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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1911)
'imHmmwritt'm&&ils4lii i.tixftiiTA!''iit'ui)e-uttMrli!im.a-.-c. i wtttIw I'Qin A 1 TheChief C. n. J1A1.K, Publlnncr RED CLOUD NEBRASKA SAYS IT WILL REACT CUMMINS FEARS 80RRV TIMES IP RECIPROCITY PASSES. NOT FAIR FOR THE FARMER Politically Inexpedient and Improp. erly Drawn as a Tariff Law Disputes a Claim of Inconsistency. Wui-liliiKton, ). C Senator Oiim InltiK continued his nrKiiinuntu iiKalnut Canadian rcclpinclty to tho wnnte, but did not conclude. Me attacked tbn measure from tln standpoint not only or Hk alleged Injustice nnd polit ical Inexpediency, but on tin wound that It wan not propel ly drawn as a tariff luw. If panned In Its prevent Torni, Senator Cummins said, the tiKreeinent would give Canada the op tion of iucokuIzIiir one-half of It with out accepting It all. Senator ('uiumlnB Bald the pasHHgo of the bill would be followed by a slot in of dlHapproval against which the republican party could not stand. Mo declared It would be accepted by the agricultural Interest as notice tbut congress had determined that they were not entitled to the same consideration that la Riven to the other producers of the land. "No M'lf-rcHpectinK nation ran ac cept without qualification the Cana dian agreement in tho text form pro posed to tin," declared the senator, tienator Cummins declared he believed In tariff revision, "but mark my words," he said, "tho people, of this (Wintry, In their own judgment will know who Is responsible for putting Iho farmer into free and unlimited competition in what he sells, while still protecting the things that ho buys." Ncbraskans at Amherst College. Amherst, .'.laae. In the announce ment of prizes at Amherst college, Paul P. Good. M.I. of Wahoo, Neb., won tho second Hillings prize In Iutln. Thirty and twenty dollars are tbe prizes awarded. Young Mr. Hood also won the flist Walker prize, eighty dol lars, In mathematics. I'hlllp W. Payne, '14, of Omaha raptured tho' fcecond Armstrong prize, thirty dollars, for excellency In composition for freshmeu. Centenary of Thackeray. Ixindon. Many persons of prom inenco In art and literary circles and in the official world attended a dinner given by the Tltmarsh club ut the Charterhouse in celebration of the cen tennial anniversary of the birth of William Makepleco Thackeray. The famous novelist was a stndent at the Charterhouse In IiIh early youth and incorpciated his experiences there In several of his novels. Light on the Steel Trust. Washington. After two ears' In Vestlgatlon of the steel trust, Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner of corpor ations, lias laid before President Tuft an exhaustive report of bis tlndlngs. The report soon will bo made public at tho president's direction, ho the bouse committee investigating the ctccl trust may obtain the benefit ot It. Stanley Dam Is Fnished. nenter. The Stanley dam, the larg ist or Its kind in the world, which will furnish water for ' 10,000 acres of land north and east of Denver, Is finished and within sixty dajs water will be pouring Into the ditches. To build the reservoir 11,000,000 cubic yards of earth vere excavated. Taft Approves Bonds. Washington, President Taft hns tpproved an issue of fl,r00,000 llama Han bonds, tho money to be ntod in public Improvements In the Islands. The bonds will be dated August 1. 1911, and will bear not to exceed 4'a per cent. They ate payable at V. i ml of t hiity years. Forbid Castro's Landing. St. Thomas, I). W. I. In accordance tvlth instiiictloiis Irom tho government at Copenhagen all steanibhlp agents of St. Thomas have been untitled that tho government t'oihlds the landing on the island of (Jeneral Castro, the de posed president of Venezuela, If he ar il ves theie. Diaz Arrives at Norhelm. Norhelni, (ierninny. General Por tlrlo Dlu. has arrived here. He win accompanied by his family and will take tho euro at this place. Chicago. Tho reclamation of SO, 000,000 acres or swamp land in the .Mississippi valley, 1,500,000 ot which are located in the state of Illinois, is the object of u campaign started by tho board of control of tht national Ir rigation congress. Federal legislation will bo sought In urging the swamp land reclamation hill Introduced by HeurcEentative Uupro of Louisiana, Tho cnmpagn also will be n crusade 1o have tho iliO.OOO.OOO asked for the lljiifols deep waterway used, at least in part, fur tho draining of swamp lands. EVENTS OF 1HE OH SOME PARAGRAPHS OF TIMELY INTEREST. ARE BRIEF BUT TO THE POINT Urns of Events That Are Transpiring In Our Own as Well as In Foreign Lands Washing ton Political News. Washington The date lor the vote on the reci procity bill seems rather i emote. . I'icsldctil Taft has been assured that tho Nebraska delegation to the next national convention would vote for his lenonilnatlou. Senator Wflllam K. Month or Idaho as tho i tinning mate for President Tart In 1!HU Ik the latest political rip plo or the hour. Norrls Drown secured a victory in tho senate committee when It was voted to report tho Arizona New Mex ico statehood bill back for tho favor able consideration of the senate. The Hoot amendment, proposing a modification of tho wood pulp and print paper section of tho reciprocity 'bill, was defeated, after seven hours of debate, by an overwhelming vote. President Taft has accepted invita tions to addiess the Christian Kn deavor convention at Atlantic City, July 7, to visit the New York stute ralr at Syracuse in September and to slop at St. Louis later that month. Speaker Champ Clark issued a dell when he heard that President Tart proposed to veto any tariff legislation that might be brought to his desk for Approval. Speaker Clark asserted that the democratic party would rest its case with the people. During tho icclprocitj debate Sena tor Cummins attacked its construction most vehemently and also criticised the power exercised by the president to ncgotlute it and to bring It to the point of a definite agreement between tho two countries. Representative Pepper of Iowa Is re sponsible for a systematic effort being made to And out what candidate In the democratic party is preferred for the presidency. Having just com pleted a poll of his district it showed Speaker Clark far in the lead. Ily the terms of un order issued by the commission, every common rail way carrier will be required, after July 1, 1911, to report to the interstate commerce commission by telegraph, "any collision, derailment, or other ac cident," resulting in the death or one or more persons. General News A Ore at Uorderton, Ohio, destroyed property to the amount of $100,000. Lieutenant do Malherbe, a French military aviator, flew from Paris to Sedan. The new census of Australia shows an Increase or nearly a million In ten years. The German Order or the Red Eagle has been conferred upon J. Plerpont Morgan. Tho eighth annual convention or the Catholic Educational association is in cession at Chicago. Not less than 0,000 persons were In attendance at the coronation party In Huckingham palace. Lata Superior steamers were de layed several hours Thursday on ac count or a severe snow storm. Tho Oregon express, on the South ern Pacillc railroad, was hold up and nibbed at West Fork, Oregon. It is Mild tho central passenger asso ciation will nttack tho '..'-cent tare laws of Ohio. Indiana and Illinois. The Philadelphia brokerage firm of Normal MncLoitd & Co. has suspended with liabilities of over a million dol lars. Crop conditions In South Dakota are the worst In fifteen years. Wheat and Jther small grain are damaged beyond recov cry. A shortage of funds has been dis covered In the Oklahoma Mute audi tor's olllce, and ait investigation will be made. A severe wind, rain and hull storm swept over Washington Tuesday, caus ing such a disturbance that the senate adjourned. lxmlsville bus been chosen as the city to entertain tho next saengerfest of the American sacitgerbtiud, to be held In HM4. Farmers or Alberta have presented i memorial to the Canadian parlia ment saying reeling ror reciprocity agreement Is pructlcallv unanimous. The lit Ilov Sidney C. Partridge, fount') ly bishop or Kioto, .lupuu, has been euthtoned bishop of the Protest ant Episcopal diocese of Kansas City in succession to tho late lllshop E. H Atwlll. A body believed to be that of the Uev. Timothy Sullivan of Fort Dodge, la., was found In an overflowing bath tub In an apartment of a New York hotel, supposedly a victim of henit failure. The Swedish moll steamer Hor I., with 1!00 Stockholm excursionists on board, was wrecked off Korpe Islnnd. Five men playing cards at the so calleJ Editorial club in Snn Francisco, were covered by revolvers In the hands of two masked men who de prived them of money und valuables totaling more than $1,000. Edward Valentine Lee, the paymas ter's clerk who is alleged to have taken $48,000 from the safe of the battleship Georgia In Havana harbor, has admit ted his guilt, waived examination and was hi I1 for the grand Jury Indict-went. Misb Florence It, Cmhlng of lloston Jumped from the reventh story of a Itotel In San Francisco and wns In stantly killed. The Carnegie fund system hns been scathingly attacked by the National Catholic Educational association It bcsslori at Chicago. Four thousand additional dock hands have Joined tho sailors' strike at Liver pool and work at the docks is practl cally at a standstill. Three boys, all under fourteen years of age, were drowned In tbn Missis sippi river at Davenport while attend ing a Sunday school picnic, Tipplers and brawlers will bo barren from benefits In the new hospital de partment to be established by the lilt nola Central railroad at Chicago. The first championship tourney of the Western Archery association is be ing held at Chicago, and bowmen from all over the country are In ttendnnco. Colonel Harrison Power, an Amer ican oil promoter, is In London Tor the purpose or orjjanMiig a concern to consolidate the oil Interests or Wyom ing. An explosion in the corning mill or the Western Powder company at Ed wards, 111., resulted in the death or two meii and the demolishing or the plant. Effective July 1, rates on grain and grain products from stations In the Da kotaB will be advanced, the rise rang ing from hair a cent to L'c per hundred rounds. The movement to have this year's camp or the Modern Woodmen or America Incieaso the number or year ly assessments rrom ten to twelve was defeated. Two thousund gallons or water, re lented by a break In the tank of the stage of a San Mates, Cal.. theater, nearly drowned the members of the orchestra. An explosion on the oil barge Gulli ble In the harbor at Port Arthur, Tex., caused the death of one man and the destruction Jy fire of property valued at $200,000. A civil anti-trust suit against the periodical publishers' association, com monly called the magazine trust, will Ik? filed In the United States circuit court In New York. The Kansas City Navigation com pany's steamer Chester arrived, bring ing the first cargo that has come to that city by river from New Orleans In twenty-five years. Edward Valentine Lee, a paymaster clerk who is charged with taking $46, 000 from the battleship Georgia at Havana, was arrosted at Buffalo, N. Y., by local detectives. Tho shortage of butter, bacon and cggB, of which enormous continental suprlles are held up at Hull by the seamen's strike, is affecting the prices of provisions In England. The Spanish government has Indi cated to ex-President Diaz that it does not desire hiin to establish a residence in Spain until the popular reeling against him has subsided. "The secret of the destruction or the battleship Maine will never be known," says General W. 11. Blxby, chiet or engin'eera In charge of the work or raising the Maine. An elaborate banquet in honor or John Hays Hammond, the special American ambassador to the corona tion, was given In London under the auspices or the Pilgrim club. Disturbances about the plant of the Baldwin locomotive -works at Philadel phia, where a strike of more than 5, 000 men has been in progress for three weeks, arc becoming more frequent. The grand Jury Is hnvlng bard work to induce Mrs. McMnnipal to testify against John and James II. McNamara on the charges or murder In connec tion with tho Los Angeles explosion. Jefferson City. Mo. Many letters are being received dally by Governor II ad Icy asking that u day be set aside by proclamation for rain to break tho drouth which is threatening the crops. J. Plerpont Morgan has presented Emperor William or Germany with the autograph letter written by Mai tin Luther to Emperor Charles V, and lor which tho Ameiiian lately paid 125.000. Tho raniotiB Cunlngham-Alaskn coal land claims, through which It has befn alleged that the Morgan-Guggenheim syndicate had planned to control ono of tho most valuable fields In the world, have been disallowed. Mrs. Laura Alslp's contest or tint will of John "Lucky" Baldwin, alleg ing thot he was her father, and ask ing a daiightir's tmare of bis $11,000, 000 estate, has been dismissed by Judge Hives of the superior court. Iowa farmers on the Missouri bot toms complain that green-heud tiles lire the most numerous ever known. Thero are now 14,946,004 Sunday school pupils in this country, accord ing to the report of General Secretary Marlon Lawrence, read In the Interna tional Sunday school convention at San Francisco. Approximately 20.000.000 gallons of liquors are shipped by expreisi prin cipally from mail order houses direct to consumers In prohibition r.tutes. This was developed in an Inquiry con ducted by the Interstate commerce commission. The worst cyclone, known In years struck the coast of Chile, wrecking ships, boats and buildings and causing panics In many places. A massive chorus of 15,400 voices rendering German folk songs und other compositions was the big -reature of the festival or the thirty-third saen gerrcst or tho North American Saen gcrbuml at Milwaukee, Rebels in great force surprised and cut up a Turkish column commanded by Mahomed All Pasha outside Ghee sun, a town on tho Red sea. One hun dred Turkish soldiers were killed. Mahomed All Pasha is missing. MARRIED 60 YEARS MR. AND MRS. W. H. PARI8 CELE BRATED ANNIVERSARY. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What la Going on Her and Thsrs That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Paris felebreted their sixtieth wedding an iilvoisiiry with n family gathering nt their home in Auburn this week. Mr. Paris and Miss Alvlan Fraser were married In lowu In 1 851. Forty-seven years ago this couple came to Ne braska and located In Nemaha county, near Auburn. The Nebraska 3llo Company Wants to tell every farmer how to make one acre or corn worth three. Twenty acres or corn tliHt will produce fifty bushels per acre Is worth $."00 In the crib. The sume twenty ncres of corn will produce .'100 tons of ensilage and Is worth $1,800 in the silo. Have you a silo? The Hinge-Door Silo Is the" highest quality alio ever placed on the mar ket. It is built or triple "a" Washing ton fit the best material known for silo construction. It has hinge-doors the greatest improvement ever placed on a silo. Send for catalogue. The Nebraska Silo Co., Dept. W. U., Lin coln, Neb. Partial Failure of Suicide Pact. Falrbury. "Teddy" Brown and Miss Emma Cook, both or Endicott, swal lowed doses or strychnine, the former with fatal effect, but the latter appar ently regretting her net. saved her life by swallowing a quantity of suds, this being wash day and plenty of the an tidote being at hand. The young peo ple, who were supposed to be lovers, evidently intended to end their lives together. Arretted in Russia. Lincoln, Neb. Denounced by the widow of his alleged victim, Max Kulo wot off is under arrest in a village of southern Russia. He is accused of killing John Kurlchlck in this city July 8, 1910. It is said that Mrs. Kurlchlck discovered Max visiting his relatives and immediately notified the local police. Kurlchlck was brutally tabbed to death near his home in the bottoms west of Lincoln. "Horned" by Catfish. Fiiirbuiy. Jack Cutblrth Ic con fined to his home with u serious case of blood poisoning. He was fishing on the Little Blue river and landed n laigc- yellow catfish. The fish "horned" him on the light hand and blood poisoning set in. Received Electric Shock. Kearney Until, the flvo-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Scoutt, Is in n ciitlcal condition, the result of nn electric shock received from a vi brator while standing in a bath tub. The child remained iincoiu'ciotm for six hours after the accident. Friend will celebrate on the Fourth. Nellgh hou voted $10,000 for sewer age. Two gliiB were drowned In Carter lake near Omaha while in wading. Sterling is worrying about btirglais who are getting In their work there. A fund Is lielng raised with which to advertise the town or Broken Bow. Carl Atwood, a York boy, was seri ously Injured in an auto accident at Kansas City. Lightning caused tho death or Joe Alex, Sunday evening, near Champion, in Chase county. The poisoning of thiee horses on a farm near Jamestown In Dodge coun ty Is being Investigated by officials of that county. An electrical parade on the order of the parade of the Ak-Sar-Ben pageant will ho ono of tho features of tho Gor man day celebration to be held In Lin coln, probably September 27 and 28. Bethany citizens have organized a commercial club to promote tho growth of tho Cottier college town. A. It. Talbot of Lincoln was re-elect ed head consul of the Modern Wood men at the leceut session In Buffalo. During a light shower lightning struck on the Elsninn farm In Nemaha county, killing a colt nnd silvering n number of tolejhone poles in the vicin ity. J. C. Fowler, an aged resident of Lincoln, committed sulcldo by shoot ing. He was eighty-two years of age, und was formerly United Stntes mar shal ut Peoria, III. Thomas Cannon, nn expert machin ist from Kansas city, who was burned by ammonia nt the plant of the Bea trice Poultry & Cold Storage company Saturday, died of his Injuries. J, F. Losch, u prominent attorney nnd capitalist of West Point, Is seri ously 111 with a mysterious malady which baffles the medical men and which they appear unable to diagnose. Auroru is suffering from a scourge or tramps. They may bo round in the railroad yards by the dozens and scores, and pester tho citizens by ap pearing ut back doors und asKIng for I'iml 1 """" Calvin Gray, the twelve-year-old on of C. W. Gray or Callaway, was acci dentally shot in the leg by some com panions who were shooting at a tinge' with a .22 rifle. "Tom" Can-, convicted of the IlltcH sale of liquor at Lincoln, lias beer, tnken to Fremont to serve sixty dnyi In the Dodge county Jail. He was cou vlcted In the federal court. Arrangements ate being iitndo b the Commercial club at Cedar Bluffs to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniver sary of that place on July 20 Instead or the usual Fourth of July celebra tion. - Congressman J. A. Mngulre has nom inated Colgrove Reynolds of Johnson county for n cudetshlp at West Point Mr. Reynolds will accept nnd will go to Fort l4eavenworth for examination on July i". George Gelsler, the twelvc-yeur-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. George Gelsler, at Lyons, died us a result of Injuries he had lecelved Monday while riding n pony which rati Into a barbed wire fence. Mrs. Henry Stokesbary of the vicin ity of Aurora dro;.pcd dead from heart failure Tuesday afternoon as she wns carrying a lunch to her little boy who was working In the field. Three small children aie left motherless. Three bars' of silver and lead bullion weaning 100 pounds each was discov ered lying along tho Burlington tracks leceutly by a brakeman of a passing train near Bumham. They had been lost In truuBlt from the smultlnp works. John Friday Is undisputed mayor of Norfolk. Counsel for B. E. Coleman, the rival candidate. droped the legal contest against Friday's election. On recount In court they found Friday had fairly won by a majority of three to Ave votes. Conductor A. E. Pounds of the Northwestern Is lying at the Fremont hospital with a bullet wound in his leg as a result of being shot by Sher man Richardson of Blair. Physicians Bay that unless unloosed for complica tions set in ho will recover. A demand ror $10,000. accompanied by a threat to blow the place Into smithereens by a stranger who walked into the First National bank at Om aha, momentarily disturbed the routine of that establishment, but the stranger made his departure without making good on either item. Edward Warnes. 92 years of age, and one or the first settlers or Lincoln, died Saturday night at his home, 701 A street. Extreme heat brought on u sinking spell which resulted In his death. He was the first man to build a log house in Lincoln and was the oldest man in the city. o Twenty-five hundred quarts o oherrlea were picked from fifty-eight trees on the Union college farm neat Uncoln. This makes an average yielc of almost a bushel and a half to the tree. The trees are ten years old, and this is said to be an exceptionally good yield for trees of that age. Reformed spelling will be recognizee us correct In the state superlnten dent's department, and teachers using reformed orthography will not bt graded down or criticised, according to a letter written by State Superln tendent Crabtrce to E. Benjamin An drews, chancellor emeritus of the University of Nebraska. Dr. Andrews has long been a champion of reformed Fuelling. After August 1 the selling or colored distilled vinegar in Nebraska will be considered a violation or the law. The pure tood department Is now send ing out notices to dealers stating that tho time between now and then will be allowed them In which to sell off the goods they hare on hand which do not conform to tho new law. Stato Chemist Itedrern. after analyz ing samples or u intent medicine ad vertised to cute rheumatUm, has found It to consist of two cheap ingre dients, sugar and chlorate of potash. The directions Instructed the user to dissolve It in whisky or In cherry wine. The dope wns put up In small packages In powder form und sold a the rate of about $S per pound. The Platte Shirt company of Chi cago, which had a contract for convict labor at tho Nebraska statu penllen tlary anJ which Is said to be delin quent In the stun or $1,700 in payments to the state, hns telegraphed So ere tury ot State Walt that It will pay. The message also nsks the state board to cancel leu contract ror convict labar. The telegram asks the board to re lease the Platto Shirt company from Its contract "as per Information we get from newspapers that you had agreed to the proposition of our re lease." In a letter given to the press, Attor ney Oonoral Martin defends the action of the state board or public lands and buildings in locating the agricultural school ut Curtis. Ho claims thnt the town is tho logical place ror the new school, Is not inaccessible, and four kinds of soil are available for experi ments. Father Tlhen, the successor of the late Bishop Bonacum, will arrive In Lincoln July 10. A religious ceremony will be held at St. Theresa's procaine dral and a civic reception will take 4 place tb iam day. iiprrrimivmzYMJ AN INVITATION. JIHLLJ " ml Nfi NfflW jy k Vflftm. JtirTt 1 1 wfliliK. jl. vU mi Till HAif mm Jllfl ij fmm- Harry Nort I'm going up in un alr ship tomorrow. Flat man Well, drop In on us il you're passing our way, LEWIS' "SINGLE BINDER." A hand-made cigar fresh from tho table, wrapped in foil, thus keeping fresh until smoked. A fresh cigar made of good tobacco Is tho ideal smoke. The old, well cured tobaccos used are so rich In quality that many who formerly smoked 10c cigars now smoke Lewis' Single Binder Straight 5c. Lewis' Single Binder costs the dealer some more than other Dc cigars, but the higher price enables this fac tory to use extra quality tobacco. There are many imitations; don't be fooled. There 1b no substitute! Tell the dealer you want a Lewis "Single) Binder." Awful I Mrs. Willis Isn't it awful the way people paw over goods in a store? Mrs. GIIHh Shocking. I went over to the waist counter this morning and picked up every single garment and thero wnsn't one that didn't have the murks where somebody had been han dling it. SASKATOON wants agriculturist in nil branches. Poultry farmers, market gar deners, daily farmers and hng raiders are badly requited. Prices are very high; de mand great and supply trifling. This i your opportunity. Ilrtter write for pai ticulurs to Coumiitioner, Board of Trade, Saskatoon, Kaskatiitewan.Westein Canada. Revenge! "That fellow cut me out In a very underhanded way." "Yet you are going to the wed ding." "Yes; I may get a chance to soak him with an old shoe." Give Defiance Starch a fair trial try it for both hot and cold starching, and If you don't think you do better work, in less time and at smaller cost, return It and your grocer will give you back your money. Smoke Volumes Only. Architect (showing plumO This room will be your library. Mr. Newrlch My llb'ry? Oh, yes. of, course. I must have a place to smoke. Exchange. LADIES CAN WEAR SHOES one nice araaller after unlna Allen's Foat-E, the nllaeplle powder to be nhaken Into lb nbcxi. It maktb tight or new shoe (eel . Kttuu rohlituttt. For Fre trial package, ! dreaa A lieu S. Ulmaled, Vt Roy, N. Y. A half truth always seems more Im pregnable than a many-sided view; a liberal is nlwnys at a disadvantage in contention with n dogmatist. GOOD? SURE IT IS HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It's Good when the stomach is bad. It's Good when the bowels are clogged. It's Good when the liver is inactive. It's Good in any malarial disorder. TRY A BOTTLE TODAY AVOID SUBSTITUTES lM4ajrfctrwi IrMt. -- Mil til in. rr( cieta ornimrbUl renter lcDtchrap. Last II ifiMt, Lan'tfpiller Up over, win net to. or Injur any thin J. Gurjntrti cHtv,t lr. 0111 andtrto itnt pi r paid loi 70c runm.u -ma. IIO If Itlb iffe fMIIJft Jl.T. MEN Kidney trouble preys upon the mlml, discour ages and lessens ambl find liknlitu I'lnnn Otl1 AND nun , nruut, " - WOMEN 5i!Le?rfm:!!"" "" ,1,5: are out of order or diseased. For good re sults us Dr. Kilmer's Hwamp-Uoot Die great kidney remedy. At druggists. Ham pi bottlo by mull Irw, alao pamphlet. Addrem. Dr. Kilmer Co.. Blnghamton, If. V. GRAIN TANKS For Storing Grain Tanks ! all Kinds Write for Catalogue Columbian Stall Tank Co. MllW.12tkSt..uuiCltT,Mi. STCSIVS) VViRDnriara nude In tuitiMitL I'rtv. TiUcsraid Co Bo K. Washington, 1. U IUISYFIV KILLER KSaimTMnirKtnl sp48MHsflBin