ft vyr JgUW... 11 .saws." TTP'IS" tj-fir ...JUI - WH A -Vi.i' '!' I V The King of All Cylinder Machines The new "BKT" Columbia Graphojdionc is the one machine of its kind. -I embodies the very points vhich have made the great success of the Disc Graphophones. Compact, convenient, shapely and simple, it is an entirely new departure in talking machine design. Plays both 2-minute and 4-miuute records. It ha-? 11 10 f.-tmoin Columbia Tone Arm and a big ilowcr horn. No rubber tube, no horn crane, no horn stand and the horn swings in any direction. Columbia Graphophone Type "BKT" on Easy Terms wit., ft complete outfit of .six Columbia liKlcslructilld Uvtt -.:?, our o .n selecUoi - vJJ7.1C i,n easy .. .i- l.ly ( riiiF.. i .r iu::.!o C-0 -:.-! $2M, .i..J ..I! Hie way . '. I! Cottfng 8 Mitchell ssmasmaussxms. SS2K3KHBK!IHSnHBRSHKS&MBC $ LOCALETTES I Lje Keith was In Alma Monday. Noble Ball was, in Hastings Monday. Emil Rnthjen was in Blue Hill M mi ll ny. Ur. Cunningham, Dentist, overstate Bank. v Matt Doyle was in Riverton Wed nesday. Oscar Hughes was in Hastings Thursday. Mack Feutress was in Rosemonl Thursday. Noble Bull and wife wen; in Frank lin Sunday. AH' kinds of Electrical woik done by Morhart Bros John Itutledge weut to Nelson the first of the week. Remember the Band Conceit eveiy Thursday evening. James Ryau returned from (J rand Inland Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Butler went to Hastings yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ititssei- .spent Sunday in Superior. O. C. Bailey was a passenger to Hastings Thursday. Sheriff O.l). Hedge went to Hastings Wednesday morning. Have your picture fianied at Slops'. Best selection iu town. Nothing like White Loaf Hour for making the bestbread. Miss Y qia..QwaTtz is again u mem ber of the Argus force. Mi'., and Mrs. J. I. Cram were in Grand Island Tuesday. Guy Bradbrook has been released by the York base ball team. Lloyd lit 11 of Cowles went from here Xo Superior Tuesday. Vaughn 'llall and Ell Cox were dowi from Bluden Sunday. Charles Kellogg arrived home from Crete last Thursday evening. If you WHiit high grade cement get the K. C. brand of J. o. Caldwell. Kverton Foe cnuie down from Mc Cook Tuesday to visit bis pnrcuts. Curl Warren is coulliied to his bed with a severe attack of rheumatism. Miss Vernon Robinson of Lincoln is the guest of Mrs. A. I'. Ely this week. FrnUan8 1 um ugain lendy to make farm loans at tbe lowest rate and best terms. I um sole agent for Trevett, Mattls .t Baker. Some pri vate money J. H. Bailey, Red Cloud, Nobr. The (Jund children of Blue Hill visited with Dr. Creiglitou lust week. For Sate A good sutiurt old -work horse-1400 lbs. Cheap. Da.n (i.vnuKit. (icorge lloit and Jack Waller were down from Cowles Wednesday even ing. Stevens Bros., up-to-date methods in Photographs, material and woiknuin ship. Dr. Cunningham, Dentist, overstate Bank. The Miner Bros. Co., store iias just received a new up-to-date line of hair goods. " Mrs. Charley Ohtistcad, who ha; been quite siok. is able to be about again. Mrs. W. A. Patten has almost com pletely recovered from 'her recent illucss. Jeff Myer.s arrived Saturday from Boulder, Cobirado, for a visit with friends. George W. Davis of the. Argus foice left for his home in Columbus Monday morning. Ernest Crow, who lias been visiting friends here, returned to (Jidda Bock Tuesday. Satisfied customers are good ones. All who use Amboy White Loaf Hour are such. Alf Sherman took iu the Columbus Superior game at Courtland, Kniii. last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Uovvdeu and Mr. and, Airs. Dave ICaley were In Su perior Tuesday. Jack Masters, the star pitcher of the York base ball team, .-pout Sunday with home folks. J. E. Jarboe will preach at I lie Ind ian Creek .school house next Sunday July 2d., at :t p. in. Joe Crow, Anion Mikseli and Art McAi thur took in the ball game at Superior Tuesday. The Diamond Electrlit Vacum clean er demonstrated iu your home free. Call Phone Bed 07. Dr. Manspeaker came down from Hastings last evening and returned home this morning. Wauled A man ami wife to work on farm. Good wugos to right paitio-. Inquire at Chief oillce. W. T. Bohror went to Blue Hill Wednesday on bu.sims connected with -ionic cement work. Mr. and Mrs. (Jv:r Hughes, Airy. Bernard McNeuy and daughter i-pvnt Wednesday iu Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dickinson came in from the west Tuesday for u.,'lnit with relatives and friends ' Mr. and Mrs. .1. ('. Mitchell, Lucius and Grace FiUblc took in the ball game tit Superior Tuesday. Hugh B. Hunter of (lulde Rock was in Red Cloud Friday morning on his way home from Kansas City. Jay Robinson returned Tuesday from Kansas City, where be has been employed in telephone work. Wall paper, paint, varnish, mould ing, painting and papering contiact ed. Sloss, the Wall Paper Man. The llnest lino and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it over.- MoitiiAiti Bitot. Lightning played havoc with tele phone Hues Sunday evening, causing telephone men considerable trouble Farms listed on straight commission basis. Land list liberally advertised Dan H.Mtnnt X- (Vmiunv, Chief otllcc. Nate and Ed Plait, Finnic Ferry, llolton Lctsou and Jack Shircy took in the ball game at Supoiior Tuesday 1! M. Realty and son for (ieneral I'.laeksuiithing, Wagon Work, Horse shoeing a specialty. At Day's old shop. Mrs. T M. Shambaugh has returned to her home in Superior after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. John Wees tier Win. Schellak,of lolcnshc,Scliclluk & Co., the Hastings brick manufac turers, was in town Wednesday on business. Improved alfalfa farm lands in the Great Republican Valley our only specialty. Dan 0.nni:n .- Compaxv. Chief olllcc. Mrs. Maine Shiroy, sou ami daugh ter, of Dell Rapids, S D., are the guests of her brother-, Charley, Nate and Ed l'latt. The leading members of the local Socialist organization are going down to Superior Friday to organize a local at that place. Earl Hall, Walter Means, Geo. Simp sou, George Bradshaw and Charles McCann took in the ball game at Su perior Tuesday. The members of the lire department will give u big dance Saturday night at their bower, corner Fourth avenue and Cedar street. Frank Ellinger, M. A. Mercer, Wil bur Hamilton and Frank Cowdeu went to Superior via auto to take in the ball game Tuesday. Dall Turnure. L. II. Bluckleitgc, G. J. Warren and John Yost went to Su perior Tuesday in Andy Hart's auto to see the ball game. Piutuics taken of children and fatni ly groups without pain. Our material and woikmuusbip stand the test of time SiEvnNH Bros. The Degree of Honor will meet next Monday evening, instead of on the night of the Fourth. All members are urged to be present Tony Clark was down from Oxfoid Tuesday. Ho was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Grace I'age. who will visit here for a few weeks. August, Eddie and Dora Briiikmau wero called to Madison, Wis., on ac count of tlie death of their father. They left Sunday morning. Lew Walter arrived last Thursday night from Excelsior Springs, Mo., where he had been for several weeks for the beuellt of his health. I have started a bakery iu lied Cloud and am prepared to deliver all kinds of bakery goods to your home. Iud. phone 188,-Curt Hatfield. The Kil patrick brothers and their families, of Beatrice, iu three autos, passed through town Wednesday en route to the mountains of Colorado. Don't fail to be at the M. E. church on Suuday morning and hear the dis cussion of the theme. "Wireless Tele graphy and Its Analogy to Religion." Lost Hold headed umbrella, de tachable handle. Finder leave at Chief otllce and receive a reward which is equal to full value of the umbrella ThuKl. Rev. (ieo. A. Beeeuer will make his visitation of Grace church next Sunday and will preaoh morning and evening All are cordially Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Bogart, uncle and aunt of Mrs. Ed MoAlister, left this morning for Sheridan, Wyo., where they will remain for an iudetluitc period) Miss Mary .Mikscb is homo from Chicago, where she underwent a sur gical operation. She is reported much better and hopes are entertained for a permanent mire. Mr. and Mrs. Ed l'latt entertuiued Tuesday eveuiug In honor of Mrs. John R. Shircy, son and daughter, of Dell Rapids S. D. About twenty young peoplu were present and report a very enjoyable evening. James Mcintosh began threshing his wheat Tuesdav and was the first to haul a load of new wheat to the Rod Ulotul inaiket. His wheat ran about 1 1 bushels to the acre and tested r.8 pounds. Pretty good, considering the long dry spell. Wo wish to announce to the public ' generally, that we have the well known Taylor Ranch for sale. This consists) of oil) acres, u niljes south eatl of Red j Cloud. This place needs iioeoininedn-1 tiou hs it is known far and near ns.tho very best hoUum furpi lnt Wehiifr. Comity. WAi.hKk At Kknt. I J1& to to m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to n w 39? w ' cm i:f It 12 I CLOUD Cordially inites all Braves, old and young, large and small, far and near to join liis Tribe in llic One I lundrcd and Thirty Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Nation's Dirtliday JILY FOURTH lOl I. If you cannot walk in, lly or sail in. Mis Pinttt (.aIm ...!. I.... ....... vjuiu) vtunuiiiua )uu vmiii iicu uiiiusc- vp- ment and entertainment. Come, sec the fun. 5 V rasniSSf W&$?& You are invited to make my store your headquarters. Bring your friends. We will do all we can for your comfort. ii 0 tfi ft JH 0 0 0 ft ili ay ft 0 ft t ft ft 0 ili ft itf to i itf ili ili ili ilt ili of the enteituiu- l)r CiuiiiiiiL'ham, Dentist.overSlatcl 1"'"11 of all, &omu bank. " mentis alrcadv on the irrouud and Mr. Allied Turner nud Mis Mabel j others arriving. This celebration will Boom, both or Bladen, were married eclipse anything of a like natuie ever yesterday afternoon at the home of attempted by this city. We are going Rev. li. W. Hummel, who tied the t0 do our best lo make you enjoy your- The thirty-odd fans who went down to Superior Tuesday expecting to tee a double-header came home disap pointed. Owing to the crippled con dition of the Superior team, the regu lar catcher beinif out of the name. tlin knot. Both the brido and groom wore' 8olf' M L'""m ' with the children and 'double-header was postponed until born and reared In Webster county, for one day at. least realize that you , Wednesday The one game played and have a host of friends who will are a citizen of the Fnited States and! was a one-sided affair, Superior win join the Chief In extending congratii- 'aI, P'oiul of it.. Remember the date. J nlng, 17 toll. Jarrott started to pitch lutious. next Tuesday. . for Kearney, but was retired in the Drs. Riddile .V- Foot e. the eye, ear. . Our automobile booster cluh went nose and throat specialists, of Hast- ''own to Xoith Branch Wednesday iugs. will both take post-graduate , 'ght, taking the band with them. . ivm-k iit. viiiiiiiumv in- i.'iini U ii. nv They L'ave the people of tlui t thtivinir in N'ew Yoik.and on his return Dr. u,t u" c.cciicnt program ami our Bed Uuml boys to a cleaning Tuesday Riddile will go. One or the other of I boosteis it-turned with the assmanee afteinoon by the score of 13 to 'J. The them can bo found at. their Hastings i 'hat thcie would be many Horn .Vnrth I homo team prcsontcd n weak line-up. olllce any day this summer, but they 'Branch at our eeiebiatlon on the while luavalo made a much stronger will not 'visit Red Cloud until fall. FOl'RTII. Bob (iai-iisou of (Juidc J showing than was exjiectcd. While ,, . ,, , , Rock furnished a number of ears for ' el rots contributed to the downfall of Every little detail has been arranged ( tu! tri,,( ,,,,.,, ttls ,,.,, ,,.,,,, ! . ,,. tl!lllll lhe lnav.lK; ,,uudl ,,c. for the comfort and entertainment of , hy ,. ,,,. A aige crowd gathere.l ! horVl., , ln, their team work bmng our visitors on the rourlli. lhe com-, to (hear the ban. pay . MHi.y of the ,,, ,,ollL.P llliu, llllt of ,,,,. V m.uees mneiiu compicie.i ineir w-oric, : . . V . .i " . " .":.. TV " . I ri(,..,i l,v. :....! ti U , in ii eciiiK'ii inc- i-iiieriuiiiiiiuiii linn siim .'-' - ..,. that they weie not used to that kind they will make It interesting for of treatment. The return trip was' tJuide Rock should they match a game made through (iuido Rock. I with that team. sixth inning after twelve hits, netting thirteen runs, had been made off lih delivery. The Imitate base ball team tuok the all things are now iu readiness. I'uro spring water will be furnished all over the city, our lawns will be at the dis- WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ? Quick Mea Gasoline and Oil Stoves and Ranges De Laval Cream Separators White Lily Electric Washers Hardware and Implements All kinds of Plumbing Goods. Work promptly attended to Windmills, Wagons and Buggies 1 SI 4 a ; ; ftH , M if 1