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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1911)
mmmmirpmmmm w Ljgirrg:: CsSSafSiu. ustft?? ..vw riv-w' tirao n " - wwVbwtw "r. "i jyi'J" TCscvrissa, .!( ,riHHHW. . , -v sm 6 jW IY ZIpim TDSo DRAINAGE FOR FLOWER POT AND OTHER CITICS2 Footwear of Humming Bird Feathers NEW YORK. Women on thin side of tho bl(? pond teamed with In terest that tholr Hlstcm tn larln were wearing ahoes mndo from hnnimlng bird feathers, tho ridiculously low Itrlco of $2,600 a pair placing the Huffy footwear within reach of all. Realizing that It wan only n question of a few weeks before the very latest fad In tootHle trappings would reach thin city, nnd being awuro of tho fact that humming birds were none too plentiful, the young and old girls be gan figuring out how many of tho gor geous mites would have to be sacri ficed to cover their spokes. Married men read the article until thoy camo 'to the line which told about the price of the new pluninge, and then they dropped In their tracks. When they regained consciousness thoy equipped their wallet pocket3 with burglar alarms and hired dctec 1 tlves to watch their trousers whllo they slept. Many of them, unable to aco n ray of hope, went straight to the bankruptcy court and gave themselves up. More than one happy home was Burro Saves Its Master From Prison LOS ANGELES, Cal. That old story of a prospector's love for his burro, the companion and solace of weary, lonesome hours in a desert search for gold, won freedom from Jail for aged Aaron llraunsheldt here. Hraunsbeldt came Into Los Angeles from the desert and mountain land along the Mexlcun border, riding a decrepit burro. Across his shoulder was slung a rifle. At his saddle, formed by an old frayed comforter, was his camp outfit, pickax nnd a shovel. Ills beard, long and strug gling, and his long, gray sunburned hair was unkempt. As he passed along the street, P. A. Rambo, agent of tho Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, saw him. Tho burro's back and hip bones dis played recent scars. llraunsheldt was surrounded by a curious throng when, as tho official placed a detaining hund upon the burro, he reached for bis old rifle. A wire fastened to one end of tho barrel caught In his tattered coat, affording Rambo an opportunity of disarming him. At the offices of tho society tho old prospector told a story which won sympathy. It was repeated later to a throng of citizens who accompanied Hrauneheldt and Rambo to a livery barn, where the burro had been City Gets 125,000 CHICAGO. If any one doubts that the friends of Chicagoans do not send them cards from all parts of tho world during the vacation season, Just uck tho letter carriers. Chicago's post office la now receiving 125,000 cards daily, and when tho postcard crop is at Its height, the office will handle 200,000 curds a day. If ull of the postcards that come to ' (Jhicngo each day at this tlmo of tho year from people jaunting throughout the country on vacations were placed end to end, tho line would reach n distance of twenty miles. Five hundred, postcards Inld on top of each other form n pllo ono foot high, nnd so, by careful figuring It Is found that the total number of card coming to Chicago dally will form a (postcard 3Lrfs! WAITERS J fmimAy. " TO BE T-tSiflUy tE? ,1 PlHCHITD-N &4i Z Children Swat Flies for the Bounty BOSTON, Mass. An endeavor to rid Worcester of flies through a fly ktlliug contest Is under way In thnt city and scores of children have en tered tho competition. Many prizes, aggregating more than . $B00, aro being offered to tho children producing tho greatest number of dead flies within tho tlmo limit or the con test, and during the row days tho com petition has been going on soveral hundred thousand of tho germ carry ing Insects have been slaughtered. The Insects are measured by tho quart as they nre brought in and throughout the city the little-ones aro dally engaged In a wholesale fly mas sacre. One boy tells of catching 10,000 files In an old cow stable and thou sands more around garbage cans., In their bustling for the prizes tho chil dren are Invading back alleys, stables, markets, setting traps among garbago and dirt of all kinds, and patrollng various Insanitary places whero the most files aro found. 6J Few contostants aro couflning their M rent with discord by tho announce ment. Women who had the temerity to ask their husband bow many hum ming birds would be necessary tn their case wore generally told that a whole aviary would not muke them a pair of shoe strings. It wan only natural that there should be much conjecture ns to tho possible ad option of the new fad by Chicago women. In view of the fact tuut It takes the whole southwest side of n cow to inako one of them a pair of slippers It was generally agreed that one Chicago order would put the humming bird fnmll)oiit of business. "I'm willing thatniy wife should have everything within reni-on," said a man whose rut glass display Indicated that he was not dodging any ii editors, "but I draw the line ut $-.'.500 n pnlr for shoes. Just think or It! Shoes thnt cost 11,'JtiO a foot. She cried and called me n tightwad when I refused to grant her the appropriation, but 1 told her Bhe would have to stick to tho leather kind or get another cash register." "I've got a wife nnd seven daugh ters," said another man, "nnd when T went homo to lunch they pulled this humming bltd thing on me. Every one of them has feet like flounders, and when they Insisted on being In style I turned over my bank books and reserved a place for myself In tho bread line." Wl stabled. Willing hands reached fot porkotbooks and none desired to have htm punished. He was reloased. As he walked nwny from tho city hull building, ono arm placed affectionate ly about the burro's neck, he wan cheered by the men who contributed to provide hlr.i nnd his companion with food. nraunsheldt, known to muny pi oneers as Aaron Ilrandt. has won and lost lortuucs in search of wealth which he bnlloves exists in his gyp sum clalmii near Tucson. For forty years he has prospected. His wife and their only daughter conducted n confectionery In Snn Francisco. In the great fire Mrs. Hrauneheldt and the daughter, Clara, were killed and their little property lost. Since that time Rraunsheidt has been prospect ing. The only thing left or his family fortune was tho burro, which his daughter had named "Mrs. Buffalo Hill." Post Cards Daily stack 200 feet high or equal to the height of some of Chicago's taller buildings. One little Innocent postcard often makes the postman walk two or. three floors higher than be would go If h were currying only "legitimate" mall. Frequently the postmen return to tin offices and And that postcards have compelled them to walk one-third far ther than the regular mall would have taken them. The Chicago postofflce handles In one day more postcards than any other office In the world under one roof. The vacation period brings one half as ninny cards to the city an doos Easter or Christmas time. A downtown novelty dealer declares he sells as high as $100 worth of post cards a day. Of course, tho postofflce has to bo just us careful wtth a llttlo vacation card as with a renl lettor. TJut one kind of card Is barred, the variety that Is covered with tinsel. Tinsel Is polnonouH and tho clerks aro not com pelled to como In contact with It. attention to homes, for they can guther comparatively few flies thnro, Somo parents look at this featuro ol the contest with decided disapproval. Thoy rear the children are very likely to contract diseases In Invading such places and handling the flies. Another reature Is that each child must kill tho (lies and then dry them carefully before turning them in. In this way the children directly handlo tho germ-laden Insects. Traps or overy shape and descrip tion as well as all manner or Ingenious methods to kill tho Insects are being used. Fly catching devices aro Bell ing at a premium, and men and wom en appear as much Interested in tho affair as the chlldreu. Horticulture 3E E REMOVING PLANT FROM POT Method Shown In Illustration Will en able One to Repot Plants With out Injuring Roots. A lady gardener once said to me: "I huvo no trouble In taking a plant out or n pot In which It has been crowing for some time, as I simply take a table knife and out around the inside of the pot, r.nd tho plant drops ont when tho pot Is Inverted." Hut That method cannot bo npproved, us tho knife will ruin many of tho roots, and so Injure the plant thnt it will not recover Its normal growth again for several weeks after shirting, says a writer In Park's Floral Magazlno. Rut It Is not only in repotting that wo wish to take a plant from the pot. Often wo wlBh to examine tho roots or the soil or the drainage, and tho easiest way to do It is to place tho fingers over the soil, In vert, and tap tho edge against tho lodgo of the table. The manner of grasping the pot Is shown In the Il lustration. Refore doing this It Is well to thoroughly water the plant, as this adds to the weight and acts & Shifting a Plant. as a lubricant tn tho separation of tho roots r.nd soil from tho pot In re-potting it Is well to observe these suggestions, as you will thus bo enabled to removo your plants from tho potB without Injury, and promote their health, growth and bloom. HANDY FOR SPRAY MIXTURES Strainer Allows Heavier and Coarser Particles to Wash Aside, Leav ing Rest Free. This strainer Is excellent for the reason thnt tho heavier und coarser particles or tho spray mixture which A Brass Screen. do not go" through are washed down to the lower edge of the sieve thus leaving the rest free for the strain ing of the mixture. MOISTURE IN ORCHARD SOIL Water Is of Prime Importance While Tree la Fruit Making Chief Ele ments of Success. (By WALTKll B. I..EUTZ.) As water is the means of circulation of plants as well as of animals there fore it Is of prime Importance that water be present In tho soil, in order that tho plant food in the soil may be token up by tho trees. Many orchards havo sufficient avail able plant food, but Inck wuter at that critical period while tho trco Ib fruit making. If a eoll lacks water somo form or fertilizers aro a positive A6 trlmout tr they aro present In abund ance. Tho chlor elements or success In pro paring an orchnrd soil for tho best re sults may bo summed up as: Removing surplus water from the eoll. Tho conservation of plenty or moisture. Tho judicious use or manure and cover crops. Tho use or potash and phosphoric acid In available forms. Cultivation to keen n mnlph nnjiu.. Ing the number or trees per acre Hy? withholding. nitrogen, and Increasing the amount of mineral matter. I)y the use or wind breaks. By mulching. IJy 'keeping tho soil In the best physical condition possible. It Is not wise to stick to the exclusive use of any one practice, but to employ various meth ods to maintain the fertility of the orchard soils. Buying Trees. The Inexperienced planter thinks ho Is getting a bargain when be buys trees three or four years old,, but ex perience will show that yearlings ure better nnd ho should never plant any thing over two years old. Always buy clean, straight trees with short stems, and even then do not bo afraid to prune beforo plant-ins. sssssssH W sssssssssssssssssssssssssssTiBBBBV I lllassl So Arranged That Staining of Wood work of Porches by Dripping Wa ter Is Prevented. Tho Mulnlng or woodwork on lurches nnd posts caused by tho drip, ping or water rrom flower pots ran be pi evented In tho following mun ner: Make n zinc or galvanized trny of suitable shnpo In which to set the pots, as shown In tho Illustration. Solder n tube ror the overflow, or 1 irr' Flower Pot Drain. dripping, on ono side of the tray. Have the tube long enough to clear tho post or part of tho porch where tho flower pot Is set. The tubo may bo plnecd to tho rear so It cannot be seen rrom the Btreot, ir desired. I'lace Rome small pieces ol wood boncntb the tray to allow tho passage or nlr, thus preventing moisture Tho tray can be made In nny shape to conform to the shapu or the pots. SET OUT STRAWBERRY PLANT 8everal Methods In General Use, but Matted Row System 8eems Best Keep Weeds Down. There are several methods or plant Ing in general use, which may bo mod ified to milt tho planter. The method, whlrh seems best adapted to ordinary conditions In the mattcd-rnw system. In the spring, when tho land Ib In good condition to work, harrow smooth nnd mark out rows four feet apart and as long as possible. Then set the plants at 18 or 24-lneh Intorvuls In the rows, and cultlvnto often enough to keep the weedB out und tho soil loose until September, whon, ir tho plants are vigorous growers, tho run ners should be about six Inches npurt. It is desltnblo to train tho runners tho long way to tho towh, cutting out plants thnt crowd In ordinary plant ing trowel or npndo Is used to set tho plants. A spado Is nn easy Implement to open the ground with. Strike It Into the ground and work it back and forth, draw out the spade, spread the roots of the plant, nnd set It so the crown comes just to the surfneo or tho ground. Firm tho soil well about tho roots or the plant. As soon ns possible after Betting the plants, cul tivation should commence, and it should continue at frequent Intervals till rail. Keep the weeds duwn and the top coll loose. If the runners got too thick, cut out part of them, leaving about six Inches between them. Run ners may bo encouraged to root by putting an Inch or two or soil over each ono near the end. Blue Flowered Hydrangeas. The application to the soil, when by. drsngea hprtensla is growing, of eith er alum, aluminum sulphate or Iros sulphate have been found to Induct the formation of blue flowers. Practice clean cultivation in tho or chard. A grape vine should bear only a limited number of clusters. No other fruit plant requires so careful pruning as tho grape vino. Poultry mnnuro should bo rrcoly used for both fruits nnd vegetables. Thcro Is danger or nunscald ir too many largo branches nro romnved In Juno. Set tho chrysanthemums whero they can bo protected rrom cold winds and rainstorms. Tho apple worm Is tho larva or tho codling moth, and It gets Into tho ap ple at this Reason ot tho year. You cannot rniso n young orchnrd without spraying any moro than you can rnlso apples without spraying. San Joso scale, codling moths, cur cullos and other pests rob ub or 20 per cent, or our annual $135,000,000 fruit crop. As soon as new shoots appear on tho young grapo vines chooso ono or two of tho strongest shoots and leav them for growth. Chrysanthemums, planted In good soil and ccrefully cultivated through out the summer, will flower abundant ly late in the fall. Remember, that good cultivation with fruit bushes or vines during tho early growing period is as essential as with corn or vegetables. In transplanting plants It Ib much better to fill tho hole nftcr tho plant Is set, tho soli added gradually, then to water after the holo Is filled. Young grapoB will bear some fruit the second season after planting If they mako a good growth and are otherwise well cared for during thr first growlns season, BSHBJ'n i1 n .-ts-- lm.m igggg3C BtoYMrGoodHuIthudPleuureJmK I JpfsS Come follow the arrow 'til you Join 2l JwySv I u9KSj the merry throngof palate pleusedmen RHMffH&' I fet and women who hive quit seeking lor ABUJsfllKt I HH the one best beverage because they've HBHijv I M Real aatiif action in every gltes snap tnd eparkle vim M'l I L and go. Quenchet the third cools like a breeie. M f Delkiot-Kefrkit .! M H -.4, BcEvmrywhmrm H MilnltttM- BW THI COCA-COLA CO. mMU II rbtTtutti BBW S3 gB Airawlllak SSI Abeut Ct-CU" BBg--pJB itClll-Ctll ! "My beau h V USB "lurt UHHbBBBBkVv ' 'Q&ii Bst ijt rf Br nUXwttCsdklfc CARING FOR TUBERCULOSIS Thirty-Nine State and 114 Local Sana toria Provided, but These Are Only a Beginning. In splto or tho fact that state sana toria und hospitals tor tuberculosis have been established In 31 states, nnd 114 municipal or county bospltuls In 26 states, vastly moro public provision is needed to stamp out consumption, says tho National Association ror tho Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Nearly ovory state cast of tho Missis sippi river has provided u state sana torium, nnd west of tho Mississippi river, state sanatoria have been es tablished In Minnesota, Iowa, "Missouri, Arkansns, Texas, Kaunas, Nebrnsku, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Oregon. There arc 118 bunatorln provided by theso states, Mnscuchu setts having four, Connecticut nnd Pennsylvania three and Texas tuo. In cluding special pavilions and alms houses, there uro 114 municipal or county hospitals for tho cnto of tuber culosis patients. Apart from these Institutions, how over, und u few special pavilions ut prisons, hospltnls tor tho insane, and somo other public Institutions, a grand totnl or hardly 'J00, the Institutional care or tho consumptive is left to pri vate philanthropy. Maternal Instinct. -Mrs. Rattle 1 nm sure that is my baby with the pink ribbon over there. Mr. Cynic How can you tell It so rondlly? Mr. Rattle I can recognize It by my pet poodle tho nurse has with Adam Was Grouchy. The Serpent What's Adam so grouchy about today? Tho Ape Ob, he says that the ar rival of woman means that all his plans for universal peace have been knocked In the head for good. Puck. Tha successful borrower Ib as quick as lightning. Also bo never strikes twice In the same place. Good men arc scarce, and bad ones often have to make themselves so. WRONG SORT Perhaps Plain Old Meat, Potatoes and Bread May Be Against. You for a Time. A change to tho right kind of food can lift ono from a sick bed. A lady In Welden, 111., says: "Last sprlng.I became becPfast with severe stomach troubles accompanied by sick headache. I got worBo and worso until I becamo so low I could scarcely retain utiy food at all, al' though I tried about every kind. "I had becomo completely discour aged, and given up all hnpo, and thought I was doomed to starve to death, until ono day my husband, try ing to find something I could retain, brought homo somo Grupc-NutB. "To my 6uiprlso tho food agreed with me, digested perfectly and with out dlstrcus. I began to gain strength at onco. My flesh (which had been flabby), grow firmer, my health im proved in every way and every duy, and In a very fow weeks I gained 20 pounds in weight. "I liked Grapo-Nuts so well that for four months I ato no other food, and always felt as well satisfied after eat ing as if I had eat down to a flno ban quet. "I bad no return of tho miserable sick stomach nor of the headaches, that I used to have when I ate other food. I am now a well woman, doing all my own work again, and feel that llfo Is worth living. "Grape-Nuts food has been a God send to my family; it surely saved my life; and my two llttlo boys havo thriven on It wonderfully." Name given by Postum Co., DaUlo Creek, Mich. Road the little book, "The Road to Wellvlllo," in pkgs. "There'B a reason," Ever reed the above letter? A new oe appear from time to time. Tbey are aenulBe, troc, aad fall tf bunas UtereaU k particular. About Um way Vm So Mafgfc um Faultless Starch, So I caa look nay bast" FSS V -AalttteatatDtrtlirCMtri LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY tOK, SALB AT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSrAPEK UNION 121-531 W. Adami St, Chicago DEFIANCE Cold WattrStarch Bakes laundry work a pleasure. 10 ox. pkg. Mu BlTEMTC Konnnrn aro mao In patent. lrt m I En w tnc'i ronrltlcav nurM jue tMxikfrc. jrittgenUd Co.. 113s K, Washington, V. C. Nebraska Directory MVWWVWAWXW AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 1NCONTKSTAW.K AOUIDKNTand IIKAI.TH IN- hukancu. uNDowMK.vrrouur.iumawimBi STUDY MUSIC at the University School of Music, Lincoln, Ncbr. A sure income to those who complete the course. No pleasantcr occupation in the world. Send for year book to E. B. Carder, Refiitrar Lincoln Sanitarium mmmmmm Sulpho Saline Springs Locatid on our own premlita and vied In the Natural Mineral Water Baths Unturpaited In tht treatment ol Rheumatism Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Olieau MCDCrUTfc' CHARGES, ADDRESS ,. O. W. KVERETT. Mar. I40S M Street Lincoln, Neb. Mo j4 rCorned Beef Rj -W Everybody likcw good Ivj w corned beef. Q: W4 Everybody irkeaUbba jKi -8l) becauae it U good aad la Sni 95 reMty for serving as soaa M: ml a taken out of tha tin. WMl fia Bu LiU'' N"' 77m fy Hi BjjNmOTj9i2S3JSBSBlBB "immmBmim i . a ' fl ;!l m I! m 3 iwRleihaeMfiiMfataaywaa t A WW sfsrjBf' ! ,, !