The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 01, 1911, Image 7

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    i5a-3.,. .AwMBafc.
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A lMl,lllrf'" AmM. - -.. -w-.-.-
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X A .yiSw H PVl 'fc - ftL It 'II ..ill If 1 HI V 7fc-i tC-V ULfllLO '"JVIL. ff f
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J?WfUEm$ IH liPfl " ,jS 111 DIN INI fr
orafli 47-a ' ifitAo 11 Will &&iJr7 ,JNL.
ill KFOIIE Charles W, Fairbanks was Mlllllli HHffi galiJM & )n llJeSr''A.- F$ yl
Ml jjl elected vice-president of tho United Irvrv-il Mf lll!k'M s V s C '7
V States ho held a seat as senator, rep- t fi "SiilllJl! NIJiJ-VAUlU,ll w I I v --r- f
- Hta resenting tho stato of Indiana. When Tj " I Vl!!'! V'l " IV X I - JtSf-
H W ho became vice-president, Mr. Fair- Lt-J I v " fcp VLLJrwt- 1 f 1 f B S slO
Jmmmr banks' utterances necessarily wcro y fZT yw" " """ 1 11 W I VV"Y vQx
jCff. limited to curb expressions as "cnlen- - -. I if B J a K v vl
S''Im dar," repeated sixty times a dny,,and J SiJ-n 1 Jk If w l A-i. "l
Aljlr 'DoC3 th0 Bcnator from SouUl Caro ,- -J m ' " f I flf " II i i'il '.J
J'lfmft Una yield to tho senator from Wis- '''v 1 I llf """,
wrflSAlf onsin?- 7 -pts T 'I II ( li n3nnrci.
MnflflliH' When lin wnn Rnnntnr Mr. Fair- X v0 "raiWlMte . Ill Of v" -tJs. L
TyWry banks spoko more than Bcml-occasion- . ir f "' '-HrlBfcW X fl I I a fa V f
ally and had tho samo trials In at- kvYf fs- - -IBfglJfwm ! I jf ft V V
tei..v.i,y i get tho floor that besot all tho other -i7 k Bttffl, I I S l nJ V ) U
benators. From ono of Senator Fairbanks' export- SKmRIW f I L I U V f
ences It was thought that when ho becamo vice- t -"hSHBIM I i tl L-'
president, and as a necessary consequence tho pre- V 1BBEMMKg f i! ' '' TdT
fHnSftBHffiflH v Senator Fairbanks found another occasion to mako ll M 'lSBm ll
ata4s?i?ffft .SjDiaiSaW3sSS waB whispered that Mr. Morgan wasn't feeling yery is!'rJT".X.. , JmSuWBMIll
6ldlng officer of tho senate ho might from sheer
sympathy try to deliver sonio of thoso whoso
deliberations ho guards from tho fato which onco
befell him.
Ono of tho speeches of length which Mr. Fair
banks mado as a senator was on tho question of
Panama. Tho speech wa3 delivered not long
after tho recognition of tho Independenco of tho
republic of Panama by tho United States and
at a tlmo when party feeling ran high. It was
n long speech and tho senator gained much of
tho fruit of Rlory, though ho had to wait n long
tlmo for It to ripen, and this was tho way of It:
Senator Cullom had chargo of tho Panama
matter on tho floor of tho senate. Tho Indiana
6onator went to Mr. Cullom and expressed his"
wish to speak at a certain hour. Senator Cul
lom said "All right," and apparently tho thing
was fixed.
Tho sonata's business session was over nnd
tho hands of tho clock showed a quarter to one.
Senator Fairbanks buttoned his coat and started
to rlso from bis seat. Mr. Fairbanks Is a long
man and the process of his rising Is ltkowlso
long. Ho was up Anally, hQwover, only to find
tho aged Morgan was claiming President Pro
Tom Fryo'a aUontlon.
A look of something like despair camo into
tho Indiana (senator's face, for when Morgan of
Alabama got started on a speech neither gods
nor men know when ho would como to tho end.
Senator Morgan, however, drovo away tho look
of despair from Sonator Fairbanks' faco by say
ing: "I wish to make a fow remarks only."
Mr. Fairbanks sank back In his scat and Mr.
Morgan with only two pages of notes on his desk
began to talk. Ho kept at It for twenty minutes,
camo to what tho senator thought was his climax
and then apparently started to rcsumo his soat.
Tho Indiana senntor had straightened up again
and half opened Ills mouth to begin, but tho
southern senator had straightened up again nnd
bad on his desk two now pages of notes, which
bo bad drawn from a shelf underneath.
Tho Indlanan sat down onco more and tho
Alabaman went on with his ronowod determina
tion. Ho spoke until half past ono, camo to an
other seeming climax and then mado a movement
which mado ovory ono think ho was going to sit
down, nnd this movement was a signal for tho
Hoosler senator to rlso again. But Mr. Morgan
had two fresh pages of notes and at It he
started anew. Mr. Fairbanks sighed and sat.
Tho other senators who had boon held to their
coats by tho bcllof that Mr. Fairbanks was to
speak looked nt tho aged but tireless Alabaman
nnd ono after nnothor loft for tho senate restau
rant for tho luncheon hour was full como. Fair
banks, Morgan and Fryo woro left alono on tho
floor of tho Bennto, but tho galleries had n
goodly throng, watting to hear from tho mlddlo
west on tlw matter of Panama.
Senator Morgan talked In twenty-mlnuto rolays
with two pages of notes for oach twenty min
utes and talked until tho fifth hour. Then Sena
tor Fairbanks, who until that tlmo had held tho
fort, saw the pooplo departing nnd tho mlnuto of
adjournment nigh. Ho walked ovor to Sonator
Morgan, held out his hand, and with the graco
for which ho Is famous ho congratulated his
southern colleague on the strength of his speech,
It not on Its length and then walked out and bud
luncheon nnd dinner at ono slttlns.
Senator Fairbanks found another occasion to mako
bis isthmian address. Until tho hour came for its
delivery ho had, nn eye Finglo for Senator Morgan.
Tho Alnbamari, however, for onco In hl3 llfo when
his pet subject was up for discussion was content to
sit still and sny nothing. In tho press gallorios It
was whispered that Mr. Morgan wasn't feeling yery
well that day.
In tho particular case of tho Panama matter Sena
tor Cullom, being tho chairman on tho commlttoo
on foreign relations, had chargo of tho legisla
tion on tho llcor of tho senate. Tho trials of
Senator Cullom on that occasion wero tho trials
of tho pilot on every monsuio of magnitude thut
is launched for a passage through cither houso
or senate
Nearly every senator and representative wishes
to mako a speech on the big things that nrcf
before congress. Of courso all of them cannot
speak, but tho trials of tho man In charge begin
when tho members ask that their speaking may
bo postponed for n day or two. Tho Intending
spcakors have their frailty of vanity. They want
to speak when the galleiles nro not crowded, and
If tho galleries are not crowded thoy ask that
thoy may speak on another day.
When tho Panama mattor was up Senntor Cul
lom finally becamo angry and tired with tho sena
tors who asked that yet another day bo sot for
tho making of their speeches. Tho Illinois senator
did not wish Sonator Morgan to havo all tho
tlmo to himself, and Morgan could bo counted
on to take every mlnuto that was dropped to him
to talk about tho glories of tho Nlcaraguan route
for a canal, about tho Imbecility of using tho)
Panama routo and about tho Republican sin of
tho recognition of tho republic on tho Isthmus.
Tho Panama matter Is only nn Instance In
point. Many a speech on tho railroad rato bill
was put off becauso tho .attendance was not
what It should havo been from the viewpoint of
tho man who was to speak. Congressmen havo
their human weaknesses.
Tho last great duty which Senator Piatt of
Connecticut performed for hlB country was hla
work ns presiding officer of tho sennto court dur
ing tho trial of Judge Charles Swayno. Unques
tionably tho strain of that trial shortened Senator
Piatt's life. Ho presided with dignity nnd with
tho rarest Impartiality. Tho hours of tho court's
session woro long, and yet tho nged Connecticut
Bonator refused, to leave his seat even for tho
getting of necessary food until tho session of
each day was ended.
Prior to tho opening of tho trial Senntor Piatt
stood In tho vice-president's place and told his
colleagues that It wns their duty not to lose a
word of tho testimony lest they bring In an un
just verdict. Tho result of this was that with
ono or two exceptions tho senators sat In their
seats nnd heard Important nnd unimportant testi
mony, listening to every argument of counsel,
and lest anything should oscnpo them thoy mado
Insistent demand that every witness should speak
bo that all men In tho chamber might hear.
It Is probablo that boforo one-quartor of tho
trial proceedings of tho case against Charles
Swayno wns ended every senator had mado up
his mind ns to tho guilt or tho innoconco of tho
nccusod, but tho bollof of guilt or Innocenco
formed early did not prevont tho nttendanco of
nny member of that high court during tho entire
tlmo of tho trial. Judgo Swayno was acqulttod.
His acquittal was not mado a party mattor, as
many feared It was to bo. On somo of tho counts
ngalnst hlra ho wns acquitted unanimously, On
others whoro thero was a minority which bellovcd
him guilty both Democrats and Republicans
formod a part of that minority.
Senator Jacob H. Galllngor Is r known In con
gress as tho chief of tho humanitarians and as
tho father of many reforms.
CHARLc3 VS. rA?BANH6 ''ZzSftiSS,?
Among tho measures which tho Now Hampshire
man has advocated In congress for tho bettering
of thing' on curth nro measures Intended to se
cure proper caro for tho Insane, to prevont tho
docking of horses' tails, to prevent cruelty to all
animals, to provldo for delinquent and dependent
children, to train women nurses for tho navy
and to condemn unsanltnry buildings. Mr. (Jal
linger Is a strong man with a soft heart.
It was said moro than onco that Senator
Mathew Stanley Quay of Pennsylvania had a fow
drops of tho Indians In his veins. If so, his
blood told in ono instanco at any rato, for whon
Mr. Quay was 111 almost unto death ho roused
himself ffom his body weariness nnd mado a
speech In 'lohnlf of tho Delaware Indians which
with Its eloquonco held tho sennto nnd tho gal
leries chalnod for n too brief quarter of an hour.
No onaknev that "ICoyBtono Quay" could bo so
eloquent. In less thnn two months nfter tho
delivery of the speech ho was dead, but before
ho died knowledgo camo to him that his eloquonco
had brought accomplishment, and that tho Dele
waro Indians In whom ho wns Interested had
received from congress a Bum of monoy which
had boon duo them for yeara, but which they
had mado vain attoropts to secure up to tho tlmo
that n sick man's pina succeeded In righting a
Thero Is somo fun fn tho senate on occasion.
Senator Knuto Nelson of Minnesota onco said
"Damn" openly. It slipped out before ho was
awaro of It, and no sooner had It put In an up
penronco than tho Minnesota senator put and
passed a resolution of consuro of hlmsolf by
This llttlo matter of a mild Bwcar word from
tho lips of Mr. Nelson received a good deal of
comment nt tho tlmo that tho word plumped
out of his mouth, but almost simultaneously with
Its uttorunce thero was a colloquy botwoen Sona
tore Daniel of Virginia and Galllngor of Now
Hampshire, which was a trlflo more shocking,
conntorlally speaking, than several damns.
Senator Galllngor, tho moral mainstay of tho
senate, was trying to got his colleagues to agroo
to change tho namo of "indlson street In Wash
ington to Church street. A part of Mudlson street
was known as Samson street. Senator Danlol
did not like tho lden of dropping tho Virginia
president's namo oven for tho pious name of
"Church," so ho objected. Ho asked his Now"
Hampshire brother about tho matter and learned
that thero was six other Madison 8treots In
Washington, nnd finding from this that Virginia
prldo might bo nppoased In tho nomenclature
mattor, Daniel nsked why tho wholo street
couldn't bo called Samson.
"I don't know that I ought to toll tho reason
publicly," said Galllngor, "but Samson, for whom
tho Btroet was named, was a flno man and a
part' of Samson street now has on It many low
"I tnko it," said Senator Daniel quickly, "that
my colleaguo has this information atilrst hand."
Tho Virginia sonator only moant tho thing as
n gentle Jest, but Jacob Galllngor, who Is a very
rock In tho Btoadfnstness of his morality, wus
rathor upset. The srnnto chnngod tho nnmo of
tho street bo quickly that tho proceedings fairly
outran tho hands of tho stenographers, tho Inci
dent wa closed and Calllnger'a blust fled
DIbquIeo Ernes': of Hesse Goct
Among His Poorer Subjects
Doing Good.
Darmstadt The Grand Duke fimst
1-udwlg of Hcsso delights to go among
his poxplo in disguise. Ho wns
strolling alono In tho city park,
clothed almost shabbily, when ho fell
Into conversation with a young clork
out of emplojniont.
Tho grand duko sympathized with
blm. Tho stranger, taking his com
panion for a fellow clork .asked for
n llttlo loan.
"You need not bo afraid," ho Bald.
"It you will loud mo tho 'tin' I can
,7 '
Grand Duke of Hesse.
buy a cult and I will repay you out
of my first wages, becauso I cor
talnly can get a Job "
Tho grand duko without replying
led tho way towards tho palace gates.
A gorgeously uniformed ofllclnl ap
peared and ticked: "What aro your
highness' commands""
Tho grand duko replied: "Tnko thli
young man to my tailors and boo
that ho gets a milt and havo tho
bill sent to tho palnco " Then he said
a hearty good by-by to tho out-of-work
Los Angeles Business Woman Will
Win Fortune by Sticking to
Los Angeles. Miss Lolla M. Dovlno
of this city, auditor of a big retail
business house, has agreed not to
marry for ten years, tho considera
tion being n largo block of tho cor
poration stock. Although tho con
tiact wns Blguod four years ngo,
when Miss Dovlno wns twonty-four
years old, news of tho ngreement wns
not mado public until now. If Miss
Dovlno Is unmnrrjed whon alio Is
thirty-four, tho stock will bo turned
ovor to her. Should she mnrry bo
foro tho agreement expires tho stock
reverts to tho company. Miss De
ino Insists thero Is not tho slightest
dungcr of her lobing tho block. A
HE HAD $-100.00 IN CASH IN 1903;
NOW WORTH $8,000.00.
My parents wcro originally Cana
dians from Khiox County, Ontario. I
was born In Monroo County, Michigan,
from which placo I moved to Hod Iiko
Fnlls, Mlnnesotn, whore I farmed for
22 years. I Bold my fnrm there In tho
mimincr of 100.1 nnd In September of
that year camo to Cnnada with my
wlfo nnd eight children. I had about
$100 In cash, team of horses, a cow, a
few sheep and Romo chickens. I took
up a quarter section of land nonr Jack
Fish I.ako, Mcola P. O., nnd later on
purchased for J2.000.00 an ndjolnlng
quarter flection. 1 havo now 48 hoad
of cattlo, a number of horses, good
bulldlngi nnd coiiRldcr my holding It
worth nt least $8,000 00. My children
havo raised from $300 to $500 worth
of garden truck each year Blnco wo
havo been hero. I havo never had n
poor crop nnd havo novor had ona
frosted. My wheat has averaged from
25 to 30 bushels per ncre with ono or
two years considerably mor . My
oats havo always yielded well up to CO
bushels por ncro and onco or twlco as
high ns 85. My cattlo havo novor been
Btnbled In winter, nnd do not nerd It
I consider that this country offers bet
tor opportunities for settlers than any
where I havo ovor boon. I am auro
Hint almost nny person can como hero
and buy land nt nay $15.00 por ocro
and pay for It In ono crop. My ex
porlcnco Is that If a man farms his
land in tho right way ho la not likely
to havo his crop frosted.
Most of tho sottlors in my district
are Americans and Canadians nnd I
know lots of thorn who enrao hero with
llttlo or no capital who are now do
ing well, but I do not know of nny who
havo left through disappointment, or
becoming discouraged, havo returned
lo thulr former homes.
Thero nro ninny whoso cxpcrlonco
is similar to that of Mr. Jublnvillo,
Secure Canadian Government Utera.
turn from nonrcst Canadian Govern
ment Agont, and boo for yourself.
Made Father Bestir Himself.
Whon Dorothy vjcldrum wns a lit
tlo youngster alio Is but ton now hoi
father iihked her on her return from
Sunday school what tho lesson of tin
day had boon.
"Dandruff In tho IIou'b den," wai
her answer.
Ever slnco Itcv. Andrew 11. Mel
drum, I). D. has personally applied
himself to tho rlllglous Instruction cJ
his llttlo daughter. Exchange.
Do vntir fort foci tired, neliv. nnd rein
nt ninlit? Hub tliTn with a little Hnm
linn Winrd Oil. They'll be rIv! in th(
morning nnd fo will yoti.
Miss Leila M. Devlne.
mombor of tho firm recontly said that
tho young woman's sorvIceB wero of
fiuch valuo to tho company that this
method was taken to retain them.
Shy Little Creature Has Gone and Re
placed by Monkey With Pigtail,
Says Noted Lecturer.
Paris. Monslgnor nolo, thd"talented
lecturer, who possesses a famo In
Paris only comparable with that of
Father Dornard Vaughan In England,
has lately boen devoting his attention
to tho Fronch young girl. In tho
courso of an article In the Matin on
this Bubject ho remarksj
"Tho little creature with a shy
laugh has disappeared from our nat
ural history; another species Is at
tempting to replaco it, ono which
Schopenhauer would havo called tho
'monkey with a pigtail.' This young
girl of today takos liberties liko an
American, flirts like nn English girl,
reads llko n Norwegian, Ib omnivorous
and vorsatilo as a Russian, uses her
oyos llko a Spaniard, and dresses llko
a Turk."
Bird Purrs Like Tlgor,
Comapcho, Tex. A tlgersuma that
purrs llko a tiger and is said to bo n
habitant of South America was cap
tured near Comnncho. Tho bird Is
striped and about tho slzo of a lion,
has a small hoad and eyes and Is of
a vicious disposition.
It Is belloved to havo been blown to
sea in a storm and found lofugo In
If no God, whence- duty? There re
mains no other Bourco than blind, bru
tal, tyrannous forco. Duty novor la
hucs from that. Mazzlnl.
Trr IWiirlnr Hj- Ilcmrily for lied,
Watery Kyei uml Urnniiliitcd I.IiIh. Ni
Fmarllm; Just ISyo Comfort. Murlno
IJjii R.ilvo In Asptlc Tubes Now SIzj
0c. Murlno Liquid !2c-E0c.
Ever notico how many pcoplo there
nro in tho world who cny: "You Jti3t
wait, I'll get oven with you!"
If ronslip.ition N preccnt, the liver
l-hiri:ili, t.ikc Gmlirlil Ten; it h mild in
iietion nnd never low its potency.
Many a girl haB too many ctrlnsa
to her beau.
I.cwiV Finnic Hinder, straight fie many'
smokers protcr them to 10a cigars.
Many n follow who falla Into a fo
tuno goos rlht through It.
. IS
When the digestive
system needs toning and
strengthening take the
Bitters promptly.
It does the work.
Try a bottle today.
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
Nine times in ten when the liver 13
right the stomach and bowels are right.
gently butfirmlyconu
pel a lazy liver tOi
do jts duty.
Cures Con.
ttipatlon, In-.
and Dltre After Eating.
Genuine must bear Signature
0rm1i Brifcita,
V.1 Thompson's Eyi Watr
it at jt 'rl
" -"l-c.