The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 08, 1911, Image 4

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AAiVW. i'jW'WWJl -- -f
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R3 Cloud - - Nebraska
' HuttrM In tlio .PoiUjfflco rdilled CIou-LNcb,,
k( tu'edcoi'iil CliM Matter, 'i
0 It. HALE
tilB Only dbmooiiatio paim-ii in
Political Announcements. '
Tlio columns of tho Chief tire open
for irirltinmte advertisements of all
kinds. Candidates, rcgM-dlcsi of party
nllilinttou, tiro welcome- to u'e these
columns. Trine of nnnonneement, So.
I hcreny nnnounco ntyHell ft euinlliliUe
for ro-flcctluii nil County Clerk ot Welwter
County. Nulir., on tlio Itopubllcnn uckim,
subject to the (IccIhIoii of tlio voter nt tlio
K.hi.nrv l.-lrntlntl lotieliellt AllUIIHt I'i. IIHI.
K, W. IIosh.
l hereby aurnunco myKCII an a i-uiiilliliMu
r tho olllcc of County Clerk ot Webster
County. Ncbr., subject to tho will of tho vol
errfol tlio Mcinoc rutin Rncll'eoplo'a I inlcpoinl.
cut l'nrty fit tho Primary Election to bo licltl
AuK. id, mi. v.k.haii.i;y.
W'o lmvo been authorized to nnnounco tho
name of (Ikoiiuk Uaiibi.i.. of Bed Cloud, for
nomination of County Clerk, milijeet to the
will of tho Ocruocrat anil I'eoplo'H liulcpt ntl
cntvoterHat the. Primary election AumiHt
Wo aro autliorlul to announce W. I.
lllittnnonnKii candidate lor noinlnatlon us
county clerk nubject to tho will of (he re
publican olcrn at the prlmnry election.
August Kith
I hereby nnnounco myself an a candidate
lor Clerk ( tho District Court ot Webster
County, on the Republican ticket, Mibjtct to
IheileclHlon of the otern at the pilmno
uleetlon tube held uunt trth.. Dili.
Cll h. K. UKUU.t.
Wo linv been milhurlml to announce the
candidacy ol (It o. V. l.lNltxr.V for theetllce
of county trciiMiiier, nubjeet to tlio will of
the Democrat and People's Independent
pftrllfxat'tlieprlinai.v election AitKiirit I'lth.
AVe lmvo been Ant litnlml to iiniioiuo the
landldney of II. C. Wuuill i, of Itiisciuniit,
for tliiMillleeof I ounlyTieiiiuier.MibJfet to
then III ol tho Menioi'intle and I'toples In
dependent 1'arilcH at tlii;prliu:iry lUetlmi
AiiuiihI 1Mb, lilt I.
We have In cm niilliuil'id tonnntauie tin
ouiilldaeyof II. . Kiiom for the olllcc ot
rotinty TreiiMiH i niiIiJi el to the will ol the
Republican voters at the ulmtir drill. in
Annus! I.Mb. I'll I.
l't)R TltEASritER
We lmc In en iiiillioiled to nuiioiiiu i tin
namoolO. A. iuold.of lllue Mill, (or the
iiomlnutlou of fount I'miMirt r, Mibjeel to
tho Will of the Pemociat and People's Inde
pendent voti rs at the Pilmaij elictlon to be
habl AtiKUKt IV P.m.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate
for'Sbci III ol WeltHtiV County, Nebiusliu, on
thu Dciuoci title ticket snlijict te thedeclkion
of thowitciHttt the Primary election to be
hrltt August ir,. 1HII .I.T. Uui'I.KlMlK.
t lirt lb) announce in) sell a candidate (oi
the olllceot Slieilll'of Webster t'ounty, sub
ject to tho will ol the Mitels of the Ileum,
rrntlennd PeophV liiilepeudent PaitlcH. .
.lor W. Citou.
I hereby anouiiee myself a candidate loi
tho nomination of Sherltl ot WchtH r eouut
Hiibjecl to the nlll ol ttic Republican oterH.
to beuxpiessed lit til" pilmary election uu
list 1Mb. PJII. Wm. Woi.i'K.
I hi ruby nuouni'c injuell a candidate lor
the nomination ol Mirilll'ot vi hst r count)
object to the will ot the I
lemocratle and
at thu pi I ma r
People ludependiut piutlis
election Niutusl lutli. Itlll. K. W. I'oi'i.r.N
I iereb auuoiinie msell a i aiulldiitf bo i
lliononiliiuiloiiof Miciln ol WtlMf i rount) ' weiitj-thice Autoiuuliilrs eoutain
ubjert tolhe it III of the Democratic audUg Red Cloud business men, eiich
Kopli'N Independent pnilliMil the piliuiii) ' inacliine carr ilig ftu to si passiwi
rtcetiou AiiKHst l.v iyii.-1'atNK lli'UKii. ,.,... ,., . . ... , , ,. '..
gors. were out Wednesday making I ho
FOR COFNTY .lUlliiE towns surrounding Red Cloud adver-
III. CI llll.l . Nl !ll:,..llllu-Mh fill.
t liuiehy announce niystll us a cnudiduti.
or county Jiutut- nl Wobbler touut.. Se-
bruskli, siibjtcl to the will ol Hit-Clcctnis l
tho DciriociuUc and Pioplc't. Independent
Parties at the 'filniuo Miction to t, ,.,
Aueuat IQth, lllll. A. D. Uwmi.
FOR col NT COMMISSIONER The bo.xs play nicely and their slect-
I licicli) niinoitnci iovm if a candidate (or ions met with applause eaeli time
the aoiiiintitiuiiot lountj ommisii.iH i of Advertising uiiittei' was fieelv dis
coiuinlri-doiii r nlstliet so. I. nubJicl in Uu I i ,.i1i,i111i .....i . i ,
wlllotthePeople'Mnd.pemien.andl. ll 'l'1 '"d ' friendly half lion, was
cratlcpartletat the pilmarx eliciit.n to i,,'Tvm wm Visitors Who made almost
heldAuwiiM 15. mil.- -iiKn. I-'. Coon. i as good a showing- as -the- rliHiulii
'L, i- - l.1.1 ---.' . . . . J'buosters. I lioy extended an invitation
We trust Hint Ihose In eliurgo oft lie ;' l,liu1,,u to come ami oujoi, their
water prospect will push matters' as ''""I'ltality at thou- celebration July
fast as possible. It there is walei ""''Hi, ami promise exojr.y visltm a
therein snnicleut rtuiinitv ami the ,,,.Ti lluie. Lot usallgolo Red Cloud
iii . .v .... ' this year and spend the Ftiiu th. then
kind wo want the sooner wo get t the. ... . , "" '"i"
" oncentiatM)urftiiM9lii thu County
better, if it pi oves to be a failure the Fair, and Rctl Cloud will return the
quicker we know it tho better so t hit t i compliment by sending-up u nice crowd
all proposals. may got out of the wuy
and not dtday tlio .springH proposition.
The summer in slat ling in etulj t lifts
year aud tliti need of good aater if.
more lieeuly felt Until over bo fori!.
Just nt present v wnut water more
ttiiiii wo want, any thin),' else and the
people liivo hcun patient for years
but c have come to tlio turn in tho
roml and the clamor for good wator is
stronger Hum over boforo. Vo hnvc
not n. particle of filth in the present
venture but arc. perfectly willing to be
shown .since no public money is at,
striltd. .(Tills worl should ho o.uirlod on
vigorously 80 as to demonstrate, tho
truth or falsity of the idea behind 'U.
The reoent trip of our booster party
ovcrtlie county and the cordial recopU
ion received, the friendly p.vpressiotiR
of irood will printed in the places vis
ited all tfo to show thut Webster
County is more closely knit together
than ever before. The towns of thin
county ought to understand each ot her
better. Oowlpsand Guide Rook the
pioneers of the Farmer's Institutes
linve endeavored to put Wubstvr couii
ty on the map, lllue Hill with Iter
Harvest Homo festival mid llladen
with the county fair have each taxed
their resources to put Webster county
on tho map, Red Cloud witli tho Chau
tauqtia has sought to do the same
thing along diffcrout lines. Now why
not gut closer together and malco all
these things county matter and make
them all eminently successful? What
we need Is a county commercial club.
This club could arrange for till tho at
tractions In the. county to bo held at,
diirercitt dates and If we all joined to
gether (here Would bu no question
about having a crowd and that; is all
that it. takes to mnko anything a suc
cess. The interests of all the towns
in the county aro' identical. What
will help one will aid all. So long as
wo do not know each other as we
should there cannot help but bo mis
understandings, suspicions and dis
trust but once oigani.ed and acquaint
ed and these feelings would lie. abol
ished. Wo may not sanction all the
acts of the great trusts but wo ought
to learn one lesson from them and
that is to organize all tho towns for
the bouellt of the county. In union
there is strength and the union of all
the towns In this county would soon
put Webster mi the map.
What The Newspapers of the Towns Vis
Iteri by Our Boosters Have te Say
About Us
Room Kits Snow I's Hon in IJoost.
Tho Red Cloud "boosters" struck
town Wednesday evening in seventeen
autos and accompanied by a brass
band, which took up a location in the
bund Muml and disposed Homo e
cel'ent music to our people. It was
an impressive demonstration of the
spit it of activity always louud in the
heart of a Red Cloud business mini.
Envy, jealousy and go it-alone policy,
is unknown pi notice with Red Cloud
busiiiiss men When they stint out
to accomplish .something, its generally
iii'couipli-lied. .Mist now tlioy are
"boosting" their 'lth of duly Cele
bration and they are boosting It right
Come again gent lemon. You're a
Jolly hunch.- Rlvcrton Review.
liooTi:iis FiioM Ri:n Cloud.
Yesterday afternoon about 'JH auto
mobiles loaded with vceifeious Tiooht
ers from Red Cloud tolled into the
clt and proceeded to make known in
no uncertain manner tho fuct that cclebiatiou of
the (Morions Fourth this year that will
make all previous efforts along this
line look in comparison, like a remper
Riicc rally in Ulue Hill. They canicd
with them a real band that placed
several selections of most excellent
music, and the town was Hooded with
advance literatuie on Hie subject
which they were so Indu-itrlously ml
vertising. The Citizen acknowledges a most
pleasant, fraternal call from Bros.
Halo, ofthoChier. Vaughn, ol" Guide
Rock Signal, as well as a tepieseuta
tiveot tlio Argus foice We had it
nice little JMt and hope the boys will
come iiguln. Campbell Citizen.
Ri:n Cl.oU) llooM'i It's siis
Riadi:n Wl'iim:hiiav
' iisinginelir'oiirthoUuly celebration.
Tliey reached llhuleii sho-tly after
noon and soon lilted the main street
with their nullum. biles and their
ciowd about one luiudred. They car
ried their splendid bund which treated
tout people to a ooneert on the street.
during fair week.s Bladen Euterpilse.
Red Cloud Ilbosiinis Maki; Toitor
' Couvn "
The Red Cloud boost to tho num
ber uf eighty or more made a lour of
tho county Wednesday in automobiles
advertising their Fourth of July e.elc
brationr They reached Blue 'lllll
about 11 :.'iO nnd icmalncd until .after
dinner. They wore given a hearty re
eoption here and a pleasant visit was
enjoyed between tlio business men of
both towns. The Red Cloud baud ac
companied tlictu and played several
Htirl Cloud is planning ou having an
ospoclitlly good celebration. An' un
usually large number of attractions
lire being provided nnd ninny of bcin
will bo free to the people We arc in
formed that they would try and make
arrangements for a special train to
run from Red Cloud to Itluc Hill or
pel imps lilndon or Campbell in the
evening after tho celebration. If this
dan bo done they may be sure of an
linnicubo crowd from this port of the
county. From here the boosters went
to llladen, Campbell, Rlvcrton, Ina
vale and then home. Ulue Hill Lead
Ri.dCi.ocd Roostkus Toim Wkbstt.ii
tND Counties.
A jolly booster automobile party
consisting of about.'lOautomobllcs and
TJO men, including the Red Cloud
band, made a tour of Webster and
Franklin counties Wednesday. Tlio
start was made from Red Cloud at
about 8 o'clock. Hero two autos, drlv
cu by Robert Garrison uud P. W.
Roland, Joined them, in Garrison's
car were Ed Amack, I. W. Craryaud
Cbas. Hodges; In Roland's car were
Mr. Thomas, of Republican City, John
T. Kent, of Lincoln, and Hurry
Cowlcs was reached in duo time
wlieie the citizens welcqtned tlio party
warmly. Ulue Hill was reached in
plenty of time for dinner and the
Boosters lined up at the lunch couut:
ers and kept the waiters busy for a
solid hour. From theio the party pro
ceeded west to Bladen, stopping an
hour; from there it proceeded f,to
Campbell, where the usual stop was
made. Hero the party cut acioss
country, 17 inilo, to Rlvcrton, where
arrangements hud been made by the
Rivertnn business men for lunch.
Here a longer stop was made than
usual, many of the cays having hot
boNes from tho long drive over the
hills. At Inavale, the entire popula
tion was out. and altho tho boosters
were getting tiled, the enthusiasm
was us much in evidence as any place
along the line Tho entire trip cover
ed about 8.1 miles.
Thecal- in which rode the writer
was a little late in gettingstarted.and
stopped a few minutes in Rosetnont
where the burglnil.od bank vault was
inspected, cutting across country,
catching up witli the lloosteisat lllue
Hill. We called at the Lender olllcc.
but, editor- Lane had gone to dinner.
elmd friendly isils with editors
Speuee. of the llladen Euterpiise, nnd j
Ituir, of the Campbell Cltieu. We
mot W. S. Kiinpp and G. W. Tool, at
Bladen, both sending regards to friends
The object of the trip, was the luvi
tiitiou by tho Red Cloud Comuiorciul
club for every person in tlio towns
visited and adjacent tenitory, to cele
brate July uh tit Red Cloud.' Printed
matter was freely distributed, besides
the hot air furnished free by tho sev
eral candidates. Nearly every aspiring
candidate was in the crowd. It Is
now up to Red Cloud to entertain us
when we go there July -lth, and they
promise to do the job right. So far as
wc could leai ii, no towu visited, ex
pects to have a celebration, and cvory
one seems willing for Red Cloud to
do the honois for tho whole of the two
counties, for this year.
U)1 sTI'NO.
The most thrilling incident of the
trip wnswhen Roland's car ran into a
swarm of bees near Blue Hill, and the
bull-bee of the bunch made a counter
chaige, striking the editor on the tip
of tne noso. This was done after a
careful inspection of the noses in' the
ear, when ours was selected altliol
Rent's nose ran us a close second. He I
decided to keep his nose oil his own
side ol the car for the rest of tho trip.
St vend cars hung up on tlio side
hills, where hurry-up repairs were:
tiuitle, but, so fur as we know, every'
car in tlio bunch made the entire trip
without a sciious mishap. It was ai
glorious trip, and at every place tlio'
boosters were told that their demon-,
st ra l Ion was away ahead of that of
Lincoln, which parsed over the north'
lino in a specinl Main las week, I
Thu Rooster idea Is a popular idea, I
miiiiy of tlio .smaller cities o thetnte1
taking it up to advantage since so
many autos are owned in tnery local
ity. 'L'lie Guide Rock business men in
the bunch Wednesday wore busy talc
ing notes and lenrniug.tlie tricks. So
we serve warning on our sister tuwiifi
ami they may expect, tho Guide Rock
boosters along oine day when wo
have a warm pYoposilion to promote.
Outde Rock Signal.
' I. 0. ()', F. '
Meets overy Monday Night. I). M
Garber, .N. G. O. 0, Toel. Clerk.
-Imts First and Third Thursday. l?i
J.O. O. F. llnll. Mifl. Alice Ruiicby,
N, G, Carrie Flolsworth, Secretary.
Airy, Artistic
Sunshine and breezes will not harm them. They :
are INTENDED for hard service and frequent
lThey are durable, beautiful and withal most inexpensive.
JIn leaf greens, soft wood tones, and pretty delft effects, S
they impart the atmosphere of cool simplicity which is the K
chief charm of the home in summer. I
Plenty of Laces, Nets, Scrims and Casement cloths.
Socialists fictlBusy
The Socialist organisation at Red
Cloud has started a movement fora
labor directory which should have the
lieurty suppoit of the farmers in this
county. Tlieio is- h bulletin board in
the Central Ofilco of the Farmeis Inde
pendent Telephone Co., for the regis
teration of all tho-c who want work
and also lor all wlio wish to engage
help. 1'aiineis who want bunds
should telephone to the eenttal and
haie their iiaim s put on the bom d and
till looking lor woik should do the
same. I heie are no eliaiges for sueli
Heal tsliilc I masters.
Transfers i epot ted by tlio Foil Ab
stract Co. for the. week ending Wed
nesday, June 7, lull.
Guide Rock Cemetery Assoc to
James M. Roland, lots I, '-
Blk. 172, Guide Rook Cemetery
wtl o
Chas. K. Arnold tr Ada M.
Arnold, mid '; lots 1, ', :, In
sec 7, lot 1, sec 8, pt nw, nw sw
lots .', 7, sec fl, all in J -12, qcd. 1
H. C. Wolf to II. O. Hatlleld, lot
I, Blk. I, Gaibers -id Add to
Red Cloud, wd 70
John N. Paugli to Robert A.
Simpson, lots 0 to !, Blk. 10,
Blue Hill, wd -r.HI
Moigau 11. Davis to A. A. Boron
lots o, 7. H, Blk. It!, Cowlcs, wd l00
f :niui
Mortgages Hied, S&.&U.UO.
Mortgages released. 81)078.
Webster County State Apportionment
for June 1911
Whole amount apportioned SlU0,'l.8o.
Whole number of children entitled
to share 1038.
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MAmu. Hauhit JJtv,
County Superintendent,
Summer" Draperies.
our Store Ytur Headquarters.
General Merchants.
"A Mighty Safe Place To Trade"
s. r-r
i'.-333 J J j 1 3l'w X-.. rt?fc,v ;rg.?;';;,
I. . V - I m. " t W, J.
Wfr- 3JJwte'ilL:r-
J .. "II ' ! Ii niTfifti f A '
"---.-- -- , - -V - ' IK
--- ,-""""
"I want my house
CVi that to our painter and lie will
know you want a quality job. The
most durable paint in the world, and th
orn kind wot tli cniisulcniiK, is old
fashioned paint made of pure linscctl nil,
ttupcntiiic and
Pure White Lead
They should lie mixed on the job liy die
painter after lie lias examined the to be
covered. Paint inaile of pare white lead ncvei
cracks or sealeii off. hut holds to the wood until
it is actually worn away
Send For our Free Painting Helps
ront.iinin.colnrsclif'ini'fi.rmsrfll.tiiiOiiF palatini; dirrr
licins, and names of ' llliio List ,,iinlerH,'in jourccnii
inunity ulio use our white lend. Atk (or I It Ips No. II.
TO I'.MNTERS: H you ufeotir vvliitu lend send us
our name tor our Painter.' " lllue List " Write Inr
Circular No. II, It lves particulars.
725 (.'lii-striut Street. St. Louis Mo,
H. E. Grice Drug Co.
J. C. Sloss.
V& ft V.
JWe sell these Celebrated MATTRESSES and
many others. The ,
The World's Besl. f$ No old or shoddy goods; every
thing up to date. C
Undertaking a Specialty . . All the Phones ?
See The Chief for up
jjffil. I
' t
: h " 'i
u, .
J. II ,., I
-,LM, :J ),jr
- I VVA t
wi -T 1 . - "'
- to - date job work.
l'4m - I
"'' 1 -4;
... 2 'itS A f 1
,, cr-rlc' I
r w v -x j.' '
. vwrwvArf' a j
ah W'f