t I u r J5he CHIEF Red Cloud - - PUBLISHED KVEKVATHUHSDAY fok cuvaik nisriikT i oriir. I lit n lv tinnniinie Iii.vmcI an u riuiilMntc tuptlii ..111.....! nlfirt f flifi illufilftl Kintrl INeurasKD. 'M.bjict to the will of tliu liciniieintle ami People' liiilcii'tiili nt intern lit the !rlniitry election to hi held AiikiikI 15. lull. Km I II I.. Mi'Ki.itiil.i.v. llBWfed In tho Poitoftlre nlilfcJ flnuil. Neb.. rV RoScrnncl cIk Mutter, '.' (0 It. WALK l'Ulll.lSIIKIt TUB ONLY DKMUCHATKJ I'AIT.H IN WKIIHTKIt COUNT V Political Announcements. Tliu columns of tho Chief are oM'ii for legitimate advertisements or till kinds, Candidates, regardless of party iillllliitlon, aro welcome, to use these columns, Price of announcement, So, FOU COl'NTY CLKHK FOK COUNTY OLNIIK. I lien liy iinnnuiiec myself nn n eitmlliliile lor the olllic of county clerk of Wulwter county, Nebraska, Hiihjtet to the will of tliu liiterx of the Democratic nml l' o;iIi;'m lllli k iiilcnt partliH tit the lirlnmry diction to he hi hi AtiKiist l'i, IUII. (I. W. H.lVIH. I hereby announce iiiym If n ii caiullilatn for ru-tlcctlon iih County flirt: of Webster County. Nilir., tin the ltcpiiblliaii ticket, milijeet to tliu iIiiIkIoii of thi' intern lit thf rrlnmry Kliftlon tolii'hihl Audit.! Hi. I'.'ll. i:. V. Hiihs. FOK SUF.UIFF I hereby nniiimnru inyMilf n iiinilhliitu for tliunoinliiiitloiiof .slierlll of Welmtcr county xiihjcel to tho will of the Itcpubllcnn intern, to licexprivhcd nt the primary election Aug. iihi ir.th, mil. o. l. Hkiioi:. S FOIISIIKIUFF I hrri'liy iiiiiioiincu myself u candidate for IhciiutiiltiutlniiofHhcrlll of Webster (ounty subject to the u 111 of tho Democratic nml Piople's liiili'peiulent purt Its at the primary election AukiM lo. lull. f.iMK.t.Mrlliinir. FOU COUNTY CLKUK I hereby Hiiriiiiiicu injMlf as u cnnilhliitu fur tliu olllce ol County Clerk ol Webster County. Nebr., xubject to the will of the lot. era (if the lleiiioeriitle anil IVoiili'lnilepei.il. (.fit Party nt the I'rliuury Klcctlon to be lulil Aiit!.l.'.,l!ill. W. It. Il.lll.ui. FOR COUNTY Cl.EKK Wc have been uuHiorleil tonnnoiince the inmcoKiKoitdK ll.iliui.i., ol lied Cloiul. for noniliintlim of County Clerk, Htilijtrt to tliu will of tliu Ueinocrnt and I'copliiN Imlepend c:nt voters fit tho I'rlnmry eUctloii Auuust 13th, l'Jtl. Tho papers of the east have devoted considerable Hpuco during tho past year on "How to get along on ti thous and dollars n year'' hut they lmv neglected a golden opportunity by not consulting tliu people of western Kan- .sas and Nebraska. FOR COl'NTY CLdKU Wo nro uutliiiilid In itiiiinuni'i) W. U. KhnnuounHn eanillilatc for nomliiutloii as county clerk mibji el to the will of Hie re- iiiillk:iii voter nt the primary elieilnn. August IMIi, CLKIIK OF DISTIMCT COUltT 1 hereby announce mysi 1 1 k n ciinillilato for Clerk of tliu IllNtrlet Court of Webster (Jointly, on the Itcpubllcnii ticket, xubjccl to thedcclhlon of the inters nt the prliiiiuy llietloil to belli hi UKtlst ir.lli.. IUII. Cll.ls. K. ItKltll.l . The new agricultural .school which has been located at Curtis .should have, benn established lust year. This season would have been an ideal one to develop a toot hod of raising grain without rain. Anyone fan raise crops in this country when the season is favorable but it Is another thinir to harvest a crop In the teeth of a hot. wind, o, well, maybe this will not. be the last chance and the new venture may yet prove to be beneficial. cession humping to lieep up wllli lilm: he Is lmsllo fiotn his feet up and from his head down; he is not only In the push, but he is tho push the whole thlny: and say. the way he iimhes things (joint) and IhibIucss hum is a caution ; tho way the world takes that follow up and Is yood to him makes your lieart glad; he's all rii,'ht, he is: he grouses the wheels of progress and beeps tho World spinning round. V. .). Furso may or may not waut to make the race for rail way commission er this foil. That is immaterial. He will be the democratic candidate for the very sufficient reason that- the democrats could not make a bettor nomination, nor could tho voters of the state make h better choice. Mr. Furso has made ood in every position liu has tilled As n country editor, hs h court roportor, as tliu governor's pri vate "-ecretary, as railway commission er and as a successful man of affairs, he has shown himself capable of till luj,' any olllce within the ift of Ne braska. He is especially well tltted for tlio position ho now holds. Ho Is a lawyer of ability, a man of keen judgment, thoroughly well informed on all matters pertaining to the best interests of tliu state, and vigorous enough to stand the urduotis work in cumbent upon a member of the com mission. Mr. Ftir.su would save trouble by volunteering. If he does not, ho will be drafted. Will Matipln's Weekly. q. vvv'vvVvvvv'vvvv'vvvv'vv'yVK vv, r 5 THE MINER BROS. CO. c GENERAL MERCHANTS AUGUST SJYLES NOW READY Those who are.preparing for the vaca tion ahead will.fintl a host of surges tions for outing and' traveling gar ments in the new k' FOR COUNTY TUEASUUKIt. We hair been authoi leil t tiniioiiiice the cnndldacy of Ok.o. W. I.iniiskv lor tliu olllce of county treasurer, subject to the will of the ntiiiiicrnt and People's liidepemb ut liarHikiilllicp'Inmrydd'Hiiii AiiuhI IMIi. 11)11. FOR COl'NTY TUKAMJRKK. We hale belli iltlioi led to auiioiiee the raiidldaey of II. C. Wlllillir, of llnseiiioul, for the olllceot County Treasurer, subject to the u III of Hut licmuc ratio and I'eopliK In ill pendent Parties at lliejjprlmary elieilnn August IMIi. IUII. FOU TUKASUCKi: Wo hale In en aiithorled toauiiounie the raiidldaey of It. W. Koos i. for ihu olllce ol county iicimiii i. Kiilijiet In the nil) of the lit publican niters at the pilmar.i cltctluii August 1Mb. IUII. FOIS TUKASI'KKK We haie In en authoi li it to announce tin nanieof ii. A. Aruobl.of lllue IUII, for the nomination of Count) I'icumiht, Milijicl to the n III ol the Deimiciiit and Pioplc's Inde pendent intei sat the Primary elietlon to he lltd AllKUSt l.'i. lull. FOR SI I Kit IFF I hereby announce myself us a candidate for Shcrltrof Wi bstu County, NibriiKka, on the ItcmiHrntic ticket subject to the di cNlon of tho voters nt the Primary elietlon to lie hcttt Auuust ir,. mn. ,i.t. Uiiii.miiik. FOUSHEItlFF I hfieby niiliouuce ui)h('lt;i candldale lor tliu olllce of Shcrllt of Welister Count) , sub jM't tnthe nlll of the inters of the Deino. 4irllcaud l'eide-H Inileptndciil Partlis. .Iiik W, Clluw. When the sun shines and tlio streets become dusty, vott wish it would rain; when it rains nml the streets become muddy, you wish the sun would shine After you are married you wish you was single, and If you get a new dress you wish you had a now hat to match it; if It is it boy you wish it was a girl, nml il it Is a girl you wish it was a boy was human nature eversatislled'.' Guess not, and glad of it, for then there would be nothing to "kick" about. The cordial reception given our booster elub whenever it has irotio out to adveitise the Fourth of duly eele braliuu lemiuds us that this feature of our city life should be arranged to occur every year. As a trade getter it certainly is a winner and if wo show tlio other towns that we are interested in them enough to make tjiem u visit now and then they will feel that they are welcome whenever they come to see us. We trust that artnngements will be made to make this u permanent thing. Tlio hottest and dryest June tills county has over experienced has just passed into history. June t'.Hl will lie remembered for its intense heat for years to come. In this immediate neighborhood one nice rain fell which was denied the other portions of the county Day after day old Sol seemed to delight In turning on tho best ho had much to the discomfort of our people.' However notwithstanding the extreme heat corn is tlll holding its own and is looking well. It. cannot stand this weather indetluately and unless tain comes soon there will be little raised this year. The wide. scope of country which is cliected by tho heat and drouth makes it all the hard, or for rain to full, .lust a few Ne braska smiles nt the right time will turn defeat Into victory uutL wo may yet have a record breaking harvest. FOR SHEIIIFF. I heiebv annum'!! injscK a candidate (or the nomination of Sliei III of Webster en; til) subject to the will of the Itepubllcan Miters, to hccxpicxKiil at tln pilimuy election uu list IMIi. IUII. U l, Wol.l K. FOU SIIKKIFF. Ihmb) iimiiiiice m.iM'lf a i aiulldatt foi (lie nomination ol shi i lit' of uehMii tounlj Hiibjict In the will of the Mcnioeiatle and I'eoplis I uiU p, mil nt pailbsal the pilmary ilictlou Miuust IMIi. IUII. I'.. . Coci.i. ." liou-ed in a building that would be tin lie low we publish a iuble showing the assessed valuation of all taxable property In Webster county, both real and personal. As tho assessed valu ation is but onellfth of the actual valuation. It will be seen that the act ual wealth of Webster county is .?-J'J, 'Jfti.tiTo. With all this magnificent showing of uealtli and prosperity, the valuable records of the coniitv are MORE LOCALS, W. F. Olngrich, agent at tho (J. H. .x i). station, reports the sale of ninety tickets to Red Cloud yesterday. Many report a tine time and give Rod Cloud credit for a very interesting program, i tho absence of rowdltiess being espec ially noticeable on the grounds. Wed-1 nesilny's Superior Daily Journal. Word has been received of the sad death of Mrs Fred .Schumann an early settler of McPherson County, who moved from here about si.x yeais ago. The deceased was bom In Germany In 1S(W and died Juno i!(Jth, 1!M1. She leaves a mother, a brothers, a husband huh one uaugiiier i-.n.uoetn, ami a circle of friends to mourn her depth The funeral was held at her late home in McPherson. County, June 27th The funeral was conducted by Re-v. A. G. ago and wife. The Second Omaha Land Show will htivo a feature which will appeal to the exposition and like the popular ex hibits in the Coliseum building thim in tlie machinery annex will nil be live ones. The newest things in im plements and machinery will beshown in operation ami everything for usv in farm and development work, froin- an electric light plant to u gas tractor pulling a gang plow, will be display ed. Tho exhibit will lie held from October Jt! to '28 for the purpose of building up the west and this cuinty has been invited to take part. Paul Stoiey ami F. A. tiood with their wives leavetoday forSpirlt hake, Iowa for two weeks outing and camp ing. The party will go from here di root to Omaha, cross tliu river to Coun cil Bluffs, thence to Des Moines, thence to Perry where they will stop over for a short visit witli Mart Oood before proceeding to Spirit .Luke. From Council 11 In It's to Deb Moines the party will travel over the famous dirt road that runs across tho state of Iowa, and with which the state lias been ex perimenting by grading and dragging for past number of years. The trip wilt cover about 1200 miles and will bo made with Mr. Good's Chalmers-Detroit car with which lie utid his party made their t;nOo mile eastern trip last year. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Not only are these patterns authentic as to style and accurate in sizing and fir, but they are so simple that a child can use them with satisfaction. Pennies count when we're saving for vacation, and there's no easier or more satisfactory way of adding to the vacation fund than by making the vacation garments at home. s s s s s s s s s Th. Miner Brothers Co. "A Mighty Safe Place to Trade." tsH 52j Ihe Real lest A FTER all, is in the final product, for when it comes to eat ing that's the REAL test of Flour, wherein quality is evidence. Quality and IMPER IAL, one word. RED CLOUD MILLING CO. FOIJSIIKRIFF I hi 1 1 by aniiouiiie ni) self a uiudldulc loi the nomination nisi,,, nt ,,( WehMci iniiut) mibjcoi to the Mill of ihe He uinciallc and People' Imtcpiiuli nt pai lb sat tin prlin.ii) ilicllon .MiuiiKt IV lull.- I'ltlM, III i mi." FOR tOl NT Y JUIitiK III. i i Dili. Num. Iiini-iith. cm. I In ii by uiiiioiiiiM ui) m If n a candidate or county in, Ice of Webster loiiui). . hnikkii. xubjut to the mil of the I:ic!un ot thr Henioiratle ami People' ludependinl l'uilleiil Hie eiliiiai) i.lietlon In t,e In hi Aiii:ill 1Mb. llll.-. It. It is m i. FOU t:t)l NTY COM MIKSIn.NT.lt I lieleli) llllllliiilice hum If a euuilliliili lot the nomination ot louiuj niinul-.Miiii-r of rniuiiilfcsltiltci' liUtilct no, Milijicl to tin ulll ol Ihe I'diplei, linUpeiiiliiit .in, Memo eiallc paillisat tin pilumi) iiuilou i iM lielil Alltjinl l'i. Iiill.-(,ni .. Coon. eyesoie to the poorest community in the land. How long nlll the people siiliiult to this outrage', Following in o the tigures us taken from the tax rolls: IVisonal property $l.lli.'l.7Ui KailioHd, including tracks. bldlngs and rolling stock .Vt.'l,2!tS Fui in hinds and improve ments Town lotsiiiul improvements HTff f m . M M - - - i ne nest mattress 2rs - sL rkATET trl tfSafc;M Id CffC ViTLi M fCI CXpJ - ---"i JsiwT' "f. CAN Afford "J J. f.'Il.lMM :wi,wi7 Total iissesbed valuation i l,ll(i,0.'i FOU COF.N'TN CO MM llnMIl! I hereby iinmiuuie ni) M'lf a lamllilate (oi Hie iiomlhatiiin of i niiiiii i olnllonl i ol loinuiN'-loner nlstilct mi, i. u 1 J t , t in tiu nlllof thu PeopleS Imlcptiuleiil and Hinio cratlc p.irtlfh at llieipilniai) elutlnii to M III III AlllMlht l'i, ItUI. . II llllll.lll. FOU HOADOVKKSKKI! I liereb) auiKiiiiice iii.imK a candidate loi Itoail ilierneerof lloiul Hlnlilet .No, ". M eb Hltr i iuill), fciibjict in Hie will of the mien of Hie Itepulillcan pail). Win I'isiirii. .iy. do (in know the kind of fellow who- just to tho w orhl's niimlv The kind the world can't lose? The kind that folks enthu.su oi er and tako oil' theli Imt- to. Why it's the mau-uho does. He's the fellow! Not the fellow whose gialiilpu got there, not the I'd ton who would if hn could: not the gentleman u hoV going to some duj ; but the mull wlui-does now, today. No Fitting ui ound waiting, about him; no expecting something to happen; no Unking for something to turn up, No sir! lie calTs the tut ii and turns 'em: lie takes off Ids coat and doesn't care It he stitrth n little sweat; he doesn't need tt big, bracs-bnttoned copper to tell him to move on; he Wrffps the pro- inunnmniiL.in't'g heap ucuba i m i m A cheap mattress is an extravagence. It deprives rcstfulucss that a good mattress would give you. A c tress is oftentimes unsafe sometimes becomes a positive tor of disease germs at the best its service is brief far for even the little money it costs. Buy the biggrst bargain in mattress quality, purity, comfort and service The White Swan Mattress Built of tier cleanest, purest, most beautiful mattrcs material on earth snowy nhite, long-filirr-stnple I'cxa cotton. It's the only cotttindclt mattress made entirely of this highest grade material, the only one with a 30-Year Guarantee not by "sav mi," hut bv a leg-d, binding bond that's given with each mattress. Come in and see mir line oi White Swan Mttreiet inspect the cotton-felt that's put into them then if ou wish, try one for 30 days in our home. you of I mat m too littleAIJ m- I I '&& 'SSMWVfm' ED. FOR SALE BY AMACK m m -1 (Mm THE FURNITURE MAN Undertaking a Specialty ....'. All the Phones The Bense Farm and Brick Building for Sale to Highest Bidder A quarter section of line, rich, fertile soil, thoroughly im proved with fences and buildings. Fine alfalfa Held, plow land ami pasture Land all tillable. Buildings all new, conveniently arranged and located, and well painted and in Hist class repair. The lleii'e farm is located t! miles from lted Cloud and .'! miles from Cowles. FIoip-o li 1 .x.!(! feet, (! rooms, ice box room, .summer kitchen 1 1 HI. cellar 11 x 10 and 11 feet deep, cemented walls, easy stair way, till well built. Milk house s x 10, cemented supply tank, underground, "JOO barrels capacity. Xew windmill and pump, 40 ft. tower. lt ft. wheel, 10 in. well and abundance of water. Well is curbed with tile, and anchor posts to mill sot in concrete. Work shop, coal and cob house 14 .x'JO. Three chicken houses, one 14 x II, one 14 x 18 and one '2 x J. cemented lioors: large hen house, built on modern plan and cost 000. Six well built small chicken yards. Four cement feedwHy.-, three of them with troughs. Nine hundred feet cement walks running from house to drive way, windmills, milk house, summer kitchen, chicken houses and outbuildings. "Implement house !0. ,"(, granary 2s.32 with loft, ice house 14 x Hi, holds 50 tons of lee. Two hog houses with room for H sows, floored inside and outside with concrete. Thirteen separate hog lots with good gates to each lot. Large house and hay barn 10 xiU, holds 70 tons of bay; driveway apd feed bin tlL' x40, all concrete floor on ground, :t inch tight flooring in hay mow, 10 ft. space between ground Hour and mow. Stulls all t feet wide, built of 2 inch planks, ami two harness rooms in barn. Cow barn 14 x. 'Id, hay mow for 2 tons of hay, 2 inch milk . ing tlnor. Plenty of room for all implements to be stored away in the dry. and in good, well built and well painted buildings. All buildings are new and well painted. This farm Is all feuced and cross fenced. dO acres corn grouud, M in alfalfa, 20lu pasture, 10 acivs wild grass meadow, lit acres hog lots l'lenty of fruit and good shade ttees. Land is free from sand or rock; much is level, and all is readily tillable. Plenty of grapes, apples, peaches, plums, small stuff and dowering plants House lot is fenced in 200 xtlOtl feet with Ml inch heavy woven wire. Two good corrals .. boards high, posts S feet apait. Complete water system, ."Obhl concrete stock tank with cover, concrete water troughs in hog lots, utid abundance of water at each lot, barn, milk house and summer kitchen. All piping 1 1,, Inch galvanized, 7 feet under ground, never freezes. Water sys tem alone cost 82,000. This farm was bought by W. S. Uense, the preseut owner, in the spring of liiim for jn.."it(, and since purchasing the same he has put on JWOii worth of improvements In spot cash. The raise in the value of the land Is not consideied. Mut the high dollar buys this fitini. Anyone thinking of buying a good farm ami a nice hotpo should go out and look this place over.. You will have plenty of time to do vii Us the bids will run from now until .Ian 1st., 1012. All bids will lie kept a secret and no one will know an others bid until, Tan. 1st All bidders must deposit S.'iOO in either bank iu Ucd Cloud to insure good faith and if any hid buys either place and bidder fails to eonsuniiite deal $500 shall be forfeited, The llriek llitilillng is 2l.xli)0 feet, basement and two tloor.s, brick engine loom 12x20. Untitling is now used for restaurant and bakery. This building was purchased by .Mr Dense for 7000 in 1001 and he has equipped and improved it at a cost of $5300 more, lltillillng rents at ', per mouth by the year, for the reas on that the present, occupant bought the House stock and fixtures. Mr. Ueiisu desires to sell out to go into business in Salt LakeClty. lie likes to farm ami has made it pay. Ho has done woll and pros pered in lied Cloud and likes the people. Hut Hilly, like many otheis sees opportunity knocking at bis door, calling him else where, lledeslies to sell all his holdings hero and otlots them to highest bidder. Mr. Iletise lesorve. the right to reject any and all bids not in consistent with fair play. But hu proposes to sell and sell ho nro bnblv will to the highest bidder. ' All bidders are cordially invited to go outand look this farm oier. Also to lock over the brick building. Mr. Dense will he nt the farm and 0iow you iirotinU iu person. W. S. Ukxsk, Red Cloud, Neb A V l-SWfc 4DiMWifcHMff""lW 'Cym tawtM