The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 11, 1911, Image 6

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The Chief
C. 11. HA LIS, Publisher
Evento That Are Making History
Information Gathered From All
Quarters of the Globe.
Speeches on the farmers' free list
bill in the house arc again sounding
the note of Canadian annexation.
A delicti In the operation of tho
poFtofllce department of 517.000,000,
radically has been wiped out.
The condition of Mrs. 13. J. llurkett,
wife of Senator llurkett, who has been
dangerously ill, Is greatly Improved.
President Tuft bus promised Roprc
tentative Hcrtrund of Missouri to Ad
dress the Kansas City Press club, Sep
tember '.'".
The H'.fiO gold plcro may soon he
roine obsolete. Secretary .MacVongh
contemplates asking congress for an
thority to stop Its coinage.
Canadian reciprocity Is the only
matter now being considered by the
senate and that probably will not
ionic up before It before several
Tho government has accepted $1.
180,000 In compromise of tho suits
against Duvean brothers, the New
York art linn accused of custom
An exodus of ropubllcnn employes
of the house of representatives has
began, and many more who have been
fixtures for years at the capltol have
received a notice of removal.
Franklin MneVeagh, secretary of the
lieaEiiry, was made defendant In u suit
for $100,000 damages tiled by Charles
F. Leach, former collector of customs
nt Cleveland, who alleges ho was
Assured of the success of the rostnl
pavings bank system, Postmaster
Gcnernl Hitchcock has decided to des
ignate from fifty to 100 additional
postal oavlngs banks monthly until the
byhtem Ihib been generally established.
The senate committee t on finance
has decided to devote tli'o time until
Saturday, May 13, to hearings on the
Canadian reciprocity bill. Immediate
ly after that date It Is expected that
the bill will bo reported to the senate.
Renewal of tho Iiorlmer Investiga
tion wns provided for by the senate
committee on contingent expenses
which approved a resolution covering
tho expenses of such an inquiry. A
tierce light is expected when the re
port comes up.
General News
The Illinois tenato has passed the
railroad anti-pass bill.
The rebellion in the Chinese pro
vinces Is assuming serious shape.
Orangemen throughout Ireland nrc
preparing to resist home rule by force
uf arms.
ttx-Mnyor Tom I Johnson of Cleve
land left an cstato valued at nearly
The Comiucror. Great Britain's
twentieth Dreadnought, has been
Ten thousand workmen ln various
lines of trade are on strike in New
York City.
Tho municipal palace in Laredo,
Mexico, has been burned and all the
prisoners liberated.
Haiver Kindt, aged 0. was Instantly
killed by u "companion while hunting
gophers near Sioux Falls, S. D.
More than 1.000 cart men have
uruck. tjlng up the wholesale busi
ness of'the city of Hivnnu. Cubi.
The Scottish International exhibition
at Glasgow was formally opened on
Tuesday, to cont'nuo through the sum
mer. With the ratification liy members of
tho button-workers' protective union
of tho agreement formulated by Gov
ernor Carroll and representatives of
the union and manufacturers' associa
tion the Miucat.'uo striking button
makers have returned to work.
"Chris" Evans, once the most noted
nandlt, train robber and highwayman
of desperado-ridden California, has
been released on parole from Folsom
prison, whero he had spent seventeen
years of a life sentence for train rob
bery. Captain nromond, In command of the
column mnrehing to relievo Fez,
renched Tangier on April 2C.
Tho workmen of lleriln hold scv-rnty-three
May day meetings, at which
resolutions favoring tho disarmament
in tho interest of world peaco were
adopted. Perfect order wns main
tained. Fjro destroyed tho three-story dor
mitory of the Rlversldo government
Indian school on tho Washita reserve
in Oklihoma
Mexican Insurrectos are ngaln
awakening Into activity, and fighting
lias occurred at several points.
Tho Missouri Pacific derot at Hia
watha, Kan., wns robbed of four
pouches of mail awaiting transfer Sun
day night. Tho empty bags were
tound In a coal bin.
Orders for the national encamp
ment of the G. A. n , at Rochostor,
S. Y., August 21-2G liavo been issued
by Cominander-in-Chlof Gillman.
Rebels havo seized $70,000 worth of
rifles, nmmunltlon and horses In Sav
Pedro and vicinity.
Lincoln went wet nt tho city elec
tion Tuesday, and the returns show
the election of tho entire republican
Mayor Onynor has reluctantly ac
cepted the resignation of City Cham
berlain Churles II, Hyde of New York
Factional differences came near de
veloping into open rupture nt tho tri
ennial conclave of the Koyal Neigh'
bors at Denver.
Demands of tho conductors and mo
tormen on the Philadelphia Rapid
Trantit company's lines for an In
crease have been refused.
Almost the entire eastern half of the
country is shivering in tho coldest
weather, with ono or two exceptions,
ever known nt this time of tho year.
Itccnure he ran over a ."-year-old
child in New York, William Krugman,
a driver for n brewing company, wub
shot dead by Gulseppe liouglgl, the
Atllllation of tho western federation
of miners 'with the American federa
tion of labor, which was submitted to
a referendum vote of the miners, has
been ratified,
According to nnlhontlc Information,
an agreement was signed nt Muscatine
Sunday afternoon between tho strik
ing i carl button operators and tho
factory owners.
Imperial sanction has been granted
tho governor of Ycnessl, East Siberia,
to allow tho Jewish Inhabitants of
Siberia to use the curative waters
near Minusinsk.
San Pedio is threatened with fnmino
and Insurrectos have ordered the ruil-
road repaired to Hipollto, where there
aro six cars of corn, which they havo
ordered brought in.
An inverted American flag, preced
ed by a red banner, caused a disturb
ance in n May day parade in New
York. Police Interfered and reversed
the order of things.
Pence negotiations nrc in progress
between the Mexicnn government and
the insurrectos, the latter demanding
the unconditional resignation of Presi
dent Diaz aB a starter.
A resolution -providing for the erec
tion at Washington of a great memor
ial hall, In which historical relics may
bo preserved will be taken up before
congress cloces, it is said.
Eighteen arrests havo been made
at Guadalajara, Mex., in connection
with a conspiracy to capture the town
for the insurrectos. A qunntlty of
dynamite and a number of bombs were
Hetween two and a. half and three
million dollars will cover tho financial
loss of the ilro which destroyed ap
proximately US 15 residences and about
12," business structures nt Uangor,
The sessions or the fifteenth inter
national congress of press associations
has begun In Rome and will continue
through tho week. Delegates from
many countries are in attendance.
John F. Diet z. his wife and son, Les
llo Dlctz, hnve been placed on trial in
the circuit court tit Haywood, Wis.
They are jointly charged with shoot
ing and killing Oscnr Harp, a deputy
The Princess Royal, the largest
cruiser battleship ever built for tho
British nnvy, was launched Saturday
and christened by Princess Royal
Ioulse. after whom tho vessal was
I'nder the presidency of Bishop
Welldon of Ixindon, a masB meeting
was held and resolutions passed call
ing on tho government to take steps
to stop the activities of Mormon mis
sionaries in England,
In n letter to the house of repre
sentatives, Governor Shafroth of Colo
rado sharply criticises tho state bank
ing bill as a measure thnt "no more
resembles the mensure promised tho
people than night resembles day."
One-third of Bangor, Maine, Is In
ruins, thousands of persons nre home
less and a property loss estimated at
$0,000,000 was mistalned ns the result
of a conllagrutlon which raged for
hours Sunday night.
Tho Illinois senate has passed tho
Carroll bill which legalized six round
bouts piomotcd by incorporated ath
letic clubs. Boxing Is permitted pro
vided a license is secured from the
mayor or board of trustees.
"See Europe If 'you will, but see
America first." Is the slogan of a
movement which Governor Crothers
of Maryland seeks to procuro tho co
operation of the government of all
states. In a letter addressed to them.
King Alfonso Is gravely 111 with
tuberculosis and at a recent consul
tation of his physicians it wns decided
that urgent mensures of treatment
were necessnry and nlso that the Span
ish monarch should pass the coming
winter nt Ijzlns. Switzerland.
Robbers wrecked tho private bank
of Alexander Pate at Wellington, 111.,
and escaped with $4,300.
News that has dribbled Into No
Kales from various quarters or tho
Mexican stntes of Slnaloa and Sonora
tell of almost continuous lighting.
Americans familiar with tho condi
tions regard tho situation as grave.
The German antarctic expedition
will set sail Wednesday from Hamburg
on tho steamer Deutgehland.
Slnco drug stores were prohibited
from Eclllng Intoxicating liquors in
Kansas, it is said tho hotel porters
havo been reaping a harvest.
Cleveland experienced Its first "dry"
Sunday in ten years as tho result of
Mayor Baehr's order last week that nil
saloons and pool rooms must remain
closed hereafter on Sundays.
Reports from Dallas, S. D lndlcato
a fall of two feet of snow on tho level
during the twenty-four hours ending
Sunday night.
What It Going on Hero and Thera
That la of Intoreat to the Read-
are Throughout Nebraaka
and Vicinity.
Seward. Lorenzo Anderson met
death Sundny morning at the home of
Ilia lilntltnr In Uflu'nnl frni atfinmi.
latlon. Whllo waiting for the morn
ing meal to be prepared, ho attempt
ed to eat n piece of beef steak and
choked to death before relief could bo
given him.
Marks Spot of "Lone Tree."
Central City. A granite pillar with
Its surface knotted and enrved llko
the trunk of a giant cottonwood tree,
now marks tho spot where Hie "Ione
Tree" on tho old Oregon trail stood
for years, the only trco up and down
tiio river for miles, and under the
branches of which many a tired band
of emigrants or California gold Beck
ers used to rest under tho protecting
shade of Its branches.
Ycggmcn at Naponce.
Naponee. Cracksmen blew open the
cafe of tho bank at Nnponce, a small
town In Franklin county, Saturday
morning and obtained $3,000.
Tho building was practically
wrecked. The noise of tho explosion
awakened citizens of the town nnd
great excitement reigned.
Got a Late Start.
Falrbury. Judgo Boyle married a
couple recently, the groom being 71
and the bride 80. The groom is F. F.
"Wot more, n veteran of tho civil war,
who came to Fairbury about a year
ago. Tho bride Is Mrs. Wheeler. Mr.
and Mrs. Wetmoro will make their
home in Falrbury.
Mrs. Doxey's Trial May 8.
Columbus. St. louis newspapers
nnnounce that Monday, May 8, has
been set for the trial of Dora E. Doxey,
the former Columbus woman, who was
ncqultted or a murder charge in St.
Louis n year ago, and is now held Tor
trial for bigamy.
I. O. O. F. Anniversary.
Broken Bow. An impressive pro
gram was given Tuesday night nt I. O.
O. F. hall, the occasion being the cel
ebration of the ninety-second anniver
sary of the rounding or tho order of
Odd Fellows in Amerlcn.
Arthur Roderick, a Falrbury painter,
fell from a scaffolding and was fatally
Keith county had twenty-four hours'
continuous rain last week, giving about
three and one-half inches.
The town hall at Leshara was com
pletely destroyed by lire Saturday
morning. The fire originated mys
teriously. Tho state fish car planted several
thousand channel cntfish and bull
heads in tho Nemaha river at Tecum
soli last week.
Saturday evening nt 8 o'clock
marked the closing of the saloons at
Beatrice, and the town is now as dry
as tho proverbial bone.
The annual reunion or tho Christlnn
church was held at Harvard Sunday.
Notwithstanding the bad weather tho
attendance wns very good.
Charles S. Overton, who worked ns
a house mover at Lincoln, stepped on
n rusty nnil while at work. The nail
Inflicted an ugly woun1 and Mr. Over
ton was unable to work arter tho acci
dent. Lockjaw developed and slnco
that time .Mr. Overton endured tor
tures until his death Thursday.
Commencing May 7 the Fremont
postotllco will Inaugurate tho Sundny
closed otllce plan.
Tho Citizens State bank of Gitlner
was robbed Tuesday morning, sale and
building being badly wrecked. Tho
robbers secured about ?2,000.
At the special election held at An
selmo Tuesday, tho cltlzenB voted a
? 10,000 bond proposition, $7,i500 ror
water works system and 2,G00 lor
electric lights,
Paul Martin will head Crolghton law
school at Omaha as dean with tho
opening of tho school next September,
He will bo tho youngest dean in tho
United States. He is 28 years of ago.
Fire, resulting from an automobile
explosion in which two enrs were de
stroyed, gutted, the largo two-story
brick livery barn of Henry Ikmans In
West Point. All tho horses and car
riages bolng safely taken out in time.
Circulating magazines, on (ho sovon
day book plan, forms a now featuro
at tho Fremont public library.
Judgo H. G. Ielgh, of Nebraska
City, claims to havo a dog that can
speak ocveial words quite plain,
ono being "mamma," "out,' "thank
you" and "yip' for yes. Ho Is a crosc
botween a bull terrier nnd a pug.
H. M. BiiBlinell of Lincoln was ro
elected president nnd V) S. Thompson
or Albion was re-olected secretary
treasurer at tho closing session or tho
state convention or commercial clubs
nt Kearney. Hastings was selected for
tho next meeting plnca.
J. M. Rowley, nn old settler in York,
died Tuesday morning, nged 72 years.
Rev. Hugh Robinson of Brookings,
S. D lias accepted a call to tho pas
torate or tho Presbyterian church o
Pawnee City.
Under the new Nobraska game law,
every man who fishes in the stnte,
whether he is a resident or not, musi
pay one dollar ror n license.
Whllo jilaying with a small colt on
his father'3 farm, Riley Bates, nn
eleven-year-old boy, living near Brok-,
en Bow, was attacked by a vicious
marc and nearly killed. mi -A.
Dorothy, the younger daugRter of
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Shnllenberger nt
Alma, fell from a horse which sho
wns riding and sustained a fracturo
of tho lower right arm.
Tho census report glvce Doshler a
population of COO, a gain of .')51 In ten
years, the greatest gain made by any
town In Thayer county and raising it
from seventh to second town in popu,
latlon In tho county.
A snow storm unprecedented for
several years swept over tho north-"
western part of the state Saturday
night and Sunday. About ten to twelve
inches of snow fell, which drifted in
several places from ten to twenty
Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Nlcbaum nnd
children of Fontanelle had a narrow
escape from death when their auto
mobile turned turtle nnd rolled over
twice. Though the occupants or the
car were severely bruised, none was
badly hurt.
John Hnllk was killed at Pawnee
City when a three-horse team became
frightened, running through two seven-wire
fences. Ho wns thrown under
a lister, tho corner of one of tho
shares penetrating his brain. Tho
young man waB 17 years of age and
was born in Bohemia.
Ah Blanche Preston was coming out
of the school house nt Hastings arter
her day's study sho was holding a hat
pin point ror ward In her left hand
just ready to place It in her lint, when
someone rnn ngnlnst her elbow, Arc
ing tho pin Into her eye, just missing
the pupil. She may lose the sight of
that eye.
A Lincoln street car on the peniten
tiary lino was fired on two separate
tCmcs by an unknown man Thursday
evening. No ono was struck. Three
bullets from a small sized gun, prob
ably a 22 calibre, entered the car. The
man did not show himself nnd not one
of the passengers of the car saw him.
The shots were tired under cover ol
Heavy State Deposits.
According to tho report of State
Treasurer George, the Nebraska Btnto
trensury, following, the sale of ?G23,
000 worth of bonds, has tho largest
cash balance It has ever known.- The
cash balance May 1 was $1,093,08l.:il.
Excepting $20,081.91, the money Is on
deposit in stnte depositories.
Want to Raise Rates.
The application of tho railroads Tor
permission to increase tho rate on
sand to Omnhn, South Omaha and Lin
coln rrom all pits within, sixty or sev
enty miles rrom 1 cents per hundred
weight to 2 cents, had a hearing be
roro tho state railway commission.
Deputy State Treasurer E. C. Mickey
has reluctantly tendered his resigna
tion to Stnte Treasurer George. On
nceount or tho poor condition of his
health, Mr. Mickey deems it necessary
to givo up tho very confining work in
tho state treasurer's office.
Tho board or public lands nnd build
ings has bought a boiler for the stato
penitentiary. The institution is now
short of power nnd another boiler Is
deemed necessary.
Miss May me Graham of David City
liaB been appointed stenographer for
the state commission appointed to re.
vise tho statutes.
Lincoln. Dates for tho nvlatlon
meet at the stato fair havo been fixed
ns May 21, 25 and 26. Secretary Mel
lor of tho Btnto fair board has con
tracted with the Curtiss aeroplano
peoplo for the exhibitions.
Beroro beginning work on tho re
vision or the Nebraska statutes, tho
recodification commission will prob
ably vieit Ohio, Iowa and Missouri,
Btates which havo recently revised
their statutes, and will find out how
tho work was done. Probnbly ono
member or the commission will go to
each or these states.
Judgo Post will bo chairman or the
commission and J. II. Broady tho nom
lnnl secretary. Among tho first dutlea
or the board will be election or an ac
tive secretary. A stenographer will
also bo employed, f
Edward Howard or Lincoln has been
retained by Chler Clerk Richmond of
tho hoit8o to nid him In completing
nnd Indexing the house Journnl. How
ard wns employed by the legislature
and Is rnmllinr with tho work ho wll'
havo to do. '
Tho fcdernl land office has received
notleo rrom Washington to compen
sato all thoso Innd owners In Frontier
county who lost tracts or various
acreages there when n resurvey of a
section of that county was made is
rffT??Trw2llJ IS wLi o
Protest Made to President Taft of
paying High Prices for Ship
ments While Native Bed3
Are Untouched.
Seattle. Private cable advice re
ceived rrom Cordova, Alaska, says
that a mob has boarded an Alaska
steamship company's vessel that Just
arrived there with a cargo of Cana
dian coal and began dumping it over
board. The action of the mob Is said to bo
the result of agitation agalii3t the Im
portation or foreign fuel into Alaska.
Slnco the announcement that the
federal supreme court would not con
sider until In October the appeal from
the decision or Judge Hnnrord quash
ing the Indictment ngnlnst tho English
group or Alaska coal claimants nnd
that nothing toward tho opening or Al
aska coal fields could be done until
the court passed on the case, the peo
ple or the Copper river district have
been greatly exercised.
Business men of Cordova and ad
joining towns started a flood of mes
sages to President Taft urging imme
diate action on the coal cases and pro
testing against forcing the people of
Alaska to pay high prices for foreign
coal, while the native coal Ilea un
touched. Prediction of Dire Warfare.
New York. Should the negotiations
for peace between Madrez and tho
Dla7. administration fall "the country
Will be In a blaze of revolution from
ono end to the other, as noon as the
news gets out." This was the message
received hero from Mexico City by
the board of foreign missions of the
Methodist Episcopal church. In a let
tur from Rev. John B. Butler.
Confirming the gravity of the situa
tion in tho capital there followed a
telegram from Dr. Butler saying: "Ex
citement exists. Outlook serious. Cir
cumstances changed for the worse.
Insurrection prevails throughout tho
President Pardons Nebraska Men.
Washington. President Taft lias ex
tended executive clemency to eight
men convicted ,or federal offenses. The
president pardoned Hans Kruse. Alex
Raeburg and Thomas F. Bronnnn. all
of Omaha, convicted of selling liquor
to Indians. Executive clemency was
extended because a decoy Indian sent
by revenue officers, a practice the at
torney general does not approve, fig
ured In the case.
Alleged Removal of Sacred Relics.
Jerusalem. Palestine. The Inhabi
tants have been aroused to the point
of rioting by the operations or a party
or English archaeologists who are ac
cused or having excavated beneath the
Inviolable Mosque or Omar and re
moved relics reputed to Include the
ark or tho covenant, the censer and
other sacred vessels which were In
tho Jewish temple.
Hero Fund in Switzerland.
Geneva. Announcement is made
Hint Andrew Carnegie has presented
$125,000 to the Swiss government to
found a hero fund on the same basis
as that which governs tho fund in
other countries and the offer has been
accepted. Several Swiss mountain
guides are likely to benefit by the fund
nt an early date.
To Preserve the Big Trees.
Washington. Representative Raker
or California nnd CJilof Forester
Braves have submitted a proposition to
preserve the big trees in California
Mr. Raker will ask congress for an ap
propriation to purchase the trees as a
forest reserve.
Hastings Gets M. W. A. Camp.
Fremont, Neb. Hastings won out
ignlnst Grand Island In the contest ror
tho next camp or the Modern Wood
men or America In 1914. lodge F. N.
Morgan or Rock county was elected
state consul and Dr. W. H. Dearlng of
Lushton wub elected state clerk.
Get Life Prison Sentence.
Oklahoma City. Albert Heiransteln
IS years old. and Charles Ireland, 20,
plended guilty and were sentenced to
lite imprisonment ror the murder or
John Rebol, who was bhot in the hand
when ho resisted nn attempt to hold
up his butcher shop on February 25.
Defeats Proposed Reform.
Springfield. Members or tho Illin
ois legislature have defented the Ini
tiative nnd referendum amendment to
the state constitution. The vote stood
93 nyeB to 19 nays.
Dr. Parker Elected President.
Louisville. Dr. Moses Greely Park
er of Lowell, MnBB., was elected president-general
of tho Sons of tho Amer
ican Revolution at the annual congress
Permission has been granted the
members or tho G. A. R. by tho popo
at Rome to drape tho American fing
over the casket or a veteran or that
body on occasions or tho funeral In a
Catholic church, and tho friction be
tween tho churcheB nnd that order will
bo done away with.
Tho exporienco of Motherhood Is a
trying one to most women and mnrktf
distinctly an epoch in their lives. Nob,
ono woman in a nun-;
'drctl is prepared oc
understands how to
proper! y care for her
self. Of course near
ly every woman now
adays has medical1
treatment at tho
Umo of child-birth,'
but many approach
NMiAi.i- mo exneuenco wmi
nn organism unfitted for tho trial oC
strength, and when tho strain is over
her system lias received a shock from
which it is bard to recover. Follow
ing right upon this comes the nervous
strain of caring for tho child, and a
distinct change in tho mother results.
There i3 nothing more charming than
a happy nnd healthy mother of chil
dren, and indeed child-birth under righfj
conditions need bo no hazard to health
or beauty. Tho unexplainablo thing is
that, with all tho evidenco of shattered
nerves and broken health resulting
from nn unprepared condition, women
will persist in going blindly to the trial.
It isn't ns though tho exporienco
came upon them unawares. They havo
ample time- in which to prepare, but
they, for tho most part, trust to chanco
and pay tho penalty.
In many homes onco childless thero
aro now children because of the fact
that Lydia E. Piukham's Vogotablo
Compound makes women normal,
healthy, nnd strong.
Any woman who would Hko
special mlvico In regard to this
matter is cordially invited to
write to Mrs. IMnklinm at I-ynn,
Mass. Her letter Avill ho held in
Btrict conlldencc.
Howell Ho does everything In Ida
Powell Then I'm glad that I'm nojS
In his power.
"When my boy wns about threo
months old his head broko out with a
rash which was very itchy and ran a
watery fluid. Wo tried everything wo
could but he got worso nil tho time,
till it spread to his arms, legs audi
then to his entire body. Ho got so'
bad that ho camo near dying. Tho
rash would Itch bo thnt ho would
scratch till tho blood ran, and a thin
yellowish stuff would be all over hla'
pillow in the morning. I had to puti
mittens on his hands to prevent him.
tearing his skin. Ho was no weak
and run down that ho took fainting'
spells as if he wero dying. Ho wan
almost n skeleton and his little hands
were thin like clnws.
"Ho wns bad about eight months
when wo tried Cuticura Remedies. I
hnd not laid him down In his cradle
In tho daytime for a long while. I
washed him with Cuticura Soap and
put on ono application of Cuticura
Ointment and ho wns so soothed that
he could sleep. You don't know how
glad I wns ho felt better. It took one
box of Cuticura Ointment nnd pretty
nenr ono cake of Cuticura Soap to
euro him. I think our boy would have
died- but for the Cuticura Reracdlea
and I shall always remain a firm
friend of them. Thero hns been no
return of the trouble. I Bhnll bo glad
to havo you publish this true state
ment of his cure." (SIgued) Mrs. M.
C. Maitland, Jasper, Ontario, May 27,
A Delicate Compliment.
"My now gown received n very sin
cere compliment tho other dny?"
"As to how?"
"Tho proprietor of a restaurant 1
went into asked mo to sit nenr tho
window. Said it would lend tone to
his" place."
Givo Defiance Starch a fair trial
try it for both hot and cold starching,
and ir you don't think you do better
work, In le3s tlrao nnd at smaller cost,
return It nnd your grocer will givo
you back your money.
Lovo never clogs a man's memory.
Ho is scarcely off with tho old until
ho Is on with the new.
TH Awful
Did you hear It? How embar
rassing. These stomach noisesmake
you wish you could sink through
the floor. You imagiue everyone
hears them. Keep a box of CAS
CARETS in your purse or pocket
and take a part of one after eating
It will relieve the stomach of gas.
CASCAUETR 10c a box for a week'
treatment. AllUruccltts. WcueM tciler
in the world-million boxoi a wontb.
Va VA Hi J
LltlA L H
?! 4
- -a
MUtuMaairtjgtx. .