The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 11, 1911, Image 5
.,1, owrren -,-i',in N'S aFwrW,V',i SPi , i. tt2MMN "Hfc. MteUI jHaailn) i 'U!iT 'y'T111 ."WMrfcrVafli I ! HT" 1,"J, Em: PtlMi & pi i J f'VV' f tw SDR. ROBERTS Calf Meal used with the milk whey makes it as good for the Calves as the pure milk. : TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD BY CHAS. L. COTTING, The Druggist S lOGAlCTTES Walter Mean- was in Blue Hill Mon thly. Curl Warren left for Lincoln last week. 1. Hyile of listings was in town Friday. Old newspapers 5 cents ti bundle at this ofllee. Leo Keith was in Guide KooU Wednesday. Tor short orders and meals fjo to II. Ludlow's. All hinds of Electrical woik done by M or hart Hro. John Tomlinson returned from Itlne IU11 Tuesday. KnitSu.n- A cood barn. Iniuiie of V. W. Towden. Don't miss the band concert on the street tonight. The Ninas dub met with Mrs. Uoyd Bmith Tuesday. Dr. Creiguton and wife were in Su perior .Monday. Mrs. Itemard .McNeny spent Wednes day in Hastings. Mrs. lleorge Lindsey spent Wednes day iu Hasting-. John Havel spent Sunday in Inavale visiting relatives. Kd McAllister was a jiassenger to Alma Wednesday. Mrs. llev. Uartman of Uloomington was in town today. Dr. C. V. Cross returned this morn ing iroiu Franklin. Wm. Bailey made a business trip to Bladen Weiluesday. (Jeorge Overintr was in Campbell Monday on busine-s. Mr. W. V. Ileal was a passenger to Hastings Wednesday. Mis. Uichauls was a passenger to Hastings Wednesday. Mrs. KdCarber left tor a visit at Superior this morning. Nothing like White Loaf Hour for making the best bread. Edgar t'owden spent Sunday in Franklin. Wonder why? Bert Mm hart entertained a paity of ft lends Tuesday evening. Thomas Malou of Oberlin, Kas.. spent Sunday in the city. Lew hohrer and wife weie passen gers to Hastings Wednesday. Take your eggs, butter ami poult ly to .1. ). Caldwell and get rash. Try Luldow's 10c h:e Cream Sodas. Positively the best in theeity. 11. M. Beatty and son for (iencrul Blaeksmithing, Wagon Work, Horse dhoeing a specialty. At Day 'sold shod. Farm Loans, I am again iraily to make farm loans at the lowest rate and host, tei ins. 1 am sole agent for Trevott, Mattis a Bakei. Some pri vate money .1. 11. Ba ley, lied ( loud Xebr. HAS HO SUBSTITUTE POWDER Absolutely Pure Thm only baking powder mads from Royal Grapo Orsam of Tartar WALUM.W) LIME PHOSPHATE pOYAi HI MM 1 James Peterson and Ularo jolfe were passengers to (Julde Hock. FotiKD A pocket book. Inqiro of Mis. T. J Sherer, H. F. I). No. II. Misses Alfa Longtiti and Mabel Holmgraiu are iu Hastings today. Morton Smith has returned from Topeka, Kas., after a week's visit. Mr. Barber, of the firm of Atkins A. Barber was iu tiuide Uock Tuesday. Walter Scott was down from Blue Hill this week taking in the sights. I. A. Stantleld of Beatrice was trans acting business in town last Friday. The seniors of the High school en joyed a pienir at Amboy Wednesday. You will miss it if you don't try Iloutt Comity Coal. J. O. Ci dwell. Johnny Kldridge of Hastings was iu town Tuesday, enrouto to Pawnee City. W. N. Uichardsun returned from a business trip at Holdrege Wednesday. Bernard MeXeny and wife and Mrs. O.suar Hughes were iu Campbell Mon day. Stovnus Bros., up-to-date methods in Photographs, material and woikinan ship. Beruar 1 McNeny and Hoy Tait were In Smith ('enter, Kas., Wednesday via auto. Mrs. Chas. Omstead departed for Ouide Hock Wednesday to visit rela tives. Eli Co. and Chas. Hogate of Bladen were m town Monday enroute to Alma. Mrs,, liave Watson and Will Watson of Bellaire. Kas , spout Saturday iu town. Matt Doyle and James Uvnn return ed from a business trip at Fairbury. Sunday. satisfied customers are good ones. All who use Amboy White Loaf Hour are such. Come ou boys how about some local base hall this summer. What have you to sh Ice Creaiu by the quint, half gallon or gallon delivered to any place iu the city by Ludlow. F. W. Stefl'en left for Fremont Wednesday, wheic he will be employ ed as a carpenter. The Diamond Kleutrlr. Vacum clean or denionstiated iu your home free. Call Phone Bed 97. Lloyd Itust lost a nice young horse last Wednesday. A sevcie loss to a young man starting out. A. A. Lowmau of Omaha, division plant superintendent, inspected tele phone lines in town Friday. Mi.'-. Wm. Beeves and children lett for (eiiiile Hock for a brief visit, prior to returning to Denver, Colo. The finest line and best assortment of Harness ever carried before. Call and look it over. Moiuimm Bito. There is quit'e a number of atheletes mid luxci's uf sport, who will attend the track net at Hastings Friday. Farms listed oil straight commission basis. Land list liberally aihciliscd. I)a ti vitin.u .V C'MiN , Chief olllce. Mothers Day will be observed at tho Congregational church next Sunday morning. Everybody bring a white ' flower. Traveling Auditor Prentice of Oma ha of the Nebraska Telephone Co.. audited the books ot the local exchange Tuesday. lmpioved alfalfa farm lands iu the (rent Republican Valley our only (specialty. Din (iniu:ti a Company, Cliler olllce. Kev. J. M. Bates will return satur day fiom attending a convention at Kearney and will hold legular ser vices next Sunday. Pictures taken of children and fami ly groups without pain, our material ami workmanship stand the test of time sihVLNK Hitos Paul Morey, I no. I!, Stauser, FiauK Htilleraud lleury (iilhaiu aie iu Lin coln this week attending the stateeou- vention of thf A. o. I. W. Foil sxi.i: Fine icsldenre location lu Northwest part of city. Half block, VI lots. Most dosifublo locution and low price Das Gaiiiii i: a Co The holies of the Christian church will h dil their monthly market at I'd Amacks furniture stoie Sutuidav, May 'JO. from 'J a. in., to o p m. Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet e,e. ear. nose and throat patients and those needing glasses properly fitted at Dr. Dainerell's olllce lu Bed Cloud Tuesday, May Kith. MIsr Lizzie Wylos died at her home southwest of luavafc Friday night. Funeral services were, held Sunday at tl e r"Mence and interment was made l fc"u 'Jf ilnut Creek cemetery. Mrs. Oscar Hughes returned lrom Hastings Wednesday accompanied by Mr. Hughes" mother, who has ifeontly returned fivm California. Mrs. Hugh es will visit here for sometime. Some miscreant poisoned tho scotch collie dog of Father Fitgeralds Tues day night. Theie ought to be somo penalt.v. for a crime of this kind pois oning dogs that, in o not bothering any one l!oy Bust proprietor of the Boyal Barber Shop has all modern conven iences in any Hist class Barber Shop. Ah electric Massage, llrst class work man. Particular people patron ie his particular place. Pat Waddel disposed of his tailor ing establishment to W. C. Creider of this city. Pat will leave Tor Wichita, Kas , Monday were he will locate temporary. His many frionds here, wish him success iu his new location. The Degree of Honor met last Tues day night and elected tho following delegates for the state convention to be held at Oeuova, Nebr , next week: Mesdames 1 Welsch, Maty Huffcr, Anna Clark, and MKs Velum McKitn nicy I have some household goods for sale, Mich as dressers, wash stands, tables, side board, rocking chairs, sofa and other numerous household goods. Would like to sell at once. Will sell cheap. Mrs. Chas. Schcllak, MA North Elm Street. 1 block east of Fircmaa's hall Miss Ethel Oarber closed an eight month's term of school in district 75 with credit to herself and satisfaction to the patrons. She gave the scholars a picnic Friday afternoon iu Homer Bakeis grove on the Ed Basser farm. They enjoyed it Immensely and have a kind remembrance for their teacher. Lucky Bill's Big Wagon Shows will visit Bed Cloud Saturday, May l.'t. The mere announcement of the com ing of this attraction is sutlicient to draw a crowd. Lucky Bill has been coining to Bed Cloud for several years and has always maintained his repu tation for conducting a clean, up-to-date show. Miss Minnie Christian of Bock Port, Missouri has been elected piiueipal of our high school. Miss Christain is the daughter of John L. Christian who purchased the Maynard farm some time this spring. Miss Christian is a lady of considerable experience in the school room, comes highly recommend ed and is eminently qualified for the position. We may consider ourselves fortunate in securing the sorvices of so good a teacher. Every farmer boy under Is years of aire in this vicinity should enter the boys acre corn contest given by the State Board of Agriculture, by bending his name to W. R. Mellor, Secretary Lincoln, Nebr., prior to the closing date -May 20th. Eleven prizes are olfered for the greatest yield per acre, ranging from S50 down to r. The acre to be prepared, planted, cultivated and gathered by the contestant. Will lil'ty of our boy readers send iu their name today? The Music Study club will mectjwith tho Miss Burkes Thursday eveliiiiL', May is. The following program will bo given: Boll rail.. .Anecdotes of I'rlmn Donas Duet Miss Arnold, Miss Coon Piano solo Mrs. Whittaker Duet Mrs. Ourber, Miss Igou olo Mis. l.imlsey Accompanied reading-Mrs. Albright, Mrs. Cunningham Piano solo Miss Potter. Study period Biehnids Chorus practice C'luli In Nemotlam Died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Daisy Nels'on. Bieha'nl Lee, Satur day May (!, 101 L. Aged Oii yt'ars. His last words were expressive of poaco in Hod and a willingness to de part and be at rest with him. The funeral services weieheld atthe home of his daughter at 2:IW o'clock, Monday afternoon. Bev. Tompkins, olllcliitlnir ami paying a tribute to the memory of the deceased. He was married toCaiollne Klnstou Match 27, s00, to this sl children weie born four girls and two boys, all of which were at his bed side at the time of his death. Card of I hunks. j To the Friends,' Neighbois and B I N. A. who so kindly assisted us In! life's greatest trial, and those whoso deftly wove together the bcHiitlful! flowers, we tender oufslneenVtfiatiks. i Mrs Mertlc Kincaid, Mrs. Jennie ' Jvli.rrtid, Mrs. Daisy Nelson, ' Mrvl Martha Moore. 'Heilry ii'inl Fraiik Luc ' Bon-Ton-Bakery and Restaurant- Bread Pies and Cakes made in Bod Cloud from Bed Cloud FLOCK. M10ALS tiO CENTS ICE CREAM SODA G CENTS In. CnrM 25 Ci sis Pi it Qiaist. i use artitlctal It i made from fll teied water pine and clean. HUBERT NEUERBURG Notice to Property Oxncrs- Notice is hereby gien Unit tho rub bish iu the Streets and Alloys must be cleaned up within '20 diijs fiom this date or'same will be removed and tax ed to property. Dated at Bed Cloud, Nebr. May 11, Bill. A C Slmiy, Chief of Police. Warning to Hunters Fiom this date no jhiinting or tres passing will bo allowed ou the follow ing fauns. East half sec '.VI town !l range li!, Southwest sec. 'XI town. 'I, range VI. Northwest ' hec. t, town -, range VI. N. E '4 sec. o, town 'J, range 12. Oisks Inavale Nebr. Concert Program Evening of Mav IRth. Mauh- I lie I'nx HiiiiIi'im' lYnu Selt cll'in frotn "I lu Thnr I he I'luce, nnil I In Hill" lot I'.. Howard t.'oniel siiiii I'lliliillini 1'iilka" U:iiiIkmim " I. K. Ilr.i. I.ll.ii s -A I our I'liem" .. . Kathleen . KnbcrtN MIm i lull".. "Indian Interiiirxu" I'crcj Weiirlck I'oimliir .sell I'tlini .Will IIhssIIith So I "Itenl lllir-"'llielli(ll:mn Millie" Hae lltnt ll "SI. it spaimli llnmii i." I. r. Ilri. Ulrtiini What our Postmaster and tils Assist ants have to do for 30 days- Complying with the recent regula tion of the department Postmaster Hacker has been keeping count of the number of peices of mail he has han dled during the past week In all there have been i.'7,(;!)0 seperate peices of mail during the tirst seven days The rnralroutes handled the following number of pelcesKoiite I. I fill, Boiite'J, 12158. Bouto.'l, 1(100, Boute l.'J.'Mif Some of these articles aie handled as high as seven times. Not only must Mr Hacker count each peiee of mail but he must keepa leeoul of the time it takes him to perform the .seperate duties of his olllce. This rule will be in force for thiee weeks more This etia work is no doubt very trylngaml takes up a great deal of titno but so tar Mr. Hacker has kept his temper and meets his customers with just as cordial a gieetingas ever. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers reported by the Fort Ab stract Co. for the week ending Wed nesday, May 10. Bill. HansOye to William C Fraliiu, n w lO-Il-il. wd IliioO Ashley 11. Alexander to Louis Cutter, se trt-;t-l 1, wd 7,,'.")(i Ashley 11. Alexander to Ernest C. Johnson, sw IH-.'i 11, wd l7r,0 Margaret Cutter to Ashley II. Alexander, pt u ' ne lH-f-11, wd H.'ill Mary Mallow to Ashley II Alex ander, pt , ne 18-1-1 1, wd .. lot) V. V. Overman to Elmers John sou et-al, s'.. rfw 28-'M I, wd. . IniK) Edward Hanson to L. E Tait A L. C. (iarber. hits 10, II, 12, Blk. lit. Bed Cloud, wd 2WII UO.-.00 Mortgages (Bed, 5ir12."i.i'."i. Mortgages reloased, $111020. Notice 111. ii (Lorn. Ni n.. May Id Itil. All lot owners iu the Bed Cloud cemetery are urgently requested to call at the office of the rleik and list their lots and pay $2 per lot for keep ingthem clean till May 1st. 1012 it will be much moie pleasant and eortalnly more satisfactory if tins is lone voluntarily than force the as sociation to drastic measuies which will be uecessaiy if this request is not complied with as the public epects the association to keep a icspcctuhle resting place for the dead. We must have the money to do this ami a little eheei fill co-operation h eaidi lot owner will enable the associa tion to make it a place all public spirited citizens will be pi mid of. c. F. Cathcr. B B Fulton, ' President ( lork. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block, Red Cloud rji Riverton every Monday weemamsmyfissEiTOn ff VJ .v ,,;'; j 'irt .1.1 rt'h rf "r : . '.V 1 it v r l e li i Vv IUii hchjllmi Mjii 1 "riill iliSiSVMilSfcTl Oft &E3 m ' VMMsMk m vm ' WW YOU young men know the kind of style you want in your clothes; and maybe you dont al ways get it; many a man buys clothes that afterwards he doesn't like. When you come here you'll find in our Hart Schaffner & Marx line such a variety of weave, color and patterns, in so many different models, that you'll surely get what pleases you. Ask us to show you the new Shape-maker model, Mart Schaffner & Marx new one. Suils $18 and up Overcoats $16.50 and up PAUL STOREY This slorc is the home of Harl Schaffner & Marx clolhcs Pioneer Grocery DEALER IN Fancy and Staple GROCERIES GOOD LINE of COFFEES Give Us a Trial Order W. A. SMITH, Prop. PHONES-Bell 108. Ruml 62. Tbc S3" c'.-I'.lv: PUtt Our You can convenitnee rv ,' .The itaektr ' Jnokei uniform "mj?. TOE Hrtmtt)l 20 THAT MONEY CAN BUY DRi Si Ji CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. tiMiail Af thA nlri cfrinil aver th State Bank. Phone 131. Kiver Bottom Pasture Close In Wi will piihturo ft limltoiT miiiiber of oriloi'lv Iioim's itt i?l.0u pup month, A. II. Tmt.sMiii. lifo. LiiKlh.'y Kiirin. A,-!. .. 1 1 - '. - r ur v "w cxtan' ZdZWjsL iwnt i i riiivT3K l&fc I i VJKT&Py mock n ii jmmw j&.j Wi&Jttria&7? i. t sy fcjy gjBh l : 7 S' ! f A iu IJ V.. - 4 JK.taJT.i"V- J 'lt'l, AAV rs W7wV,f4llVl .vMiN. A tiWJll- &Lv.'&&r mm dm Mwmm i j - fi lAfk I ST A n iNTHr HAYING WORLD Patent). l!ltr.s!an Arm. RtmLpp n thm mtpvl t,t tUm n.M ituk anJ handle mcr hay at a la coit ami with tttlUr with our atacker, than with any oihtr on th nvkit, Tltrnp IC Mivr incr ic nnnn lUUfb LU niUNK JUST AS GOD. , fjttnJInj: aftfr it U half way up lighter,! th lotd anjjB draft from tU mart. The calilo un-1 in plaro of a rope ia - fuiv iuu vnugi uuri w Qwnoon, uur rituier ii nuo; aep lukei anJ rUtinvr Mower, all rraJr In Denver, re well worth our InveaHcatlon. full dKript natter will I mtiM )uu on rplut. f l.WpurchacrtifKatr, a'J aomi-nir, fnt free If you mention Ihia pawr. PLATTNER IMPLEMENT CO. DINVrK. COLO. OLO.k a?l Have on hand now 10 Registered A1 1 i ri40V,ffSi 1 lvJI 11 K lorn BULLS. They are all good, blocky fellows, and all red in color. JOHN 0HMSTEDE, l(il luK l"CK, xi:nu.sicA I