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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1911)
1 tf.MWtswawnttwn 1 I I til 13he CHIEF d Cloud . - Nebraska, PUBLISHED EVRKY THUU.HD.M ntctcd In II r-nuolilre ntiTlo! rinuil.Nfti., m itohi1 I'lnMMMtar. 0 It. IIALD l'l'llMSIIKH THE ONIiY DKMOCM.VIU' I'AI'KH IN w i: i 1st k i trot's ty Political Announcements. JUDUi: iJIsrilirr COUNT 1 Ik reby ntuioiiiK c Hint I mil ii (iui(llil:iti on the republican tlcl.c t nl the I'rlmnry to IxilicM AiiijnHt ir,tb, tun, for tin noiiiliintluii for .luilKdot tint lillli .liiillcliil DlNtrlct, com lirUhiK the coiintlm nl Wi litter, I'rniiKlln, ItnrtniiiAilniiiK, Kiitrney ami I'liclpi. InIiiiII itiprt'('latc)oiir sole. Cl.MKIt l OVUIIMAN, III 1 Cloud, Nel,r. FOR COUNTV SUPKMNTKNDKNT. 1 licrulty announce mijm II a eiiiulM.'ilo liu tho uoiiiliintloii ol County Hii rlnti mli nl ol Welwtor emmly, Mitijcet to tliu ulll o( the Democratic and 1'ioplo'H Imlepiuili lit par tloHnl Hie ijrlinary diction to Ik In M u Klist 10. Illll. Oi.itlltlMii: I.. Coon. Two HpriiiKs ill one your sounds Htrange, Imt J!ll will, lie remembered for .doubling the first soiisnn Hits year. The recoil t rntiiN linve put, new life in to vegetation find a double crop of garden truck is now assured. Tho Uud Cloud Chautauqua boosters were in town Tuesday evening in ten mitomoliilo londs, with n baud and Editor Hale and V. W. Cowdon as clown and ring mastor, respectively". That man Cowdon Is the best bustler that town sports and of course we're all go ing to tho ClmiitaiiiUii. Hivcrton Review. H takes a smart maii to be a fool nnd we thank llro. Matthews for the compliment. We aro always glad to have Hivertou folks eonie down to our chaututiqun because they know what good talent is. 'Jjhc success which attended the Kb of July celebration and tho welcome Riven our booster club all over the county has suggested another attrac tion for the fafl campaign. A Rood many believo lliat. our suggestion of Mime time since in reRurd to a harvest homo festival would be an excellent thing to iuauRiirate this full, and the preliminary arrangements have al ready boon pointed out. This celebra tion could be arranged so it would not interfere with any other event in the county and would-be a means of draw ing the bonds of good will and fellow ship closer and cjpser. It Is really up to this city to provide occasions for nhowinR that we hive the right spirit, and that we arc pjea&cd to see people on our streets whither they come to trade or just to visit. A big free din ner provided by the citizens of lied Cloud would be something worth while, and to be waited upon at meal time by our merchants in whitenprons would be an event long to be remem bered. Respectfully submitted to the booster club for immediate attention. t mpIh rj tlmt Iii? was I'l io-iIm" hi 1 turn! education. Our Miliool' was mere ly u feeder for I ho university nnd tin entire amount of inoiipy then spent was f.-r the diicct beiiellt of less Unto t ii n r cent of the pupils enrolled, s" ncc about ninety per rent dr pped out befon they completed tho L.ttlii course. A few years iiro all that was changed, and new course ottered The practical side of education re ceived attention, and tminuiil training, btioilhiiud and u comiui'ichil course were offered. This is worth mole to this community tlinii all the drilling In tho dnd languages and the so-called cultural education. We want graduates who can do things, not be things. Hence we contend that while we are now spending more than we used to, we are gutting our uioiiev's worth. We would very much llle to see the school board go one step farther ami offer n domestic training course, and thero Is no reason why this school should not bo a real agricultural school. The purchase of a few acies of ground and practical Instruction supplementing tho technical instruc tion would result in Immeasurable bencllt. We are a fanning community and our schools should be run on that theory. We ate willing to pay the cost provided we gut the results. We feel a just prldo in the elllclenoy of our .schools and wo stand -quarely wltli tho school board in its efforts to educate the children for ellicleney as opposed to mere acquisition. fSjs 'vT'vVs'.'v''vv V " -Vs VV During the past week this city ha been Hooded with literature from a near by city quoting what purports to be exceptional low prices for dry goods and dress goods. This literature is attractively arranged with special led crosses calling attention to the extra special prices quoted. We took the pains to visit our home merchants and found, just ns we had expected, thai we could buy here at home the same articles regularly at the Mime price nnd in Mime instance-, lower than ask ed by the so called below cost price named by tho circulars. Don't, forget that you can buy at home all the time and save money. This is true of every line of goods handled in tho city and tho way to prove It is to take the spec ial glittering prices and go dhect to the home merchant and ask him what he can do. llw will toll you tho truth and if you really want to buy he will bell you the same goods over his count er for the same or less money uud you have uo freight or express to pay and no annoyance. And you are out no car-fare. There Is No Excuse For Rotten Eggs II. M .Mueller, a prominent com mission man of Hanover, Kan,, has started a campaign against bad eggs, and in a circular letter explains why eggs spoil in hot weather Tho in formation given by him Is as applica ble in Nebraska as in Kansas. Here is what ho has to say in regard to the matter: "For the past week the temperature has ranged a bundled or over during the day and around S."i during the night. This means that a fertile egg will start hatching unless, as soon as laid, it. is placed in a cool cellar or re frigerator, but even this will, do uo good if, when the farmer comes to town, he loads nis eggs and hauls them in the hot sun. t'I have given up hope of being able to convince the met chants of the wis dom of spending u little time and money in trying to educate their farmer customers how to care for their eggs, nnd most important of all, to get rid of their roosters not later tliun May lat oreach jrenr. Again 1 1 want to call your attention to the fact that an infertile egg will keep In the -hottest weather, while a fertile egg in such weather as we have been having will develop into a blood rot I want to again reiterate that It Is absolutely impossible to keep a fertile egg from spoiling such weather a9 we are ex periencing. 1 have a customer from whom I get eggs who never has a rotten egg, nor oven a second. Why? Heeuuse he never allows his hens and roosters together after the hatching season is over. It pays him big it will pay anyone. Why can't you try and show your customers the folly of keeping their roisters'.'' ISeal Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by the Foi t Ab- itruct Co. for the week ending Wed nesdny, .July 1U, HU1. State of Nebraska to Charlotte K. sfeveiis, ne Hi 1-0, deed .... ll'Jo Lincoln I.aud Co. to William .lohusoii, lot II, lllk. II, Hose mont, vd r0 Harm Hose to Win. Johnson, lot 2, lllk. 1 1, Uos'etnont, wd !HHI Willie S. Parks to Fred Plumb, lots 111, II, lllk. s, ituil Komi add to Ud Cloud, wd U'0 James F. Hackles to ' Hrommer SW22II 11, wd fWOO Martha li.ikcr to A. I). Runney. uud K lots .i, fl, 7, BIU. it. Blue Hill.qed ... 1000 I'-'TTO Mortgages tiled, SIM7S.U0. 'Mortgages released. SiWHS lK Educatltnal Advancement. Your attention is called to the re port of school board, found elsewhere in this issue. You will notice that it cost tills district last year Sl2,7fl.stj to run our schools Ten years ago it cost $0,8::i.o5, and twenty years ago 17,023.51. At first glance it would see in that there was a great leak some where; that our money is being un wisely spent, or that we have doubled our attendance It is probably tine that there are more pupils now at tending school than ever befoie. It is also true that our teachers aie much better paid than ever betoie, but that does not lepresent the real dllfreuce botweeu what was expend ed for school purposes last year and the amounts tun and twenty yeais ago What to us lb tho real dlft'eienee is the change of courses offered, In past years only one course tho olas slo was taught in our schools. Kvery child was pushed through the mill on the theory that he was to be a school ,1fj r-v y W,'v'''7I' ml "BBBMBBBSi" W PBBBBBBW i'7,,i"P"ri BPflSBlflBHI j'!'( MlEaH BBBBBBBBHBlk nLJEflUHBH JbLbbbLBb. '' JbIibbH WE NO W COMMENCE OUR Special aa-v sb m fthwrM r fJ"Pe Opening Date, Saturday, July 15? Closing Date, Saturday Night, July 22. f Our object in conducting this sale is not profit, but to close out as quickly as pos sible, " Regardless of Profit, all Summer merchandise, in' preparation for Fall 1 Such price reductions as we offer is an object for you to buy, not only for your present requirements, but in anticipation of your futureineeds. "Seeing is believing" we will show you. I am acuiulldrtlu (or County .ludite ut the coinlnc prliimi) on llieltcpiihllean ticket. The Hiippo t ol all Is rc'piuttuiv Milli-ltcd. A. A. CRKSsMAN. Women's Shirt Waists Fancy embroidered effects, fancy plaited Lawns, plain tailored slyles, suitable for fall, 20 per cent reduction 4-4 Unbleached Muslin The best 4-4 unbleached muslin in the market at the price, 6 l-2c yd. Amoskeag Ginghams Assorted size checks and colors, all new, clean patterns, and the best apron ginghams at any price, at only 8cyd, Lawns, Tissues, Batistes, Flaxons, Lykelinens, Mercerized Poplins, India Linons, are all priced at lib eral reductions. 12J values now flc lfjc. values now 1-c 18c values now lie 20c, values now ICc 25c values now 20o . Hoc values now . . 23c v 3.1c values now ...27o ,.j E-bmiJerie,,- - One lot, widths up to 10 inches 9c yd. r One lot 18c yd. Balance embroidery stock 1 -5 off Handkerchiefs We have just received a very large sample line of handkerchiefs and have marked them all at man ufacturers' cost. Silk Gloves A Special Lot Assorted colors, all sizes One-half price Fancy White Goods Values you can not pass 20 per cent Discount 4-4 Bleached Muslin Absolutely the best bleached cottons at 7c yd. Toile Du Norde and M. F. C. Ginghams The world's best 1 5c ginghams, during this sale at t 12c yd, Rugs In various sizes, all specially priced for this sale. Smith's Axminster, 9x12, $25, during the sale, $20 Oxfords - Women's, .Men's and Children's. The stock is somewhat broken in sizes, but we have mone but up-to-date styles and can fit you with the latest goods in the market. 20 to 33 1-3 per cent discount Ribbed Underwear You can keep cool in a Munsing Union Suit. There's a right style and size here for you. During our clearance sale, 20 per cent discount Sheer White Waistings Representing the seasons best sellers, 20 per cent reduction Laces Valenciennes and Torchons, a dandy lot, specially priced, 5cyd. Silks All China and Habutai Silks in staple colors, regular 60c to 75c values, at 45c yd. Wooltex and La Vogue Suits and Coats and Buckingham Skirts, all up-to-date styles, every one this season's garment, going now at 20 per cent discount Dresses Wash Dresses at special prices. Beautiful, stylish, well made gar ments, exceptional values, 25 per cent Reduction Muslin Underwear at clean-up prices. Muslin gowns, corset covers, skirts, drawers and combinations. 20 per cent discount Parasols and Umbrellas The entire lot, 20 per cent discount The prices we have made on these many lines, as well as others in our stock, will surpass anything in the way of value giving The Town Has Ever Known The Miner Brothers Company "A Mighty Safe Place to Trade." MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN SN RED CLOUD Our Red Cloud Visiters Several automobiles loailed with boosters for the Iteil Cloud Chautauqua swooped down upon Cuinpbell Tues day noon, remaining here for a couple of hours. The lied Cloud hand was with them and while In Campbell play ed several selections. Wo mo not In dultfioK in idle lluttery In Hiiylnu; that this hand plays with unusual spirit and precision and Is, in fact, the best country band wo have heard in years. The leader surely understands his business. Tho first thin? that waiued us that something uuusual was happening in Campbell was when Kdltor Hale, of the Red Cloud Chief, walked into our office. Hale is so busy getting out a good paper that he never leaves home except on some mission of importance to bis town. Our Red Cloud friends told us all about the splendid Chau tauqua attractions they are to have there from Sunday, July luth, to Sun day, July 23d, inclusive. The Red Cloud people are conducting the Chau tauqua this year under their own management, and thus keeping at homo tho money that would otherwise go to high-priced nnd needless "man agers" from abroad. For this reason we arc anxious to aid their dlmls in every way. We want them to dis prove the impudent claim of Chautau qua bureaus that local people can not successfully operate a Chautauqua without their assistance. Some of the ruost-popular talent has been en gugod, and on next Sunday there will be an especially tine musical program. Campbell Citizen. - r Remember the Rand Concert every Thursday evening. " I am a candidate for re-election to the office of COUNTY JVDGE and ask the support of the People's Independent-Democratic electors at N the Primary. I. W. EDSON. S s N A -5 & V V & k-www,lkw11wI(,,WJVW, wtiwttwMw.w. Ummw - u&w tmW!&