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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1911)
jwwww'''fci-MMr'- ZVA.W" . ' -j. .jtdMSsa JKu ,-, -sVfe .- 4 - i. '-fs ,- 1 1 325,000 IN ONE YEAR THE IMMIGRATION TO CANADA SURPASSES ALL RECORD. The returns recently Issued by tho Canadian Immigration Hrnnch shows that upwards of 325,000 persons ar rived In Canada during tho past twelve months, declaring their Inten tion of becoming settlers In that coun try. Of this number about 130,000 were from tho United Suites, tho bal ance being from Uio British Isles and Northern Europe. It will thus be seon tlint tho sturdy farming element that lias gono forward from tho United States Is being splendidly supplement ed by mi equally sturdy settlement from ncross tho seas. Tho luro of Canadian wheat, oats, barley and flax grown on tho rich prairie of Western Canada Is constantly attracting moro nnd more, and year by year tho tldo of Immigrants to tho Western Canada plalnB Increases; there Is no ebb to this tide. Tho Canadian authorities nre not surprised nt tho number from the United States being as large ns It 1b but they did not look for so large an Immigration from tho old countries. Still, they will not bo found unpre pared. Reception halls are In readi ness at all Important points In Mani toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, sur veyors wero at work during tho past season opening up new districts on which to placo thoso seeking freo liomostcado of 1G0 ncrcs each, rail ways hnvo been projecting laterals from their main lines, and every pro vision has been taken to accommo date tho nowcomer. A recent dis patch from Antwerp reads: "Tho di version of Kuropcnn emigration from tho United StnteH to Canada is cald to bo seriously affecting tho Atlantic steamship lines. Tho Red Star today gives up to tho America-Canada lino two of tho best special emigrant Etcamcrs afloat, tho Gothlanofcsjuid tho Samland. Thcso vessels hJrctoforo In tho Antwerp-New York servlco nro now to bo operated from Rotterdam to Canadian ports." On tho date of tho above dispatch word caino to tho Immigration branch that tho "Vanguard of tho 1911 army of United States settlers reached Win nipeg at 1:30 o'clock this morning. Thcro was a solid train load of ef fects, comprising 41 carloads and two colonist sleepers attached to tho train, which contained tho members of 25 families. Every man Jack In tho party Is a skilled farmer, and all hnvo como north prepared to go right on tho land, -which was purchased last year. They nro equipped with every thing that experlenco has shown Is necessary to mako a start on virgin prairie. In addition to machinery and household effects there wero a largo number of horses nnd cattle. Somo of tho farmers hnd also brought along gas tractors, which will bo put right to work on ground breaking." Ono of tho agents of tho Canadian government advises that it would ap pear as if each month of tho present year would show a largo Increase over tho past year. Tho demand for tho llteraturo of tho department, describ ing tho country and its resources, 13 greater than It ever has been. The Ballot Box. Tho ballot box seems sacred to me, nnd I never voted without removing ray hat. Tho men In tho voting booths nro always amused at this attitude, but to mo tho voting prlvllego will bo always treated with great respect. A man should pray ns ho votes nnd voto ns ho prays. Rev. R. S. MncArthur, Baptist, Now York city. DISTEMPER In nil its forma nmnng all nqcs of horses, as well as (Iors, cured and others in hinno stable prevented from having tho dittousa with SPOHN'S DISTEMPER Cl'RE. Every bottle guaranteed. Over 000.000 bottlcB sold last year $.50 and $1.00. Any good druggist, or fend to manufacturers. Acents wanted. Spohn Medical Co., Spec, Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. Fairly Won. "Who gavo yo th black eye, Jim?" "Nobody gavo it t' me. I had V fight fer it." Life Do You Use Eye SnlvcT Apply only from AHoptlo Tubes to Prevent Infection. Murine Kye Halve In Tubes New Slzo l!5c. Murlno Kye IJij. ulu L'Sc-GOc. Eyo Hooks In each l'lcg. Ho that Is not senslblo of another's happiness i3 a living stono. Beau mont. Smokers find Lewis' Single Binder 5o cigar better quality than most 10c cigaia. ' Tho friend who tnko3 your part sometimes forgets to return It. YES! IT'S TROE THAT THE FAMOUS HOSTETTER'S BITTERS is the best medicine and tonic you can take when the system is run-down when the stomach is weak when the liver and bowels are inactive when a real healthful maker is needed. TRY A BOTTLE TODAY It Always Gives Satisfaction HAppc TrVT THT llJUUCJ "Harem Skirt" Split Latest Drink szj 0 W GIVE" iKn dr ME A ?s mmMi MARtM f. wwwBwwsKeasrwsESB SKIRT sputJ UQ CDC CLEVELAND, O J. L. Saunders, who claims to have a farm about threo miles soiUi of Vhrlchsvlllo, hns somo new Idcns in tho lino of flapped drinks and frozen dainties which he is anxious to glvo to tho world. Armed with n blank contract and about six months' growth of whiskers, ho came to Cleveland, anxious to ox plolt somo of his Idcns. He wandered about tho city until ho bumped Into a drug storo on tho public Riuinro. "Aro you tho owner of this estab lishment?" asked tho prospective pur veyor of Ideas, eyeing tho white-coated soda clerk. "I'm not exactly the owner," an swered tho spirit presiding over tho bottles nnd glasses, "but If you want to mnko an offer for tho place, I might listen to you." "Well." said Saunders, "l'vo an Idea for you fellers. I'vo been reading that tho college boys and the Foclety girls aro In need of fnncy drinks. I Boston Man "Roasts" Baked Beans BOSTON. Tho baked bean that has made Uoston famous, tho succu lent oyster nnd beef extract, w'ero brnnded ns being Injurious or of no food valuo by Dr. Franklin White, lecturing nt tho Harvard medical school on "Di gestion." lie claimed that people could llvo more successfully on half the quantity of food taken. Prof. John II. Woods of Cambrldgo nlso aimed a blow at tho high cost of living by claiming that a 12 cent meal sufllceB for a day's work. "It is a hard thing to say In nos ton," Dr. White allowed, "but beans nro notoriously hnrd to digest. They may bo an excellent diet for ono lend ing an nctlvo outdoor life. While oy sters oaten raw aro digestible, they aro practically of no food value, for they aro mostly water. "I always feel that It Is pathetic to eco peoplo buying beef extracts for luvalid foods, knowing ns I do, thnt they cost so much and contain so lit- tlo of any value. "Twenty-five cents' worth of beef julco will yield only six parts of food value to tho body, while 23 cents' worth of eggs will yield 700 parts, and 25 cents' worth of milk 1,000 parts of real food value to tho human system. First Roof Garden for Shopgirls NEW YORK. Tho nrst roof garden In this country to be built express ly for tho use of women cmploeea of a department storo was opened recent ly In this city by a llrm employing near ly 2,000 women nnd girls. Any ono curi ous to know how tho roof gnrden and Its reseda tinted rest room walled with glass nro received by women employees should talk with ono of tho girls. Not thnt tho -women nro any less enthusiastic, but their adjectives nro not so picturesque. After tho placo was opened steps hnd to be tnken to stopthe girls from bolting their luncheon In order to spend 40 of tho allotted 45 minutes lunch time on tho roof. As n prccnu tlon ngnlnst nn epidemic of Indiges tion the manngcr of tho lunchroom hnd to make a rule that a safo num AWVWWVVMAWWWWWWM Love of Books KTROIT, MICH. "Spark" Is bin name. Ho Is only a Httlo yellow dog. Ho feels pretty bud, for hla mas ter haB left him forever. "Sprk" hns been tho solo companion of James Pyko, cobbler, since his wife died, four yenrs ago, but James became bo In firm that ho was taken to tho Arnold homo and "Spark" loft behind. When Mrs. Pyko was nllvo tho couple lived In a cottngo on Myrtlo, nenr Twelfth street, nnd with tho raonoy Pyko enrned mending old shoes nnd his pension, they had tho homo nearly paid for. Then Mrs. Pyko died. It was Pyko's love for books that, led to the loss of his home. Agents know whon his pension came, nnd would como up to tho llttlo shop in Twelfth streot to display tliolr goods. Jnmcs could not resist, and bought and bought. PaymentB lapsed, nnd nt last tho bouse was lost. For about threo years Pyko lived In tho shop and its ono room, four by six feet, crowded with encyclopedias nnd "Spark," his only companion. Pyko Is 75 and grow too occupied in reading to do much work. All h!u pension money went to pay for books a llttlo lltorary revel. -O- M.("? f I) 1 ain't had much to do but my chores nil winter and I havo been staying up ns Into an nino o'clock figuring some hlghtoundlng titles. Somo of 'ein would Umpire the oung with grand Ideas. "Now, tnke 'Tho White Man's Hope.' Wouldn't that bound fetchln' on glass of leu cream tody? You could add tho whites of a couple of eggs and glvo n guaranty that If tho col lego boys drank enough of 'em they could go out and lick Jack Johnson." "That's a good Idea," remarked tho clerk. "Hut," continued Saunders, "I got a better ono. Thcy's a lot of suffragists In town. Why not put a sign In tho window, 'Voto for Women Frappe?' That'd bring 'cm, I reckon. Reci procity cocktail would be a good tltlo tn pntfh them! neskv nolltlclnns when they lenvo tho courthouse and tho city ball. "Hut, listen to what I been figuring out for tho college boys and tho socie ty glrlH 'Rah-rah Fudge Served With Threo Cheers and llnrem Sklit Splits.'" "That's enough," paid tho fat boy behind the counter. "If wo utcd those ideas wo'd hnvo to build an addition to tho store, and tho tqunro Is too email as It Is." THAT YkW IS A TRAITOR TO BOTTOM HE SHOUL 5J BE PROSE CUTCO "It takes from 15 to P.O glasses of beef julco to equal the food valuo to the body of ono glnss of good milk. "Mcnt thnt Is cooked rare Is digest ed by tho stomach In Iwo hours, that which Is half roasted takes three hours, and that which 1b -wholly roast ed requires four hours to digest. "Dyspepsia Is called tho American dlscnse. Surely It Is not duo to tho fact that wo have not good food, but Is rather duo to our bad habits." A 12 cent breakfast Is all tho nour ishment Prof. Woods of 23 Inman street, Cambrldgo, who Is CG yean? old, requires to do a day's work consist ing of 12 hours reading and Btudy nnd a 10 or 15 mile walk. Prof. Woods nits down to his dally' meal nt fi:.'i0 a. m. Ho Is served with a cereal, a botip, four slices of wheat bread and four glass es of milk, ono of which Is hot. ber of minutes should bo spent on tho consumption of sandwiches, cream enkos and other things usually In cluded In girls' luncheons. Ono rea son for tho extra cnthuHlnsm of tho younger girls, whoso duties keep them on tho run most of tho time, Is thnt they have threo chances nt tho loot gnrden to ono chance enjoyed by older employees, each of them hnvlng 20 minutes rest time In tho forenoon nnd ngnln In tho nfternoon. Therefore nt niiy tlmo from 10 to 12 a. ni and from 2 to 5 p. m. a relny of girls will bo found In tho roof gnrden nnd dur Ing tho lunch hours, extending from 11 to 2:30, n relay Is certain to bo sharing tho plnco with older women. So far, except on stormy days, most of tho girls and many of tho women havo gono from lunch directly to tho open roof, stopping to got hats and coats from their lockers beforo going to the lunchroom, nnd tho rest periods aro often spent In the same way. "It Is good," said a manngcr, "to seo tho pink tlngo on tho girls' cheeks when they como In. Wo nllow them to play certain gnmes nnd to dnuco ail they want to on tho roof." Starves Co Ho uto loss nnd leus. A bit of bread nnd n llttlo milk sustained him for n duy. Neighbors brought him things occnRlonnlly and trlod to convlnco him his health was moro Important than books, but Jnmes Is an Englishman, born In Kent. Pyko becamo weaker, nnd finally was obliged to npply to O. M. Poo post, G. A. R., and tho post decided to placo him In tho Arnold homo and later to send him to tho soldlors" home. James said ho wanted to remain whoro ho was. "I can't leave 'Snarks' nnd my books." ho nniii nut. ting tho dog, his eyos roving over tho cherished volumes; but tho post of ficers persuaded and nt last James consented. After ho had been taken nwny, tho llttlo dog sat mournfully on tho door step, refusing to bo coaxed away. M-Z&iwZZZl. Amg& J rvo - k i a: A ( yr ts &i i vi v. :SXtevri " IGNORANCCr x ' " " "l " i7''"y ' 4g? "&&- .. - Old Gcntlemnn And what's jour name, my boy? Kid Sech Is fnmol I to don't roc ognl7o do 45-pound champcen of tho Tholtecnth ward I SCALP WAS BADLY AFFECTED "I nm moro than gratified by tho successful results 1 obtained by tho uso of tho Cutlcura Remedies. For several years my scalp was very bad ly affected with dandruff and Bcalen. My scalp Itched terribly at times nnd my hnlr fell out. My coat collar would bo nctually white with the dandruff that had fallen from my head. My profession being that of n barber, I was particular about having my hair In good condition, and was also In a position to try many lotions, etc., for the scalp. TIiofo had Utile or no ef fect. I had heard bo much about tho Cutlcura Remedies that I reiolved to try them. I shampooed my head with Cutlrura Soap twice n week and after drying my head thoroughly, I anointed parts of my scalp with Cutl cura Ointment. I was pleased from the outset, and continued to keep up thin treatment. To think that only threo cakes of Cutlcura Soap and ono nnd one-half bbxes of Cutlcura Oint ment rid my head of this nnnoylng trouble made mo feel quite contented. 1 liavo now got a thick growth of hair and I nm never troubled with any dnndruff or Itching of tho scalp. Thcro Is no question but that the Cutlcura Remedies cured me. I frequently recommend them to my customers, j nnd they think a great deal of them." (Signed) John V. Williams, 307 Nor folk Street, Dorchester, Uoston, Ma33 July 2S, 1910. Authority Is a misfit when somo peoplo aro clothed with it. Knrm for rent nmnlnun crop jafimriM, .1. Mnl hall, muui Cll) limn. Every man Is just enough of a liar to keep himself amused. Strong Healthy Women II a woman is strong and healthy in a womanly way, moth erliood means to her hut little suffering. Tho trouble lies in the fact that tho many women buffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and arc unfitted or motherhood. This can bo remedied. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cures tho weahncsnes and disorders' of women. It acts directly on tho delicate and important organs concerned in motherhood, making them Iicaltliyt strong, vigorous, virilo and clastic, "Favorite Prescription" bani-.hes tho indispositions of tho period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It quickens nnd vitalizes tho feminino organs, and insures n healthy and robust baby. Thousands testified to its marvelous merits. Makes Weak Women Strong. It Makes Sick Women Well. Honest druggists do not offer bubstitutes, nnd urge them upon you as "Just at f,ood." Accept no secret nostrum in placo of this non-secret remedy. It contains not a drop of alcohol and not a drain of habit-forming or injurious drugs. Is a pure glyceric extract cf healing, native American roots. A few yenra uko tho H-1G duzzIo lnrr tho inlnilH of every one. It wns milieu to no mo unruest puzzm to noivo ever m-J Yontoil tho Inventor polnir crazy In trylnrt to tlndl u nxod rule for solving It. Tlio "MukIu 15" 1'ur.zlol 1b an outgrowth of thut colebrated uuzzln It lie- InK dlncnvert'd wlillu try I riff to solvo tho 14-102 Bloater l'uxsle. San You mm This SfiliKlr U1IIIJL, rriON'K rinv numlinr Inclusive, In tlio el u lit vacant circles on tho above'' or any similarly nrranitod nhoot of paper or othor niuiuriat in bucii n. innnner mat any wuy tno num bors are added, rinrprndlculnrly, horizontally and dlarroually (Includlnir tho number In cunter circlal tho total will be IS, The anmo number cannot bo used moro than once. Kevr will Kt all 8 columns. Somo will porulbly gtt 6 columns. Wrlto your natno and addross naatly, accurately and plainly on your answer and mall or deliver your solution oexora p m aionany, May io, iii, to inn con test Department. Bchmcllcr & Mueller, 1311-1318 Farnam street; Omalia, Nebr. Only One rnamher of a famllr miv tntr Onlj- ono solution will bs acceptad from the! lima conieatani. No one connectod with the music trado, nor first prlza winners In prevloun contests may onter. Neatness, besides the correctness of tha reply ant us, will bo taken Into consideration In award lne tha prizes, Contest closes Monday, May 15, at 6 p. m. Try it now. Hend In your replies as aarly an possible. WINNEUS WILL 11B NOTIFIED ny MAIL Tying Contestants Share Aliko. SGHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. CONTEST DEI'T., A. 1311-1313 Farham Street, Omaha, 1UaSitvXi&altStitr ALCOHOL-3 PKR CENT AYcgcfnble Preparation for As similating llteFooilnntincgul.v ling ilie Slomachs nnd Bonds of wmmmimm Promotes DigCElion,Cliccrful ncssantUlcst Contains neither Opitim.Morpln'nc nor Mineral Not Nauc otic Kttipt trOM DrSAMUmVtSR Jt-npktn Sua' 4txSti AUMffSlj . iiV StiJ JfittmiiU IHtn Sttd Cfaifti Sufi iftiikyrtt Jitter AncrfcclKcmcttv forConsllw lion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ncss ami LOSS OF SLEEP Tac Simile Signature of' TlIK CKNTAUli CONPANY. NEW YORK. cGunrmitccd under the Pooling Exact Copy of Wrapper. Out of Date. "I nm going to ask your father to night for your hand In marriage" "How dreadfully old fahhloned you nre." "In whnt way?" "Don't iwk him; tell him." Kill the Files Now and Keep die.iH- nwnv. A DAISV VIA KII.l.F.R Will ill) It. Klllll UlOllNIIIlls. llhtHlllI K'.'t-dll. A hi; our dt-nli'i', or mid I!0o to II. HUM MUS, 100 DoKnlli Ave. UiooMyti, N. Y. If you nre ncuualnted with happi ness introduce him to your neighbor. E. Brooks. Mrs. Wltmlow'a Rnntiitng flynip (or Children trrthlhir. BofiniH the jmpii", reduce IuRn tiimu tlon, ulluyx ulii,i-urc-M wtml colic, Sic u Imttlc. Tho only proof against disappoint ment Is to expect tho unexpected. W r . Y K"."! i:r.!imT),ni:.;;;imi!:Hi'Hiiiiiiini;i;i;;i;mM!li;,r . v - TfflfaFaB MA i -was - rfmfAivyxra'Swk fih sp sjrami Kcirrj K.'M ffnuniTiJT-- TO ir wsi rniriwimim's?nn u.mh9 K iiWISj-M mmsmamm j Hffl TPO TiUSSBSWBA BBb. UidHU mm wjr waaaajtaun -hkilk " fct- WifflSJE t-Bssflfe ojn fissMBV ta M .A r'JDII of women havo UwISiuSm TRY THIS IEI-MH.ONDS-FREE Another Opportunity to Many Articles of Genuine Diamond Jewelry. KIItST I'ltl'K Genuine Diamond Illnc. HICCOND 1MU7.E Genuine Diamond Scnrf Tin. TIIIItD riUZU Irfidy's tiold Watch. rOUUTII PK1ZIC aentleinan'n M'ntcli. KIKTII 1M117.II: Oold Wntch Fob (l.ndy'a or Gentleman's). Will b awarded In the ordor named to th five persons sending tin tho neatest and correct answers. To all others anaworlnc this advertlsotnant wo will irlvo nbHolutely froo a very nont jewelry present and othor valuulo prizes, whether answers bo correct or not. wai occutiy- generally rttl-li I kim from 1 to O.S HAVIS YOU A PIANOT Namo (Write plainly.) Address ynfi BSSeBTHmI m tm$ 1 Ulllfi For Infanta and Children. i i The Kind You Have Always Bought SCJTT. VIBBMMEfflffll DEfFI&M STARCH-!! IS ouncei to tlio pickufta oilier dttrrlH't only 12 ouiiinn oino ptlce nj "DEFIANCE" IU OUPEHIOn QUALITY. PAKKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clrtmn r1 fototUIti tht hair. ITinn.t-i & luiurianl growth. Ier Falls to IlMtoro Ormy llilr to ltn Toumrui uoior. Cum traip iliiMKt hlr liUloj. jOt,rulll")tt DnitfllU Tb FasiTior's Son's Qreat Opportunity vnrnnior tint oia rnrm to Drromn yuuriuucniunroT tii-niniiun to prnparn ror jour lutaro yninporiiT nna indepen dence). A groat uppor Imiltr nualM jnu In Manitoba, Mia Ii n IcheuMi or Alberta, nhnrn jou can rctiro u Freelloiun. elcail or liujr lomlatrea aonaulu prices. Now'stheTime not a jrar from now, filicn land will to hind er. Tho tirriflLA .ncurpri tho iihnniljiiit ertniM or Wlioat, lut uuil llurlny, ill nis (jikiii raininy, aiu Iriif u ntcadr adranrn In ill cp. (JoTomrnrnt rnurns ihow that tho fiuiiihnr of anttlr In AVosliirn C'urinila from U. M. wn no tier cant ror In 11)10 tlinn thu jinn lonnj cur. for tlit-lr liiixl nut nf thn irornUn nf ono crop. lrro llomttiitonili nf 100 ktiii mill ito-iniitloni of mi nrrcn ut H;i.utinu aero, lino fllniuto, cood srliooli, xcllrnt ralhruy fnrllltlen, low freight rntrs; wikxI. wa ter nnd lumber emllr ol tnlnml. I-or pmplnt "Ijist linrt Wert." partlciiliirsin to lultablo location nnd low ncltlnrfi' nitr, spplr to Hupt of Iinmlamtlon, Otuwn, Caa.,ortoCanadlun UoT't Agent. W. V. BENNETT Doe Bulldlno Omahs, Neb. (Uto adilrrn nrarett jrou.) 17 LINCOLN, NO. 19-1911. Obtain Absolutely Free TryThis-lt Can Be Done WMXL U.W. Bears the JaJL Siematrrm SLU (Z Use VA For Over Thirty Years t g UKtin 'Wr.WJSI try HTKpesg ron rTCKVM ffVKrWt BisTftBtabd acxu GAUMS! W0m 1 1 1 nr-i n i. K Lvra;9"irj3rf wm - W. N. u.. inuiiwWTfZrttrr3EXtl-,T" j2SE&&&xmm "WttgBaioai