The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 11, 1911, Image 4
ff..rtiftrifrtti'.. ' ' 'fefthslns 1.ytitta'tmn.eslfl7lmmtm f I , ,','V vi- h S6e CHIEF Hd Cloud ' - Nebraska. ' PUDLISHKD EVKRY TI1UKSDAY Boteied In the I'otloHlce ntiHcil Cloiid.Ncb,, M Second CIum Matter. 0 It. HALE l'mu.isiiKit THK ONLY IlKMOCItATK.' I'Al'KU IN WKIMTKIM.'OUNTV Political Announcements. The columns of thu Chief uro open forsjegltlmate advertisements of till kiwis. Candidates, regardless of party iillllliitlon, are welcome to uu those columns. Prluo of finnoiineeinetit, Sfi. FORCOlljNTVCLBRK i I lirrcby uiiiimilH'o myM'll ah ii raiiilhlnle for re-election nit County I'lorU uf Webster County, Nebr., en thu JtenulilU'iin ticket, Hutijeet to the tlccUton of tliu voters nt thu 1'rlinnry Kleetlfjll to lie held A nitst 15, lull. K. W. Hois. FOR COUNTY CLKHIv t hereby anrouiu-o niyHult iih a eiindhlate for the olllre ol County Clerk of Webster County, Nobr., subject to tlic will of the vot or' of the Democratic anil l'eoile'n I iu!cK:iHl rut Party at thr Primary Kleetlon to lie held Auk. 15, lilll. V. It. llAM.rv. FOR COUNTY CLERK Wu bnvo been ftiithorlred to aiinouiiee the linniool (iKouiiK. II AliK.i.1., fif lied Cloud, for nomination of County Clerk, subject ti the will of thu Democrat and People's Independ ent voters at the Primary election uUNt Pith, tun. CLF.liK OF DlSTKIcr CoUKT I hereby aunouuee myself as a eandlilao for Clerk ol thu DiHtrlel Court ol Wcbstcr (.'ounty, on tli Itepubllenu ticket. HUhJccl to theileelKlon of the voters at the uiniar.v Miction to he held iiKiist ICtb., lull. Cm s. I'.. Hkiiii.i:. FOR COUNTY TRBASURMI. VcliMt been nuthorled to aunouuee the luuidldaey of ()i:o. V. Unh-ikv for the olllee of county treasurer, subject to the will of the Democrat and People's liulepeiidcut i.irtlesat the piliuary eleellou u:ut 1Mb. l'JII. FORSHKISIFF I hereby announce myscll a candidate for the ofllee ol Sherlll'of Webster (.'ounty. miI Jeettothe will of the oluis of the Demo emtio and People's Independent I'ai'tlcH. .Iok W. ciniw. FORTRBASURBli We haw been authorled toaiiuounee the candidacy ol It. W. Knox I . for the olllee of county ireaMiicr. subject to thu will ol the Uepuhllcan Miters at the piliuary etcetton AiiKUHt I .Mb. mil. Folt.SIIHKIFF I heieb auuouiice iujhiII as a eaudldate furSheilll ol WelHttr County. Nebraska, on the Pcuuciatlc ticket Mibjict to Hie di cl.slon ol the otcixat the Primary election to be held uuust l"i. PHI. I. I'. Uim.iuii.i:. The Nebraska League base ball otarts the season this week. York has live of the players whe kept Kod Cloud In the limelight last year and from all appearances has a winning team. We will have plenty of opportunities to see those games bv going to Hastings nnd Superior. The greatest pleitsnte connected with this method of seeing base ball is tho knowledge that our fun will eost u detlimto sum of money. We will havo no nightmares of a grow ing doticit and will be able to enjoy tho sport to tho limit. The, change in administration of our oity a tralrs did not effect the water we drink in the lenst. Those who were depending upon blind luck to rush in and by a little presto change purify the creek water have been seriously disappointed. No administration can change the complexion uf our city water without funds. Place tho blame where it belongs and do not lay all the city draw backs up against tho city otlleials. The sentiment is slowly lull surely gaining that the only solution to our water problem is to connect our plant with the Maurer springs. Kvery Week people isil those springs to see what they are like ami every visitor goes away wishing he could drink that vvator evei. day The warm weather SOLI) HY The Miner Brothers Co. II. I.M'hox, (,, A Mightyafe IMaen to Tmdo " is upon n- uihl Hllll nothing InH boon done to remedy conditions. "Lvory thing comes to him who waits.'' If wo wait long enough wo will not want flloye springs. Tim preparations being made jy the high school commencement reminds us that this school year Is about to close and that another class will min gle with the busy world without,tin nil probability, experiencing the pleasure of nu Alumni bamiuot. Just why this function lias been suspended wo are unable, to learn but It really ought to be an essential part of graduation. If the older members of the Altimui as Kouiatlon do not feet it Incumbent up on thoni to perpetuate this organization we would suggest that the members of last year's class Take the mat.lor In hand and provide a bauipicl. Other places make a great deal of their high school Alumni association and this oily hiirely ought to keep up with the procession. The world would be happier if the people were u Utile more generous with their praise. There is too much llattery, but u word of just apprecia tion would cheer the heart and strengthen the hands of many a (lis cournged worker in the home, in the school, in the church mid in the world. Thore is nothing that is so cheering to a mother's heart, and such a rich recompense for all she has sacrlllccd ami endured, as thu kind, ali'octionato remembrance of her children. There in nothing that can adorn man or woman moro than the tenderness and gentle care they manifest towards their aged parents as they totter on the borders of another world. To Our Graduates '(iiaduated? Yes, nearly every ham let, village, town ami oily at this com mencement season of the institutions of learning, welcome home, thoso who have spent years in hard study and with honors have graduated; and many uro the hopes and expectations centered in you hopes that society will be elevated, many immuials cor rected, wrongs lighted and places of importance bettor lllled. Do you nsk, where is your place? Tho world is be fore you, and though it may seem crowded, there are still many wants' that it does not advertise, to avoid a rush of applicants, but these wants exist, and are, indeed, very pressing and very real, and your compensation will be us ample as you have brains, pluck and energy to earn it. The world wants graduates who are men enough to search out these places and make room for themselves; it wants young women of sulllcient self-reliance to boar the disappointment of not se curing tho first position for which they apply; most of all. it wants char acter, and it very wisely declines to accept a college or school diploma as conclusive evidence of that. There fore we silently whisper, enter into your life work with right motives, earliest ness, zeal and honesty of pur pose, and thoroughness that will satis fy yourself; then others will be satis lied. Realize Hie responsibilities which have come to you, and asstuno them in great humbleness, and yet, in true manliness, and boar in mind, by your fruits ye shall bo known. C. S. Hawthorn Makes a Talk The representative of the .standard Land Co., of Lincoln lectured to a very attentive crowd of fair size in tho opera house .Saturday alteriioon as per announcement, lie gave a very force ful lecture in a most entertaining manner illustrating his statements with numerous colored pictures. The lecturer is a representative of the Standard Land Co., of Lincoln who are offering for sule a portion of the Lower Rio liraiide Valley, of richest land ami under a thourough system of irrigation. In his lecture the representative told how eorii, sorguin. sugar cane, cotton, alfalfa, and broom corn would produce immense crops two and three times per year all well Illustrated with colored plates. The soil there .Is also especially adapted to truitsaiul vegetables, grow lug lemons to the size of a pound and a half ami cabbage Utlil) pounds to the acre. Apples, oranges, tigs, bananas, In fact nearly all hinds of fruits thrive there. Tomattoes. potatoes, unions, celery, lettuce, caulillower and all garden truck grows there in greatest abundance. Strawberries. lettuce. rnddishes., etc, are shipped out of the Lower Uio (irauile Valley by the car load In the out of season dates In the northern states and soiling at enor mous prices. Cabbage frequently brings ! cents per pound. .100 to SIOO per aero there, alfalfa, J'JO to '.'l per ton and three tons per aete, toinattoes M per bii.. s'tOu to ,"iiin per acre, ft is vi'ij fu-uoiit that the lirst crop more than pus tor the Intnl. Ine climate of the Lower LiotJiaiulo Vallej is extremely healthful. No negroes are wanted and noiiu llv there The woik U all done by Muxl caiulaboiers, who are iudtistilous and faithful and live theie in sulllclelit numbers Modern selioolsand church es hue been built there in numbers MillloleuLto Hceotninodalo many more. to !OIU. MiJiriUU' ' eiii.Mliniuir Jo "'HllllllllllllJHMS'.iltlijf jijnrii ' i '' i lift 1.1 jl'i. YOU WON'T GET "STUCK" if you "stick" to us. Our business Is to "plcHse," and not "htich"you. When we offer PINS Or ALL DESCRIPTIONS we make it bold bid for your trade, by olferingyou best solection we could get of HATPINS, BELT PINS, VEIL PINS, STICKPINS, remarkable In bonuty, variety and lowness of price. Iltiy some. J. C. MITCHELL, The Jeweler. V. J. Bryan's winter home and Texas plantation is located near this tract of land offered for sale by ,thc Standard Laud Co. Mr Ilryan has a place of considerable size which ho has improv ed with trees, fences and buildings largely with his own hands and con templates tho erection of ii 810,000 mansion on his plantation thlssummer. The Standard Land Co., is selling this land in .', 10 and 'M acre tracts to homo seekers at from S7o to S200 per acre, and have arranged with tho Bur lington Rairoad for special home seek ers rates of $."5i) for the round trip. This Lower Rio Grande Vnlley is Jie most Southern land in Texas or in the Southwestern United States. The re presentative of flic company has ar ranged with the linn of Sellars.tiarbcr and Hutchison to take care of their interests at this point and hasleftwitli them considerable, of literature rich in information for distribution for who may bo intcrestud. any Fourth of July Celebra tion Assured. Raised todate by Our Merchants and Business Men Monday evening a number of our citizens and business men mot in Un commercial Club rooms and decided to hold a Fourth of July celebration hero This was a very enthusiastic meeting and plans wero quickly adopted to make this the greatest celebration over held iu the Republican Valley. The general plan upon which this cele bration will be given is that the keys of tho city will be turned over to our guests. As far as possible everything will be free. It was the general senti ment that for once this city would on tertaiu their patrons at this time. Invitations will he extended to cvory town and city in the county to join us in this celebration. A big picnic and basket dinner will bo ouc of the feat ures. Tho following committees were appointed: l' W. Con den, Chairman. Wni. Wolfe, Seo'y- Trcas. Committee on Kutertainmeut I'aul Storey, D. V. Turnuro, Boone Saund ers, V. V. Cowden. Committee on Music Prof. Bet., W. Warren. Committee on Decoration -H. A. Letsou, Win. Smith, 11. Neuerburg. Committee on Funds M. Parks, Win. Wolfe. It. W. Koontz. As soon asarraiigcinentsaiedeflnate ly made we will inform our readers s.i you may be posted on just what we are going to have this year. Remem ber the date! ! Woman's Voice Women claim that they have a voice iu everything ought to If there Is anything on earth woman's voice does not penetrate it can safely bo set down that It is impervious to sound. Woman's voice reaches to the sky, do- sounds to the deepest cavities of earth, pcueiraies me Kiicucn, cenar. gun-ci.; ... . i. . ...ii ami seven neu rooms, reaeuiug across the street and disturbing the neigh- hots. She already has a voice ill poll tics, .science, art. religion, business, and In domestic alVuirs it is the su preme law of the laud. Did you ever hear Mrs. Lease'. Could oii help yourself if she was iu your township? I there ii civilized community on the earth that has not heard Susan II. Anthony? If so. mime it and it is yours. What more do thoy want? tJlve them the ballot and they'll never be satislled without the box and poll books. God created man and then women. The last job wis the best. Woman Is tho salt of the earth, and sngilr and cream and strawberries Without her all l vanity. Man Is her voluntary slave. For her ho delves HUH lOUh llllll llgillh IIU1 UillUCS III WV country and legislates fh congress ijud htands up ln1tllo street cars, and .runs, .... 1 ,. . .- .i . I 'I..' .r !.. In debt, and finally dies it miserable1 I death while tr.iin ..iiiiixf e, hush he is at thu sewing elide, Hie .elon or out collecting money for for eign inissionaiies. and adding to the. want and -()iialor at home. It is no. use to give women ndvlce; she won't I hear yon. The beginning of the 20th century finds women combining in gratul plot to take tho enrth and fence It oft for their own exchisivo benefit. Womans kingdom has como and man who has evor been her humble servant, in spurned with contempt from the foot of the throne. Ho may cry aloud for deliverance, but the hollow echo from the nearest club room is the on ly answer. Men and brethren, this Is tough. G. A. R. Program. On Sunday, May '28, all soldiers and sailors of the Civil ami Spanish Amer ican wars and members of the Woman's Relief Corps, urc requested to meet at the (i. A. R.. hall at ten o'clock a. m. From this place they will march to the Opera House where union services will be held. Tho memorial sermon will be delivered by Rev, A. A. Cressman. Music will bo furnished by the, Con gregational church choir. On Tuesday, May '10, all comrades of the G. A. R the Relief Corps with all soldiers of the Spanish American wars will meet at tho (5. A. R. hall at one o'clock p. m. Li'ne of march command ed by C O. McConkey, will form on Webster street and march south and west to cemetery. Detail will be assigned by the Post Commander and President of W. R. C. to decorate graves of comrades and members of Relief Corps. After de corating graves the line of march will form a hollow square at the monument of the unknown dead. Here will he hold exercises of tho relief corps and the comrades of the G. A. R llcticdiction. Column will inarch to Opera House where the following program will be given. Music by the Band Invocation Judge Kdsou Song "America" Choir Recitation losephine Castor Music Choir Recitation Pearl McConkey Song By little Boys Recitation Florence Johnston Flag drill By little Girls Reading list of dead comrades-S. B. Kizer. Address !ev. Tompkins Music Choir Benediction How Build or NotBulld tp aToxn When Cain had killed off one-fourth of the people ou the earth leaving only three, then went into the laud of Nod and bulldod a city, it is evident that ho did not sit around like a lump on a log, and growl about the Nod real estate and people. He was not him self, perhaps, the most exemplary of men, and if he had some reason to emigrate from the land uf his birth, ho did not mope and whine, but got hold of a piece of ground and went to work to do something. The man who could build up a city under such aus pices is the kind of material we want iu this town: and we will not inquire too minutely into his antecedents, so that he takes hold like a man and bo good at lust. ltut what is more, Cain did not ad vice his son to "go west, and got out of the old dead town." He named the city after him, believed iu it, worked for it, brought his goods there, and ker.t his money at home. Does any body suppose that when strangers come to Bed Cloud with any notion of going into business here, Cain told them It was a ''dead old town," that it established by a murderer, that the water was bad; its merchants all sharks, and Its mechanics botches that the town was not healthy iul j would ''never amount to anything no . . . , , , .. ' ., , , " , so much money to inn a comely, well how. iocs anybody suppose that , . 4. , ,,, ,. , ,. , . , , . : . ,, , kept town as it did a dilapidated, liod when he wanted to in vest a few dollars . .,, ,,., ,. ,,. , iu dry goods he hustled off to the city. , or that he only went to the merchants "' "c" V""" ".. " "v """ """' wanted "a little time?" Do you think ho over went away from homo to get lumber that could be had at better rates in Red Cloud than elsewhere, or to Cincinnati for cheap buggies when the "home manu facturer" could meet every demand with more stylish and substantial rigs? i i. .. . 1... ....... i ...A,.tt... wu you suppuM; ne wcni '"l""K he j annum uoimi uuiiik u' '"," i lied Cloud and no olio here, knowing anything about business'.' No air. lie evidently wasn't built that way. If' taxes were high, ho got up and hustled , to Incroase tho value of properly, sol that there would be greatfir values to ! ' ta Ho built houses and encouraged others to do so. It city lot got too j low he bought up a doon or two, , scattered here and there, for the i doitblu purpose of personal prolit and j strengthening values On these he i put up plenty of houses ut reasonable i figures, good ones. too. so that when ' any one catuo to Red Cloud he did not j , have to move into an old tumble down 'shanty or move on. He improved and beautified every lot, kept the woods ( .down and set out trees on the lots ami ' ... f .1 ...I,,.-,. I... .11.11 111 llOlltm UIV-III, rivii niiiim ui; win not build, thus adding to the value of j eic"iot. anil adjoining property as. well. He fouud that It did not take u?nryra;jvrav.7k7zr;K & i Greatest Farm Bargain In The West 680 ACRES of RIVER BOTTOM LAND. 180 acres of it sub-Irrigated alfalfa laud, ion acres pasture, 100 acres best liny laud en the South Fork river, making C-0 ncrcs of the best land in this tectlon of the country at a prico less than one-half whut It is worth. There me now 15 acres in alf alfa, as tine a stand as any In the west; more being put In as circumstances permit: about 2l0 acres in cultivation; no alkali on this tillable land, hence it will giow anything you havo a mind to plant adapted to this country! water Is obtained on the tillublalaud anywhere from i) to IS feet, on tho hay land from '! to 10 feet, iu tho pasture at about .'10 feet; farm has a good 1 room house, burn 21 x H'i with loft, hog barn L'Cx 50) this is a burn, not a shod), other hog houses, chicken house, corrals, ,'J granaries, machinery shed, I wells, windmills, looo rods woven wire fencing, place all fenced and cross-fenced; equipped with ii I21iorso power gasoline engine and centrifugal pump drawing over 000 gallons of underllow water a minute from two wells 21 hours a day, !J(5."i days in tho year, if you want it, for Irrigation purposes; 200 acres can be Irrigated from these wells if you wish; .1000 feet of pipe tor conducting water over the land, never-falling spring on thejplacc, supplying a small pond. All improvements arc well built of the best material; nothing slip shod on the place; laud lies along the liver, all In one body, seven miles from Bonkelman. close to good school. Place is making plenty money for owner, but he wants to dispose of It, as ho hasothor business which requires his attention. All clear and title guuranteod. Price 30 per acre, or $20, 100; reasonable terms. No trades desired; sell your property and buy this for money. Address the Nuus-Ciiiionici.e, Benkolinati, Neb. Rail road fare refunded if place is not as represented. V- The Home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. A Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns In Queens ware We arc also making a Specialty of the Celebrated "A. B. CANNED Bell Phone 102. MONUMENTS for DECORATION DAY should be selected now. We have a large assortment at present. All work Come done with and see us Overing Brothers & Co. thm,s llu, wlIS,, t() ,.,, t,e , llim, mone T1illV lllt, way ,K. lowered taxation, not by sitting on a stump and howling about it. if u man , wanted to run a factory, or some other enterprise, he was not all aid the fellow wanted to make some money but told him to "sail in and I'll help you all I can. A business that doo.s I not make money Is no good. We want every legitimate business in lied Cloud , tl) make money and piles of it." Notice. A mass convention of the Democra tic voteis of Webster County will bo called to meet at Mine Hill I'htirsday May. Is, at 11 o'clock a. in. for the purpose of aiding and recommending the county eoiuinittemcn as regards to I IU"" lf "' "'" "" "" im" ), II f'ox. Chairman. V. S. IUi.i.. Socretlirv. Everything Electrical G. C- Bailey Electrical Contractor. AH kinds of Eleo . . . . triC fCpcliri fig", p.. i pi i n " puvuK, isiain. 4.u. S s s s s s EaaEacKiHs c. 99 Independent Phono 44 VpsX SvsV'NyN'NvyV" Pneumatic Tools. Ii! &-H r 4 I i TH i rri J.J i V ' j -T- v"i .r m - 1 1 -1 r . i-ira -BMMMMMa rmm hs ekgravikgIO KMKrL ii?ffraiyiBi CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND . & I.ADIK.S I A-V ymir li,,,rri,t for CHI-CHHRTUR'S Com; Uihlx DruirKlt I,V;., i "" lVl.s. lor twtnty.flvo ears lccanlcil m lkt, Safest, Always KUIaMc. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS W EVERYWHERE ? Thi' ii' Hour war lias limmrlii a...i wiiii.. i.,,r .-.r.: r, '""?? used foreign (lour and all are pleased with the change. This is as It houl,l be. .(ones doesn't 'pay the freight" on Hour Tiih i;n.rtii)iKu ooi:N home product and mivc the frel"ht Mm r"vafrLo 35 T I -to . - jca-L?" fjiw . ..'."." "! iu ki.o nmIA i metallic liruM, i!ale,J with Illuef I Hml aU fur i'UI.l'IIVH.Tf Ii u V r v .