The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1911, Image 9

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k Cwi ft?.F.t1iJ?!r1-wr,iiwj(nr . -,irw. . 6..j,k -
? 7 5f mr v 'w w ' ' w
22L '' tS ' &
.'j.','' ..
j i in ifiii
4, f
Atkins 8 Barber
Furniture, Rugs, Carpets,
: window Shades, and :
Visit our store, inspect the
immense stock and get our
prices. We know that
We Can Save You Money!
la &W
Ihe Real Test
AFTER all, is in the
final product, for
when it comes to eat
ing that's the REAL
test of Flour, wherein
quality is evidence.
Quality and IMPER
IAL, one word.
Democratic State Contention
Tin' democratic elcctr9 of the state
of Nebraska are hciehy citlloil to moot
Iti delegate convention in tin city of
Fremont. TiumI,i.v July -loth. HMt.ut!
'2 o'clock p. in., for tin purpose of
drafting ii democratic state platform,
tin election of n democratic state
committee, ami the transaction of any
other business that may properly
come before the convention.
The representation in said convent
ion will tie tiased upon the vote cast
for presidential elcctois in IJ'08, and
each comity will he entitled to one
delegate for each loll votes, or major
fraction thereof, cast at said presi
dential election, giving the several
counties representation as follows:
Adams 1(1 .lohiison S
Antelope 10 Kearney 9
Uatuier 1
tihduc I
Untitle 11
lto hullo 'i
lioyd l!
Iti own I
Hit Halo 17
Successor To A. C. Bradslum
Exclusive Dealers In
Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden
Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : :
July 16th to 23d
jSjS .
I'.lllt s
Itutler 11
Cass 10
Cedar 'i
Chase .
I'll el ry 7
Cheyenne Ti
Clay II
fuming 1 1
Custer l!
Dakota -ri
Da we- '.
)awou IU
iH'Uel ..... , , . J
Dixon 7
Dodge IS
Douglas 101
Dundy II
Fillmore lit
Franklin ! Saunders. ..
Frontier i Sootts LMulY
The Miner Brothers Co.
ii. a., suns.
"A Mighty Safe Plac to Trade "
Keith 'J
Keya Paha '1
Kimball 1
Knox It
Lancaster .... 07
Lincoln !
Logan 1
l.oup 1
MadUoti K!
Mcl'heison.... t
Merrick 7
Morrill .
Nance t
Nemaha II
Nuckolls 10
Otoe Id
Pawnee 7
Perkins i!
I'help.- 3
i'iurow 7
Platte 17
Polk !
lied Willow . ft
Ulehardson. ...10
Kock 1
Saline.. IT)
Sarpy 7
That Distinguished
of Monuments it caused by the use of
Pneumatic Tools. We use them, hence
our letters are clean and well cut. Come
and see.
Overing Bros.
(Si Company
Furnas it Howard It
Cage...! 21 Sboridan fi
Garden it Sherman C
Garlleld 2
Gosper !
Citaut 1
Crccley 7
Hall..'. l.-
Hamilton 11
Harlan 8
llajes -J
HitcheocU 1
Holt It!
Hooker 1
llouatd It)
Curtiss Aviators at Hastings
lues, and Wed,, July 18 and 19
on Burlington No. 4,
Leaves Red Cloud
8:25 a. m.
Special Train Returning to Red Cloud
Leaves Hastings at 8:30 p. m. each day.
Aviation program begins at 4 p. m. at Hastings College campus
Hastings vs. Seward, a.t 10 a. m., Y. M. C. A. Park
Stanton "
Thayer 11
Thomas 1
Thurston r
Valley 7
Washington ...10
Wayno V
Webster !
Wheeler t!
York II
.lellerson IU Total
It is recommended by the state com
mittee, that no proxies bo recognized
by the statu convention, but that the
deleghtes actually present from each
county be uutlioriy.ed to cast the full
number of vote to which the county
is entitled under this cull.
Lko Matthews, J. C. ftvi;Ni,
Secretary- Chairman.
Through Yellowstone Park.
That is what the audience felt who
heard Ilev. Tompkins lecture at the
Methodist church last Wednesday
night, as though they had actually
beeu taken on a trip through the won
ders of the most wonderful park
scenery. And tiic trip was a moat de
lightful one, for tho entire company.
The lecture and tho pictures were
certainly a treat. No better pictures
could possibly be obtained than those
shown by the aid of Mr. Tompkins'
powerful stcrcopticou. They were
furnished the speaker by the Great
Northern railway company, and were
obtained by the best artists in the
country, with unlimited resources of
time and money behind them to get
tile host.
All the principal points of iu to rest
of the entire park were shown by hand
colored slides, and the speaker, being
personally acquainted with the most
of the scenes, was able to tell of them
in suoh a way as to inspire the audi
ence with u real sense of tiie grandeur
and beauty of the park scenery. The
lecture lasted almost two hours, be
cause there were 100 slides and Mr.
Tompkins had an Interesting descrip
tion of each, connecting tbc whole so
as to virtually take one through the
park and to all the best and most in
teresting and beautiful of Its attrac
tions. Kdgnr Past.
The Bense Farm and Brick Building
for Sale to Highest Bidder
A milliter section of line, rich fertile soil, thoroughly im
proved with femes and building-.. I'M no alfalfa Held, plow land
and pasture Imud all tillable. IJutldings all new, conveniently
arranged mid located, mid well painted mid in llrst uhibs repair.
Tin Heme farm is located 0 miles Irom lied Cloud and !i Utiles
from i'uh les.
House- 'Jl lit! feet, II rooms ice bo room, summer kitchen
1 1 ii. cellar 1 1 . 10 and 1 1 feel deep, cemented walls, easy stair
way, all well built. Milk house s.IO. cemented supply tank,
underground, '200 barrels capacity. New windmill ami pump, 10
ft. tower, 12 ft. wheel. 10 iu. well and abundance of water. Well it
curbed with tile, and anchor posts to iiiUl ut u untioroui, Work
shop, coal and cob house 1 1 'JO. Three- vhiukou hoiihcb, one U x It,
nuc 1 1 . IS anil one- 'i , '21, cemented Moors; largo hen house, built
on modern plan and cost ?(10O. Six well Jiuilt small chicken yards.
Four cement fcedways, throe of them with troughs,
Nine hundred feeteomeut walks running from house to drive
way, windmills, milk house, summer kitchen, chicken houses and
outbuildings. Implement house 0x50, granary '2s.:t'J with loft,
ice house 1 1 x Hi, holds fiO tons of loo. Two hog houses with room
for II sows, Moored inside and outside with concrete.
Thirteen separate hog lots with good gates to each lot. Large
house and hay barn 10x01, holds 70 tons of hay; driveway and
feed bin II',' x 10, all concrete Moor on ground, :i inch tight Mooring
iu hay mow. HI ft, space between ground lloor and mow. Stalls
all 0 feet. wide, built of '1 Inch planks, and two harness rooms In
barn. Cow barn 1 1 s .'10. hay mow for '2 tons of hay, '2 inch milk
ing Moor.
Plenty of room for all implements to be stored away In the
dry. and iu good, well built and well psiutod buildings. All
buildings are new and well painted. This I'lirm is all fenced and
cross fenced. 80 acres corn ground, .' In alfalfa, '20 iu pasture, HI
acres wild grass meadow, ill acres hog lots I'lenty of fruit and
good shade trees. I. and is free from sand or rock; much is level,
and, all is readily tillable. I'lenty of grapes, apples, peaches,
plums, small stutl' and llowerlng plants. House lot is fenced in
'200 xUOo feet with .10 inoh heavy woven wire, Two good corrals .r
boards high, posts H feet apart.
Complete water Hystom, fiObbl concrete stock tank with cover,
concrete water trougln. iu hog lots, and ubundance of water at
each lot, barn, milk house- and summer kitchen. All piping i;
inch galvauied, 7 feet under ground, never freezes. Water sys
tem alone cost 82,000.
This farm was bought by V. S. Ueusc, the present owner, in
the spring of IPOG for 10,500, and since purchasing the same be baa
put on tOGOO worth of improvements in spot cash. The raise iu
the value of the laud is not considered. lint the high dollar buys
this farm.
Anyone thinking of buying a good farm and a nice home should
go out and look this place over. Von will have plenty of time to
do so as the bids will run from now until -Ian. 1st., 1012. All bids
will be kept a secret and ho uuu will know an others bid until Jan. .
1st All bidders must deposit J.'iOO In cither bank iu Ited Cloud to
insure good faith and if any bid buys either place and bidder falls
to conbumate deal S500 shall be forfeited.
The llrick Itullding is 21x100 feet, basement and two Hoors,
brick engine room 12x20. Building is now used for restaurant
and bakery. This building was purchased by Mr Ueusc for $7000
iu 11KU and hi has equipped and improved it at u cost of 85300
more. Building rents at 800 per month by the year, for the reas
on that the present occupant bought the Hensc stock and fixtures.
Mr. llense desires to sell out to go into business in Suit Lake City.
He likes to farm and has made it pay. He has done well and pros
pered in lied Cloud and likes the people. Hut Hilly, like many
others sees opportunity knocking at his door, calling him else
where. Ho desires to sell all his holdings here and offers them to
highest bidder.
Mr. llonsc reserves the right to reject auy and all bids not In
consistent with fair play. But he proposes to sell and sell he pro
bably will to the highest bidder.
All bidders arc cordially invited to go out and look this farm
over. Also to lock over the brick building. Mr. Bense will be at
the farm and show you around in person.
W. S. Bkkhe,
Red Cloud, Neb
Hacks, Carryalls and Autos Meet Trains
Everything Electrical
G. C Bailey
Electrical Contractor.
All kinds of Eleo
trie repairing.
Bell phone, Black 20.
iB' l T Nk VV3
Aik roup I'mrclri for CHI-CHKS-TItR'S
uiASiunu iiKANU i'lM.n IU
Gold metallic boxes, gealed
Dranlit aad uk for Ctll.l
IAHONU BUAMD P LI, I.N, for twentT-flvQ
years regarded ai Best,BaBst, Alwajra Reliable.
tiuku even ! wvnene tustud
rn-CHSs-TKR's A
I.S itt Kr.u ailj
sated with Mue(Q
Convention Call
The Ilepublicansof Webster County
arc called to meet in mass convention
j at the court house in lted Cloud at 1
, o'clock, Saturday, July Ifi, 101 1, for the
purpose of .selecting cloven delegates
to thostnto convention and transact
I iiitf such other business as may proper
ly come before the meeting. It i:
1 urged that every township be well re
presented. Hi). ll.Nsr. Chaiiiuan.
j IHs 1 1 niu: it. Secretary.
Foil Suj.-Au exceptionally fine
(pianor of hind 2 miles from good
town in Franklin county, newly im
proved with largo house, barn, double
granary and corncrib, machine shod,
cow- shed, lino orchard and good fences.
Worth your while to investigate
Price SHV'OO.
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Improved alfalfa farm lands In the
Great Republican Valley our only
specialty. Dan Gamier it Comcast,
Chief ollloe.
j Gronliift Hois In Nebraska
j The Experiment Station has just is
I sued ISiillettn 121 with the above-
named title. This bulletin may bo
had free of cost by residents of So
btaska upon application to tho Agti
cultural Experiment Station, Lincoln,
Ail kinds of Klcctrlcal work done by
Morhart Hros
Uemembor tho Hand Concert every
Thursday evening.
The Home Grocery
P. A. Wullbrmndt, Prop.
A Complete Lino or Staple and fancy Groceries,
also the Latest Patterns In
We are also making a Specialty of the Celebrated
"A. B. C."
mail Phone 102. Independent Phone 44
AvAA vvsAaAvivA vtAvtAWVvtA-
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