The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 18, 1911, Image 8
L ? wtvuievew 'i ' 3 HOMtasBRnnaaMEHmBwa DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block, Red Cloud In RivcrtSn every Monday Notice to Property Owners Notice Is hereby given thut tho rub n HEADQUARTERS G For Everything in the s HOUSE FURNISHING mWk bish in thu Streets ami Alleys must bo cleaned up within "0 days from this ditto or same will be removed and tax ed to property. Dated tit Red Cloud, Nebr. May 11, IliJl. Line. Also a fine line of , HUH HIM I llllMMM-liill MIMIIWI Illl I I I IMMMMMMI WW! 20 TO P1HNOS i' i , c Undertaking a Specially. All the Phones. I Ed- Amack, Prop- SIPS0N & KEHWOHTHY Successor To A. C. Bradshaw Exclusive Dealers In Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : : PHONE IIS YOUR ORDERS. BELL RED 57 CATARRH 3.3g w sills! KMkifl HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM 8ALBJ1 Applied Into tho nostrils Is ci'ilckly absorbed. CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. II clniiiioi-s, xnoilns, limit ami piotccN tho diMiiscd niiiiilr:iiti ic-ultiiiu; from Catarrh and driw-wiwa a ('-ild m the Head ipiii-klv. Rc-torts tint Hcn-ci (if Taste ami Htncil. Jt 1h e.isy to use. Contain1 mi tiijuiious drills. No mercury, no cocaine,, no mor phine. Thtt iiouscliohl reined) . I'm , fid i-ctitHiil Puijnjists'or ly until. ELY BROTHERS, 5G Warron St., New York. Horsemen Attentions H. A. Johnson has his string of Horses and Jacks at his barn in Red Cloud for the season of 1911. Phone Farmers Rural 186. Ordinance No. 80. An Ordinance to Amend Ordinance No. 2 approved .Inly lllth. I'.XM). I to It ordained liy the Mayor ami council ot tin City nl Kid Cloud: SkitionI. That Section I of ordlnanru No. 'J, approved July III, IU00. Ih herehy amended to read as follows: "SkitionI. TlurPKtilnr mcctlnws ol tho City Council of the City of lied i loud, Sw liraska, Hlinll lie held on the flrfd Tucsdny of every mouth, at the hour of H o'clock p. m." Skim ion 'J. .section I of said ordluanct;No. i. Isherehj repealed. SK.erioN :i, Thl-t ordinance shall take ellect ami he In force from ami afterlls pass aye approval ami publication. ppioed May 10, Hill. tlopted May IU. mil. ttisl: n. c. Ti:ki., S. V. I 'or. ( liy cius. seal Widow's Pension. riio recent net of Apiil IJItlt. UiU givos to nil soldiers widows u pension ofSl'Jper moiitli. Fred Mauler, the Mornoy. lius all necessary blanks Order To Show Cause.. 1 1. Tin dun t Court Sutn or Neiirutlcti Webster c()untv A C St.AiiV, Chief of Police. Notice Hiii Cwn'ii, Nhi., May 10. Ill-1. All lot owners in the Red Cloud cemetery are urgently requested t" call nt the ofllce of the elcik and list their lots and pay 52 per lot for keep ing litem clean till May 1st. 11)12 It will be much more pleasant and certainly more siitiefactory if this Ih done voluntarily tliun force the us Kociation to drastic measures which will be necessaty if this request is not complied with as the public expects the association to keepa respectable resting place for the dead. We must have the money to do this aud a little cheerful co-operation by each lot owner will enable theassocla Hon to make it a place all public spirited citizens will be proud of. C. F. Gather, R IS. F4ton. President Clerk. G. A. R. Program. On Sunday, May 23, ull soldiers and sailors of the Civil and Spanish Amer ican wars and members of the Woman's Relief Corps, arc requested to meet at the IS. A. R., hall at ten o'clock n. m. From this place they will march to the Opera House where union services will be held. The motiforlnl sermon will be delivered by Rev. A. A. Cressmnn Music will be furnished by the Con gregational church choir. On Tuesday , .May .'10. all comrades of the (1. A. It.,' the Relief Corps with all soldiers of the Spanish Ametican wars will meet at the (i. A. R. hall at one o'clock p.m. Llneof match command ed by C C. McConkey, will form mi Webstor street and march south and west to cemetery. Detail wil I bo assigned by the Post Commander nnd President of W. R. C. to decorate graves of comrades and members of Relief Corps. After de corntlng graves the line of march will form a hollow square at the monument of the unknown dead. Here will be. hold exercises of t lie relief corps tllid the comrades of tho G A. R lSetiedictioti. Column will inarch to Opera llou-e where the following program will be given. Music by the Hand Invocation Judge IMsoit Song "America" Choir Recitation .lo-cphine Castor Music Choir Recitation Pearl Met onkey Song Hy little Hoys Recitation Florence Johnston Flag drill Ry little (ilrls Reading list of dead comrades-S 1$. Kior. Address Rev. Tompkins Music Choir Benediction Swltt's Premium Hams or Bacons. .ra Count) lourl held at thv County Vouii rixiiu In ami lor said count) vtcdues day. Mil) .1. A. P.. mil. Is tin matter ol lliti estate ol .loan Kmlck. I)i 1 1 used. ON midline and iIHiik the pi tltlou ol Viine V. Kmlck, tiled on tho !M day ot Mil). A. I)., mil. praying (or tho examination ami allowance nl Ills limit account of thu name date, a decree of assignment ol the laudu bc lotiiilui; to said estate to the persons utitlcd to the name, ami there upon an order ills- vlmrittiiK him from further harden and ser er Ice In liW-mld olllco as Kxieutor. OitiiKitni). That Tuesday, the Sid da) of May. A. 1).. Mil. at one o'clock i. m . I assigned for hiailiiK laid petition, when all pi rsons Interested In said matter mil) appear at a Count court to lie held In and (or said county and show cause whj pinjer of pctl tloticrshould not he Kiautcd; and that notice of the pcndcnc) of said petition amlthithear lue thermf liolven to all perHons Intere.stisl In Mild matter, li) puhlUhlni; a copy of tills ordir In the lli-il Cloud Chief, a weekly news paper printed In said county, (or lime con secutive weeks prior to snld dii) of liearlin;. I n K 1 . 1 I. V. ICIWON County .Indue. Iieiuartl McNeny. Atlornti for I'utltloucr. WHEN YOU VISIT the Mint where lies n depot ted loved one, it's onlv natural to teel prido in seeing A Becoming Monument mark the grave. You have an un- marked grave You're thinkitiir about the mnnutuet.t. Vihlt us we will help you. Our wwrk is lasting. Charges moderate. ED. McALISTER RKDCUH'D. - NKURASKA Cvmft'o S12S& Premium Hams and Bacon Everything Electrical G. C Bailey Electrical Contractor. .All kinds of Elec trie repairing;. Bell phone, Black 20. 14 i i y m r Mill If .ttmm l&im Kli Vf Vll SwUmM 5 XlfiBii . Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. For Sale isy John Yost -THE Don't Delay Ordering; a lire insurance policy from us a single day. Fire isn't going to stay away bccatiso you arc not in sured. In fuct, It booms to pick out the man foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Havo us isstio you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho matter. Tho lire flond nntyj have your hoiiHo down on tho list for a visit this very night. MARK WHAT I SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. 50 RER C6NT Gash Discount Sale on all Lines of Mer chandise Handled by ATKINS AND BARBER Red Cloud, Nebraska Sale May 1 5 to 3 1 nclusive I Call at our Store and get Price List It Will Save You Money Leggett and Piatt Bed Springs and Hoosier Cabnets are the only articles in this BIG STORE not on Sale. : : : ATKINS & BARBER UNDERTAKING and EMBALMERS. V V. . "Dutch Butcher" iflL " vf-Jrs,