''Utif.iLL...". rrMTrlirilfTl Bnfrtf tfiWrttJ't'l i Vrffti ft--M ftrt i jWfmfriV rt'ii nV jrr 'SinirA fi' hSlj'rij fcV1" ijwr-jffw&tiMb--j' r.,y.;r-.'3Ti-Jg w . . 4-tag igTffeamw. : ft: 77ie Home F. I. WullhrancU, Prop. A Complete Lino of Staple also the Latest Queensware W? arc aso making a Specialty of tho Celebrated "A. B. CANNED i mull Phone 102. WV vAvAAAvANlAx'VlA, vAvAwviAn SUBPSOH & KEHWOHTHY Successor To A. C. Bradshaw Exclusive Dealers In Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : : PHONEZUS YOUR ORDERS. BEll RED 57 Horsemen Attention. H. A. Johnson has hit string of Horses and Jacks at his harn in Red Cloud for the season of 1911. Phone Farmers Rural 186. ygJ Don't Delay Ordering a tire Insurance policy from uk a single day. Fire Isu't going to stay uwuy bccnue you Hro not lu Mired. In fuel, It scorns to pick out. the mini fool Mi enough to be without a rime INSURANCE POLICY Have us issue you n policy to-day. Don't hesitate utiout. tho matter. The tiro (lend may Imvo your house iloivn on tho list for it visit this very night. MARK WHAT I SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. ssssax In ,M Sffij-lfT-j" a ;1 ir "jfT -!i H & ft'-..,,. a V i v l N DIFFERENT STYLES is as npplicnblo to tho ornamentation of a grave, on tho erection of a stone, as It Is to architecture. Your Ideas About a Monument will bo carefully carried out on an or der given uk. We study to please euoh individual patron. Different Monument tor Diff erent Oraves. ED, McALISTER BED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA WMtVs PmmIm. The recent act of April 10th, I90g gives to all soldiers' widows a pension of IIS per month. tTred Maurcr, the ttorney, has all neoossary blanks. HBP- Iff , ff Grocery and Fancy Groceries, Patterns In GOODS Independent Phone 44 Swift's m Premium Hams and Bacon John "Dutch Butcher" CATARRH MMk SNAltf m maosus HPmk rHlV.rrinrX'(Ai toTWj -mkit wmaf, SJ Sr, v. ! i vfO vitwYDmi Ely's Cream Balm This Romody is n Specific, 8uro to Civo Satisfaction. OIVCS RELIEF AT ONCE It clonnoi, soothes, hcalit.nud protects the dixoast-d miMiibriuio. Jt cures Catanh and drives away a Cold in tint Head quickly. Restores the Houses of Tasto and Kmcll. I'jtsy to use. (.'ontiilns no injurious drugs. Apjdlcd into tho nostrils and absorbed. Iinrpi Size, r0 eonta nt DrtiKgUts or by mail ; Triul Klzo. 10 cents by mail. I ELY OIIOTHEHS. 56 Wirrsn St.. Ntw Yorfc. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND LADIKS I ft ft 7.T? J?r!..for Cni-CIIBS-TBR'S R'S A 2PA !Hc boiet, sealed with Blui Bracaltt u. t cHI-CMS.t: ?".S.?A"D '"I. twenl4lw SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS &i& EVERYWHERE WORTH, TKSTHU Foi: .S.vr.K Fine rcsldcnco location In Northwest part of city. Half block, 12 lots. Mofrt deslrnblo location and low prlee.l)AN Oawiku & Co. ffl P jSIW We 1 For Sale ljj&?J im -HY- Vy'Swi Taw mmmtwk vl J Yost r Coif 4vJE BRAND ..........-...-.. e ..,.. .. . I Meeting Cousin i Sarah ( , " .... ........ Ml W INI WWMPMWWW When tho tclegrttin came nt break fast tlmn Rutherford gavo u low whlstlo nftor glancing nt it. Then ho paused It across the tnblo to his wlfo. "Cloodtipsp, Dlekt Ih Cousin Hnrah coining?" asked Mm. Rutherford in n tono of not altogether pleased r.ur- Ill'IflO. "That's what sho says, Isn't It?" ro piled Rutherford. "What time does the i-ay she will arrive?" "'('onilni; today on 2--I0 train; plcniuj meet mo.'" rend Mrs. Rutlicr ford. "That lets mo out." chuckled Ruth erford. "I'll he In court nt 2.-10 this afternoon. You'll havo tho pleasure of going to tho train. Natalie." "Hut I'm engaged for a bridge par ty." "Well, my dear girl, you know cousin Sarah will, never forgive us If who U not met at the station with due ceremony. You don't want her to change her will, do you?" "Of course not," Mrs. Rutherford laughed. "But sometimes, Dick, I Just wish your cousin Sarah had never mentioned her gonerous Intentions." Rutherford was hurrying for his cr.r when Natalie called to him to know to which station she was to go. "Why, the Well, I don't know. There aro two roads passing through Cornersvllle. I'll look up the train and telephone you at noon." While waiting to hear from her hus band Mm. Rutherford phoned her most abject apologies to Mrs. Em mons. "I quite understand the situation," said the discomfited hostess, gra ciously, "and If you'll only find me a substitute I shall be most grateful, for I'm too busy to hunt up any one now." Then Mrs. Rutherford, with all the tact sho possessed, began calling up her friends, but no one appeared In clined to play bridge as an accommo dation at a party to which she had not been Invited. All sorts of seem ingly valid excuses In the way of previous engagements aud 111 henlth were given until In despair Mrs. Rutherford Induced her former bridge teacher to take her place at the price of one afternoon's lesson. "Well, cousin Sarah's visits come hlgb, but we must hare them," re marked Rutherford when, ou telephon ing his wife, she mentioned this ar rangement. "Now, about the train. I And there Is no 2:40 train on either road. But there's a 2:30 on the Mil waukee and a 2:35 on the Northwest ern. Doth will have to be mot." "Well, I can't be in two places at once." "Even I realUe that." replied Ruth erford with mock humility. "I'll sond Miss Thornton to the union station, though we're ho bony In the oftlco 1 don't .seo how wo can spare her, but I guess it's the only way You re member she wrote -somo loiters for cousin Surah the last time sho was In town, so she'll know her all r.lghl." At 3 o'clock Mrs. Rutherford, enter ing the office building, met the stenographer at the entrance, "Why, Miss Thornton, didn't you meet our cousin?" she asked. "She wasn't at the union station," was the answer. "I saw the train come In nnd I looked at every pas senger. I thought she had come on the other road." "Well, sho didn't." asserted Mrs. Rutherford. Rutherford laughed that evening at dinner, but his wife knew that he was disturbed by tho non-arrival of his elderly cousin. "Just lost her train, probably," ho said after they had discussed tho mat ter. "We'll certainly hear from her In tho morning mail." At 1:30 they wore awakened from deep sleep by tho loud and persistent ringing or tho boll, and Rutherford, rousing hlmsoir. hastily threw on a bathrobe and rushed to tho door. "Why, cousin Sarah, you bore?" Natnlio heard him oxclulm. 'Yes, I'm bore, nnd such a time as I've had. I've been sitting In that depot nearly two hours, thinking every mlnuto you'd come. I got so vexed I Just about decided to stay right there nnd tako tho early train back to CornerBVllle this morning." "You poor dear." Natallo ran down stairs nnd kissed tho bclatod Kuost as warmly as that angular nnd nngry person would porson. "I'm nfrald you didn't telegraph us tho right train. Wo went to two stations this nftornoon." "This afternoon! How could you expect mo this afternoon when I wir ed I'd tako tho 2:40 train and you, Richard, at least, ought to know thnt It takes nlno hours to coma down here." "I kuoss you'll have to bo patient and forgive us, cousin Sarah." Ruth erford looked solemnly penitent. "Na tallo and I aren't very smart about trains. Of course, there was no rea son in the world for us to fancy for a minute that you were due here this afternoon. We're pretty stupid, aren't we?" "Well, It's all over now and If I can get a bite to eat and a good sleep tonight, like enough I'll wake up In a real good humor tomorrow." Rutherford smiled sleepily when his wife came Into their room 'an hour later. "I think the will's safe," he mur mured. "Oh, bother the wllll- retorted Mrs.' Rutherford, tartly, M ah turned out the light Wasted Worry iml'ULAH MATLOCK I iisi-d to worry quite a lot, About the na'ion us a wind : IT Ninth was col. I or Hotith w.i bo! 'I hi-fact lay heavy on mv won'. I feared n hlliW.ard Miuth v.miM lull 'Or typhoon northward, lllti; as not. And smile the corn oio u thejnul I u-eil to worry quite n If. Uiil I have qui! my oit, inf,'s Concerning Mexico or Nome; Much dawning day sufilcieiit brli ,. 'J'o Keep inn worrying at home. No morn 1 .stroke, my chicle .Ionic And leiir out hair bui!Mu.se of ihlugh That happen in Ilcrliu or liotne For I have (pilt my worrying As long ns folks are lusv bete, As long its people here agree, We needn't worry, needn't fear, I'W general prosperity. It V really up to you and mo And other people who arc near The nation safe enough will be As long as folks aro busy here. At the Capital of the Nation (Speclnl Correspondence) Washington, D. C, June i!C The Democrats in Congress are making good tho pledges that they made to the people last fall. The house of representatives, which Is overwhelm ingly Democratic, has passed the wool bill by n majority of two to one. This bill cuts the duty in half ou raw wool nnd makes n like reduction In the tariff on manufactured woolen goods. The eiToct of this bill, If it ever be comes a law, will be to enable tho poor people and the middle classes to buy woolen Roods nt reasonable prices, a blessing that they havo not enjoyed during the reign of Republicanism which began in the year 1807 under William McKinley. It is uncertain what the fato of this bill will be when the senate acts ou it, as the sen ate is still overwhelmingly Republi can. President Taft Is just now placed In n most singular position, nnd, from a partisan standpoint, a very embar rassing one. The most aggressive sup port that Ills Canadian reciprocity bill has received iu the senate comes from the Democratic members, who regard it as a step in the right direction, but it great many Republicans are openly and ninny others are secretly oppos ing the passage of this biM, which was so promptly passed by the Dem ocratic house. The Democrats are ulso endeavoring to establish a parcels uost in the post olllce department, which all European countries enjoy, by allowing articles of not over eleven pounds iu weight to be curried by the mails at. u reason able rate. However, tho Ad urns K.v piess company, the Southern Express company, Iho Wclls-Fargo Express company and the United States Ex press company are working with undi minished courage through their own attorneys nnd the mnny Uuitcd States senators whom they absolutely own to prevent the government from establishing this measure. Some of the fruits of the Democratic victory last fall are beginning to de velop In the departments. A number of small acts of burglary by the Re publicans in Washington have been unearthed. I'or instance, the picture of William R. Day, who wus secretary of state during it part of McKinley's administration, was painted at the ex pense, of the government. The painter swears that he received fSotl for the painting and that ho signed a voucher in blank. The voucher was then lllled out, making it appear Hint tho painter received S2150 for tho painting. In other words, somo of thohlgthiovos in the State Department robbed Uncle Sam out of SICOo on tho price of that painting It has alfo developed that Senator Hale's son received .i000 for doing mi imaginary service for the tiovernment. Senator Hale was u grent Itepublioan powor in the Senate for !I0 years, nnd of course his power becntue so grent that his friends and relatives enjoyed very unusual privil eges in regard to Uncle Sam's money. The Democrats in Congress aro look ing into all sorts of nooks aud corners and it is expected thnt mnny moro acts by big thieves will be discovered in the near future. A Charity Chapter No, 47, Order of the Hastern Stars, meets nt Masonic Hall alternate Motiday'h Mrs. Cora Potter, W. M. Mrs. Kdlth Robinson, Secretary. Cyrone Commandery No. 14, Knights Templar meets every First Thursday. A. U. Kaley, B. C. W. R. Saunders, Recorder. Chnrlty Lodgo No. 53, A. Y. nud A M. meets at Masonic Hull every 1st and 3d Friday. R. K. Foe, W. M. A U. Sellars, Seoretnry. Red Cloud Chapter No 10. Royal Arch Masons meets every Second and Fourth Friday. D W, Turnme, H. P A 1. Setlars, Secretary Atkln Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, : Window Shades, and : V ? l UNDERTAKING n uiJi i-ia f Visit our store, inspect the 11 immense stock and get prices. We know that ? w Can Save vAvAvA AvAaAvVA'vAvA AW"5 v The Greatest Celebration of the Fourth of July ever held in the Republican Valley will be pulled of at Red Cloud, the Greatest City in the Valley. Come All the Principal Attractions Free That Distinguished Appearance of Monuments is caused by the use of . Pneumatic Tools. We use them, hence our letters are clean and well cut. Come and see. .Overing Bros. (E)l Company Am 1 vi ." mmALLLLL i Bsiiw V Bon-Ten-Bakery and Restaurant Bread, Pies and Cakes made in Rod Cloud from Rod Cloud L'l.OUR. MEALS 20 CENTS ICE CmEAM SODA S CENTS IrK Crbam 25 Ckntm Pi:u Qitaiit. Wu use artificial Ici: made from (11 teicd wator pure nnd clean. HUBERT NEUERBURG DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block, Red Cloud In Riverlon every Monday HOURS OK SERVICE AT M. K.OIItmCH Baiuiath Bkkvicks. Sunday School .... 10 A. M. Preaching.... .......... ..... . II A. M. Class moetlne . Vi M. KVRNIMi r.lorieYgue 7 P. M. Preaching-' - 8 V. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 P, M iAdlea AM Friday 2 P. M. Your presence la requested and a cordial Invitation is extended to all. K.N. Tompkins, PaHtor. I. o. O. V. Meets every Monday Night. T). M Qarber, N. O. O. C. Teol. Olork, Vaa Barber our You Monev! U7i.il Is the difference between an honctt farmer and m thtel? One tllh the soil, the other soils the tttll Wi: 1IISLIKK II) MENTION THE FARM Em, WITH SUCH A DISRKPUTABLH CHARACTER, OUT TIIK FARMKK SHINES IN COMPARISON! We Want All Fanners To Know That We Want Their Choice Fat Stock, Hides And Tall ox, tonu'imiii Wo Pay the Market Price. In Gush WM. Everything Electrical G. C Bailey Electrical Contractor. AH kinds of Elec tric repairing. Bell phoae, Black 20. mmmmmm. ' -.-v'. I