The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 29, 1911, Image 3

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'V' (V
vJlJiSlV, . i-
Two Varieties.
I.lttlo Willie Sny, pn, what Is bust
nens courtesy?
Pn Thero aro two kinds of busi
ness courteny, my son. Ono Is tho
Kind extended to people who pay cash,
nnd the other Is extended to people
who don't.
Eradicates scrofula and all
other humors, cures all their
effects, makes the blood rich
and abundant, strengthens all
the vital organs. Take it.
Get it toclnv in umisI liquid form
chocolated tnhlcts called Sersatabs.
Pretty Quick.
He- But couldn't you learn to love
mo. Anna?
She 1 don't think I could, Harry.
He treadling for his lint) It In ns
I feared you are loo old to learn.
Harper's Bazar.
iJfM fjm-
Cholly ChumplelRh Would
leave your happy homo for mo?
MIsb Caustlque Y?s, If I saw you
coming and tho back door wasn't
SASKATOON'S district lias never
known crop failure, even in most advewe
frafon. flence tho prosperity of our
Knplifth-fpeakinR tiRrtculttu-nl community.
Hence tli fact that Snskutoon'n popula
tion has jumped from 113 to over 10,000
in less thnn term year. We have lots of
land. Why not keep the family together
by Rcttinp some for younelf nnd tho boys?
I-or nil information write Commissioner,
Hoard of Trade, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Western Canada.
Fatherly Advtes.
"Now that you are married, my ion,
listen to me."
"What Is It, dad?"
"Try to be a husband, not merely
n exbachtlor."
Free to Our Reader.' "
, TVrlle Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago,
or 48-pngo Illustrated Eye Book Free.
VrIte all about Your Eye Trouble and
they will advise as to the Proper Applica
tion of the Murine Eye Remedies In Your
Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you
t.iat Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength
ens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Bmart. Soothes
liyo Tain, and sells for 60c. Try It in
Your Eyes and In Baby's Eyes for Scaly
vyellds und Granulation, r
Uce of Ants In Nature.
Prof. J. C. Branner, In the Bulletin
of the Geological Society of America,
describes the Immense Importance of
ants rh geologic agents, especially In
tropical regions. Ant burrows have
been found at a depth of 3.5 meters,
and they ramify over vast areas.
The Exception.
Post There are as good fish in the
sea as ever were caught.
Parker lira! I guess you haven't
heard Thompson's latest fish story.
Harper's Bazar.
The Herb laxative, Garfield Tea, over
comes constipation, giving freedom from
sick-headache and bilious attacks.
i Is life worth living? I should gay
that It depends on the liver. Thomas
Gold Appleton.
-The satisfying quality in Lewis' Single
Binders found in no other 6c cigar.
Keep your heart high; tbat Is the
aum of philosophy. Victor Cousin.
If s a Great
has proven a great help
to those in need of a
tonic, appetizer and
health maker. Try a
Costiveness, Malaria,
Fever and Ague. All
Nebraska Directory
P TsmJo oliWspsperds. fl
1 Headers -aj-js I
II toed in its coluaat should iasat upoa II
I having what they atk for. reliwag all II
H subdtituits or imiieaoni, II
Sunlight Sanitarium
A Modem Fully Equipped
Fireproof Hotpital
Fully equipped for the treatment of cbonlc
'rheumatism, diseases of kidneys, bladder
and other chronic diseases by baths, elec
tricity, etc. A COMPLETE X-RAY
OUTFIT. Modern aseptic 'operating
.rooms for the care of surgical patients.
IA full corps of trained nurses. Rates
saoderate. For further information address
' Irving S. Cutter, M. D., Sup't
MM Suniaer Street, Lincoln, Nebr.
Oft many wcukn
plnnn for relebrut
Ins the nnnlver
gjggj FJiry of the Declur-
eJ2t0 litlnn nf Indonpiiil-
cnt'e iib it Rrcat
civic fcHtivnl have
been In prepara
tion. Varied nnd ex
tensive n t ertaln
nu'iit (thou Id be
Riippllcd ro ns to
make the day as
mime tho-chitracter
of a conimiiulty fH
tlval. Hut the reck
less uho of danger
ous explosives by
children, too young
to realize their own
peril, is not necessary to the natlou'a
expression of gratitude that it is free
tnd Independent. This sentiment has
it last crystallzed Into n movement for
i sano Fourth, nnd throughout the
tountry various cities have made ar
angements by which It is hoped child
fe will be better protected than it
ins In preceding years.
It was on the third of July, 1776,
that John Adams wrote to his wife,
Vblgall, tho letter, since often quoted
is a prophecy, concerning the future
elcbratlon of this period as a national
estlvnl. Despite the fact that he wns
jne of the most Important figures In
he stirring events of that historic
.1mc, bo wroto two letters to her on
Jiat day. In one he said: "Yesterday
ho greatest question waH decided
hlch was ever debated iu America;
nd a greater perhaps never was nor
m0k j
fp -
ncfependence ttat
View From Chestnut Street Side of-the Historic Building.
will be decided among men. A rcso
utlon was pns&ed, without one dissent
ing voice, that theso united colonies
arc and of right ought to bo free and
independent states." In the other let
ter he wrote: "The second day of
July, 1770, will be tho most memorable
epoch in tho history of America. 1 am
apt to bolleve that It will be celebrated
by succeeding generations as the
great anniversary festival. It ought
to be commemorated as tho day of
deliverance by solemn acta of devotion
to God Almighty. It ought to be
solemnized with pomp and parade,
with shows, games, sports, bells, bon
fires and Illumination from one end of
this continent to the other, from this
time forward forovermore."
The resolution for Independence
was, as these letters show, really
adopted July S. Hut the formal De
claration of Independence was adopted
July 4, and copies of this declaration,
prepared by a committee of five head
ed by Thonins Jefferson, were then
Bent to the states. The resolution
adopted July 2 was presented to con
gress by Richard Henry Leo of the
Virginia delegation, June 7, 177G. It
read: "Resolved, That these United
Colonies aro and of a right ought to
bo free and Independent states; tbat
they are absolved from all allegiance
to the British crown; that all politi
cal connection between them aud the
BUte of Oreat Britain is, and ought
to bo, totally dissolved."
Prompt action in so serious a matter
was not to be expected and congress
put It off until July 2, when tho reso
lution, much to the joy of Adams, who
seconded Leo's motion, was adopted.
In tho moanwhlle Lee, the mover of
the resolution, was called home by the
Illness of his wife. Otherwise he
would probably have been made chair
into of the committee of flvo appoint
ed to preparo a formal statement.
This committee was composed of
Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Frank
lin, John Adams, Roger Sherman and
Robert R- Livingston. It Is usually
conceded that Jcfforcon wroto the Dec
laration, which wan reported mid dls
cussed until July 4, wlirn it waa
adopted. Coplca were prepared and
punt to the states. Pennsylvania wnsj
tho first to receive its copy, nnd oil
noon of July 8 It wus rend to n crowd
of citizens In the stntchouso yard.
was road from n wooden platform
erected In 1760 to enablo David Hlt
tcnlioime to observe a transit of Ve
nus. Somo In tho concourfio who list
ened to the reading mny have realized
that a new coiiRtcllutlon had ap
peared In the firmament of the na
tions. Only tho president of tho congress,
John Hancock, and his secretary
signed the Declaration on tho day o(
Its ndoptlon. The tlnnl signatures of
tho fifty-six who signed tho orlglnnl
document were not nfflxed until No
vember. Three of tho fifty-six signers lived
to see tho fiftieth anniversary of
Amerlcnn Independence. They were
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and
Charles Carroll. Adnms and Jeffer
son died on the fiftieth anniversary,
July 4, 1S2G, leaving Charles Carroll
tho solo surviving signer. Jefferson
und Adams had both served as pres
idents of the republic which they had
helped to form. A third President,
Monroe, also died on July 4, but Ave
yenra Inter thnn these two.
Posterity, though It has fulfilled
Adams' prediction, selected the fourth
instend of the second of July as the
day for celebration.
Tho corner alono of the Washington
monument at the natlonnl capital was
t-j-i -
ltld July 4( 1850. It was a very hoi
day. President Taylor, who was pres
ent, was exposed to tho beat of the
sun for three hours. On his return
to the White House he drank freely of
ice water and Iced milk and also pur
took of some cherrios. Shortly after
ward ho wan taken 111 and died July 9.
Benjamin Franklin, tho oldest sign
er, was seventy. Edward Rutledge of
South Carolina, the youngest, was
twenty-seven; Jefferson was thirty
three. The average age was forty
three years threo months. Many oc
cupations were represented, but law
yers, of whom .there were thirty, were
in tho majority. .
The first public celebration of tho
event was that of Pennsylvania, July
8. On July 9 Washington, comman
der In chief, nnnnounced In general
orders, "The honorable Continental
congress, impelled by the dictates of
duty, policy, and necessity, having
been pleased to dissolve the connec
tion between this country and Oreat
Britain and to declare the United
Colonics of America free and Inde
pendent states, the several brigades
are to be drawn up this evening on
their respective paradcB at 6 o'clock,
when tho declaration of congress,
showing the grounds nnd reasons of
this measure, Is to be read in an au
dible voice. The general hopes this
Important event will serve as fresh
Incentive to every officer and soldier
to act with fidelity and courage, as
knowing now that the peace and safe
ty of his country depends, under Ood,
solely on tho success of our arms. And
stale possessed of sufficient power to
that he is now In the service of a
state possessed of sufficient power to
reward his merit and advance him to
the highest honore of a free country."
"He took a mean advantage."
"In what wayr
"When she sued him for divorce he
got the judge to give blm the cus
tody of her lapdog." Judge.
Mr. Benton Holme--Why, whero'a
tho new chambermaid?
Mrs. Benton Holme 1 told her to
dust this morning, nnd an hour lutcr I
found that nlio had dusted.
Incident That Struck Householder as
Being Along Slightly Humor
ous Lines.
"Many funny things happen in n
flat during the courso of u few
months," said a Milwaukee flat dwell
er, "hut ono of Uio best things I ever
snw happened yesterday.
"I wns suddenly roused from my
elumber by threo loud knocks on tho
door. Jumping to my feet and Into a
Imthrobe, I hastened to seo what was
wanted. I opened tho door In time
to see a young fellow half way up the
flight to tho next floor.
" 'Hello, there' 1 yelled at him.
"Ho turned around, hastened back
nnd banded out a small envelope,
pointing to tho Inscription. 1 glanced
at It. It was nn appeal for aid be
cause the applicant was deaf and
"Sny, 1 wns mad enough to kick him
down stairs. Then tho joko struck
mo and 1 slammed tho door in his faco
and went back to bed laughing."
"Our boy was born In Toronto on
Oct. 13, 1908, nnd when three months
old a slight rash appeared on his
cheek. What appeared to bo a wa
ter blister would form. When It
broke, matter would run out, starting
new blisters until bis entire face,
head and shoulders were a mass of
scabs and you could not see a par
ticle of clear skin. Other parts of
bis body were affected, . but not to
such an extent We tried about every
advertised remedy without avail, in
deed some of them only added to his
suffering and one In particular, the
Remedy, almost put the infant
Into convulsions. The family doctor
prescribed for him and told us to
bnthe tho baby in buttermilk. This
did not do any good, so we took blm
to a hospital. He wns treated as an
out-patient twice n week nnd he got
worse, if anything. Wo then called
In nnothcr doctor and inside of n
week the boy was, to all appearances,
cured and the doctor said his work
was done. But the very next day it
broko out as bad as ever.
"Wo decided that It could not bo
cured and must run Its course nnd so
wo just kept his arms bandaged to
bis sldo to prevent his tearing his
flesh. Wo left Toronto nnd shortly
after our arrival In Duluth, tho Cut!
cura Remedies were recommended.
We started using them in Mny, 1909,
and soon the cure was complete. You
would not think bo was tho same
child for Cuticura made his skin per
fectly clear and he is entirely free
from tho ekln disease There has
been no return this time. We still
use only Cuticura Soap for bnby's
bath. Robert Mann, Proctor, Minn.,
May 3, 1910
A magazine poet refers to n baby
in tho house ns a wellspring of pleas
ure. According to his theory triplets
would bo a deluge
If It were not for their long faces
some poople hnvo.nn Idea tho world
wouldn't know they were religious.
Garfield Tea will set the liver right,
correct constipation, cleanse the system,
purify the blood nnd clear the complexion.
No one is satisfied with bis fortune,
or dissatisfied with bis Intellect.
In tbla world one must be a little
too kind to be kind enough. Marl
vaux. Hrs. Wlnsiow'e Boothlnf fljrnip for Ohlldret.
teething-, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain. cures wind colic, Sic bottle.
Love Is selfishness In two persons.
Fads for Weak Women
Niaeteaths of all the sickaess of women is due to 10m deraageraMt or dfe
case oi the orgaa distinctly faniniae. Such sickaess can be cured is cured
very day by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It Makmu Weak Women Strong,
SIek Women Well.
It acts directly oa the orfaai afeoted and is at the same time a general restore
five toaio for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy
oi home. It makes unnecessary tbe disagreeable questioaiagi examinations ana
local treatmeat so universally insisted upoa by doctors, aid so abborreat to
very modest womaa.
We shall sot particularize here as to
those peculiar anectioas incident to womea, but those
wsntiag full iaformatioa as to their symptoms aad
means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com
moa kmo Medical Adviser llWB pages, mwly revised
aad B0todate Editioa. seat frtt oa reeeiat ol 21 one
ceat stamps to cover eost ol msillag
baedassl lor 31 stamps
Address Dr. X. V. Piers,
AWfrtaWc Preparation Tor As
similntlnj Ihe Food and Retful.v
ling the Stomachs and Dowels of
Promotes Digittion.Chccrful
nessarulRcst.Contains neither
Opium .Morphine nor Mineral
Not Nabc otic
Foj tfOtdDrSAWSMTUra
ltmpi Sum
Cttritlt Suft"
Ifintyrrtn Jttier.
Ancrfrcl Remedy forConsllpa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tc Simile Signature of
fn Centaur Company;,
'Guaranteed under the Foodai
BxactCot? of Wrapper.
Make One Acre of
Corn Worth Throe
Twenty acres of corn that will produce 50 bushels
per acre is worth $500 in the crib. The same 30 acres
of corn will produce 3oo tons of ensilage and is worth
i8oo in the silo. HAVE YOU A SILO?
is the highest quality silo ever placed on the market. It is built
of triple "a" Washington Fir the best material known for silo
construction. It has hine-doors the greatest improvement
ever placed on a silo. The doors aro always in place, easily
swinging into and out of position on their hinges, and are not
scattered about the farm as barrel covers, box covers or "step
ping stones" across muddy places. Send for free catalog. We
want to tell you all about this KING OF SILOS.
Nebraska Silo Company, oeptw.u. Lincoln, Nebraska
er"spMl." l.l.ull.gltnonUituBjuiclionUilllooUBiloinUi .ipau
PDlwoouurcrsm from flu bndr. (MroIJl.tfniDfr In Uom adfchrpndtnolrmm
gultry. Unt Mllnit lit .lock rfuiwlj. Unnm I iflii sinonu bumu Mat
ndliflnltll!Urr rmn1. Me and tl bolllei f and tlo rtni.n. CuttktlMl
KMfilt. hfcowtoyoiirdniittlit.wBowlUmtHforTO!!. tn BookU "UlU
CauMi and Cu m." SpclalAfnLwDUL
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome oy
Purely vegetable
act surely ana
gently on tho
liver, cure
ness, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
In gnat rarlatr for asla at ton prloas by
wsitkns smiririH ilias, kmm cnf, SHMri
nrcnync TiBim f .arching
finest Jlueos.
lag, examinations ana
aad so abborreat to
the symptoms ol
mtbt or, la sloth
Bstato, N. Y.
BbbbbsBbl rv
aMMMMJ Isafslllll
ssaMJMMMaWsV I Btl
For Infante tnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Flak Eye. EpUootl
Shipping Fover
t Catarrhal Fever
X w.r
ma k w r
ft alfv
Splendid Crops
In Sitktlohewin (Wtstirn Cina.U)
800 Buahela from 20 acre
nf u.liat Aimm Ih. Ihra.har
return from a Lloyd
mlnetcr farm In the
season of 1910. Maajr
fields In that at well as
other districts yield
ed from 23 to M bu
shels of wheat to tbs
crc. Other trains la
ra thus derlvaa)
Iroaa the FIRE
Waaltra CaaaSa.
ttii aicanani acowiE
prices to adtanee. Land Talaas
shoo Id donblelntwo years' (lata.
Uraln owlnbJI fatsa
Ins. caine mlsibfj ssaset dairy-
niin all nroblabta. IrrM
llumss tracts or iSOacreaara
to l hail In the wryoett
districts) lfMl arra pra-aaoa-tlonsatSJS.OO
In certain areas. Hrhoolaaaxt
churebca. In every aatUe
snant. climate nnesrallad)
sollthe rlciiest! wood. Ur
and l ti Minns material
plantiful, ,.,..
For panlrolara st to locaUoa.
low teltlrrs' railway rales and
flrtcrtptlT lllmtroted rsmpblet.
"j.asi ifr.i vrit ' anu uiwrr -formation,
write to Hnp't of launl
grollnn. Ottawa, Canada, or to
Canadian Uorernmtnt Ascci.
lsa4lMiMf. Oa.U.1-
I'lfiM write to theagentuMrMlyau
DAISY Ft Y KILLER rrttfWtett
aaaadHBABBaataaHawaaBaaaavB .,. w.. -
win-Mitt!. caca
tcsbchup. laawaB,
mm. Cs'tiaBlat
Upercr. will act sS
lor InluFt ssas.
oustMiuea imi
... atillSMiMsai
lstt rrtM I. eat.
s.sol ao.raa
IH 9 w i.
ZZTi IxntlflM thesis.
UW Thawptta'a Ef WaM
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 2-18tl. .
e1. tl
.. aji A.Aajae