The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1911, Image 8
Ts&i.'OHztimmMr' w t The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. A Complete Lino of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns In Queensware SXSSSSSSXSaSXTWSMSSS We arc also making a Specialty of the Celebrated s "A. B. CANNED tell Phono 102. Cm" GOODS Independent Phone 44 "Mayo" in Red Next Week Cloud Atkins 8 Barber vAvAvAvAWWWvA vAvAWa SUWPSON & MMW Successor To A. C. Bradshaw Exclusive Dealers In Hay. Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : : PHONEUJS YOUR ORDERS. BE1L RED 57 That Distinguished Appearance of Monuments is caused by the use of Pneumatic Tools. We use them, hence our letters are clean and well cut. Come and see. Overing Bros. (Si Company Majo Is ono of the fotemost exponents of Druuless Healing in tmi-iea His system of tteiitmctit is tliu result of long and cartful roentch. (hiving prnetlced medicine mid Mirgei'y in some of the largest ihnspitals of the world, he litis had iimple opportunity to study the niitiire utid cliHrncler of disease In nil Its varied forms. Mayo's treiittnetii is without drugs, medicine or surgl ealoii!riitloiis-r-hu has seen too iinnih reckless drugging and diuigeiuits surgery- There are other mid better ways ot curing the sick. Cures by Mayo Result of Latest Modern Research. Ignorant and bigoted people, those who are superstitious and fear to try anything new, tuny scoir at and disbelieve the stories told of the wonderful cures ulfectud without tlio use of drugs or surgery, but the fact remains that the cures are made Just as uhiittn-d and that they lire brought about in thor oughly sclentillc manner, being tlie result of the must modern thought and Investigation. Correct Diagnosis. It is a fact, well known to iinny, that huudieds of sulfeiers from chronic discuses are being or liuvo been treated for months, and even years, tor dis eases which they never had. Such treatment finally rendered them hopeless invalids. This is caused by the blind methods in use by many practitioners of the old school. To be able to inform a person what Is the matter, the nature and kind of disease with which he or she may be suH'crlng. is h wonderful accomplish ment, but it is one which cannot bo dbpenscd with, Prof. Mayo probably owes much of his murvelous success to the fact that he is able to correctly diaanosc each mid every case brought before him. He does this, too, without confusing or annoying the patient with a long list of questions. Owing to this ability he is able to at once decide wliettiec or not lie can be or service to the applicant. The thousands of persons who Lava come to him bear witness to the fact that he pointed out their exact condition, their aches, pains, and causes which produced them. Mutilation and Death How many thousands of women and girls are deprived of their woman hooddestroyed by the surgeon's knife, simply because the medical avdiser did not know what else to do Multitudes of people are made cripples for life by surgical operations and multitudes more are sent to primature and un timely grave. The Drug System. People arc being drugged to death. The drug system is a conspicuous ex ample of endless confusion and shows a frightful record of failure and disas ter. For centuries the hope of regaining health has been placed in drugs, but people are throwing off the shackles of superstition and ignorance and ure turning toward the more rational and common sense methods of natural healing. Few Diseases Incurable. Thousands of people sufferers from almost every known form of disease have been completely and permanently cured cases that bullied the most skillful medical and surgical praetltioneis people consider hopelessly incur able ure today hearty and strong the eillclciic,v of the wonderful Mayo Treat ment. The cases mentioned are selected from hundreds that have been com pletely ami permanently cured by the drugless method. Sciatic and Spinal Rheumatism, Spinal Meningitis Tuberculosis of Bone, Infantile Paralysis, Hip-Joint diseases, St. Vitus Dance, Complete I'aralvsis, Intlumution of the Stomach and Bowels, Maligitis Cancer of the lirest, Ner vous Spasms, Fits, Cancer of Stomach, Goiter. Illood Poison, Kc.ema, Asthma, Loss of Voice, Abscess of womb, Facial Paralysis. White Swelling. Gall stones Deafness, Blindness, Piles, Catanh. Hnv Fever, Rupture, Appendicites, Drug Habit etc. If you are suffering from disease of any kind and unable to obtain a cure don't miss this opportunity. Bring your wife and children, if they nrc sick. Come and get acqualted with Prof. Mayo and learn' something about his wonderful work. There is no charge for consultation. MHYO Will Be In Red Cloud At the Hotel Royal, One Week, Beginning "MONDAY, JULY I Oth. Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, : window Shades, and : UNDERTAKING s s s s s 1 Visit our immense store, inspect stock and get th our prices. We know that We Can Save You Money! AW A yvAAAvAWs'vAvA' vAvsA4 Whit Is the difference between an honest turner aid a thlet? Bon-Ton-Bakery and Restaurants Bgeiul, Pies and Cakes made in Red Cloud from Red Cloud FLOUR. MEALS 20 CENTS ICE CREAM SODA S CENT EsCjVR9"9iH HBBBBBBm m mw leu Cbeam 25 Cknth Pkii Quaiit. We use artificial Ick made from tit tered water pure and clean. HUBERT NEUERBURG RED CLOUD CHAUTAUQUA July 16th to 23d A Charity Chapter No. 17, Order of the Eastern Stars, meets at Masonic Hull alternate Monday's Mrs. Cort Potter. V. M Mrs. Kdlth Robinson,, Secretary. Cyrene Commandery No. It, Knights Templar meets every First Thursday. A. U. Kaley, K. V 15. Saunders. Recorder. Charity Lodge No. 5:1, A. F. mid A M. meets at Masonic Hall every 1st and :id Friday. R. K. Foe. W. M. A B Scllars, Secretary. .Red Cloud Chapter No 19. Royal Arch Masons meets every Second and Fourth Friday. D. W. Turnure, H. P A It. Selhirs. Secretary NlaWs Pens1R. The recent act of April 10th. 190g gives to all soldiers' widows a pension of 312 per month, r'red Maurer, the ttorney, has all necessary blanks. Semi-Annual Statement of the County Treasurer of Webster County. Nebraska From January 1, 1911 to July 1, 1911. R. W. KOONTZ, COUNTY TREASURER, RED CLOUD, NEB. One tills the soil, the other sills the till! VK D1SLIKK TO MENTION THE FARMER, WITH SUCH A DISREPUTABLE CHARACTER, BUT THE FARMER SHINES IN COMPARISON! We Want All Farmers To Know That Wo Want Their Choice Fat Stock, Hkks AMI TallM. FOR WHICH We Pay the Market Price, in Cash WM. COLLECTIONS Cash on hand January 1, 1911 .. 1007 and all prior years collected 1008 tax Collected . . UK)'.) tax Collected 1910 Tax Collected School Land Princ. Collected . . School Lond Interest Collected School Land Lease Collected University Land Princ. Collected. . . university Land Interest Collected. University Land Lease Collected.. January Appt June Appt.. . .... Miscellaneous Co. (Jen. Collected... Miscellaneous Co. Undue Collected. Fines and Licenses Collected Poor Farm Collected Interest on County Deposit .', Redemption , Fees .. 302 12 :i2 on 375 01 blH)10 38 io;i oo 2200 '.).- 70 in 32G6 1(5 710 91 2:ti 73 283 1 C2 I0.'iC 80 220 51 17 1)7 517 00 JI.VJ 0(1 535 :ti 3t3 07 21 75 DISBURSEMENTS State Treasurer $ 23570 70 County Ceneral Warrants G717 12 County Bridge Warrants 0(570 75 County Poor Warrants 1300 70 Soldiers Relief 129 87 It. It. Rond Coupons 600 1 0 School Honda 1329 09 School Diat. Order 38670 49 Commissioners Orders 1281 93 District Road Order 499125 Poll ReceiptB 60 00 Garfield Township Spec 507 75 Guide Rock Township Spec 1550 50 Inavale Township Spec 200 00 City and Village Treas 5707 48 City and Village Honda 1351 22 Refunds School Land Interest 5130 Redemption 359 42 Ollice hxpense 114 63 Commissions , 2133 81 Fees 2 1 75 BALANCES, JULY 1, 1911 DIFFERENT 9TYLEB is as applicable to the ornamentation of a grave, on the'erection of a stone, as it is to architecture. Your Idea About a Monument will be carefully carried out on an or der given us. We study to please each individual patron. Different Monument for Diff erent Graves. ED. McALISTER RKD CLOl'D, NKBRASKA CATARRH Total State General State University State Redemption School Land Princ School Land Interest Redemption University Land Princ University Land Interest University Land Lease County General County Bridge County Poor Soldiers Relief Rail Road Bond Commissioner District School Bond School Districts Road Districts , Bluden Village Bladen Water Bond Bladen Electric Light Bond Bladen Electric Light Works Blue Hill Blue Hill Water Bond Blue Hill Electric Light Bond ... Blue Hill Electric Light Works . Guide Rock Village Red Cloud City " Water Bond " Electric Light Bond ... " Works " Water Works. Special " Judgment Garfield Township Special Guide Rock TownBhip Special . . . Inavale 7019 75 1777 43 99 2106 72 196 51 7 90 J 548 36 312 28 138 66 3276 90 4 113 55 235 40 618 22 5232 41 3743 71 3S73 21 1696S 51 6715 32 115 3! 3SS 76 82 42 182 42 19 68 877 93 530 68 4 47 217 54 308 47 1652 66 557 00 142 04 122 17 117 96 116 34 70 36 335 16 83 77 SUM Mill 3 5 155SJ5 fl U t.C U U 35 ansa s ?1 2,2 HAY Everything Electrical G. C Bailey Electrical Contractor. All kinds of Elec tric repairing Bell phone, Black 20. FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied Into tho nottrlls is quickly absorbed. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. It 'leuiiMs hoothci, lu-aN and protects tho di-cn-i-d iiiemhmiio resiillim; from Outnrrli ami drivesaway a Cold iu the Head ipiicklv. Restores tliu Bensosf Tiwto aud Huicll. It is easy to use. Contains no injari'tiis drills No mercury, no eoeaino, uo iuor. phinu. The hoiuohold remedy. Price, 50 eonta at Druggists or ly mall. ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warnn St., Nsw York. (HhpnaMJ PERE INSURANCE POLICY r $ 163500 06 Total $ 99359 00 Total $ 61111 06 , IfV.?? iCrtSffJh?n!i ba,nnco on han(1 January 1. 11. Tho amounts collected and disbursed from January 1, 1911 to JUn Railroid BoCnd9oVuCtflUnding WoTuS" h IM1' "8 CorrCct t0 t,,c bc8t of m know,ede and belicf Subscribed andHworn to before me this 3rd day of July. 1911 k. w. uoas, r. ivoumy icrK. HniiJ ay School.. 1-rSlwinliiK By C. I). Robinson, Depty. Webster County, Neb. W..KOONT, County Treasurer, nouitsor.siutvict: atm. n.oiitr itcn bAIIIIATII HKIIVM'KS. . 10 A. M. II A.M. Clus nicutliiK I- M. KVKMMI l.'pwortli league . - - 7 I'. M. 1'rcnchlnu 8 I'. M. l'rayer meeting WiMnokduy ocnlnKKl'.M l,adlw AW Krldny 2 V. M. Your preHcncn Is rcqueuted nud a cordial Invitation Is extended to nil. K. N. TomI'ki.nh, I'aHtor. Don't Delay Ordering a lire insurance policy from us a single day. Fire isn't going- to stay nwny because you are not in sured. In faet, it seems to pick out tho man foolish enough to be without .1 FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Have uk Is-iio you a policy to-day Don't hesitate about tho matter. Tho lire llond may. have, your house down on t-ho list for a visit, this very night. MARK WHAT I BAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block, Red Cloud In Riverton every Monday DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J, S. tiMIQH At the old stand over the State Bail. Pfcoie 131. If Ll wtr Lvwt "J m