The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 08, 1911, Image 1
W-?-3?-",- ,.-3.....;l v5-v Jpy'"y' " -w - .. K . 1. r 3'nte HiilnrlMl 9 ui i,y "I n -fFwvyV ?'WWrT .- fiflfiWBJf JPtft&'F .u4'""vmsw i rvi,i"u.u"i'i' - ---h " -w. - ii 'i w . k.VJ -V " - . - m - . .1 -- J- .KOT - j - - . T -" r - .kite A JrOK . MMV Vk - . - r , r."- i-m-m'i Z . - 'lSl n i ,""t' ' J ' "" " " ' '-1-r' js'm VOLUME XXXVtITI - ?f iC? " ' t3-Z'Ic J " H A Newspaper That (lives The News Fifty-lure Weeks Each Year For $1,50. RED CLOUD, $.EBItASKA, .FUNIS S, 11)11. NUMBER 2:t. A DAY OF TROUBLE is notsoKi-cntly dreaded If yon '"' one of our deposit books with 'i tf " sum to your credit; lu fuel, it proves to be the "friend Indeed." Ho not neglect this important inattci. ! to it ftt otieo that you 6tart h bank count, however small, and then a,il till you can spare to it. Romeuiher the rainy day Is bound to come. Interest paid on Time Deposits. KHTVi HArSSBESTrRIEND asa I 1 33' t- m 118$ BANKBOOK! Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. . CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. Cloud canto out in his uew Ford tuito mobile and spent Sunday with his futhcr-in law, Jos. Kudrna. Quite a crowd gathered ut Jos. Jeliuoks Sunday aftetnoon. All kinds of guiles woie played and everybody leportod an enjoynblo aftonioon. LESTER A nice rain fell Monday night Vern Emlck spent Sunday with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jutucb Mitchell spent Sunday at I. Frisblcs. Miss Gladys UcrgQeld visited her grandpurents last week. I. Frisbie Is still on the sick list. He Is improving very slowly. Leland Strickland of Guide Rock spent Sunday with Horace Frisbie, Mr nnd Mis. Charles Rasser and Mrs Connie Russer l&pent Sunday-at Al Deckers. Ticster and South Red Cloud played ball Sunday. The score was 7 to i! hi favor of Lester. Miss Dollie Kasser gave a party at her home June Ibt. Over twenty wore present and all had a tine time. Miss Flora Klndlg left Wednesday for her homa in Homeland. She 1ms been staying at Fred Ilutrmuns. BATIN Aclolph Sidlo and family Sundayed with his brother Joseph. Mrs. H. Harris is here visiting her siste, Mrs. Will Hoffman. Jos. Jellnclc has his new hay rack completed and its a good one. Everybody reported a good time at the dance last Saturday night. Jos. Pavllclcnud family spent bun day evening with his brother John. I. V. Negley of Inavale bought a load of corn fioin Louis 'Vavrk'ka last Monday. Mrs. Frank- l'avlick from Kansas City is hero vMting her aunt, Mrs. Jos. I'avlluk. A nice little shower Monday evening but not enough to do the crops any good especially the wheat and that Is hunched. John Havel and family from Red WESTERN WEBSTER Mrs. Clarence II cm rick visited at L. Herrick Monday. Mr. ami Mrs Ray Cochrane visited at Joo Reed's Sunday. Miss Sarah Harvey attended com mencement exercises at Franklin this week Robert Cochiauo and family are horo from the -outh to spend the summer with relatives. Ray I'almer lost a valuable horse one day last week from colic. Mr. Saunders nlso lost a horse from ovor heatiug. One or Mike Bliss' little girls ao cidcutly shot herself with a ,T2 caliber rlllo ono day recently. She is getting along alright so far. Don Cloud's team ran away Sunday morning before church. No one was hurt however and nothing was broken except the hitching straps. Mrs. Delia Martin bus been visiting her sister, Mrs. EUle Harvey the past week. She returns this week to her home, in the eastern part of the state. Mlfrs Whmogeno Herrick who has been woi king for Mrs L. Daily return ed to her home near Cfimpbell Sun day. Her sifter Miss Edith has takeu her place A big rain aecompaiiicd with high wind and hail swept this part of the count Monday afternoon. Lorn was badly covered and gardens were cut to piece by hall Iiut the rain came just when most needed. mmmmiB'lmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmm IF. NFWHOISE. Dry Goods MUSLIN UNDERWEAR l Ladies' White Skirts With 6-inch em broidered flounces and cluster of two tucks, $1.00 Ladies White Skirts with three rows lace insertion and lace edge, 1 .00, $2.00, $3.25 Children's Muslin Drawers With hemstitched ruffle, sizes from 2 to 8, at - - 1 3c With embroidery ruffle, ages from 2 to 1 2, at - - 25c Misses' Muslin Drawers Misses' Muslin Drawers, 2 tucks with 1 -inch embroidery, sizes 8 to 12, at 25c Mb l Ladies' Nightdresses Ladies low neck Nightdress, with 2 A AA rows insertion and lace edge in neck, J eJvJ 3 rows ins'n in sleeve, sleeve lace-edge r Ladies' Nightdresses with 3 rows emb, in- d 1 A A sertion in yoke, yoke edged with emb., at P I vvf Ladies' extra large Nightdresses, insertion fr 1 A A in yoke and embroidery edge, at - - P "" All three numbers are bargains at these prices Children's Bloomers Made of a good grade of Black Sat een, ages from 2 to 12, at 25 GUIDE ROCK. Mrs Idella Watt Is on the sick list. Mr. WmS,iwyer was quite 111 a few days last ick. Mib H M. Lurgont has been 111 Koine two or three weeks. A son wan horn one day last week to Mrs James lloskins. Ed Sawyer arrived last Wednesday to visit his parents, Wm. Sawyer and wife. It is repotted W. E. Tompkins has sold his residettco in the east part of town. Mrs. Ft auk Worley has been visit ing relatives at Omaha and Council BlufTs. Mrs. I! S. I'roudllt litis returned to Lincoln after a brief visit with rela tives here. A dance was triveti Satutday oveu- Ing at John Ohmstede'h. Ft was a sur prlio party. Mitfi Freda Frcy spent Sunday at the home of Rudolph Frey northeast of Guldo Rock. Mrs. Max Ruder was badly burned by nn explosion of gasoline while cleaning some articles. Juke Lopcr and his small sons are homo from the western part of. the state whore they have been several weeks. R. S. I'roudllt Is looking after the vIluMtiS yards of the R S. SPrqudfit Lumber Co. He went from here to Nriponee. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ely gave a party for tho little folks Saturday afternoon in honor of the sil It bit thday of their sou Hubert. Mrs Cioss of Maiikato spent last week at the homeof her son, Armour Cross, and this week with her dttiigh tet. Mrs E M. Parker. Rev. E 1j Uaich delivered the Me morial address for tho Modern Wood man and Royal Neighbor lodges Sun day afternoon, Juno 1th. Mrs. Adolpli Tobler is very 111 at the home of her patents, Levi Snyder and wife, who live near the Maple drove church southwest of town. Miss MamioTompkliih Is attending Summer School at the Kearney Normal. Site goes to Sutherland as Assistant Principal, for the coming year. Waldo Crowell and family have moved here tho past week from Red Cloud and are living In Mr. hides' house north of tho Christian church. Mr Crowell will nguitt work for the While Hardware Co. Miss Grace Darch, daughter of tho Methodist pastor, returned Saturday evening ftom Lincoln where she bus studied music the past thrco years. Quite n largo class will take music lessons of her here this summer. Miss Ethel Dunn, n noted W. C. T. U., worker, gavo an entertainment here Wednosduy evening. She gave ah illustrated lecture on tho "Passion Play" which she herself had the pleas ure of seeing last year during her trip to the old world. Her brother assist ed her In presenting the views here. The teachers for the Guide Rock schools for the ensuing year are Hioh School, C. W. Knoll, re-elected, Supt Miss Teresa Hctnple', Hardy, Principal. Miss Eva Alter, Wayne, Ass't Prin. Miss Lizzie Reynon, Peru. av.WRH Miss Lillian Portonlcr, Guide Rock, G rammer. Miss Delia Fanders, Dlllcr, Interme diate. Not elected, Second Primary. Miss Ora Burwoll, Ayr, re-elected, Pri mary, Miss Zella Crawford, re-elected, Vocal Music. The Birthday Gift The practise of gift-giving at Christmas time is a modern fashion a habit. There is nothing in the original significance of Christmas to even remotely suggest a gift. It is nevertheless a beautiful idea. A much more expressive and consistent gift is a Birthday or their anniversary gift. The anniversary is hers, or his very own-Christmas is everbody's. There is a distinction in the anniversary gift a com pliment that the Christmas gift lacks. Give her, or him, or them, mother, sister,1 wife, father, brother, hus band or fricnd--a gift on an anniversary and it means something. Make that day the happiest of the year. Our stock offers articles of use and beauty suitable for all gift oc casions, qualities unsurpassed and something at a price jou can afford. "SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK" J5he GIFT STORE Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop, C. B. A Q. Watch Inspectors. Jewmlers-and Optometrists. Real Estate and Loans Dan Gather & Co. Red Cloud, Nebraska Chief Office FLOUR! FLOUR!! Sole Agents for Butterick Patterns TELEPHONES: Independent, 53; Bell, black 41. I DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. ESUQtt At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. k -rt atetff ImtiW thST" ty ,'. -'IsmWwsmmi - I' ' Mfl4$L&Ji2ismmismm smmmmmsmsmmmm-M smmWsmmfsmmWWmmmwBSMskmmmmF k r SMSMMwSmBUSMMMmtm")' mMMSMMMKSSmSmmmmBSvnKJSMMMmii "Imperial" High Patent Flour, $ 1 .00 , a Sack; "Select," 90 cents. wssmasKmsmsmmmmmammmmmmtmsmmmmmmummmMmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsMfsmmmmmm ach sack of Flour is absolutly guaranteed. If not satisfied, your money will be cheerfully refunded. Phone your orders to the mill, phsne Red 45. ALL FLOUR WILL BE CASH. Free Delivery made to all parts of tho City. HEDGbOUDjWIItlilJlG GOJHMjiV "VJOEAIAW IJJttZ.'" rsr-r fn "'fni,n(..,i '4.. mi"1-.,- triwaCTiarwrjwr t r- i( -- - -,. w, , r