V4 ' h I- The Chief C. II. 1IAL13, Publisher fJED CLOUD NEBRASKA THE HAPPENINGS OF THEPAST WEEK LATEST HAPPENINGS OF THE WORLD IN SHORT FORM. NORTH, EAST, WEST AND SOUTH Events That Arc Making History Information Gathered From All Quarters of the Globe. Washington It Ib probable tluit the territories r halt iiuniBlif ) will go tu Senator .Smith of .Michigan. Postmaster (icncral Hitchcock Is confident that "penny pohlugo" la i probability or tfio near future. A duliclt In tli( oi'jratlon of t!:o poMoIHeo departmiMit of $17,000,000, practically has been wiped out. The lire loss of the United States and Canada for March last wan $31, GGO.SIK), according to returns collected. Americans who uau been with the Insurrectos are rapidly icturnlng to the United Stales, according to dis patches iccelved at the state depart ment. Senator La Follctte 1ms advised the federal railway clerks to organize a union under the American Federation of Labor to secure their rights against federal Intimidation. Democrats of the Bonnto may bo railed upon to arbitrate the differ ences between the republican regulars and progressives over the question of Vommlttce assignments. Tho Southern Pacific and the Ore ton & California railway companies must forfeit to flic United States about .'100,000 acres of land which is valued nt $-10,000,000 to $7fi.000,000. Congress will be ashed to hifs hills providing for a general parcels post up to eleven pounds nt eight cents a pound, one cent for each two ounces: a cheap local parcels post on the rural routes and Insurance of all mall mat ter. General Nows (JlrlB employed In tho button works ;t LaCiosso Wis., have struck. Fifteen lives were h)Et when a ty phoon struck a steamer near Manila. Postmasters of the country are to be submitted to a rigid investigation by congress. Lerdo. but a few minutes ride on an flcetiie lino from Torreon, Mexico, was eaptuied by .'(00 lebels. (5 rand Rapids. Mich., furniture workers who struck several days ago are going back to work. Wednesday was observed as Confed erate Memorial day In Florida, Ala bama, Misslsslpii and (icorgln. Thiee Callfoinlana nro under arrest at Toklo aeipiFcd of photographing tho Japanese naval station at Malzurn. Oklahoma will celebrate this week the twenty-second anniversary of the opening to settlement of that state. Tho .Missouri ouster suit against the beef packers was. continued by tho su premo court until the October term. Several Canadian shoo factories have formed a merger to meet the competition of American companies. After ninio than ten years of agita tion and discussion and real fighting the people of Council llluffs are to own the water works. The International congress on child welfare, under the ausplcc3 of the na tional congress or mothers, is In fees elon at Washington. Fire destroyed the roundhouse and it her freight buildings of the South Dakota Central railwa in Sioux I-'allr. rive lnroniolves wcro ruined. lolin Mc.Vaniara, charged with h recking the l.os Angeles Times plant with explosives, has been taken to that plare and is now In Jill there. Herman Coition, a lirteen- ear-old noy was locked In a ear at Cleveland. O., and was imprisoned until the car hi rived at Jersey City four diys later. Another disaster on Mount Taal. the jruptlnn of which a few weeks ago caused heavy loss of life and property in the Philippines, is reared following v renewal from the volcano, Anti-Mormon demonstrations aro be ing held in a number or Kngllsh pro- tncial towns. Leading democrats of Indiana met nt Indianapolis ami launched n presi dential boom for United States Sen utor John W. Kern of that place. Twenty-three miners are entombed hi Ott inlno No. 'J of tho Davis Coal & Coke company nt Klk Garden, W. V., tho result of nn explosion Monday. Frederick Schneider, a Russian im migrant with fourteen children was about to be deported, when he pro duced a role of monoy, amounting to 5JC500. He was admitted. New York will surpass Ixwdon In population by 1020, In tho opinion of Statistician Walter Laldlaw. Five negroes will bo bung from the tamo fcalTold at Oklahoma City Juno 21, Tor the murder or W. II. Archie, who was robbed and killed March !. Germany will hnvo under arms In connection with the field maneuvers this summer practically ono million men. Trapped In tho center of a forest (Ire In Uoxford, Mass., Frank Sim mons, jr., fifteen years of ago, und Albert Morgau were burned to death. Their bodies were recovered later. Tho twenty-ninth bcbbIoii of the ProtcEtnnt Episcopal church congress Is In session nt Washington. Governor Ebcrhnrt of Minnesota baa signed tho Koefc bill providing for tho nomination of United States Bonator? by direct vote of tho people. The sale of IC.000 rare bookB and manuscripts collected by tho late Rob ert Hoc of New York elty, is being at tended by book-lovers from all over the world. An armistice of flvo dnya, beginning ut noon Sunday, has been signed by General Mudcro of tho robel army and General Nnvarc of the Mexicar government. Three companies of the Iowa na tional guard again wcro called to Muscatine to assist In maintaining order in connection with tho button workers' strike. Defalcations aggregating $50,000 have been discovered In tho accounts of tho Womnn'B Red Cross for the Gorman colonies, a prominent Bochi' and philanthropic organization. A dispatch from President Dlnz to the Associated Press reiterates his be lief that (oace will lie established at once, and that the development and progress of .Mexico will he the result. Chatglng that his church was too snol blsh and sought to exclude tho poor, Rev. T. Calvin McClelland has resigned tho pastorate of the Memo rial Prebbjterlan church or New York city. Mrs. John H. Dodd or Spokane, or iginator or "Father's day," Is making arrangements through clubs In vari ous parts or the United States for national celebration on Sunday, .Tunc is. The Rocky Mountain RIIlo club, or llutte. Mont., wns awarded the club rllle shooting championship of the United States Tor the second time by the National Rltie association or Amcr lea. Three men were killed and five oth ers badly hurt Wednesday when tho bunk house or the Jumbo mine, near Knlzer, on Prince or Wales Island, Alaska, was swept away by a snow slide. Plans have been filed Tor tho eon structiqn at Hroadway and Park Place In New York city or tho highest build ing in the world. From the curb to the apex of the tower It will bo 750 feet. Following experiments, in which guinea pigs were killed by germs scraped from public drinking cups, n bill Is beroro the Chicago council call ing for the abolition or such drinking vesfels. W. S. Parker, Jr.. former paying tell er of the Southern National bank of Ixiuisvlllc, Ky.. has been arrested on a federal warrant charging misappro priation of $ 19,980 of tho bank's funds. With the top or his head crushed to a pulp, George A. IUgley lived twenty minutes after ho had been struck by a timber accidentally dropped from tho roof or a five-story building at Sioux Falls, S. D. La Crosse. Half of the girl em ployes remaining at work at the plant of the Wisconsin Pearl Button com pany, where seventy button-cutters, all men, struck last week, have- walk ed out In sympathy. Governor lladley of Missouri has ap pointed Col. John M. Williams circuit judge of the Fourteenth judicial cir cuit, to fill the vacancy caused by tho death or Judge William II. Martin o Booncvillo Thursdny. "Caesars Head" a famous peak, near AshcvHIe, was overturned by an earthquake shock In western North Carolina Friday night. It is said'part of the mountain top fell with a crash which was heard for miles. W. F. Seaver, a Muskogee, Okln., law.ver, Iiub established a reputation for professional speed by filing his own petition for divorce, having it re corded, pleading his own case and get ting a decree in about flvo minutes. As tho result of pulling a loaded pun through a wire fence while hunt ing. Julius Wonzlnff, a farmer living near Freeman. S. D., lost his life. Tho weapon was accidentally discharged by the hammer catching In the wire. Tho senate bribery Investigating committee thinks Tliden'n bank books for May, .Line, July and August, 1910. will show evidence of tho use of money in tho election of William Larimer to the United States senate, and have ordered tho arrest of Mr. Tilde n for contempt in falling to pro dure them. Pojx? Plus X is under tho care of physicians who have warned him to avoid any extra exertion. Just a eur after tho census man finished his work in the slnte of Washington, comes tho news of tho discovery on an Isolated Island off the coast of forty persons who were missed In tho count, und for that mat ter weie not generally known to exist. Professor William Adams Drown, of tho Union Theological seminary or New York, Is on trial for heresy be fore the Pittsburg presbytery. The aunulil spring carnival at San Antonio wound up with a "Dattlo of Flow-era" Friday, commemorating the anniversary of the battle of San Jacinto. Missouri republicans are nursing a presidential boom for Governor Hartley of that state. Southwestern mlllors in session at Kansas City decided to adopt means to compel Hour denlers to live up to contracts ns to tlmo and prices. John J. McNamara, international secretary of tho bridge and structural Iron workers ,of America, headquar ters of which are In IndlnnnpollB, was arrcBtcd at that plnce, charged with complicity in tho wrecking of tho Los Angeles Times, October 1, 1910, and tho plant of the Llewellyn iron works at Los Angeles. PRIEST F025 YEARS FATHER BOLL OF CRETE CELE BRATED SILVER ANNIVERS-ARY. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What li Going on Hero and Tharo That Is of Interest to the Read- n Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Crete. The Catholic ministry of this diocese Joined with the citizens or Crete, surprised Father Gerard Doll by dropping in upon him Tuesday morning, to celebrate the sliver anni versary of his priesthood. Father Doll celebrated his First holy mass twent-flvo onis ago. He Brent tho 11 rat two years or his ministry at Hebron. Ho graduated at Louisville. In 1SM5, coming to tho parish In Crete In ISSS. He has spent twenty-three of the best years or his life lieio in hard, earnest labor In the building up of his parish. Holdrege Is Hustling. Holdrege. Tho people or this place feel conlldent that this will bo the town to secure the now agricultural school and aro leaving no stone on aurned to accomplish this. Tho land that will bo presented to the state will bo bought by popular subscription from every school district in the county. The county Is thoroughly alive to the situation, and It is be lieved here that this is the best loca tion. Wants to Locate Heir. Fiillerton. Samuel Miller Is ono of the ten heirs to an estate of $1,000 near Fiillerton. His rather, Charles Miller, died last. July. Samuel Miller was last heard from In Des .Moines four years ago. The estate is to be divided, and .Mrs. Fruzler. a sister or tho deceased, Is anxious to locate her brother. Mrs. Frazier resides In Kan sas City, Kas. Struck by U. P. Train. Kearney. Ray Humphrey, nineteen-year-old son of Mrs. S. F. Humphrey or this elty, was struck by an eastbound Union Paclilc train, knocked to the ground and tho wheels of the engine passed over his left hand, necessitat ing tho amputation of the hand below tho thumb. Run Over by Dray. Peru. The little son of Prof. W. F. Iloyt, while attempting' to climb on a moving dray wagon, fell and ono of the wheels passed over his head, bad ly lacerating ono ear. The doctor fears that his hearing In that ear may bo permanently Injured. Attempt to Rob Bank at Ragan. Ragan. Durglars made an unsuc cessful attempt to rob the bank or Ragan Saturday night. Kutranco was Rained by breaking tho windows. Telephone wires were cut. An n; tempt to open the safe failed. Smallpox at Cortland. Reatrice. It' Is reported here that thero are forty cases or smallpox In tho village or Cortland, in tho north part or Gage county. a Aurora is agitating a city Y. M. C. A. building. Tho only Jail owned by York Is be ing torn out and dismantled. .Merrick county will vote on the building of a new court house soon. Miss Jessie O. Lowo of Sterling has neeu elected principal of tho Fairmont schools. Kllert .Miller, for thirty-five years a resident of Gage county, died Sunday at Beatrice, aged 71! years. Rev. ('has. G. Williams has re signed the pastorate of tho Central City Presbjteiian church. The city has commenced putting in $10,000 worth or water mains In the outlying districts or Broken Dow. Tho little four-year-old daughter or William Cooms fell In a stock-tank or water at Paxton and was drowned. Tho directors or the Deatrlce Com mercial club have passed resolutions favoring the holding of a race meeting there June 12. Roy, tho 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Kmerson at York, was fatally scalded by falling into a pan of boiling water. Fourteen hundred pupils of the Fre mont public schools were given a half holiday In recognition of services they performed In cleaning up backyards and alleys. It was clean-up week In Fremont and tho pupils of the schools Joined In it. An epidemic of smallpox Is prevail ing in Falrbury and tho board of edu cation has under consideration the matter of closing the schools. S. II. Reed, an aged citizen of Stella, came In from working In tho garden, complaining of dllllcult breathing. He died of heart failure In a few minutes. Tho total weight of the newspapers mailed from tho Lincoln postotllco during tho year 1910 was -1,192,518 pounls. Tho Inrgor part of this amount Is dally newspapers, tho balanco being made up or weekly nnd monthly edi tions or papers of various kinds print ed In tho elty. Tho principal business part of tho town of AnEelmo was completely wiped out by flro at an early hour Saturday morning. The new $30,000 homo or tho Elks at North Platte, was formally dedi cated Thursday. Visiting L'lks from many places were there. Silas J. Alexander, a resident or Lincoln since ftTfi, and secretary of state for one term, died in Denver Sunday night of heart trouble. Mrs. Emma Rurhoop committed sul tido at Waco by hanging herself. Her body was round by her slx-year-old son, hanging rrom a rafter In the barn. The school board has to-elected E. S. Cowan supeiinendent of the Albion schools for the coming yenr. Mr Cowan came to Albion last jtear frotr Creighton. At a meeting or the Deshler vlllago board Saturday evening Henry Deck man was elected chairman, II. M. Harms wan apiKjInted clerk and II. C Struvc treasurer. Mrs. Martha Wolford, better known as "Grandma" Wolford, died at her homo In Duda Wednesdny morning at the age or IMi. She was one of the pio neers or that section. Ellhu, the two-year-old son or Cyrus Hunt at Deshler died rrom drinking vapocrcsoleiie. Ho secured a bottle, kept us a croup remedy. A doctor war called, but could do nothing. Orrin Wlekhani, Tor tho last two years station agent at Hockford ror tho Rock Island road, has left that place, and his books show that ho Is short in ills accounts a trifle over $200. An engineer from tho bureau of good roads of the department of agri culture will he sent to Nebraska May 1 to act in an advisory capacity In tho construction of a road in Merrick' county. Flro of unknown origin destroyed seven business places in the Ullage1 of Phillips, at a total estimated losr, or $12,000. with insurance estimated, at 10 per cent or this sum. Practically the entire business sec tion of Unadilla was destroyed by tire Saturday night. The lire starting In the postolllee, swept along the block east and turning north destroyed everything In its atli. Mrs. Leo J. Maylleld, wife of Editor Lee Maylleld of the Louisville Courier, died Friday after an illness lasting but a row hours. She was stricken about ." o'clock Thursday evening and passed away beroro morning. A train left Deatrlce carrying a stal lion loaded in a freight car. At De witt tho animal was missing and the car door was round open. How tho door was opened Is not known. Later the horso was found unhurt near tho track. At the mall carrier's convention held in Lincoln last week the follow ing officers were elected Tor the com ing year: President, P. L. Jewett or Lincoln; vlco president, D. W. Tlllot son or Omaha; secretary, W. R. Jones of Falrbury; W. L. Hadloy or Deat rlce, treasurer; C. W. Malloy of Fre mont, member of the board of trus tees; M. D. A. Collector, E. R. Rowo or South Omaha. LINCOLN Must Make Another Application. Towns, school districts and other political divisions which tiled applica tions with Stato Treasurer George ror tho investment or stato money in these local securities must make a second ar plication, the state treas urer stating that the legal applications are only those which have been made slnco tho Potts bill passed the legis lature. II. Viele of Norfolk, has been ap iwlnted to succeed Mr. Ltiddcn as a member of tho stato normal board, when tho hitter's term expires June 25. .Mr. Viele Is president of the Nor folk school board. Ho has been a merchant for many years and was formerly a locomotive engineer on tho Northwestern railroad. Governor Aldrlch has accepted an invitation to be one of tho speaker! at tiio annual Pan-hellenic banquet to bo held In Lincoln Tuesday evening, May 2, at which tho icgents of th university will bo guests of honor. Fred M. Hunter, superintendent oi tho Norfolk schools, has been selected to fill tho vacancy at tho head of the stato agricultural school, caused by, the death or Dr. E. A. Davisson. The board or regents elected Hunter on the recommendation of Chancellor Avery Dr. George Whltesldo, n graduato of Harvard and a student In Paris schools, contends that his Harvard di ploma is worth $20,000 and he hns sued tho Adams Express company for that sum, charging thnt the express company lost the document. New System for Inspectors. A system of reports, whereby the dally trip and location of every pure food Inspector, as well as of the cases and places observed by him, has been devised by Puro Food Commissioner Jackson. Ho has Ecnt out a letter re cently explaining tho system to his inspectors, calling on them to do good work and to economize on their ex. peiiEO accounts, Ho also calls atten tion to tho fact that tho legislature has allowed them $4 a day and ex penses, an Incroaso of a dollar a day, (LINCOlJSfrMt-ATr ?nw2itj0 VOTE FGR BIG HOUSE MEMBERSHIP IN CONGRESS TO BE GREATLY INCREASED. EXPANDS FROM 391 TO 433 Bill Passed Identical With That Adopted at Previous Session Two Important Amendments Rejected. Washington. A hill providing for enlargement of the national houso of representatives rrom ;i!H to 4;::i mem bers, and tho apportionment or theso members to tho different states on the basis or tho population shown by tho lecent federal census, passed the houso after vain efforts of members or both political parties to amend it in important particulars. The pro pored size or the house Is identical with that provided ' for in tho ('rum packer bill passed by tho house at the last Lcssion of congress, but not acted upon by the senate. Tho Houston bill leaves to the legislatures or tho dif ferent states tho power to rearrange tho congressional districts In thoit respective states on tho new popula tion basis, of ono member for each 2I1.S77 or inhabitants. Tho two important amendments pro posed and dereated after long debato were to put the redlstiictlng power In tho hands or the governors or states when tho legislature had railed to act. and to limit the houso in tho future to a membership of i:io or 4.'i:i, leaving future reapportionments to tho secretary of the department of com merce and labor. Independence for Philippine Islands, Washington. Representative- Cox or Ohio Is at tho head or a movement to make the Philippines and their In dependence a party measure at this session or congress. At the next meet Ins of the majority caucus ho will ask that n resolution calling on the war department for a statement showing what the Islands have cost tho United States since tho American occupation be made a part of the majority pro. gram. Valise Full of Dynamite. St. Louis. A valise containing fifty six pounds or dynamite, round under a seat in the second class waiting room in union station Wednesday night remained in the lost articles room until city detectives, whose duty It Is to Inspect all such parcels, opened tho vallso and discovered what the contents were. Trying to Settle Strike. Muscatine. Governor Carroll has arrived here with Labor Commissioner Van, Duyn and Deputy Labor Commis sioner Van Vleck ror the purpose or effecting, if possible, a settlement or tho trouble between the manufactur ers, and the three thousand button workers who hnvo been out for some time. Set Fire to the Wreckage. San Francisco. A cable message Trom Shanghai, received at tho oillco of tho Pacific Mail Steamship com pany here, says that after looting tho wreck of the steamer Asia, which struck on Finger Rock, Chinese pir ates set Are to tho vessel completing the work" of destruction. New Revolution Brewing. City or Mexico. With the avowed purpose of leading a revolution against the government of President Estrndn or Nicaragua, Dr. Rudoiro Es plonosn, Nlcaraguan minister to the United States during Xclaya's regime, has left Mexico City for San. Salvador. Bandits in Automobile. Chicago. Four ninied robbers, who had a Limousine car. entered the Jewelry store or Edward Albert!, beat the proprietor and a clerk helpless nnd escaped with plunder valued nt $15,000. Open Air Commencement. Cambridge. .Mass. Harvard univers ity plans an Innovation In the form of an open-air commencement this June. Memorial hall will bo abondonod on account of insufficient senting space, Serious Rising at Canton. Hong Kong. A serious uprising has jccurred nt Canton. Revolutionists marched to tho ofllcial residence of the viceroy, which they set on fire. Tho revolutionists were armed with rifles and bombs, but tho attack was anticipated. Admiral LI was In corr mand of tho troops and encaged the rebels In a florco light. LI succeeded In putting tho attacking party to rout, but several men were killed. Great excitement prevails within the city, tho gates of which were ordered closed. A Triangular Controversy. Mexico City. Spain, through her minister to Mexico, Dearnardo do Cologan v Cologan, has made formal protest to tho foreign olllce against tho assassination of six subjects of King Alfonso In tho 6tato of Puebla Monday. Mexico now flndo herself In diplomatic controversies with thrro nutlons as tho result of Incidents growing out of tho revolution. It Is not believed, however, thnt thoso with Spain and Great Britain will lnvolvo anything more serloiiB than tho forma exchange of notes. AFTER 7 YEARS SUFFERING I Was Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Waurika, Okla. "I had female trou ilca for seven years, was all rundown. ami so nervous A could not do any thing. Tho doctors trmitPfl mn fnr fHf ill forent things but jt did mo no good. I got, bo uau mac x could not sleep day or night. Whlto in this condition I read of Lydia B. rink ham's VogotablM C o m pound, nnd " .'Cj. ild IIOU IWI14 ijiu to .mra. iiiii;iiam ior nctvieo. in n short time-1 had gained my average weight and am now atronnr and well." Mrs. Salmk Stkvk.vh, 11. P. D., Xo. 0, Box 31, Waurika, Okla. Another Grateful Woninn. Huntington, Mass. "I was in a ner vous, run down condition and for thrco ycara could find no help. x " 0J,"-V present good health to Lydia L. rinkliam'a Vegetablo Com pound and Wood Purillor which 1 bo licvo saved my life. "My doctor knows what helped mo and does not say ono word against it." Mrs. Mam Jaxettjj Hates, liox 134. Huntington, Mass. Bccauso your caso is a difficult one, doctors having dono you no good, do not continuo tomifTer without giving Lydia 1). l'inkham's Vegetablo Com pound a trial. It surely lias cured many cases of female ills, such'as in lamination, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic I "a, uauRuene, mac nearing-ciown .colintf, and nervous prostration. Not Alarming. 'Arry I've 'oard you've got a Job, Bill. Is it a fac'? Bill Yus, It's true; but there ain't no causo for anxiety; It's only torn poryl London Opinion. Saskatoon Offers You Success If you nro nn intelligent, hnrdworhinij neneultiirist in nny branch. You could not credit the prosperity of our farmers unless you actually camo rnd au Why not come? If you do, you will be lorry you had not come years ngo. Perhaps you aro not getting nlong very well, except In tho matter of years. Better do Bomethlng for your children's sake. Join our pros perity. For all information writo tho CommiPsioncr. Bonrd of Trade, Saska toon, Saskatchewan, Western Canada. j His Business Improving. "Yes," said tho old lady, "now that spring is with us business will pick up with the old mnn." Asked what ho did for a living Bho replied: "Well, he sells rabbit feet for watch, charms nn' to stavo off hoodoos, an ho does flno with rattlesnake rattles, but bo makes most at sellln' young mockln' bltds an' prayln fer rain." Irish Landmark Gone. Tho famous Templo of Liberty, on of Ulster's best-known landmarks, was burned to tho ground tho other morn ing. Erected nt Toomebrldgo, on tho County Londonderry' side of tho River Bann, by tho Into Rev. John Caroy, solno GO years ago, It had a romantlo history. Its founder was a remark ablo man, possessed of cohsldorablo wealth. He was a descendant of a Cromwelllan family, and had been ar rested and tried for murder, but was unanimously acquitted by tho Jury,, whereupon ho erected tho building In question. London Mall. Poor Tom. A very youthful nnd entirely un known musical composer read somo verses by tho renowned Thomas Moore which ho liked' very much. Forthwith tho buzz of inspiration circulated through his brain, and tho noxt thing ho knew ho had evolved a tuno which went right prettily with tho words ot the Irish poet. Much elated, tho very, youthful composer took tho product to a publisher of popular songs nnd sang It to him. Tho publisher shook his head. "Tho music's all right," ho opined, "but tho words aro bum." Makes a Good Breakfast Better Toh ave somo Post Toasties with cream or milk. For q pleasing change, sprinkle Post Toasties over fresh or stewed fruit, then add cream and you have a small feast. "The Memory Lingers" POSTUM CBRBAI. CO., Ltd., Eattlt Crtek. MloU. sj m - m Wrtm M j y .'