The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 11, 1911, Image 7
ww m&mmimml"wmsmmmi -..; jwimmmf9- ' i.umm nH.HlM'i hhhiihh I V'A- ""''' '""' ? t--v hooiymssmn $3.50 RECIPE CURES WEAK KIDNEYS, FREE I RELIEVES URINARY AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, BACKACHE, STRAIN INO, 3WELLINQ, ETC. v ISAIAH'S CALL 1 IfIAJ Vyy TN " Vf 1 s TO SERVICE I D C...J. C.L-.I t .. I u inn I U1N Css kjuuuaj uvnuni i.ciidii ivr may l?, lll I 3 Specially Arranged lor This Pipet jj I JH -l 'J XW 8B(i(7J raSSPVH lUnl'" flfcrf1 tf ftE33vs' moroj i ' 3Y m22V&maGI7X33 HK unrest (lint lino Ions oNlRtcd nnioiiii tlio Hodonin tribes In thono regions of Palestino oast nf tho Jor- ilnn, and further south tilong tho llnu of tho now Mecca railroad, broke Into open revolt ngnlnst tho Turkish nuthoiitles, and already has been marked by serious vio lence and bloodshed. Tho Turkish Kirrlson at Kurntc, a tmvnwlth a population of several thousand, ly liiK on tho uplands of Moab a few miles east of tho south end of tho Dead sea, was overconio and put to Bword by tho hordes of Hedoulns which havo In fested it like locusts. Tho military governor was among tho slain. Tho many (Jreek-ehurch ami Latin Christians of Korak havo lied to Hammond. A. part of American tourists, Including some la dles, were Btopplng there enrouto for tho lock hewn city of Potra when tho outbreak occurred, and were obliged to abandon their trip. They succeeded in getting out of the town with the help of soma friendly Hedoulns who attempted to guard thorn In an effort to reach Hebron, but they were robbed of everything but tho animals they rode, by other Hedoulns, and at last succeedod In reach Ing tho shelter of Hebron. No Christians havo boon killed, na tho enmity of tho Hedouins la against the government. Tho Hedoulns havo also torn up the Mecca rail way for long stretches between Zlzeh and Katra neh, a distance of about 100 kilometers. Tho tele graph wires have boon cut outside of Kcrak, and Btatlou masters and their assistants have been killed. Tho Hedoulns .now hold the region trav ersed by tho railway, creating a most serious situ- ' "" u,r nw! V &'' yrr-i wsMsSsBsm aaaSW'' VWfaAVIaik' ".''S&&W&'J8X :&ffltii ;Sfl zwarnKxt czsTT ariw&LK-c&xzzs orEEzwzzwiunroLT atlon, as It closed tho outlet northward to tho tons of thousands of Moslem pilgrims now In Mecca for their great and annual feast, tho Aid el Keblr. If tho caravan route from Mecca to Jcddah on tho Red Sea, is also held by tho Hedouin, It would closo the way out to tho thousands of pilgrims from Kgypt and India, a stato of tilings which would call for prompt and decisive action. Tho limited food supply at Mecca would bo quickly exhausted and could not bo easily replenished. Much excitement was caused in Jerusalem by the discovery that Kcrak was In Haines, ns could bo plainly seen from elevated places In and about tho city. Different rumors aro current, ono of which is that Korak is being destroyed by tho Turkish troops bocauso of tho discovery that tho chiefs of tho town woro secretly In loaguo with tho Hedoulns. Mcdaba, whero tho famous mosaic map of tho fourth century of tho sacred places in I'nlestlno was unearthed some years ago, has Just been oc cupied by several Turkish regiments, and Is bo llcved to be safo from attack. it is stated that tho French consulato hero has Just received a telegram from Its Damascus agent that Saml Pashn, who has recently succeeded in suppressing tho Druso rebellion in tho Horan, has hastened with his troops to tho sccno of tho Hc douln trouble. Further reports Btnto that ho la dealing with tho Hedoulns with groat severity. Tho largo Hedouin population of Palestino and tho region through which tho Mecca railway ex tends Is divided into many tribes. If thero oxlated unity of aim and action nmong them, their oppo sition to tho Turkish government would bo most formidable For these trlbos nro often at war among themselves and thero is no spirit of or ganization or cohesion among them. Hut ovon ns It Is they havo presented a sorlous problem to tho government. It Is only within a few years that tho tribes on tho cast of tho Jordan, opposlto Jerusalem, tho Adwan and tho Henl Sukhcr, havo been brought tinder a sort of looso control, and that Kcrak has been occupied by a garrison, and Ilkowlso tho Ro doulnB In tho south, around Decr-ahoba, whoro a Govornmont center was established only recently. At tho latter place n scralyo has been built, und also a niosquo to plcaso tho Hedoulns. A small town has sprung tip which is tho nowc3t town of Palestino and Is distinguished by being tho first to hnvo water works as well ns bolng tho site of tho Bcor-sheba of Abraham's tlmo. Tho nuno means "Soven Wells," nil of which havo been lo cated. It is from ono of theso tho water Is pumped for tho uso of the town. An abortlvo attempt was mado about threo years ago to plant another center furthor south and so VL .fe? ,. II mzJippAY if? vaizst V f . - i " " ij S . . ..-7 i- f M ,.i ijlx).a ii.f : ,: "s -iPfc'n&zKjaL mmmEm&dm&mB, mma &sl tm&-r'?-- ' VV '"""! "V. "T -. "555'K3ia9 ftSHftWuiiM wfrv tusiwgfimmu Mir .MtaoMimBcaBBaowii " hMSMi&S's&st!s3irMiM&&M i I rssnV TIIXT -HiHhIi 0 M.-nmry m qiH ti S m qiH ti S JO IM:.N Ti:T "I hrni.l tin- int. r of I lu I .mil. HIUlllK. WIlOIII Hllllll I M"ll.l. Hill vl .i will tin fur im" l'lirn hhIiI I, hctii It til I HlMlcl lllf " lid. I TI.MIC Thf iilt lin KlltK t'zlAN rlit'il. wlirli win illi'oi'lii'i) II. ('. 7.', or ill .itlnM It ' 741'. 11 An: Tin' 'IViiipIr In .Iprutitlpiti. K I SHIS In Nrji'l, .Mcn.ilirin, In An un, - li ii i -vln it ti III. 72ZVZ!3ff ZR0OPJ QffPJtf&UZS AT MZZuQ-2XZ3a extend tho Jurisdiction of tho government Tho Pasha of Jerusalem, with his retlnuo of civil and military ofllclals, at that tlmo gathered tho Ho doulns of tho region, and gavo them presents and, with great pomp, read a mesago from tho Sultan. As part of tho ceromonlea many of tho Hedouin boys were brought together to receive presents of clothing, etc., and to bo circumcised. Hut a re port was started that this would mark them for being taken as soldiers later, and they tied from tho proposed rite. These now government stations, nnd tho at tempts of tho ofllclals to lngratlato themselves with tho Hedoulns hitherto not subject to tho gov ernment, were in pursuance of a policy adopted by tho Constantinople authorities about 20 years since looking to breaking up tho old nomadic and Inde pendent llfo nnd habits of theso sons of Ishmncl. Tho plan was to get tho Hedouin youth into a special government school for thom at Constanti nople, to ronfer titles and glvo presents to tho chiefs, to gradually push forward among the tribes tho !lno which mnrked tho limit of the authority of the government, and flnnlly to disarm and enroll them with n view to military service nnd tax-levying. However but llttlo has been accomplished along theso lines. Tho building of tho Mecca rnilway, which was hoped would forward tho government policy, has, Instead, led to complications and conflict. Tho road has had to bo constantly patroled by mounted troops, for tho nedoulns havo been all along greatly opposed to it, especially because it deprived them of tho very considerable business they had in hir ing tholr camels to carry pilgrims nnd their bng- gage to and from Mecca. For a tlmo tho payment of "hush money," or nnnual allowances to tho sheikhs of somo of tho tribes by tho government, kept them (pilot. Hut recently Hlzza Pasha, formerly military governor of Jcrusalom, now In charge of the post at Medina, has attempted to hold n strongor hand over the unruly tribes, and he discontinued tho payment of tho "allowances." This led the Hedouins to attack tho railway sta tions, tear up the track, etc. This was in tho far south. Tho troubles at Karak wero precipitated by an nttempt of the government to enroll tho Hedoulns and disarm them. This applied not only to tho Nomadic tribes but to tho towns pcoplo and vil lagers, ninny of whom nro Christians. An incident illustrative of how this operates occurred tho other day at 12s Snlt, on tho other sldo of tho Jordan. A member of a woalthy Christian family of tho town was in tho Holds with some of his men. As usunl nnd necessary in this parts, ho was armed. A Turkish oflleor with a few soldiers attempted to disarm him and tako his rifle, resulting In his shooting and killing tho oflleor, nnd In ho and his men being at onco Bhot by the soldlors. His broth er was npprchended nnd taken to Damascus. It seems premature to attempt to dlsnrm tho peoplo of these towns and vllitges thnt aro ex posed to th attacks of tho Hedouin, and In sock ing to do so tho government is facing a difficulty with which it will bo hnrd to copo. It is thought tho government will bo nblo Jo put down tho present uprising without much do lay. It Is most unlikely that tho disturbances will extend far beyond their present area. Mio(os ir When tho tlmo comes that an avia tor may mako adjustments of his car bureter as well us other portions of tho motor upon which ho depends even more than doos tho chauffour on his autoniobllo engine, tho problem of carburetlon will not present so many dlfllcult vtaws. Tho ordinary carburotor, says Victor Lougheed, author and englnoor, Is in most respects a nonposltlvo mecha nism, In consequenco of which Us func tioning Is nttendod with many uncer tainties. This Is obviously truo oven in tho automobile field. Increase tho motor car difficulties many fold nnd ndd tho euro that tho aviator' has to exerclso In operating bis flying machine and you may ro- alizo what carburetlon in nlr-macblne motors mentis. Yot tho carbureters in flying ma chines aro very similar to thoso In tho best autoniobllo engines. To so euro uniformly proportioned fuol, It Is necessary that tho fuel lovol In tho atomizing nozzlo bo mulntnlncd fair ly constant. Also for vuriablo speed engines, it Is dcslrablo that tho car bureter action bo such as not to de rnngo tho mixture materially through tho suction from different speeds. With no means of compensation, at hlghor onglno Bpcods and consequent higher suction oxtra air Is admitted through a valve automatically oper ated, opening wider as tho suction In- t creaseB. Other means of nrrlvlng at a Blmllar result nro admission of nlr through positively controlled valves Interconnected with tho usual butter fly throttle, or by devices that reduce tho orlflco of tho atomizing nozzle. In ninny carbureters mado for auto niobllo uses tho flonts and float cham bers aro mado concentric in form, sur rounding tho ntomlJng nozzle, tho piirposo being to maintain tho level of fuel in tho nozzlo, regardless of fore-nnd-nft or lateral tilting of tho ve fcicla. In a flying muchlno this scorns hnrd ly necessary, because longitudinal tilting novor under normal conditions can exceed tho comparatively flat an gles of gliding or nscendlng, whilo lateral tilting Is compensated for by tho centrifugal forco sot up. In turning, which acts upon tho liquid within tho float chamber as well as upon other el ements In tho machine. Many of tho foremost deslgnors fnvor posltivo fuel Injection Into tho cylinders In placo of carburotors. This posltivo form admits of much closor tcgulation than is pnssiblo with tho carburetor. Hecauso tho Injection may bo timed, it permits of high comprcs Mona without prelgnltlon, tho Cuol In jection being dolayod until tho Igni tion Is wanted. Obviously ono of tho chief objec tions to tho general employment of fuol Injection Is that of commutatlng tho fuel to tho different cylinders without tho objectlonnblo schenio of employing a plurality of pumps, ono for each cylinder. This, besldos ndd Ing complication, scarcely will ndmlt of such adjustment ns to glvo exactly uniform results In all of tho cylinders difficulty which Is no grcntor than that of equalizing tho intake manifold from a carburotor bo as to pioduco uniform feeding. (Copyrlcht. 1011, by W. a. Chapman.) Thin Is a honiPinUHlonary lesion. Vt aro asked to trad Isalnh U-l. What home inlHMloiuiry thoughts are to bo found there'.' Tlioso glowing sentenciH ate In many partli'iilum faithful pic tines of our wealthy modern nations. There are the unexampled movement of ImmliM'ntion, the aping of evil run loins from other luiiiN. tint ast wealth, the mammon-worship, tho ptlde, tho social w tongs and oppressions, the inlHovt'iniuent, the devotion to fash ion ami luxury, ami In It all a nuclnus of nobility that will bring about tho utmost triumph of godliness. There Is ns great need that we should work for our count ry as that Isaiah should work for his; and, though wo aro so much Inferior to Isaiah, yet (Sod calls us In essentially the same way to tho sumo great service. The literary qualities most conspic uous In Isaiah is the wealth and lit it llaney of Ills Imagination. No other Old Testament writer has the name power of pli'tuiesquii and graphic de scription. There a no other Hebrew author who furnishes the reader with so many quotable sentences. One can Imagine tho people of .leriiHnlem sto plug one another on the street, to toll and hear the latest fioni tho prophet. This, of course, was precisely what lie desired and Intended. Isaiah was a humorist ami satirist In the truest sense of the word. This Is evident from his vivid, quaint description ot the strange manufactured Idols and linages of wutshlp, ftotn his curious and vivid plcltiic of female luxury and fashion In his day. The events of his tlmo may bo aumkned. up In two momentous occur rence The llrst was the advance of the Assyrians upon the small states of Syria and Palestine, pnrnlyzlng their national consciousness, and with this also their national religious. .Itulali was not destioyed like Samaria, but Its Independence was lost, and It was the prophet's chief MlltlcnI task to enable his country to adjust Itself to tno new conditions. As a politician Isaiah's ninxlm was "no politics." Ho strongly dlssuad"il Ahuz from entan gling himself with Assyria, but when his advlco was dlsregatded and .ludah become subject to Assyria ho resist ed with equal strentiousness all at tempts to throw off tho Assyrian yoke The second occurrence wan tho fall of Samaria, by which the mission of united Israel bocauio the heritage of Judah alone. During all, thoso troub lous times Isaiah was tho loading statesmen of his country. Isaiah was flllod with fear of n vision bocauso It was u vision of God, and tho Hebrews believed that no ouoJ could sco Cod and live. Isaiah loved Cod, and Instinctively ho propared to Join his volco to tho sornphs' chant, but cro the harmony could pass his lips ho caught his breath and was dumb. A horrible scuso of uncloan ness sclicd him. Ono of the bright sornphs, "glowing as wllli lire, and with wings llko tho lightning flash," took a hot stono with tongs f i oni the altar and touched Isa iah's" lips with It in token of purifica tion. Tho hot stono Is n stono kept In all ancient Oriental households ns a means of applying heat to household purposes. Why does Jehovah seek a man to go on his errands, when ho has tho winged seraphs? Hecauso mou can reach men bettor than angels can. Only onco did Cod chooso a completely filnlcss preacher. Always, but that onco, God has choson sinful men; nnd, not seldom, tho most sinful of men ho could got to speak to their fellow-men about sin and salvation. Isaiah was quick to offer himself as tho nioseti gor, bocauso ho felt himself, with hU sin romoved, both fit and ablo for service, and wanted to show his grat Itudo for what had been, dono for htm. How doos this marvelous chapter ap ply to our nation nnd to homo mis sions? It contains n messago of doom and a messago of hopo and promise. Which shull it bo for our nation? Tho former, If Christians aro heedless of tho great work before them, to evan gelizo tho masses of our fellow-countrymen that do not know Christ. Tho latter, If homo missions nro earnestly promoted, In tho spirit and power of our Lord. Ono of the chief problems of homo missions in the lurgo number of for eign immigrants. When tho United States Is prosperous moro than a mil lion of theso como to our shores overy year, and ubottt throo-fourths of thom remain. Homo missionaries meet tho immi grant at Kills Island and glvo him a Illblo and a word of kindly mlvlco. Tho American Hlblo society sends its colporteurs Into tho most noglectcd re gions. The American Sunday School union oignuizes Sunday schools wher ever n fow can bo brought to. pother, and from theso schools mmy churches spring. Our churches ;lvo to homo missions more than $10, J'OO.OOO overy year, and tho denom national home-mission boards aro push ng aggressively Into all tho needy tor ltory. Thero nro many bright spots tu tho homo mission Hold. Stops Pain In the Bladder, Kidneys and Onck. Wouldn't It bo nice within a week or so to IiprIu to nay giinilliji' foteWr to tll'i tint tiling, (liitilttltig, Httaliilnir, or too fre quent p.iMMiiKo of urine; tlio foichcatt nrul tint ti.ii'k-of-tlte-hnnit iii'Iiph; the Flitches ntiit piliit In 1 1 in Itiu-K; tlm growing hum cti wonltnrHs; xpots I m fore tlio eyes; vol low nitlti; HttiKKkli bowel; swollen eyo llils ii r atiltlrtt; leg cramps; unnatural short lueath; ulccplrsHiioHn ntiit tlio do Bponileni'y? I luivo a reelpo for theso troubles tint you enn depetiil on, ami If you want to niaki) n Qt'li'IC lli:C'OVi:UV, you ought to wilto ami K'"t n copy of It. Many a doctor would elint Re you J.I.M Just for writing tlila prrm'ilptlou, but 1 havo It unit wilt be glail to scant It to you entire ly free, .lust tit op mo n Ilnn lllm this: Dr. A. K. Itotiiiitiin. IC-r'J Luck Untitling. Dotiolt, Mich., und I will send It by re turn malt In n plain envelope. As you wilt sen when you Ket It, tltln reditu contains only pure. barnilvM.s reinrillu.t, but It has ureal boating and paln-coniiiiarlug power. It will quickly show Its power onco you into It, ho 1 think yott hAtl boltor lieu w but It Is without delay. I will seutl you n copy fiee-jou can uso It und euro your krlf at home. , No,t a Singer. "Johnny." the teacher said, "bore Is a book. Now, stand up straight and slug llko a llttlo man." Tho -song was "Nearer, My God." No poonor had tlio school commenced to sing than u llttlo girl waved her hand frantically. Stopping tho sing ing, tho teacher Inquired tho cause. "Please, teacher, I think Johnny will got nearer If ho whistles." Tho greatest cnuso of worry on ironing dny enn bo removed by using Dellanco Starch, which will not stick to tho Iron. Sold everywhere, 10 oz. for 10c. On Occasion. "Pop, Is It X that Is tin unknown quantity?" "I have nlwnys found It so, my son, whenever I tried to borrow one." For your own ruko, tlnn't wait until it hnnjicnt. It may be a lieatltelie. tooth nt'lie, cirni'lie, or come painful acritlent. Tlunliii Wizard Oil will cure it. Get 'a bottlo now. It Is Impossible n man who Is falsn to his friends and neighbors should bo truo to tho public. Hishop Hurko-lpy. Sir. WlnMnw'i Soothing Syrup fur ClilMrpn teething. HiifteiiH the gti'iM, reilnerrt Itiltiimiiuk tluu, ullti)S p.ilii.curiH wind colli', -Sc u buttlu. Llttlo wits nro often grent talkers. -Do la Ruche. REAL DIGESTIVE HELP If the stomach is too weak to properly di gest your food try Hosiefter's Stomach Bitters It strengthens, tones and invigorates the en tire digestive system. Start today. You'll Acknowledge Its Superiority Your Liver is Clogged up That'a Why You'ro Tired Oa of' sorts Havo no Appute CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS w31 nut you right in a lew ciiyi. ilicydo their duty. Curo Coiitipi- lion. BU (outness, Indigtitlo, tkd Sick Heultcle. SMALL PILL, SHALL DOSE. SHALL NtlCB Genuine mutt: Signature BOOTiift JSLLV HlTTLE JMr Iiver AZHKH. .. PILLS. Jtr H " i sSrgT WHO IS TO BLAME Wonion as well a.i men nro niatlo mlHerablo by Kidney anil bladder trou ble. Dr. Kilmer's Swump Itoot tho ercat Kidney rctnody promptly rollovea. At druBSists In llfty cent and dollar bIms. You may havo a samplo bottlo by mall free, also pamphlet telling all ubout It. Aildresi, Dr. Kilmer Si Co., lllngbamtou, N. V. Beatrice Creamery Co Pays the highest price for CREAM loo nMMnii old KUm EYES I niTCUTC I'ortonej nr made In patM. l'fo rn I Cn I O tect yourlilrut. Ourttl uugo book frit tflUcenild Co., Ho It, Wuihlugtuu, II, C nrmurMMWdi