The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 11, 1911, Image 3
SR !&; iliH1'iffii"'iiW i i vmr. MMlWKAMbM m mm ltt.t'ii i Wf I hmHF ' -r-v-- ' 1VJFr ST v.'. In May Beware ol Dyspepsia. lK?2fe JET'S baiJA 3 : I. POR J ffiUYcncnQ ANXIETY WAS FOR THE KEG Overcharge a Small Matter, but Cus tomer Did Hate to See Good Material Hurt. Every nnll-keB In tho store had its occupant, the ckecker-bonrd waa work ing overtime, and mittens and muf flers wero stuffed In bulgy pockctB, ns their owners drew closer round the big. rusty stove. Tho door opened noisily, letting in a olast of tho storm raging outside, and In Its wake followed Ilufo lllevlna, a giant wood-ehopper, whose good na ture and ready wit made him a wel come addition to tho store circle. Tho loafers moved a little closer to gether to make room for Ilufo on a 6oap-box, but he marched past tho friendly circle, plumped an empty molasses-keg down on tho counter, nnd drew a stained bill from his pocket, which ho held out to the pro prietor of tho store. An expectant grin went round tho circle, for Storekeeper Jones had the reputation of never wronging hlmsolt by ovcrwelghlng or undercharging. Tho merchant adjusted his glasses and looked expectantly from tho bill to the wood-chopper. "Notlco you charged mo for flvo gal Ions o' molasses last tlmo I had this four-gallon keg filled," drawled Rufc. "I don't mind payin for tho extra gal lon, Mr. Jones, but I do kinder hato to have a good keg strained to pieces." Youth's Companion. Not Exactly Patriotic. Ho was, let us say, Irish, was among neveral men of other nationalities, and had imbibed several beverages. Ho was extremely anxious, moreover, to uphold tho glories of Erin, but was not quite so sure of what waa going on about him. A foreigner near him remarked : j "An honcua man Is the noblest work of God!" Tho Hibernian didn't quite catch what was said: "Get out! an Irishman Is!" he roared. Recognize Value of Fresh Air. Now York city now has in opera tion twelve open air schools and classes, and deflnlto provision hus been mado for fourteen similar classes to be opened by next fall, according to an announcement mado by tho Na tional Association for tho Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Chicago has six open air classes in Us schools, and Boston has five. From many a woman's point of view a bird on her lint Is worth a back yard full of poultry. A WIDOW'8 LUCK Quit the Thing That Was Slowly In juring Her. ' C S WHAT THE SHOWS CENSUS FOR IN NEDRASKA. 1010 The Work of Compiling Figures Nearly Every Place In State Completed. for The 1910 census of tho 419 cities, towns and villages of thu state of Ne braska has Just been announced by tho census bureau. The figures follow: Able 210 Darr AdaniB IM7 Davenport . 4S 1 Alnsworth .. 1015 David City. 2177 Albion 15SI Dawson .... a 10 Alexandria . 117 Da.vkln .... 220 Allen !!0t Decatur .... 7SU Alllunco .... 310.". Dothler .... COO Alma 101HJ DoWltt .... C73 Amherst . Anoka AiKclmo ... Ansley Arapahoe ... Arcadia .... Arlington .. ur.u nc 351 700 001 018 015 Arnold 2IU Ashland 11570 Ashtou 401 Atkinson ... Atlanta .... Auburn .... Autora ..... Avoca S10 250 2729 2030 211) Axtell 394 142 712 118 22S Till 3S3 R97 2G1 77 933C 542 207 494 247 400 COO 397 475 33G 538 457 27C 3170 Dlllcr ...... 500 A woman tells how coffee kept hor from insuring her life: "I suffered for many years chiefly from troublo with my heart, with bcvcro nervous headaches and neu ralgia; but although incapacitated at times for my housework, I did not realize tho gravity of my condition till I was rejected for life insurance, bo cause, tho examining physician said, my heart was so bad ho could not pass me. "This distressed mo very much, as I was a widow and had a child de pendent upon me. It was to protect her futuro that I wanted to insuro my llfo. "Fortunately for me, I happened to read an advertisement containing a testimonial from a man who had been affected in tho samo way that I was with heart trouble, and who was bene fited by leaving off coffeo and using l'ostum. I grasped at tho hopo this held out, and mado tho chango at one. ; "My heal Ui began to improvo imme diately. Tho hoadaches and neuralgia disappeared, I gninod in flesh, and my appetito como back to mo. Greatest of all, my heart was strengthened from tho beginning, and soon all tho distressing symptoms passed away. No more waking up In tho night with my heart trying to fly out of my mouth! "Then I again mado application for llfo insurnnco, and had no troublo in passing tho medical examination. "It was boven years ago that I be gan to uso Postum and I am using It still, nnd shall continue to do so, us I find it a guarantoo of good health." Namo given by Postum Company, Bat tlo Creole, Mich. "Thoro'B a reason." Read tho big llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wellvlllo," in pkgs. Kvrr rend the uboie letter? A nevr oue npncnrn frnm (lino to time. They are Kcnutur, true, und full of -human Interest. Ayr Bancroft ... Barada .... Barneston .. Hartley .... Bassctt .... Battle Creek Bayard Bazlle Mills. Bcatrlco ... Beavr Crsng Beo Beemor .... Bcldcn .... Bclgrado ... Hellenic . . . Bcllwood ... Belvldcro .. Benedict ... Benkelman . Bennett .... Bennington. Benson .... Berlin 190 Bertrnnd ... C43 Bethany ... 948 Bladen 494 Blair 2584 Bloomfleld . 12C4 Bloomlngton 507 Blue Hill .. Blue Springs Bradshaw .. Brady Bralnard . . . Bridgeport.. Brlstow .... Brock 434 Broken Bow 22C0 Brownvlllo . limning .... Bruno Brunswick .. Burchnrd ... Burr Burwell .... Butto Byron Cairo Callaway ... Cambridge .. Campbell .. Carleton ... Carroll 382 Cedar Bluffs 500 Cedar Rapids 57C Center 119 Centrnl CIt 2128 Ceresco .... Chadron .... Chapman . . Chappell ... Chester .... Clarks COS Clarkson . .. C47 Clatonla ... 233 Clay Center. 10G5 Clearwater . 414 Cody 185 Coleridge .. 535 Collego View 1508 Colon 160 Columbus .. 5014 Comstock .. 323 Concord .... 198 Cook 378 Cordova ... 291 Cornlea .... 90 Cortland ... 30 1 Cozad 109G Crnh Orchrd 274 Craig 339 Crawford .. 1323 Crelghton .. 1373 Creston .... 338 Crcto 2401 Crofton .... G10 Culberlson . 5S0 Curtis G13 Pakota City. 474 Dalton 207 Danbury ... 2G8 Dannebrog . 380 7G1 712 359 308 4G5 541 17G 457 353 215 278 315 113 915 550 184 364 7C5 1029 573 393 29G 2087 2GG 329 560 DInuii JJodno Doniphan . . Dorchester . Douglas . . . . Dubois ..... Dunbar .... Dundee .... Dwlght Eagle ...... Kddyvllle .. Edgar ICd I so n EUm Elgin Elk Creek.. Eikhorn .... Elm Creek.. Elmwood . . El wood .... Emerson . . . Endlcntt ... Eustls 217 (101 s:io 010 30.-,; 330 j 21G 1023 1S4 300 251 1080 331 302 coo: 210 1 201 (520 035, 4G 83S 204 403 Lesham .... 86 Lexington . 2059 Liberty .... 301 Lincoln ....43973 Lindsay ... 4G5 Llnwood ... 320 Litchfield .. 403 IiOdgepolo .. 215 Long Pino.. 7S1 Loomls .... 2S1 Lorton 115 Loulsvlllo .. 77S Loup 112S Lushton .... 205 Lynrh 5S3 Lyons ..... 805 MeCook .... 3705 McCool Jet.. 309 Mad'san ... Madrid Magnet .... Malmo .... Marque tp . Martlnsburg. Mithon City. Maxwell ... Mnywood . . Mead Modo (Irovo Memphis ... Morna Moninmn .. Mllford .... Millard .... Miller Mllligan ... MJnntnro .. Mluden .... Mitchell ... Mouuwa .... Mom oo .... Morrill .... Morse Bluffs Murdock ... Naper Neb. City... Xellgh 1566 Nelson 978 1708 121 178 211 200 291 4S0 2.S0 413 330 3S8 102 45!) 251 710 200 330 330 338 1550 010 109 282 340 19G ooo 300 5488 Rlblng City 111 vol ton ... 450 301) Ewlng 440 91G 5294 1054 921 3255 402 191 343 1526 321 203 122 949 8718 1201 1C3S 1741 177 718 181 304 920 1730 Exeter Falrbury ... Fairfield ... Fairmont . . Falls City... Faruam . . . Fllley Firth Florence ... Ft. Calhoun. Ft. Crook.. Foster IFranklin Fremont Friend . Fullerton Geneva . Garrison Genoa 1376 Goring 627 Germnntown. 275 Gibbon ... Gllead .... Glenvlllo .. Gordon ... Gothenburg Grafton .... 353 Gr'd Island. 1032G Grant 358 Greeley Ctr. 845 Greenwood . 387 Grcshnm .. 341 Gretna .... 484 Gross Ill Guldo Rock. 690 Haiglcr .... 205 Hallnm .... 168 Hampton .. 383 Hardy 49G Harrison .. 18G Hartington .. 1413 Harvnrd ... 1102 Hastings ... 9338 Havelock .. 2680 Hay Springs 408 Hebron .... 1770 Hemlngford. 272 Henderson . 391 Hendlcy ... 238 Herman .... 345 Hershey ... 332 Hickman ... 388 Hlldreth ... 450 Holbrook .. 414 Holdrego ... 3030 Holstein ... 323 Homer 397 Hooper .... 791 Hoskins .... 2G2 Howard City 233 Howell .... 800 Hubbard ... 150 Hubbell .... 295 Humboldt .. 117G Humphrey . 8G8 Hutlngton .. 410 Ilyunnls ... 262 Imperlnl ... 402 Indlanola .. 681 Ithaca 171 Jackson .... 290 Jansen 308 Sumner .... 321 Johnson ... 273 Julian 108 Juniata .... 471 Kearney .... 6202 Kenesaw ... 637 Kennard ... 319 Kimball ... 454 Laurel 514 Lawrence .. 415 Lebanon ... 197 Leigh 567 Neninha ... Newcastle . ' Newman G.. Newport ... IN'iobinra ... 'Norfolk .... i North Bend. North Ioup. North Platte Oak Oakdalo .... Oakland ... Oconto .... Odell Ogalalla ... Ohlowa .... Omaha O'Neill .... Oug Orchard .... Ord Orleans .... Osceola .... Osmond ... Overton .... Oxford .... Palisade ... Palmer .... Panama .... Palmyra ... Paplllion .. Pawnco .... Pender .... Peru Petersburg . Phillips .... 43G 850 29S S22 6025 1105 510 4793 .. 237 .. G31 .. 1073 .. 215 .. 427 .. 013 .121096 .. 2080 .. 2S3 .. 632 19G0 912 1105 5G7 674 593 380 373 320 234 C24 1G10 01 950 533 271 Pierce 1200 Pilger Plainvlew .. Platto Centr Plnttsmouth. PleasntDalo. Plcasanton . Plymouth .. Polk Ponca Poscn Praguo .... Preston .... Prlmroso ... Prosscr . . .. Ragan Randolph .. Ravenna ... Raymond . . Red Cloud.. Republican . Reynolds . . Richland ... 471 941 38 S 4287 257 232 438 39G 1000 21G 304 122 158 103 214 1137 1335 23G 1G8G 476 216 156 GHE WA3 THE CAUCE. Roca 120 Rockvlllo .. 201 Rogers .... 155 Rosalie .... 147 Roselnnd 219 Rulo CGI Ru-hlllo C33 Kuskin .... 330 St. Edwards 814 .St. Helena. US St. Paul.... 133G Snleni 301 Sargent .... C51 Schuyler ... 2152 Scotia 328 Scott's Bluff 174G Scrilmor ... Seward .... Shelby .... Shelton .... Shickley ... Shubert .... Sidney .... SllveV Creek Smithtleld . Snyder South Bend. So. Omaha. 2G250 So. Soo City 1190 Spalding ... Spencer ... Sprliiglleld . Sprlngxlew , Stamford .. Stanton .... Stnplehurst. Steele City. Steinaucr .. Stella Sterling ... Stockham .. Stockvlllo .. Strang Stratton ... Stromsburg. Stuart Superior .... Surpriso ... Sutherland . Sutton Swnnton ... Syracuse ... Tnblo Rock. Talmago ... Tamora .... Tarnoy .... Tecumseh . Tekaniah . . Thurston ... Tllden Tobias Txenton .... Vehllng .... Ulysses .... Unadllla ... Union Unl. Place.. Unlaud .... Utica Valentino .. Valley 810 Valparaiso . 5G0 Verdel 102 Vcrdlgro ... 403 Verdon .... 40G Virginia ... 154 Wnhoo .... 21 CS Wallace ... 175 "Waco 203 "Wakcnc'd . SGI Walthlll ... 810 Waterbury . 199 Waterloo .. 402 Wnuncta .. 327 Vnusa C01 Waverly ... 297 Wnynetown. 2140 Weep. Wat. 1067 V. Lincoln.. 200 West Point. 177G Western .... 499 Weston .... 432. Wllber .... 1219 Wilcox .... 3S2 Wllsonvllle. 385 WInnetoon . 220 w'innebago . 300 Winsldo ... 450 Wlsncr .... 1081 Wood River. 790 Wymore ... 2011 Wyno't 25S York 6233 Vninn a-.n I A UIIIU ..... li... 801 2100 503 1005 420 311 11S5 370 100 314 125 037 07 1 403 210 301 1343 300 218 430 714 01 OOO A'lC 3G7 1355 467 2106 323 447 1702 285 842 814 461 205 121 1718 1521 112 901 445 497 , 228 651 209 302 3200 390 620 1008 TBiat Tired Feeling That comes to you every spring Is a sign that your blood Is wanting in vitality, just as pimples and other eruptions are signs that it is impure. Do not delay treatment; bogin at once to tako Hood's Sarenpniilln. which effects Its wonderful cures, not simply because It contnlnn FnrEnpnrllln, but bcciuipn It combines tho utmost remedial values of twenty different Ingredients, raised to I heir highest cfllclenry for the euro of all spring troubles, that tired feeling and loss of appetite. Thero Is no real substitute; Insist on hnvlng HootPs SarsapanBIa ... . -- ryr newui i nin a ruined man. Jewell Does your wife know it? Hewitt No, she docr.n't yet reallzo ft hat she li;i& done. SUFFERED TERRIBLY. Kidney Trouble and Rheumatic Palno Mado Life Miserable. M. R. Wilson. Humboldt. Ncbr . savs: "I bad kidney disease In a ery aggrn- "1 ft It tired all tho tlmo nnd could not sleep nights. After taking llood'n Sarsapnrllla a llttlo whlln I could sleep well and tho tired feeling had gone. This great medlclno has also cuied mo of scrofula, which hurl troubled mo from childhood" Mrs. C. M. Root, Box 25, Gllead, Conn. mi ted tallied form a. dark Kidney hecietlons con- sediment and passagen were ur painful. I wan m Miff I could hardly move. My luck ached terrlblv. 1 had nervous and dlzy spells, my limbs wero Bwollon and mornings on arising I felt weary and depressed. 1 doc tored nnd tried numerous remedies but steadily grew worse until almost helpless. I began to Improvo under the use or Bonn's Kidney Pills and It was only n short tlmo befoio I was entirely well." Remember the tinine Bonn's. For salo by all dealers 50 cents n box. Foster-MIlbum Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Her Way. Mrs. Woggs So you keep your hus band home evenings? I suppose you put his slippers whero ho can Hud 'cm? Mrs. Boggs No; I put bis over shoes where ho can't. Puck. I fKfnTTrFlffVTT ; mmm smmmmm .xsmmmmi I w No Girls. "You didn't stay long nt Wombat's country place." "No, he promised to show mo tho beauties of the neighborhood and then tried to ilnt out a lot of scenery." Beautiful Post Qards Free. Fend 2c Mump for llvi- Kiitiiplis of our wry lict Clnld i:iiiIiohhc(1 lllitliiluy, Flow er nnd Motto Post CiihIh, hrntitlfiil colon) mid lovi-llext dcMciiH Art Post Caid Club, 731 Jucksuu tit., Topcliu, Kun. It's easier for a shiftless man mako frlpnds than to mnko good. to COLT DISTEMPER 0n '41 hml1M rnrr iw.Ujr, mux, ir utlntt minium i.kjuId ihrtmii'kh cuiik. (ii mi 'thft IniimiA.ur III fiH-il. ArU on the Horn) anil oiMlt ffrrnm itf Sail fiirmi of ilUtrmpor, Ilwt reninlj o?rr known for mnrw In foal. .OnatmttlnirnaraiittftltoriimonAraM. to-mi'1 II a liottloiMan i 9IOdonnordru(rBttaati(lhnniewi1aalr. nrMnlffiiircoff l1 lir itanuraiurera. tin tnoTra now wi Miumr uiroAia. uiir irt looklolelTMaTCTTtblnir. laical atrtnta vraiiUxL lArvcat aolllng mru rcuinl luiltcuo twi? Tcarx. KPOHN MEDICAL CO.. CanUaadCirttrUloililj, OOOMon, Inct.. U. O.A. w IEbtab 1070 W Lm jLo DOUGLAS 22 $3 $3 & $4 Shoes IMS Dounlao Spring Styles include more Snappy and Up-to-Dato Shapes in Oxfords nnd High Cuts than ever before produced. V I.IoiihH warranto orurypiilr of his tihocft to hold their ftliapo, look nml lit better nml longer tliiiu any other inaKo, giving you better valuo for llio inonoy tli.m you can obtain clsuwlioro. Ksr-BEWAne of substitutes. tit xt!T- W1 1 Thr L-rnuIno Imvo V. I.. Dntielna iinmn Rml t!m rotnll prli-n atniiiiril on Hip ImiIIoiii, wlili'li iftiimintoa full valuu unit iiiolri'U tlir wciiicirniriiliiKt lilch irlrriiinl Inrnrloraliora. It T"iit ilrlrr mmiol luuplT jnu wlih Hi k'fnllliiP W.talloiwlaiiihnra, wrlUi novo RunrR for Mall iiiiirr I'Malnir. Hliofi ariit i1lri t from furlorj In wrarai, all rhartrt nu. liicpalil. XV, I.. UuiivlHt, 14ft Hliark. Ml., llrorktuu, Muaa. t2,O0,(2.Q0&$3.0O Happy Family. Mfn. Scrnppiugton (In the mldbt of her rending)-Here Is an account of a woman turning on thu ga while her husband was asleep and asphyxiating him!" Mr. Scrnppiugton Very considerate of lit r, I'm Mire! Some wives wake their hUKlmndii up, and then talk them to death. Puck. 44 Bu. to the Acre l hary jrlplri, tiiillhal'a wliut John Kcnnrdy of K.ltuontun, Allortu, WmImii L'uruilu, got from 4U1 arreaoinprinc wnraiin Vlv. nrpytlk fruuiuthnrdlalrlclalnthatproT- Important to Nlothors Kxamlno carefully every bottlo of CASTORIA, a safe nnd sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Ttn'i ru (tin Signature of (&&&& in t'so l'or over 30 Yenrs. Children Cry for Fletcher's C'nstoria a". us never be discouraged by any difficulty which may ttend what wo know to bo our duty. Rowdier. All married men aro heroes, they can't always prove It. Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much sicknrst ttnrU with weak ttomach, and consequent poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people lack ood, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating for, alter all, a man can be no stronger than his atoinacli. A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver active, makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives out diseaie-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi tude of diseases. Ccr rid ot yonr Stomach Weakncts end Liver Laziness by taklnH a course ot Mir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery tho treat Stomach Restorative, Liver Invlsiorator and Blood Cleanser. You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as n substitute for "Golden Medical Diacnv cry," which is a raedicine op known composition, havinjj a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bottle-wrapper, same being attested us correct under oath. Or. Pierce's PleatMat Pellet repilate tad Invigorate Stomach, Liver and Dowelt. II mi W lm but IP )Q m, i am I u. j i "i , i -vm. v-i- 1S I '8m-m i liiU , nag - JllSISI W. N. I). - -- urn aliowodoilirrnicrl- iriunnuiu kurli i 4, irJO binheli or hnl I torn Vm nurrv or M-n lm. rnnr. J-lMjaml 40 ak high un mi hiMhi'H of oaTa to tlm ucrowprcthrrihrd fruui Alberto OoldsfTl 1V1U. The Silver Gup a t thn rrocrit Hnnkann Kalr wan tinartf ml Initio Allmrln f Iivrrtititil fm llnoihllpllol rulns.gtu-wnaiKl Trcolahli-i. UlHtr1acif nrf llfiil Tlnltlo for IHI0 cotnn nlmi from KiKkntrlicnmi nnd Uanltubu In WMinCiinn(1a. I'rro limiiratrnila of 1110 nrroa, nml iiiljolnlni; pre riiiitlonsor 100 in-rna (nt (t:iitrurro)nr to lio IiikI In tlmrtioli nat illalrlrta. NrliiHiU i'onvinliil, ell linitn rirrllnt, aoll tlm very lal , rulliTiiya loi' nt Iniiiil. I II 1 1 il I it c luiulx-r flioiip.f iiolimay tiinet unci rouKounliln In irlin, nnlnr '"""J; proriirnU, inLxeil fHrnilnu hhik I'cun. Writ ua In lii'ht nlaro for art llniirnt. acltlra' low nillwaj rjtfa, di'trrlptlT UliMtrutril l,aatlloHtWi-t"("ni fr on iipii'iUloti)aiiilottirlnfornin lion, to Nup't ii r IninilRrntlon, llttuwu, CuiiMortntbeCanaillnn UuTerniuantAgenu jscj w. v. b'enniett illdino Oiiiha, Neb mldnm narnt you.) LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN QRBAT VARIETV FORj SALfl oAT TUB LOWEST PRICES UY WESTERN NEWSPAFEB UNION M W. Adama St., Chlcaco LINCOLN, NO 18-1911. SLOAN AND KINKAID HAVE TAR. IFF SUGGESTIONS. Bewaro the Gypsy Moth. Washington. yho department of ngrlculturo Is giving a loud cry of warning to everybody Interested In fruit trees and ornamental nlnnts and shrubs throughout the country to look out for tho brown-tall moth and tho gypsy moth. That tho dangers to fruit trees and shrubbery, and oven such trees as tho elm, oak and maplo, from theso two pests aro groat and growing Is the admonition given by tho department ot agriculture Washington. Convinced that the farmors' free list bill contains many provisions which would bo Injurious to tho farmers and which would go n long way to nullify the beneficial ef fects ot Its other provisions, Repre sentatives Sloan and Kinknld of Ne braska aro making an attempt to bring beforo tho house a number of bills thnt they believe will bring about tho desired results freo from the evils embodied In tho pending legislation. With tho hopo that these bills shall be .reported out of the committee nnd with a view to fight for their passage, Mr. Sloan and Mr. KInkald will oppopo the democratic mensure. To this end Mr. Sloan has Introduced four bills. Ono calls for nil timber and lumber to be put on the free list, one for sewing mnchlnes and nil parts thereof, an other for hoots nnd shoes, harness, saddles and saddlery, and the last fot salt. Marks Spot of "Lone Tree." Contral City. A granite pillar with Its surfaco knotted nnd carved llko tho trunk of a giant cotton wood tree, now marks the spot where tho "Lono Tree" on tho old Oicgon trail stood for years, tho only tieo up and down t'w river for miles, aud under tho branches of which many a tired band ot emigrants or California gold seek ers used to rest under tho protecting shado of its branches. Tho government will open up an ex perimental coal Mir a at Bruceton, Pa TRY THIS FRFE DIAMONDS FREE Another Opportunity to Obtain Absolutely Free Many Articles of Genuine Diamond Jewelry. I'IRbT PUI'.K Krntilno Diamond lUae. flECOND PIIIZIC Gcnuln Diamond Scarf Iln. THIRD PIUl: I.adr'a Gold Wuicli. FOUIITII IMIIZIS aeotlcnian'a IVutrli. FIITII PHlZf; Hold Wctcli Fob (L.uflr'a or Gentleman'). Will bn awarded In tho ardor named to the Ave persona Rending; ua the neatont und correct annwers. To all others answering; this advertisement we will Blve absolutely Tree a very noat Jowolry preoent and other valublo prizes, whether answers be correct or not. MAGIC 15 PUZZLE TryThit-lt Can Be Bone I0 DIHRCTIONS A few yearn ago tho H-15 pucsilo was occupy-. inK ino minus oi every one. Jl wan generally aa mltteil to be the hardest uuzzla to nulve nvai- In. ventod tho Inventor Kolnir crazy In trying; to And a Axed rulo for Bolvlna; It. The "Mnln itt" Puzzle la an outgrowth of that celebrated puzzle It be InK discovered while trying to solve the 14-16 Aiaater i-uacic. Can You Solve This Puzzle? If Can Be Done THICfrriOVS P1nr rniv nilmtini- frnm 1 In O Inclusive, In the eleht vncant circles on the above or any similarly orranRoii nneet or paper or other material In such a manner that any way the nuro- uern nrp auuuu, nerpcnaicuiariy, norizoiltaliy and alnronnllv tlncludlnc thn nnmliop in pani.r .irii tho total will be 16 Tho same number cannot be used raoro than once. Few will get all 8 columns. Boms will possibly get 0 columns. Write your naino miu uuurenn neaiiy, utcurnieiy ana plainly on vour annwer and mall or dnllvnr vnnr mlntlnn before G p. in.. Monday, May 16, 1911, to the Con-1 rest uepiirwneni. bcnmoiier ec Mueller. 1311-1313 farnam streets umana, ivenr. Only one member of a family ma- entar Only one solution will bo accepted from the same contestant. No one connected with tho music trade, nor first prlzo wlnneni In previous contests may enter. Ncatneiis. besides tho correctness of tho reply am un, iviii vn laneu uuo uunaiuoraiion in awartl InK the prized. Contest clo-ca Monday. May 16, at 6 p. m. Try! i nun. onim in juui lupucn us enriy as Jioisiuie. WINNEIIS WII.I, II 13 NOTIFir.D nv HAIIM Tjring Contestants Sharo AHko. fafffiffir J SCHrMLEPi & MOELLEe PIANO CO. CONTEST DniT., A. I3II-I3I3 Farnam Street, Omaha, CXX3 oo COD HAV13 YOU A riANO? Namo (Write plainly.) Address 0.W. vaVSJBBjBgBsaajsajj y-.ypfcfcaMJlJW--JrJO.ll.lll.walll mmMmnKtmwiMmmrmHmMumM ip -Taaoiw itr--JiiHl. , vA , w WWMlW. Whrttk j. . lfumumasms!iEkWn..