r mmwiovw-mtffr.i- n n hxu-.-.4j J--...,-, .. . f. ivr--- - j-nirfn .MjfcWtwrwViv HEADQUARTERS For Everything in the HOUSE FURNISHING Line. Also a fine line of PIHNOS hlMIII WWMIIIII MMWIII I MINIMI M I WHH IWfc II.IMI. mill III Undertaking a Specialty. All the Phones. S Efl A mark l)ftfi. 1 lui iniun i v- 1 J?ea Estate and Loans Dan Garber & Co. Red Cloud, Nebraska Chief Office SIYIPS0N & KENWOHTHY Successor To A. C. Bradshaw Exdusive Dealers In Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal. : : PHONE. US YOUR ORDERS. BELL RED 57 amended to provide for mi option nl county road orRiiiilmtton, to be deter mined by the county board. In counties ovr Ml.OUO population the county surveyor shall lie count highway coiiiuiNsloner. tn counties of li"s populiittou Hie county board may appoint a highway commissioner who miiy be the Mireyor, but who iniiHt be u pnictlcu) road engineer. The county hoard and county highway comiuNsloner Is given exclusive until ority over the roads of tlnj county. I'rcclncl and township road supervis ors shall petfuiiu their work under supervision of the board and coiumlss lonet. County load tinil bridgo lecotds lire to be kept u ululiiing full detailed In formation concerning all highway. Kuch blidgu must be labeled with a si!ii showing the weight it will cany, The llrst of each Jeir the commission er must flic a icporl showing full du tailed infoi'iuatloii of all wot It done and material used the pieueding eitr and giving ostiiiuito.H and recommend ations for the ensuing ycur. The com missioner cannot, be Interested hi any county contract. Provision in made for keeping weeds cut and for periodically dragging any roads at a cost not to exceed 31 ii mile. Kmergcncy, In eirect April 10, 11)11. CLAIMS lOIt HAMAOUS. HotibO Uoll No. (il, by Gandy Pro vides that claims for damages of right of way of any public road and for sor vicos of road olllclals shall bo paid from that county general fund, form erly thoy were paid from the road dis trict fund. Amends section 0150, Cobbey's. Effective July 7, ll)ll. LAYING OUr 1IOAIIS. Senate File No. 377, by Hoagland Empowers county boards to lay out public roads where it is impracticable to follow section lines. Where such roads run through fenced private hinds the county board may furnish automatic gat us. For leaving a gate open there is a maximum penalty of a Hue of 850 or thirty rtajs imprison ment. EHecttvo .Inly 7, 11)11. g3Kr;tffcr, .' ;...,fe v VVVvV" VV'VVV'VN,? & I u , ' 1 M f . BSGrJL T, V 1 't. V.'.l' I ! ' IL22 i r f srzr '"iir'ji-jii"S7? rf3i I 3 P L--J yu' i- W. 4,T5I ffi A i 111 'ifl ri m iv i m.-iALror'. r '. l.ili",' 1 KUasffibl . i'i W&VAttA!&'M i to ' i rjv w.. -rui 1 n rH riraaM-' ttir HLi .?. 1 1 y-fl i i iii -. I l-gTOBK!': XZJlj wim usykm V Vw2fcSl X 3OJ . ". r Everything Electrical L C Bailey Electrical Contractor. All kinds of Elec trie repairing. Bell phone, Black 20. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block, lied Cloud In Rivcrton every Monday Horsemen Attention. H. A. Johnson has his string of Horses and Jacks at his barn in Red Cloud for the season of 1911. Phone Farmers Rural 186. WHEN YOU VISIT the snot where lies a departed loved one, It's only natural to teel prUlo in seeing A Becoming Monument mnrlc the, giave. Von have an un marked grno Vou're thinking about the monument. Visit us wo will help you. Our uwlc Is lasting. Charges modotate. ED. McALISTER ' UtlSJ) CLOUD, NKOltASICA Some ot" the Laws Passed by the Last Legislature. IJOADS AND DUIIMIKS hi'ati: uitinui: aid. House lloll No. i!7l. bv Cronin Pro- vides a one llfth milt levy to aid coun ties in me construction of bridges as follows: The state board of hriiratioii is con stituted the state board of supervision lor bridges. Any county board may make aiuiii- cation lor aid in the construction of any bridge across any stream', 7fi feet ornioie wide. .Such imnlioation shall sei fotth the estimated cost of the pro posed uruigo and a resolution of the county board pledirlui: the count v to stand half the cost of the bridge. Uids are to be asked jointly by the county and state and sent to the county clerk oi i no county to bo opened bv the clerk and a repie-ontative of the state ooaiu. The state is not liable for any cost above the amount of the levy. Appli cations to bo taken up by the state boaul in tlio order of their tiling. The cost of maintenance is to be borne by the county up to SlOu a year. When such cost exceeds that amount the state is to bear half the cost of the excess. In effect July 7. 1DU. sri;i:xuni of itiiiin.i:s. House Uoll No. titll, by tJustalson Provides that county boards, town and oillolals having In charge bildge construction and repair work shall pro vide when such bridges are construct ed, leconstructed or icpaircd, for llooring heavy enough to carry a load of not less than twenty tons. The uoor oi culverts must not extend above the road way and bridges shall be con structed in a straight line with, the roadway, wherever possible. KlVoctivo .Inly T, lDU. worn; doxe iiy mi: cor.MY. H. 11, lit, by Fuller Provides that county boards may build 01 construct bridges up to a cost of 8500 by employ lug day labor and without letting a contract for tho work, provides for maintaining a dotalled record of such work. Anionds Section 0120, Cobbey's. Kmergcncy. Now iu oirect. I'OL'NrV ItOAD OIIOAXI.ATIO.N. House Koll No. i!7(), by Joint Com-mlttee-Ofio of set of road bills indors ed by Nebraska ood Koads association LIVE STOCK 110(1 cnOLKRA SI'.llUM II. 11. 58, by Sanborn Provides for the establishment at tho statu farm of a plant for the production and pre paration of hog cholera serum, the work to be doue by the department of animal pathology. Serum Is to be dis tributed by the department to fucmers and bwluu growers and to the statu veterinarian at actual cost. An ap; propriation of 15,000 is niaije for carrying out tho provisions of the act. Receipts from the distribution of serum shall be turned back into thci fund to continue the production, of more serum. Effective July T, 191 1. OLAMtCIIRIi IIOIISIW House Hull No. 177, by Dolezal and (lUstufson Provides for indemnillca tlon of owners of infected horses and, mules killed by order of the state vet erinarian. Appropriates !r.,uOO for the purpose. In no case shall the amount paid eceod two-thluis the value of the animal killed or be more than $200. Bringing an infected ani mal into the state is made a misde meanor, punishable by a tine of from S100 to 81,000. Amouds sections :tls7, 318U and 8:i 190 Cobbey's. Effective July 7, mil. 7:3 Jl. l-'M i . ML r IL t '- - V " :zr.MV-0-.v: '!'.. N - Cuptlht 190), bir C. E. Zimmerman Co --No. 7 KITCHEN FURNISHINGS IT IS not many years since "Kitchen Furnishings" would have been a ridiculous phrase, for at that time there were no conveniences in kitchen furnish ings. But today there are cabnets, ranges and vari ous articles that help to make a back number of the old adage "Womans work is never done". The Place to Buy Your Hoosier Kitchen Cabnet and Scotch Linoleum. We wish to call your attention to a few facts about our Scotch Linoleum. FIRST It is far more plyable than the Linoleum made in this country. SECOND It is still plyable in cold weather. THIRD It does not roll or hump up in creeses. FOURTH The predominating color of the pattern goes through to the back 'while the domestic Linoleum will crack more easily and the pattern wears off twice as quick and leaves you a dusty red floor covering. ATKINS & BARBER 1 TIJUOWINt; MIOKKX ULAhS House Koll No Ml, by I'uls and Stobblus 1'ioliibits throwing on any public road, bridge, street or alley any glass, crockery, tacks, nails, or any sharp or broken substance which may injure any person, ntiim.il or vehicle. Punishable by a Hue of from i7 to 8100. Emergency. Now iu effect. COLUMHUS DAY A HOLIDAY S. V. yoi by Buhrman Amends Sec. 193, Chap. II, Wheeler's compliod stat utes. Adds to the list or legal holidays Octobor 12, to be known as "Columbus Day." Emergency. In effect April 7. 1911 For Dyspepsia You Risk NothlnUvTrylii4Thls Remedy We waut every one troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia to come to our storo and obtain a box of Ke.ull Dyspepsia Tablets. Thoy contain Ills-niuth-Subnitratc and Pepsin prepared by a process which develops their greatest power to overcomo digestive disturbance. Itoxull Dyspepsia Tablets nrc very pleasant to take. They soothe the ir ritable, wenk stomach, strengthen and Invigorate the digestive organb, relievo nausea and indigestion, promote nu trition and bring about a feeling of comfort. If you give Ke.vall Dyspepsia Tablets a reasonable tiial we will return your money If you are not satisfied with the result. Three f,i.os, tij conts, ,r0 cents and Si.Oo. Komeniber you etui obtain Ke.vall Remedies only ut -Tho Itoxall Storo. Tho II, K. Grlce Drug In The District Court of Webster Coun ty, Nebraska. U llllaiu :iuiultis. I'lalnUll. Orlando iSiMinilcr.H, .Mrs. Orhuulo Saunders, uhosu real llrst name Is unknown. .MullHsaChamhirluin, Cliambci- liiln, huilmml of MallsNn Chamberlain . w hose rral Unit imuio U unknown. Mr. William Miiindurs, whoso real llrst nmiit' Is unknown. wlto ot William simulcrH, 'I'liaddeus MiimdrrH, rdla Sanndtrs, will of 'I'lniddsus Siuili. ilern. Nellie Muude. Maude, Husband of Nclllu Maude, whose real tit st iiaiuu Is inikiiow'u, .lohii Neihlt, Mrs. .lohu NcsMt. wife ot John N ( s I 1 1 whoso real llrst name K unl.nouii. Clnro Nesbll, Mrs. Clare Nch- hit, wife of Clnro Nuslill, whose icil Hist nnme Ik unknown. Nellie Hunter. Ititlph llimlcr, her husband, Kiniicis .Scsblt. Thomas Ncshlt, lliuel .Nesblt, and s.imiicl Sauudurs. Ihtlucdnuts. rtuiili(ie named uon-reKldent defendants will take uotlec that on the 18th day ol No ember, lino William .saumlcrN, plnlntill herein tiled hlsnotltlou In the Dlstilct Court of Webster County, Nebraska nunlnst the above named defendant., tho ohjeet and ii:iytr of which Is to determine tho riuhtrt of tho partus In theaboNeease to tho followlui; tleseilbrd pri'mlst'ssltiiatetllu W'ehslir Coun ty. Nebraska: .V strip oil the intiio west side of Lot No. i, In .section No. 11, In Township No. I, North ofltauuKNo.il, Went of tho llth I'. M. In Webster County. Nebraska, lielui rc.ctantu lar In form and containing thirteen and ninety one hundredths aercs and known as tho Sumukrs Ituul, and for ajudumeut eoullriuini; the sluires of tho parties to the above iloserlbcd pretnls is anil (or a partition of said alxive described promises accord I m; to the ii'spcclho rights of tho parties luteiested Ihortln and If the same cannot bo equitably divided, that said premises be sold and tho proceeds ho divided betwten the parties heroto accordliiK to their respective-rlyhts. and for general oijuttablo relief. You aroin(iilrel to unswor said petition on or before the'.Mth day of Ma, l'JII. Duted April II. lull. Wii.i.t M h.M miiuis, lly llernard McNeny Ills Attorney. CAviffQ Dremium M. Hams and Bacon a Frsaie Sli John Yost xym fvl. mCtrm SS- va . WiaJSli'! I- T ri-PHJ; fire J-rJ .iXr-' 1 ln0U'Wr(U- 1 JDS wik I THIC "Dutch Butcher" DR.S. J. CDNNGNGHAIVI DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. 13)11011 At the old stand over the State Bank. Phone 131. CATARRH mM BXCaoZ:.'riW yMJ.7rm CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND 00 GRAND MMk 1 1 I '" LAnins j v.- AiV ;unr Orunnl.t Tor Cni-CIIKS-TRR'S A UtAMDNU 1IUAND PH.I.S 111 Kpi andOw Cold metallic bozrs, sealed with l!lue0 Ribbon. Takb no oTIinn. Ilur of yourS Ilrurwlit and aik fur OIII.CllFrt.Tr.lt H V MAHII.MI nilAMt I'U.l.H. for twentv-flro year rej;arUcd ns JJest, Safest, Alwaya lteliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi, EVERYWHERE SS The Chief, $1.50 per Year tot'? v.rrifrS'tffi. AV, l"mW&& 'id 50 fi r& SSOV'i iisy ST WW Ely's Cream Balm This Romody Is o SpoclfTd, Sure to Clvo Satisfaction. OIVES RELIEF AT ONCE It cloanscB, Bootbcn, lieals, anil j)rotects the diseased membrane. It cures Catarrh and drives away n Cold in tho Head quickly. Ifostores tho Sensos of Taato and Kmoll. Ka-sy to use. Coutalus no Injurious drills. AppUcxl Into tho nostrila mid absorbed. I4rte fi?e, CO eoula nt Hriif,'gibts or by mail ; Trial Slzo, IU cents by mail. ( ELY BROTHERS. 60 Warren St., New York. Don't Delay Ordering it fire insurance, policy from us u shifflo day. Fire isn't goinp to stay uwny bccntiao you are not in sured. In fuet, it seems to plek our, tho iiKtii foolLsh enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Ilavo us issuo you a policy to-dny Don't hesitate about tho matter. The fire (loud mny have your house down on tho list for a visit this very nijjlit. MARK WHA Tl SAY O. C TEEL, Reliable Insurance. Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. -J Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm Koon Red Cloud, Nebn Read the adds in the Chief Mn K-...li ' i m m I fcisuw.ati' ' --Si?" -TT-4 -3rsrw ssritae -mcs-tswik - w--'v"-'"'"