The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 01, 1911, Image 5

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    S .ifc.,3&!li
A ft. jlMirw -'1
The Wonder-Worker in Home Finishing
jThe transformation that the Chf Narijel Graining process makes on
scarred ami battorcd lloors, tiybles, '"chairs. Woatherstained porch
furniture, etc , h little short of marvelous.
JLet us show you by actual tlenionstrntiQiis the tlill'croiice between
Chi Nnmel antl other finishes and prove its great superloiity.
A Lady Demonstrator will be at My Store June 7th"
and 8th.
to show and explain the uses of this wonderful varnish and strdn.
fjlie sure and come.
CHAS. L. COTTING, The Druggist
Hammocks at lotting'.
S. K. Worden was in Hlue Hill Fri
day. Mi.. John Ilolcomb is on the sick
Tony Clark went to McCook last
Cbas llogate of ltladen was in town
Mrs. Hoy Oatman went to Hastings
Lew Walter went to St. Joe Sunday
morn hit:.
Len Metcnlf went, to Fairbury
All kinds of Electrical work done by
Morhart Uros.
S. C. Shuck returned from Kansas
City Tuesday.
Foil Sale A Rood barn. Inquire of
F. W. Cowden.
(). A. Barber and wife went to Lin
coin Saturday.
Mrs. Noble Call Bnd baby are home
.from Franklin.
A. D Ranney was down from Blue
Hill Wednesday. ,
Franklin is reported to be bulldiiiR
a new postotlice.
Cha. StelVen of Hillings, Mont., was
in town Monday.
Boone Saunders went to limning
, last Friday night.
W. A. Kent was in Aurora the latter
part of la'-t week.
Rernard Fruit and wife are visiting
"in Paulino this week
Dan l'omeroy of Itiverton was on
our streets Saturday.
Nothing like White Loaf Hour for
making the best bread.
Wilbur Hamilton and family spent
Sunday in Cuide Hook.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pearn were up
from Superior Tuesday.
Will Rants spent Decoration day in
Juniata visiting relatives.
Frank and By ShcpanNon of River
ton were in town Saturday.
Miss Louise Suhuman of Hlue Hill
. spent Friday in Red Cloud.
Peterson Bros., sold a new Maxwell
auto to John Heal this week.
Mrs. Fred Hunter of Riverton was
shopping in Red Cloud Monday.
For sale one, building 12..T2J out
side? Call at Newhouse's store.
If you want high grade cement get
the K. C. brand of J. O. Caldwell.
W. It C meets Saturday at '1:'M we
want every member to be present.
Frm Loans, 1 am again ready to
make farm, loan at the lowest rate
and best terms. I am cole agent for
Trevett, Mattls & Baker. Some pri
vate money
.J. H. Bailey, Red C loud. Nebr.
Absolutely Pure
Thm only baking mowdmr
mamm from Royal Gram
Oroam of Tartar .
-, r
m v " W ' V V Kkr7 I
Cha. Sihellnk and wife left for
Hastings Tuesday for a short visit.
No preaching service at the Breth
ren church net Sunday morning.
FOf Sale A good sound old work
horse-llOOlbs. Cheap. Dan (J.itniKii.
Dr. Nellie Maurcr returned home
from Sioux City, Iowa Friday evening.
Ceorge Van Camp came in Sunday
from a' short business trip to Omaha.
Stevens Bros., up-to-date methods In
Photographs, material and workman
ship. Rev. Tompkins and wife are the
proud parents of a baby boy born Mon
day. The Miner Bros. Co., store Iibs just
received a new up-to-date line of hair
Will Ryan of Lebanon was visiting
friends and relatives in Red Cloud
Satisfied customers nro good ones.
All who use Amboy White Loaf flour
are such.
Dr. Wiuterson, formerly of Red
Cloud, Is in town renewing old ac
quaintances. Duanu Saunders and Harvev Rieker-
son departed Sunday for a visit at,
Jucuioni, ilo.
Mrs. Hughes returned to Hastings
Saturday after a visit with her son,
Oscar Hughes.
Roy Garber and wife of Lawrence
were in Red Cloud Wednesday visit
lug Ills parents.
Rev. and Mrs. Hill, former! v of Inn.
vale, now of Lawrence, were in Red
Cloud Tuesday.
Weesncr k Koontz broke the record
the past week b. shipping out, eight
car loads of hogs.
Tlio Diamond Blectric Vacnin clean
er demonstiated in your home free.
Call Phono Red 97.
Mr. and Mrs Fred Guild of Blue
Hill visited with relatives in tills city
the first of the week.
The Hastings base ball team passed
through Red Cloud Tuesday on their
way home from Superior.
Don't forget the Chl-Namol demon
stration at Cotting's Drug Store next
Wednesday and Thursday.
I. B. Wagoner will preach at the
Brethren church ne.xt Sunday evening
at S p. m. All are welcome.
For SalerAll of my Household goods
and a Four Passenger Stanley Steam
er. Inquire of Shllaiis. "
Willis Fulton and wife of Rivorton
spent Sunday in this city with her
parents, Rev. and Mrs. Cressmau.
Eld. .I.E. Jarboe is in St. Joseph
this week attending the aunual con
fcrenee of the Brethren church.
The finest line and best assortment
of Harnessever carried before. Call
and look it over. MoitHAitr Bros
It. M. Heatty and son for l.'encral
Rlaoksmlthing, Wagon Work, Horse
shoeing a specialty. At Day's old shop.
John Crans left for Omaha Monday
morning. Ho was called there by the
sickness of his daughter, Mrs. Chancey
Foil Saw:: 1 single, iron bed, springs
and mattress, also 2 porch chairs and
a bicycle good as new. Inquire of J. I.
Miss Mary S Miksch of this city de
parted for Chicago Wednesday morn
ing to recoive treatment at the Mercy
The Degree of Honor meets next
Tuesday uight. All members are re
quested to be present as there will bo
The young folks enjoyed a dance
in the Potter Hall Wednesday even
ing. Prof. HeU's orchestra furnished
the music.
Franklin has sold its electric light
bonds to the state of Nebraska and
work upon the plant will commence
When you buy of your home mer
chants you aro helping the town and
thereby sharing in the profits of your
own purchase.
S. C". Shuck will begin the erection
nf tlvn nmv riivAlllmru In tlm nm.ll.
1- , to1' "" ."ni
part of town this week. Fred Stefren
has the contract.
iA 'wc.pu.i;iit '' tK!EHSf
Improved alfalfa farm lands In the
Cueat Republican Valley our only
specialty. Dan Gabmeji ,v Comihnv,
Chief ofllce.
i'ietuies taken of ohlldieii and fami
ly groups without pain. Our material
and workmanship stand the tesl of
time Stkvkns Bros
MUs Bertha Barlow who had been
visiting her parents here and attend
ing the graduating exercises here re
turned to Central City Friday
No. 1,1 was 10 hours late Wednesday
on account of the big rain which fell
at Wynuire Tuesday evening. Five
miles of track was washed out.
Ralph Camp of Burlington, Col
stopped off in Red Cloud Monday to
visit his brother, A. II Camp. He was
on his way to Davenport, Iowa.
The Red Cloud Fire Department's
new chemical cart anlved Friday.
Our department will be better equipp
ed than ever before now to put out
The R.N. A. met Wednesday even
ing aim initialed two candidates.
After lodge ice eieain and eake weie
served and everybody had a good
We wish to thank our friends for
their many acts of kindness ami
sympathy and for flowers which they
sent in our recent otrow. The
Richards ratnily.
About twenty relatives and friends
of.Mrs, C. B. Hale surprised her Mon
day evening, it being her birthday.
Refreshments were served and an en
joyable evening was spent.
Archie Rasser and Bill Dillen re
turned from St. Joe Friday night
where they had been with stock.
While in St. Joe Arch was looking at
the big buildings and lost his hat.
Roy Rust proprietor of the Royal
Barber rthop has all modern conven
iences in any first class Bin tier Shop.
An electric Massage, first class work
man. Particular people patronise his
particular place.
Tlio Saturday Evening Post dated
June 10 will publish the story of Sen
ator La Follette, "The Lonely Man of
the Senate." Here 1 a great article
on the fighting insurgent. Read it.
Alan Moritz will hand you a copy.
Sunday a party of motor cyclists of
Hastings made a pleasure trip to Red
Cloud and returned. Those in the
party were: Frank Rose, EdConoughy,
Ed Webb. Geo. Krueger, E. R. Walt
ers, J. B. Brodley and Kay Johnson.
Every property owner should take
pride in beautifying his home by car
ing for the lawn and keeping the shade
trees neatly trimmed around tholower
branches. If all would do this our
town could be called with propriety
the "Queen of the Republican Valley."
There are some people in this city
who are mighty careless about throw
ing old truck info the alleyways
Such people should be taught u little
civic pride by a modest fine. It is im
possible for the authorities to keep
places clean if people will persist in
such practices.
Try and make a live, enterprising
place out of your home town, and
when working for its institutions or
speaking well of the town and country
remember yon are accomplishing all
the more for yourself. Don't be. fool
ish enough to idle away valuable time
predicting failures and thereby de
crease the value of your property.
We wish to thank the singers for
memorial services and also kindly
thank all who helped us in our pro
gram and the beautiful floweis for
Decoration day, our band who furnish
ed us in music, the teachers who
drilled our boys and girls, the siiiRers
and the antos who helped to cany
our Boys in Blue. O. A. II. and W. R.
The Tepee presents Tuesday evening
One Night Only June 0. Three fam
ous wrestling matches of famous
champions such as Ootch, Hacken
smldt, Rogers Zbysko and others. Do
not conflict, this entertainment with
prize fights. But moral entertainment
of the manly art of wrestling. Re
member the date Tuesday June 0.
Admission in and 120 cts.
Bon-Ton-Bakery and
Bread, l'les and Cakes made in Red
Cloud from Red Cloud I'LOUIt.
IfK CllEAM 25 Qksv Pkii Ql'AKT.
We use artificial I( i: made i;op U
tered water pure and clean.
Ws7 T"l v Jav !!
W Waaawti
vvmmr-ii)f7 I $&1'
If everything you wear
is as well chosen as your
JTMiBajjiiiBiM"1 " '
you are well dressed.
$1.50 and more.
Horace Spanogle and Mrs. Kate i
Hurley arrived from Denver Sunday'
evening for a visit with their sister,
Miss Belle Spanogle Something like
twenty years ago Horace decided that
he wanted to bo a printer, and began '
learning tho iiidimciits of the trade,
In the ollice of the Webster County
Argus. He is at present a linotype
operator on the Denver Hxpress.
Last Thursday evening Clare Wolfe,
after making some repairs upon his
automobile, wiped his hands in the
grass, when ho felt a stinging sensa
tion in one of his hands. He paid no
attention to it at the time, but after
working ill the garden for a short
time his arm became badly swollen
and the services of a physician were
called, who pronounced the injury the
bite of a spreading viper. The usual
remedies were applied and no serious
results are anticipated.
Mr. A B. Scllarsfor ten or fifteen
years the active partner in the Red
Cloud Investment Company has sold
out his interests to A If. Saladen and
will make an extended visit to the
I'aclfic coast. Ho may decide to locate
there and he may return. Mr. Sollar.s
has earned a much coveted reputation
for honesty and integrity and has
made many social and business friends
in this city. Whatever he does and
where ever he kocs the Chief wishes
lor him the highest of success.
Chas. Whittaker the efficient man
ager of our city power lumso for the
past three years has tendered his
resignation and has purchased tho
Atnack Interest. In the Wolf & Amaok
blacksmithliig company. Mr. Whltt
alter has made an excellent record as
engineer in the power house. Not
content with the mere tnkingoforders
from the superintendent he desired to
know the why of thinga and set about
it to learn. Consequently he took a
thoro course with a responsible cor
respondence school and fitted himself
In all the details connected with his
work. This learning will now be of a
great deal of use to him in his new
venture. Not only has he the practic
al knowledge of the work ho does but
lie also has the technical knowledge to
go with It Tho Chief is pleased to
learn of his success ami wolcomes him
to our circle of business men.
Sunday Sen Ice Red Cloud Post Office
In compliance with a request from
the l'ostolllce Department the Red
Cloud l'ostortlce, commencing June
lth, will be open on Sundays from 10
to 11 ii. in. Not sooner. Not later.
T. C. IIackru. 1'. M
Memorial Services Observed at the
Opera House Sunday
Memorial Sunday was observed In
the opera house last Sunday by all
the churches in the city As usual
this was a union meeting. 1'romptly
at eleven o'clock the Old Soldiers and
the meinbers of the Relief Corps
inurched'luto the hall and took their
places in. the front part of the audi
ence chamber. The profusion of the
stiirs and stripes Impressed upon the
I iitud,s of the people that this was a
pan tunc uuy, u tiny eeieuruioii bui
only for the honor of the soldiers of
the civil war but
Hart Schaffner
Marx Suits
Munsing Underwear
Crawford Shoes
Dutchess Trousers
McDonald work Shirts
and Overalls.
JOn such repre
sentative lines I
ha vebuill my busi
ness. This and
a square deal to
every customer.
That Distinguished
of Monuments is caused by the use of
Pneumatic Tools.4 We use them, hence
our letters are cleand well cut. Come
and see.
Overing Bros.
(Si Company
lEfcrf'KVv: 1 VfV4zSi!
aJMrnl l -. fmt . nvC a V.
JT":"f IV- 'y VEaCTfc'
'ou ein
Th atacktr
t a a uniform
lnvrtllratlon. Full
fl 00 purohaae
pay tribute to the glory of the United
States. Glen Walker sang a most
beautiful solo followed by the invoca
tion delivered by Rev. Tompkins of
the Methodist church. The Congre
gational church choir led in the sing
ing and rendered one of the best
anthems ever given in thojdty. Itev.
CrcHsiuau of the Congregational chinch
delivered the memorial uddress taldug
for his subject Romans b'J-7. He be
gan liis discourse by saying that with
the foundation of this government
there was established religious free
dom and that ery American had con
ferred upon his the privilege of par
ticipating in the affairs of that, gov
ernment. An active part in politics
was as essential hs nn active part in
church worship. It is as much ones
duty to go to the caucus and the polls
as it is to go to the prayer meeting
In that part of his text which com
mands us to give "honor to whom
honor" the speaker payed a glowing
tribute to the men who laid their lives
on tlie altar of Atnei lean liberty that
this nation might remain one and in
separable, the living iin well as the
dead received high eepmiums from
him. Mr Cressmau was at his best
and gave an intelligent, logical force
ful address,
One could not help but notice how
few of the old soldiers remain today
to take part in this annual celebration
Their ranks are being rapidly thinned
and those that remain show that age
Is crceplngon apace. Fifty years have
passed since that war began and we
can expect these men to be hoyi no
longer. They however have the satis-
faction to know that this celebration
!?' la TVrmr v
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"..,. ... w
imuJU3tT i,irtm
w . w i W3SW&& ifiev jWbrV i&$&i$$
Our Pittnttd. Eiltnilon Arm. Sticker. U the mirvtl of Iht world. I
ituk ind handta mora hxv at a leu coat ind with mater I
witn our tftctrr, man witn an otner on in rnuui,
r lUndlng after it ta half way up lij htcru th I"s4 and I
draft from the start. Tin cable uwi in plco nf a rpe it 1
icaiure tou cannat auora w ovcnooK. uur naiuier (i aicnieui cwtrp -
Uakea and I'lattner Mowtn. all rnfd In Denver, are well worth youreV
descriptive matter will be milt) you on requeat.
certificate, and eouvenir, ent frenlfyou mention inn piper. M
which they have Inaugurated will be
perpetuated as long as the government
shall stand and that In tho Instituting
of this day and its careful observance
year after year they have rendered a
service fo their country as groat as
that rendered upon tho battle field.
Some Attractions
For the Fourth
The coiumitteo ou entertainment
for Ked ( loud's big Fourth of July
celebration announces the following
attractions already secured:
The Aerial fits of Convention Hall,
Kansas City, Mo., Hying trape.e and
electric ladder act.
The Cleyer Amusement Co. of Chi
cago, acrobats.
The Queen City Colored Concert (Co.
of St. Joseph, Mo., vauduville, buck
and wing dancing, and jubilee sing.
A S'.V'OO new merry go-round, with
fine band organ, latest invention of
C. W. I'aikerof Abilene. Kan.
Negotiations aie also pending with
several other big' amusement concerns,
announcement of which will be made
as soon as secured,
I. O. O. F.
Meets eve
y .Monday Night.
I). M
Garber, N. O.
O. C. Tee!. Clerk.
Meets First and Third Thursday; Iu
I. O, O. F. Hall. Mrs. Allen l?nri..i,
N. (. Carrie Holsworth, Secretnry.'
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