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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1911)
SPECIAL SALE OF HEADQUARTERS NOTICE : If TO QUIT P. i For Everything in the HOUSE FURNISHING Line. Also a fine line of PIMNOS Undertaking a Specialty. All the Phones. I Ed. Amackp Prop. vvAAyN'AAy''AA Real Estate Dan Garber & Co. Red Cloud, Nebraska SIJVIPSOH & KlJiWOflTflY Successor To A. C. Bradshaw Exclusive Dealers In Hay,!Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : : PHONE US YOUR ORDERS. BELL RED 57 CATARRH prl mSSBSW - "OJ Jay-fever" W. w, tlf- &S Elvs Cream Bal.iv; Thin Romocly Is n Spoclflc, Suro to Civo Satisfaction. OIVE3 RELIEF AT ONCE It iloanoH, fiimtlu'x, ln'iiN, mul protects the diwi il membrane. Jt cur.- t'liliurli mid ilnv.-s iiwiiy u C.-M In tie- ,.,l ipueMv. Itc-tores the Sense-, nf Taste uml Smelt. Iiie.v to use. Contains ho iiijinioits drugs. Applied itjlo i ho nostrils uml absorbed. Imup Sb.o, r.0 routs ut DruggUtB or by mail j Triul Ki. 10 cents by niutl. ELY BROTHERS. 5G Warren St.. N.w York. Horsemen Attention. H. A. Johnson has his string of Horses and Jacks at his barn in Red Cloud for the season of 1911. Phone Farmers Rural 186. Order To Show Cause. "suit; nt Nijlirsisl.n Welisler ouiiu lr. TlHii'iiiuts i ourt Al a Coiintj Court Mthl ul lliii l.iuiily court i ooni hi unit for said (nuiil W nines, day. Miij 3. A. M.. Hill. In Hi nuiltrr of tliv estate of lomi Kmtck, Dt'ccuRCd. 0 rending ami IIIIiik tho petition ot Ve i m V. Knilck, nicil mi tho :m ,tiiy ,j .mhj, A. I)., 11U1. iirnylnt; for ihu examination nml ntlowumeof lilt, iiimi account ol the winm ilati;, il ill erec of assignment of tlio limit . IohkIiii: tohultl estiite lo tlio perMuis ullilcil to tlio giuiicuiid there upon nn order ill. charKliiB him front further burden nml her hcrvlce In his hmIiI oillco an i:ieutor. Oiihi.umi, That Tuesday, the Sid day of Miij.A. 1)., inn, nt om oVlock p, 1V1., louMilitiicil for liemliiK said petition, when nil IKTHWiKlnicriHUil'lnRnld mutter may appear at a Cuunty Court to l.o held In ami f,)r uald uountynndblion eaiine why piayer of pull 'tlunertliniild iiot.liKrniitiH; and iliat notice of Ihu pendency of Mild piitliloii ami tlnduai. in i; thereof be glvnu lo all persona Jnteicstert and Loans Chief Office In Mild mutter, ly pulilMilm; n copy o( ttilH order In the lied cloud Chief, n iieeklj news paiur printed In xald county, for thiee eon-hceutlM- weeks prim- IomiIiI day of hcarlin;. M I I. V. Ciiso.v Couiltv. Indue. Iiiimiid MeNtiiy, Attorney for Petitioner. InXliJLPJSlrlctjCqurt of Webster toun- t, Nebraska. W illiam Miiumlirh. I'lalnllil. s. 'riiiiid..-.:iiiiidiih. MiMiiiiandiiSiiiiiiderh. Mho,ereiililiht mime Is unknown. MalUsa chiiuihi rlaln. -V-C'lmmler-lain. Iiusliaml of MallW-Clniinl.erlaln. nhoM-retil II t hi inline is unknown. m,s. William Saumler-., iiimsi- real Mint name Is uukuoivu. wife of Mllllaui aumleis. 'I Iniddeus Nllimleis. Cella Saiiudi is. wife ol, is Minn- di i. Nellie Maude Mamie. Husband of Nemo Maude, whose real Him mimelMinkniiwn. lolin.V.sbli. Mrs. lobu wlf, of Inhu whim,, real llrst name-Is Mrs. Clare Ne. 1.11. lie of , hue whose real Hist mime In unknown. ,. ,int,r. Ilalph Hunter, her liiiHl.nud. Crancls Nesl.ll. riiomas, Mael Neshlt. and .iniuel saundvM. .. , . Mefemlaiiu. I be.nbue named non-resident ilefendanlH will take notice that on the l.sth dav ot No yembei imn Willi,,,,, v,.,umie,s. 'pialntui herein llled his petition the IHstrlet Court of Webster Ciiunly. Nel.raska iwaliiKt the alH.Ne named rtefendanu. the object ami prayer of which Is tAleteni,,vt. rlyht of the parll, In the nl ,.,.,. to the follow lim dceiibed premises situated In . b,ier( ouu ty Nebriiska: Klrlpollthi entire wis, side.. f t -Mil Section No. II, 1 Township No. , Nr,," "lUamjeV... n. Wist of the mi, p. m ,, Webster County Neh,nska..bclu r.claui;,i mr InOoim and eoutalnlni! thirl, en and ninety one hundredths aeris and known iik the Haundcrs land. and lor a judgment eontl. ,!,, tin shares o helmr.1eHto,heab,,sedesc,..,e,. pre.nlH. esand for a pariltion of said al,ve described premises nerorillin; m (he nierthP rlKht8 of the panics Interest, , tlion-ln and If he ...mecaunotbccMultably dlvld.d. that Mild premises besoldand the proccls l, dIMded Iwtwwn the parties hereto accrdl.m l their res,.ewherl,ls;audlor,nerale(1uliab.e Youarere-iulrel lo answer said petition " eforelhe.'llhday ol Mv I'm Hrtlid April II, mil, W.,.M S),vfM, !s, Hy llvrniird MeNen His Attorney. Widow's Pension, Tlie reeont act of April 10th. mop givos to nil Holdtoiv wblows n pension of 312 per tnonth. ,-(.,! Mutirer, tlio attorney, has, nil necessary blanks. .. . .. . , ,t , t .,.,..,., To Mnry, atnntllng grimly ready for action with hor broom In ono hand and her pail of sawduat In tho other, lit was n sign of mental nnd moral weakness for a teacher to remain In her room ono mlnnlo after the dla tnlpfial bell rang To MIhh Hlrd, breathing in the free dom 'of thoHe welcome nilnitteH, It va8 a glorious opportunity for pPiHonnl talks with dcllniiuotita for rum maglng through tnblo drawers and lingering over droll compositions. Sometimes alio oven sat for a mltnito or two In utter Idleness, Just to look at empty scuts and fancy their own erfl' faceB, mlHty and dim above them. Allsu Hird hived her work. Mary loved her work, too. Hut Mary lovod hors for the spoed with which It could bo accomplished and unfortunately Mary's work began only when Miss Hlrd's ended. If Miss Hlrd had not been a novico In her profession bIio might havo discovered earlier Mary's impatience to invade her domain. Hut in her Innocence sho fallod to do so. The great cloud of dusr tffiil poured ominously from the drosslng room as soon aB tho children had marched away Irritated her nostrils or evoked a snooze. It never Impressed her as tho shadow of a coming event or set her to thinking of tho utiBwept room. Tho intermittent uproar In tho corri dor brought a fleeting thought that tho mop or broom In use there must be badly worn down, but aho nover interpreted thnt thumping as the her ald of tho approach of her rightful iuc cessor. Each succeeding night still found hor sitting at her desk. Once, as she was leaving tho build ing at a quarter after 4, sho fancied that Mary looked troubled Miss Hlrd smiled to her. Then Mary spoke solicitously. "Ain't you ever afrnld of gottln cold, slttin' In that chilly room?" "Well, the temperature does go down." replied Miss Hlrd, "but I don't mind much." "It's tho worst thing you could do nfter beln" In the heat all day," Mary assured her solemnly "Perhaps she's right," Mlaa Hlrd re flected as sho loft the building "I must got the habit of leaving early.' On the car going homo Miss Bird thought with gratification of the look of anxiety on Mary's face. What a lot of' unsuspected sympathy tho world held for us, after all! And Mary was right, Miss Hlrd told herself. Sitting In that cold room was most unwise. Hut the next evening there -wore reports to bo made out and she did not care to tako them homo. Sho 'had been at work on them for a hair hour when she heard some one fumbling nt her door with it koy Through th6 glass she recognized Mary's head stu diously bont As tho tenchers lock their doors before leaving, the sweep ers are provided with pass keys. Mary was using hers now. Miss Hlrd roso and stepped toward the door. Mary looked up In surprise, then opened the door nnd put her head in. ' "I beg your pardon. 1 thought yon' was gone" Sho halted. "The other teachers are kooping scholars," -alio ndded significantly "I didn't seo no scholars bore " "I'll bo gone In Just a few minutes, now," said MIhs Hird. "All right. Then, If you don't mind, 1 like to bo putting tlio sawdust around while I'm waiting." Mary distributed the .sawdust with such vigor that Miss Hlrd had to movo with some dexterity lo escape It. r-'or hovoral days after that Miss Hlrd depnrted as soon as she could gather together hor possessions. In doing so she had no thought of Mary. She had slmpls come to the conclu sion that remaining after hours was somehow unwholesome Sho began to lake a pride in leaving early Then came the last day of the woek, and with it coniplalnls of her ranks. Mutiny was astir. So 3 :t0 found her facing the occupants of four front seats. They were acknowledged law break ers, every one, but they had to bo dealt with reasonably. This matter was complicated by the fact that all four versions of tho tort for which they were held differed radically. It was still further Intensified by n deaf ening noise from tho corridor. Indeed It seemed that the last word of overy well directed question was lost In a torrlflc vibration of pound waves Just outside tho room. Miss Hlrd was puzzled. The whacks seemed to indicate careful nlm and regularity of stress, but they wore not those of an ordinary hammer. It was probably some necessary piece of carpentering, but It was most un fortunate Sho bore It as long as she could. Then with a throbbing head, she dis missed tho disorderly four and went into the dressing room for hor wraps. Her dressing room door, leading In to the hall, was opened. As she stood whisking the dust from hor hat, sho heard tho 'volco of one ot tho othor sweepors from tho landing Just nbove them. "What tho matter, Mary?" Mary was now at tho other end of tho hall. "Oh, I'm stung again! Stung on overy room!" Miss Hlrd hoard Mary say between thumps, "but 1 guess this poltin' 'iill soon get 'era all out!" For a moment Miss Hlrd flitshed. Then sho lenned back wearily against tho door tad laughed. The Prescott Music Co. of Lincoln, one of the oldest music houses in the state is offering for ten days a number of high grade, fine toned, elegant pianos to RED CLOUD people OVER MINER BROS. STORE. Several different makes of strictly high grade instru ments are on display, and we ask you to call and look them over. Fine tone, good finish and a piano that you would be proud to own. Our prices are right You can buy a first class piano on easy terms, bypay ing part of the purchase price down, and the balance on easy monthly payments, j We will take vour old or gan or piano in as first payment. We have plenty of good music and we invite you to come in and hear them played on the piano. Call early and get first selection. We will treat you right. Free to Each Adult a Book of Old Time Songs. Plenty of Music all the Time. Entrance On Main Street. Prescott Music Co. WILLIS LETNER, SALESMAN Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. - FIRE 1 INbUKANCL POLICY" Don't Delay Ordering a fire insurance policy from us a single day. Fire isn't goinp to btay nwny becntino you are not In sured. In fact, it seems to pick out tho man foolish enough to be without A FII9E INSURANCE POLICY Havo us lssuo you n policy to-day. Don't hesitate about the matter. Tho fire llond may- huvo your house down on tho list for a visit this very night. MARK WHA Tl SAY O C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Read the adds in the Chief Twi mil Lt Teddy, Teddy, Rough and Ready, Like the Rabbit, get the Habit OF TRADING WITH Atkins 8 Barber Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, : Window Shades, and : UNDERTAKING Red Cloud, vvAWvA Swiff's szSb lOhS Premii im '" lams -h and Bacon For Sale BY- Jqin Yost THE "Dutch Butcher" ii ft ?r!!t-QEA ; Nebraska WHEN YOU VISIT the snot whore lies a dopartod lovod one, it's only natural to feel pride in seeing l A Becoming Monument mnrk the crave. You have an' im. marKert grave You're thinking about the moiHimoU. Visit us-we will heln j on. uur tnodorate. juu, wur WwriC IS ns nrr Pi,. - ---... v. uai 1'i'N ED. McALISTER RED CLOUD, A Inp about o will help h . CliargcB NEBRASKA iX'Z SH S"- "wmrwn.p