The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1911, Image 5

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    mkflmmnLiiTS S8B?3rw . Sue ttJj
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It costs no more to put on a good Paint
than it does a poor one, nor as much, for
it will spread farther and last longer.
is unequalled for durability and spreading
capacity. We guarantee there is no bet
ter Paint sold. You make no mistake
when you use it. Sold by
CHAS. L. COTTING, The Druggist
Mrs. Mel Shcrtann is on the sick list.
Mrs. )oo Ilorburgor is on tho sick
Noblo Hull was in (initio Hock Mon
day. Don't forgot the band concert to
night. Oliver Hedge returned from Orleans
Dan limber was in lllue Hill Monday
on business.
Ed Burr was up from Guide Kock
For short orders and meals go to
H. Ludlow's.
All kinds of Electrical work done by
Morhnrt llros.
FouSai.c- A good barn. Inquire of
I W. Cowden.
Krod Temple of Kansas City is in
town this week.
CIms. McMillan of drafton is in
town this week.
Ned Grimes was in Blue Hill Tues
day on business.
O. J. Warren was in Blue Hill Tues
day on business.
J. W. Craig of Republican City was
in town Sunday.
Harry Soharm is out again after a
long confinement.
Born, Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs Chas.
Ludlow a baby girl.
Omer Doling of Lincoln was in town
Monday on business.
Kd Walters of Mlnden spent Sunday
in town witli friends.
Thomas Malon of Oberlin, Kas .
ftpent Sunday In town.
Wilbur Hamilton and family .spout
Sunday in (i tilde Hock.
W. A. Wylio of Hastings transacted
business in town Friday.
Mrs. M. A. Mercer returned Saturday
from a short visit at Lincoln.
Take your eggs, butter and poultry
to .T. O. Caldwell and get cash.
Try Luldow's 10c Ice Cream Sodas.
Positively the best In the city.
J. W. Dixon, the insurance man. of
Hastings is in town on business.
1) wight .Tones aud .lames Duffy weie
up from Guide Rock Wednesday.
John Dull' of Hastings is in town
this vnek on telephone business.
Rdgar Cowden spent Thursduj even
ing in Franklin visiting friend(s).
Farm Uans, 1 am again ready to
make farm loans at tho lowest rate
and best terms. I am sole agent for
Trevott, Matti- X- Baker. Some pri
vate money
.1. II. Bailey, Red f loud Nebr.
You will miss it if you don't try
Routt County C-jal. J. O. Cu.mvELi..
Chas. Glide, the real estate man, of
Grand Island is in town on business.
Frank Watson and Walter Sopher
of llollairu, Kas., wore in town Sun.
Mrs. Noblo Ball returned from n
visit with relatives at Franklin Satur
day. W. .1. Voir cf Republican City was
in town Sunday, and purchased an
Stevens Bins., up-to-date methods in
Photographs, material and workman
ship. John Tomlinson left for Blue Hill
Thursday to do some more electric
Rev. K N. Tompkins, pastor of the
M. K. church, preached in Hastings
There was 14 cars of stock shipped
out of here Sunday to tho river
Postmaster lUcker is again on duty
after a scvoral days absence at Nema
ha, Nebr.
Joe Fouel returned Sunday from
Lincoln where ho was taking medical
A. 12. Turner was in McCook the
first of the week looking after his laud
interests there.
Ice Cream by the quart, half gallon
or gallon delivered to any plhce in the
city by Ludlow.
Bernard McNeuy has joined the
automobile brigade having purchased
an Overland auto.
The Diamond Hlcetrle Vaciini clean
er demonstrated in your home free.
Call Phono Red 1)7.
Guy Bradbrook left Friday morning
for York, to try out for a position on
the York ball team.
Emit P.rittaud Miss Hmiline Lara-
way were down trom rrunkiln lues
day taking in the sites.
Win. Weesner will soon begin tho
erection of a new residence on his
farm northeast of this city.
The finest, line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. .MoitilAiir Biios.
(iuy J. Congdon of North I'latte vis
ited over Sunday with his uncle Oscar
Hughes, prior going to Chicago, III.
Farms listed on straight commission
basis.' Land list liberally advertised.
Da Gahuki: X Ojii'ANi , Chief otHce.
K.M. Beatty and sou for General
MlackHUiithing, Wagon Work, Horse
shoeing a spocialty. At. Day'sold shop.
Frank Ellinger and Cecil Kssig re
turned from Lincoln the last of the
week where they have been attending
the state Agricultural school and now
they will put some of their knowledge
into practical use
Leland Caldwell and Miss Bessie
Simpson went to Armour, Nebr..
Wednesday morning to visit relatives-
Uva Sellars went to Boulder. Colo.,
Wednesday evening to attend the fun
oral of D.J. Myers which occurred to
day. Rev. J. M. Bates will hold services at
(trace church next Sunday owing to
contagious disease at his otherSuuday
Ed Amuck, the fiTrnituro man. went
to Omaha Sunday to diivo back his
new K. ,M. V. auto which ho recently
Improved alfalfa farm lauds in the
Great Republican Valley our only
specialty. Das Gamikii X C'ompam.
Chief otllce.
J. II. Bailey has just negotiated and
closed a farm loan for $l7,fiol).(lO being
probably tho largest loan ever made
in the county.
The ladies of the Congregational
church will hold their monthly market
nt P. A. Wullbrandt'.s grocery store,
Saturday, April HOth.
Pictures taken of children and fami
ly groups without pain. Our material
aud workmanship stand the test of
time Stevkns linos.
James Gaunt of Oklahoma arrived
in town Monday for a brief visit. Mr.
Gaunt was employed several yeais
ago in the State Bank.
Paul Storey, Grand Master of the
I. O. O. V., lodge, went to Benklemati
Tuesday morning where he instituted
n now lodgo at that place.
Frank Leo came in from Grand Is
land Wednesday evening, having been
called home by the serious illness of
his aged father, Richard Lee.
Irving Cummings has purchased tho
ice business from Mr Day. Anyone
in need uff ice should phone red "J I
and they will be taken care of.
Foi: Sam: Fine residence, location
iu Northwest part of city. Half block,
Pilots. Most desirable location aud
low price. Dan G Allium fc Co.
Beginning with tho first Sunday in
May, Rev C. K. Rose of Blue Hill will
preach in tho Christian church every
alternate Sunday, for tho year.
Mrs. Geo. Mnrtindale and daughter,
Mrs. Clara Willis, departed today for
Canada to join their husbands whoro
they will make thoir future homo.
Wnnted '00 head of cattle to pas
ture; plenty of grass, fhado and run
ning water; -in cents per month. Call
on or address Dolen Bowen, Frank
lin, Neb.
Last Thursday evening four candi
dates were initiated by the Rebekah
lodge. After lodgo an elegant ban
quet was served and everybody had a
good time.
lien Delph is carrying hKrightlmud
in a sling as the result of having it
mashed last Saturduy while assisting
in getting one of Kd Fry's dray wagons
out of a mire.
Tho Music Study club spent n very
pleasant, evening Tuesday with Miss
Bcckwlth, who will soon return to
Chicago to complete her course as a
trained nurse.
Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Blaeklcdge came
up from Red Cloud last. Friday to at
tend the reception given by Mrs. ('.
Hildreth for Mis. J. B. McGrew.
Wednesday's Franklin News.
The Degree of Honor met. Tuesday
evening and iuitiattd candidates.
After lodge was over tho second divis
ion served an elegant banquet. The
Degree will meet again in two weeks
Fred Mandeville, who lives north of
lied Clqiid, hauled his hogs to town
Tuesday and sold them to Koontz. He
had seventy-three head and there were
thirteen teams in n row hauling them
We understand that E. I'. Overman
aud H. W. Koontz will come across
7 1MM i
Bon-Ton-Bakery and
Bread. Pies and Cakes made iu Red
Cloud from Red Cloud FLOUR.
hi: Ciikvm 25 Cr.Nis I'm Qpaut.
Wr use artificial U i made from 111
teied water pure ami clean.
Baking Powder
Absolutely Pure
The Only Baking Powder Made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum
Chemists' tests have shown that a part ol the alum from
biscuit made with an alum baklnfi powder passes Into
the stomach, and that digestion Is retarded thereby.
Read tho labol and niako suro that your baking
powder Is not mado from alum.
By the. comment of the people hoard,
the oichestia at tho Tepee seems to be
plensluu the public moie and more
each time. Monday evening Mgr.
Hughes used a fi poice orchestra and
tho samo seemed to bo enjoyed by
Saunders Bros . aie building a new
cement bridge across the creek north
of this city which will he n great im
provement. It is needless to say that
Webster County is fast coming to tho
front with the best roads and bridges
in the state of Nebraska.
The Hour war has brought Auiboy
White Loaf into many families who
used foreign Hour and all tiro pleased
witli tho change. 'Pills is as it should
be. Jones doosn't "pay tho freight" on
Hour, mi. roNsi'Mi'.ii doin. Got home
product and save the freight.
Incitement at about fi p. in., Sunday
evening caused quite a crowd to con
gregate. The Misses Foster wore out
driving, when tho horso thoy wore
driving was scared by an auto driven
by Andy Hart, noar tho Cutter stock
yards, the occupants got out safely
but the horso run to town and foil in
front of Dr Cook's Drug store damag
ing tho buggy some what and injuring
the horse to some extent. The horso
belonged to tho Koontx. Livery barn.
Tho Cowles tonnis club canio down
Tuesday and played a matched game
with our boys. The games were lively
mid full of Interest and most evenly
matched. Our boys proved to be a
little the stronger and took tho honors
of tlio day winning live out of eight
sets. We understand that regular
Clinics have been arrauued for and
tln"-e will bo played dining the sum
nier. Wo suggest that the clubs give
notice of these games so that people
may be aide to attend. A good root
ers club might help to stitnulateinter
est in tho game.
The Music Study club meets with
the MNses Bui lie, Thursday evening,
May Tho following spring pro
gram will be given.
Roll call Quotations on Spring
f Miss Coon
Vocal Trio .Miss Coombs
( Miss Stonebroaker.
Vocal Solo Mrs Myrl Pope
Heading Miss Josephine Richards
Group of .Sough Mrs. Dr. Cross
Piano Solo Mrs Sellars
Double Quartet Mrs Cross and Pope
Misses Coon and Coombs, Misses
Stonebrnaker and Coombs, MUs
Henderson .V Mrs. Cunningham
Study Period Miss Burke, lender
Chorus Prnctico Club
The otlicors of the Webster county
Union Sunday school association met
in Cowles last Thursday aud laid the
plans for the work during the coming
year. Monthly campaign meetings
will be held in every town in tin
with another M000 subscription in the L.mnty every third Sunday after next
niaurer rMiriiigs nronos t on. Tin ...m.ti.
makes $1000.
Col Hesse?
Only two more to conic,
Mrs. W. L. Weesner and daughter.
Miss Opal, accompanied Mrs. .1 M.
Wcosuer down from Red Cloud today.
They are the guests of T. M. Sham
baugh and family. Wednesday's Su
perior Journal.
Dr. ILibert Damerell of lied Cloud.
Nebraska, who recently piirchasiidthe
Jacob 1'plinger ituich down tho river
was here a couple of davs this week
looking after his iuterostN. -Herald.
St. Francis, Kas.
Roy Rust proprietor of the Royal
Barber Shop has all modem conven
iences in any first class Bin her Shop.
An elcotric Massiige, first class work
man. Particular people patronise his
particular place.
Drs. Rlddile .V. Foote,, successors to
Drs Welriek A. Rlddile, of Hastings,
Nebr . will meet eye, ear, noso and
tin-out patients, mid thus needing
glasses flttod, at Red Cloud. Nebr.,
Thursday. May llth, P.) I at Dr. Cross'
SHtuiday evening tho M. W. AT, team
gave an invitation dance in the Wood
man hall anil about forty couples were
proont. G 0, Bailey's orchestra dis
coursed the music i;i thedr usual man
ner. Kverybody present reported It
one of (ho bert dances ever given In
the Woodman hall. ' ''"
' . ,
hi May the first mooting will
he held iu Bladen on the second Sun
day of the mouth. These meetings
will consist of varied programs special
address along Sunday school lines will
he delivered, rally's will be held and
tho work it to be pushed with vigor.
T. J. Sherer, President of the associa
tion is determined that the orgauia
tion shall pet form ell'eetive work dur
ing his term of otllce. The following
I persons were elected delegates to the
Ntato convention which will lie hold
in Grand Island. June ftth tottth Mrs.
Luudy, Inavale; .las. Saunders, Cow
les; .Mrs. Guy, Guide Rock: T. J.Sher
or, Red Cloud: Henry llile. IMadeii
Household (Jootls for Salt:
I will soil my household goods on
the streets ol Red Cloud, Saturday.
Aptil'iitlh. Goods almost new, also I
wagon .ll wagon, wide tiros.
J 51 1
Thursday Evening, Mtiy 4
Maii-li "Crjatnl Spilntfs I'mk"..!!. C. MIIKl
Medley of War Sonu WUV .. .
I.. I. I.niiri-iiiteiiu
Cnruiit miIo -lleaiitltul 1 1 onto ol rum-
(Use" IColxrt . KIliK
M. K. Mi:ki Kit.
"Apple HlosKouih" , . fA lone I'oi-iii")
."ltiwerlu" ., lCittlilct'ii A. HolmrtK
Htlit-lluu (nun "I lie (ill I iui'Htlon"
Ion. I',. IWitttiril
"Slur Ppnuijltil Humid" Key
"' .1. i:. tin. Dim-tor.
OU young men know the
kind of style you want in your
clothes; and maybe you dont al
ways get it; many a man buys
afterwards he doesn't
clothes that
like. When vou
you'll find in our
Hart Schaffner & Marx
line such a variety of weave, color and
patterns, in so many different models, that
you'll surely get what pleases you.
Ask us to show you the new Shape-maker model, Harl
Schaffner & Marx new one.
Suits $18 and up
Overcoats $16.50 and up
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Pioneer Grocery
Fancy and Staple
Give Us a Trial Order
W. A. SMITH, Prop.
PHONES-Bell 108, Rurnl 62.
fwui.. 1 vw&tfSSSV
! All XJf-rVSf
H.S&J, - WT"- tovertl
Patented. Extension Arm. Stacker. It the marvel of the world.
an itack n-l handle rtcr hav nt a leii coit anl with errater I
cunvtnttrce. with our ataikir, than with any othrr on the market. I
Marker extending after it li half way up lightens the load anil I
uniform draft from the atari. Tho cat.le use! in I'Kco of a rone la I
iture tvu cannot afford to overlook. Our I'lattner (Patented) Sweep v
ei and I'lattner Mowen, all mvle in Denver, are rll worth yourl
ition. (Mil aev nptlve nutter will M maile'l you on repeat.
I purohue certificate, andaouenir, atnt fro If you mention thU pawr.
Aeiartmeot 20 BENVCIL CO
Amboy Wlilto Louf "tnkos tlio ealn- ' -ayc on hand now
iniiKVr) tlif best Ijri'inl mill plvusi's tlio
(unlet). '
Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S.
Over Colting's Drug Store.
0 Registered
BULLS. They are all good,
blocky fellows, and all red in
JfcHHaMHMT ----MMII,MI,'l"Mli',"ii,lla vaajaiatfurfl.,, . ., ., . ... .tfA f . -,'. ,... r.ii'... iMMmaaLlJf-r FlllitTrf -AVmiVi --ffffi
BlHBMHiiaBiaMizzrr!Sr2vnrai "wtpiii TwirMMnrniMTMMnrMrwiTmri iflFssp--m , .,'Wiwffm.'W'''''f''l'mm''ait"'tr.i
i.JSJSi'je.-- w ." itjgwo, J