The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 08, 1911, Image 3

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""' " ',1' W-Wr"
y t-
radicular men who smoko realize
how offensive to people of refinement
Is n strong tobacco breath, ami how
objectlonnblo to themselves Is that
"dnrk brown tasto" In tho mouth
after Bmoklng.
Paxtino Toilet Antiseptic is worth
its weight in cold for this purpose
alone. Just a little in a glass of water
rlnso the mouth and brush tho teeth.
Tho mouth is thoroughly deodorized,
tho breath becomes pure- and sweet
and n delightful sense of mouth clean
liness replaces that dnrk brown to
lacco taste.
Paxtino is far superior to liquid an
tiseptics nnd Pcroxldo for all toilet
nnd hygienic uses and may bo obtain
ed nt nny drug storo 2G and 50c a box
or sent postpaid upon receipt of prlco
by Tho Pnxton Toilet Co., Boston,
Muss. Send for a freo sample.
Edith What would you do If I at
tempted to run away and leave you
hero In tho parlor alone?
Ernest Why, I er would try to
catch and hold you.
Edith Well, get ready then, I'm
going to attempt it.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment do bo
much for poor complexions, red,
rough hands, and dry, thin and fall
lng hair, and cost bo little that it Is
almost criminal not to uso them.
Think of tho Buffering entailed by
neglected skin troubles mental bo
causo of disfiguration physical be
cause of pain. Think of tho pleasure
of a clear skin, soft whito hands and
good hair. Theso blessings are often
only a matter of a little thoughtful,
timely caro, viz.: wnrm baths with
Cuticura Soap, assisted when ncccs
ary by gcntlo anointings with Cuti
cura Ointment. Tho latest Cuticura
book, an lnvnluablo guldo to skin and
hair health, will bo mailed freo, on
application to tho Potter Drug &
Chem. Corp., Boston, Mass.
"Did your nephew mako a suitable
"Yes," replied tho man who habitu
allr thinks nlong erratic lines. "Ho
has curly blond hair, and has never
dono anything more herculean than
to pick flaws on a guitar, and well,
ho married a femalo baseball player."
GIvo Doflnnco Starch a fair trial
try it for both hot and cold starching,
and if you don't think you do better
work, in less tlmo nnd at smaller cost,
return it and your grocer will give
you back your money.
Teacher What happened when the
army fell into tho ambush?
Little Willie Why, they were all
scratched up.
Beautiful Post Cards Free.
Bend 2c stamp for five samples of our
Very best Gold Embossed Birthday. Flow
er and Motto Post Cards; beautiful colors
and loveliest designs. Art Foat Card Club,
Ml Jackson SL, 'Xopeka, Kan.
To Take for a Headache.
"What do you take for a headacho?"
"Liquor, the night before." Toledo
If your skin is mnrrcd by pimples and
liver marks, take Garfield Tea. It will
reRulnto the liver, clcanso the system and
purify the blood.
Thcro's nothing disappoints a wom
an moro than not to bo disappointed
when she expects to bo.
Stomach Bitters
For 58 years t has
given satisfaction in such
cases and you'll find it just
the medicine you need.
L I .L s. HiH aBalin
I Suit Coiffure to Hat
P It Is truo (as thoso who make
it their business to know, Bay It
Is) that American women havo
less hair than tho women of other
lands, then wo nro compelled to ad
mlro tho cleverness with which thoy
conceal this deficiency. Ono would
naturally Infer that a vairoty of styles
in hairdresslng would bo Impossible
to thorn, but this Is not tho caso at
all. By using switches, chignons,
transformations and tho many other
devices of dealers in hair goods, all
tho pretty conceits In tho changing
fashions in colffuro aro copied and
our gentlewomen continue to look to
day demure, tomorrow vivacious; an
other day finds" them with a stately
colffuro and then again they effect
simplicity. No doubt Clcoratra rung
all tho changes within her knowledge
or Invention in matters of dress to
aid her in earning tho greatest trib
uto paid to her fascinations: "Ago
cannot wither, nor custom stalo, her
infinite variety."
Just now wo must concern our
selves with EUitlng our coiffures to
both largo and small lints. Tho now
imports for midsummer nro more than
largo, ono may almost call them enor
mous. The largo hats requiro a colffuro
designed to fill In tho spaco under
"tho brim next tho face and head,
otherwise - thoy look grotesque and
Attractive In Design and Affords
Ample Protection Against tho
Flying Duat.
Hero is a very attractive way of ar
ranging headgear for motoring. Tho
vioux rose Btraw shape is wound with
a blue silk scarf, which terminates in
a loose chou at the side. A rose Bilk
frill frames tho faco and a chiffon
veil of tho samo color is gathered on
to the crown, to bo thrown back oft
tho faco if preferred. No pins at all
aro required, except for fixing tho
bouuot on tho head.
Ribbon Holder.
Cut four three and one-half inch
circles out of thin cardboard, tack
Dresden silk on one, and white Boft
silk on tho other, being careful that
It is on smoothly. Trim of all super
fluous ends and bow tho circles to
gether firmly. Whip a tiny valenclon
ncs laco on the edgo of theso and re
peat tho process with the remaining
circles. When this is dono insert a
bolt of baby ribbon between them,
nnd with a Btilotto make two holes
from top circle through bolt and bot
tom circle. In theso Insert a ehort
pioco of baby ribbon, tying in bow
on top and in this bow put a bono
ribbon threader.
their beauty Is wasted. Tho small
lints requiro only enough hair vlslblo
about tho fnco to fraino It, but it is
necessary to havo a colffuro under
tho hat, for tho hnt must bo taken
Tho puffed chignon shown in tho
picture Is woven In a long strip like
that used for a "transformation." This
strip is drawn together nt intervals
leaving qulto largo Bpaces on tho un
der Bldo of tho colffuro, which aro
covered by tho puffs and curls on
tho outside. These open spaces afford
ventilation, and they also mako it
posslblo to nrrnngo tho chignon in a
great variety of styles. What with
them nnd tho hair bnndB now uni
versally worn there Is no end to tho
variety of coiffures that fashion makes
Tno chignon plnced high on the
head bo that it is in tho crown of tho
hat solves the problem of tho small
turban nnd makes n stately nnd beau
tiful colffuro. Tho puffs nro crowded
together a little nnd pinned down
over n coll of the natural hair (or
two colls) placed on top. Usually no
other support is needed for this coif
fure. In caso the natural hair is
very thin a small pompadour may be
arranged by using a small hair roll
beforo the chignon is pinned to
plnco. Julia Bottomley In tho Ulus
tratcd Milliner.
Dainty Frocks In All Sorts of Deslgnt
Are Now Well Within the
Reach of All.
It is astonishing how many dainty
frocks for tho summer can bo made
theso days setting tho limit of ex
penditures at $1, including tho pat
terns and threads.
Never beforo have bo many dellcato
designs been shown in inexponslvo
lawns and ginghams, and tho busi
ness girl should begin now to mako
tho smart little dresses which sho will
wear to tho offlco during tho coming
Two things should bo remembered.
Ono is that much trimming of anjj
Bort detracts both from tho cool efj
feet of tho gown and makes it bad tcj
laundor; tho cocond is that however
dainty tho very light materials aro
they aro far less serviceable than a
plaid or a plain buff or bluo dress.
As to tho question of expense, be
gin with tho pattern. Chooso ono of
the now ones that are capable of being
carried out in sovcral different fash-
ions, with or without tho high waist
lino or with long or short sleeves nnd
with or without yoke. Thus for lf
cento you will provide yourself with
a pattern for several frocks.
Next, a few yards of whito mull and
some inexponslvo laco will mako
broad collars and cuffs and a fichu or
a dainty pointed yoko, all of which
will servo as trimming, for your
Then as to materials. Ginghams,
plain ones, may bo purchased as low
as 8 and 10 cents a yard. A good
quality of lawn in dark colors is
only a cent or two more in prlco.
Coat Hanger.
When away from homo ono very sel
dom thinks of taking a coat hanger
nlong, but to prevent tho coat from
becoming croased and untidy looking
by being thrown over tho back of a
'chair an emergency coat hanger may
bo readily mndo. Roll a nowspapor
tightly nnd tlo it in tho middlo with
a Btout cord, forming a loop to attach
it to a hook or nail. This is better
than throwing tho coat limply in tho
nearest placo, and Is contrived in a
mtnuto with tho materials always at
Patch Qullte.
Tho housewlfo who has a patch
quilt tucked away in soma trunk in
tho attic will do well to bring it from
its hiding place and spread it on tho
bed in her guest room this spring. If
tho real nntlquo quilt is not avnllablo,
then tho making of ono, piecing tho
squares together and stitching them,
is a pleasant pastime
Building Where Sat the First
Senate and House.
Congress Hall, Philadelphia, as It to
Today and as It Was In 1790
Where Washington Was
Philadelphia, Pa. After 1C years ol
neglect or of futllo attempts to slnrl
work, tho Philadelphia city govern
tuent has finally appropriated $CO,00(
for tho restoration of Congress linll,
located at Sixth and Chestnut streets,
and for tho erection of mcmoiial
lamps In Indopendonco nquarc.
Tho first of tho moro recent attempts
to restore tho historic structuro was
inndo In 1893 by tho Colonial Dames,
,who spent a grent deal of tlmo and
considerable money to placo tho old
sennto chamber In tho hall in approxi
mately tho snmo condition It was In a
century before. Tho work was com
pleted nnd a reception held to com
tncmornto tho work In 1S0C. And that
ended nil work on tho old building for
another decado.
About eight or nlno yoars ago nn
olhor pleco of restoration was under
taken. Tho cntrnnco on Sixth street
wbb bricked up to mako tho exterior of
tho building coincido with Its earlier
design. This pntriotlc work was not
without its conilo aspect, for in brick
ing up tho entrance tho stnlrway load
ing to tho restored senato chnnibor
was cut off nnd Blnco 1902 nccosB to
tho historic chamber has been barred
to all.
Since thnt tlmo thcro has been n
continual huo and cry to hnvo tho old
building restored to Its pristlno condi
tion ns far as posslblo and a commit-
Congress Hall, Philadelphia.
tee from tho Philadelphia chnptcr ol
tho American Instltuto of Architects
jhaa been collecting tho neccssnry data
from which to bnso tho proposed res
toration. Tho architects literally havo
jhad to fool their way. They havo con
sulted historians, old magazines and
even an old carlcaturo which contnlns
tho only known view of tho Interior of
tho houso of representatives. Walls
,and partitions havo been torn down
partially in tho hopo of gaining knowl
edge ns to their original construction,
but thoro havo been so many changes
thnt tho work has been a gigantic puz
felo. Tho architects, however, bellovo
that now they possess data from which
It will bo posslblo to reconstruct tho
!intorior of tho building ns it wob when
Washington wns president.
Back In 17C2 Pennsylvania, then d
province, acquired tho land for tho pur
poso of erecting thoro a building in
Which to hold courts. Not till 1785,
(after Pennsylvania hnd becomo a
Btato, was money appropriated for tho
lorectlon of a building, but tho nctunl
work was not begun till a later date,
in 1787 tho lot was enlarged and con
victs woro put to work excnvatlng. Tho
building was comploted in March, 1789.
Whllo tho building was in courBO of
erection tho question of changing tho
seat of national government camo up.
Now York, Baltimore and Philadelphia
wero bidders and tho latter city strong
ly laid beforo congress tho advantages
of tho now building. With thlB end in
view tho building was completed, not
ns intondod with rooms for courts nnd
civil officers, but with onb genoral
room occupying tho entire ground floor
Jfor tho house of representatives, and
on tho second floor a sennto chamber
nnd rooms for tho vice-president and
other officers.
Congress moved to Philadelphia in
,1790 and occupied tho building, Blnco
known as Congress hall, for tho next
ton years, whon tho capital was re
moved to Washington.
After tho removnl of congress tho
building for many years was usod ob a
court building, for tho district court
of Pennsylvania nnd tho court of com-
Son pleas. Tho laBt court was re
oved from tho building In 1895 and
for a fow years thereafter it waB occu
plod by part of tho law school of the
University of Pennsylvania.
Tho exterior of tho building will not
ieed to undergo much change to re
'Btoro it to what it was in tho days oi
Washington. After tho chnngcfl aro
raado in tho interior it will bo pre
served purely as a blstorlo placo ol
national Interest
Angry Hog Injures Man.
Duquoln, 111. George Gavins nar
rowly escaped being fatully injured
by a hog which attacked him near his
homo. Tho infuriated animal rushed
at him without warning and with bio
tusks Inflicted serious injuries,
1911 '
r "" i " -"--- - .. - . i ,
Clean Sanitary Flooro.
Vnrnish, which la commonly regard
ed only ns n bcautliler, is an efneicnt
sanitary agent. Varnished surfaces can
be cleaned by wiping, and tho microbe
laden dust in thus kept out of the nlr.
A vnrnlRhed floor Is therefore not only
up to date, beautiful and easily clean
ed, but hi wholokoino. Tho National
Association of Vnrnish Manufacture,
C3G Tho Bourse. Philadelphia. Ponn.,
nro distributing froo a booklet entitled
"Modern Floors," which tells how
floorB may bo mndo nnd kept whole
romo nnd attractive. Send for ono.
Varnish is cheaper than carpet nnd
far moro satisfactory.
There aro times in the llfo of every
nniull hoy when ho would llko to as
sume tlie role of father to tho man for
a few brief moments.
Onrficld Tra will rcirul.ite tlie liver, civ
Inp freedom from ivk-l0:idnehc nnd bilious
attuchs. It ovrrcoiiir conciliation.
Sonio men nro anxious to get money
because thoy think it will ennblo them
to get more.
Some men look upon laws as things
merely to ho broken.
AVctjclablc Preparation for As
similating Hie Food and Hctfula
lint the S lonrochs ahd Bovcls of
Promotes Digeslion.Chwful
ncssandRcAConlains neither
Opium.Morphine norMi.icral
Not "Nauc otic
Rnipt rotHOrSAffvarmri'
Jjmplnit Sua
kktlh$ttt I
fttrn St,d . I
CffV:tJ Sufff I
I nnknrttm jVnwn '
Anrrfccl Remedy forConsllpa"
lion . Sour Stomach.Dinrrhoea,
ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP;
Toe Simile Signature of
Tire CENTAim Company
Exact Cop7 of Wrapper,
Looking Out for Number One.
Sydney hnd' been given somo dis
carded millinery with which to nmuBO
horself. Sho trimmed a marvelous
looking hnt, and so arranged it that a
long red ostrich plumo hung straight
down from tho front of tho brim, over
her baby face.
"Como here, Sydney," snld her
mother. "Let mo tack that feather
hack, out of your eycB."
"Oh, no mother! I want It that
way, so 1 can sco It myself. 'Most
always only other pcoplo can Beo tho
feathers on my hats." Judge.
Laundry work nt homo would be
much moro satisfactory if tho right
Starch were used. In order to set the
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to ubo so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of tho fabric Is
hidden behind a pasto of varying
thickness, which not only destroys tho
appearance, but also affects tho wear
ing quality of tho eoods. .This trou
bio can bo entirely overcome by using
Deflnnce Starch, as it can bo applied
much more thinly because of Ha great
er strength than other makes.
He Knew.
Packer You got trimmed bad. I
thought you said you wero confident
of tho result.
Pugilist I wns. I know I'd get
licked. Puck.
Urs. Wlnsltm'u Soothing Syrup tor Children
teelhlue, Koden tho guoiH, rrclureti Inflaramu
tloo.alluys lmlu.uurc Tflncl colic, 2Sc a bottle.
Tho biggest work In tho world Is bo
tng dono in tho little red schoolhouso.
Garfield Tea overcome conttipation.
,?.:Skof tb0 traD8srcsEOr ,B hard
A Drop of Blood
Or a little water from the human yitem when
thoroughly tetted by the chief chemist at Dr.
Pierce's Invalid' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., tells the
itory of impoverished blood nervous exhaustion
or some kidney trouble. Such examinations ara
mode rrithout cost and Is only a small part of tho
work of the staff of physicians and surgeons under
the direction of Dr. R. V. Pierce glyiat the best
medical advice possible without cost to thoso
who wish to write and make a full statement of
symptoms. An imitation of natures method of
restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of
the blood and norvous forco is used when you
take u alterative and glyceric- extract of roots,
without tho use of alcohol, such as
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Which makes the stomach strong, promotes the flow of digestive Juices, re.
stores the lost appetite, makes assimilation perfect. invtgoratcB tuo iivcr uu
nurifies and
id enriches tho blood. It
and restorative nervo
and cool in Judgment.
Get what you
Cleanses the System
effectually; Dispels
colds and Headaches;
due Ho constipation.
Best ior men, women
and children ; young
and old
Toejeiiis Beneficial
effects, always note the
name of the Company,
plainly printed on tho
worn ox ovevy pacmq
oi xne uenume
For Infant b and Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Don't Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics nnd purgatives. They art
brutal, hann, unnecessary, i ry
Purely vegetable. Act.
gently on tno liver,
eliminate Due, ana .
bowel. Cure,
Slrl llraif.
cbe and Inilltilloo. it million know.
Genuine must bear Signature
Shake Into Vobut Bhcxf
Allan' I'oot !;, the antltcntlo
Duiriler fur Ilia feet. It rtllefri
ptlnful, iwolun, martin. Under, crr-
,.. mi. (.. cu, .ui.iimjtf muu.i, un
too (nt, unil IntUntlr Ukta tb tint
out ot corni anl bunlona. Ila thn
grtatcit coBifprt dlacu
ilia age. Ailu' Foot E
liafit or new (boea feel euj
-kam raakta
certain reltaf for Ingrowing mill. pf r.
plring, callouaand tired, acblar feet,
WabaraoierKI.OOntettlrocmUU. Tit V
Dhtnp nm ino.1 ffAAl &av. lLllk
IT tii.iiav. noia eTerrwnere, -iu.
ha nnt arrant nnv aubatltute.
Bant uj mall for uo. In itaapa,
r rCCG aent bf trill.
"i . Vin.t. rtiVI)I!KH the but medicine lur
. PaVVrl.h. llcTlr ObUdran. Sold bj
BieAllrna DroMUtaeerjwbere.
rtOt-EajC." Trial 1'aokaiernF.K. Addrata,
ALLEN 8. OLMSTED, La Roy. K. T.l
ritu ! kllli all
IIIm. Not. elite.
ornamcQUl. cen.rn.
Unt,chp. laiball
iiihi. Can'tiUUr
Up over, will ncnoii
or laluia anylMar.
Guartatred rflrtt.
Ire. Ufelle'eeleriur
est prtpaM lor zuc.
HO Pallia ita.
Brxilja. H-Ti
for starching
finest linen v
is tho great Dloou-maicer, uesn.Duiiucr
i A mL V 1
ft i llV
HHfl itr"n
IiIbbW aivtn,
Wr JmE"c : I
tonio. It makes men strong in body, active in mind
ask for I
. 1
Mn?j"tvzvktP tftJBfcaiiiraktK . &imZk2.i .
- tfrwfrf;np
'M it- v-
' A a iV -AfsfciSKftsU", i- W-- -st 'j
-.-,.,. --ta
. J. t-A -K