The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1911, Image 5

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(ii'fiSV'- '-A5iSB ItoJif;-
-'")f"l M'
pw wsse
f ilK4i
The King' of All
Cylinder Machines
The new "IiKT" Columbia Graphophonc is the one
machine of its kind. t embodies the very points which
have made the great success of the Disc Graphophones.
Compact, convenient, shapely and simple, k is an
entirely new departure in talking machine design.
Plays both 2-nnnute and 4-minute records.
It has the famous Columbia Tone Arm and a big
flower horn. No rubber tube, no horn crane, no bora
stand and the horn swings in any direction.
Columbia Graphophone
Type "BUT" on Easy Terms
vl: a complete outfit i,f sK Cclumlfa Imlehtructible
Kcccis, uur own .selection- $37.10 on easy
( , i'klv turns.
' t ir tutMs $20 unJ $200, Jl the way .
Cottiig 0 Mitchell
.Inhii I'ulineky. wa in Hastings FrW
J.oe Keith was in Naponee Wednes
day. Dr. Cttnninijhani. Mentist, over State
John Tnlleys ot ldneoln was in town
Sheridan l'hares wiis in Hasting
this week.
Ed. OveriiiK' " . "s '" Wiay, Colo ,
this week.
All kinds of Kleetrieal woik done by
Morhart Hros
Ed Walter of Minden was in town
town this week.
Remember the Ham! Concert eveiy
Thursday evening
Frank Peterson was in Hastings,
Friday, on business.
Have your picture f ruined at Sloss".
Hest seleetion in town.
Nothing like White Loaf Mont for
making the best bread.
Adolph (loth letitrned home Mou
day, from southern Teus. He says,
the crops there are totally burned ui-
Farm Leans. i ' ",,,y to
make farm loan- at the lowest uite
and best, terms. I am sole agent for
Trevett, Mattis X Baker Some pri
vate money
.1. II. Ua'ley, lied ( loud. Nebr.
The Miner Brothers Co.
n. a. r.i;TSo.v, Jion
A Mighty afe Place to Ti
August, Kddie and Dora Drinkinati
leturned home Monday.
The .Misses MoICeiKhaii, are visiting
their mother at Lincoln.
Mi". Drew of Republican City, is
visiting her son Al Drew.
Mrs. Ida Blair went to ltosalie, Neb,
this week for an eUended visit.
If you want high grade cement get
the K. C. brand of J. . Caldwell.
Juek Masteis who was leleased by
Yoik, has joined the Kearney team
Fot Sale- A good sound old woik
Iiorse-UuO lbs. Cheap. Dan (Saiiiiku.
Itev. .1. M. Hates will hold regular
services at (irace eliureh next .Sunday.
Roy Uarber of Lawrence was In town
the lust of the week visiting Ids par
ents. Uhas. Starr was over from Lebanon,
Kas., Tuesday taking in the celebra
tion. Dr. Cunningham, Dentist, overstate
Hie .Miner uros. Co., store has just
received a new up-to-date line of hair
isalislled eustomeis are good ones.
All who use Aniboy White Loaf Hour
are such.
C. V. Way. the architect, of Hast
ings was transacting business in town
(,'has. S telle 1 1 ami family, are home
again, from a three mouths visit in
Huriy Hullcr ot Clay Center came
down Monday evening for a visit with
tils parents.
Clyde Whlttitkcr. Will Holmes and
Koy Teel left for California Wednes
day morning,
Allen lladell of Long Island, Kits.
is in town this week visiting friends
and relatives
Mrs Lodder and daughter, of Boul
der Colo., me visiting Mr. and Mis
A. U. Kaley's.
' .1. F. Crimes of Blue Hill spent Sun
day in Bed Cloud with his .ion, Xitd
Grimes and wife.
The Diamond KleetrUt Vacnm clean
er demoiisttated in your home dee.
Call Pholie Ked!)7.
Pete Wrlirht of Suiierior assisted
the lied Cloud band Tuesday by play
ing me snare drum
W. It Saundeis and son, left 1'ilday
for Lincoln, on business- connected
with the Chataii(ita.
Wanted A man and wife to work
on fat m. (iood wages to right paitits.
luiiitle at Chief ulllee.
B. M. Ileulty and sou tor (ieiieial
Blaeksmlthiug, Wagon Work,
shoeing u specialty. At Day's old shop
Chus Uaiber was up from P.sbon.
Kus., Tuesday islting his bi other,
ilohn (Surlier uud wife
The Misses lrma and Lena Vance,
leturned to Hastings, Ptiday after a
visit ltli relathes here.
Lloyd Bradbrook of Hruning was
down visiting his mother and taking
in the celebration this week.
Wall paper, paint, varuish, mould
ing, painting and papeilug cont i act
ed. Sloss, the Wall Paper Man.
The llnest line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. -Moi:iiur Uno.
Partus listed on straight commission
basis. Land list liberally advertised.
Dw (5 Mini i: X (Vmi',n, Chief olllce.
Mr. and Mis. Pred (Siuid of Bine
Hill visited her mother, Mrs. Miner,
Tuesday ami took in the celebration.
Dr. Cunningham. Dentist. over State
Prof It. D. Morit returned home
Monday, from points in Texas, where
he has been looking after liU interests
Improved alfalfa farm lauds in the
Great Republican Valley our only
specialty. Das t nm:it A CoSiimm,
Chief olllce.
Miss Daisy Hughes and sister Bulb
returned to Hastings Wednesday, after
spending the fourth with Oscar Hugh
es and wife.
Last Friday the Blue Hill ball team
came down and played our boys a
game of ball. Bed Cloud won the
game by a score of 5 to 0
Mrs. Novel Simmons, of Hastings,
who has been visiting at the home of
John Foster and daughters, returned
home Wednesday morning.
1 have started a bakery in Bed
Cloud and am prepared to deliver all
kinds of bakery goods to your home.
Ind. phone 1SS. Curt Hatfield.
The citizens' 4th of July Committee
wishes to publicly thauk the Music
Study Club and the baud for their
very etllclent services on that day.
Harvey Vincent, fortnely of Bed
Cloud, returned Saturday from Cuba.
He does not think well of that coun
try. He will uudoubtly locate here.
Tom Hewett and wife of Bepubllcon
City, parents of Joe Hewett, celebrat
ed in Bed Cloud. The Hewetts by the
way are among the oldest settlers in
the Bepublican valley, having home
steaded at Nelson.
We wish to announce to the public
generally, that we have the well known
Taylor Haueli for sale. This consists
of 510 acres, (i miles south east of lied
Cloud. This place needs no comineda
tion as it is known far ami near as the
very best bottom faun in Webster
County! W.Ti.Kiui v Kr.Nr.
It will pay all parts ot Nebraska to
make a tine showing at the Omaha
Land Show as by letting the Laud
Show visitors know whatoppoi Utilities
we have in this state we can gain
thousands of good citizens from those
who are leaving the east and seeking
new home,,
Foil Sue An exceptionally line
quailerof land V'Jj miles, from good
town in Franklin county, newly im
proved with large house, barn, 'double
granary and coriicrib, machine shed,
cow shed, Hue orchard and good fences.
Worth your while to investigate.
Price 110,500.
Ked Cloud, Nebr.
Flunk Henderson who lives in the
Veiser addition east of the old Keuua
lay place lost his house ami stable by
tire xuesuay. wnen tlie parade was
about half way around a quiet alarm
was given but us there arenohydrants
In that vicinity nothing could be done
to safe the property. The Hendersons
lost everything they had, home, chick
ens, pigs and horses, save the clothing
on their backs.
Our Chautampia promises a ntie
treat this year to the people of Bed
Cloud and vicinity. The management
has spared neither time nor money to
secure the very best talent available
in music, entertainment and platform
speakers. No one who values and ap
preciates the very best that is oll'ered
on the American Lyceum Platform to
day will miss thin year's Chautauqua
P. A. Seheiv.iiiger and (ieorge Jack
son, two business men of Nelson ac
companied by their wives, drove acioss
by auto ami celebrated the Ith In lied
Cloud, They listenrdto the Kagle's
screams and joined in the shouts of
the patriots with real enthusiasm,
Mr. Jackson Is secretary to the
Nuckolls County Fair Association.
He took notes on our freeamust;meuts
and incidentally scattered a few pie
uiium lists.
Miss Huniee A. IMdcikin was born In I
Lelloy, New Voik, August, !i0. iSI.'i, j
and died June .'10, 1WI at Noiton, Ka i
.slie was Cm years, 10 months old at the
time of death. On May 'J,, 1871 sin
was united in mairiage to Ale.xaiidei i
A. Phillips. They moved to Bed Cloud j
ill the spring of iBTtl wheie I hey resided ,
until the spring ol l!)0."i when Mr, uud I
Mis. Phillips and family moved to1
(joodlaud, Kas., wheie she made her
home until the. time of her death.
tin' leaves a uusuaini ami six eniiiiien
to mourn lux' denaituie.
to ' I ' -II' 'ill I ' 1 1 illlllflliiiflll t Hm mlMKim-:yii&MmSiMtMiir. 3r a;
ff C.W,i,.l,l lltvS,l,.flnr, .V M...x JrVM 3111
to a
to ( LOTHES for all seasons, for all tastes, for all
agesj-youMl find them here; be as critical as $
you please about
Hart Schaffner 6k Marx f
- I til -1 i 11 . w
jj ouits; they II meet your most exacting demands; all-wool qual- w
to ity, best style, best tailoring, best fit. Suits $ 1 8 and more.
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
v .cicPtctciitvCr'ttP'ttFcCPfrcfctlrfcctpfcccC'
Gasoline and Oil Stoves and Ranges
De Laval Cream Separators
White Lily Electric Washers
Hardware and Implements
All kinds of Plumbing Goods. Work promptly attended to
Windmills, Wagons and Buggies
5123. rvr, ToJfiW
wxmmza arw bv rwm mw ww m
KjrtjBBfcrQW .ii ,m
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