The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1911, Image 8

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The Chief
C. H. 11AI.R, Publisher
Address to Christian Endeavorers Ono
of Congratulation on Progress
Toward Agreement With
Great Britain.
tlniitlc fit. In a speech to the
international Chrintiati endeavor eon
Mention Iktc President Tufl declared
that the negotiations for 'lie arbitra
tion tienty between (Ircul llrltuln mid
the United Slates have readied n
liolnt where there Is no doubt or the.
signing of the pact.
"I urn Kind to say." said the presi
dent, "that today wo have reached
such u point in the negotiations for a
treaty of universal arbitration with
one of the ureal Kuropuun powers
that wo can eoiilldontly predict the
signing of a satisfactory treaty. The
iirbltration treaty heretofore with
Ureal llrltaln and other countries has
excepted from I lie causes which mni
be arbitrated thovo which Involved the
vital Interests of either purty or ItH,
honor. The treaty which wo are now)
t'loRlnK with Omit Hrltaln eliminates
Ihore except Ions and provldcH that nil1
questions of international concern of,
n Justifiable character shall be sub
inltted to the arbitration of an luipar.
tial trlbunnl."
Ex-Governor in a Wreck.
Wausaw. Wis. Former (Sovernor A.
('. Sbiillonbcrger of Nebraska was,
tdightly Injured in n train collision on
,1he St. Paul road In this city. A qunr
ter mile north of tho local station the
Hpeclal In which ho wan hurrying to
111! a Chautauqua date collided with u
switch train. He was thrown about,
the car, receiving InJurleH about the
nose and face. After receiving medi
cal attention the train proceeded to Itv
ill ftiuutlon with a new engine.
Will Give Up the Fight.
PlttKburg. The miners throughout
(lie lrwIii-Gieenslmrg coal llelds, in
"Westmoreland county, have held meet
ings to consider extending the strike
thai has been on for sixteen mouths.
In every Instance the miners voted to
give up the struggle. Hnglitcen lives
have been lost In the strike, more than
a million dollars lias been expended,
besides huge donations
To Stop Monarchlal Plot.
Til, Spain. It was learned here
(lint the Portuguese government Iiuh
dispatched several thousand troops to
the northern frontier, following tho
discovery of a plot there io rebtore
the monarchy. The conspiracy is said
to have originated anions certain of
ficers of the Portuguese army at
Valencia Domingo, Just ucioss the bop
der from Tuy.
Wendllng Goes to Prison.
Louisville, K. With no further
hope held out to him after the highest
couit In the state had continued his
sentence to the penitentiary for life,
loscph Wendllng. lonvlcted of the
murder ol eight- ear-old Alma Kclmer,
was taken to the state penitentiary at
Ftunkfort to commence ten lug his
Candidate Badly Beaten Up.
Stnrkvlllc, Mies. Slate Senator The
odore Bilbo, aspirant for the demo
crntle nomination for lieutenant gov
ernor. was attacked by .1. .1. Henry on
a train at Blue .Mountain, .liss.,'und
dangerously beaten. A physician stat.
ed that Bilbo's skull was fractured
New York. A donkey nnd an ele
phant have started from Coney Island
In a race for tho White house, Intend
ed to forecast to the world generally
the result of the election In 191L'. Sev.
nil hundred followers of democracy
are pinning their faith to the donkey,
while the elephant has no fewer wel'
wishers from the republican camp.
Washington. HiiElness men of Ne
braska who do not like the new rule
about the non-delivery of mull on Sun
day will get no lellef from the postof
lice department. This was made clear
in n letter to Senator Hitchcock from
First Assistant (!rantleld. Mr. (5ran
field calls attention to the fact that
congress Intended to shorten the
hours of postotllce employes, but,
failed to Increase tho appropriation,
As a result tho department has carried
out the provisions of the law for
nhorter hours by cutting off the Sun
day delivery.
Certain to Be Punished.
Chicago. In the event of the con
Mctlon of the Indicted meat packers
it was stated by District Attorney
Sims that they would be sent to thu
house of correction Instead of the
penitentiary, the offense charged being
a misdemeanor. This joint came up
when It was recalled that the national
government has no reformatory hero
ami the district attorney was asked If,
tor that reason, the packers would
necessarily be given their liberty, even
It convicted.
terns of Events That Are Transpiring
In Our Own as Well at In
Foreign Lands Washing
ton Political News.
Pittsburg, Kuns.. has Hiiu'cicd a
I I.Vi.OOti fire.
Indications are gi owing that con
gress may conclude Its extra session
carllei than expected.
Postmaster (ietieral Hitchcock Iiuh
designated llfty additional oflleea us
postal savings depositories,
Senator mid .Mis. Luke l.ea, who
have been patients at a Washington, haw so far recovered that
they were able to leave for a nearb.v
mountain resort.
Statements that Dr. David .liiyue
IlilJ, the American ambassador to Ger
many, resigned, has been requested
to remain at his post for the present
tie quoted as incorrect.
Revised estimates indicate that the
:loslng of the fiscal year of Hill will
find the federal tieusury showing a
surplus of approximately $:::i,iino,UO(i
an all ordinary accounts.
Pope Pius X, in an autograph let
ter received by the apostolic delegate
to Washington, applauds the lead
taken by the i'uited States In the
.vorld-wlde campaign for International
No less than (W.OOO.OOO ban els or
beer were sold In the United Stntes
lining the twelve months ending
June 110 Inst, or an Increase over the
previous twelve months of G.UI per
A moie geneial sentiment for ex
peditious action on the Canadian reci
procity, wool levislou and free list
bills is apparent lifter informal con
lerences among various groups of .sen
ators. Commonwealth Postmaster General
Joslah ThomaH of Austtnlln com
municated with the postal department
at Washington proposing reciprocal
penny postage with the I'nltcd
General News
Hoke Smith has assumed bis duties
is governor ol Georgia for the second
Approximate! 100 of the 111 coun
ties In .Missouri are greatly in need of
Twonty-thr.'i' horses weie destroyed
Alien a livery stable burned at IJcs
Stteet car men aie on strike in .Mex
ico City and the system Is completely
tied up.
Charles T. Goodrich, a national llg
lire In the Knights of Pythias, died at
Newbury. N. Y aged sixty-five.
Although liS.OOO volts of electricity
passed through Ills body, .Max Fugles,
of Fugles Falls. Wis., Is still alive.
According to governmental exports
western South Dakota may be devel
oped Into an Ideal winter wheat glow
ing section.
Thirty thousand bo scouts from all
parts of the Fngllsh empire were ie
viewed b the king in the gioat park
at Windsor.
Tho class entering the United
States mllltaiy academy this year
will b" the largest In the history of
the Institution.
Four hundred .Mexican strikers ef
fected a settlement with the manage
ment ot tho American Smelting & He
lining company.
Two earthquake shocks, the heavi
est since the meiiioin,,lo one of llHKl,
were felt In parts of Nevada and Cal
ifornia Saturday.
A quarrel over a girl at a country
dance near Muskogee. Okla., resulted
In a general light In which eleven men
were badly cut up.
Mara Pla, queen dowager of Portu
gal, died at the royal chateau at Stu
plnlgl, Wednesday afternoon. She
bad suffered from utemia.
Sixty-eight deaths (ront bubonic
plague nnd three from suiHllpox were
reported at Amo, China, during ttie
two weeks ending Sal ui day
A mnn believed to be David Kaplan,
one of the .MeNumarii l.os Angeles dy
namite conspirators, is under surveil
lance In London.
Thousands or ministers and pastors
of churches affiliated with the federal
council or churches of Christ In Amer
ica observed "Peace Sundii" by
preaching sermons dealing with the
problem of Intel national arbitration
ami universal peace.
Fiank Thompson, one of the prison
ers who took part In the niittlii at the
Vderal prison at l.oawnworth In 1901.
when twenty-one prisoners escaped
atter killing a guard, has been re
leased on commutation of sentence
signed by President Taft.
The mining town of Kiilor, Pa.,
was practically wiped out by lire.
The sensation caused by Germany's
ictlon In sending a warship to Agadlr
ihows no signs of abating and French
Hlplomutic circles are said to be In a
A law prohibiting the sale of malt
.iquors, "whether Intoxicating or not,"
outside of licensed drinking places,
has become operative in Minnesota.
Norway has put Into operation Its
new compulsory sick Insurance law,
which entitles workeis to free nieill
nl attendance, medicine and surgical
ippllances for themselves, also a
money allowance when totally inca
pacitated foi work
The .McNamara dnnnilto case has
been deferred.
Physicians attending Miss tinsel
Schmidt, who has been sleeping til
most continuously for eleven weeks a1
Vaudallii, III., believe she is dying.
Tbioiigb counsel the Chicago pack
ers Indicted ror violation of the Slier
tiiiiti anti-trust law have pleaded not
guilty. Their trial Is Bet for Novein
ber 20.
Monslgnnr .lohn Henry Tllinti. for
mer cl'imcellor ofthe Wichita Catholic
diocese, was consecrated bishop or
Lincoln. Neb., at the pro-cathedral at
Wichita, Kas.
Within a shoit time plans Tor reor
ganizing the Htindurl Oil company of
New Jermy will be announced. The
company, it Is said, will undergo com
pleti. ('islntegratlon.
The International congress at Paris
lor the extension or the movement for
Juvenile courts adopted i evolutions
in favMi ol tln s.vstem or probation
pnictlc.pd In America.
Kepoils, apparently of an authentic
nature, aie in cliciilatinn that former
President Castio lauded fioni a motor
boat Wednesday at a ort near the
western end of Venezuela.
Hundreds of persons saw Peler
Pcterton, t!0 .wars old, lump from the
foiiiteenth lloor of the Carnegie build
ing In Pittsbuig to a hoirlble death
on the llagstoues ot the pavement.
The distinctive feature of the
Fourth of .Inly celebration at Santa
Fe. N. M was an hlstoile pageant to
comniemorato the re-conquest of San
ta Fe by Don Diego tie Vargas In UW1.
Prof. Heichell Parker of New York,
noted for his efforts to climb Mount
McKlnley, has Hailed for Valdez to
make arrangements for ascending the
mountain next February.
While on her wav to the hospital at
Des Moines to visit her daughter who
Is dangerously III, Mrs. Mary Wood
wind, aged sixty-five years, was run
down and fatullv Injured by an auto
Mistaking an ornate Fourth of .Inly
torpedo for a piece of candy, Simon
Fisher, a Chicago man, began chew
ing It. The ensuing explosion tore
away his Juvv, Indicting probably fatal
The Oneida County Savings bank
at Home. X. Y.. experienced a run by
depositors .Monday. All claims were
promptly met, accoidlng to the bank
ofllcers, who say no depositor will lose
A quarter million dead flies In one
heap, l.elug u pile three feet high and
live feet wide, icpresents the slaugh
ter wrought bv small boys In a fly
killing contest just closed In San An
tonio. Texas.
The government will renew the
light to dissociate die great coal car
lying railroads from their virtual con
trol of mines and thus vitalize the
commodities clause of I lie interstate
commerce law.
Manuel Quezon, assistant commis
sioner of the Philippine Islands, made
a stiong plea for the Independence of
his countrymen In a Fourth of .Inly
speech before the Tammany soeiet.v of
New Yotk Tuesday.
F.ngetv F. Wine. "Ironqulll." the
lamoiis Kansas poet, United States
pension commissioner under President
Hoosevilt. and one of the best known
lawyers in the west, died siuldenl.i
from heart disease at '"ascade. Colo
The count r.v south of Palonias.
Alex., If lull of i evolutionary bands,
who btyle themselves liberals, or lov
allsts. They are securing mounts.
provisions and money and Issuing re-
colpts In the name of the libera
party. (
The house of lords, by a vote of I'o'.'. i
to ll. has passed Lord Lansdow lie's (
i'luciidnient to exclude home rule from ,
the opeiution of the veto bill. War
Secretary Haldane made it clear that
the government would refuse to ae
ctpi the amendment.
The Fourth of July leceptlon at
Dorchester house by Ambassador and
Airs. Held was even more largely at
tended than usual on account of the
fact that a large number of Americans
who came over to attend tho corona
tlon are still in London.
Accompanied by fifteen ofllcers. Cll
cadets of the American training
squndron, which anchored at Kiel last
week, have left on a special train for
Herlin where they expect to remain
for several- days on a sight-seeing
tour of the German capital.
Knln Is much needed In the gieat
agricultural districts, and the Intense
heat In the Interior und northern part
of the country east of the Rockies is
doing much damage to crops general
ly, according to the crop weather re
port Usued by the weather bureau.
The damage done by the recent
Hoods in Bulgatla Is enormous. The
monetnry loss Is estimated at $1!0,000,.
000. .Many buildings were washed
away by the swollen streams and
crops and market gardens were ruined
in wido areas
Thirteen deaths Horn the old-fashioned
celebration of the Fourth or
July was the total reported in the
United States, according to llguies
compiled by tho Chicago Tribune.
The seamen's strike in England end
ed when the Cunnrd, the White Stnr
und other lines ngreed to recognize
the dockers' union.
Prince William Frederick, eldest
son of Crown Prince Frederick Wll
Hani of Germany, celebrated the fifth
anniversary of bis birth Tuesday.
The American society of Zlonites
proposo to buy 100.000 acres of land
annually In Palestine In order to es
tablish Jewish colonies In that conn
The reclamation of 80,000,000 acres
of b wu in p land In tho .Mississippi val
ley, 1,!i00,000 of which are located In
the stato of Illinois, Is the object of a
campaign started by the board of con.
trol of tho national Irrigation con
What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read-
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity,
Kencsavv. Flie swept through the
busliieiM section of the city causing a
total loss of ?I2,SOO. The Hie liioke
oat In Hershey's blacksmith shop at
I0:J!0 a. in., and although the clt
no llic department, the lire was kept
under control by means ol a bucket
brigade ror some time. The Hastings
department was called and came to
Keneaw in automobiles, but tin- lire
was partially burned out by the time
thc.v were able to leaoh this city.
Remains Brought Back.
WiMt Point. The remains or the
late D. W. Clancy .former treasurer
or Cuming county, who died at Port
land, Ore.. July l;i, llo. were brought
to his old home at West Point by his
children, and, after brier ceremonies,
Interred In St.. Michael's cemetery be
Hide the remains or his wire, who'dled
thlity years ago.
Crops Good Near Albion.
Albion. Crops In this county with
Tew exceptions are looking fine. The
oats crop is spotted and the grass in
the pastures is short,, but aside from
that the crops are good. The wheat
crop will be above average and Is ripe.
Corn Is exceptionally good, being well
advanced und most or the fields are
Surprise for Rev. C. W. Wells.
Ong. The Rev. C. W. Wells, a pio
neer preacher in .Nebraska, was sev
enty years old Wednesday. Several
or his rrlends arranged a surprise for
him. A purse of over $25 was present
ed and an address was given by his
pastor and a response made by Rev.
.Mr. Wells.
Ranchmen Bound Over.
Valentine. Kenneth Murphy, Hurry
Heath and Alma and George Heed,
charged with the murder or Charles
Sellers on a ranch near Cody, were
bound over to the district coiut. They
are being held without ball.
West Point will built a $13,000 au
ditorium. Work has begun on the new water
works at Wolbach.
The contract has been let for the
erection or the new Cheyenne county
court house.
James Alellk. a Wllber boy, was
killed by the accidental discbarge ol
u shotgun he was handling.
The bond election for the erection
and equipment of a new school build
ing at Sutton carried by llli majority.
Plans have been finally completed
for the Biokeu Bow Chautauqua, which
will begin August S. It will last u
The people of Je-rrerson county aro
considerably Interested in a proposed
new automobile road lrom Oklahoma
City to .Minneapolis.
Carl Alattson, near lloldrege, had a
root nearly taken off when a fractious
young horse caused him to fall in
front of the sickle bar of a mowing
During a thunder shower the barn
of F.mnn Sknla, a farmer living near
Howells, was struck by lightning and
burned to the ground with six horaeH
and several head of cattle.
The Illustrated and attractive pros
pectus of the Nebraska Kpvvorth as
sembly is now available to all who
will send their address on a postal
to President L. O. Jones, Lincoln.
Director K. S. Luse and .Mrs. Luse,
who have been at the head of the
Whltcomb conservatory or music of
Doane college at Crete the pust four
yearB, have resigned their positions at
the college to accept similar positions
at the state normal school at Spear
fish, S. D.
The E. G. West elevator at Gothen
burg was burned to the ground, to
gether with a half car of grain. The
loss will be about $7,000.
A fire which started from a gasoline
generating lamp in a pool hall at
Dunning destroyed nearly half the
business part of tho town.
A kernel of corn stuck In his throat
caused the death of Carroll Porter, tho
four-year-old son of .Mr. and .Mrs. W.
J. Porter or North Platte.
Five prisoners in the county Jail at
Beatrice made an unsuccessrul at
tempt to escape but were dotected by
Sheriff Schelek In the nick or time.
An electrical parade on the order of
the parade or the Ak-Snr-Beu pageant
will be one or tho features of tho Ger
man day celebration to be hold In Lin
coln, probably September J7 nnd 28.
It. X. Weed, whllo excavating a eel
lar at Wolbach was seriously Injured
by (he ground caving In. Ho was
taken out unconaclQus and It was
found that he had several ribs broken.
.Mrs. J. A. Ollls. wife of State Sen
ntor OllU, was badly bruised up when
an auto i oiled down a thirty-foot em
bankment near Ord. Her two daugh
ters and a son in the car with her
were nlt'o mere cr leas in lured.
Work of making the state auto high
tray has begun, and will be pushed
j to completion. Some of the section
are ulrend completed.
Lee It. Hurst, a grand Island rail
road man, was thrown rrom a car and
lost a leg, besides being otherwise sci
verely bruised up, It Is thought lif
will recover.
Dollar gas, Omaha's dream of the
millennium. Is In a fair way or being
icallzcd. The city council has passed
the ordinance fixing that as the max
imum pi Ice to consumers.
John Alnley. nn old time and very
prominent citizen of Farnam, died
very suddenly of heart failure. He
had attended a ball game and died s
short time after returning home.
The bodies of three men were found
In a llitiifngtou car of heavy bridge
lumber at Seward. It is supposed
their lives were crushed out by the
shilling of the lumber In the car, as
two or the men's skulls were crushed.
Jerry Stces, roadniaster of the St.
Joseph & Grand Island, with lieadquar
tus at Hanover, lies badly Injured in
a hospital as the lesult of n head-on
collision between his railroad motor
tricycle and an an Incoming St. Josep)
Priests or the Lincoln diocese are
making plans to present an automobile
to Bishop-elect Tlhen upon his ai rival
In Lincoln. July 1!. According to pres
ent arrangements, the motor car will
be presented to the new bishop whoi
,he steps frtiin the train.
Vandals entered the Overland thea
ter -at Nebraska City, broke open the
sure, at i en ed the contents over the
floor, look the house tickets rrom the
lack, tore them up and poured Ink on
them und destroyed many valuabl
papers and other property.
The board or directors or tho Grand
Island Chautauqua association has de
cided to cancel all engagements and
no assembly will be held this year, II
ever again In tho future. The efforl
has never received the support to
make It celf-sustalniug.
Bemlce .Mink or Alnsworth was nl
most Instantly killed when u piano fell
on him. He was standing In a wagon
steadying the piano when the wheels
went into a hole In the road upsetting
the piano and pinning .Mink tinder
ncuth and crushed his right breast.
The Nebraska supreme court hai
confirmed tho right or W. J. Furse
appointed railroad commissioner to fil
a vacanc by former Governor Shal
lenberger. to retain the office.
George W. Kline, a well knowi
Lincoln newspaper man, was electee
secretary of the state university
alumni association at a recent meet
lug of the board of directors. Air
Kline has accepted the tender ami
will take up the work August 1, giv
ing his entire time to the development
or the association under the plans ror
reorganization adopted at the annua) i
meeting June 14.
Inspector Hurniev at the lood com
mlBiiloner's oirice was at Ohlowa Sat
urday Investigating the conditions
there with regard to eggs oifrred fit
sale and shipment. He round that he
merchants aro all candling eggs ar,.l
the runners are oiterlng row that fail
to pass muster. The inspector candle I
n large number to satisfy himself nnd
found the number of bad ones very
small. Tho dealers told him they are
pleased with the new system and Ilia:
it brings them a better price for eggs
The rood commissioner's ofllce hat
word that some dealers over the statu
are still selling eggs by case count.
Where this Is done and some or the
eggs prove to be rotten, the merchant!!
will bo liable tor prosecution.
To Hold G. A. R. Reunion.
Pierce. Arrangements tor the North
Nebraska district G. A. It. reunion at
this place rrom July 11 to 15 are about
completed and from the communica
tions being received from all over the
district there will be a record break
iug atieudance during the entire week
Tbe committee has secured as speak
ers, Governor Chester H. Aldrich, ex
Senator William V. Allen, Judge Jacot
Fawcett, ex-Governor Shallcnberger,
V. II. Free, and others.
State Bank Deposits Decrease.
Tho quarterly reports of the state
banks in Xebrnska show a decrease ol
$2,L,18,084.13 since February 17 of this
year, when the previous report was
made. A compilation of the reports
of the condition or the state banks
at the close of business June 1 has
been completed by Secretary Royse of
the state banking board. It shows that
on June 1 the total deposits in state
banks was $71,886,48.1.10. Last Febru
ary the deposits aggregated $74,1 05,
4C7.29. One year ago they were $76
"Farmers can increase the yield of
com ten bushels to the ncre," Bald
Secretary Mollor of the state board of
agriculture, "if they will continue to
cultivate their corn every week from
now on. They have the cleanest fields
now that I ever saw In Nebraska, but
they will make a mistake If thoy cease
cultivating. By much cultivation from
now on nnd the constant stirring and
pulverizing of the ground the farmers
will bo able to make up what they
may loso on a short crop of small
grain. I hope farmers who grow eori
will try this experiment this ycr.
Cures all blood humors, all
eruptions, clears the complex
ion, creates an appetite, aids
digestion, relieves that tired
feeling, gives vigor and vim.
Get it toihv In tistinl liquid form or
chocohtod tnblcts called 8ar9ntnbB.
Piece of Humor That Lifted Diffident
Professor to the Highest
Summits of Joy.
It Is told that after Professor Ay
toun had made proposals of uiairiugo
to Miss Kmlly Jane Wilson, daughter
of Christopher North, ho was, jib a
matter of course, refened to her
rather. As the professor wan uncom
monly diflldetit, he said to her:
"Emily, my dear, you must speak to
him lor inc. I could not Ktimmon
courage to speak to the proBor on
this subject."
"Papa Is In the library," said the
"Then you had better go to him,"
said the proiessor, "and 1 will wait
There being apparently no help ror
it, the lady proceeded to the library.
"Papa's answer Is pinned to the
back or my dress," said' Miss Wilson,
as she reentered the room.
Turning around, the delighted suitor
read these words:
"With tbe aiithor'8 compliments."-!
Edith Papa wouldn't let me marry
Mr. Stingy because he smokes such
cheap cigars.
Kd ward He can't say that about
Kdlth No, ho says y?u smoke toa
expensive ones.
Heathen Nations Invent Nothing.
Bishop Thoburn, who has been n,
missionary in India for f0 years,
and knows India better than nny other
living American, says: "If you visit
the patent ofllce at Washington, you
will see six hundred Improvements on
the plow. India hns not Invented one
improvement on the toothpick in two
thousand years. The nations without
God have no Inventive faculty. They
are almost universally the savage, un
enlightened nations of tho earth."
The Urgent Need.
She (flattering with eyes and voice)
Arthur, denr, I find that we still
need a few things to make our little
household more serviceable.
He- What one thing, perhaps?
She Well, for instanco, we need a
new hat for me. Harper's Bazar.
When He Quit Coffee.
Life Insurance Companies will not
Insure a man Buffering from heart
trouble. '
The reason is obvious.
This Is a serious matter to the hus
band or father who Is solicitous for
tho future of his dear ones. Often
the heart trouble is caused by an un
expected thing and can be corrected if
taken in time and properly treated. A
man in Colorado writes:
"I was a great coffee drinker for
many years and was not aware of the
injurious effects of tho habit till I
became a practical Invalid, suffering
from heart trouble, indigestion nnd
nervousness to an extent that inado
me wretchedly mlstrablo myself and
a nuisance to those who witnessed my
"I continued to drink coffee, how
ever, not suspecting that It was the
rause of my ill-health, till on applying
for life Insurance I was rejected on ac
count of the trouble with my heart.
Then I became alarmed. I found that
leaving off coffee helped mo quickly, so
I quit It altogether and having been
attracted by the advertisements of
Postum I began Its use.
"Tho change in my condition was re
markable. All my aliments vanished.
My digestion was completely restored,,
my nervousness disappeared, and,
most important of ail, my heart stead
led down and became normal, and on a
eecond examination I was accepted by
tho Life Insurance Co. Quitting coffee
and using Postum worked the change."
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek., Mich.
"Thero's n reason," and it is ex
plained in the little book, "Tho Road
to Wellvlllo," In pkgs.
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