The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1911, Image 6

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The Chief
C. D. HALE, rubllshcr
Tho News of Many Cllmea Told In
Short and Pithy Paranrapha, Writ
ten Expreioly for tho Dusy
Man's Perusal.
Investigation of alleged cxtruvn
gancc In tho government departments
Iiiib been endorsed liy the Iioubu com
mlttcu on rnlcB.
President Tnlt Is determined that
buttles between Mexican federalists
and Insurroctos hIiiiII not bo fought
on American soil.
Representative I-attn Ih In Nebraska
suffering from an attack of la grippe
and 1b not expected to return to Wash
ington for several days.
Nebraska may not get tho vacancy
on tho board of governors of tho na
tional soldiers' home, caused by tho
death of Captain I'nliucr.
A hill lins been introduced In tho
house by Representative Shcppatd of
Texas, providing for tho coinage of a
two and one-half cent piece.
Edward A. Moseley, secretary of tho
Interstate commerce commission and
the originator of much labor legisla
tion, died In Washington Tuesday.
According to a decision of tho Inter
state commerco commission railroads
must make good for tickets lost by pur
chasers, provided proper notice Is
It Is said that tho congressional re-
dslon of tho wool schedule content
llntcs reductions of about fit) iter cent
nn raw wool and substantially 10 per
v:ent on manufactured articles.
Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, who,
flittered ti scvoro attack of what whb
pronounced vertigo Saturday, was In
Ills seat when tho senate convened
Monday. Ho received tho congratula
tions of ninny senators on his rapid
recovery. With (he proposed closing of sev
eral of the mints the coining of gold
will practically stop. Nothing but
small silver coins and pennies will bo
made hereafter unless there Is an un
usual demnud for gold coins.
Representative Merger wants con
gress to have the power to call a con
stitutional convention. He introduced
a resolution proposing an amendment
to the constitution "declaring tho con
stitution antedated and obsolete."
Senator Warren of Wyoming, chair
man of the committee on military af
fairs has Introduced and had passed a
resolution appointing former Senator
Nathan Hay Scott of West Virginia a
member of the board of governors of
tho national soldierp.
A plan la being formulated to break
up all the outstanding greenbacks of
Inrge amounts Into smaller ones as
fast as they come Into tho treasury
for redemption. Students of finance
say tho lesult will he that enough
greenbacks to embarrass tho tieasury
can never be assembled at any one
General News
Furniture workers at Grand Rapids,
Mich., are on strike.
The Daughters of the Amciican Rev
olution are in session at Washington.
Missouri republicans arc minting a
presidential boom for Governor Hadley
of that state.
Donvir & Rio (iiaude lonductors
have been granted a 10 per cent In
cieasp In sahuics-.
New York City is nuu'crlug from a
wave of crime, ami a police Investiga
tion has been ordered.
State geologists from almost every
state met in Washington with the of
llclals of the geological survey.
The Portuguese cabinet has llnlshed
the decree of separation of church and
state. This will lie promulgated, at
Paris retains Its position as third
'argest city in the world, tho census
taken laM month showing a population
of J.SMi.OSO.
Captain Carron of the French avia
tlon corps fell with his aeroplane from
h height of ."i0 feet tit Versailles,
Prance, and was crushed to death.
Theodore Roosevelt ban returned
homo from a seven weeks' tour of the
west and the mlddlo west.
Des Moines will vote for tho munici
pal ownership of her water works tit
an election soon to be held.
While recognizing the gravity of tho
situation In Mexico, congress leaders
appear satlslled that President Taft is
doing everything possible and nowhere
is there apparent the slightest disposi
tion to Interfere.
The buttonmakers' stilke at Musca
tine, lu., has ended and most of the
ktrlkers have returned to woik.
The bill which gives tho railroad
commissioners power to fl passenger
rates has been signed by Governor
Hadley. V.
Twenty-ono persons woro drowned
when the Spanish steamer San Fer
nando, hound from Huclva for Liver
pool, ank off FlnUtcrre, the western
most headland of Spain.
The business section of Bothot, at
the head of luko Washington near Se
attle, was swejit by a fire Sunday, with
u Ioes of nearly fHP.OOO.
Gcorgo S. Terry, assistant t'nlted
States treasurer nt New York, died at
Altken, H. C, Saturday.
Hundreds of persons nre expected to
ho disfranchised as a result of an In
vestigation Into voto bujlng In Law
rence county, Kentucky.
The election at .Ion City. 111., was
marked by almost continuous rioting,
and a force of deputy police had to be
sworn In.
it Ib claimed that tho baseball In
terests ralFcd a fund of 2"0,000 to se
cure favorable Sunday baseball legis
lation In New York Mate.
President Taft linn signed a procla
mation setting aside MUfiO acres of
land In Humboldt county, Nevada, ns
tho Santa Rosa national forest.
Gov. Woordow Wilson won a hard
fought victory when tho hou5o of as
sembly jasEcd the bill providing for
radical reform In election methods In
New Jersey.
Sheriff David Vau Atta has nsked
Adjutant General Ixigan to removo tho
troops from Muscatine, saying ho be
lieved hlniFolf now capable of handling
tho situation.
Tho city hall at Schacrbek. Holgl
um, together with Its priceless works
of art. Including notable palntalngs
and gobelins, was destroyed by tiro
Tuesday night.
Fire on tho ground door of tho Mas
sachusetts stato house threatened the
building Monday. Tho blaze started
In the restnurnnt nnd tho firemen soon
had It under control.
A woman lu Haltlmorc. signing her
self "L. D.." has sent $10 to tho
"conscience fund" nt Washington to
ease her mind for n hit of smuggling
done some time since.
After the arrest of Andrew Haktus
In Chicago on a charge of counterfeit
ing, u plant Tor raising $2 bills to $20
was found hidden under u j lie of
Ltlblos In liuktus' room.
The rebel defent nt Agua Prleta Is
attributed to tho overindulgence of in
surrccto soldiers In intoxicating
liquors found In the saloons and
stores of the captured city.
Colonel I IJ. Raymond, formerly de
partment commander of the Iowa G. A.
R., and well known In political and
nowsparer circles for many years, Is
dead nt Hampton, Iowa, aged seventy
live. Twenty-two tlremen weio precipitat
ed three stories to the grjound when
tho third floor of tho Greve block, a
three-story building nt St. Paul, gave
Wllford Ilosarth. a farmer living
near Cedar Falls, Iowa, cashed a draft
nt tho First National bank nt Cedar
Falls, which tho bank Issued to Mr.
Doswortb seventeen jcars ago.
In conBciiucncc of the anarchistic
conditions existing In Morocco, France
will reinforce her troops already thero
by sending thither Immediately four
battalions selected from the colonial
Governor Dlx of New York has ac
cepted an Invitation to preside at n
meeting of the national civic league lu
Albany on May 23, when William Jen
nings Ilrynn will be the governor's
San Antonlo'B nnnunl spring carni
val week, meniorating the battle of
San Jacinto, when Texas pioneers
broke Mexican power for nil time, was
opened Monday under auspicious con
ditions. 1 Knutson fell seven stories at Ta
coma, Wash., to the concrete basement
of the new Tncoma building, nnd was
practically unhurt. At tho (Irst Hoot
ho crushed through some one-Inch
Suit has been filed In n Denver court
for $10.r.,(l00 against the estate of tho
late Thomas Wnlsh for the alleged
nonpayment of taxes on cash, stocks
and bonds for tho yours 11)07, IPOS
and l'.iO'.).
Federal Judge Rogers of the west
ern district of Arkansas was found
dead In his bed nt a hotel at Little
Reck Heart disease Is believed to
have caused his death. Ills home was
In Fort Smith.
The removal of a big hill north of
Colfax Cal., has given tho north wind
a clear sweep, with the result that
Colfax, which usually experienced lit
tle cold weather at this time of the
year, has been subject to the sumo
cold spell general throughout tho San
Joauuln vnllav.
10. G. IxjwIs, owner of the St. Louis
Star, major of Untvoislty City, and
owner of the gi eater part of that
municipality, has arranged to transfer
all his possessions. Including $4,000.
000 worth of renl estate in Culvcrsity
City, to a hoard of trustees as a result
of financial entanglements.
Tho Michigan senate has killed the
bills for a popular vote on a constitu
tional amendment providing for tho
Initiative and referendum.
Tho entire vlllngo of LIndau. twelvo
miles from Gottingcu, Prussia, was
burned on Saturday.
Troops were again called upon to
check rioting by tho French wine
growers. The most sorlous disturb
ance was at Trepall, where two wine
Btores were attacked and their con
tents destroyed.
Carter H. Harrison has taken the
onth of ofllco and became mayor of
Chicago for the fifth time.
"Dig Mil" Edwards, commissioner or
street cleaning of New York City, has
received the medal, which was award
ed him by tho Carnegie hero fund com
mission for saving Mnvor (lav nor from
death nt the hands of James G. Gal
lagher on August 0th last.
Tho government will open up an ex
perimental coal mine nt nrttccton, Pa.
Predictions tire common In Denver
that tho deadlock on the United States
sonutbrshlp, which has lasted more
than thrco months, will continue un
broken and that the legislature will ad
journ without selecting n successor to
tho late Senator Hughes.
What Is Going on Hero and Thers
That Is of Interest to the Read-
rs Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Central City. When Mrs. D. H.
Burko, living west of the city, was
driving home from the city Saturday
afternoon, she met with a pecullur
She was wearing a line new lOastcr
hat, and I ho spniks from a passing
locomotive lodged In the elaborate
trimmings and set them on fire.
Mrs. Rurko had dlfliculty in reliev
ing tho hat from her bead, as It was
stayed by several hat plus, and she
was somewhat scorched In tho opera
tion. However, she succeeded in get
ting It oft and throwing It out of the
buggy heforo It did any great damage.
To Give Course of Lectures.
Peru.- Prof. H. 11. Duncunson of the
state normal school has received an
invitation from tho stale or Washing
ton to give ti course of lectures at tlto
marine biological station at Frida)
harbor, San Juan island, lu that state.
He has accepted, and has been grant
ed n leave of absence from tho sum
mer school for tho purpose. 4
Elk Creek Has Paper.
Tceiiinseh. Klk Creek, this county,
Is to have a weekly newspaper. T. W.
Ially Ik moving his plant fiotn Ster
ling, where thero are two papers, to
Kile Creek, and will publish the first
number of "The 101k Creek Citizen"
next week.
Tornado Destroys Live Stock.
Stella. A tornado Wednesday after
noon formed at the farm of Gcorgo
Helmy, almost demolishing the house,
and the barn was destroyed. Many
hogs were killed. The loss la $2,000.
No other serious damage from tho
storm Is reported. Telephone wires
are down south of town.
Merrick county wants a new court
George W. Wheeler died suddenly at
Table- Rock.
Fire damaged C. O. Ilanlon'a cigar
factory at Chadron.
Rev. J. 11. Able of Hickman was In
jured in an automobile sniashtip.
The value of Nebraska lauds has
nioro than doubled the last ten years.
Falls Cit seems to ho gt owing so
rapidly pcoplo cannot get houses in
which to live.
Former Governor A. C. Shallenber
gor will deliver tho commencement ad
dress at Howells. May 23.
Mrs. Posplsil, living five miles east
of Pierce, was burned to death Satur
day evening at the homo of her son,
Oxford held a meeting to discuss tho
agricultural college location, and con
siderable interest and enthusiasm was
The York public schools recently
gave a county fair for the benefit of
the eadt encampment. The affair
netted the boys $-',W.
Mrs. John Smith, living west of Nor
man, committed suicide by drowning
herself in tho water tank on the farm.
She had been in bad health for gome
Poisoned h eating a dish of ijrccus
last Tucsdaj. Mrs. M. W. Crozier,
living four miles west of University
Place, Is dead and her husband is In
a serious eoudition.
Werner Gerhard, a L'-ycnr-old Lin
coln boy, was accidentally shot Satur
day moiiilng, when a revolver In tho
hands of a, friend was discharged a3
ho was examining It.
Tho comptroller of Iho treasury has
granted a charter to tho Farmers' Na
tional bank of Wakefield.
Whllo hunting near Stanton, George
A. Thorns, a telegraph operator, waa
accidental! shot in the left leg near
tho knee.
An $80,000 high school building Is
being erected at Nebraska City.
Fire on the II. & M. right-of-way at
lloldroge destroyed several ware
houses, mostly belonging to brewery
It Is expected that the hospital for
Indigent sufferers from tuboretiloslri,
for which an appropriation of $10,000
has been mude, will bo .located at
North Platte.
The Methodists of Sterling wilt
erect a new church building to cost
from $8,000 to $9,000 on the site of tho
old building, which was destroyed by
flro last August.
Tllden is making great headway in
tho way of good roads. Farmers are
rendering valuable assistance.
Tho board of county commissioners
of Johnson county have named William
Krnst and Albert Russell a committee
to secure nnd prepare an exhibit fioin
Johnson county for tho state fair this
Shivering with four under tho hal
lucination Unit some person was plot
ting the death of her family, Mrs.
David Davis of phllllpsburg, Iowa, was
taken off n Rock Island train at tho
union station nt Omaha Tuesday morn
ing raving mad,
At the Easter service nt the Presby
terian church nt Lyons, Mrs. Samuel
Shaw had n stroke of paralysis and
hnd to bo carried from the church tc
hor homo In an automobile.
Two hundred and forty-lHo waion
loads of tin cans, ashes and rubbish
were removed by the street commis
sioner's department In rosiionsc tc
requests to help clean up Omaha.
Tho National Nebraska Guard mili
tary board will meet In Lincoln April
21 to decide on the dato nnd place of
tho next uuuutil .encampment. The
encampment will probably be held In
Governor Aldrtch has Issued an
Arbor day proclamation, designating
April 22 as the day when trees nre to
be plnntcd and the memory of J. Ster
ling Morton freshened In the minds of
While riding around tho enmpus of
tho Wesloyan university on a motor-cycle-
with Harry linker, a lluvolock;
boy, Irene Wilson, aged IS years, was
seriously burned by Ignited gasoline
that leaked from tho motorcycle tank.
A remarkable lecoid la being made
by two Holsteln cows In tho Hadger &
Frcat dairy at Central City. One. n
registered t-.vcnr-old, Is producing
eight gallon of milk dally, and anoth
er, a 2-year-old, Is producing twenty
two (limits.
William Fuller, 11 shopman employed
by tho Lincoln Traction company, was
crushed whllo repairing a Journal, the
heavy car breaking loose from the set
brakes and descending on Fuller with
Us full weight. Ho died two hours
arter the Injury.
L. 10. Wotllng, a well known Lincoln
man, was hold up and relieved of some
cash and a fine gold watch. The ban
dits were ehused by ofllcors and an
exchange of shots took place, but they
made their escape.
Roman Weldmnn. who resides south
of Fiemont in Saunders county, was
found in an unconscious condition on
his farm by a neighbor who noticed
his prostrate body In tho yard. Weld
man had been chopping down trees
and 11 heavy maple fell upon him. Hf
will tecover.
James Delahunty Warden.
James Dclahuntj, formerly deputy
warden, has been commissioned war
den of the penitentiary by Governor
Aldrlch. Tho appointment Is to take
effect Immediately. Mr. Davis, who
was warden several years ago, is to bo
deputy warden. An Invoice of the
propetty at tho prison is now being
taken and tho property will bo turned
over to Mr. Delahunty when that work
Is completed. In tho menutlmc Mr.
Delahunty Is warden.
Game Birds Confiscated.
Chief Game Warden Miller has a big
caso on hand in a prosecution against
the manager of the Millard hotel at
Omaha. The game warden confiscated
i:ir game birds In storage In the base
ment of the hotel. If the line icqulred
by law is Imposed for each of the
birds found In possession of the hotel
it will amount to $G7i.
Secretary Mueller of the state board
of agriculture has planned to build
a dyke on the west side of the state
fair grounds which It Is believed will
stop any ordinary overflow of tho little
creek bordering on the grounds. The
embankment is to be one to eight feet
high, eight feet across on top and
1.200 feet long and will cost $2,000.
The first state convention held in
Nebraska by the Knights of the Mac
cabees of the World will be held In
Lincoln Tuesday and Wednesday,
April 2." and 20. From three to live
tend from every section of the state.
Governor Aldrlch has Issued a moth
ers' day proclamation asking for the
observanco of May It and the wearing
of a white flower as an outward Indi
cation of observance of the day.
Tho governor hat pardoned Dr. W.
H. Johnson of Lincoln, who is serving
a term of two years In the penitentiary
for a criminal operation.
The state oil Inspector's ofllce, which
was crowded Into tho governor's of
llce during the session of the leglsln
t'ure, has been removed hack to Ito old
place, the private olllco used dining
tho legislature by Lieutenant Governor
Harry Thomas, Printing Commissioner
Harry G. Thomas of Harvard, stato
printing expert, has been appointed
commissioner of printing at a salary
or $1,500, the govprnor having previ
ously signed the l.oidig printing bill.
Thomas prints a newspaper at Har
vard. It was proposed that tho com
missioner of printing should spend his
entire time on the job, but this phrnso
Is not In tho enrolled bill and the prnc
tlce of allowing tho commissioner to
spoiul half his time on the job will
probably bo continued.
Chaplain Johnson Reappointed,
Representative P. C Johnson of
Johnson county, member of tho legis
lature, was reappointed to his former
position of chaplain of tho peniten
tiary Tho appointment has been an
nounced by Governor Aldrlch.
Bucket Shops Close.
Reports received Indicate that
about nil bucket shops In the stato
have closed. Tho Lincoln Commission
company quit business ns soon as tho
now law was signed by tho governor
and the Omaha houses all closed.
Refers to "Lamentable Events on the
Border," But President Is Dis
posed to Deal With Re
ply Leniently.
Washington. Tho receipt of an out
Hno of the reply the Mexican govern
ment has made to President Taffs
strong remonstrance against the con
duct of warfare on the bonier some
what depressed the hopes of tho offi
cials who had confidently expected a
completely responsive reply from
Mexico. Withholding ofllclnl state
ments until the full text of the Do la
Ilarra note is at hand, the president,
In full knowledge of the fact that It Is
recriminatory In some points. Is dis
posed to deal with It leniently. The
president's rejoinder must he based
on further ofllcial reports from the
American military olllcers whose Im
partiality In the lighting 'at Ague
Prleta has been Impeached.
It is feared that a dlsosltion pre
vails In Mexico to make politlcnl capi
tal out of the activity of Americans
nnd this will promptly ho lescnted if
it nppcnrs as calculated to Impair tho
good relations of the two countries.
Ambassador Xamacoua has If mod a
statement in which he declared that
Mexico's reply would be found to bo
"friendly In form and essence."
Not Democratic Enough.
Ann Arbor. John Gutknecht of Chi
cago and Louis Hnllor of Omaha, two
of the senior literary students in tho
University of .Michigan, have declined
tho highest scholastic honor in the
country because they think It. too aris
tocratic. Two weeks ago the) were
elected to Phi Rcla Kappa. Of a
clasB of 100, only sixteen were thus
Violent Wind In Kentucky.
Lexington. One person was killed,
several others severely Injured nnd
large propetty damage was wrought
by a wind and rain storm which
swept over centrnl Kentucky Wednes
day afternoon. At Cynthlana, W. I.
O'Neal, a railroad engineer, was killed
In his cab when a tree blown upon the
track struck his engine.
Bomb Explosion Injures Many.
Chicago. Three persons aro be
lieved to havo been killed and a score
were injured when a bomb was ex
ploded under a building occupied by
Joseph Moricl &. Co., wholesale llquoi
Thirty-two persons, living In small
nouses near the store were Injured by
flying glass and broken doors.
Patriots' Day in New England.
Boston. Patriots' day. the annlver
iary of the opening conflict of tho
American revolution, was observed
Wednesday with the customary exer
cises at Lexington, Concord and other
towns famous In revolutionary history.
In Boston and elsewhere throughout
Massachusetts the day was celebrated
aa a general holiday.
Wants National Anthem Sung.
Chicago. Dr. J. 13. McFafrlch. presi
dent of the board of education, has In
troduced 11 resolution which was
adopted by the hoard, ofllciully giving
the Stnr Spangled Hanner first place
as tho national anthem and ordering
that all tho children In the schools
must rise nnd sing the song at least
twice a month.
Negroes May Buy Railroad.
Dallas. Hooker T. Washington and
negro financiers aro planning to buy
the International & Great Northern
railroad at tho receivership salo In
Palestine May !.". according to a re
port printed here. It Is said Wash
ington will attempt to operate the
road with nogro labor exclusively.
Versailles, Mo. V. II. Martin. Judge
of the Fourteenth Judicial district of
Missouri, died suddenly of heart dis
ease In tho court room while holding
court here. He was (it) years old. His
homo was in Hoonevllle.
Albany. Tho senate committee on
privileges and elections has began an
Investigation or the statement report
ed to have been made by the Rev. R.
O. Miller of the Now York civic league
"that tho baseball interests have
raised n fund or $250,000 to secure
favorable Sunday baseball legislation."
Flags were at half-mast In San Fran
cisco Tuesday In observance of the
fifth annlvorsury of the great earth
quake and fire In which 4.'2 lives were
lost and property valued at millions ol
dollars destroyed.
Party Affiliations Shattered.
Washington. Stnto and party nihil
atlons were broken repeatedly in the
house in tho concluding hours on tlto
Canadian reciprocity bill. Democrats
denounced their rcllnvv democrats for
supporting a republican protective
principle, and republicans hurled criti
cism against their follow republicans
Tor marching with the democrats to
ward the free trado goal. During tho
seven hours of debate, twenty-four
men spoke on the reciprocity measure.
By Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound
Baltimore, Mil. "I sond you here
with tho picture of my fifteen year old
uaiifjiiter auco, who
waa rostorou t.o
health by Lydia 33.
Pinkhnm'g vegeta
ble Compound. Sho
waa palo, with dark
circles undor her.
eyes, weak nnd irrK
tabic. Two different
doctors treated her
and called it Grocn
Sickness, but she
grow worse all tho
time. LvdiaE.rink.
lam's Vecretablo Comnound was rec
ommended, and after taking thrco bot
tles sho lias regained hor health, thanks
to your medicine. I can recommend it
for nil female- troubles." Mrs. L. A.
Corkimx, 1103 llutland Street, Balti
more, Md.
Ilundrcds of such letters from moth
ers expressing their gratitudo for what
Lydia E. PinKham's VegeLablo Coni-
fiound has accomplished for them havo
ieen received by the Lydia E. Plnkham
Medicine. Company, Lynn, Mass.
Young Girls, Ilccd This Advice.
Girls who nro troubled with painful
or irregular periods, backache, head
ache, dragglng-down censations, faint
ing spells or indigestion, should tako
immediate action and Ik) restored to
health by Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. Thousands havo been
restored to health by its use.
Write to Mrs. Pinlrtiara, Lynn,
Mass., for advice, free
The Pleasure of Living in a Country or
Bmall Town ii Greatly lJnliancotl by n few
City Conveniences, tho Most Necensary
And Comfort Glvinr of wblcb is a Satis
factory Gaa Supply.
Gu to Light wtlh.
Cos to Cook with.
Gas for Laundry purpose,.
Gaa to boat water for tho bath and
othar use.
Gas to operata sas angina for
pumnlnc and other purpose.
, You can havo nil theso con
veniences cheaply and
automatically by In.
' staUinctho
InctlneiTuo Toar InfUKne
rtmt. uauiamiiriiiovor 4tljfftrv.
Mora t'lia li,iO In um la Ilr,.
dne,Mor,rrtoHft, Church.,
SthonU, CUlegei lloiplulf II will
1 j You tn Intritlf tt. Writ ui
loJr-n0W poit-rord.
ontorrHUTMcaiiBHTnG co.
431 WW Itml, OitrUI, Miit.
XltmtM rriMktits lcfhr
Country's Oldest Weaver.
Mrs. Melissa Hodgdon, aged seven
ty.flve years, who runs four looms In
the weaving department of the York
Manufacturing company, nt Snco,
Me., and claims the distinction of be
ing the oldest weaver In tho United
States, began work In this plnnt G&
years ago tho middle of this month.
Saskatoon Wants Agriculturists
In all branches. Poultry farmers, market
Rimlrticrs, dairy fanner and hog raiwix
arc badly leipiired. Price ure very high;
demand girnt and supply trilling. This ih
your iippoitunity. Better vviito for nartic
pl.irM to CfliiiiniKinnrr, llo.ird of Trade,
b'at-kntoon, Siihkntclicvvnn.Wcutcrn Canada.
Health Is tho greatest of all posses
sions, and 'tis n maxim with mc that
n halo cobbler Is 11 better man than a
sick king. Hlckerstaff.
Dr. Pieicp" Vlensaiil Pellets cure consti
fMlmn. ('(in-lipntioii the canto of many
dihCii-es. Cure the caiwu and you cure
the disease. Easy to take.
Wanted to Know.
Mistress Aro you fond of children?
Nursenmld Nope. Aro you?
Gnrtleld Ten, Herb remedy. overeomeH
conMip.itinn, indigestion anil hieklienikirhi.'.
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