUcc.
U. M. Beatty and son for (ioneral
Blacksmlthlng, Wagon Work, Horse
shoeing a specialty. At Day'a old shop.
Edgar Cook of Nowata, Ok., arrived'
from Omaha Saturday for a visit with
his parents, Dr. Henry Cook and wife.
'Mrs. .1. M. Challln and Mrs. Jenney
departed Sunday for Oberlin, Ohio,
where Mrs. Challln will make her fut
ure home.
A. CJ. Pelk and helper, cable repair
mon of Lincoln, arc In town repairing
cable that was injured by lightning
Friday night.
Six cakes of Palm Olive Soap and
one "o jar of Palm Olive Cream all
for r0 cents at Cutting's Drug Store
for a short time only.
Hadley Font of Humboldt, formerly
of Red Cloud, now In the drug business
at that place, spent Sunday In Bed
Cloud visiting friends.
John J Marlow age 22 and Mabel W.
Jorgenson age 19, both of Inavale, Ne
braska. Married by county judge
July 12th. Adams County Democrat
Red Cloud
This store is ihe home ol Hart ScSaffner & Marx clolhes
.pKFptLyrrWirPr kpp 9fp v? k
Mr. and Mis. Nate Illingworth wit
nessed the aviation meet at Hastings
Two large furnished rooms for rent,
close to town, opposite High School.
Inquire of Chas. A. Schellnk, "th
avenue and Webster street.
Wanted Piano pupils. University
School of Music grndualo. Three years
pupil of Henry P. Eamcs. Ma.mii:
Smith Bi:ck. Phone Bell 111.
VA Hanson, C.eorge Holllste.r, Henry, Ralph Foe and Dick Run
chey were in attennauce at the Hast
ings aviation meet Wednesday.
r.nv Iti-inllirnok came down from
Bluo Hill Friday, where he helped out
the Electric Light Co,, and spent Sun
day with his parents and returned to
Franklin Monday.
Ben Williams left on No. i Wednes
day for n few days' visit and to wit
ness the aviation meet, prior to going
to Lincoln, where he expects to accept
a permanent position.
Mrs. Johnston and son Vinceut
were called to Lincoln Monday morn
lug by the serious siokuess of her son,
Paul Johnston. His many friends
here hope for his speedy recovery.
L. O. Bradbrook arrived in Frnnklln
last week and is now busy wiring
houses for electric lights. "Brady" is
a skilled workman and should receive
enough work here to keep him busy
uutil fall. Franklin News.
Will Norrls, south of the rivor.neted
very queer Saturday to his neighbors
and on inquiry it was found that Mrs.
Norrls had given blrtli to twins, a, boy
and girl, Friday evening. Mother and
babies are doing line and Will expects
to lie O K. in a few days.
Wo wish to announce to the public
generally, that wehnvetjie well known
Taylor Ranch for sale. This consists
of niO norcP, fl miles south enst of Red
Cloud. This place needs no commoda
tlon as it is kuown far and near as jthe
very best bottom farm in Webster
County. Wai.kkb &
According to the number of tickets
have been immense at Hastings dur
ing the aviation meet. Tuesday, Bed
Cloud sold 81 tickets, Cowles 10.), Bluo
Hill Sin and there was some 150 odd
on the Hastings train Tuesday morn-
jing. Six coaches were carried nnu
I they were crowded to the aisles On
Wednesday .72 tickets were sold from
The Democrats of Webster county
met in convention at. Blue Hill Tues
day Delegates were elected to the
state convention, a county central
committee was chosen and a resolution
was adopted indorsing Hon .ludson
Harmon of Ohio for president. The
selection of chairman' and secretary
ol the county committee was left to
the successful candidates at the prl.
Hastings Aviation Meet
a Successful Event
sold by the B. A. M., the crowd
On last Tuesday a large crowd gath
ered at the Hastings College campus
to witness the exhibition of the Olenn
Lu ii,.l.,,r mn elit ne under the stl-
1,111 linn ..j.i.f, .w.. -- .
per vision of the Chamber ol commerce -
of that city. Tue weauier couumonn
weio ideal for both the.tlying machine
and the good natured and entuslastlc
spectators. Except for a few brief in
tervals of a few moments, the day
was cool and cloudy and there was no
wind to inconvenience the exhibition
(., Mm lonfit. The Held was well ar
ranged and well policed by the local
company of militia. The program had
no delays. Aviator Ward made
four (lights, each an absolute success.
Between the "acts" two bands fur
nished excellent music and two com
panies of Korean soldiers gave enter
taiutbg military drills. Ward, the
aviator, who Is less than lit years old,
had his machine under perfect con
trol during each (light, soared high
above the crowds, and hovered close
to the ground fJetweeu the lines of
of spectators, nud repeatedly waved
his hand bnck to the (sheering throng,
all the while traveling from 4S to 00
miles ner hour. Hastings certainly
did herself proud. Everybody was
more than pleased, feeling that tholr
money was exceptionally well spent
Blue Hill Man Killed
By Burlington Tram
H. O. 1 1 egg, for lifteen years a resi.
dent of Blue Hill, was struck by train
No. Kill at Blue Hill Monday morning
and died shortly afterward. Mr. Hegg
was standing in the middle of the
ii-iielr on the Hastings Red Cloud
branch when the Holdrege train
pulled out, No. Kill, due in Bed Cloud
nt. I)::t(). was millinu in at tho same
time, and It is evident that Hegg be
came confused. He was dragged
eighteen or twenty feet, when the en
giue and one car passed over him Bin
riirht leg was completely severed from
his body, while his left leg and abdo
men were terribly crushed. Coroner
Ed A mack went to Blue Bill and held
an immest in Hie afternoon. The
jury, after hearing the evidence of the
trainmen and other eye-witnesses, re
turned a verdict exonerating the train
crew from all blame in the sad affair.
Mrs. Hegg and children, who live in
Lincoln, were in attendadce at the
funeral Wednesday. Mr. Hegg drove
cream route, and was well-to do. He
can-led life Insurance to the amount
of $2,000.
' School District City ef Red Cloud
.in.v 1st, 1'Jlu, to July 1st, 1011
Teachers' Salaries .. S SU.1.85-
Janitors, Clerk, Truant Off... 1121.83
Extra Labor 02.25-
High School Books lG3.4o
C.rade " " M27.70
Laboratory '.and manual tr'lng 182.30
,1 auitor's Supplies 3'J.Go
Repairs 0fM
Fixtures and Furniture 320 24
Light, Phone and Water l.Ui.J
1'rlntliiL - Oi.o:k
Freight, Express and draynge. Otl.3,-
Fuel iirj.iu.
Miscellaneous 21)1.44 -
Rent and Insurance .'50.00-
General School Supplies 277.11
Total - - -
Balance on hand
From Balance July 1st, 1010
" Couuty Treasurer
" Tuition
" Normal State
" Sules So. WardvGr. ...
" " Material
$ 13232 2G
The Cainnboll Brothers' big circus
that showed here Monday was a sur
prise to the hundreds of people who
saw the performance, for tho excellent
Hist class stunts by men and beasts.
Among the best wore the Lang Bros.,
four In number, who gave some of the
best aerial feats wo ever witnessed; the
Japanese performers, tho big olephan,t
act etc The elephants, seven In num
ber, did their work with ease and
alertness. There was something doing
all the time, and hold the big crowd's
closest attention all the time, 'llio
Campbell Bros, are no strangers to
our people nnd have always been given
a hearty welcome. The show Is a good
clean one and almost free from a ecr-.
tain element' that follow a show.
Syracuse Democrat.
S 13232,2(1
It. D. Moiiitz, Secrotary.
Fined $50 Each For
Handling Bad Eggs
Beaver City, Nob., July 13 Three
merchants of this city and one nt
Hendley woro arrested by the dairy
and sanitary Inspector today for hav
ing decayed eggs In their possession.
They wero lined ?."0 each. Albert
Martin, a farmer who sold eggs that
are alleged to be spoiled, was also
arrested, but has not been tried.
Improved alfalfa farm lands In the
Great Republican Valley our only
specialty. Dan Gabueii & Companv,
Chief office.
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