The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 20, 1911, Image 12

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Will Exhibit at
One Day Only
Campbell Bros.
Big Ceiiselislatai
The only big Zoological Exhibition presenting a mammoth
Menagerie and extensive display or Rare Wild Animals, a
perfect universe of signal and astounding new features.
People from all parts of the globe, displaying the most
wonderful marvels of all the world, in the greatest and
newest most daring and sensational high class acts.
America's Greatest Gigantic Three-Ring Circus
The Aeriel LAMYS Leaders in Double Trapeze Work
Zahid Troupe of Royal Japanese Performers
Tozoni Troupe of
Male and Female Riders
Funny Mimic Clowns
Leo DeBarr World's champion Trick Bicyclist
Prof. Holland's Herd of Performing Elephants
Seeley's Troupe of
4 The Mavelous Acrobatic Whites 4
4-horse Roman 'Standing Races, Flat Races, Roman Chariot
Races, 30 Horse Riders, Cowboys, Cowgirls, Indians,
Turks, Russians, Bohemians, Eskimos.
400 People 400 -:-
35 Palace
Pmrformmncm Dally, mt 2 mnd 8 P. At.
0r Opmn On Hour Kmrllmr
Grand Spectacular Free
Street Parade Daily, 10:30 a. m., Rain or Shine
White Swan
WW f
I Complete Com
'. tort
30 Years
ffi,''t "White Swan" is positively tlje bigRfst matttess hvgain
M k buyable. No mattm at any price
40 m) strongly. You lan't go wiong if ou buy a "White Swan."
&i Come in anil sec the White Swan
iibiih mi tjj i
Undertaking a Specialty . . . .
Everything Electrical
G. C Bailey
Bell phone, Black 20.
Red Cloud
July 26
Russian Cossacks
Performing Seals
200 Fine Horses 200
Cars 35
tnv em. rt- n
K. B& M
lXU:Lm "Cheap Coat"
If VI I. M Mattresp
is littler. No other is guafa-itee'd
Matt re and let us nut one in V.outW
a a . vj
. All the Phones
Notice to These Brilrinft to take Teach
er's Examination.
1 Regular teacher's examination will
be hold at Uluo Hill, Friday and Satur-
' day, July l and JW. Special teuuher's
examination will bo held atRed Cloud,
Thursday and Fiiday, July 117 uud 28.
M.Wll'l, IImiiiiei- D.w,
; , Countv Superintendent
Widow's Penslen.
me recent act of April 10th. 1018
gives to all soldlors' widows a pension
of $12 per month. Frod Mtiurer, the
attorney, has all neoe&sary blanks.
m Near Comfort M
flSoon Lost, Gone
m to Pieces inn " m
m i Few Year? '
List of Candidates
Who Have Filed
l)CMO llT AMI I'KliPl.U's l.MU:i'KMl'.M'
County Treiistiror:
I II. C. Wright. Rim-mont.
I (i. W. I.intl.-o.v, Cod Cloud.
I O. A. Arnold", Itltn- Illtl.
County Clerk:
W. 15. Ilalley. Red Cloud.
(loo. Ilndcll, lied Cloud.
CI.W. Dull-, Red Cloud.
Counly .Itnlfro:
I. W. Kdvui, lied Cloud.
A. I). Hiiimey. I'.luc Hill.
(Ja'ik IHslrlct Com t:
I'M I Ml li. McKciglimi. lied
County Siipeiititetident:
(ici-li-mb Coon, Ifpd Cloud.
Ruili H. .lolmsioii, Red Ctnml.
County .Shell II":
.I.T. Rullegc, Red Cloud.
II. W, I'opluii. " "
Frank tJ I tiller, " "
.1 W. J 'low, " "
laiiios MeHrldi', Cowles.
Commissioner, 1st District:
A. II. Bright, Red Cloud
Commissioner, 1th District:
( Jt'o, E. Coon, Red ( loud.
.Iittlge of' till" HUli Judicial District:
Hurry S Dtiugun, Hasting.
County Treasurer:
W. R. Koout., Rod Cloud.
.1. O. Butler. Red Cloud.
W. II. Caulk, Cowles.
County Olcrk:
V. II. Pulton. Red Cloud.
.las. A. Burden, Red Cloud.
V. O. Shannon, "
E. W. Ross. ' "
County Judge:
A. A Cressmun, Red Cloud.
Dan'l M. Curlier, " "
CleiU District Court:
C. K. Retells Red Cloud.
Cliui. W.Cowley, Bladen.
County Superintendent:
Anna L. Richards,. Rod Cloud.
Stella Duelier, RcdCloud.
County Shot III':
O. I). Hedge, Red Cloud.
Win. Wolfe. " , "
O. E. Uiiiiu-y. "
Coiiimls-'ioiMT, ltli DUtriot:
I'iui I Stoivy, KlmI UIdihI.
K. S. l-'itz, '
Cumitiist-ioiier, lht Dibtriut:
T. .J.Chnplln. Cowlus.
County Coioiuir:
I'M Aniauk, Ituil Cloud.
County Surveyor:
(ioo. II Ovi'rinjj, Heil Cloud.
Jude 10th Judicial Diitrret: '
K. U. Overman, Rod Cloud.
W. P. McCreary, Hastings.
County Clurli:
(J. S. Perry, Red Cloud.
County Treasurer:
Henrv Rathjen, Red Cloud.
County Judge:
Wm. J. Mppincott, Red ClouiU.
County Siiperlntemlcnt:
Muyine Wnskom, Red Cloud.
County Sheriff:
L. O. Chapman, Red Cloud.
Commissioner, 4th District:
Joe Herburper. Red Cloud.
SNert Nome Indastrles
Whenever a plan is sug,'ebted for
the development of the town the first
suggestion, invariably, is Urlng lo
more industries." It is customary to
throw out all sorts of inducements for
the location of factories, including
exemption from taxes for a time, free
sites anil bonuses, and these methods
have contributed so much toward
building up hundreds of prosperous
municipalities that their wisdom can'
not bo iiuestlotied. Anything that
will add to our desirable population,
that will give employment to men who
support families and thus contribute
to the general welfare, is at all times
But the people who join heartily In'
the work of bringing iu new industries,
and who show the greatest enthusiasm
over this feature of the public work in
which all good citizens share, some
times are the first to forget that the
new industries brought in and the old
ones already here require continuous
support and, fulling to get It, become
a hiudratico rahcr than an aid to de
Wu are apt to overlook, too, the fact
thai the home merchant is entitled to
u much ootihldoration as the factory
which wo have obtained by special ef
fort. The merchant is a necesslty-r
even more so than tho factory; for
who cares to live iu a coininunty where
there are no store, or whore tho stores
are closod and barred and the mer
chants havo moved away, forced lo
other Ileitis by lack of patronTige?
The retail store, properly conducted,
is an industry that should have the
support of every loyal cltl.en. Our
pride in the home town is measured
bvour willingness to support its mer
chants anil its Industries.
It is not necessary to build a Chinese
wall around our community to re
fuse to buy outside when we can do so
to advantage. JJut tho man who will
send away for something that he can
buy at homo on as good or butter terms
needs education and""' lacks loyalty.'
Sometimes, unfortunately, the very
ouo who least liable to this
criticism, the local merchant, is given
tb.bottriftiK abroad for thing ivhloh
lijfe uUtflit lo tui 'fiom his neighbor-.
Thi'u, iit'ii I ii, I huio N the fatmui l o
fiiiilb. l (-uslei' lo 'ihuil bin order to u
vbi'oU, llniti to conn' to town, Olten
,iiu im iiuMmt'Mi)L'(t uy Dim roiiiis iuki
tlin bat a valid ommimi. Hut he oulit
:o no iidii to nuy iy iiiail from our
own uifieliauts a safely ntid as ml-'iln(iii;et)u-y
as from someone at a
iJfhlHiiro with whom he has no ne-
quiiliitanue. If he K not furnWhed
.Vi'.";.'3nii i... t. i it .....i... i
VJICJdYl IIUL'I ILI3 1111117 tlJI 11IU llllMUtUa
W0iU;r our UieroliiiiiclMnL' methods.
lit i1 1
Ail I M e oituht to bine irooil roiid. tin.'
Kvf'iVlil iniilie a trip to town a nleiiMiri.
' rUi(!h leinnins tobe dotieto Htr8tijth
omihir loeal biislni".s Interest v. We
o'uwbl In fjve real ".iippott to any move
tlnifwlll lend to heep our money ut
Circus Day A Hot One
lO'f'Dr-.ircRS In the SlMtlt: Makes the
(iuni!)l)i:ll Bros. .Show People Snent
Fori heir Money.
Monday was Clreus Day forTehnmiih
and the .streets wore thronged with
people from morn till night. The
trains brought them in by scores, and
the fanners with the entile family
took a day oil and enoyed the big
show. The speetaetular street, parade
was pulled off at lOiIilt. It was a won
der and Included everything from cal
liopes to roaring lions. The day was a
hot one and the' ice cream and lemon
ade men did a' laud oftlce business as
cid the men with the pink balloons.
The circus had a packed tent in the
afternoon ami almost as good at night.
It was the best that ever showed un
der canvas here iu TeUiunah. It was
clean and entertaining from the start
to the close. The trained elephants,
horses and dogs were as good as one
will ever see. The aerial anil acroba
tic feats by the four Maxwell brothers
were certainly splendid, as were also
the Morales family as Mexican bar ar
tists. The score of other feats and
fancy riding acts ware also line. The
managers are gentlemen with whom it
is a pleasure to do business. Hurt
Jounty Herald,
Fvimrlminl SMIIon Kullr.tln No. 1??
The Neliittskit Evpeiiiucut Station
hasjiist issued liulletin No. I2'J, en
titled "Cost of Growing Crops in Ne
braska." An average of reports for
two years shows that it cost the fann
ers reporting JL'D.fl cents per bushel to
produce corn, .'12'ij cents to produce
oats, ijt.9 cents to produce wheat, .1.37
per ton to produce wild hay, 81.18 per
ton to produce clover, and 3.10 per
ton to produce alfalfa.
The figures ued were secured by
correspondence, with the best farmers
in various communities. The yields
are considerably higher than the aver
age yields of the state.
The cost of production does not in
clude marketing, aud includes time for
man and team at the average rate of
'W'.3r per day, ouly while in the field.
41 It was found that the two greatest
factors influencing the cost per bushel
or per ton were the price of land and
the yield per acre. The yield per acre
cnu be increased by enriching the land,
using better methods of cultivation
and better seed s
' At the average market price, the
most profitable crops were alfalfa,
vvintcr wheat, aud corn. Crops which
are profitable in one section of the
state may not be profitable in another.
It was found that the growing of
i clover and alfalfa in rotation and the
use of barnyurd manure greatly reduc
ed the cost of growing corn per bushel.
Resideuts of Nebraska whose names
are not on the station mailing list may
obtain this bulletin free of cost by ap
plying to
E. A. BURNETT, Director,
Agricultural Experiment
Station, Lincoln, Nebr
The Vltcw.
Campbell Brothers, circus drew a
large crowd of people to Fender Sat
urday and those of them that didn't
get frightened by the threatening
storm witnessed a good show. It
was a three ring affair aud was up-to-
date in all.lts appointments. The men
agerie was large aud well selected.
The different uctavvere of a high order.
Among those enUtlcd to special men
tion were the big elephant acts. The
seven big beasts were wonderfully
trained. Th'6'fdur Maxwell brothers
did some stunts In aerial and acro
batic, feats, and the Mexican Morales
man wife and little son did some
very clever ucts on the bars. The per
formance was good and clean iu every
particular aud is creditable to the
Campbells. render Times.
State Fair Imovatloi.
.V new departure at thul0U state
fair, September 4 to 8, will be the
coin turnstiles at the goneral admis
stou gates. Instead of the customry
stop and purchase of a ticket ny an
outside ticket olllce, the visitor to the
fair will walk to the turnstile and lay
down his fifty-cent piece which drops
into a slot, releasing the lock and per
mittluir the person to puss through.
Therefore, when you go to tho state
fair this year be sure to have a llfty
cent piece, as nothing else will unlock
the turnstile.
Political Announcements.
The columns of tho Chi'-f are open
lor legitimate advertisements of all
ninth, (.'andhhitfs, legiirdless of party
Hlllliatlon, are welcome to tee these
i columns Pi lee of announcement, .".
i I lurcliy Miilinunce Hint 1 inn n c.'imllilnte
for nomiii:itlon to thi'iilllce n( .linlne olllie
. IHttrlrt Court oMhi) Tenth .hiillehil Ulslrlct,
Hiilijiel to the ilecMon o( the Itcmucratli'
Mini I'eopltt'M liulfH'iiilent Miti'it at the pri
mary I'lrelloii on Aiwusl lMli. 1:111.
I hereby militiiitiee in) self a eMilitliliite for
the nomination of count) rfuieiliiti inliul of
Wi'lwter eniiiily. suliltet to the will of the
Duuiiieialte iiml PwipIe'H I 'nlfpt" ileiil jiar
tli's ut the primary election to he hi lit An
::tHiir. mil.
itri ii u.'aiiiixiroN.
I herchy announce myKolf ah a eamllilatc
for re-election as County Clerk of Wi lister
County. Nelirr. on the llepilhllcau ticket,
subject to the decision of the oteis at the
I'rliuary Kkctlon tohehchl AiiKftst l". hill.
I!. V. Ito-s.
I hcrclty nut ounce niycclf as a caintlilate
for the olllce of County Clerk of W'ehstir
County, N'chr., suhject to the will of the vot
ers of the Democratic anil People's I lulcpcnd
cat Party at the Primary Election to hu held
Mm. 1M0II. W. It. llAii.nv.
We have been authorized to announce the
unnieof (Ikoikik IIahmi.i.. of Ited Cloud, for
nomination of County clerk, subject to the
wlllot the Democrat and People's Independ
ent voters at the Primary election Aumist
15th, Hill.
We are authorized to announce W. (i.
Shannon as a candidate for nomination as
county clerk subject to the will of the re
publican voters at the primary election,
Auiiiist Kith
1 hereby announce in.sel( as a candidate
for the olllce of county clerk of Webster
counly, Nebraska, subject to the will of the
voters ut the Democratic and People's Inde
pendent parties at the primary election to
be helil AiiKtist I.-), hill. if. W. D wis.
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the olllce of clerk of lb'- district court,
subject to the will of tho Hcmociatlc ami
People's Independent otcrsat the primary
election to be held Amtiist M, P.m.
Kihtii I.. .McKr.uiii N.
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate
forCleik of the District .Court of Webster
County, on the Republican ticket, subject to
the decision of the voters at the primary
election to be held A moist iijth.. PHI.
('has. K. Hkiiii.k.
We have been authorized to announce the
candidacy of (ko. W. l.l.snsKV lor the olllce
of county trensurer. subject to the will of
the Democrat anil People's Independent
partlcsot the primary election Atiifutt 15th,
We have been Authorized to aunouce the
candidacy of II. C. Wiikiut, of Roscmont,
for theotllccot County Treasurer, subject to
the will of the Democratic uud Peoples In
dependent Parties at thejprlmary election
August l.Mh. P.IU.
We have been authorl.ed to announce the
candidacy of It. W. Kuontx for the ottlce of
county Treasurer, subject to the will of the
Republican voters at the primary election
August lath, 11)11.
We have been authorized to announce the
name of O. A. Arnold, of lllue Hill, for the
nomination of County Treasurer, subject to
the will of the Democrat and People's Inde
pendent voters at the Primary election to bo
livid August 1.1, 11)11.
I htreby anuouueo myself a candidate for
the nomination of Sherltl'of WebSter county
subject to the will of the Republican voters,
to heexprcsscd at the primary election Aug
list Mth, 1U1I. ). D. IlKiioi:.
1 hereby announce myself a candidate for
thenomlnatlonotShcrltl'of Webster county
subject to th will of tho Democratic and
People's Independent parties at the primary
election August 10, IUII. Jamks Mcllitilii:.
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate
forSherlU'of Webster County, Nebraska, on
the Democratic ticket subject tn the decision
of tho voters at the Primary election to lie
held August ID, mil, .1. T, Riiii.kimih.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for
tho oilier of Sherlll'uf Webster County, suIh
Jcct to the will of the volers,lif tho Ucmo.
cratlcaud People's Independent Parties.
.Iok W. Cliovv.
I hereby nnouuee myself a candidate for
the nomination of KherlU'of Webster county
subject to the will of tho Republican voters,
to boo.tpresscd at the primary election Aug
ust tun. Wm. Woi.kk.
1 hereby Announce myself a candidate for
tho nomination olSherlllof webster county
Niibjcct to tho will of the Democratic aud
Peoples Indcpeudiut parties at the primary
election August loth. IUII. I-:. W.
I hereby anuouueo myself a candidate (or
the nomination of .Sherlll'of Webster county
subject to the will of the Democratic aud
People's Independent parties nt the primary
election August 10, 11)11.-1'ii.vnk IIuikkii.
iit.i i, li im M'iiii.,.1 line mil. hill.
I hereby amiouncv tnyuU-iii a oiiudldato
or county .indue v' M'clwtir county, Ne
braska. Hllbject to tile will of the Mil-tors of
the lii'inocratle and People's Independent
Parties tit the primary nlietlon to be held
AllKIISt 1'itli, IUII. A. I. lt..N'NK.
I hcruby aiiiiouace myself n candidate for
the nomination of county commtssioner of
iiimiuWsloncr nlstrk't no. I, subjict to the
will of the People's ludcpcndiut and Demo
crallc parties at the pilmary ihetlon to be
held Aliuust ."i, UIII.-Oko. C, Coo.v.
I hereby Hiinouiut myself a candidate for
the nomination uf county (omtnissioui r of
commission! r iiMrlcl mi, 1, subjict to Hi,.
Hill of tin-IVupli 'Hindi prudent and Hemo
ernlle parlies at the primary e'ectlon to Ik.
held Annus! l." loll. A. II.
foi: rod,ovi-:rs?;i:i5
I hereby announce myself a candidau for
i:ond(irsierif Ituad IMntili t .No. ,, ,.,.
ster i ounty. subject to the u-lll of the oKrs
of the licpulillcnu paily. Wn.t, l'isiu,t.
In The District fourt of Webster Conn
ty. Nebraska
I'lunior h. I'aweett,
A. Miner Wclluiau Cashier,
Norm: m . m in Kit wiimaiancamiiikii:
You are hereby notlllcd that Kmmor f..
rawcetl filed his petition In the District
Court of Webster County, Xcbmska on tho
8th day of .Inly, mil, aalnst you. the object
aud prayer of which arc to quiet tho title, to
the following described premises, to-wlt:
Part of one-halt of the north cast quarter
of Section I, Town-.', Range 10, West of tho
HP. M. In Webster County, Nebraska and
contalnlni; about twenty acres and more
particularly described as foliows:-Houtlcd
on the north by the north line of said uetliiu
I. on the west by land deeded to one M V.'
Uardner and the continuation of 5th .Street.
Iu thovlllaKcolCuwIeaonthc south by tho
north lsiundary of Adams Street of the VIII
ae of Cowles, on the Kast by land heretofore
dtcded to Kdwnrd flllford and excepting nud
reserving the rlghtif way of the II. & M. Kail
road through said lnud, such possession com.
iiicnclngontheioth day of September, IHy,
In the said Kmmor I,. I'aweett, and against
any and all claims of whatsoever nature ybu
may hav In the above described real estate.
You ai requlnd to answer said petition on
or before Monday the -JSIh day of August,
IIUI or said petition will be taken as true and
Judgment lendeii-d as therein prayed.
Kit Mint I.. r,vw'CKrr,
lly lleruaid Me.Veny
I have opened a bakery iu Red
Cloud and solicit a share of
your patronage.
Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes
always iu stock,
your wants (Ind.
Phone me
phone 183.)
Deliver to any part of the city
Retail store opposite Postof
flee, iu Dioderich building.
Premium !
and Bacon
The Miner. Brothers Co.
"A Mighty Safe Place to Trade".
1Smi I
W.'1 1 j H V
sw we t
S iH W If, a
For Sale ft
by- VsiilMr
John Yost y(
the fiilm
"Dutch JOfci '
Butcher" SSleV
KSV. .