W i I'WH 1 it 1 1 "T" 15he CHIEF ! rf Cloud NabraakA. PUBLISHKD Bjfr&T THURSDAY -rtrr .ItDttred In (ho PWtbfnre aWHed Clonrt.Ncb., ' Knrmid (!! Mlttcr. '0 11. WALK I'tlllt.lSUi:!! , .THE ONLY I'KMOCKATKJ PAI'KK IN T" WI'IWTKIlt'OUNTY V Political Announcements. Tin; columns of tlio Chief ate open for legitimate, advertisements of all klin'ls. CanilUliitoH, roRnrdlosH or party iifllllatlon, arc welcome In uc these ooliimns Price of announcement, S. KOUCOl-STVCLKKK I titTcliy announce injHelt ns a 'niiillilal lur re-tlci'tlnn an. County I'lcrfc ul Wclmlcr County, Nelir., on llio lleiiilillran lli-Ufl. Htiliji-rt to trie iImWchi ol Ilil'Mittl at the Y'l'rlinnry I'lit'tlnn Inliehflil iikiisI l". I'JII. i:. . I toss. KOKCOUNTVCI.KKK ' I liiiihyunioiinic niymll as a raiitllilatc lor the oilliMi ol foiinty t'tirk ol Wilislir County, Ni-hr., subject to the will ol tbe nl iirnol the In'inoeralli'anil People's I nilt!u;nil. rut Purlv at tbe Primary Klretlim to be In Id AuK.iri.imi. w. it. iimi.ky. POH COUNTY CliBUK Wcliawfliocnaiithorlid to iiniiiiiuitc Hie iiumeol (IkoIkik II aiiki.I.. ol lleil flnail. lor notiilnallnnol County Clerk, mibjict to tbe will ot the Democrat anil I'tople's liiileunil- uiiivotcrttiit trie rilimtry clei'ilon umist 1Mb, till I. FOItCOI'NI'Y CLiHtK We uiu autborltil to nuunnin ii V. u. Hliiiiiiioiuisa ennillilitte lor nomination us cminly rhrk Milijut to tbe will ol tbe rt lulillcun Miters at tbe uliuai. tltctlnn, August loth CLUNK OF ni.sTKicr CoUIIT I bfit'liy anuonnre nijKtll as a canillilitic for Clerk ol tbe District Court ol Wilisttr County, on tbe eiiilllfiiii tleket. snlijcct to tliiMlti'lhlon ol tbe south at tbe primal ultctlini to lie In bl tmast trail., Mill. cu s. i:. itni.i.i . FOR COUNTY THKASUI.KU. Vcliu In en autborliil lonnuoiinte the raiullilnrynHiMi. W'.Ijmi-u tor Hie olllii' ol lotnily trcasurtr. siibju'l to the will ol the lUmnrnit anil People's liiilcpi'mlcnl jmrtlimtt thcpilimu.t tltctlon NiiisukI 1Mb. IUII. FOK COl'NTY TKKAhUUHH. Wchac liven Aiitboiltil to iiiinoiuc Hit eamllilitry ol II. C. Wimill l. ol HiimmiioiiI. for tbe oltlccof County Tieasuier. Mibjei-l to the will ol Hie Pcmovriltle mill Peoples In ilepi'iiilt'iit Panics at tlii'Sinlmiiry clutlon Almost i.'iii. p.m. FOK TlinASUItKK S i' liitvc lit cu :iutlioili'il In a milium o tin eaiuliilitc ol It. W . Koon 1 lor tbe oilier ol county tiiaMiii r. Miiijirt to tbe will ol tin- Kcplllllll'ltll MlllTb lit till' plllllill) lll-l'tillll Auxtikt 1Mb. mil Foil TltnASlKlMl fliHM' hrrn nut bolltil to iiuuoiiin r I lie ii.tincil ll. . riiolit.ol llluc lllll. lot tlic iioiulutitlou ol County Trenmuci. Mibjiet to tbe will ol tbe Heiuociut anil 1'roplr'it Imlr pi'iittent titers at tbr I'lhuur.t rltrtlon to lie htltl Aiiritlht I.'.. MUI. FOKSilKKlFF I bereb it it in nun e in.vi.rll as a niullil.i it for Sbt.'rlll ol Wi ttti loiinlj, Nt biitsku, on the Uumot rullc tlckrt ulijiil to tbeilii'Uloli .. .1... ....-. ... tl... Il.li.in.f ..I. ...I.... f.. I... 1JI UIU .u 1 .11 ....- . . ill...,. m ti.'ii ... i'i j lirltlAuiiustiri.mil .l.r. Itcn.Kii.ir. , , , ,, ' FOK SllBIMFF llitrilt.t iiiiuoiiui'c ni)M'll a t'uiiiliiluti lor Die olllreol Hu-rlll ol Welislti l ouiit.N. siiti Jict to Die will ol tbe Milfis ol llir Uiiiui. rrallcaiul I'toplc'i. IihIi prmlt nt I'artli-. Iio: . Cuow. KOIt SIIEIIIFF. I lit relit ionium ti iii.vhHI a eainllilait' (m the iiomiimtlou ol Miri lit ol W rbiti r t ouut Miihjct't to tbr will ol llir llrpulillcau witrr. In liecxpicsMil ill lb 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 ilii'tlou Me tis! ir.h. MMl. W M. Wol. I v.. FOK SHUKIFF. ' ,, - - - I lar.'li) MiiioiiiitviiolliiniiiilMiitt' (or The university professor who lobb tlieiiomluiiiloii ol Sbt rill ol wibMri county ' led to get the uuiveisitv moved out to mibjvct to tbr will ol ibe Hiiiiuiriiilc ami ! the state farm because he had corner I't-oiili hull in mli hi partlitsat tbr prluiio.t ,i i.., ..r ,.t..,.i.i.. .. . ... ., Hec.lon Mm.istlMb. tmi.-c. c.l,.s. , ' ' I"hW renl estate the.e, . . has been slapped on the wrist by the FOK MIKIIIFF regents, which, added to his failiue to lliiieb.Miaiioiim'iimMlfuiaiiili.lati (, j K11 )" PH'k over his hind specula tbeiiomliiiitiiniolMiiiltrof Wflisiti iount oli is considerable uf punishment Kiiiiji'ii tu tin- will ol ibe iriiioi'i:itii aiiilj.State Capital ZXT:: ' ."-"l- MmlMV who ,., . ( utter the altiuis of Webster county in FOU COl'NTY .ll'litiK ,,u btsl. si.ssion nf the IpgiHluture vot- tii.rt- him.. M.iiii...ii.nri.iii. mil. K"lnM this lull and did all lie l IiiiiIm aiuiiiiini'i tu.viHi n a I'tiiiiliilatf could tti defeat the measure. Per in iiniiii,. .i.i.ihi- 'i '!"" i . .niiii.i . ,ii" lllllfckll.Mlt.Jtrl III II..' Wlllllltbl. I III till-. Ot tlm l) innt'ialie inn! Proplu's hull pi iiiU ul , fartlesattlie I'llnmtv nltrii.m lo b. i.rl.l ot count ouilne ol WeiMti i oiiiu.t . .Nc AiikiikI 1Mb inn . I'. IttssM . . rOU(Hl.T COMMISSIONKI! , I bcii'li annniiiiee inti II a tiiiiillilati lm , ilu'iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiuliuiiiii) ...ii.n.i-n.,,,1 ..i 1'iiUlllllssliilii'r lU'tllft NO. I. vulijtcl to Mil i uiu ..x tlit- Ci.mi1.'" Iii i nib iii ami im eralle pailli at tin pilmaij l l Imi to In brbl Muiut IV It'll inn. I' i iio-n. FOK I'OUS'TV (OM.MIss(NF.i: I brut.) iimioiimi iii.m-i II a rauillitate loi tbr iiomluutloii ul i oiiiii oiniiili-loiui ol t oiiiniN-linii r ill-lib so. I. Mibjit't to llir ulll ul tbr Ptopit'fc I u!t prmlcui unit lb inn- j CNecutiiig ouelicrs tor tho sulilier eialli'paiifiMtt ibripibniii.t t union to br that dtaw pensions. C W Ho-.s "' "l V'"i";" V '"'-'- V' """""" I County clerk FOK HOAIIoVKKSKF.K I lieirby miiiouiuc uiyii II a camlliliiit (oi llontl Uvmmi rol Hond IMslrlcl No. .'., W'eb fctrr t niinl niiIiJici lo llir will ol tin Mitcr ol tin liipulilltau pint. W H i. I'l-liru ft gulden portutilty If If fails to take a census on tlw Fourth. It up to Hosmer to get the Niii thousand. I -, - ' - (Mir ellloient county attorney Fred .Miitirer working away without iioiso or bluster succeeded hi bringing to light about twetityflve thoiisntid doll ars of taxable property this year which hrtil boon nleoly tuj-ked away from Might. The work along this line which he has already done In of sulllo lent sio to save the county hh salnry for two yearsand leave it comfortable surplus. The telephone has become nlmo-lan indespenslble necessity on the farm, lly lis aid prices are learned, help Is secured, purchases are made and trans actions closed withotitcven the trouble of hitching up A farm with a tele phone Is no longer isolated because no matter bow much alone the farmer limy be he call visit, with his neighbor and hear a human voice at anytime he deslies. Twenty years ago the possi bilities of a telephone on the farm was scarcely a dream. V wonder If any fcteps have been taken tuwurds forming that Webster county commercial club? fn the opin ion of this editor this ought to be or ganized at once. Tho interests of nil the towns in the county arc identical and an organization that would bring us all together would bo the best tiling to happen to us. By working together everything attempted by any Lof the towns would tic a success. Stand up for Webster county One by .otic the old cottouwood laud marks are being hewn down to give place to the more ornamental species. They have however served their miss ion nnil the day of their usefulness is over. When this eoiintiy was Hist settled it was the cottouwood which lespontled the most rcatlily.aud which Hist cheered the pioneer with its ipiickness ot growth. Its shade shel tered the weary traveler and furnished a play ground during the hot summer days lor the little children While the most of us will gladly say good bye to the cottouwood we doubt not that to the old pioneer tho passing of this tree is closely connected with some thing akin to pain. Now that the CSoverument has tie monstiated Usability to curry sealed letters for two cents and make a pro lit we suggest that the railroad com panies study the plan ami see if they cannot better their income hy lollow ing I lie same scheme. It costs two eei.ts to send a letler to (iuide Hock, it also costs two eonts to send a letter to New Voik City if the railroads should adopt the saine plan and charge say a nominal fee of one dollar fare no matter wheie one wanted logo we would stakeonrrcpnlationas piophets that one half of our people would be on the go all the time. All we ask for tliis tip is the priviledge of pur chasing the Hist ticket. Now coin.es the New York City shoe dealer and says that women's feet are growing larger. This is not surpris ing in fact all the shoe dealers of Ne braska were aware of the fact long ago but. tho curious reasoning of the x'a V- I II ! a i i',r" ,M, .'t is .nemonsiraicti wen he attempts to name a cause for ''this growth, lie says women's feet are gr wing because they have invad ed the eoinmeroial world. It takes more bruins to pound the typewriter and wield thu pen than it does to rock the cradle and do the cookiug hence women arc getting huge feet just like the men. We have always admired the brain of a New York business man but we never su-peeted that bestowed it away in his feet. hup'J.Mr. I.lndsey tlid not. know that niii- ,ij r, 1,11111st' V lllll tltt lK ,y,.siU ,ir)lf(.SM- , ,, . ,,,,''II but he did know tl had any laud hat there are uuniiroils of stutleiits atttnuliug our iiuiei-it wlio uial.e their entire e- ponses b.v woiKing In the city. Weic Ihc iinivci sil y rcumved to the count ry in.ti.j ,, .in.'NcbiuUa boys would be , , . . .... , . , , , ' n u.-gc .u a limner citiica tmii. Notice On the Itli day ..f .llilj tins uillcti will be open fioin s u m , till 111 M m longer if iiooes.-,ai for the purptise u L. . For .Sale One Tlioroaghbieil Poland Chlii.i male hog Cull im tiraddiess F.iim Fk, luavale, Nebr. Kctl Cloud will nils- (i golden on TED'S ORDEAL W i - .A.- . .' (fllntly the committee followed Tod Hammond down the utreet. At th flftb bouse from the corner tuy olemnly pued. Ted vc one up' peuing look and mounted the nf-pif mere wan iiucn a prompt reKponse to fcli ring that they almost Heemed to baVe been waiting for him'. Ted waited mlaerahly In the recep tion room while tho butler went to an nounce hlB Important IniHlni'HB. He rather envied llttlo Sllbon who was settliiR off light. What huh Hlmulat Ing an epileptic fit In a crowded dry gnoda store to trying to cell the moat luxurious liver In town a copy of "The Simple Life?" The committee on Initiation had been most itiRenlotn- thin year. The taaka they allotted the candidates were positively fiendish but to order him to seek to Roll u copy of that book to Cheater Ackerman seemed to In vite him to Helf-destructlon. Nervously he followed tho butler down the long hall and Into the li brary. Ackerman looked up nt his entrance. "What can I do for ou'" he auked aharply. "I have a hook," explained Ted. "fi'n a very celebrated book and I thought you might like to buy a copy" "A book agent!" thundered Acker man, as he reached for the bell. "See here," pleaded Ted. "(live me a chance. Here Ir a book that every one's been talking about." "Don't want It," snapped Acker man. "Havo a look, anyway." Insisted Ted. "It's 'The Simple Mfe;' the book that tho picHldent thought was such hot stuff. I'll bet you've never read It and yet It's been talked about for tho last two years You never did read It. did you?" "No. And I'm not koIiik to now." de clared Ackerman. If 1 thought ou meant that I needed to read that" "You do need to." reiterated Ted "Not tho way you mean, but because ii man net-ds to keep posted. Hy youi' own admission, you're two years behind You can have a laugh, anv way." Ho held the book Invitingly townid his victim and almost unconsciously Ackerman took It. He glanced over the panes with an occasional grunt He was by no means an exponent of the simple life, and he found much to deride. "Didn't I tell you It wan good for a laugh?" Insisted Ted. Ackerman look ed up with a smile. now much Is It?" ho demanded. "You can satisfy your pride with the knowledge that you're the first book ngent that ever sold me anything "In that ease make It a dollar," sug gested Ted. "Thanks. Good morning I can ilnd my own way out." He wns koho before Ackerman could ring, cluted over his success and de voutly thankful that he had not been thrown out He was Just opening the fiont door when a kIH came runlng down the stairs, 'Mr Hammond?" sho cried Ted turned. "Miss Diury" he Hasped. 'What brings you here?" "Mr. Ackerman Is m guardian," she rxplalned. "I thought that per bapa " She caught herself with a blush. "No," said Ted. "That was not It. You und :our party left the Point so suddenly that I could get no trace of you. The fact Is that I wna In selling' Mr Ackeimun a book." You are a hook agent?" ibx erled In shocked surprise "Amateur," he explained. "They' want lo make me feel properly hum ble before they admit me to fellowship tu the fraternity. I had to sell a copy of 'The Simple Mfe.'" "Ti Ftnle Chester?" the erled. "How did you ever do It?" 'I don't know myself," Im admitted frankly "There are threw of thu com mute outside now waiting to see me thrown down the steps. did not ex pert to disappoint them." r coiiki esii the butler." she gested.- uf No, thanks. If you will penult me I'll take another chance wlih your uncle' "How"' she akeii, curiously "You kuow what I was trying to ask you last summer'," be mild hold ly "You left before 1 could piopoue. I wus. urn! am, eoiicmd .Miinigh tn think that you do cate for uie May I go tu and ask liU coiismuI m uur mar riage when I t;radiiat?'' "This Is so sudden." she pnitesled. "Not a bit of tt 'f been seven months gettiiiK Ii out I think you've had notice eiuiURh ' His exes pleaded uioie eloquently than his toiiniin, ami IiIiiMhii.kI.v she hid her face on his shouldei .liul she whispered ' .' " ror , second time that uioinltiK Chester Vckernuiu was hhocked out of hN iceiHtomed placltlli). ami for a hccoiiu nine Ten won. This time his pleatllng was far mom eui t Ho l.:oIvr:.bH;,,y "' """" ,,,u i In tho shallow of the trees thieu llUil- illcd llgures with cliattorliiL- teoiii preoteil him "Sorry to hoop )ou nulling.' hii, Ted politely. Hole's a dollar I got for Mid book." "Tell ii about It," commanded th roininittee. ' Wliat detained you?" "That'B tiulto another Htory," ex, plained Ted. "nut I'm really ery much obliged to you for your amiable Httoits to provide mo with auHde-i death, 1 am Indeed." PPPP -i ( Airy, Sunshine and breezes will not harm them. They are INTENDED for hard service and frequent laundering. flThey are durable, beautiful and withal most inexpensive. CJIn leaf greens, soft wood tones, and pretty delft effects, they impart the atmosphere of cool simplicity which is the chief charm of the home in summer. Plenty of Laces, Nets, Scrims and Casement cloths. Wake our Store Yur Headquarters. THE MINER BROS. CO. General Merchants. "A Mighty Safe Place To Trade" lied Clotitl so far is the only town in the count) to announce that there U to be a Fourth of July celebration. In lact the other towns have 'derided to coiuo heie to celebrati. Now the question is will lied Cloud make it in tcrestini:'.' The way tbe committees are working one would think that the whole statu would be fiere on that day. In the forenoon one committee come in ami asks us if we will join in one kind nf amusement ami in the after noon another committee comes hIoiii: and asks us to be the tirsl to climb the greased pole and about supper time another fellow asks us to deliv er a two hours address. lYeparaiioirs'.1 These committees are lying awake nights planning stunts for this cele bration. It wont be like a political gathering either. There will be no placards showing wlieiv each town ship is expected to remain Well, hardly. There will be such atnixtiire i that ut! will not. be able to tell our own citizens ami everybody will be cither Tom, Dielc or Marry! o .Mist ers or formal introductions just an old fashioned western celebration and everybody welcome. It will be one long day of music, oratory, perform ances, fun and frolic. tJ rand pa and little Tutt in have received duo con sideration ami their entertainment, piovided for lU'inembcr the dale .Inly Konitb, Nirreteen-eleven. Clerks and City Team Play Tie Came. The city team and the clerks played jit game of ball Tuesday evening which ' was hotly contested, ending in a tie 'score and stopped on account of dark- i uess JTho feature of the game was the battery of the clerks, Itarber and I Hatirrders Saunders also showed IiNj old time form with the willow, driving In the tieiug .-coves- in the seenth in-j uiug with tun; of his old time bingles Score: U II K City Team S I J Clerks I" ii Itutti'lies-City, llirics and .loluisttui, Carpenter; Clerks. Harber and Sanir deis. Saine leiuns will play again probably some evening next week. A Chin it v I'hantcr No. I :. Oidei ot at .Masonic i Mrs ( ota Uie Kiislern Stars, meets ! Hull iiltmiiaie ' Monday's i.uUyl y M. Mrs lldith Itobins'wi. ; ..,,....,,, ...... ' . ! : - ----e , lellipiar ineuis uvtuj ivi i inn nmj ! II A l.etsoti. i: C I" W. Turnure ! Iti-cm ilfi . . . , TTi T . ,, . . ' n,"'v ,j0,, N "'"V '' '"", A , M- meets at Masonic Hall every 1st i I'rlduy. H. K l'c W. M A i H. .sellnr, "-"ccretnry ' Ued ("loittl Chapter No U. llo.al i .t oh Masons meets every Second mid I i.v. i. i.'.Um- n v. Toinnre. II V i - -..-- ,. 'A II. Sellars. Secretary ' k ,' r" ' , n 5 U i I ' Artistic , jr; s ummer Now is the Time to Freshen Up NOTHING makes a place look more "run down at the heel" than the noticeable need for paint. I Iin is the time of year to freshen up. Look at jiutr buildinu's wouldn't a coat of paint here .: .tl there add a touch of prosperity? SOUTHERN Pure White Lead ul Iin-ifil oil nuke not only a t'hr.ip p.ihit per g-illou t a ci ilur.ililc p.iint .ii well. Add any tint w.iiitet). Ii ttc the p.iinter cx.miiiie the viuf.icc to lie covered iii hinge rhe prnpiirtion .iccnnliiigly. Send for Our Free Painting Helps ul ii-i. u io.ur hi In nn-, iniivll.iiniiiih ii.ilntini; "in' mi ii.uiii--. in inn- i.im i'iniii '" iiiiiiiiiiiut win. iitt- cmr v.luu- I. ..il. '.if II IiikNo. Ii. in I'tlMI.K- U Jon llM' lilirwliilfli ml. il ir ii f.r .mi V. 'nli i. '"Il'i I. ' i . i' ' ir f rc 1 i n 1!. Ii in. . i ... . .. t.. 'TiN.L 1 H ((iM!"V ' I ' " ' "t :i I.u ,-. Mu. H. E. Grice Drug Co. J. C. Sloss il i ' iP r i JwTl i iwiM&rt -pwL--iKMb9iwr XtXrfi lii'i'i MSS' '"- -;' i vi at0 tBwarr "" ', i -j-.irir ?- i n wr'-wr'MWBBMrrPparT'i-4r' Best' Mattress isjheONE You rAM A ft A Vrtlf niVfW A cheap mattress is an extravagence. It deprives restfulness that a good mattress tress is oftentimes unsafe sometimes beco'ues a positive tor of disease nerms at the best its service is brief far tc for even the little money it costs, in rrranrcss iuuuiyt puiuy, tuitiiuii anu crvn.c- -! f -VM sr- ' " N fTheJVhitejSwaniMaltress J i i null! or or.' t iranrii, iiirrM, iihim M snowy wliitt". It(nghbrrtaple I cxat M made entirely of this highest grade material, the only one with a f j ' 30-Year Guarantee ' not bi. "sav o." hut bv a leifil. iinihnir bond that eiven with each mattress. 'M m Come in and sre our line ol White Swan Mattreste inspect the cotton-felt ' , 4 llt-ft,' m.l ,,, In li.m limn if vr iiitl, trv nni for 'tO flni' ill inur hnmi-. isi ttri Ilia, t '1 l,,,U ,,,V, It ,,,. , ,WM ...J.., ivy FOR SALE BY ED. THE FURNITURE MAN Undertaking a Specialty AH the "tTrifl"!. if Draperi 1 1 nes. :tj. ,..WiL-r5S: rJi'..fs.;-r--TT-i - thrift would give you. A cheap Buy the biggest bargain uraiitiiiii iimiui iiijiciiui t cotton, It's the only rotton-lelt mattress .. W..V w. ..V VHW ... jv... ..w.i.v. ftty M zri i " ki 4J jv.all i f f-f Mm .I., v a Jrf lr J I P-Wki. f WX , fSA rJ&V im' I'vi' ''vV rJr -' IS 1 1 i i ., . a II Wft M I 9 I Ur Jff i m ":, ' 'irrH rsrn - filar-! r3.-; wnr.'irKtW- youTof J ubaTB littleJK Wfl earth "ft SB I iii AMACK Ph ones fl M M 1 :vj i. SSM rffrrm'riMiT'rttr,Tt!tiUiVjatfMa.yimTixwtia.MK--''-