The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1911, Image 7

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MAR& Secrets osfT)
Vi uJ MLfc
T r JLrtsrI Flo r3KR 1 Wi 1 . , 4fiJ
tOW would you llko to be brought l tWr -YilfflE KwliSi i""
to liRht 2,000 years nftor you linil B rZT "-, rLJ V i Mfflftt'T&B RSSISmR V" !.
boon burled mid to huvo tho f'C " If v w1 fY 'M fMUBKaomtiEfW
story of your life told ngaln from Is V?. ' '. ' I :'ifH W EwfMgm&ffl, Wli
what wan found In your grave" fe&A . ,w, & "' "fetl FISHBbE
Probably not a thimbleful could miy-'t W$HrA uMfih VirBtefc,
be gathered together. not t shred, IfWmmMC v ' T",V ".',. t&(rf i tft ltif'M &STi- ft J
not even a nail or metal serap TO ,, PV v j fcf "J j &f ggft.
., Yet from the old cemeteries of Imfi? .,." va lJhi.Jil TOM Blv&M retfH& & S
T I'gypt tho story of an extinct civ lEffijSJMu. v i &?M 'Eh VmB HfcKp
ML jJk K1"K'' nd Ponces long WV ' .Zfc7g$!? ffjRIbtdF
M, 53" since forgotten, mts kuiK slnro Ite&V ,' Fi:W-T-- ttdfch -
(jrlf ost, nn almost eudlcfls panoininn l&$ , fV 1 ' . - I T::C'Sj. . -
HSH5HJ ago centurion befoio Homer sang, ifefev X V? ill " 'M. Sjfe S
Solomon ant In judgment; while f EjS-- ? -y -t -iwJh "S MN?5'sWBp ifH-
Europe ,as . tho hau.ucfcattorod savage., jg kpi
Q7 cp ,mm W Bis orAfaryr crr 'itoX s Cv JN
iwr4iwct?K SAKi:njiT.'es5sia- jxrnBiriwjaTt'iiarjYi --
?&i&m$smmvmixmiB. jtemr3sw.p&X2oMimMi
and before England had been snatched from
tho continent by tho arms of tho sea.
Think of tho rubbish heaps of these an
clont cities being dug up and of thoro be
ing sifted out from tho debris tho story of
tho dally llfo of pcoplo 3.000 and evon G.O0O
years gono by. Think of a bundle of let
tors 3,000 years old that retold and In points
corroborated the story of Palestine when
tho patriarchs were still alive. Think of
digging from tho ruins of an ancient me
tropolis tho records of 7,000 years.
Tho Egyptians wcro a pcoplo of great
doeda, of incredlblo achievements. Their
first great structures, tho pyramids, nur.
pass in magnltudo tho works of those modem
times. Khufu's pyramid covered thirteen acioa
nnd was COO feet high. Seven hundred and
fifty square feet raoro than a soventh of
a mile. Over 94,000,000 cubic feet of mate
rial quarried out, dragged to tho Nile, floated
down tho stream, dragged up to tho desert, and
Into place. How they did It engineers are still
puzzled to know. So closely wcro these stonos
fitted together that In tho outsldo courses, which
now nro In place only at tho baso, boneath tho
eand, tho lines woro scarcely visible and must
bo outlined with charcoal to bo photographed.
Scarcely los3 wonderful wore tho temples of
tho mighty Ramses. Tho gateway at Luxor was
100 feet wide and 80 feet high, and was flanked
by obelisks 82 feet high. Heforo tho temple at
Tanls stood a 90-foot Htatue of tho king. Leading
from Luxor to Karnak was a groat avenuo nioro
than a mllo and a quarter long, 80 foot wide, and
flanked on either side tho entlro distance by
colo3Bal sphinxes. In tho great Hall of Columns
at Karnak stands 12 columns 35 feet in circum
ference and GO feet high. Flanking theso nro
122 columns 27 feet in girth nnd 40 foot high.
Crowning theso nro hundred-ton archltectraves.
Hero stood huge obelisks 98 and 125 feot high,
ono obelisk weighed a thousand tons. In ono
city wero 14 of theso hugo monoliths. More than
8,000 years ago the genius of man carved theso
cyclopean blocks from tho rock, transported thorn
for miles down strenm and across country, and
finally lifted thorn onto high walls or sot thorn
up on end, an enigma to modem englneors.
r-- (SK)
rawhffiw A
5CYf ot rtrvif
Not only nro there such outward evidences of
1-gjpt's wealth. Prom tho burlalH como tho very
objects with which tho people woro wont to sur
round themselves. Tho tombs of the kings havo
given us tho gravo of Ioua and Tloua with its
chariot, funeral slodgos, mummy cases, chairs,
beds, and jowel box all gilded and paneled; ala
baster vases, and lardor still storod with food.
Even the fenther cushions havo been preserved
theso 3,000 years.
The excavations of 190G brought to light the
wonderful Iiathor shrlno with Its stutuo of
Egypt's cow-goddess plumed and crowned with
tho lunar disc, trailing lotus blossoms from her
splondld head and with tho stars of heaven gleam
lug along her form. Beneath hor kneels tho In
fant king whom alio nourishes; beforo her stands
the dead king whom sho protects.
Tho excavating of ancient sites is a tnck that
calls for export knowledge, tho utmost skill, punc
tilious caro, and no small diplomacy. Often own
ers, moro or less real, must bo placated and
bought off. Deforo monoy is expended tho ut
most caro must bo taken to insuro a profitable
site. Trial trenches and shafts must be driven
to confirm or disprove, If possslblo, expectations.
When at last tho slto seems feasible, tho work
begins in earnest.
Tho excavations of ancient sites Is n task that
neers In tho Hold, has Just entered upon tho
work at Abydos. Following tho methods of scien
tific excavators, thoy aro settling for a long pe
riod. A conBldorablo tract of land has boon se-
cured, necessary buildings erected for tho health
of workmen and tho preservation of antiquities.
Not only nro actual remains to bo nought, but
nlso lmportnnt historical or artistic questions aro
to bo solved. Indeed, tho Egyptian Exploration
Fund was tho flrBt to employ thla method of
clearing old monuments end of showing tho world
what they woro.
Such stupendous undertakings cnll for equip
ment on a considerable Bcalo. Dy tho courtosy
of Sir Gaston Maspcro, tho government has
loaned to tho Fund a light railway with equip
ment. Work must bo rapid. Docombor 1 to
April 1 marks tho working yenr. Evory moment
Is precious. Every car load must count. Evory
shovelful of earth must bo carefully sifted wher
ever thero Is n possibility of n find. Even a bas
ket brlgado Is somotlmeH pressed Into ubo. As
soon as some apparently valunblo ploco of lo
cated, workmen nro called off, experts aro sont
In, every mnn Is on guard; carefully every Inch
of soil 1b watched as tho last fow baskets of
earth nro romoved. Every fragment muBt bo
saved and laid away until overythlng has been
recovered. Think of tho disappointment whon
a magnificent statue comes out headless, for ox
ample. Think of the conjecturos as to tho whoro
abouts of tho missing pleco nnd tho furore when,
perhaps woeks afterward, tho lost is found.
Thero is an air of hushed expectancy, a suppress
ed excitement hovering over, thnt keopB men up
under tho most tenBO strain under which tho
work is of necessity conducted.
America has Joined hands with tho old world
In prosecuting tho work. An American profes
sor, Dr. Whlttemoro, 1b now with tho stnff In tho
field. An American secretary, Mrs. Mario N.
Huckman, has boon assigned to tho direction of
tho Americnn offlcc, locnted In Tremont temple,
BoEton. Wondciful nre tho results attained.
Every student of history nnd lltoraturo, every
student of tho Blblo Is vitally concornod in tho
confirmations yearly coming to light from tho
sands of Egypt.
Thero Is need of haste. To extend tho nrablo
district of Egypt Is an economic necosslty. Ac
cordingly, tho British government has erected at
Assuan n great dam, whoso 95-foot head haB sent
tho waters of tho NIlo back over great nroas of
hitherto dry ground. Already a dozen groat tem
ples havo boon flooded, and oro long will bo for
evor lost to sight. Already beautiful Phllae, at
tho head of tho first cataract, Is gono. Tho soil
is becoming infiltrated, nnd tho stores of treas
ures, especially tho papyrus manuscripts, aro be
ing ruined oven beforo tho waters cover tho
ground abovo.
Traditions Which Have Almost the
Force of Statutes
Thoro Is a class of unwritten lnw which does
not and cannot bocomo written law, says Caso
and Comment, bocauso It approaches so noar the
danger lino that man daro not recognlzo it to tho
extent of publishing It nnd doclailng It ns a part
of tbo posltlvo law.
It is tho unwritten lnw of tho sea that a cap
tain must go down with his ship. Men daro not
write it into tho contract, and nations daro not
Incorporate it in their navy or ninrlno regulations,
yot the tyrants of tho Ben know tho law, and be
llovo thnt to obey It betters their service, and
there uro few Instances of its bolng disregarded.
It Is tho unwritten law of tho army and navy
that an officer shall not seek cover, or at least
shall not bhow npprehenslon of danger to his per
son, In time of battlo and in tho presence of en
listed men or common snllqrs. In tho Franco
Prussian war noarly four thousand officers of tho
Gorman army wero killed nnd tho great majority
of them gavo up thoir lives because they believed
In this law of conduct.
In obedlenco to this law Farragut bound him
self to tho mast, Leo rodo to tho head of his
charging column at tho bloody ungle, and Lawton
walked coolly In front of tho lino and was shot In
tho prcsenco of his men.
Tho law of tho right of revolution has been
much talked about and much written about. Evory
intelligent citizen believes that ho has tho right
under certnln conditions to opposo tho established
government of bis own land nnd Join in nn effort
to establish anothor in its plnco, Just prior to
and during tho Civil war the:o was much discus
sion In this country by learned men on either
sldo of the right of revolution nnd tho "higher
power" and tho "greater law."
Tho law Justifying ono porsnn In tho killing of
another hns required tho serious consideration of
every country. Evory criminal codo provides cor
tain punishments for homicide, and ninny of them
graduate tho punishment with minute particular
ity, according to the circumstances of tho killing,
so that any ono of six crimes may bo Involved In
a single tragedy. Such codes nlso nttompt to do
lino what killing Is JuBtlflnblo nnd what Is ex
cusablo 'and with their interpretation by tho
courts attempt to descrlbo tho only conditions un
der which ono human being c.fa kill nnother
Tho Hebrew codo almost stands alono In Its
recognition of man's desire to kill nnd his right
to hnvo that deslro and that climax of all satis
factions which comes to him who undor great
provocation slays another. It Is not at all strango
that In his branch thero should bo an extended
codo of unwritten as written law, unwritten now
nnd always to be unwritten for the reason thnt tho
recognition given by Its embodiment In tho
statutes would bo taken ns a llcenso by dishonest
men nnd would result In harm rathor than good.
It is an unwrltton law among tho officers of tho
nrmy that If a subordlnnto oillcer kills a superior
olllcor because that officer has publicly degraded
him by striking him or by other nctlnn equally
humiliating then tho court-mnrtlal will not con
vlct. During tho Civil wnr at Loulsvlllo, Ky
General Nelson said to General Davis:
"How many men havo you?"
Goncrnl DavlB ropllod, "About " giving nn np
proxlmnto number.
Nelson said, "You on army officer and soj
about!' Why don't you 'know' bow many men
you havo?" And with that ho struck Davis In the
face with hl.i glovo. Davis shot nnd klllod liliu
and tho court-martial acquitted Davis.
The following Is :i synopsis of tic
bills votoed by (imornor Aldrlch,
which had been passed by tho recent
session of the legislature.
S F. 3il Hartllni; Permitting the
plalng of baseball or golf on Sunday.
S. P. 91-Tmmer Pioldod that nil
proposed nuiundmonts to tho constitu
tion shall be publlFhcd in two papers
in enrh county at tho price now paid
for printing In ono paper; also that tho
pipeis dunlgiiatcd Hliall be of opposlto
political parties- In each county.
S. F. 107 Tanner Extending tormn
of olllro of members of hcIiooI board
In South Oiutihii for one year.
S. F. 31(5 Tanner Providing for a
rommlfcslnu form of government for all
cities within tho state of Nebraska,
litnlng more thnn 25,000 and les-u than
40,000 Inliublfinla.
S. V. 321 Lee N'on-pnrtlaan Judi
ciary act, providing for nominations of
Judges of the puproino, district and
county courts, without party designa
tion. If 11 21 N'elr Amending sections
SS03 nnd 8805 of Colmey's Annotated
Statutes, by providing that tho term
of office of mayors and councllmen In
nil cities In Nebraska, except those of
tho motiopolltaii claps should bo ex
tended one year, innklug tho term of
olllco two j ears.
II. It. S2 Tajlor Dolcal stock
yards bills, designating stock yarXs an
"public maikcts."
II. It. 101 llalloy An act
lug tho business of real estate brokers
or agents, pioildlng for a state llcenso
for the persons so engaged and to ar
uropilnte tho receipts from said li
censes and piovidlng a penalty for Io.
latlon theieof.
II. It. 391 Clayton A bill amending
rectlon 13 of article I of chapter 77 of
tho compiled statutes, .exempting all
bonds from taxation which aro if-sued
ny mo siate, county, townstnp, pre
cinct, city, vlllago or school district;
also property usod exclusively for re
ligious and chniltablo purposes.
II. II. 537 Minor A bill for nn act
to declaro all persons, corporations
nnd associations oporatlng telephono
linos or exchanges within tho stnto of
Ncbrnska to bo common carriers and
to give the state railway commission
ot tho stato of Nebraska powor and
authority to regulato tbo rntos and
ncrvico, nnd exorcise a general con
trol over tho same, and to roqulro con
nection of telephono Hues, and intor
chango ot telophono companies, nnd to
tormlt tho consolidation of competing
companies and to prohibit tho granting
of franchises in cities whero thoro Is
in operation a company engaged in tho
furnishing of telephono servlco with
out first securing tho consent ot tho
state rnllway commission.
II. It. 573 Gordcs Provided that
the officers of all stato institutions
supported by public funds should make
monthly reports of tho condition, of
such stnto lnetltution or board to tho
auditor ot public accounts nnd re
quired tho auditor to condense such
reports nnd placo them, each month,
In tho hands of tho governor, and es
tablishing a uniform system ot book
keeping. II. It. 571 Gordcs A companion bill
to 573, providing that a uniform sys
tem of bookkeeping shall prevail In all
stato olllccs and thnt an expert ac
countant bo appointed to examine Into
tho condition ot each stato olllco oi
stato Institution.
II. It. 575 Gcidcs Providing for a
Btato board of supervision ot mainten
ance funds, whoso duty It shall bo to
look after nnd havo a genernl super
vision of tho disbursement ot funds
appropriated for tho maintenance of
oxecutlvo departments or offices.
'I'MM LMlii.
XTTT") TG Women ns writ jh mn
kidney ami bladder trou
ble. Dr. KIlni'T' Hwainp
lloot thi great kidney
teniedy promptly relieves.
At dniffxl.its In llfly tent and dollar slse.
You iitnv liiuo u tmmplo lioltlo by mull
fioc, nlio pnniplilet tetllnt; ull ubout It.
Aililrertft, l)r Kilmer A Co , IlltiRlmuitoii, N. Y.
DATCMTC Kiirttinenrn made In pnlrnl l'n
I illkrtlw tctt joiirUtonH, inri l luiiii! IkkiK fri-it
ntKi-Tulil.t ;., Ho K, WimliltiKton, 1). C.
tifofoicSofuft j o
Actor Finally Got the Gas Man Awak
ened and Attending to Hla
"Years ngo," says Guy Tlalos Post,
(ho nctor. "I appeared In an nmatour
porformunro of a piny that had a dis
tinct lollgloim flnwr Tho leading play
er had htudlud for the ministry and
had n deep nnd sonorous voire. In
ono of the scenes tho lights were sup
posed to be till ued down and a raging
storm Imulateil. The accompanying
linos were
'''Oh, Lord, deliver us fiom the pow
ers of darkness.'
"The lending man spoke the lines,
but darknesi didn't follow He spoko
them ngaln, nnd still the stage was
distressingly light. Finally he roated:
"'Oh, Lord, dollver us from the pow
er of darkness, nnd nlso glvo that fool
gas man sense enough to turn down
tho lights.'
"Tho gas lights wont down and the
nudlcnco t oared." Pittsburg Chronl.
Too Fresh.
"Will you promlBo to support my
dnughtor In tho stylo In which sho Is
accustomed if I consent to your mar
riage?" demanded old Skinflint, whon
Dobby made his formal proposal.
"Well, I I'll promlso to be tolerably
closo with her, Mr. Skinflint," aald
Dobby, "but you know, I'm a soft
hearted cuss, and I'm nfrald she'll bo
nblo to whcedlo a fow things out of
mo thnt you wero strong enough to rc
fuso hor." Judge.
Deaths From Wild Beasts In India.
Wild beasts and sunken woro tho
cause of 21,904 deaths In India in 190K.
Tigers killed 000 people, leopards 302,
wolves 2C9, other wild animals CM,
nnd snnkes 10,738. while 17,920 wild
animals and 70,494 snakes wore destroyed.
Tho errors of a gren,t mind nro
mora edifying than tho truths of a
little. Home.
Causes a Variety of Alls.
Taft May Go to Texas.
Washington. If congress ndjourns
during tho spring months, President
Taft may go to Texas to see tho fed
eral troops manouvor. Tho presldorit
answered an Invitation to witness the
maneuvers extended by Governor Col
quitt ot Texas. He said In substanco
that ho would lllco to see tho man
euvers, but that It dopended on con
gross whether or not ho could go.
Androw Cnrneglo has presented
Sioux City, Iowa, with $75,000 for a
public library.
Annapolis, In memory ot tho
French soldiers and sailors who
gnlnod no Individual fame lllco Lafay
otte, Hochambenu or Steuben, but who
helped tho thirteen colonies gain their
liberty, a statuo hna been unveiled
hero on tho grounds of St. John's col
lege. The president and Mrs. Taft,
Ambassador Juaserand of France, Sec
rotary of War Dickinson and Secre
tary of tho Navy Meyer wero among
thoso who witnessed tho coromonlos.
B, F. Bush has been loctod presi
dent ot tho Missouri Pacific railroad.
A happy old lady lu Wisconsin
"During tho time I was a coffeo
drlnkor I was subject to sick head
aches, Bomotlmos lasting 2 or 3 days,
totally unfitting mo for anything.
To thlB affliction was added, some
years ago, a trotiblo with my heart
that wus very painful, accompanied
by a smothering sensation and falnt
ncss. "Dyspepsia, also, camo to make lire
harder to bear. I took all sorts of pat
ent medicines but nono of them helped
ino for any length of tlmo.
"Tho doctors frequently tdld mo
that coffeo was not good for me; but
without coffeo I felt ns If I had no
breakfast, I finally decided about 2
years ago to abandon the ubo of cof
feo entiiely, and as I had read a groat
deal about Postum I concluded to try
that for a breakfast beverage.
"I liked tho tasto of it and was par
ticularly pleased to notlco that It did
not 'como up as coffeo used to. Tho
bad spells with my heart grow less
nnd less frequent, and finally ceased
altogether, and I havo not had an at
tack of sick hoadacho for moro than a
year. My digestion Is good, too, and
I am thankful that I am onco moro a
healthy woman. I know my wonder
ful restoration to health cume from
quitting coffeo and using Postum."
Namo given by tho Postum Co., Battlo
Creek, Mich.
"Thero's a reason," and It Is this.
Coffeo has a direct action on tho llvor
with some people, and causes partial
congestion of that organ preventing
tho natural outlet of tho secretions.
Then may follow biliousness, sallow
skin, headaches, constipation and final
ly a chango of tho blood corpuscles
and nervous prostration,
Itcnd tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to
Wollvlllo," in pkgs. "Thoro's a Ilea
eon." ,
liter rrml the nbmr letter f A new
odd uppenra from time to time. Titer
lire Kenulne, true, uuil full uf huniaa
Interest. .
BSf " "' h'- vrrt-.-
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