1r CLEARING Shirt, Hat i Oxford Sale Now Big lot of Wilson Bros. & Ferguson & McKinney Dress Shirts worth $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, al . . . . Men's Tiger and Champion $3.00, 2.50 7 3-8 at $1.85 Men's Black Oxfords, 20 per Men's Tan Oxfords, Special price on Men's Suits, Fancies, Blacks and Blue Serges Cowden - Kaley Clothing Company Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers. Don't Throw Away Money By paying more APA than 9v" for 500 pounds capacity for this is the price of a BEATRI C E CREAM SEPARATOR Other Him ! Other Price The most sanitary separator built. The only separator supplied with a centrifugal washing device that overcomes all the drudgery of washing up the separator. tkfditcly Cninntte TkrMfkMt Beatrice Creamery Co. Uacoln, Nehr. For sale by GEO. W. TRINE, Agent, Red Cloud How About Your POULTRY 1 We have good facilities for handling Poultry and Eggs, and always pay The Highest Cash Price Your patronage solicited. Give us a trial. George W. Trine Opposite Postoffice, Red Cloud Bell phone, . . . Black 225 JULY A BIG on at Our Store worth $3.75, 4.00, 4.50 and $5 at $2.90 Fn m 9 y m aw SALE 75c hats sizes 6 3-4 to cent Discount. First Door North of Postoffice Swift's Premium Hams and Bacon John --THF. "Dutch Butcher" CATARRH 5v StMfcfkitf ' 0JMW IHki iv rnrprC1 Qi 9hJJ i-rt.tf .MjJ&fjff i 56 x& 34 'VCWYOBK1 Ely's Cream Balm This Romody'is n Spoclflc, Suro to Civo Sntlsfactlon. OIVES RELIEF AT ONCE It floan-o, hoothes, heal, ami iimti- is the ilisra-i'il meiuliraui). It emes ('utairli and drives nwav a Cold in Ihn lleol ipuekly, Rostores tuo Senses of Tatn unit Smoll. ijisy to use. ContaliH no injurtnus ilriis. Apiilluil into tho nostiils nml ulurhcd. I,ar(,'o Si.i, 5(1 i enla at nrnrui-tH or by mull; Trial Slo. 10 cents hv mail. ELY BKOTIIERS. 56 Warren St.. New York, DR. 8. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. BSUQli At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. For Sale JRlfiR - by - ?llllfflur Yost y KsVBlevI Political Announcements. Tin' columns of the chief uic open lor legitimate niheitisements of all kinds. Candidates, regardless of jmrty Hflllintlon, are welcome to use tliese columns Trice of announcement, $.". POKCOUNTV CLERK I hereby nnuuuticc niynelf ns n candidate for reelection nit County Clerk ot Webster County, Nehr., on Hit- llepubllenn ticket, (iilbjeet to the decision of the votcn lit the Primary KUetlon to he held A imust !. mil, K V. Hoss. FOR COUNT V CLERK f hen liy ant ounce myself nn n candidate for llio olJIce of Counly Clerk of M'elMtr Cniinty, Nehr., iiihjtct to the will ol the vot ersof thtrlicmorrsitlcaud t'uiplc's IliilcpciKt eiit I'arty at the Primary Klcctlon to he hehl Auk. id. Rill. v. it. ii.vii,i-:. FOR COUNTY CLERK Vt e have hi en iiutlmrled to :innoiiuce the naiueof (li Mun. II tori.uof Iteil Clotnl. for nomination M Countj clerk, subjiet to the will of the IH "mi rat ami Piupli-'s hull pt int ent voteis at tfe I'iIijcuj election Aumist 1'itii, inn. KOUCOINl'V(Li-;i!K Wearo uuthortul lo aunonnrc . (,. "-Iinimounsn candidate or uoinliritlon :is iinnit i'h ik sulijiet to tin- w in of tin re pnlilicau vulin a', the prtmurv elulloti. Ainin-t nth FOR COl XIV CLERK. I lieietij anuiiiiiKi iiiy-olf as a tat.ttidalf fur the nlllee of (cmtity eli rl of Webster niiinij . m nrusKu.siu jeei 10 uv m oi me Miursof ii.i.in.Kimu, ami wtopii-v lu.l.- I pcntluit parties at the military ilcitloulo lie hi hi Aumisi !-,. mil. ti. v. li v ii. l-'OR ChKRK DISTRICT CO CRT. I hi reli.v announi'e iu,tir ns u i".iiillil.tfe for theolllieof elerk of elm illstflel rourt. Hiilijeel to the will of llm lt;iiiiirt:itle nml Pi-ople's liulepiuikut oti rt at the prlm.iry elii tfun to he held AumM 1.,, lull. Knirii f MclCi'.ii'.ii.vx. CLKRK OP DISTRICT COURT I hereby announce ni.vsi'ir as a einirllitate for Clerk of the lUstrlct Court of Vi'ebutrr County, on the Itepiihllcau ticket, iiihjrrt to tht'ilcelsliin of the voters ar the primary eleetliiu to he held Aimust l.'illl.. PHI. ciiiv. i:. i: Kin i, f. FOR COUXTV TRKASURKR. Hi have lii'i'ii autluirli il to auuiiiinre the ' iaiuliil:ie. nf di n. . I I ni fur tluMillui i of riiunt) tteusiuel. illii i't to tin Mill uf the 11111111 rat ami 1'enple's ImlipeniUut li.trtlisal the prtiuaiv i In tlim uuust 1'ith, Pill. KOR COl'XTV TKRASLTRKR. We h.'we In n uthorlul to annniiee the eatullilaey of II. c. Wiiiiiu i, of Itiweiuont. for theollleeof County 'I'reasurtr. suhjiet to the will of the liemoeratle nml Peoples In ileKi)ileiil Parties at thciprimary elietinn Aiujust l.Mli. mil. FOR TREASURER We lime hecu authorleil to announce the eanillil.'icy of it. W. Knosr. for the oilk-e of iiiunty 'rreaHiirer. suhjeet to tit will of the Kepiihlleiin Mittrs at the primary election AUKiist loth. mil. FOR TREASURER We hae Ihcii authorleit to announce the name of . A. Arnold. of llltm Hill, for the noiiitnatiiin of County Trcamirfr, Hiitijt-et to the will of the fiemoernt and l'eople'ri Inde pendent voters at the Primary election to he held AtiKusi ir)t inn. FOR SHERIFF I htrehy announce myself-a i-andhlatc for the nomination of Mierlll of Wetwter county Hiihjeet to the will of the ItepiiMicnii voters, to he expressed at the primary election Aug. list l.-.lh, mil. (i. It. IIki.ijk. FOR SHERIFF I herehj announce inyNelfia candidate for thenomluatlouof.Nlierlll ofiWeliNter loiiuty .subject tn tin Hill of the democratic and I'eople'K Independent partii-H at the primary elietlou nvust I j. lllll. .1 vmkh MrllitltiK. FOR .SHERIFF I hereby announce mHell ns a candidate furSherltl of Webster County. XehriiNka. on the nemocrntlc ticket subject to the decision of the voters at the Primary diction to he held Auuust ir. mil. .1. r, Iteit.l.lKiK. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate tor the olllcnot Shcrltl'ol Webster County, mib Jcct to the will of tho- voters of the Demo, cratleand People'u lulependent Parties. .foK V. Cnow. FOR SHERIFF. I hcrubv nnounc. myself a cnndldale for the nomination of Sherlllof Welwter county BUbJecttolhewllliif the Itepuhllean voters, to be expressed at th primary election Au. tut Kith. mil. Vi. Woi.kk. FOR SHERIFF. I hcreb) Announce myself a i andldate fur the nomination of Sherlll of obster countj HiibJict lo the will of u Democratic nnd 1'eoplis ludepeudiut pnrtliwat the primary elielliin uUsl dill, lll. i:. W.l'opi kn. FOR SHERIFF I liinlit announce mjMlf a eauilliliile fur tin iinmlnatliiuof Mierlll of Wi bttr iiiunty siibjiet lothi will nf tin lusnocratli and ii. ....I. i...in , . . ... i .. ' ., ' . :,.v , V': :' .ir m:,r,l" tho l,,t WK aviation meet - - i " lit I I Ph. FOR COl XTY JUDllE iii.t i iin t , .ni mi...iuiif nth. mil 1 herein auuouuie mjulf ns it laudldati or i ounlj iikIl'i' uf ilmt.r i oiinly. Ne braska, suhjett to the will nl tho l.'Ui-turs of the In moiMtlc nud Peoplo's Indipeiultnt I'ariiesnt Hie primary miction to lie Ik til uuM 1Mb. mil.-. n. Uxs.m . FOR roiNTV CO.MMlasioNEU I Iiueby announce mjhelf n candldain for the nomination of (unty coinntlMloui'r of lomiuUsloui'i' District .so, I, imhjict lo the will of Hie People'i Independent and Ileum crallc parties at the primary election to be held AiiKiixt IV IHI1. Oko. II. Coos. ' FORIOFXTN COMMISSIONER I hen h. unuounti iny-i II :i ( .iiidliliiU (or tin nomination of I oiiuH ouiliiWslnm I n( i iiiumlssloiicr nlstilct mi. I, siibjicl to tin lll id the Pmple's hull pi inletit it ml Ileum cratlc piirtlcsiit the ipilmur.t ilicllim to In hi hi A timed I,, mil, . (, ltd i f i it i . J'OI: ROAD OVERSEER I herdiy announce injoelf n candidate lor HoiiiKKerHier of Itomt District No. .1. Web ster i utility, subject to the Hill of the Milt rs of the Republican pnrty. Wn.i. 1'istmt. Something About Our Chautauqua Talent Dr. Frank Crane: For several years preacher t the Chicago university; for seven years pastor at the great I'nlon church, Worcester, Mn-s.: for tvu years editorial writer on Chicago Tribune, a contributor to Atlantic monthly, Century and MedureV.: ait thoratnl poet. Ih (J. 15. Miigulre Has the dlstlne tlon of being the (list A'hite man to go up tlit Congo after Stanley came down for seven years an evploier in tlte wilds of Africa; his .lubiect.'-With an Iri-hinati Tliiough tlw. Jungles ol Afiiea." C. 1". Wheeler A globe trotter who has studied farms mid farm life in all parts of the world in older to pre-vnt ' The Rouanee of the Reaper" in an illustrated lecture. Taliuti lile story A white child. a mow a capitvc, a paleface savage ,.,,. i i, . . . . i i- i ,:a ,l,"t'1 ' Cutter, an Indian soldier. " "'' "'i u uiiiiuw,) prisoner, a mini eil wuiuleier a. converted savatre. anil now a widely read author iiiul Uhtin KUiMied leutrrer. Dr. II. V. Aduoii: For llvo yeimMin editor: for four yeat an iustruetor in law; for ten yt-urs pnstor of tlte lead InR church, 13im Moines, Iowa; now exclusively ilexoted to lecturing. C. V. Hurgdurfer: Simply a funny man. His advent was a joke, his MtV? is h joke, his demise will be no joke Lulu Tyler (fiittrt: Iinpersoiiator, render, inonolojiist, in repertoire. "Sky Pilot," "Xantv t ltltii-ll," "Mon sieitr HeatiLMlre, "A OihiuI Army Man." "A .Servant in the House." 'I'hi' I'lineeof India." tiov. Riehanl Vwte-t. es ifoveritor ol Illinois. V. X. Toiiipkiu h who has conducted many lare parties through Yellow stone pari;, will lecture on "A Trip Through tlod's Out of Doors, illus. tinted hv 00 views. Chicago Ladies' (Viehestra This or ganization is probably the hest of its kind presented by nny C!iuutiuiiim In America toduy. We do not liesi tate to say that this organization has no Miperior any where. Forbes.' Juvenile Pipe Hand: The company consists of sixteen musi cians, one htttnorht and entertainer, one lady bug-pipeaml soprano soloist. The program consists of baud music, marches, drills, reels, dances, etc. Ferguson Jubilee SlngerM The Dixies are acknowledged to be the leading colored company in America. On Sunday evening they will sing "The Messiah." Red Cloud Conucrt Band: Consists of twenty pieces v. will furnish free outdoor coneert.veaoh evening. Red Cloud Orchestra: Consists of ten pieces. Roth the concert band and orchestra are under the leadership of I'rof. Bet.. I'rof. Retz has a state wide reputation as a musician and leader nnd under his able management has given Red Cloud two musical or ganizations classed among the best in the state. Moving Pictures: The very best films have been secured, both in sub ject matter uud grade of lllms. At considerable extra expense the man agement has soured the oillclnl films of the Passion Play at Oberatnmergaii in 10 10. The til in is hand-colored and consists of three reels, each 10(H) feet in length. The first and second reels will be givcBinext Sunday evening and the third reel Monday evening. Tues day's subject, "Picture Lund'; Wed nesday's subject, "Damon and Pyth ias," first reel; Thursday's subject, "Damon and Pythias," second reel; Friday, "Frontier Day at Cheyenne"; Saturday, "Romance of the Reaper"; Sunday, "Ben Hur." The World's Greatest Aviators at Hastings Hastings. Xeb. When Olenu II. Curtlss brings his world famed avi ators to this city on July IS and 111, the whole of Central Nebraska's pop ulation will lie interested in giving them a rousing welcome, for this will ever big I I. 1 J I . O . IK 1 t 1 it iituti iii v-uui-iiii tM'uniMvii iiim in gest enterprise ever attempted by any eointnnrcial organization iu the cen tral west. The meeting is under the auspices of tlte Hastings Chamber of Commence, which will Insure all visit ors u square deal iu tho matter of giv ing a full, bona fido program of feats by these, ''bird men." Widow's Pension. The recent act of April 10th. 190g gives to all soldiers' widows a pension of 812 per month. Fred Maurer, the ttorney, has all nee essary blanks. on U - . fr "--" t ." i-jfK DIFFERENT BTYLEB is as anplicable to the ornamentation of a grave, on the erection of a stone, as it is to architecture. Your Ideas About a Monument will be carefully carried out on an or der given us. We study to please each individual pntron. DHTcrcnt Monuments for Diff erent Graves. ED. McALISTER RED ( Lol'D. XEBRASKA Bon-Ton-Bakery and Restaurant. Bread. Pies and Cakes made iu Rod Cloud from Red Cloud FLOUR. MEALS 20 CENTS ICE CHE AM mODA a CENT IfK Cheui 25 Ci:ir.s Pm: Qimut. Wk use artificial lit. made fiotn III teied wafer pure and clean. HUBERT NEUERBURG FIRE tnSURANGI: POLICY ilaJS Don't Delay Ordering a tire insurance policy from us a single day. Fire isn't going to stay away because you are not in sured. In fact, it seems to pick out the man foolish enough to be without A ril9E INSURANCE FOLICY Have us Usuo you a policy to-day. Dou't hesitate about the matter. The fire fiend may have your house down on the list for a visit this very night. MAHK WHAT I 9 AY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance, DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIBT Moon Block, Red Cloud In Riverton every Monday What It the difference between mo hone it farmer aid a thief? One rs the so, the other snlh the till! Ml IMsMUl ii. MENTION THE FARMER, WITH SITU A DIMIKPI TAIU.E CHARACTER, III I U'HE FARMER SIIIXES IX COMPARISON We Want All Farmers To Know That Wo Want Their Choice Fat Stock, Hides And Tallow. ton which We Pay the Market Price, In Cash L fZ. I (lllli" i . . .1 tmtibssmmmmmmmm0it smmmmmlUlmmmSmSiitr WM. KOON. 'lk 1 l-l I -A 6. IftM&iRPWW USSw-