arts- It I I I Ki GEORGE V. CROWNED KING OF ENGLAND Westminster Abbey, Filled with Brilliant Throng, Is Scene of the Great Pageant Royal Progress from Bucking ham Palace Delights the Populace. London. Tlmt magnlflcont spt'ctnclo which llio cntlro British omplro has been looking forward to for months, tho coionntlon of King Georgo V. nnd Queen Mary, was ulnged In Weslmln Bier Abbey on Thursday. Sovcn thou nnd persons witnessed tlio ntutoly ceremony nnd nH tho Archbishop of Canterbury placed tho crown of St. Kdwnrri on tho head of tlio ruler they all roHo to tliolr foot with loud crlcM of "I.oiib llvo King George." At tho Mimo Inutnnt. tho grcnt guns of tho Tower of London boomed out, and tho populace without tho nhbey repented tho gicctlng to tholr monarch until It bocumo u tremendous ronr that spread II over tho mighty city. Great Throngs In the Street!. From the earliest houra of tho morn ing tho population of London and tho Kino George V. hundreds of thousands of visitors hud boen moving toward tho royal routo from Buckingham Pnlnco to Westmin ster Abbey, As soon ns tho seats In the numerous stands wcro filled, gates woro closed that kept out tho rabble, and then tho throngH tried to crowd In to tho streuts adjoining tho routo. From polo to polo throughout tho on tiro distance guy colored bunting was strung, and tho wholo city was nl ream ing with lings. Along tho Mail and all tho way from tho palaco to tho abbuy troops wcro standing, company upon company, British troops of overy shadn of color, living symbols of tho countries nnd peoples over which tho new king and emperor reigns. On every uldo bunds wero plnylng patriotic music, nud tho din of cheering was continuous and overwhelming. Procession From the Palace. I As tho hour for tho coronation ap proached tho waiting thousands first lKvi 'JM'frvj'VmaMMMMMM Ibbbbbf. i -i" .Bssssssssm ILbbbbVL ti,,-v bwbbbbbbbbbbbV ttMMmwL' ' ' ' tAtiQiftH imammm!&aWwataammmmwamm HKaeaBBBBBBBBBBBrtjPDkjV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi o Jbbbbbbv aMMMMM iflBBBBBBBBBBBBm " F 'bbbbbbbbbbbbb! Hjl ibbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! 59sBBBBBBBBBWsBBBBBarabslU7:v-' . ' .jl ! ' ' JW t V? JKbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMbbbbU MnBMHBiinfpi 1 1 jJii'T IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnaBBBHVWtaSnSS&taJfBllBBBBBBBlBBBHHBaSBBB JiBBBBBBBBBBBJsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBiS&SsQfi lBBBSJS8a3aalE!!llsSBS BTkNMBBBBBBM 8tande Around Westminster Abbey li : I FOREIGN Germany The Crown Prince and Princess and Prince and Princess Henry, France Vice Admiral de Fauque (Ambassador Extraordinary), Gen eral Count Dor de Jastoure, Cap tain Langltr and M. Maurice Her botte. United States John Hayn Ham mond (Ambassador Extraordi nary), Major-Gen. A. W. Greely and Rear Admiral Vrteland. saw tho arrival of tho gonllemon ap pointed to net as ushers during tho ceremony. Thcso wcro led by tho carl manihal, tho duko of Norfolk. Th'on tho nobility entitled to scats In tho Abbey began to como. Most of tho peers nnd peeresses rodo In ntnto coaches that hnve been tfacd by tholr fnmlllcH for many years. Thcso car riages, repainted nnd rcglldod. wero drawn by four horses nploco. Each wnn accompanied by outriders nnd footmen in gorgeous liveries stood on tho rail behind. Each peer as ho pRsscd was greeted wltluchoers nnd oftcu with futnlllar greetings that set tho crowds off In roars of laughter, for oven tho solemnity of the occasion could not rcstrnln tho irreverent hu humor of tho cockneys. Not all tho nobility rode In conches, however, for tho Icing had permitted ono violation of precedent nnd given permission for tho uuo of automobiles by thoso who havo discarded horses. This was dono reluctantly, and there wero not many motors cars in the long procession of vehicles. Tho lord mayor nnd his sulto, In their gorgeous robes and regalia, wcro tho next to pass toward tho Abbey. King and Queen Appear. Now tho bolls of many churches pealed out, and tlio peoplo knew tho king and queen wero coming. From tho moment their majesties emorged from Buckingham palaco there wnB a continuous ronr of cheers that accom panied them all tho way to the Abbey. Their npproach wao heralded by the king's bargemnstor and twelvo water men, wearing quaint medieval tunics, kneo breeches and stockings, all scar let, with tho crown and bndgea em blazoned in gold on their brensts, and wearing low buckled shoes nnd black velvet captt. Immediately behind them camo tho closed carriages of tho royal party, every ono drawn by Bplcndtd horscu gorgeously caparisoned. Through tho windows of tho great lumbering stato coach tho people could get a gllmpso of tho king and queen. Following their majesties rode the household troops and especially picked military bodies. Field Marshal Vis count Kitchener was at tho head of tho hcad(uarter8 staff, as ho waa at tho coronation of King Edwnrd. In this part of tho procession, too, rodo many Indian princes and mabnrajahs nnd potentates of England's widely scattorcd dominions. Their Bplondld robes glittered with Jewels and they added much to tho magnificence of the pnrado. Hut tho man who, next to the king, received the loudest and warmest applauso was Lord Roberts, for tho peoplo lovo "UobB" and tholr affectionate greetings almost mado the grizzled hero of a hundred campaigns blush. Arrival at the Abbey. Waiting outeldo the west door of Westminster Abbey wero tbo archbish ops of Canterbury and York nnd a largo number of bishops, nnd when tho king and queen approached they first entorcd the church, followed Im mediately by tho Prlnco of Walea and his sulto. Aa tho monarchs passod In to tho abbey tho choir Bang an anthem. Tholr majesties moved through tho ENVOYS TO THE CORONATION Spain The Infante Fernando of Bavaria, Auitrla-Hunoary Archduke Karl Franx. Italy The Duke of Aosta. Holland Prince Henry of the Netherlands, Denmark The Crown Prince. 8weden The Crown Prince and Princess. Roumanla The Crown Prince Ferdinand and the Princes. choir to the theater and aftor kneeling in prayer, soaled themselves la the chairs of state. Tho first action of the coronation sorrlco, tho presentation of the kins to tho people for recognition, ! a sur vival of ancient Teutonic usAgo. Ac companied by tho great officers of state, the archbishop of Canterbury, went to each Bldo of the theator In' turn, saying: "Sirs, I hero present unto you King George, the undoubted king of this realm; wherefore, all you who nro como this day to do your homngo, nro you willing to do the samo?" Tho king meanwhile stood up by his chair and turned to each,' sldo, nnd tho peoplo acclnltncd him with cries of "God brvo King acorgo." Then followed tho litany, tho com munion sorvlce and a short sermon preached by tho archbishop of York, aftor which tho oath was administer"' ed to the king by tho archbishop of Canterbury. The Anointing and -Coronation. King Georgo now was divested of, his crimson robes by tho lord great' chamberlain and seated himself In' tho chair of King Edwnrd I., which contains tho ancient "stone of dos tiny." The dean of Westminster brought from tho altar the golden' ampulla and spoon, nnd the arch-' bishop anointed him on the head, the! breasts and the palms of both hands( und blessod him, Tho king was next invosted with tho coloblum slndonla of flno linen and the uupertunlca of cloth of gold, his hccla were touched with tho golden spurs and tho sword of stato was grrdod upon him, after which tho arinlll and robo royal of bbbbbbWbWIijbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH bbbbktV TMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbd mWrZmis V9V9bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV BBBBBBBB)'1 $?"VnifBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl SBBBVBBBBKTi'.' ,-tlflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBf&i&BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB LHsW?$X'1LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBBTR' l jPPFk 'SbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI bbbbbbbI I i' i - ZTv ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBSJJkv4''i . SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS bbbbbbbV ' 'H jBLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbbyII&BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl BBBBBWK"-'"':rs tIBBBBBRBBBBBBBBH BSbBBBBW ?tE?V L.BBBBBBBBBBBflSBBBBBBBBBl flBBBBBBsUMiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! BBBBBBBBBBBBV"-fciBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBSvt.'' vHSMBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BBBBBBBK1 " r "rTSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBM H t'iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl bbbbbbbbB '9HbbbbbbbbbbH bbbbbbbbbbbbbI '''JbbbbbbbbbbbB SBBBbVP . vXvaiBBBBBBBBBBBBBl MPvTvv - i .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI uiriv J.1 fa5 xSDbhJWIbbbI Queen Mary. cloth of gold wcro put upon him. In turn, then, his majesty wna given the orb, tho king's ring, tho glove and the two scepters. All was ready now for the supreme act Tho archbishop placed St. Ed ward's crown upon tho altar and de livered a short prayer, and then, sup ported by tho other clergy, placed the crown upon tbo king's head. At that instant tho trumpets sounded, the congregation shouted "Long live King Georgo" and the peers and kings of arms put on their coronets. The lntbronlzatlon was a handsome part of the ceremonies. The king was lifted up into his throno by the archbishops, tho bishops and certain peers, and all tho groat officers and thoso who boro the swords, the scep ters and other regalia grouped them selves about tho steps of tho throne. Next tho princes and peors did their homago, led by ho archbishop of Canterbury and the prince of Wales. Each of these and the premier duke, nianiuis, carl, viscount and barou kissed the king upon the cheek. Tho anointing and crowning of Queen Mary was a short and simple ceromony. Following the example ot Queen Alexandra, sho waa nnplnted on the head only. Sho was Invested with tho ring, was crowned by tho archbishop of York and received tho scoptoi' and tho Ivory rod with tho dovo. Few American In tho Abbsy. Of all tho Americans who have been attracted to London by tho fes tivities of tho coronation season, only a very few wero admitted to tho Abboy. Thcso Included President Tnft'uspocial ambassador, John Hays Hammond, nnd Mrs. Hammond; MaJ. Gou. Greely nnd Hear Admiral Vroe land, representing tho army and navy, and tho hitter's secretary; Am bassador Whltelaw Iteld and Mrs. Held and tho attachos and secretaries ot tho embassy, IMorpont Morgan and less than a scoro ot American women who married English peers. Ono fact connected with tho coro nation was the subject of some amused comment. This was that King Georgo, who Is qulto tho reverse, ot a giant, had selected four ot tho shortest knights of tho garter to hold tho gol den cauopy over him during the anointing. Saxony Prince and Princess Johann Georg. Norway M. Ingrane, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Turkey Prince Yueuf Izzed Din. Japan Prince Fushlml, Qen. Nogl and Admiral Togo, China Teal-Chen, eldest son sf Prince Chun, the Regent. Servla The Crown Prince. Chile The Chilean Minister In London. To apprehend contempt Is to have deserved It already. Pierre Lotl. Talco Garfield Tea to regulate tbs liver and overenmn constipation. God pays, btu not every Saturday. Alphonse Karr, LewU' Single Hinder gives the imolcer a rich, incllow-tatling fie cigar. You complain 'of Ingratitude; were you not repaid by your pleasuro In do ing good? Levis. TSn Af.MtN'M FOOT-EAHB lti AntlMpUc pnwdpr to bn ihaktn Into th tboct for tired, aching feet. !- take the Ulng tint of cum and bnolona and make walking a dellgbt. Bold Tnrjwhera, Tie. rt'fuit k-litltutn. For FHBI Ulal packaga, addrcu A, S, Olmettd, ! Hoy, N.T. Raw. Bores Do you bellcvo oysters have bralna? Bored Certainly I do, since they know when to shut up. esutlful Post Cards Free. Bend Jo stamp for five samples of our very beat Gold Embossed Ulrthday, Flow er and Motto Post Cards; beautiful colors and loveliest dealana. Art Pout Card Club. 711 Jackson St., Topcka, Kan. A Use for the Recall. Knlckcr What do you know about tho recall? Docker I bellevo In It for umpires. The Kaiser Likes the Bible. Tho kaiser Is a great reader, and whilo he tries to keep himself abreast of current events, his favorite book is tbo Dlble, says tho London Chronicle. A woll thumbed and marked copy is always by his bedside. When Mr. Roosevelt visited Berlin last year, the kaiser mado him a present of a num ber of books. About half of thorn re ferred to theology and tho others to military subjects. These two classes indicate the kalser'B own preferences. He Ct the Pass. "I want a paBs." "Pass? You're not entltlod to a pass. You are not an employe. Sorry." "No; but hero the antipnss law says free transportation can bo granted to 'necessary caretakers of llvo stock, poultry and fruit.' Well, I'm going on this trip with an aunt that's n hen thero's your poultry; a girl that's a peach there's your fruit; nnd a ncphow thnt'H a mule there's your llvo stock. Gimmo a pass." Tho Way Bill. WISE BROKER. Jlggs That marriage broker was to get 10 per cent, ot the girl's estate for arranging a match with a French mar quis, but' he did better than that he took it all. Wlggs How? JlggB Married the girl himself. (A short hnman-intlrtit story ivritttn by C. IV. Post fir the Pa stum Ctrtal Co., Ltd.) Some Day Ask Your Physician To telt you the curious story of how the mind affects the digestion of food. I refer to the condition the mind Is In, Just before, at the time, or usfv follow Inn the taking ot food. If he has been properly educated (the major ity have) he wilt help you understand the curious machinery of digestion. To start you thinking on this Interesting subject, I will try to lay out the plan In a general way and you can then follow Into more minute details. Pawlow (pronounce Pavloff) a famous Russian Phy sician and Chemist, experimenting on somo dogs, cut Into tho tubo leading from tho throat to the stomach. Thoy were first put under chloroform or somo other anaesthetic nnd tho operation was painless. They wero kept tor months In very good condition. When quite hungry somo unappetizing food was placed boforo them and, although hunger forced them to cat, it was shown by analysis of the contents of tho stomach that little If any of the dlgestlvo Juices wero found. Then, In contrast, somo raw meat was put where they couldn't reach It at once, nnd a little time allowed for the minds of the dogs to "anticipate" nnd create an ap petite. When tho food was finally given them, they de voured It ravenously and with every cvldenco ot sat isfaction. The food was passed out Into a dish through the opening beforo It reached tno siomacn. it was found to be mixed with "Ptynlln" the alkaline Juice of the mouth, which Is important for tho first stop In di gestion. Then n analysis was made ot the contents of "There's a Reason" for saying "The Memory started with POST TOASfttiES. II at BBBaBBBSBBBBnF BBL For Your Enjoyment, ti.... .n inrlivMnal amonr fairly napi with delicious 'hat more to it than mere wetness or weetnett h'svlg 1 orous, full of life. You'll enjoy it from the tint tip to the last drop and afterwards. DELICIOUS THlRSTQUENCHJNa I COCA-COLA HAD BEEN SILENT SUFFERER Subordinate Officer the Recipient of Hints Intended for Hla Superior. A sea captain's wife tells this story of a maiden woman, sister of ono of the owners of the ship on which she once mado a long voyage. Sho had very decided opinions on most mat ters, and she and tho captain had many spirited arguments at tho din ner tablo. Tho captain's wife, n meek, submis sive little soul, fearing that in tho heat ot argument her husband might say something to offend their august passenger, was In the 'habit ot kick ing him on the chins to hint at mod oration. Nevertheless, all these re minders paused unheeded. One day she administered a more vigorous kick than usual, and noticed an expression ot pain flit across the faco of the mato, who sat opposlto her. "Oh, Mr. Brown, was that your shin?" she asked. "Yes, Mrs. Blulklc," said the mate, meekly, "hit's been my shin hall tho voyage, ma'am." Youth's Companion. Willing to Suport Proxy. Albert Tlcdemann, n freshman ot tho University of Pennsylvania, was called upon to voto for ofilcers In a recent guthcrlng. Not being well ac quainted with the nominees, he thoughtfully hoaltated before filling out his ballot. One of tho company left tho room with tho explanation that ho would "vote by proxy." ' "So will I," said Albert, and with his pencil poised abovo his paper, leaned over to a companion on his right and asked: "Say, what's Proxy's first nnrae?" Bo not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot muke yourself what you wish to be.-r-Thomas n Kempls. Lovo Is tho emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time; it ef faces all memory of n beginning; nil fear of an end. Madnmo do Stael. Speak kindly to all. It lies in God's hands whether or no that spolten word shall be the last you utter to the one you are addressing. Do not expect a friend to ask of you; anticipate his need. Socrates. (a drFnka a beverase that goodnea and refreshing REFRESHING. WbencTer CO., Altaata.Ca. foa ate aa .SI, A:w thick I Coca-Coia GRAIN TANKS For Storing Grain Tanks 0f ill Kinds Write for Catalogue Co'imblan Steel Tank Co. 1117 w. tllit SI.,liimiCiir,M3. nrriSMPr TMf'U eaiteit to work witn anl itarctiai duties nlisiL Historic Event Celebrated. Australia recontly commemorated tho ono hundred and forty-first anni versary of Captain Cook's first land ing. It was In 1770 that II. M. S. En deavor, a barque of 370 tons, entered tho inlet first called Sting Rays Har bor, but afterwards Botany Bay, from the beauty and variety of the planta growing about Its shore. Tho vessel remained eight days, and before she left the British flag was hoisted. As Is the custom on each recurring anni versary, the flag was again unfurled upon the spot wLere It was first dis played, and was saluted by the guns of the warships In the harbor. The Old Gag. Miss Lillian B. Rowc, at an adver tisement writers' dinner in Denver, Bald of the harem skirt: "It will soon be so widely worn that the old gag, perpetrated In the'403 on men, may profitably bo revived for women victims. "Soino sharper, you know, will ro vivo tho gag by advertising in tho Ladles' Own "'Send ?1 and learn how to keep your harem skirt from becoming fringed at tho bottom.' "Thousands of dollnrs will pour in, and to each victim tho sharper will reply: " 'Wear knickers.' " Intricate Letter. When Bllkins was away from home on a long business trip, he got a letter from his wlfo that still puzzles him, It ended thus: "Baby is well and lots brighter than sho used to be. Hoping you are the same, I rerauin, your loving wlfo." Everybody's. A self-made man? Yes, and wor ships his creator. Henry Clapp. Method. Mrs. Knlcker Will your furniture go in the new flat? Mrs. Bocker It will after It's smashed. Good maxims are germs of all good; firmly Impressed on the memory, they nourish the will. Joubert. tho stomach. Into which no food had entered. It was shown that tho dtgt'Ntlve fluids of stomach wero flowing freely, oxartly na If tho dcalrnblo food had entered. This pioved that it was not the presenco of food which entitled tho dlgosllvo Juices to flow, but tho flow iH caused entirely nnd alono ns a result of tho action of tho mind, from "anticipation." Ono dog contlnuod to cnt tho food ho liked for over an hour believing ho wns getting it Into his stomach, whereas, not nn ounco wont thero; eveiy particle went out through tho opening nnd yet all this time tho dl goHtlve juices flowod to tho stomach, prepared to quickly digest food, In reuponso to tbo curious orders ot tho mind. Do you pick up the lesson? Unappetizing food, that which falls to create mental anticipation, does not cause the necessary digestive juices to flow, whereas, fowl that -Is pleasing to the sight, und honce to tho mind, will cause the complicated machinery ot the body to prepare in a wonderful way fur tls digestion. How natural, thon, to reason that one should sit down to a meal In a peaceful, happy state of mind and start oft tho breakfast, say with some ripe delicious fruit, then follow with a bowl ot crisp, lightly browned, thin bits ot corn like Post Toasties, add a sprinklo of sugar and somo good yellow cream and the attractive, appetiz ing plcturo cannot escape your eyo and will produce the condition ot mind which causes the digestive juices naturo has bidden In mouth and stomach, to come forth and do their work. These digestive juices can be driven back by a mind oppressed with worry, hate, anger or dislike of tho dis agreeable appearance of food placed boforo one. Solid facts that are wfirthy tho attention of anyono who esteems prime health and human happiness as a valuable asset In the game ot life. Lingers" when breakfast is r - - a-w.t