fmmmiimk w W" "W7- 5ia. "W 1" ,OJS8L Lv nW!"WW Villi V OliTJMB xxxv in I A DAY OF TROUBLE i not so greatly dreaded if you li.ive ot:o of our deposit books with h good sua to your credit; iu pinve-. to be the "friend Indeed" li not neglect this important mallei: e. t, ,t at once that you start u ibaio. .count, however .small, and tlii-n n-d all you can spare to it. Itemnnl." . the rainy day is bound to corae. Interest paid on Time Deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. LESTER Mr. aud Mrs.. Will Robertson spent Sunday at Charles Rasscrs. Sylvester Emick and mother spent Sunday with Porter Hale and family. Mr aud Mrs. Al Dockoraud Mr. and Mrs. Snider spent Sunday at Conle n86cr's. The Misses Price from Pouusylvaula iretees of Mrs. I. Frisble are liere visit ing them. MisiJ Mae Friable returned home Sunday. She has been visiting friends in Guide Hock. Mr. Cory an uncle ot Lue and (iracc Frisble returned home Monday after a short visit with them. A dry rally was held at the Lester school house Tuesday night. A host of friends were there celebrating for Lester for it sure went dry. i F. NEWHOISE, Dry Goods! MI15 IM IINinFRWFARl Ladies' While fiBi Ladies' White Skirts with three rows lace insertion and lace edge, $1.00, $2.00, $3.25 Ladies' Nightdresses Ladies low neck Nightdress, with 2 A 1 ff rows insertion and lace edge in neck, K I WW 3 rows ins'n in sleeve, sleeve lace-edge r Ladies' Nightdresses with 3 rows emb. in- J 1 AA sertionin yoke, yoke edged with emb., atP VV Ladies' extra large Nightdresses, insertion fr 1 AA in yoke and embroidery edge, at - - P I VV7 All three numbers are bargains at these prices Sole Agents for Butterick Patterns a TELEPHONES: Independent, 53; Bell, Ill'turlcal Sud-ty -.1 fcAfiS BEST FRIEND wMMImf m impawn poum COWLES 'Mr. and Mrs. Win Wnllcr was in Hastings over Sunday. Mrs. Mitchell of Franklin is visiting John Wallers for a short time. Chas. FulU-1- went to Red Cloud Tuesdayevjfiuliig on business. Guy'fend fJeorgia Scott arrived home Saturdy"cvening for the summer vn oauon. C. It.'Scldoinridge has a gang of men here repairing his clcvator'nnd getting it iu shape for the new crop. Chac. Norris received a new steel Case seperator Tuesday, which looks like it ought to do tine work. Our enterprising firm lloit it Itoieu sold eight twelve foot Headers to the farmers to cut their short prop of wheat. Ross Paul aud family of Omaha came in on the train Satutday for a Skirts With 6-inch em broidered flounces and cluster of two tucks, v-x oi $1.00 Misses' Muslin Drawers Misses' Muslin Drawers, 2 tucks with I -inch, embroidery, sizes 8 to 12, at 25c 4 Newspaper That (lives The News Flfty - BED CLOUD, 3 EBBASKA. A UN H liJ, 1911. short visit with his father, known as 'atil They returned Uncle Dave I home Monday evening. Will Deakln and family of Oinuha arrived Saturday for a short visit with his parents. Will has a department in the post ofllcc in Omaha. The writer visited the cement bridge south of town which Is being built by F. A. (Jood and thinks It will be a permanent improvement. It Is forty feet long and bus otic largo support in the middle. It Adamsoti came home from Lin coln Monday wheie he had been for a shoit stuy. He said while ho was there that he visited llryan's farm and saw the best show for oats that he bad seen any where iu the state. GUIDE ROCK. Mis. Ed. Sawyer has returned to Guide Hock. The W. U T. U., met with Mrs. F W. Miller Wednesday afternoon. C. E. Vaughun and wife visited Sun day with Dr. C. L. Boles and wife. William Sawyer is entertaining a brother and sou from St. Francis, Kas Jlig strings of ilsh are beiug caught in the river tbese days by our sports men. The Guide Rock base ball team de feated Franklin here Wednesday. Score 8 to f Mrs. L. T. Uleasou was over from bear tlic state tine Monday visiting tf . S. Olcason and wife. fieorge Kailey is constructing some gigantic lly traps. They are certainly catching large iuuutities of the Hies. Miss Mabel Simpson and Miss Esther Urchin went to Geneva Tuesday to at tend the Epworth League district eon vention. Miss Louisa ltuhoff gave a lecture Sunday morning at the Methodist church on "Japanese Mission Work."' Children's Muslin Drawers With hemstitched ruffle, sizes from 2 to 8, at - - 1 3c With embroidery ruffle, ages from 2 to 1 2, at - - 25c Children's Bloomers Made of a good grade of Black Sat een, ages from 2 to 12, at 25. black 41. . tm Weeks Each Year Far $1.50. Miss ItuhotT has been n missionary in Japan for many years. Her people I live hero in Guide Rock. A number of Superior people were up by auto Tuesday. They vMsltcd at the homes of 11. M liner and F. A. Ulekersou Ivans Amack ami wife weie guests Tuesday of .1. T. Mason aud wife. Mrs. Holmgrain of Rod Cloud, mother of Mis. Amack accompanied them Rev. X. A. Martin, District Superin tendent of the Hastings District, irate a flue lectin e last Thursday evening at the Methodist church on the Yel lowstone National Park. Thequarter ly cotifcuncc was held following the lectin c Commissioners' Proceedings Red Cloud, Neb., June l!, lull. The boat d of county commissioners met in regular session. Members present, Paul Storey, L. F. Schmidt, lit ( Ohmitede nad G. W Hummel, chairman of said board. fn the matter of the double assess ment of Delia E. McCallum on lot six (j), block one (1), origlual town of Bladen, for the year 1010, in the as ses ted valuation of 1100 and the taxes tbtreon,, and paid by the said De la McCallum. Moved aud second ed jthat the county treasurer bo and is hereby authorized and instructed to refund to Della'E. McCallum the sum i'of 90.11, the amount of the taxes on tho double assessment on the above described property for the year Win. Motion carried. Now comes the county superintend cnt and makes application for 105 to be used as institute fund. Moved aud seconded that the above application be approved, and the said county su perintendent be and is hereby allowed t65 for the purposes as stated above. Motion carried. On motion board adjourned to meet June 20, 101 1, at 1) o'clock a. iu. June 2o. Hoard met pursuant to adjourn ment. Members present, L. F. Schmidt, (J. Ohmstede, Paul Storey and (5. W. Hummel, chairman of said board. Motion made and seconded that the surety bonds of all the several banks given to the county of Webster be cancelled by the county clerk upon the presentation aud filing ol cei ini tiates from tho state banking board certifying that they have complied with the guarantee banking laws of the state of Nebraska Motion car ried In the matter of the road petition of N. IJ. Harvey aud others asking for a road to be established on section line between sections 10 and 30, town 2, range 12, Webster county, Nebras ka, aud also the petition of D. L. Dailey and others objecting to the opening of said toad, now coming on to bo heard, and after a careful consideration of the facts conuccted with the opening and establishing of said road, it was moved and seconded that any further action on the peti tions be laid over until the next meet ing of the board, iu order to give the board an opportunity to view the loca tion of the proposed road. Motion carried. On motion the board adjourned to 1:30 p. m. Dourd met at ' :30 p.m. Members all present. In the matter of the petition of Con rad i. Starke and others petitioning the commissioners to grant a Recuse to William Doyle for the sale of vin ous, sptritous and malt liquors on the northwest quarter of section 2, town 1, range 10, Webster county, Nebras ka, for the period of one year, com mencing on tho day of June, 101 1, and ending on the day of June, 1012, and also the petition of F, S. Frisble aud others as a remonstrance against tho granting of said license, now coming on to be heard, it was moved aud seconded that the hearing be postponed uut 11 4:30 o'clock p.m. Motion carried. 1:30 o'clock P. M. Iu the matter of the petition as YOUR INTERESTS ARE OURS. The Retailer in any line of business should stand for the interests of his customers. In the long run, it is on them HE must depend. J It is because we know .this that we have always handled the BEST goods in every line, and only such as would merit our guarantee of "SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK" Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. . Q. Watch Inapactora. Jawalara anal Optamatrtata. Real Estate and Loans Dan Garber & Co. Rmd Cloud, Ntbraskm above set forth, now coming on for further nction of said board, aud the applicant and petitioners for license appearing by Uerimnl MoNuuy, their attorney, withdievv sulil petition and application for license Thereupon said pioceedings were dismissed and ended On motion the following claims were allowed on the poor farm fund, aud the clerk instructed to draw war rants on tho said fund in payment of same: It. E. McFarlaud, (8; Yost .1 Itutler, t(l; W. A. Smith,; Elmer Long, $25; .lames Robinson, SI On motion boards adjoin tied until JulvO. HML ' E, W. Ku, County Clerk. Office Mints Never send articles for publication withoutglving thy name, for thy nnnio often secures publication ol a worth loss article. Tliou shouldst not rap at the door of a printing oflice, for ho that hearcth thoe rap sneereth In his sleeves and Iooseth time. Thou shouldst never read the copy on the printer's ca9o or sharp and hooked container thereof, or he may knock you down. a Never inquire of the editor tho news, for behold It Is his business to give it to thee at the appointed time without asking for it. Itls not right that thou should ask him' whoU the author of an article, for it is his duty to keep such things to himself. Wheu thou dost enter hlsolllce, take heed of thysolf that thou dost not look at what may corcern thee not, for that is not meet in the sight of good breed ing. Neither examine thou the proof sheet for it is uot ready to meet thine eye, that tbou tuayest understand. NUMBER 25 Chlmf OMem The Real lest A FTER all, is in the final product, for when it comes' to eat ing that's the REAL test of Flour, wherein quality is evidence. , Quality and IMPER IAL, one word. RED CLOUD MILLING CO, DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DEMIST Successor to Dr. J, S, EMIQli At the Mstami over tbt State Bank. PkM 131. I Jl ""vBt tr BSSSmkLa vYPSSlSSaaamam. tv laSBaaaaaaaaM v. M ;t jfi? I ft f r - aBSrxsacrifett,AtBrtMia.''WiiiirMliiiil h, t Arawmmm4iX'maammiii -Mtmmmmr 'XwiirwimtmiimvmtmwitmfL wriivmnHfMi "HHWCUB' WWTIWJ TipwwwtffrrJ