The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 29, 1911, Image 1

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4 Newspaper Tiiat Gives The News Flfty-tira Weeks Each Year For $1.50
volume xxxvnn.
RED CLOUD, MEBR ASK A, .lUXIS !2!. 1911.
In the Wanking alualnaaa
there Is nothing tlmt Ih stronger than
a good nuoie. If it is the business man
who requests an accommodation :it his
bank, the first question let. "does Iio
bear u good name?" When
1 Wm Solicit Your Accou; t
your first thought is, "has this t n
good name?" and we arc proud of t
fact that the answer must be "'j ,' as
we have made a reputation for t-om -tesy
and carefulness second to none.
Interest paid on Time Deposits.
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabili, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
Henry Nasser Is painting Stnrke
ItroH ' house.
Miss Hazel Saladen has been visiting
Miss Bertha Doyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew King spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Connie
Tom Hwartz and his sister, Miss
V'Ola Swartz, Sundayed oClmrHeMre. Ella Kent, who got her an he,
A picnic was huld on tlic river Sun
day for the young folUs. Over thirty
were present.
A flue rain fell Suuday ulglit. The
ball did some damage but things will
como out all right.
Miss Dollio Uasser returned homo
Sunday. She Las been visiting friends
and relatives near Guide Rock.
Mr. Prank Frlsbie got his finger
(badly hurt this week in the machinery.
'He will be laid up for some time. .
George Coon and 'son were on wind
mill row Sunday
Smith Bros, cut their second crop of
alfalfa on Tuesday.
Will Fisher took took a load of hogs
to town Wdnesduy.
Mrs. Al Hnjjt)i was sick lust week,
ImliibfionMrbettcr now.
broken, is some better.
Mrs. Ida Kent had a good flow spoil
ed in a wire fence last Thursday
The ltuwleigh mediciue man tool;
dinner with George Smith Sunday.
Zack Humes visited his daughter,
Mrs. George McKimmoy, last week.
Corn is clean from weeds this year
so there is no excuse for weedy corn.
Will Flshor out Oeorgo Harris' wheat
last week and George Coon's Monday.
A nice rain on Friday night and
another one on Sunday night. It was
needed pretty bad for the corn, and
had some hail on Friday night which
did some damage to the corn and oats.
Mr. Simpson and son finished the
cement bridge on the bottom road on
Tuesday und now the rond is open for
Charley Campbell is feeling pretty
good for he says it is a title boy Camp
bell this time and mother and son are
doing tine.
Everybody and their boys are going
to Red Clond to celebrate the Fourth,
l'lven the old folks aro going to take
the children.
Thornt Foe returned yesterday from
Bird City
T. Lawler shipped a car loud of hogs
to St. Joe Wednesday.
Mrs. tterrick and baby are visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Threshing has commenced iu this
part of Webster County. Wheat Is
not ycildiug very good
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Davis left
Sunday in their auto for Beatrice,
where thoy expect to spend the week
visiting his aunt, Mrs. Terry
J ml White und wife started for
Oberlln, ICus., Tuesday by the way of
the auto route and expect to bo gone a'
couple of weeks visltiug their son and
C. W. Fuller left Tuesday for South
Dakota where he has interests In a
cattle ranch. It is so dry there that
he is figuring on shipping his cattle
out to market.
Chris Koler of Wyoming was iu
Cowles Wednesday looking after his
interests in the elevator here. Chris
lives ou a ranch in Wyoming and he
says they have had 'plenty of rain
there and things are looking flue.
went to Lincoln
Mrs. I. W. Crurv
G. M. Simpson has been having some
nice cherries on the market.
Mrs! R. Fi. Burr entertained the M.
L. K. ladles Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs! E K. Burr expects to visit rela
tives nt Bryan, Ohio, this summer.
Mrs. Boies spent several days in
Superior last week as the guest of
Mrs. Lew Lyons.
Mrs. M. Lovitt departed Monday to
visit lier mother and other relatives
at Webster City, Iowa.
Mrs, Dwlght Jones will visit her
daughter, Mrs. George Morhart, at
Pueblo, Colorado, iu July.
Mrs. .1. S. Largeut, daughter Carrie
and sou John are hero from Texas
visiting relatives. They arrived Mon
day evening.
Mrs; Lulu Beall was up from Bost
wick Tuesday attending the I), of II.
lodge. She visited with Mrs. Van
Wocrtjaud daughter while in town
Charles Uodgen and wife are visiting
this wbek at Ilohlrege and other towns
west. Mrs. Hnyes Is staying with the
children during the absence of the
At the close of the Degree of Honor
lodge Tuesday evening the members
were given a surprise. The six "Dun
bar sisters," Mcsdumes E. Peters, II,
F. CoGjier, C. I, Columbia, Floyd
Crow, Geo. Crow and I W. Roland, in
vited .the members to the dining
room. The- tables were decoratod
with foliage and dugs, leu cream,
cake and iced tea were served by the
ladies and their young daughters.
Mrs. J. S. Largeut and daughter of
Texas wero among the guests. Every
body had a pleasunt time.
F. NEWHOUSE, Pry Goods
Ladies' White Skirts
With 6-inch em
broidered flounces
and cluster of two
Ladies' White Skirls with three rows lace
insertion and lace edge, $1.00, $2.00, $3.25
Children's Muslin Drawers
3 w nn nemsutcned ruiiie, sizes
irom z to o, at - - I Jc
With embroidery ruffle, ages
from 2 to 1 2, at - - 25c
Misses' Muslin Drawers
Misses' Muslin Drawers, 2 tucks with 1 -inch
embroidery, sizes 8 to 12, at 25c
tVVV DStwl
Ladies low neck Nightdress, with 2
rows insertion and lace edge in neck,
3 rows ins'n in sleeve, sleeve lace-edge
Ladies' Nightdresses
Ladies' Nightdresses with 3 rows emb. in- d 1 A A
aertionin yoke, yoke edged with emb., atP vvJ
Ladies' extra large Nightdresses, insertion d 1 A A
in yoke and embroidery edge, at - - 4) I vV
All three numbers are bargains at these prices
Children's Bloomers
Made of a good
grade of Black Sat
een, ages from 2 to
12, at
Agents for Butterick Patterns
flThe Retailer in any line of business
should stand for the interests of his
customers. In the long run, it is on
them HE must depend.
( It is because we know this that we
have always handled the BEST goods
in every line, and only such as would ,
merit our guarantee of
Newhouse Bros.
C. ml. Q. Watch Inamactora. Jawalcra and Optometrhtta.
Real Estate and Loans
Economy Of
Good Roads.
The economic loss due to bad roads
is beyond computation and the indif
ference of the general public toward
any projected improvement of our
highways is not easily understood'.
Each owner of property must be held
accountable for the coudition of the
highways of this locality.
Of our public works the condition o(
none reflects our business status more
accurately than the condition of our
highways. To make good roads so
that products of the farm aro easily
and (illicitly brought to this market
is to increase the value of every farm
along those roads and is practically to
increase the fanners' facilities and
lessen their expenses, at the same
time making this town a bigger und
better market for farm produce.
If every citizen could see iu actual
money the financial return on his in
vestment in good roads he would con
tribute his share thereafter with
alacrity. Ho has druincd the swamps
on his land and converted them Into
arable land. lie hits bought improved
farm Implements he has, In fact,
adopted all modern methods in order
to increase the productiveness of his
land. But. the marketing of his farm
products is still seriously hindered by
defective highways The actual re
turns on any investment iu Improving
tlio roads to market aro just as direct
and oven more prompt than aro those
from farm drainage and improvod
farming methods.
Iu these days of autoiuoblliiig good
roads open up a much wider range of
vision for the rural 'inhabitants and
the same conditions that cnuble our
residents to visit other scotions induce
residents of other communities to visit
this locality. This interoommunlca
tioL results in a kind of advertising
that iuovlUbly increases tlio value of
property by bringing in desiruble pur
chasers, Iu fact, the results accruing
from tho building of good roads com
prise au endless chaiu of benefits to
the community that builds the roads.
Dan Qarber A Co.
Rod Cloud, Mobrooko
Chiof omoo
TELEPHONES: Independent, 53; Bell, black 41.
treat Swday Eveilii Service
There will be au.opeu air service in
the court bouse park by tho several
churches on next Sunday evening at
7:30 o'clock. A good address, good
music, and a cordial welcome to all
Athenas te Red Cloud,
For tlio past club year or since the
new programs wero printed a club
meeting with Mrs. C. E. Cross at Hod
Cloud has been pleasantly anticipated
and the Atheuas were well repesented
on No. 10 Thursday morning.
From tho beginning the day was a
continual round of pleusure. The
most delightful of luncheons was serv
ed at noon. The hour spent at the table
was un especially happy one, as such a
feast is doubly enjoyed in charming
At :$ in tho afternoon the club was
formally opened. Koll call was
answered by quotations from Richard
Watson Gildie. Mrs. Spcnce gavo a
sketch of the life of It. W. Gildie and
Mesdames Ayr and Kornhnrd nlso gavo
readings from this author. A number
of piano solos by Mrs. Hilsabcck were
much enjoyed and Mrs. Cross sang
tw.ifavorlties of tlio club, viz: "O
Winds That Hlow From the South"
and Uugenc Field's lullaby, "Billow."
At six o'clock, although it may seem
remarkable, the ladies were able to en
joy a daintily served tea and In a sur
prisingly short time the conveyance
arrived t take us to the traiu und
with many merry partings the ciow.d
turned their faces toward Franklin,
all agreeing that it had been a day of
days and as a hostess Mrs. Cross is un
excelled, Mrs. Black ledge and Mrs.
Albright of Red Cloud and Mrs. Joel
Fager of Cheyenne, Wyo., wero gussts
of the club. Saturday's Franklin
ol jSBSSUmaa
LWoaaaaaaaaamaW 7'V
The Real Test
AFTER all, is in the
final product, for
when it comes to eat
ing that's the REAL
test of Flour, wherein
quality is evidence.
Quality and IMPER
IAL, one word.
Successor to Dr. J. S, BMIQH
At tfcetM stani vtr the
State Baik. Phm 131.
8 IV
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