'322L .SWBI'T7" 4' ' 4; ..& .'.SUtir -fiXjW!Ktti .. Vj.J!x .' --' V-t-. - -. j i.i hi ,iiwm."Wi A- -i-."- n.mfreMfXjVa. 3 IGIIT I havo a word with you, air, with out tho cabin?" Immediately leav ing my associates, I followed tho short, muscular, athlollu Or- I v h tho gaPMBMMHHIWWWWWlBllWHa fcT?bi muscular, nthlotlu flit- mPmyrrfffWiffainMWfffioff""" tiro of tho camp doc tor out to tho edgo of tho forcat. "What's up, Doc?" I asked oxpcctuntly. "I want tho 'olp of a man na 'an tho norvo to do an ugly Job boforo daylight," ho whlBpcrotl DcntcntlouBly. "Murder?" I tried to amlle. "Mayhap!" ho qulotly replied, to my amazement "That leto mo out. Doc I'm oft for my bunk." "No it doosntM ho blasod, follow ing my hesitant retreat. "What brings no 'oro la to at night In a storm Is moro Important to tho company and Its hundred and sixty-two hands In camp, than to you and mo. This Job's Coin' for-ard tonight, como what mny. And you who arc handy with a gun and I who havo no talcut for talk afterward wols, It's wo two for tho .pcrfawmcncc. I'm dead serious, I am, and you'll stand by I'm certain of that. Como, tho tido'a Just a-turnln'. "Wo'll havo to bo movln' with It. lJvory moment we'ro nearer a stainpcdo nuil a panio In camp, (let your gun and "Sinuate to my hut right awny. Not u pcop to them genta fromftUoston, nor to any ouo olso. We'ro going for bear, understan', plain brown bear tomorrow." i That Alaskan night was of tho foul eat I A fretful kamook bayed diurnal 3y on tho opposlto shoro whoro Halda Indians sometimes dwoll on tholr canoo voyages among tho Prince ot Wales Islands. Tho Coplan Coppor company's emcltcr cast fitful patterns ot light and shadow upon tho freezing bay. Tho wild voice of tho hills sm'oto tho sea beyond with a hiss and roar. January was in angry mood in the wilderness as I kicked tho snow from my boota beforo tho doctor's cabin, and his hound uttered a long, low growl within. It seomed but a mo ment when our pipes wero loaded, tho "whuBkoy" on tho rudo tablo besldo us, and tho fire roaring in the doctor's lit tlo rusty stovo. Turning EUddonly and bringing his flst to tho level of my faco, the llttlo man unpacked himself brusquely: "Am I correctly informed that you'ro leaving camp for tho east on tho next boat?" "That's my intention unless this storm detains me." "Well, sir," continued tho doctor, as he placed a foot on the "hound's thick nock and recharged his glass, "I hope nothing will lntorfero with your leav ing but I can't see the horizon of a llttlo moss down near the Indian quar ters behind the mill. Yon oeo, I can't cay anything to those timid city direc tors about It, fearln' of their indis cretion and a tangle Vflth the health offlcoc at the port o' entry. Them di rectors hato mol Now you'vo appealed to mo as a man of the woods. You'vo been about somo where a man's got to be sevoral times a man. This d d Indian must be handlod mightily rough tonight At least wo can't weep over him. He snoakod In night beforo last without permission, and it'll explode any minute." Whon the doctor rummaged for two black shroud-llko gowns and careless ly throw them-across tho bed, I sus poctcd that wo wero either to lynch somebody, commit a corpse to tho sea or participate in some ghoulish cere mony of pagan belief amongot tho Slwaah across tho bay. Finally I blurted: "Doe, what are these black kimonos for? Looks llko a hanging." "It might bettor be a bangin'," bo retorted, pawing amongst his apothe cary stores, from whiob he occasion ally set osldo a package. "It's small pox! That's what it la in a camp of panicky miners roady to bolt on tho first whiff. Smallpox fourteon-day-stage, and a pest bouse harboring the d d cqbo. Do you understand? Bmallpox!" Then with a toss of tho head and ono of those sudden turn, upon bis auditor which characterized all his in tense utterances, he growled: "Como along now, w'o've got to raovo that case out of camp boforo dawn or, well, you'll iieo tho company's boat in tho hands ot mutinous minors, and its crodltcrs dlvldln' its assets in bank ruptcy, and me a-goln' to tho coop for vlolatln' tho law." We skulked along tho beach as far as possible from tho glaro of tho smelter. Black buzzards, sheltering In a wood pile, chattorod raucously. Tho doctor whlsperod: "Our plan, romomber. If tho buck shows fight, do yonr part; I'll do mine. We'll avoid a rough-and-tumble as long as possible. Hear that soa racing past tho inlet! Clad! what a night for women and children! This bread and bacon won't be esedv-l. I'm bellevln'. p "EmM- llro ot tl camp doc- Iftgg&6lffR25ltC WijC tho forcat- "What's FBffiflilS aMlSSIKBBi iyL up, Doc?" I askod D RaRHISu OUivfflhStfiffiWtt0 ft3 WSMflfi LjaiaiiiBMjpi z-pr - SBManaMMnHBBHHMiHnMBaHHHW''Mla ISiillraMOTiiEMMlsj I I I I XII1I I HI HI I Mil I' ill r Hi mr - ' n 7T-iT-nrrtmT-rmTrrTrrrniTr'5rimrr,T'rfTTimHV 7,Foiim$D mn mas towirp jar Poor brown devils and yet Btand by now, and If you feel yourself cavln', blto thnt cigar llko a mink trap and work away. Muan't bungle this!" Wo remained for a moment In the shadow of tho silent mill to rchear&o the "Job" about to be perpetrated. Tho Indian's rudoly-curtalnod hut win dow gloamod faintly red a blcnreil eyo In tho dark void. Wo knocked. A menacing grunt and a shifting of moccuslned feet within nothing more hospitable "Tho doctor, with food and medi cine Lot mo in." Wo let oursolveH Into tho hut beforo tho Indian had arisen from tho floor. Tho hat reeked with tho foul stench peculiar to the domestic conditions of nomad Indians In this region. We lured the Indian outside Our return from postllenco to the cold, sweet air ot tho Alaskan forest, intox icated mo. Tho doctor began menacingly: "Why didn't you rldo out on tho morn ing tldo? You said you would last night. You lied and, damn you, en dangered tho, health of tho whole camp. You've 'got twonty minutes to paddle off with your family or get Bhot" The Indian replied sullenly as he movod toward tho canoo upon the beach. "Squaw too sick. Hunt for meat all day. I go when tho water sleeps mebbe soonly." He turned de fiantly with clenched fists. "Seo here, Thllnklt, you'vo come into this camp with what miners would shoot you for. I'vo given you two days to olear out at the risk of Infecting our men and wrecking the mlno for three months. I've got twenty men In tho shadow of that mill ready to pound you Into pulp when my gun barks. You understan' 7 Now, we'll do this quietly or we'll do It fighting'." Saying which the doctor drow his pistol while I entered the hut and seized tho Indian's rlflo. A long dory-llko canoe was torn from tho thin Ico Into whtch It lay bedded. The brutal duty was under way. Tho squaw, whoso dlseoso had ad vanced to the stage ot desslcatlon, opened tier torrimo eyes eyes sun on and deliquescent. Qo six miles down tho coast; you'll And frosh water and game o-plonty. Set your traps, and wait for tho com pany's launch to pass on her way out. Paddlo out to meet hor whon you hoar her whlstlo four days nonce. If you attempt to land within this Inlet, I'll sink your boat with a shot Now, then, heavo off." Having given his commands, tho doctor Joined in somo mighty shoving and ousslng to get ,tio boat away; tho Indian's reluctant paddlo caught the water lazily, and the deeply laden craft ot disease and death, and hatred of tho white man, finally pointed her angular nose toward an unknown and a doubtful fate. I looked around for Doc, beforo setting tho hut aflro and burnlne tho last vestlgo of the case that had worried him. He was not nnfcnrn. Hn had vanlshod like a ghoul from tho Indian's dying flro. I hol loed softly, and, gazing toward tho disappearing boat descried his squot flguro with a paddlo. la tho bow! WaB It possible? YeB, thoro ho was and from thoro ho called to mo this weird adieu: "Good night, old chap. Wo've done a d n flno Job; but I'm going to finish it alouo, Send a canoo after mo day after tomorrow, or pick mo up whon tho Mary Ann puts out to sen. If I'm Infected, I'll hang my pink Bhlrt hih In a fir tree noar the beach, and don't you oomo within a hnjr.H font nt tun. If I'm all rlicht I I'll get aboard and see you off for ?Af 45 r in nmniiifn ir titiTitt m wnQimmjiim poumwt mm' tho statca. I say burn tho Indian's hut, sneak to my shack nnd lay low. Don't explain anything. Thoso mlnorB wouldn't stay In camp a minute, and tho health ofllcor'd hang mo for not re portln'. Thanks, old chap, thanks. It was a dirty Job for you." I heard no more except tho woolles gathering nloft nnd hitting tho distant coa with a roar. Tho sturdy llttlo Doc would "finish tho Job alonol" Flrlntr tho hut from the Inside I Enenkcd through tho camp toward the doctor's shack. It bo happened (ns It always hap pens) that on tho day nfter ray grue some Job with Dr. Dickson, ono or tho visiting eastern directors had a "trc menjus case of crampa," as tbo super intendent Impressively announced. "Now, whero waB that good-for-nothing, lying, scheming llttlo Doc? Why, l-drunk nbed, of course" So, with thlB verdict, a collection of exasperated directors visited Dick son's shack to rout him out Tho door unlocked, but tho doctor was nowhero In camp. A meeting of the directors was called whloh resolved that it was dangerous to the camp to continue tho employment of a man who was this, that and tho other bad, lncompotont, unfnithrul thing. So Doo was dis charged on tho spot, the while an In vitation waB propared to another phy sician at Juneau to como and fill tho exalted nosltlon. It was an Innate sense of respon sibility which impoilea me to stem away on the third night after Dick Bon had gono to sea with his sick wards. Packing my light kit I bun dlod up what remained and left It labolod to follow mo in tho Mary Ann when tho visiting directors returned to Ketchikan. My noto to them did not create a favorable impression of my attontlvcness to their distressed busi ness. "Gentlemen: Ab I may serve you moro by finding Dr. Dickson than by remaining In camp, I have left como of my duffio to accompany you on your voyage to Ketchikan. I am cruising down tho bay to hunt for him and for bears. Whllo sailing, pleaBe look for my flro and a freBhly-blazed Bpruce on your port Bide. Kindly blow the launch whlstltfsvery two mllos down. I ought to be from six to olght miles south on. tho west coast of Prince of Wales Island." From tho doctor's shack I appro priated his rifle, a supply ot ammuni tion and such medicines as I thought bo might need; also I took some Scotch whisky, and brandy, pies and tobacco, a cot, tont and bedding, a stovo, shotgun and shells, field glass, disinfectants, and all the provisions I could lnduce-tbo cook to hand out. Ono of tho squaw's babies bad died on tho day following tholr rough voy age from tho mlno. "And tho other llttlo varmint," said Dickson softly, "will paBs in his checks presently. Tho squaw'llkpull through It tbo buck don't lay down this week. I'm goln' to stand by tho case n while longer If you sal the boss iBn't cussln' of me" Early tho noxt day wo hoard tho siren of tho Mary Ann. Tho launch was sailing down tbo bay. What I said to the rubicund and pudgy Doc, and JuBt what ho Bald to mo as ho stood off twenty yards or so with eyes of greater eloquenco than his quaint tonguo had over known, doesn't mat tor hero and now. Sufllco It that I made my short but tangled way to tho nhoro alone, Btood under Doc's pink shirt and near tho fat now blazo and waltod for tbo Mary Ann. Hor plrnto captain, soolng mo waving a small birch signal-fashion, stopped his en glno and drifted as closo as he deemed prudent in a few moments the launch lifeboat had taken mo aboard nnd to a cabin lead of sleepy directors. Thoy suddenly perked up with u chorus of questions concerning "tho IrrenponBl bio llttlo ncanip." Yen, I had found him In tho interior of tho iBlnnd. Ho had fallen in with somo Indians, ami, well, to bo quite, frank, ho hnd nsked mo If tho man agement and directors missed him, nnd If I would convey to thorn his apologies for leaving camp without tho usunl polite exchange of u good bye nnd bo forth. TuIh twaddle exasperated them aH I had Intended. Their lnngungo of and concerning liltlo Dickson shall havo to lie fumigated beforo public use can be made of It. My violent and obsequious friend, Captain I'urloso, nnd I wero alono in tho wheel hotiso whero ho kept his oyes on tho company's mall bag. An I i copied tho bag a villainous idea ttclzed upon me "Havo n smoke, Cap'u?" I offered tho bandit this bit of eastern hos pitality In my most percuaslvo plnnlsslmo. "Cap'n," I began, leaning over bis smelly, llttlo black nnd tan flguro In a confidential, warm-hearted manner, ' Cnp'n, I wroto Dr. Kumpus ot Juneau a letter at tho mlno which I think I ought not to send him until I havo econ nomo one In Hcattlc. Just let mo oj.en that bag a mlnuto and I'll with- draw It beforo I forget It In tho rush at Kctt'iikan." "Cert," piped tho captain, llko tho i good, bravo soul thnt ho is, "hero's tho key." Then looking around fierce ly at nothing, bo half whlapercd: "Just turn tho koy in tho wheel bouso door. Them gents from Massy chowsltt might butt in nforo 'you' dono It." So, having "dono It" In a Jiffy, I felt assured that tho temporary custody ot Dr. Bumpus letter gavo mo control ot tho situation creatod by my all-too-prcclpltato frlonda, tho dlrcctora. JuBt beforo wo nailed from Ketchi kan I enclosod tho Bumpus letter In ono of my own and addressed it back to the company's manager at tho mine Those letters, thcroforo, went to tho mlno on tho Mary Ann'n roturn trip and wero In tho manager's hands on tho fourth day following our dopar turo from Ketchikan for Vancouver. This Is what I wrote tho manager, a man preposterously Jealous of his official prerogative: "I beg to enclose the letter you ad dressed to Dr. Bumpus, pursuant to the direction ot your board while I was in camp. In a fortnight Da Dickson will return and explain the Important nenrloa he has been ronacrlns your company. "Inasmuch as my counsel and odvioe concerning your company has beon the object of my oramlnntlon of Its proper ties and affaire, I suggest that nothing be said to apprlso Dr. Dickson of tho action ot your board, nor of Its lnjustloe to him. I should rejrnnl tho doctor's rcsttrnatlon from your staff, at this time, as a serious calamity. "Meantime, I am explaining the doc tor's absenco to tho directors while they aro on their way to Vancouver." "Groat little runt, that camp doctor at tho mine," I soliloquized, as wo finally dobarked from tho steamor and cottlod Into a Pullman bound for Se attle. "What's that?" camo a Bcreechlng and derlslvo chorus. "He's a llttlo beast, and If" "Now, Beo hero, gentlomon, I'vo de termined to raise you to tho lofty lovel of that little cut, botweon horo and Seattle or wreck this train In tho at tempt." So I told thorn of tho heroism ot thlB runt of tho wirderneBS, and hoard their snivels and saw tholr tears, tholr hedging and squirming and Justifying and all that mon do whoso conduct should bring regret and remorse A month thereafter I received this assuring report: "Kotchlkan. SS. AlosTw. "Dear Mr. Hobs: "I'm well apUnfl btu badly pocked, dot away from the Cape an soon as I dared, and came here. The squaw pulled through, but her kiddles dlod. I envy them! The buck was almost decent while I was down. Still. I've a mind to lick him aplonty whon I trot strong- again. "Two of the boys wont to the mine, sneaked my things aboard the Mary Ann, and left my written respects for that manager. I shall have htm also to beat up when ho comes my way. There's a rumor hero that he has been discharged. "I've heard something of what you did for me with them entomological gents from tho Kast. Much obliged. I'm golnrf to hammer the blnaclo off tho ono with tho blue whisker when ho comes to Alaska ajraln. Keep this quiet, bo I'll havo him to look forward to. "Much obliged for tho port wlno and other good things from Now York. I'm KOlng on tho staff of the Nellie Mlno noxt month. A big bunch of tlio boys at the Coplan Mlno want to go with mo, but I won't do that sort of thing. "Yours In Iodoform, "Doc" Eleven days lator I received tho following tologram from tho jubilant Dickson: "Mot and mangled tho manager to day. Ho'u in hospital. I'm In JoiL All the boys satisfied. -DOO." ""H HEZEKIAH'S GREAT PASSOVER Sunday School Lcuon for June 11, 1911 Spsiislly A'tantctl lor Tlili Par 1 U3XX7-TGnaSHn7BZ3Z3rtl) I.i:.Ss5QN THXT-2 Chronicles 30 mi:.muuv vi,tist:H is-j (lOI.l)IJN Ti:.Vr-"tti Lonltntli on tun Outward Appearance, but IIk Ivud took etli on tho llonit.-l Ham. If. 7. TIMI! Heeclicr'n Uateii for tlv Aocev slon of .lotlmin, Alinz unit ll"zeltn!i iim P 0. 7.t. 73.S nnd 72.5, Ilonln-a lii'ooitilntr Mm; of Israel In U. C. 7.U. HiibIIiiki Kr llin iliitc.i an II. C. 7ILI, 711, 7.'; nml illnslieu) 730. I'l.ACK Thn totnplo In .loruailetn. I'ltOI'linTH-IIoson, Mlcnh ami Isalali. Itozeklnh was tho good son of n bnd father, Ahnz; and Aha, was tho bad son of a good father, Jothuni; nnd after the good llezcklnh camo his bad son, Mannscch. Hut thcro must havo been reasons back of theso scenting contradictions. In llozcklnh'n enso ono may havo been his mother, Ahljnh tho daughter (or granddaughter) of '.ccharlah. Twonty-nlno Zecharlahs aro mentioned In tho Hlblo. Thin was not tho nuthor of tho book of proph ecy, but may havo beon tho prophet who hnd so much Influence over King LV.7.lah. llczcklnh did that which wns right In tho eyes of tho Lord. God'H ap proval Is tho only wise goal for a king, a president or tho humblest eltlzon. It la tho fatal defect In most forms of government that this ovor-rulo of Clod Is Ignorud. llezeklah began his reign by doing tho thing that plainly needed most to ho dono Drat. Ho found tho Tem ple, tho pnerod mooting plnro of God and mnu, with Its doom closed by Ainu, lt.i lamps out, Its altani cold, Its floors and hangings covered with dust and dirt. Thcroforo tho young king summoned tho priests and I.cvllcs to tho court on tho cast of tho Temple opposlto tho closed porch or entrance, and In a frank and noble addrcsa do dared hlii conviction that nil tho na tional wncu had tholr origin In n neg lect of tho worship of Jehovah, nnd hlr. determination to make a new cov- i-natit with tho Lord. Then h hado , them, as tholr first task, to cleanso ( tho Templo thoroughly. Tho Second Step tho Worhhlp and Praise Thus far tho prlcstH ami Lo vlles alono had been purified. Now j tho royal houno nnd tho peoplo wore i to bo formally reconciled to Jehovah. How was this dono? llezeklah gath ered the chief men of Jerusalem, who brought bullocks, lambs, rams, and ho- goatB for a sin offering, seven of each. Tho city rulers laid their hnnds upon tho animals, thUB Identifying thorn- solves with them. Thon tho priests killed tho animals and Bprlnkled their blood beforo tho veil In tho Holy Plnco and upon tho altar ot lncenso, pouring out tho romnlndor at the bnso of tho altar of burnt offerings In tho court beforo tho Temple Tho fat of tho offerings was burned on tho altar of burnt offerings, and tho flosh was afterwards eaten by tho priests. It was a mark of tho now national fooling that nroso during Hozoklnh's reign that this offering nnd thoso that followed wero not mndo for Judah alono, but for tho Northern Kingdom as well. Tho Third Step, the Wldo Invi tatton. What was tho next stop in tho great roform? Tho holding of tho national feast of remembranco ot God's goodness, tho pusaovor. This should havo been celebrated In the first month of the year, Nlsan, corre sponding to our April; but bocauso not enough ot tho prloats hnd beon purified and bocauso of tho tlmo re quired to gather tho people, It was do clded that tho exlgoncy warranted tho postponement to tho nexf month, Iyar or Mny. A3 tho reform had widened from llezeklah to tho priests and Lo vltes, thon to tho chlof men of Joru calem, then to tho wholo congrega tion of citizens, tho noxt stop was to oxtond it to tho cntlro nation, from Beor-shoba, oven to Dan. Tho Fourth Step Is tho Great Passover. Whnt further purification was needed beforo the paauovor could bo celebrated? Jerusalem was full of heathen altars "In every corner," and thoso wero torn down and tho frag ments cast into tho Kldron. Tho Fifth Step Is tho Generous Giving. What other Illustration of their zeal did tno peoplo glvo when tho passover wan completed? Their now ardor for Jehovah blazed out In a burning indignation against tho foul Idols which they had beer, worshiping. It was as whon "Petor tho 'Hormlt aroused wholo multitudes to tho wild est enthusiasm for tho rescuo of tho Holy Sepulcher, or even tho dour Scotch Lowlandor blazed up llko an excttablo Celt at tho Initiative of Jen ny Geddcs. How much moro theso fiery Orientals? Jerusalem had boen freed from Idols; why should the country districts still bo polluted?" Thus tho peoplo swept llko a flood over Judah and nenjamln and the neighboring Ephrfam and Manasseh. Thoy broko tho heathen "Images" or pillars, cut down tho "groves" or poles set up as symbols of tho licentious Asherah, nnd overthrow tho Idolatrous hill sanctimrloa and their ultnrs. Reforms must bo thorough, If they aro to bo permanent. Whnt was tho last step in Heze klah's reform? Tho stop which evory reform must tako beforo It Is com plete, that ot permanent organization. Tho secret of Ilezoklah's power over mon and success In tho Borvlco of God? It Is expressed in tho noblo words with which tho chronicler closes his account of tho groat refor mation: "In overy work that ho began in tho Borvlco of tho house of God, nnd In tho law, and In the command ments, to seek his God, he did it with all his hoart, and prospered." A TRAIN LOAD OF TODACCO. Twenty-four Carload3 Purchased for LevIs' Single Binder Cigar Factory. What Ib probably tho biggest lot of nil fancy grado tobacco held by any fuclory In tho United States has Just boon piiTchawcd by Frank P. Lowls, of l'rorln, for the manufacturo of Lewis' Ulnglo Hinder Cigars. Tho lot will mako twenty-four carloads, and is se lected fiom what Is considered by ex porta to bo tho finest crop raised in mnny yearn. Tho purchaso of tobacco la sufllclent to Inst tho factory moro than two years. An extra prjco wan paid for tho selection. Smokers of Lewis' Single Hinder Cigars will appro clnto this tobneco. Peoria Star, January IC, 1000. Like the Other Chicks, Chnrlen T. Hone, equally well known In Masonic work nnd banking clrclos of Clcvolnnd, Is a great chicken fnn elbr, llhodo Island Hods bolus his favorlto breed. Walking through his Incubator house ho discovered that Helen, tho thrco-yonr-old daughter, had followed him. "Como hero, llttlo chickabiddy," ha called to her. And whon sho ran up to hi m to bo tossed up and down, Eho asked: "Papa, which was my in cubator?" .ij The Tragic Difference. William wan lying on his bed, faca downward, sobbing desolately. Ills mother took him In her arms, tho wholo eight years of him. In a fow minutes sho learned all. It waB a girl, and sho had sent him a noto. It read: "Hero Wlllyum: "I luv yu tho best Hut.IIonory glvs mo tho most kandy. Isabol." Suc cess Mugazluo, Unless ho Is homo whero ho enn rago beforo tho family about It, n bald headed man will protond ho docan't know thcro aro such things us filoa. It sometimes happens that n womnn mnrrlcs n man bocauso sho Is sorry for him. But Is not that a poor way to show hnr sympathy? ; rr-z 1 FAILED TO HELP HER Cured by Lydla E. Pinkhnm'a Vegetable Compound Tound, Wis. "I am glad to an, nounco that I havo boon cured o dys. pepaia ami 1 omnia troubles by your modioino. I lint been troubled with both for fourteen yearn and consulted different doctors, but failed to get any relief. After using Lydla E.rinkham'B yogotablo Com. pound and Blood rurifler I can say I am a woll woman. I can't find words to express my thanks for tho good your medicine has dona me. xou maypuuiisu tms it you wisu. Mrs. IlEitMAH Sietu, Pound, Wis. The success of Lydla E. rinkham'a Vegetable Compound, mado from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. It may bo used with perfoct confidence by women who suffer from displacements, Inflam mation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir regularities, perlodio pains, backache, bearing-down feollng, flatulency, lndl. gcstlon, dizziness, or nervous prostra tion. For thirty years Lydla E. rinkham'a Vcgotablo Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills, and Buffering women owo It to themselves to at loast glvo this medicino a trial. Proof is abundant that it haB cured thousands of others, and why should It not euro you? If yon want special ndvico -write Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn.Mass., f or It. It Is f rco and ulvf uys liclpf ul. 44 Bu. to the Acre li Hjtury jlBlJ,butthl' wbt John Krnnedrof Hlmoaton, Albortn, Wcatorn Canada., cot from 40 ocruoi npnus vynomm iviu uoporia iromoinaraiainciBininaipnjT. idco aaoweaoiuoroxcoi lentresnlLa uch na 4.- uu Duaueis or wntai rom 120 ncroa, or 33 1-1 u.peracrn. M. BO ana III usliolyicMsweronutn- oronf. As IiIku ns lu buiboli of oala to tb acraworothretbel from UxruneldslnUlO. The Silver Gup at the recent Bpokane If air wai awarded to the Alberta. Uofornmantfor tt exhibit of ralni, & ra.r and TrKetablea. lleporUofercollenl yield for 1810 cum alio from Kikatcbowan ana Manitoba In VVeiUrnCanada. D rat noQieiiiwu. ui m.w 00 nvro (at lira to lit luiu latimtrloti. mat xceiUnt. soil the Tory beat, rally iya close at hnntl, liuliainir lumbtir cheap, fneltmay VBot "nl reaaonnbla lu price, water ?ually procured, mixed arming a aucceaa. Write is U.bMt place foraet- B.kM. fWinVMIllAflt. ffll. WH rates. dMcrlpllYO illustrated VX 5.i.aitlletWt"(ent fruo oo kAi KnlMa.lnntnn.1 nth.. In Til mills tlon, to Hup't of Immigration, Ottawa, Cnn., or to tuo Canadian OoTemmentAgouU (So) W. V. BENNETT Rsom 4 Bit Bide- Onahi, Nek. lieu writ to tbvizf ot nurnt 70 TTTryrVTiTV 13 a deceptive disease RlLMMid thousands havo It and TnnilRT F don't know It. ir you UWJVDLjIj wftnt good ro3Uita you can mako no mistako by uslnir Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Itoot, tlio ijreat kidney rem edy. At drucslsta In fly cent Rnd dol lar sizes. Banipla bottl by mull freo. also pamphlet tolllne you how to tlnd out if you have kldnoy troublo. Addrs, Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blnjhamton, N. V. W. N. U., LINCOLN NO. 22-1911. wvr?nr;r MJUUIO muznw H fflvM ;v Mm ' ..,)'.) I T I'-VT. f .iy neiiiu.;gxaB.WW ,-.y- 'fsAimfH&&:i .f.y.asca:a&i "BBwwatf"" ' ti-t-'t- "- rjwf-.y?w-v'';M''t'1" ""W "5- ,1 -- f wVMwfWaSWSTl 1 - ,.X wwS?itrwjiiw!rSw ..-.. i..wjwl!,lttiiiji ..,,,, ,