The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1911, Image 6

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I 1
KedClovnl - - Nebraska
FUBiiiHiiiiij i:mi TiintMm
nterel In the I'nMoiIlre nt, U1fl"'l. f'
nf 0niid CI Mutter
C It. UAblv
ONLY ll M II Mil' I'M'llt IN ni'M v
Political Announcements.
The columns f the Chief in e open
for 1 . f-r L i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii(Hertisements of nil
Minis. I'iiinli'liitr's. i t-ui dli'ss of party
allllliillon, iif' vw'li'iiiiio t''i",
columns- l'i lee f aiiiioiineenieiil, S."
.JUK'ii: lilsTKlUT Cdl'ltT.
I In nlij iimioiiiiu licit I Hi" t umlliliite
li.r niiiiililiilliiii t" tli iilllt-e (it I ml tie "I tin
I'Mrli t Court "I Ilic li nlli IihII" liil lWtrlrl.
Hlilijed tn tin ili'i'Mim nl lln- Iennt-r.-ille
mill PriipU i liHli'puiili lit Miters ut thi-prl
nmr.v tin lion on Snitu-l Kith. lull.
II llin x. IHM.W
I.liinli.v iiiiniiuuM- mwlf ;t i-iiiulliliite foi
lilt' IKIIIlllllltlllll III IIHIIlM Slip! Illlll lllll llliil
U'lntll I lllltltj Mllljtll lo Hit will "' Hi'-
Demoeriitle ami I'mpli Iml'l" l ut I""'
tlmattlit I'llmiin iiniinii in hi- In hi
t;itil l. I'.lll.
CI III I-.. HillNM'iN
Ki:u Ci.oun, Nr.uit., July ilth, lilll.
The Honorable Hoard of County
Commissioners, met pursuant to ad
journment. Itembcrtt present, I-. V.
Nohmldt, U. Ohmstede, T. .1. Chaplin,
andd.W. Hummel chairman of said
Hoard, Paul Storey absent.
In the matter of the scltleing up
with the borcrui county olliues, the
Chairman of the Hoard appointed Paul
.Storey, (!. Ohinsteile and (1. V. Iluin
mel as a committee to .settle up with
the County Treasurer and h. F.
Schmidt ami I'. .1. Glinpllit. as a com
mittee to settle up with the County
Clerk. Cleric of Distiict Court, Count,;
Supt , and County Judge, and the fol
lowing uaiiied rotuiiiissiuiier.susa com
luittee to check up the books and ac
counts of the sheriff, vl 1j. 1-'.
Schmidt, li. Olimsteile. (.!. W. Hummel,
thcicupou the Hoard adjoin ueil to
committee work.
.lulysth. Tlie lioaul met piu.suaiit
to adjourn men fuller having completed
t heir committee oi Ic.
Tothelioaid of County Coinmiss
ioner.s: We your committee appointed
to settle up with the County Clerk,
County Judge, County Sup't , Cleric of
District Court, ben leae to icport
thatwelind the books anil accounts
to eonespouil with the lepoit of the
several ollleers as tiled In tin- County
Cleric's olllee for the lit st half of the
ensuing war.
Committee I,. 1 Schmidt.
T. .). Chaplin.
To tlm Ilonoiablu lioaul oi Cmiuty
t'ommissloneis: We your committee
appointed to settle up with IhesherilV,
ilnd that hi, books and aeeounts cor
tespoud with his icpoit as on tile in
the County Clerk's olllee.
( I.. F Si njiinr.
Ctimmitlee i (J. V. Hi mmi i
( (! Oinitfi in..
The lioaul of County Commlsjslouuis
wo your committee appointed to check
up and settle with the County Tieas
urer, beg leinc to icport that we Ilnd
his hooks and aeeounts, lo eorie-poiul
semi annual statement as tiled in the
County Uleik's olllee Tor the llrst half
of the current year ami also that the
depository banks for the county liuuls
erlly a- tn the amount on deposit. In
their sueral batilcs ns shown by his
(the tieaMiici's) liank books oT deposit.
Hespectifully submittetl.
Committee ")"' I'i'mmh..
Moved mid sueonded that the above
and foregoing report be and heieb
wreappiovetl. Motion cat ried.
IU:i Ciui-n. July 1. Hill
Kopuil nf (I. I). Hedge Sherlll' ol
Webster County, Nebr., for the liist
ami second ipiaiter ending .luue 501 li.
l'Ves for county work clKi. milage
ftir county work ell. ',"0. all oilier fees
HO'.i.Od, 11 No. ITT. all other mil.ige
Sl2.U0. Total fc'IOS Hi. Tieasiner UN,
No. 117 for fees collected on all woik
except county business attached here
to cMu'.UM. No Jailors foes on county
prlsloners oliaigeil or collected. No
claims lilt'd or collected on any county
work. Hespeettully submitted,
O D. Hkik.i., SluM-lir.
Approved July 7, mil.
( i. W. IIi-mmki
i . 1. .i I,. i
I - ' ' ' ' IDIIIM
( (5. OlIMsll HI1
Olllee of tlioCouiity.Supeiinteiiilont.
Ueil Cloud, Neln, July Iltli, l'.Ml To
tlie Itoanl of County I'oininissioueis.
Webster County, Neumann, snii
annual report of Institute iiiml, July
Ctli, l'.Ml, Keeeluts, Amount on liantl
.January 11, lilll, $l!l:i (10, received from
examinations fees from January fit On.
Total S: (12.(1(1 Disbursements, Vv.
auary l7tli, expeuso teaulioiH examina
tion Ht liluo Hill 82 2:., February 27th,
paid School Distriet No. 2,, May
J2nd expotise teachers examination at
Blue Hill, &).l(l, June 0th expense Hth
grade oxeretseH, ti'tUO; July o, balanee
i i
on hunl.tlKl ., total, flOJ.Mi
Respectfully submit led,
M vivi I, I) vv,
( oiintv i pi riutetiilent.
Approved July 7, JIM I
r. ,.!,., t i. F S' IIMII'I
Cnm.uijlec. Jr. .I.C.v.Mv
In tlie mutter of the toad p-tition
ol Thomtis A. Ijcouard and et a) peti
tionint,' the board for a road i oiniuenc
infill the not III east corm r of tin
noil lienst iii!irtei- of section i town I,
ratine 11! and ruiiliilil,' thence south
mo mile ami terminating at the south
east corner of the southeast fjiiatter
orscction ii, town I, laiiife VI in Web
ster County, Nebr , lo be opuiied for
Havel the )etitiou tlieicof was ullh
iliaw-u by tho petitioiiuis and in lieu
theieof Ada M. Arnold for and con
sideration of the .sum of SHOO leases
to tlie County of Webster a strip of
laud Id feet Wide oil of the west side
of section ., town I. i-miko li, for a
term of J yeais to be used as a public
road as hid forth in lease as executed
by said Ada M. Arnold to County of
Webster and I ecorilcd in the records
of Webster County, Nobiaska.
Moved and seconded that the County
Clerk be and is hereby instructed to
draw a w'ai i ant in favor of the said
Ada .M. Arnold in the sum of SI 1 uu in
payment of said lease for the full
teiin of 7 ,eais. .Said warrant to be
drawn on the general fund of the !!Ml
levy. .Motion can icd.
Moved and seconded that the Coun
ty Clerk be and Is heieby instructed
to draw a warrant on the Keiieral fund
in favor of Puller A Heiinctt for the
sum of t'J.'t in payment for a deed of
conveyance, to the county of Webster
of the following described real estate
to-wlt: part of lot 1, in block lit,
Covvles, Nebr., as surveyed, platted
and recorded said parcel laud to be
used lor road purposes. Motion carr
ied. State of Nebraska, Webster County
I, Geo W Hutchison clerk district court
do hereby certify that I have col
lected the following tees in my ollice:
January .? 17.00, February r8." 80 March
SlJil.UTi April $12 May, iJ.VJ.'JO.IuiiefUS.
10. Total $171.35. Geo W. Hutchison
Clerk of District Court. Approved
July 7, 11)11, -Committee T. J. Chap
lin, L. I' Schmidt.
Scuii-atmual report of fees collected
by .Indue ftl-mii: January fl'JII.O.'i, Feb
ruary !W!l 10, Mar. $,'(i.70, April $1H2.5'J
May 127.55, June $10(5 05. Total
$75 1 SO.
State of Nebraska Webster County)
s.-i. I, I. W. Ktison County .Iiitlgu in and
forHuid County, do hereby certify that
the forRoinn is a true and complete re
port of the fees collected in this ollice
for tho period specified. Given under
my hand and the seal of the Court at
my ollice in Red Cloud, this Gth day
of July A. 1). 1011. l.W. L'dson, coun
ty judge.
Approved July 7th, 11)11 Committee
1 F. Schmidt and T. J. Chaplin.
Semi-anntial report of 10. W. Ho3s
county clerk, Webster County, Nebras
ka, commencing January 1, Kill, and
ending June :10th, l'.Hl. To theHonor
ablo It mrd of Commissioners, Gentle
men, I beg leave to submit to you my
repot t ol fees as follows: January
$117.10 February $148 15 March $211 10
April ?l:!2 70 May $t0! 1)5 June $75,110
Total fees collected $i2:i s'. Disburse
ments paid J. J. Gurhcr Deputy 1150 1)0.
Ollice expense 2 til!. Total unit p.iid
out $i:i2.(')(i.
State of Nebraska, Webster County,
ss. 1, F. W. Ross, County Clerk, in am!
for Webster County, hereby certify
that the above is n true and complete re
port of the fees collected, and of dis
bursements in my ollice from Jauuarj
1st, 11)11, to June :50th, 1911, nclusive.
Witness my hand and oflicial seal tins
1st day of July. 10. W. Ross County
Cleik. Approved July 7th, 1011, Com
mittee, T. .1. Chaplin and L. F. Sch
midt. To the Honorable Hoatd of County
I'cmmissioncrs, Gentlemen, i hereby
resign the otltce of deputy assessor of
Red Cloud Fret, of Webster Co., Ne
braska, to take ellect this Cith day of
July, 1011. Respectfully submitted
J. F. Drain.
Moved and seconded resignation lie
accepted, carried.
Hladen, Nebraska, July 7, 1011 To
tho Honorable Hoard of Cointy Com
nisaiuners, Red Cloud, '.Gentlemen; I
hereby tender to you inv resignation
as Justice of the Feace for Glcnwood
procinct J. R. Horn
Moved and seconded thut resignation
be uccepted. Carried
The following claims were allowed:
On the general fund:
11. .1. Maurer $515 50
II. C. Scott HI 25
1'. J. Chaplin 12(5 GO
John Marker (5 00
.1 ohn Oshom G 70
Henry ("rowell t 00
Connie Starke GOO
Tom Fell. 8 20
J as Hutler G 00
Ancil Crabil 4 10
' lircd Muck h 20
I C. Siebrans s 20
Murk Reeves....
A. J. Urown ....
Jaa McCracken .
W. W.Warren..
Edward Wratton
Wm Norris
Ed Payne
Eli Hou'chin
J. V. CummiiiKH ii 10
Mert Wheat 8 40
Frank Stokea , r, 80
ChaB Renkel (i 90
Nate Simpson G 00
E.T. Foe 70Q
Wm Reed ;j ao
Frank HutTer 20
Jack Wisccarver '. 4 10
Opening; Date, Saturday, July 1; Closing Date,
Saturday Night, July 22.
l Our object in conducting this sale is not profit, but to close out as quickly as pos
sible, Regardless of Profit, all Summer merchandise, in preparation for Fall
J Such price reductions as we offer is an object for you to buy, not only for your
present requirements, but in anticipation of your future needs.
"Seeing is believing" we will show you.
Women's Shirt Waists
Fancy embroidered effects, fancy
plaited Lawns, plain tailored styles,
suitable for fall,
20 per cent reduction
4-4 Unbleached Muslin
The best 4-4 unbleached muslin
in the market at the price,
6 l-2c yd.
Amoskeag Ginghams
Assorted size checks and colors,
all new, clean patterns, and the
best apron ginghams at any price,
at only
Lawns, Tissues, Batistes, Flaxons,
Lykelinens, Mercerized Poplins,
India Linons, are all priced at lib
eral reductions.
! ;jf values imw .. ... He
l fie values now I'.'e
l-e values now lie
Joe values now I'Je
2."c values now -0e.
:iie values now '-.'-ic
Ilric values now '.'Tc
One lot, widths up to 1 0 inches
One lot 18c yd.
Balance embroidery slock 1 -5 off
We have just received a very
large sample line of handkerchiefs
and have marked them all at man
ufacturers' cost.
Silk Gloves
A Special Lot
Assorted colors, all sizes
One-half price
tJThe prices we have made on these many lines, as' well as others in our stock, will
surpass anything in the way of value giving
The Town Has Ever Known
riii t iw
l he iviiner Drotners
Albert Gooden 1
J.J. Garber 1
C. Leualer. -
G. W. Hummel 127
G. Ohmstede 1U
C. C. McConkey
E. B. Goble
C. It. Besse
On the bridge
Chicago Lbr Co
Amboy Milling
C. S. Fulwider
Wm Caatella
Henry Clauson
CG Pitnev
L. F. Schmidt 1M 20
Charles Peterson 70
Wm Davis -. 20
Wm Robertson 0H0
Len Aultz I 00
Mike Flessner ! 20
WmHotrman I 00
Joe Herburger 1 00
It S ProudtU Lbr Co ."20 (ill j
M Flessner 17 00
V. S.Hall 187 82
Eugene Emcrton 10 00 i
Smith County, Kan 009 05
L. S. Vice 5 00
7 no
8 20
(5 10
(5 10
8 :io
ti DO
:i co
7 GO
L. S. Vice U00
A. J. Vice 00
Saundora Uros 829 40
On the poor fund: ,
Yance Sorgenaen 26 00
On motion Board adjourned to Aug 8
E. W. Hon, Co. Clerk. i.
Banks &2o
we now commence: our
Fancy White Goods
you can not pass
20 per cent Discount
4-4 Bleached Muslin
Absolutely the best bleached
cottons at
7c yd.
Toile Du Norde and M. F. C.
The world's best I 5c ginghams,
during this sale at
I2c yd,
In various sizes, all specially priced
for this sale. Smith's Axminstcr,
9x12, $25, during the sale,
Women's, Men's and Children's.
The stock is somewhat broken
in sizes, but we have none
but up-to-dale styles and can fit
you with the latest goods in the
20 to 33 1-3 per cent discount
Ribbed Underwear
You can keep cool in a Munsing
Union Suit. There's a right slyle
and size here for you. During
our clearance sale,
20 per cent discount
Mighty Safe Place to Trade."
-1 10
1 10
-1 10
I am a
fund: i
221 50 1
Co -10 84 .
109 70 I
10 2.r!
(i 3S i
17 00.
C f di&t ga E Ff &
Sheer White Waistings
Representing the seasons best
20 per cent reduction
Valenciennes and Torchons, a
dandy lot, specially priced,
All China and Habutai Silks in
staple colors, regular 60c to 75c
values, at
45c yd.
Wooltex and La Vogue
Suits and Coats
and Buckingham Skirts, all up-to-date
styles, every one this season's
garment, going now at
20 per cent discount
Wash Dresses at special prices.
Beautiful, stylish, well made gar
ments, exceptional values,
25 per cent Reduction
Muslin Underwear
at clean-up prices. Muslin gowns,
corset covers, skirts, drawers and
20 per cent discount
Parasols and Umbrellas
The entire lot,
20 per cent discount
candidate for re-election to the
office of
and ask the support of the People's
Independent-Democratic electors at
the Primary.
i. w. EDSON.
.. : s&