The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 08, 1911, Image 5

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. . .
t',VvVr',,V,VV WV '
Hammocks to make you tool.
Sponges and Rubber sponges.
Flesh brushes and Massage
brushes. Soaps, Sea Salts &c.
Everything for the bath and for
CHAS. L COTTING, The Druggist
h f
Hammock at Cottiug's.
Lee Koith was iti Franklin Satur
day. Noble Ball was in Mt. Clare Satur
day. Adolph Goth was in MeUook Fri
day. James Peterson! wa, 1" Hustings
Chas. Hogate of Bidden was in town
Joo Fogel was in Lincoln the first of
tlie week.
Will Kent . was in (luido Rock
Ralph Heal was a passenger to lllttc
Hill Friday.
O. A. Barber and wife are home
from Lincoln.
Warron Lougtin come home Friday
from nastings.
All kinds of Electrical work done by
Morhart Bros
H.O. Wright was down from Rose
mont Wednesday.
Remember the Hand Concert every
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Diamond has gone to Missouri
to visit her parents.
Eli Cox and Otis Whoelen of Bladen
were in town Tuesday.
Win Wunctnni- returned home from
Kaunas City Tuesday.
Have yonr picture framed at sloss'.
Host selection in town.
Nothing like White Loaf Hour for
making the best bread.
Geo. Lind-c.y left for nipple Creek,
Colo.. Wednesday night.
Bruce Beckwith came home from
Lincoln Monday evening.
Mrs. .lames Mcintosh is very nick at
her home north of this city.
For sale one building P2.:V2.j out
hide? Call at NewhotiseV store.
If you want high grade cement get
the K. C. brand of J. O. Caldwell.
Dr. Davis is in town this week. We
understand he will relocate here.
T, .1. Diamond was in Oxford Friday
attending the miller's convention.
Harvey Uiokerson arrived home
from Missouri Wednesday morning.
Mrs. Hoacli Robertson and childieu
were visiting In Blue Hill lust week.
' JudgolSdson and wife oame home
from Grand Island Tuesday evening.
FOI Sale- A good sound old work
horsc-HOO lbs, Cheap. Ds (Iariikii.
r Stevens Bros., up-to-date methods in
Photographs, inateiial aud woikman
nhlp. Farm Loans, 1 am ngnln ready to
make farm loan, at the lowest rate
and best terms. I am hole agent for
Trevett, Mnttis .v Baker Some pri
vate money
.1. H. Bailey. Red ( loud. Nebr.
Lost A pair of nose glasses, on the
Red Cloud and Amboy road. Reward.
Geo. W. Hutchison is in Omaha this
week attending the Masonic Grand
The Miner Bros. Co., store has just
received a now up-to-date lino of hair
Rev. J. M. Bates went to lloldrege
Monday morning to attend hh ordi
nation. Satisfied customers are good ones.
All who use Atuboy White Loaf flour
aro such.
Heury Harris of Litchfield, Nebr.,
was vlsitlug relatives, in this section
this week.
Mrs. Vance came down from Hast
ings Monday evening to visit her
brother and sister.
Fritz Vauce came down from Hast
ings Friday night and returned home
Saturday morning.
The Diamond Fdeetrlc Vaeum clean
or demonstrated In your home free.
Call Phono Red 97.
.Mrs. Adolph Goth aud children re
turned from n three weeks visit with
friends in Colorado points.
.Mrs. Ed Amuck returned from Ok
lahoma Tuesday morning where she
had been visiting relatives.
For Salt All of my Household goods
and a Four Passenger Stanley Steam
er. Inquire of Alva
Art Iiudon, Howard Crilly, Arthur
Hunt aud Dr. Simpson were down
from Campbell Sunday via auto.
Wall paper, paint, vuruish, mould
ing, painting and papering contiuet
ed. Sloss, the Wall Paper Man.
The llnost line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
am) look it over. Moi:it.iir Uikih.
IMitor Halo of this, papur was in
Omaha this week attending the Ne
braska Press Association meeting.
Mis. Geo. Jlollister and daughter.
Marie returned home Friday from
Lincoln after a visit with friends.
Cy Norris and family returned to
day from Nelson where they huve
beeti visiting the first of the week.
J. H. Kellogg returned from Albion,
Nebr., Monday evening where ho has
been teaching school the past year.
dim Mcintosh shipped hi.-, fat cattle
to St. Joe Sunday. Pete Mcintosh aud
Fred Phares accompanied the sntne.
I!. M. Beatty aud sou for General
Klackstuilhing, Wagon Work, Horse
shoeing a Specialty. At DayVoldshop.
Weesner aud Koontz shipped four
car loads of hogs to Kansas' City Sun
day. Win. Weesner went with the
Miss Nellie Kiitledgc who lots been
attending school in Omaha returned
homo Wednesday evening for her va
Mr. Hillers and wife of California,
ai e t ho guests of 0 C. Tecl arid wife,
this weekj Mr. Hitlers is a brother of
Mrs. Tee!.
Mrs. C. B. Halo received word Sun
day that her brother, Sam Wright and
wlfo of Missouri arc the proud par
ents of a nine pound boy.
Father Fitzgerald, pastor of the
Catholic church, left Wednesday morn
ing for Rome and other points in
Kuropo for an extended visit.
Monday afternoon whllo Russell
Jones was gottiug rain water out of a
barrel ho steppod on a piece of glass
aud cut a bad gash in his foot.
Tho Red Cloud Hardware and Im
plement Co,, purchased Win. Wolfe's
interest in the same this week Mr.
Wolfe Is now hack in the blacksmith
The Degiee of Honor had a very en
joyablo meeting Tuesday evening.
Afte" lodge a banquet was served.
There was a large attendence. Come
Tho little three-year old son of Jake
Jensen, was run over Sunday evening
by an automobile The boy was bruis
ed up considerably besides having his
left arm broken.
The switch engine at Red Cloud lias
been taken oft". T. B. Lunborry has
been transferred hero to tho train
servico and A. Goth to the Holdrego
yard. McCook Republican.
Last week L. R. Rust sold the Royal
barber shop to Mr. Young of Bcnklo
man, who immediuto took charge of
tho same. We welcome Mr. Young to
our city and wish him success
The one day old baby of Mr. and
Mrs Willard Crowell, who llvo near
tho Poor Farm died Tuesday night.
Tho funeral was hold Wednesday
afternoon and burial took placo it the
Dane cemetery.
The shower baths at the Washington
school building will bo open for the
free uso of all the boys two afternoons
each week Wednesday and Friday
from i! to 1 p.m. Hoys must furnish
their own towels.
Miss Marie Sear.s of Burlington
Junction, Mo., who has been trimming
hats in Mrs. Moranville's millinery
store left Sunday morning for lier
home. Mrs. Moranvillc accompanied
he as far as Wymore.
The statements of tho Red Cloud
banks show a heavy increase in de
posits over the February showing,
the gain being about 30,000, duo
chleily to the heavy shipments of live
stock in the last few weeks.
Will Fdson. editor of the Argus anil
Miss Lois Hewittof Grand Island wero
united in marriage on Tuesday at tho
home of the bride, Rev I. W. Edson of
this city olllciating. Tho newly
wedded couple have the bet wishes
of their many friends here The Chief
extends congratulations. Owing to
the death of a brother of the bride
Mis. Kdson will not leturu to Red
Cloud for about a week.
Monday evening II. C. Harris and
Mr. Snider who live near Amboy were
standing in the run way of Mr
Harris' burn and a bolt of lightning
struck the cupalo of the barn passing
down botli ends of the barn making a
short circuit and they were struck by
the bolt. Mr Harris was unconscious
about four hours and Mr. Snider was
stunned. They are both out of dan
ger at this writting and will no doubt
fl If everything you wear
2; is as well chosen as your
you are well dressed.
$1.50 and more.
Hart Schaffner
Marx Suits
Munsing Underwear
Crawford Shoes
Dutchess Trousers
McDonald work Shirts
and Overalls.
JOn such repre
sentative lines I
have built my busi
ness. This and
a square deal to
every customer.
Cllv Treasurer's Report from May 4,
1911 to June 6, 1911. j
JlWEtl, Ittll. I
To Honorable Mayor aud City Council, i
City of Ked Cloud, Neb.
liiMi.r.MKN: j
1 beg to submit herewith j
statement of the rqeciptsund disburse
ments of your Troasury for Ihc period
from May I, '11 to June o, 'It, and the
present condition of tho vai funds:
Occupation Fund
May l,'ll Received from form
er Treasurer 8 .Till.HtJ
Hec'pts from May 1 to June 0,
Ta..s from Co. Treas. iSltO.OO
ideens.-s i'J.").oo d'J:..0o
1 1IKS.88
DUbuiM'ineniH iu.'.H)
Llalance on hand .June f, llfiiMIS
Water Fund
May 1, 'II Received from form
er Treasurer II'.iH.'.IJ
Receipts from May I to June it,
Itec'd from I). U. Rich, W .fc L.
Com., water col. for May Ml.. . i7lJ.H0
Absolutely Pure
Thm only baking powator
mad from Royf Grmmm
Ormam of Tartar
Improved alfalfa farm lauds in the
fJreat Republican Valloy our only
specialty. Pan flAitnKu A. (Jomi-anv,
Chief ofllee.
A. A. Abel and family of Uobron
who have been vi-dtinjj his parnls in
j thisoity returned to their home Tues
day uiornlnj,'.
C .s. Quick and wife of ludiunola
spent Sunday visiting Win. Turks,
They were en route home from K.vcel
sior Springs. Mo. .
Pictures taken of childieu aud fami
ly tf roups without pain. Our material
and workmanship stand the test of
tlnjo Sikvknh Hitorf.
J. K. llutler waa in UaoUus Friday
whero he accepted a position with the
Hustings Ually Tribune us solictor iu
the Republican valley.
Miner Sherwood and Henry I 'hares
came home from Lincoln Tuesday
oveiiiiiK where they have been attend
lug the state I'liiverbily.
fhc eiif,'lniou the. No. GJ fjii,'Jit
train while, switching on the new track
In the yards here 'lucsUay night wejjt
off the tvaelt. The Wrrickhigr utew
aud the wrecker came dowu from Mo
Cook Wednesday and pjii't It on again.
Weather Summary for Nay 1911
Temperature: Maximum Oil deg on
21, '25, '29. Minimum '27 deg on 2nd.
Precipitation: Total l.G'2 Inches.
Greatest In 21 hours ,73ou2lst. Num
ber of days with .01 inch or more 15
Days clear '20, partly cloudy .'1, cloudy
8. Last killing frost on 2nd. Thun
derstorms on :ird aud 11th. Prevail
ing wind direct Ion south 15 days. Pre
cipitation since April 1st, 4.71 inches.
Cham. S I.oit.ow.
The new t'nited Ilrethreu church
iibtut eight miles northwest of Red
Cloud will be dedicated Sunday morn
ing, June is, at 10:110 a. in. Everybody
invited to attend, Rev. .1. U. Lamb of
Hsbou, las., will have charge of the
liulance on hand June 0
Water Levy Fund
May t, '11 Received from form
er Treasurer
Receipts from May 1, to . I line 0,
Balance on hand June li.
Uenenil Fund
May 4, 'II Received from form
er Treasurer
Receipts from May 4, to JuncO,
Taxes from Couuty Treasurer
'287 8J
28 70
JOihi 12
1 701). 12
88 (Id
I'A v m. aam u7 i
Balance on hand June 0,
I lOlectrlc Light Fund
.May I, Ml Received from form-
i er Trensiirer 717.77
1 Receipts from May 4 to Juno 0,
.luneo, 'U from D. II. Rich,
electric light collect, for May .17 10
' June (J, 11 from 1).. H. Rich,
sale supplies for May
Disbursements ,
j:h i.oo
s in. .in
Balance on hand June 0,
Judgment Fund
May 1, "11 Received from form
er Treasurer
Receipts from May to JunoO,
Taxes f i om County Treasurer l.'id.Co
Bon-Ton-Bakery arur
Restaurant. j
Bread, Pies and Cukes made In Rod I
Cloud Trom Red Cloud FLOUR.
Xff ll t I . iT a 1l!ixrfl1i
M mvjjn w Vj iuSi 1 r j Miiy Jf ., t uCoolved from rorni
i .Receipts from May 4 to June rt,
jlj. Ta.Nei from Couuty Treasurer
That Distinguished
of Monuments is caused by the use of
Pneumatic Tools. We use them, hence
our letters arc clean and well cut. Come
and see.
Overing Bros.
(Si Company
llalance mi hand June
Firemen's Fund
May 1, 'II Received from form
er Treasurer
receipts or disbursements.
Ain't lu.liiilKineiit riiin!..tiiiien. lull IW.m
(i'('iiiiitlini lliSl.tW
Will it IrtMH
Water I,c.i iltO
(Itlitinl MH.tMJ
KU'el.lKht HMtM
K. I.. Levi I7H.0O
I'lrcillt'llh' ' ' " .I77.TU
Total on hand luTintMii) .hinell, "11 tll7.KS
There arc no reisteied warrants
Respectfully submitted,
S. R. FuiK.v.Nci:.
City Treasurer.
Parties dumping trash along Un
load south or hauling dead animals
aud leaving them along the river road
oast of '.he bridge will be prosecuted.
I'Ai'l. SioitiiV, Commissioner 1th Dist.
G. W. lltniMKi., L'ommi'-sioiieroth Dist.
vXo disbursements
llalaiiuoou hand June it,
Kleetile Light Levy Fund
S l.lusi
IcKpnEAM 25 Gi'.vrs l?i:u tjiunr.
Wk uso anltlcial U r. iitade from
toteu water ure and qlean. i
The Miner Brothers Co.
ii, a. i.mso.N, ujit.
-A Mighty Safe Place to Trade v
Tom's Gatcly. Hero.
"lli.i.'t r,i.l , I..... . t.
j ...... . "iidiu in,)' mm: tin me.; I III
an in. ueip the women.'
Cooked by escaping .steam until his
flesh fell trom his bones, thus spake,
Tom tbifply, one or the vlellhlSpf the
Indlaiiola wreck last Tuesday. .',
Smiling through hU hnrrible .pain,
although Hie iiiiiei-neited thV ir'iifi
ed tlesh on his fHce, (Jult-ly iaid:
"Kvcry little bit, helps," m a' frind
labia cold cloth upon his cooked
forehead. ,
"I'm all hi helptho women!"'
Tom tlately was a wrestler by profes
sion. Uut he wus more than that he
was a man, every Inch of him Aud
when he refused the hulp that liu knew
would avail him nothing, telling' those
who would succor him to give their
attention to the women, he proved
himself a hero. Wo admit scant know
ledgo of theology or of the scheme of
human redumption, but we do believe
I I... I 4.
I huh mi umiiiir wiiaiKiiiu oi a ufe Tom
diitely lived- and so far as wo know it
was a clean life the manner of his dy
ing made, sine his eternal reward.
'I'm all In help the womeu!"
Scuhlfd to the point or death, his
cooked tlesh falling from his very
bones, this man of iron ntirve and big
heart, preferred to sutler nbini, In'
order that might be benefitted.
New III continue to build towering
monuments toMutehiiieu and soldiers,'
bill the chances arc that one of the
humble hi roes, as great as any of them
will rest in a grave uniuaiked save by
u lowly Moiie. Yut the modest slab
of granite that marks the last testing
place of Tom (lately will mark the
grave of one of the world's heroes.
"Don't waste time on me; I'm all
in. Help the women!-'
Finer words were never ultorred by
human tongue. Had wo known Tom
(lately In life it would have been our
pleasure Ihioiigh all I he coming days
for to know a hero like liltn is seldom
given to man, (5od rest his heroio
soull Maupin's Weekly.
Farms listed on straight commission
busls. Laud list liberally advertised
Dan (i.titiitui X CVmimsy, (Jhlof office.
Read he adds in the Chief
t .mw- "trypinii
- ftl
mifMMfk ynww-. . 4MwyfT--i"w y-f"ff