The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 01, 1911, Image 3
. K&r?&? v- Mi - i 1 i-RSf. Xl . - Aitwy-y-j -aft -j. If i! fcr i PSI OTltS Crow Heads Puzzle the Officials V ) 'SJANOThcnj b4 J flN'DIANAPOLIS, IND. Hero is a 1 pretty Ucttld of llah. Tho ofllccs of tho county clerks In Indiana nro being filled to overflowing with tho hends of dead crows, and tho result 1b not pleasing to the sense of smell, to say tho least. Cnmo about this way: At tho last session of tho leglsldturo the formers of tho state succeeded In having a law enacted which placed a bounty of ten cents upon tho head of every crow. Tho farmers argued that tho crowB destroyed much of their crops by eating tho seeds after they were scattered on tho ground and were n, nulsanco in general. Every body thought it would bo a good schemo to nbollsh the pest by killing off a largo number of the proline crows. And so it camo to pass that tho law was enacted and 'most every body thought the question was solved at once and for all time. But it wasn't. The county clerks nre the sufferers and complainants now. Tho farmer boys spend their Chinese Queues CHICAGO. Prices of coiffures are due for a slump nnd "milady of tho boulevards" may soon be prome nading down Michigan avenue be decked in tho very latest of lato Im ported puffs which but recently form ed tho most conspicuous part of tho hirsute adornment of tho Celestials of South Clark street. " It may seem strange that tho most fashionable of Chicago's smart set will bo able to purchase real "import ed"' puffs, curls, braids, switches and rats which wero once tho queues of Chicago chop Buey waiters and Chin ese laundrymen, but tho fact remains Indisputable, for according to the edict recently passed in China 90 per cent of all tho Celestials in tho United States have divorced themselves from ono of tho most typically distinguish ing features of the race tho queue. Following a similar movo in tho Chinatown of New York, San Francis co and other cities, tho Chinese' of Chicago the other day kept tho barbers busy with tho shears and by night thero wero few left along South Clark street who could boast of tho "pig tails" which wero their pride of other days. Hip Lung, mayor of Chicago's Chinatown, and tho leaders of tho Wife Rifles Pockets! Then Beat Her 5mrdEDciT" said irwn JUiTIFIEOI Ifl SlAMMIn his wire FFR PiCKIr.' Hi? POCrtnSj PROVIDENCE, R. I. Judgo C. M. Leo of tho superior court, in tho course of a separation suit brought by Elizabeth T. England against her husband, John E. England, stated that a man Is justified in chastising his spouso if sho rifles his pockets. The Englands have been married about five years, nnd recently thero has been trouble in tho household. Mr3. England wanted separato sup port from her husband when Bho came Into court. Sho told on tho wltnesB stnnd that they had threo children and had been living happily enough until a short tlmo ngo. Ono night, sho related, Mr. England arrived at his homo on Warren street about 3 a. m., and proceeded to curl up on tho floor. Mrs. England ad mitted that sho thought he was asleep and started to go through his pockotB 23aTr lfe ym&&r'- rVv'IEfc i VWWVMVMVWWNA Aero Landing and Lake on Roof NEW YORK. New York within a year la to have ono of tho most re markable buildings on earth. It is designed to replace Madison Squaro Garden, nnd not tho least of Its fea tures will bo a landing stage for fly ing machines. A $2,000,000 structure is to bo reared on tho sito of the old Brewster carrlago factory on tho west side of Broadway between Forty-seventh and Forty-Eighth streets. It will bo used mainly for exhibition pur poses and various trades in tho sport ing lino. Tho Broadway project Is backed by Interests identified with the Schlltz Browing company of Milwaukee, rep resented in New York by John Oh xnels, rcBtauranteur, nnd Oscar Schmidt. Tho building will bo erected by tho Atlas Development company, which In January of last year took a long leaso on tho Brewster sito from tho Sutphln estate Tho now building Is to bo adapted particularly to tho needs of tho au tomobllo, motor boat and aviation in dustries nnd their allied trades. With XS-r-rk fa hrLw , beOn 4 ' 22? rltnr- "off rainy days" hunting crows. They aro bringing thorn to tho county seaU by hundreds. The hends nio strung Hko so many bcnilti or pearls, and oft en tho strings measure four or flv feet in length. In communities whore; tho crowfl nro plentiful and thai seems to be nil over Indiana tho gun tiers can bag enough crows (n a day to realize a good compensation for their work. Hero is whero tho rub comes in. Tho county clerk who receives and pays for tho crow heads must keep them until his books, stock and offlco materials aro audited by tho county commissioners, which 1b onco n year. Now what Is the county clerk going to do with tho hundreds nnd hundreds of crow heads brought to his offlco7 Surely ho cannot put them away in the safo with other valuables. Neither can ho throw them away, for in that event ho would have to stand tho bounty money fPom his own pocket. Tho result is that his offlco smells to high heaven, nnd oven the salo of marriage licenses has Buffered a slump. And that Is the reason the county clerks of Indiana have signed a round robin nnd forwarded it to Governor Marshall, praying him to offer a solu tion, or at least appoint a commission for that end. iiiitti&-0it0iam for Milady's Wig famous Moy family, Moy Tong Geo and Moy Tong Hoy, all bowed with good grace before tho power of tho scissors. Tho hnlr is being shipped by tho Chinese to London where largo Eng lish hair dealers will convert it into coiffures of tho latest fashions and of various shades, and then ship "real imported" puffs back to American soil. The money which tho Chinese in this country will receive for tho hair is to bo sent back to China. Some time ago an edict was passed to the effect that all citizens or for mer citizens of China might cut off their queues or retain them as they saw fit. It was formerly one of tho strictest laws of tho country that every citizen must wear a queue, and those without them wero not allowed to return to the empire on pain of sevcro punishment. In search of n watch and ring which she claimed belong to her. Hut Mr. England woko up and gavo her a slap in the face. Sho tried to go through his pockets again and testified that ho gavo her a kick in tho back. Under cross-examination Mrs. England told that sho had struck her husband with a shoe. After listening to considerable of this testimony, Judgo Leo stated in his opinion this couplo ought to bo brought together and become recon ciled. Ho brought out tho fact that tho woman only wanted separato sup port and probnbly would becomo reconciled to her husband somo time, and thought the proscnt a good tlmo. Judgo Leo conferred with Lawyer Thomas F. Cooney, who represented Mrs. England, nnd Lawyer Arthur dishing, representing Mr. England, and they agreed to do what they could to effect a reconciliation. "But you must tell your client," ad monished Judge Lee, vith a smile, in nddrcsslng Lawyer Coonoy, "that sho must not go through her husband's pockets again. A man is justified In slapping his wife if sho goes through h'lB pockets." this end in view, certain unusual structural features have been planned, such as a starting and landing track on tho roof for flying machines, a lake CO by 125 feet, also on tho roof, for tho display of motor boats, and an enormous freight and passenger ele vator, 25 by 52, capable of carrying an aeroplane, a 60-foot motor boat or about 400 persons at ono trip. Tho basement, which will havo a very high ceiling, will contain a res taurant seating 6,000 or 7,000 persons and run on tho plan of tho famous rathskellers of Berlin and Munich, Tho roof will bo used as an open air garden In the summer. Tho lake is to bo utilized as a skating rink in th winter. fSi (7 ,tl ..." jUl . '" iri 0 g7JW f. IfiflffiM LIKE THEAPOSTLES Johnson Fisher of Men and Fish er of the Sea. 6upplement8 Meager Salary as Pastor by Toll on Waters With Fisher men .Tolls Every Work Day nnd Preaches on Sunday. Rockland, Me. Tho wind had Veered around to the northeast and a sudden snow ilurrv offered tho pro moultory symptoms of an approaching blizzard. Tho outer harbor In nn In stant was blotted from view and tho dull booming of tho breakwater fog ilgnnl told mariners that thero was danger abroad. Out of tho gathering darkness thero suddenly emerged a power bont well known to tho hnbltucs of tho water front. "Thero comes the parson 1" ex claimed n longshoreman. "Ay, it takes moro than n nor-caster to keep him in port," said another. Eventually the newcomer reached an anchorage. "Crustucean," read tho namo on tho bow. A man of medium build, clad In nn oil coat covered with frozen sleet, sprang nimbly up tho lad der, with a hearty hnmlclasp and cheery smllo for nil. "A bit nasty out Bide," WttB his only comment. "That's Johnson," explained n by stander. "Ilov. Fred N. Johnson of Swans Island, n flehcr of men nnd a fisher of tho sen." Swan's Island is about 25 mllcB southeast of Cnstlno. It is in Hancock county, is about flvo miles long by 2V4 miles wide, nnd tho pcoplo living there nro largely en gaged In fishing. Rev. Frederick Norton Johnson had no objection to telling tho modest story of how ho supplements a mea ger pulpit salary In a small Island community with tho frultB of the sea, tolling every weekday Hko his broth ers, and on the seventh carrying splr- Rev. Fred N. Johnson. Hutu greetings to thoso who caro to hear tho Gospel preached. Born at Machlasport, almost within 6lght of tho "jumping off place," aB tho downeastcr expresses it, ho has Just turned forty-five. Ho Is a son of Abram N. and Emily S. (Bryant) Johnson. H1b father was a sea cap tain in tho coastwise trade. When Fred was four years old hlB father gavo up seafaring nnd moved to Vinalhaven. From Vlnalhavcn tho family moved to Houlton, whoro tho lad had two years of schooling and thenco to Calais. In Mllltown, ncrosB tho border, ho went to work nt sev enteen ne loomflxcr in a cotton mill. ThlB Job ho gavo up bIx years later bocauBo of ill health. Back to Vinalhaven ho went, firmer than over In the conviction that thero was another field for him tho minis try. A theological education, so far as It related to school or college, was quite out of tho question, but tho young mnn's will wns indomitable and ho -went steadfastly at work on the task of gaining self-education for tho ministry. Ho was ordained at Rockport, where, almost unaided, he organized an Advcntlst church. For n third timo Rev. M. Johnson moved to Vlnalhavcn, this tlmo as pastor of the Adventlst church. Returning to Maine, ho was pastor two ycarB at Brldgton, resigning against many protests to Btay and declining two calls which tho church extended to him after ho had left town. Mr, Johnson has held his pres ent pastorate at Swans Island ten years. For two years after going to Swans iBland ho engaged in lobster fishing and subsequently became Btato agent for a concern dealing Jn gas engines and supplies. Still there remained time on his hands which he was unwilling to sacrifice to idleness, and ho took up tho task of boat build Inc. x Urn ymMMmiMlmW ill ELEVEN YEAR3 OF HEALTH. Kidney Trouble Never Returned. Mrs. Everett Grlfllth, 2815 13. Indi ana Ave, EvatiHvlIlo, hid., says: "I was certainly In bad tthnpa from kid ney dlseaso and It Is really a wonder that I am alive today. Tho kidney ncrrctlonB passed Irregulnrly and wero abnormally thick; I had bad spells with my head and at times could hardly stand. My left limb below tho kneo be- fff3Nm$h r vnmo FO ""-'"' bwoI- 'jrt fWA'l r Inn t licit I linr-ntt in treat myself fur drop sy and my back was so tuiro nnd lamo I could not rnlfo tny anna nbnvo my head. I was llnnlly Induced to tnko Moan's Kidney Pills and In six weeks I was well. My euro was mndo In 1S!H and 1 luivo enjoyed excellent health ever since." Remember tho nnmr-Moan's. For salo by all denlers HO cents n box. Fostcr-Mllburn Co, Buffalo, N.Y. SURE SIGN. Mrs. Wiggins Our daughter Mary's In love. Mr. WlgglnB How do you know? Mrs. Wiggins Sho rcferB to twi light as tho gloaming. CURED ITCHING AND BURNING "I wns taken with tho itch In April, 1904, and used most everything. 1 had a friend pay mo a visit from Cumberland, nnd sho advised mo to ubo Cutlcura Remedies which I did. Tho euro was certainly quick, nnd I ubo them to this day. I had It terri bly under my knees. I only used ono box of pills, but two boxes of Cutl cura Ointment, nnd I uso tho Cutl cura Soap all tho time. T hopo this will benefit others, as It linn me, after Dr. ' and otliers could do noth ing for me." (Signed) Miss Lu John son, 1523 Ninth St., N. W., Wash ington, D. C, April 3, 1910. In a later letter Miss Johnson ndds: "Tho trouble began with an eruption under my knees, nnd extended up wards toward my waist, until 1 wan not nblo to Bit down. It kept n con stant itching nnd burning all the time, night and day. I went to my doctor, but ho could do mo no good after I do not know how mnny medicines ho gavo me, and then told me I would bo compelled to go to n skin special ist, which I positively refused to do. I cried all tho tlmo. Finally I mado up my mind to try Cutlcura Rem edies, ond tried Cutlcura Pills, Oint ment and Soap, and wob entlroly cured of tho Itching threo days after I Btartcd using them. Tho healing took about eight days. I consider Cutlcura Remedies marvelous, and would recommend them everywhere." Cutlcura Remedies aro Bold through out tho world. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Boston, for freo book on skin afflictions. At All Hours. "Professor, what do you consider tho mobt wonderful thing in tho world?" "Tho brnln of a centipede; it 1b In flnlteslmnlly Bmall, yet it has perfect control over tho crcaturo'B entiro sys tem of legs nnd feet." Important to Mothers Exnmlno carefully every bottlo of CASTOIHA, a safo and sure remedy for infanta and children, and sco that it Bears tho Slgnaturoof In Uso For Over 30 Years, Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Don't mind being laughed at; somo day you may Bplash mud on tho laugh ers with your touring car. The herb laxative, Garfield Tea, prompt ly overcomes constipation, bi!ioufnes, lick-htudadic and insures better health. Peoplo who say Just what they think aro moro numerous than popular. Sm f$ &m& c hjm vuow yy I ' x5S &XS&B2Z7 VIWKW IF YOU HAVE A SICKLY YOUNGSTER TRY THIS FREE The family with young children that Is without sIcknesB In the house now und then Is rare, and no It Is Importunt that tho head of tho house should know what to do In the llttlo emergencies that arise. A child with a serious ailment needs a doctor, It Is true, hut In tho majority of Instances, ns any doctor knows, the child BUftjern from somo intestinal trouble, usually constipation. There Is no senso In Blvlnp It a pill or a remedy containing an opiate, nor Is Hushing of tho bowels to bo always rec ommended, Hnther Klvo It a smnll doso of u mild, irentlo laxutlvo tonlo Hko Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which, by denn ing out tho bowels and strtnethcnlni; the PUTNAM ColormoreKoodtbrlcriternndfastcrcolors than dye any garment without ripping apart. Write SUGGEST IT. Next tlmo you'to out with Trlcnds, and you're all wondering what you ran drink to quench tho thirst some thing thnt you'll all enjoy suggest COCA-COLA. Everyone- will thank you for nn In troduction to tho most delirious, re freshing and thlrst-quenchlng hevorago thnt nnyono could drink. It Is cool ing relieves fatigue and Just hits tho dry spot. At hoda-fountnlna or carbon ated In bottlcB 5c everywhere. As to Its whoIesomenesR write to tho COCA-COLA CO., Atlanta, (In., for n copy of their booklet, "Tho Truth About COCA-COLA" compiled by authorities. A man can get along without doing much If ho has bciibo enough to know what not to do. trS. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a positive cure for weakness nnd disease o( the feminine organism. It allays , infiammationj heals ulceration nnd soothes pain. Tones and builds up the nerves. Do not permit a dishonest dealer to substitute for this medicine which has record ol -tO years of cures. " No, tliunk you, I want what I ask for." Dr. IHerce't Pica fat Ptlletu Induce mild natural bowel movement once a day. Far DISTEMPER yN. iir'eurfnt1poi0tlYrrfTfntlT.nnrettfrhowhomritnTitK Kra (nfaclM or'ipnrl.M l.l'iulil.aliruon lb etctitfiiii tariff uii IbeltlomlftnilMUmlffi irtilL tHinnnuiKtrmfnimlibnl7. mrral'Utrnir In Dng ndHhrplnlC'bor In roiillry. f.rirot'lllnKlltitn-li rrinnlj, Curr I llrlrpo nmonirtiumni llnc nl lfln. klilnrr mnaly, dflc ami II Ixitllxi H ml f 10 ft rtntvn. Cut thin out. Krrplt. hhowtoToiirilrti(ir1t.wtiorllltllforiou. i rt Vooklet, "WMfroper. Cum nil C'urrm" Hiwrl' f ntn wantixl. SPOHN MEDICAL CO.. bAIo.T.?. GOSHEN, IND., U. S. A. Who She Was. "Well," lnughed Squlggles, "some men never know when they are snubbed! Tho lndy you Just Bpoko to wns about ns distant as they mnko 'em lu her greeting " "Well, why shouldn't hho be?" re torted Jabbers. "SIio'b a distant rela tive of mine." "By marriage?" "No by divorce. Sho got rid of me at Sioux Falls back In 1808." Har per's Weekly. Sure Thlnnl Hubby (with newspaper) Well, well! Another bank gone to BmnBh nnd none of tho directors knew any thing about what was going on. Mrs. Votington Of course, not! It wouldn't bo so If tho directors wero all women. Boston Trnnscrlpt. Give Deflnnce Starch a fair trial try It for both hot and cold starching, nnd if you don't think you do bettor work,- In less time nnd at smaller cost, return it nnd your grocer will give you bnck your money. And You Must Pay. "Experience Is tho best teacher," quoted tho WIso Guy. "Yes, but her charges aro mighty high," added the Simple Mug. AUK l'Olt AI.I.I!N'8 FOOT-RAHR Ihn Amlwiptli- Kwdrr to slmkii Into your iihiini, Ho lloves Corn, llunlnnn, Ingrowlnu Nails, Hwollcn unit Kni'iitlng frit, llllktom unci Cnlloun apl. BIJ errrjrwlicro,26o. Dim turctptnnviuMitutr. Hum plot'UUK. AUtlrua Allen H.OlmatcU, Le Hoy, N.Y. The softest powder puff In tho world Isn't ns agreeablo to tho touch of an old majd's heek us a two dayB growth of beard. Beautiful Post Cards Free. Send 2c stamp for live samplcH of our very best Gold KmboRHetl Ulrtliday, Klnw er urtd Motto Poht CardB; beautiful colors nnd lovelltHt desknti. Art Pout Card Club, 731 Juckson St., Topcka, Kan. Thoso with whom wo can apparent ly becomo well acquainted In n fow moments are generally tho most dif ficult to rightly know und understand. Mrs. WimilowVi Boottilnu flyrup for Children If cUUni, KnftniH tlir friinis, rrtlucrn In Hum mil lion, alluyn palu.curi tt wind colic. S&c a bottle. Tho right kind of a decision today will put powder in your gun for to morrow. Garfield Tea cures constipation, keeps the blood puro nnd tones up tho system. Many a man succeeds because he's a good gucsscr. Lewis' Smcle Hinder, extra quality to bacco, cobts more than other Be cigars. Don't lot your money burn a holo In somo other fellow's pocket. little stomach muscles, will Immediately correct the trouble. ThlB Is not alono our opinion butNthat of Mrs. N. II. Mend of I'reoport, Knna., whoso RrnnddaiiKhter has been taking It successfully and of Mrs. J. It. WhlUnu of Lena, Wis., who elves It to her children nnd takes It herself. It Is sold in fifty cent nnd ono dollar bottles nt every drug store, but If you want to test It In your family beforo you buy It send your address to Dr. Caldwell and ho will for waid u supply free of charge. For tho frco samplo address Dr. W H. Caldwell, 201 Caldwell building, MonU cello. 111. FADELESS DYES any other dye. OnclOcpackagecolorsoll fibers. They dye In cold water hetterthan any other dye. You can for free booklet How to Dye. lilcjch and Mix Colors. MONRO!! OUUG COMI'ANV. (Julncy, III. ThatTired Feeling that is rntictl by Impure, impoverished blood or low, run down condition cf the system, in ImrduiiKotno nnd diicourncing. Ik) not put up with it, but tal.3 Hood's b'niMpnrilln, which removes it as nothing eho does. "I hud thnt tired feeline, had no ap petite nnd nn niiiliiliou to" do nnythina. A friend ndincl me to tnke Hood's Harm pnrilln. I did m, ntiil kooii Hint tired feelinc wan kmw, I hurt n i;oxl nppclito I nnd frit well. I believe Hood's wived mo I from n lnn illness." Mm. II. Johnson, j Vct field, N .1 ' (Jet Hood's Hnrpnnnrlltn tnilnv Tn liquid form or In tulilttH Milled Sarontntio. LIVr STOCK AND ELECTROTYPES! MISCEUAMOUS l In nrnit variety for mlniittht-lrwtil pr ri br wNtnu Mnrti'rit ntnv,(i.iMf W. N. U.. LINCOLN, NO. 21-1911. Backache Is only one of many symptoms which some women en dure through weakness or displacement of the womanly organs. Mrs. Lizzie White of Memphis, Tenn., wroto Dr. K. V. Pierce, as follows t "At times I was hardly able to bo on ray feet I believes I bad every pain and actio a woman could have. Had a very bad case. Internal organs were very much diseased and my buck wns very weak. I suffered a great deal with nervous lieadnohcs, In fact, I suffered all over. This was my condition when I wrote to you for advice. After taking your 'Favorite Prescrip tion for about three months can say that my health was never better." rink Typ. Eplzootla Shipping Fovcr & Catarrhal Fovcr Splendid Crops In Saskatchewan (Western Canada') 800 Dunhols from 20 aoroei ol wlicut was the tnreaher a return from a Lloyd I minster farm in the teuton of 1910. Many iltltlt In thHtiitwellKD I other dlttrlcts yield ed from 25 to 35 bu- thels olwhrnt to the acre. Other crulrm In proportion. LARGE PROFITS orr thus drrlvril In. m Ihn FIU',1: HOME SI KA1). LAN US if WvKlrru l.nnnda. Till .-irnlli'iil klitjfflna cntMfc nrlrr to iidvuncc. Ijtml Tnlnrs Bl.miUl dnUulHln Inn yun' tliui- (Iniln croii Inu.inUtiil fariii- Ilig, uui riimiiiKMiiii iimry iik nro nil prtilliithlr. u-t lliiiiii-KlriKlixif 1110 urrrsnrt' to l IiiiiI In tint very lirnl rilntrlrtai 1IW ni'r r-enil-Hunt l ttll.OD MTtu rn with in nrliilii iiriiiK. SrlKiiiltuiKl iliurrli-H In ttrry e.ttlr incut, din ii tit unexcelled. Mill I lie rli lii-itlt itiioiI. wutrr mid liullilliig iiiiitcrlul plentiful. IV l-nr iHittlrulnrft ox to lontlnn. Inn K'lilrri-' lullwa? rntra and di-rrlitlvt llltiMratrd lanirblM. "1jH lli-M WrM," nnd ollirr In liiriuiit Ion. rlir U) Hup'tnf lininl Linitlcin, (ittnwn, I'linoiln. or to t'unudlun Uimrnicmi A genu W. V. DENNETT Room 4 Bn Blrfc Omitii, Rib. I'lm.o write to ttie nernt nr rmt you Ths Pleasure of Llrlmrln thoConntrr Umall Town Is Greatly Knhanced br a few City Conveniences, tho Most Neceisurjr and Comfort Olving- of which Is a Satis factory Gas Supply, Ga to Lijfit with. Gaa to Cook with. Cat for Laundry purpotet. Gat to baat water for tho bath and other utot. Gat to operate est anclna for pumping and other purpotaa. You can havo all.'theso con veniences cheaply and automatically D7 in stalling the will not Inertait your Imartaet rtt.t OuUMtiiMktloferlOyfin. Mdrttliftn I&.OU la um Id Rii dncti,ltum, rtrtor.i.C1iurcti.f, Kehonlj. Colltf.i. Hoipitil, liwlll l'ar You tilnt.atli.t.. WHUdi lxir SOW poil-f U4. nnnorr MATINS a LIGHTING CO. 4SS r.M Slrail, Ottrm, UM. cuiciiTt ritMiliiM riniHi MJKZ232ZfdHV4 640 ACRES In Wn!iltiirton County, Kansas, must be void to elute nn t-Htute. Kine opportunity for practical farmer with eijulpincnt unll,n0Uorf5,00Ucnsh. Allundei'cultlvatloii, Alfalfa lanil. Corn.wbeat, ontn, cane, growing thin nciihun, meadow and tiaxiure, orchard, necr falling Nprlng. two hoiiNCM, etc. Will sell entire or tn U section tracts. - Detail Information on request. Add. L. P. ALLEN, GroonAeld, 111. DAISY F1.Y KIUER plf.4 tr"l"r.Bt trul 4 kill, ill IIIm. litit, 1mji, oriumeoul. riiiTm. Irnt,chep. LatUsJI HWi. Can't ipill or tlpover. will not t. II or Injure tajlklng. Guaranteed Rnl lv-. Ulall dol.r.ur trot prrpaM lor 20c. IURIILP rlOSEHS liU UaSalblta. Sr.Ulja.S.T. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Olttnwt tod beautlflel tht .hair. rruinotel a laiuruni crowui. Nve Tails to Ilattoro Qray Hair to Its Toutbrul Color. Curta aealp dlreaaei tt aalr talllnx. fOcaadSljOOat Drutflm relief ron WEAK sone eyes neeiauns: ctrdhu starcbin finest linens. IIII1V M.l k. ppFLiint i M&&r 4K1.0S4 asaa 7TJI ESS SlsfflPl iiflmatBiflM .wjwgfcfgMJ.iatfTM'r r-3rHEr -Mt Tcrr,c , . -. ; tticl JL. j.fii fr-; ii.st5'lril.''t''11 T7 iW- n-r . A.V J - -l - .. -jj. Ot toaf