The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 04, 1911, Image 1

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    M' ilo Historical S iclcty
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4 Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two Weeks E.icli Year For $1.50
Don't Carry a Safe
i moncj wlji'M von
account will
uhtiad ol'cab
ciB j
k'ou Arc Prolcctea
I'nroaglilyHirninst 1iiiiW,s I1C ,
k.utcxtinoosl I,,,,,,, ,,,.s t..
JitliecoiJvcnU'iH'.-.s .r it l.utik
ncoHT '
jP on Time Deposits
m --s
Webster County bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Casllier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
Cd KiiiK isUoil his sister unit fnully
near Unrr Oiilc Siitunlny ami Sunilay
' Miss Iva Hoirman spent, SAtunlay
c ami Jsuiuiny with Miss Mary Holcoinb.
Miss IJinina UerKtiolil of Koulitcr,
Colo., lias been visiting friend in Lost.
4 Ulinrlle Moeile is a Irequoni cauor
nt Mr. HolTman.s. We all wntuior
w liy
Mi Swart, of l'ennsylvauia lias
been viMtinK his tiunt, Mrs I. Frisbie,
a few ilays.
Mis Va .Seaton ami Miss Lacy Deck'
er culled on Mrs. Chailie Itassur Tuos
day afternoon.
Mrs. Porter Utile, anil daughter help
ed her mother, Mrs John Kmiclc, clean
house, a few days last weok.
Aniliew KitiR, ('. II Harris, Victor
.springer. Fin ley Bright, Amos Dillon.
Bill Dillon. Artie, Carl and Arch Nass
er joined tho Workman lodge Tuesday
A party was given at John lilieoks
Hfntl.lnt nllif f1.ut'ttww1 . I 11 f I II
i . . i i m i-.i Monday night. Everybody liaii 'a
Harry Moedc visited Mr. Merei'ith ,... .,, ,. . , .i...
, I good tune, liivu another one John
Albert Knutson sturtoil planting
corn last Wednesdaj.
Mr. Kldredge and wife and Mr&.
Moedo visited Mr. Means and family
Ben Heed helped Albert Knutson
drive his cuttle up to John Copleys
lust Sunday
A fine rain foil on Friday iindSiitui
wluy evenings. A little hail fell also
but not enough to hurt anything.
Miss Peterson closed a successful
term of school in district 'i and Miss
Hines closed one likewise in district
XI. t
13 AT IN
Jo.s. J. Vuvricka was in Itlooiuington
M avricka and son, Louis weie
shopping in Blue Hill aaturdiiy
Mrs Jos Polnicky spent Monday
wi'h her daughter, Mrs. Jos Havel.
A fine ruin fell in this locality hatur
duy night followed by a bad frost
Sunday night which moans no fruit
this year.
Misses Sam ha and Martha Hanson
called on Misses Mary and Julia
Jelinek Haturday evening and they
had to stay all night on account of the
rain stotiu.
Mis Charlie Hnsser
sick list.
Mis Bernard Hulsbush is on the
sick, list this week
liny Barnes is braking some
Jack Barnes called on Will Fisher
Agoodiaiu on Friday night with
some hail but tho ruin done lots of
Frank Amack und CJuy Barnes at
tended the A. O. U W., lodge on Tues
day night.
Cap Ilouchin, the contractor, vis at
wot k on the chalk hill widening the
till in the tit aw.
Mr. and Ihf,. K.Smith fioiu Kansas
called on their son, Lee .Smith and
wife, on wind mill row Sunday.
Ueorgo Smith went over to town
Saturday night and got i allied in and
did not get back to see his girl on
Sweater Time!j
:n: 5045
This is the season of the year when the Sweater
Coat is the most convenient, the weather often
being too warm for a heavy coat and too cool for
no coat at all. You can scarcely afford to be
without such a convenient garment
at the prices we make on them
Our stock is complete. We can furnish sweater coats in the
following popular colors: White, Blue, Red, Gray and Brown,
in any size. We have the strongest and best line of
Laces and Embroideries
at absolutely the lowest prices to be had anywhere, .quality
(leorge Hauls made a business trip
to his new tat in after the rain to see
if It was all thete yet or washul away
School closed in disti let M on Pri
day with a good time fm the little
folks. Murill Fisher ami Kverett
Hawkins tecehed a nice cake from
their teacher for not being absent or
tnrdy during the term and they made
quite ti cake walk for litlie kids
The rnin on Friday night washed
out the nppioaoli to one of the bridge-
on tho river bottom road and road boss
Fisher had to drive a lot of piling and
also put a force of men to hauling
rock and tilling it up. They have
It most completed at this wilting.
Mrs. Frank Pony is on the sick list.
The otliclul board of the M P. church
met at the church Tuesday evening
Mis Thornton spent Sunday in the
country with her sister, Mrs L. (!.
Mrs. Juliu Lane has been at Burr
Oak cariug for her mother, Mrs Wal
ters, who is quite ill.
Thursday afternoon the Methodist
ladies served a fifteen cent lunch in
the basement of the church.
Mrs. K. E. Murnhv and sour return
ed Tuesday to their home at Wuuneta
after a visit here with her parents, ti.
M. Simpson and wife.
The four pastors of the (Jnidu Hock
churches have a ery pluf-nnt associa
tion. They met Tuesday morning
with Itev llobbtns in his study.
Mrs. Calvin (ileasou was called to
Republican City the last ot the week
ly' the serious illness of her btother.
Mr Clark. At last teports he was
some better.
Henry Watt wi-nt to Omaha .Monday
morning to consult an occulist about
his eyes which have been troubling
him for sometime. His btother, James
F Watt, accompanied him.
Petty Kobhius, aged twelve, son of
Hie Baptist pastor fell Monday after
noon ti (.'liking one bone near the
wrist He was looking fur llowets in
the timber and jumped acioss the
creek striking on his aim.
F. NEWH0USE, Dry Goods.
Butterick Patterns.
Both Phones.
Ewiono is looking foi tobbors 1
haven t lost au.
It B Thompson went to Hastings
Tuesday on business
J ml White is wot king on his fitim
noilliwest ol town this week.
We had an inch of rain Tuesday
night which puts the soil in line shape.
A II Spiacheris having some tin
nuigwotk done on his house this
w oek
Jus AlcBiirto is putting down an air
ptessuie cistetn on bis propotty east
ot town
Theie will be a Miuday school con
vention of this county held nt the M.
II. church nt '2 'M p. in,, .Sunday alter
noon. All are invited.
Thomas Darnell our accommodating
B. A M., agent rutin tied fium Mitideu,
Nebr , whore he has been in attend
mice at the death bed of his father.
The Blue Hill Ilitrb school lost the
Friday base ball game to tho Cowles
High suhool by a scoto of 10 to o
How did it happen boys? You won a
Theie weie soventeeti nutos crossed
the creek bridgo east of town In less
thau .'10 minutes and these autos were
loaded with men who were looking for
bunk robbets.
Bent Prather is up fiom Superior
this week. On account of a lame
hoise he left his two loads of imple
ments here last week and ho expects
to return this week.
There was a meeting of the (lien
wood Telephone Co , for the district of
Cowlos Saturduy afternoon. The fol
lowing olllcorswoie elected: Director,
Chas. C. Bennett: Secretary, Dr. Caulk;
Treasurer, L 'I . Foe.
The enterprising business men of
Cowles are doing some excellent dona
tion work on tho roads west of town.
This Ih cortulnly a paying proposition
as woll as an accommodating one. It
would be bettor for the vitiligo If moro
of this woik was done.
Ptof (iregory and Wallace Vance
had the nilsfoitune of a head-end col
lusion on the base ball grounds Satur
day Prof Giegory was unconscious
for a number of hoius while W'nllaco
Vance came out of the scrimmage, with
a broken nose. They were hurt while
trying to catch a ily ball
The Birthday Gift
The practise of gift-giving at Christmas time is a
modern fashion a habit. There is nothing in the original
significance of Christmas to even remotely suggest a gift.
It is nevertheless a beautiful idea.
A much more expressive and consistent gift is a Birthday or thcr
anniversary gift. The anniversary is hers, or his very own-Christmas
is evcrbody's. There is a distinction in the anniversary gift a com
pliment that the Christmas gift lacks.
Give her, or him, or them, mother, sister, wife, father, brother, hus
band or friend-a gift on an anniversary and it means something
Make that day the happiest of the year. "
Our stock offers articles of use and beauty suitable for all gift oc
casions, qualities unsurpassed and scmelhing at a price ou can afford
Newhousc Bros.
C. 0. A Q. Watch Inspectors.
Jewelers and Optometrists.
Harness Repairing and Oiling Neatly
Done at FOG EL'S
Also my stock of Harness of all kinds and Harness repairs
including Strap work, Collars, Halters and Saddlery.
My line of Harness Hardware is complete. Remember I
can give you just what you call for in this line and prices
always the lowest.
Joe Fogel, The Harness Man.
aar t
"4 ' ,.
4 Tm'
-ims& r&k -
"Imperial" High Patent Flour, $ 1 .00
a Sack; "Select,' 90 cents.
Each sack of Flour is absolutly guaranteed. If not
satisfied, your money will be cheerfully refunded.
Phone your orders to the mill, phone Red 45. ALL
Free Delivery mado to all parts of tho City,
HEt) GltOUD JrllltLtlNG G0JWP11J1Y
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