The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 08, 1911, Image 6

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The Chief
C. U. HALE, I'ublisncr
Speaker Champ Clark Aligns Hlmtcll
the Side of Partial Pro-
tectlonlsts Debato Lasts
Until Midnight.
Washington. Tho proposed demo
cratic revision ot the wool tariff tho
Underwood bill was unanimously
ndopted by a democratic caucus nt
midnight, twelve hours after It had
been mado public by the ways and
means committee. Its endorsement
followed some rapid maneuvering by
the democratic Iioiibo leaders, who de
vised u scheme which effectually dis
posed of the opposition of tho free
wool advocates. Through n resolution
which leaves tho democratic party
open In the future to renew Its advo
cacy of free trndo In raw wool, but
which commits nil democrats to tho
support of the present bill ns a rev
enue measure, the divergent Interests
were brought together In the caucus
shortly before midnight, and almost
unanimous' agreement was reached.
The final voto on tho proposal of
the Underwood bill waB mado unnnl
mous, but tho following members
were excused from n pledge to sup
port the caucus nctlon: Representa
tives Huckcr. Colorado; Ash-brook,
Francis and Sharp, Ohio, and Gray,
Sun Hits the Soldier Boys.
Houston, Tex. With nearly nn
eighth of a brigade out of ranks, the
nnibulnncea filled nnd scores riding In
tho wagons, tho sun wrought havoc
among the soldiers of tho first separ
ate brigade biking from Galveston to
Houston. Wlth'a temperature of about
97 tho men had hard work marching
over the blazing shell road. It Is esti
mated that DOO men were out of ranks
Borne time during the day. Some cases
were serious.
Have a Hilarious Closing.
Columbus. The Ohio legislature nd
lourncd Thursday afternoon after a.
record session as to length nnd as to
tho trapping of several members on,
grafting charges. The scenes In tho
hoiiso were hilarious. Three members
mado themselves conspicuous by
drinking champagne In full view o
tho hoiiso and galleries and slnglni;
"Nobody Knows How Dry I Am."
Fortress Blown to Pieces.
San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. Tho
Tortrcss on Tlscnpn hill, Managua, wan
blown up at 3 p. in. Wednesday. One
hundred nnd llfly soldiers perished In
tho explosion. All tho ammunition In
the fortress was destroyed. The cnusq
of tho explosion is as yet unknown.
Strict cable censorship has been est
tnblishcd from Managua.
' Mormons to Press Claims.
New Orleans. Mormon settlors In
tho state of Chihuahua, Mexico, will
press ciciiub against tlie Mexican gov.
eminent aggregating more than a mll
lion dollnrB for damnges sustained by
them at the hands of the lnsurrcctos
nnd bnndltB during the recent revolu
tion. Reopens Lorlmer Election Case.
Washington. ily 4S to 1!0 the Eennto
has adopted a resolution to reopen tho
investigation of charges of bribery In
connection with the election of Sena
tor Ixirlmcr of Illinois. The resolution
directs the regular elections commit
tee to make tho Inquiry.
Think It Plot of Rebels.
New York. Nicnrnguans in this city
were disinclined to believe that tho ex
plosion at Fora La Loma was an ac
cldent. They were Biire that It was c
part of n plot of the rebels against the
administration of President Diaz.
Heavy Rains Cause Washouts,
St. Joseph, Mo. A heavy storm
Tuesdny night washed out the Chi
cago, Durllngtou & Quliie;- tracks near
Forest City, Mo., for half a mile and
threo hundred feet of track are out nt
Forbes, Mo., and traffic 1b suffering.
Census Fraud Indictments.
Tncomu, Wash. Twonty-eix federal
Ind'ctments wero returned by the
grand jury here In connection with the
census frauds against paid enumer
ators nnd volunteers in Tacoma only,
No nnmcB were given out.
Is Made a German Knight.
Cambridge, Mass. Tho nomination
H Prof .Edward C. Pickering to be a
knight of tho Prussian order of merit
wub mndo known to him officially by
tho Gormnn consul hore, who present
ed the Insignia of the ofllce. Only two
Americans havo previously received a
Blmllnr honor. They wero Newcomb
and Agasslz. Slnco the death of
Agnsslg there has been no member of
tho American Bclence n member of tho
order and tho only American In the
fine arts department 1b Sargent, the
Events That Aro Making Hlctory
Information Gathered From All
Quarters of the Globe.
Tho first of tho postal savings bank
bonds will bo Issued eooii.
Tho house was not In tesslon Thurs
day. Many of Its special Investigat
ing committees, however, weie busy.
President Tuft has Elgned a procla
mation establishing tho Colorado na
tional park in Meen county, Colorado.
Indications point to tho fact that
Taft nnd La Follctto will bo candi
dates for tho republican nomination
for president.
The American Tobacco company
will at once undertake u readjustment
of Its affairs ns directed by the United
Stntes supreme court.
A protest against the passage of the
Canadian rcelpioclty bill will bo made
by n number of South HnUota men to
the senate finance committee.
Lumber nnd woolen manufacturing:
Interests, according to testimony,
havo offered to contribute to tho fight
being made against reciprocity by the
untlonal grange.
JohnShnru Williams of Mississippi
has warned congress thnt the south
could not support federal supervision
of senatorial elections, though favor
ublc to direct popular vote.
Dispatches received from tho Mexi
can capital Btato that persistent ru
more were in circulation there of tho
exlBtenco of a plot to attempt tho llfo
of Madero upon his arrival.
Interest that Is quite ns keen as
that felt In the decision of the Stand
ard Oil case Is being manifested in
congressional circles over tho forth
coming decision In the tobacco case.
The Eenate has fixed Juno 12 for a
voto on tho Joint resolution providing
for the election ot United States sen
ators by direct vote of the people. Tho
resolution already has passed the
Public hearlngB on the reciprocity
bill practically are concluded by the
sennto llnnnco committee, nnd next
Wednesday wob fixed as tho time
when n vote will bo taken on report
ing tho measure.
Representative Mnguiro of Nebras
ka has asked tho department. agri
culture to send a road expert to Au
burn lu connection with tho state
wide demand being made throughout
Nebraska for better foods.
Tho government won u sweeping
victory over tho so-called "tobacco
trust," when the supreme court of the
United States held tho American To
bacco company nnd Its allied corpora
tions to be operating In violation of
tho Sherman anti-trust law.
General News
Mechanical engineers aro In Ecsslon
nt Pittsburg, Pa.
A drouth of two months was broken
In northern Arknnsas.
Former Governor C. N. Haskell Is
seriously 111 nt Muskogee, Okla.
McCook and Aurora, Ncbr., have
been designated as postal savings de
positories. A special session of tho grand jury
WIls cn,Ictl nt Waukegnn, 111., to
filtlvn lWn nllnnn,! 111.....! ..(..
quire Into alleged illegal votin
One hundred members of the Chi
cago Dental society began to Inspect
the teeth of public school children.
Sir William Schwenk Gilbert, the
British author and writer of comic
opera librettos, died In London Tues
dny. Five members of the fnmlly of Gar
Btens Struvo, residing near Manning,
Iown, nro ill from the drend disease
Clifford Messier, eighteen years old,
who was shot during the light at
Porum, Okln., died In the hospital nt
Muskogee, Wednesday.
Military field mass for the Spanish
war dead was celebrated In the
shadow of tho Washington monument
before fully 25,000 persons.
Washington A virtual agreement
to refer tho Lorlmer case to the sen
ate committee on privileges nnd elec
tions hiiB been effected In the senate.
Edmond Francis Pendergnst, auxil
iary bishop of Philadelphia, has been
appointed archbishop of thnt diocese
to succeed tho late Archbishop Ryan.
Edwin L. Hopkins was killed by
nmmonin fumes when a bolt of light
ning caused the explosion of a fifty
gallon tank In nn Ico plant nt Colum
bus, O.
Armed Shoshone Indians, led by tho
eldest, twenty-three yenra of age,
from Duck vnlley reservation, aro in
Little High Rock canyon, Nevada, to
avenge the killing of tho Indian hand
that murdered four Washoe county
atock men last February.
A tornndo struck Pekln, 111., Sunday,
killing two people and causing prop
erty damnge that will amount to thou
sands of dollnrB.
Francisco I. Modero, jr., in a mani
festo to the pcoplo of Mexico has re
signed tho position of provisional pros
Ident conferred upon him by a con
vention of the revolutionists at San
Luis Potosl lust October.
The fourth congress of the Interna
tional Muslcul society was formally
jpened Tuesday with Interesting cere
amnios in the University of London.
Representatives of many of tho coun
tries of the world were lu attendance.
Edward S. Whltnkcr, formerly chief
of tho New Orleans police, was sen
tenced to serve ten yenrs In tho state
penitentiary for crimen involving
young girls.
Tho village of Groscher, situated on
Pamir plateau. In west central Agin,
hns been overwhelmed by nn ava
lanche. Ono hundred ana twenty-eight
pcoplo woro killed.
Tho Mohonk Lake- conference heart
ily Indorsed treaties ot unlimited arbi
tration with Great Britain, Franco nnd
other countries nnd wish speedy suc
cess with such treaties.
Subscriptions of the lestio of $12,
500.000 bonds of the Oregon & Wash
ington Railway &. Navigation company
woro closed nt Imdon within an-hour
after they were opened.
From July 1, 1908, the Japanese en
tering tho United States numbered 7,
051, against 11,107 leaving the United
States. In Hawaii there were I.Q1S nr
rivals nnd C.2CC departures.
Forty-six women were ehocon as
county superintendents of public
schools in Iown nt the last election,
which is believed to bo the largest
number In any of the stntes.
Hay sold at wholosnlo In Chlcngo
Monday for $27 n ton, declared to be
the highest price ever renched for tho
staple In thnt city. A short crop last
year Is snld to be the cause.
Renewed disorders resulting from
the delay In tho discussion of n bill
in the Spanish pnrllnmcnt providing
for the division of the Canary nrchl
pellgo, broke out nt Las Pnlmns.
General Diaz, accompaniea by
Senorn Ulnz, Porfirlo IJlaz, jr., and his
wife, five grandchildren nnd other
members of tho family departed Wed
nesday afternoon, bound for Spain.
An uprising which resulted in the
killing of forty persons and the sack
ing of stores, ofllccs nnd private
homes, occurred at Choluln, during
which rebels set flro to tho town.
Tho last $2,000 required to Insure
tho erection in Dcs Moines ot a
monument to tho Into Senntor Allison
was received by State Treasurer Mor
row from General Grcnvllle M. Dodge.
Five persons were killed, among
whom were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kauf
man, formerly of Kenrney, Neb., and
ono injured fatally nt a railroad cross
ing near Rivers, Cal., in a collision be
tween an electric car and an auto
mobile Seventeen .year locusts nro said to
be ravaging vegetation in the eastern
states. The vanguard of the invaders
have appeared in Alexandria county,
Va., nnd the prediction is made that
within n week or so tho "plague" will
bo common.
T,ho capital ot Oklnhoma will re
main nt Oklahoma City, ob tho su
premo court of the United States has
declined to hold thnt the Oklahoma
statute enncted laBt December to re
move the cnjltal from Guthrie was un
constitutional. For tho first timo in tho history of
tho service the deficit in the postof
flee department has been entirely
wiped out nnd $1,000,000 surplus for
the current fiscal year, ending June
U0, next, Is In tho treasury to tho de
partment's credit.
Miss Kate Shelly, Iowa's famous
heroine, who saved tho lives of tho
pnsscngers of n Northwestern train
nenr Hoone, la., about twenty years
ago, may recover from her present
illness. Her physician says she show?
much Improvement.
Senor Mndcro visited American soli
for tho first time In several months.
He was a guest nt luncheon of friends
In El Paso nnd with his stnff attend
ed n dinner given by the El Paso city
olllclals to tho United Stntes army of
ficers stationed In thnt vicinity.
Christopher Columbus Wilson, pres
ident of the United Wireless Telegraph
company, and four of his associates
were convicted In the criminal branch
of tho United States circuit court of
fraudulent use ot the malls to solicit
subscriptions to wireless stock.
Four dend and twenty Injured was
tho toll of tho terrific wind nnd rain
storm which swept over Cleveland
and vicinity, wrecking buildings
overturning" boats In Lake Erie
breaking down wire poles, tearing ui
trees nnd smnshlng windows nud
signs on tho strceti.
Following the declaration of war
over tho wool Bchcdule, when Mr.
JJryun, a protcstant against n revenue
bill, nnd Representative Underwood,
the majority leader of tho house, com
manding the revenue forcoB, tho op.
ponents of freo raw wool, after a day
of conferences, sny Mr. Iiryan would
bo overwhelmed In the party caucus.
Russia Is conceding the right of en
try into that country of American
Jews visiting tho czar's domains on
business missions.
The expected 'rupture between tho
church and tho government is now nn
accomplished fact as tho result of a
protest Issued by the bishops nt Lis
bon agnlust tho separation law,
Porfirlo Diaz, for whom during thir
ty years nil Mexico has paid defer
ence, secretly left the capital at 2
o'clock Friday morning. Only a few
friends whonrhc trusted followed him
to tho station. Ho was bound for
Vera Cruz to take ship for Spain.
An early morning fire at Coney Isl
and caused a loss estimated at be
twecn two nnd threo million dollars,
College students in Ohio will not ho
permitted to vote in college towiiB un
less they make oath that they expect
to mako their permanent residence in
these towns.
A tin biscuit box, containing thirty
Amerlcnn and international money
orders, ranging in nmounts from $u to
$150, was picked up In tho Thames
by tho master of a barge near Lon
don. Tho money orders were lEsued
at Stromsburg, Neb., and mado pay
able at Paulpletersburg, Natal,
nrn c
What Is Going on Horo and Thero
That Is of Interest to tho Read-
rs Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity,
Seward. Ab Menkln Taego and
Rlchnrd Hartwlg were returning to the
city from a trip in an automobile, tho
steering gear of tho machine broke,
and tho cur became unmanageable.
Iloth men saw that a disastrous acci
dent wns about to occur nnd leaped
from tho machine. They landed
ngalnst a wire fence and tho car
turned turtle, striking Taege In doing
so. Town people wero notified of tho
accident at once and the Injured were
brought to a local hospital. Both wero
badly cut by the wire and bruised bad
ly, but It is not thought fatal results
will follow.
Experiment With "Alfalfa Culture."
Broken Bow. C. S. Martin has se
cured from tho government laborator
ies at Washington a pint of alfalfa cul
ture. This Is a preparation which tho
depnrtment of agriculture is experi
menting with nnd Is expected to make
germination more certain and give the
growing plnnt a better chance to live.
It is inoculated In tho seed by a pro
cess of soaking nnd must bo used
within thirty days after sent out.
Bad Fire Narrowly Averted.
Genoa. While n heavy galo was
blowing, Kent & Burk's largo grain
elovator was burned to the ground In
a very few minutes. The city fire de
partment and the Indian school fire
department were both on the ground
shortly after tho alarm was given.
Only by their heroic efforts was the
balance of the town saved.
Suicide at Fremont
Fremont. H. C. McIIenry, a carpen
ter living in the northwest part of tho
city, was found dying Sunday at tho
home of a friend, from the effects of
drinking carbolic acid. The county
physician was summoned, but was un
able to save his life.
Japs to Work In Beet Fields.
McCook. Neb. Tho Great Western
Sugar Beet company and other beet
growers in this vicinity have shlppbd
in a large company of Japaneso to
work in tho bectjlelds about McCook,
where about a thousand acres ot sugar
beets have been planted.
Hold Stranger as Suspoct.
Beatrice. A stranger was arrested
nt Wymore as ho stepped into the
Farmers' Stute bank nnd presented
two badly torn and mangled $5 bills
for chnnge. He Is suspected of being
n bank robber and refused to give his
Farmers Want Elevator.
Surprisp. Tho farmers of this
vicinity held a meeting Saturday after
noon to organize a farmers elevator
company. A temporary organization
was effected. The town now has two
McKinley Hutt of Elk Creek had his
collar bono broken by tho kick of a
Former Congressman Dorsey, who is
in a serious condition at Fremont, had
his leg amputated.
Tho Norfolk Commercial club has
elected A. W. Hawkins, a prominent
traveling salesman, as secretary of tho
Robert Burger, an undesirable alien,
has been deported by tho United
States government from Nebraska
Tho new electric light plant nt Sur
prise has been put Into operation. A
number of street lights have been in
stalled. Tho mattor of installing manual
training in tho Falrhury schools is
now occupying tho attention of tho
pcoplo of Falrbury. "
Moorofleld 1b putting forth an effort
to secure tho location of tho new state
tubercular hospital and Curtis, tho
first town west, is after the agricul
tural college.
Thirteen corporations of Omnhn will
bo affected by tho decision of tho su
preme court In tho Standard Oil
Elmer D. King nnd Andrew A. Hani
ka, tho latter of Shubert, wero caught
between two street cnrB at Lincoln
and both badly Injured, King escap
ing with bruises while Hanlka suffered
several broken ribs and a crushed
Crawford hns a four-days'-Fourth of
July celebration advertised. Tho last
timo thoy held one they kept it up for
flvo days.
Omaha has been chosen ns tho
meeting plnco ot the annual conven
tion ot tho Inspectors of animal in
dustry of tho department of agricul
ture, which will be hold Juno 12 nnd
13 of this year.
Dr. William Protzman, tho oldest
practicing physician in Lancaster
county, died Tuesday after an Illness
of less than a day. He was 83 years
old and had practiced medicine in Lin
coln twenty-elsht veara.
Burglars are getting in their woik
at Union.
Gordon now has an underground
telephone system almost comrlete.
Tho cnbles arc laid in tile.
Frank Maclin, aged 21, and J. W.
Conlon, aged 21, both of Omaha, were
killed by tho collapse of a brick kiln
nt Gibson, Neb., In which thoy wcr
The Tllden volunteer fire depart
mont is making preparations to cele
brate tho Fourth of July and is spar
ine no money to mako It tho grandest
celebration In thnt part ot tho stato
Oscar Holmes walked part way oul
on tho Douglas street bridge nt Om
aha, calmly lighted a cigarette and
jumped over tho rail into tho Missouri
river. He was rescued after a hard
A real lion scattered SCO Shrlncrs In,
tho Masonic temple nt Omaha. Tho
anlmnl was finally cnged, but tho
Shriners wero so far away they could
not get back in time to participate in
the meeting.
Daughters of the Revolution at Ne
braska City will erect a monument In
the shnpo of n monster boulder to
mark tho spot In that city said to be
tho starting point of the overland Cal
ifornln trail.
The Rev. Grant B. Wilder, who for
more than a year past has been pastor
of tho Congregational church nt Hast
ings, prenched his farewell fermon
Sunday nnd departed for his new
homo at Spokane, Wash.
Martin Bucttgenbach of Hickman,
who resisted an officer and afterward;
refused to pay a fine of $25, must now
pay in the neighborhood of $300, fol
lowing a decision, handed down by the
district court In the matter.
At the meeting of the ministers in
attendance at tho northern conference'
of tho Nebraska German Lutheran
synod, the city of Schuyler was chosen
as the place (or the 1912 meeting'
which will be held during the month
of May.
Wolves or coyotes visited the larm
of Charles Dlers, near Fremont, and;
carried oft sixteen turkeys and killed,
threo hogs. Farmers near that placo
havo been bothered considerably by
thcBO animals this spring, and intend
to orgnnize some kind of n society that
will do away with tho pests.
Robert Talbot, son of A. R. Talbot,
head of the Modern Woodmen, anuj
Philip Watklns, both of Lincoln, werq
severely injured when a forward)
spring on nn electric automobile
broke. Tho machine turned turtle and
both boys wero badly bruised and
were cut with broken glass.
War on Bad Eggs.
Deputy Food Commissioner W. R
Jackson has Issued warning In the
form of a bulletin that he will prose
cute any -person who sells bad eggs
and to this he adds that dealers whe
desire to avoid the penalty must
candle all eggs purchased. The pen
nlty is a fine of from $50 to $500. Tho
bulletin is the beginning of a cam
paign which Food Commissioner Jack
son Intends to wage against bad eggs,
nml nnnnln wlifi cnll Mlnm nr nffni- 1
them for sale He asserts that it is1
unlawful for the farmer, merchant or
other denier to sell or offer for salf
bad eggs.
About ton o'clock Saturday night
Martin Skow, a patient At the Lin
coln asylum, killed Cnarlcs Brookman,
another patient, with whom ho was
sleoplng, choking him to death with
tho aid of BUBpenders taken from
overalls which ho was wearing. Tho
crimo was not discovered until Sundny
morning, shortly before the breakfast
hour at tho institution.
Two bronze cups, trophies for ex
cellent mnrksmanEhip, have been re
ceived nt tho office of the adjutant
general. Ono will be sent to Captnin
Iver S. Johnson of Stanton for rifle
record in 1910 nnd tho other to Cap
tain Chris L. Anderson of Norfolk for
tho best revolver record during tho
1P10 competition.
Stato Auditor Barton hns refused to
renew the license of the Modern
Brotherhood of America to do busi
ness in tho state on account of tho
fact that thoy havo scaled down many
claims and have had more or less dif
ficulty in settlement on death policies
Session Laws Early.
Secretary of State Walt snys that
tho session laws will bo printed and
ready for distribution by June 15. Tho
copy on tho laws was started to the
printer as soon as they wero deposited
In the office of the secretary of Btate
and proof on about seventy-five pages
of tho volume had been received bo
foro tho legislature closed.
Petitions havo been circulated nsk
Ing that the reservation near Valen
tino be opened up to settlers. Ther
aro C0.000 acres in tho tract.
Senator J. A. 0111b of Ord declnres
that rumors to the effect that he might
mako tbe race for railway commis
sioner this fall have been etarted
wholly without his knowledge or con.
Tho Omaha produce exchange has
adopted a resolution favoring the en
forcement ot tho law against tho sale
ot bad ogge as proposed by the food
commissioner, fourteen firms subscrlb
Ing to tho resolution. Ono firm which
is not now buying eggs declined to
voto for tho resolution.
flfTFF?w!j U v wU '
That Makf s tht Baking Bitter
Failures ore Almost impoulblo 'with
We know that It Trill give you better
We knoTf thnt the baking will bo purw
-more wholeiorao.
We know that it will bo more evenly
And we know that Cfitamet Is rnoro
economical, both In Its use and coat.
We knew theno thins because we
have put the quality Into It we have
aeen it tried out in every way. ic is
use (I nowln millions of homes and It
sales are growing dally. It is mo
modern baking powder.
Have you tried tt?
Calumet Is highest In Quality
raoaerate in price. ...e..
Rncaived Hlihet Award
.Wettd't Pure Feod ExptlUoo.
Natalies Yes, ho was paying atten
tion to her qulto a long time.
Estello Perhaps ho hadn't tho coun
ago to propose.
Natalie Oh, I don't know. Pen
haps ho had tho courago not to pro
Don't pour a lot of Ico water into
you in order to quench the thirst for
the moment not only does it not pro
duce tho desired result, but it 13 bad
for you.
Thero is Just one beverage that fits
all conditions of heat and thirst
Next time you'ro hot, tired or thirsty
drink a class or a bottlo of this one
best beverage delicious, rofreshlnjf
thirst-quenching. At Boda-fountalnaor
carbonated in bottles 5c everywhere.
Write to the COCA-COLA CO., Atlanta,
Ga., for a copy of their booklet, "The
Truth About COCA-COLA" you will
find It interesting.
A man can lead any woman to talk,
but he can't always mako her say
what he wants to henr.
. i- ... i -i f .. i --- i -
Nebraska Directory
at the Untvorsity School of Music,
Lincoln, Nebr. A sure income to
those who complete the course. No
pleasanter occupation in the world.
Send for year book to L B. Carder, Regtttru
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho Saline Springs
Located on our own promise and used In tho
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed In the treatment ol
Heart, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Disease
,40, &&, EVERE1Kr,f n..
. fa
ijmwaij?x2itsummit3i!i&ix: eEaki39aoncaea!ffiwi(Ua'
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