The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1911, Image 4

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Rd Cloud
Kntcrod In iho t'oiitonico milled Cloud, Nob.,
mi Second CIam Matter.
0 . II ALB
Political Announcements.
The duluuhis of Uio Cliinf arc open
for Ipirltlninte advertisements of nil
kinds. CiiiidldntoM, regardless of parly
nflllintioii, arc wolcomo to use Uiom!
columns lVIco of niiriotiitci'tiictit, 85.
1 hereby announce myself hk n rnndldiilo
for rc-rlrrtlon aH County Clerk ul Wvlrtlcr
(.'ounty, Nulir., on the Itcpubllnm ticket,
ditijict to Hie decision of the voters at the
Primary KUctlnn to lie Ik hi AugiiHt 15, lllll.
i:. V. I toss.
Work performed on tlto roads in
the spring of the year Ih worth twice
as much as work dono in the fall.
Our streets neod attention and we
trust that the city council will .seo the
wisdom of putting thorn in condition
this spring Wc ought not to have
poorer roads in the city than they
liavo in the country.
As an Instance of "class legislation,"
noto the now law which provides that
it is now an olTonso against poace and
dignity of tho stato of Nebraska to
camp on tho public highway within 10
rods of any man's houso without tho
6wncrs permission. And just to
think tho men who came here in
"covered wagons" literally mado the
state. Such a law smacks of the in
gratitude displayed by tho young cad
who, grown snobbish amid city sur
roundings, is ashamed of his father
and mother from the country. Camp
bell Citizen.
The sentiment for tho Maurer
springs seems to be crystalizing into
something dolinito. This city will
never be satisfied until thoso springs
arc connected with our wator plant
and unless the city takes tho initiative
the Burlington will acquire title to
the wator. Tho plan that meets with
the most approval at present is to pe
tition the council to call an election
for the purpose of issuing bonds to the
amount or ten thousand dollars.
Six thousand to be used in gotting
the wator, two thousand to bo used for
placing mains in the south ward and
two thousand in the north ward. The
amount in tho north ward to be equal
ly divided between tho northeastern
and northwestern portions of, the city
This plan will be really better than
tho one proposed ut tho last election
in that it will place our system upon
a much butter busis There are many
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lioust: that Would have the water if it
woio good and if the distance lo the
mains were not so great. The city is
larger limn it wan when litis plant
was Installed and It docs not nearly
meet present requirements.
lillo wo are on this subject we
might cay that before any proposition
Is submitted to the voters It would be
well furjiuy person not thoroly In
fortnod from llrat hand Information to
visit tho power plant anil sco tho con
ditions an they are. IIo will then
know how to act to his best ndvant
age. We used to be fairly content
when wo wero told that the south
well furnished vpraolicHlly all tho
wator which was pumped. We now
know that was far' from trtio. Wc
now know that after the south well
has been allowed ,U remain idle for
llvo or six hours that it takes but
forty minutes to drain It dry. We
now know tlintwc have used the creek
for years at all seasons of the year
and we now know that the records
show this to be a fact. Ask any oagi
neer who has ever worked hi our plant
ami he will tell you that the crock
has furnished more water than the
well ever did It is time lo yet down
to business and if thero are any state
merits made as to tho conditionseither
past or present let them bo of such a
nature that they may be made in u
public meeting whoro they can be
veiillud or disproved. Now for the
spring water in earnest.
Location for the Western Nebraska
Agricultural College.
Now that thero is to bo S 100,000
spent in establishing an agricultural
school in southwestern Nebraska, all
the towns in that district aio making
a scramble for tho institution. It
seems to us that a few honest ques
tions should be asked, and answered
honestly. In tho llrst place, who foots
tho bill? Most assuredly, the entire
state. What is tho purpose of this
school'. Professedly to teach the ris
ing generation how to farm. Who
gets the benelltV The stato.
Now, theie may bo some question as
to whether ostablishinganothor school
of this character was wise or other
wise. It may bo a rich plum for the
city that secures the location, but
thero can be no honest debate over its
location. Wo already have one very
ofllciont school located in Lincoln,
which accommodates all students in
central and eastern Nebraska. It also
accommodates students from western
Nebraska, but naturally its activities
arc mainly directed toward increasing
the elllciency of farmers located in a
region which resembles Iowa and Illi
nois farms.
Now, everyone who knows anything
about this state of oars is well aware
of tho fact that western Nebraska is
as dill'oront from eastern Nebraska as
if the two regions were not of one po
litical division. The soil is different,
tho atmosphere is different, tho rain
fall is different. Instead of studying
how to mako two blades of grass grow
where one grow before, tho problem is
to make one blado grow where there
never was one bofore. With all duo
P. A. Wuilbrandt, Prop.
...... Mimut. iivjii
yon will agree when you view our
collection of jeweled rings, bloodi
es, scarf pins, earrings and other
And there is a beauty of quality
aswell as one of appearance, too
If you plan a gift to another or to
you reel f, you'll do well to select
it lie re.
The Jeweler.
respect to our present Instructors at
the Stato Agricultural college, we are
of the opinion that if they were
planked down on ti farm in westorn
Nebraska and wore told to "exercise
their probscis or forever cease to ex
1st," thoy would not be able to raise
more than a storm of indignation. No,
sir! This school will not bo of any
benefit to the taxpayers of this state
unless It is located right in the heart
of this laud and climate which is so
To place tills school In Holdredgo,
Hastings or Ked Cloud would be a
waste of money. It would be but du
plicating the school at Lincoln, and
what would be saved In car faro would
be lost in ofllcicuoy.
In our opinion, this school should
not bo located farther east than Cam
bridge or McCook. Heie conditions
arooutirely different than they are
"back east." and one must know his
business if he makes a living out or
the soil. People do make a living
there and those who know -the kinks
are as wealthy as many of their east
ern brothreti. Hut it takes ability to
learn tho country and to do things
differently from what they do in mud
ridden Illinois or Indiana.
We do not care a fig which town
will ultimately crow because It has
been successful in getting this school,
but we do care a littlo whether It will
prove to be what it is designed to be
or whether it serves only to promote
political itspitations or pay political
debts. Service is demanded, and in
order to be of service this school must
be where it can help western Ne
braska solve the problem of making
that section blossom as tho rose.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by the Fort Ab
stract Co. for the weekending Wed
nesday, April '27, 1UI1.
Bmery Lawlcr to A .1 (Jrant. s2
ne4 S.'UMO, wtl S liwOO
Fidelia Newman to James Mc-
Hride, sel 'Ji-'J-1'2, wd
O D Hedge, shorlir, to U K
Hates, pt mv4 se4 M 10, sd...
C B hates to Jane ami A Sproul,
pt nw4 se4 4-4-10, qod
llertha .1 Holmes to Stephen A
Ethorton, Its :i and 4, bile 8,
Kaley & .lacksou's add to Red
Cloud, wd
Perry C lieuuett et al to Noah
K Harvey, n'2 no4 4-12-12, qcd. .
Ellen A Stonebreakcr et al to
James Mcltride, se4 26-2-l.'I,qcd
Uoyd Munsell to Emma J
Ducker, lot 2 and part sel tJ-t-
10, qcd
J It Wlsecarver to Emma J
Ducker. lot 2 and part set 0-1-
H), qcd
Emma J Pucker to Ad'lie Kent,
lot 2 and pt so4 U-l-lO. wd....
State of Nebraska to C A Lattn,
J 111
swt n 1 and nwt sw !." a-10. d
Jane Sproul to (Scorge Itnntjan,
pt sel -4-1-10. wd
Edwaid Hilton to Henry Hiuue,
lti II, 12 and II, blk i. O ni
sei's subdlv of ItohrcrV add to
Hlue Hill, wd
Hugh li Hunter to Mini 1 IniliolV,
n2 sw l 2!)-2-t, wd :,t;oo
Hugh W CJulliford to Charles M
Turner, Its 10 and 17, blk ;i,
Uaiber'.s second add to lied
I loud, wd
11 Potter to II W tJulllfoid, Its
III) to IT. blk .1, ISiirber's second
add to lied Cloud, qcd
Guide Rock Cemetery Asmi to
Thomas Klmlschur, n2 lot ."0,
(itiidn Hock cemetery, wd ....
.... I5..-.0
Mortgage-, Hied, S121U2.
Alottgages leleased, HI7'.'I,
Far Enough.
A young man had called unoii his
best girl the night before. As a re
sult ho had but poorly picpared his
irgll lesson. In Spite ot this fact he
translated fairly well for a short time
but after rcadinit "and 1 not inv arms
around Iter" lie suddenly stopped un-
anie to translate! farther and said:
i'PImi u lie t I ..... I.... l
" ""'"! """"" " " ." '" "
far enough young man."
The Call To The Ministry.
An elderly woman now living in the
west, formerly a resident of Pi lucototi,
Now Jcr-iey, not long ago visited her
relatives in that town , She was
especially Interested in the progress
of a nephew who had eutetcd tho min
istry. She had not seen liitn since his
boyhood, and was, therefore anxious
to attend service at his church.
At dinner, subsequent lo the Sunday
sermons she heaid delivered by her
nephew, It was obseived tliat tho old
lady was singularly reticent.
Suddenly siio broku her longsllenco
byasklng her nephew, William, why
lid you enter tho ministry.'"
"Why, mint!" exclaimed the young
divine. "What a question!" I enter
ed the ministry because I was called."
Just a suspicion of a smllo came to
tho old woman's face, as she respond
ed, "Are you sure, William, Hint It
wasn't sonic other noise you heard?"
Rev. E. N, Tompkins Supplies Pulpit
Kov. E. N. Tompkins, a former Hast
ings young man, who has been filling
tho Methodist pulpit at other places
lor a number of years, supplied tho
pulpit at tho Methodist church yester
day at both morning nnd evening ser
vices in the place of Itcv. Trltes, who
is not yet able to Icavo his home.
Mr. Tompkins is a young man of
growing qualities and hns far more
than the average oratorical and min
isterial ability.
Ho pieached two very ablo sermons
and pleased both audiences. -Monday's
Hastings Republican.
D. J. Myers Passes Amy.
I). J .Myers, formerly a prominent
real estate dealer in this city, died at
His home in Roulder, Col., early Tues
day morning, following a protracted
illness. Funeral services wete held in
Houlder this afternoon. Mr. Myers
resided in this county for many years.
In the early "!K)s he came to Ked Cloud
and engagod in the newspaper busi
ness, publishing tho Democrat. Later
ho entered tho real estate business
and prospered, but failing health ne
cessitated his removal to Colorado a
few years ago. His many friends will
regret to hear of his death.
Widow's Pension.
The recent act of April 19th. lDOs
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
oi SJ'J per month. rYod Maurer. the
attorney, has all necessary blanks.
(Additional Review on Last Page.)
House Roll No. 107, by lluush
Makes it unlawful to engage in any
gift enterpiise, defined as follows: To
sell or offer forsalo real estate, articles
of merchandise or ticket of admission
to any place of amusement with a pro
mise, expressed or implied, any other
thing of value, either for Private irain
or for the benefit of any institution.
Penalty a tine of not to exceed s..0o
or a jail sentence- not to exceed six
months or liotli
In effect July 7, P.m.
Houso Roll No .'ll.'t, by Qiiaskenhush
and Doletil -Makes it unlawful for
any minor under the age of 18 to
smoke eigaretts or cigars or uso tobac
co in any form. Provides that such
minor may be llued in nny sum un to
S10 for violation Provides further
that he shall be free from prosecution,
when he shall give evidence against
the person selling or giving him tobac
In elVect July 7, 1U1I.
ciit'Nn Al IOItXK"s
Senate File No. .'17, by Tibbetts -Amends
section O.MSCobbej 'n Statutes.
Makes more definite the duties of the
county attorney, enjoins him to prose
cute "felonies and misdemeanors" in
stead of "crimes" as in the old section,
and requires him to "prepare, sign,
verify and llle'' complaints Instead of
just to "file."
Emergency. Now in elfect.
No Reason For Doubt
A Statement of Facts Backed by a
Strong Guarantee
We gtiaranteo complete relief to all
suifureis from constipation. In every
caso where wo fail wo will supply the
medicine free.
Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, ollcct
ive, dependable and safe bowel icgu-j
lator, streiigthener and tonic. Thoy
re-establish natuic's functions in a
quiet, easy way. They do not cause
any inconvenience, griping or nausea.
Tlisy are so pleasant to take and work
so easily that they may be taken by
any one at any time. Thoy thorough
ly tone up the whole system to healthy
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children, old
folks and delicate persons. Wo can
not too highly recommend them to all
sufferers from any form of constipa
tion and its atteWdant evils. Two
sics, lo cents and 2."i cents. Remem
ber, you can obtain Rexall Remedies
In this community only at our store
Tho Rexall Stoic. The II. K. Gilce
1 Drug Co.
Nothing more vital to daily
Comfort than properly-fitted
shoes. It decides how you
shall finish each day-whether
tired and unhappy or rested
and comfortable.
I Allow us to fit your feet
scientifically and accurately to
apairof ''Queen Quality" Shoes.
All Good, Fertile, Tillable Soil and
Improved for a Home
Kxi'fiUoiinlly well Impintcd rami ioiim nlt-iitly
lH':iti'(l close to two timiiH nnd good limits. Hoiim
7 Kood rooms. 2 rlom-tH and cellar: lusement burn
:).10. 8 double htallK. 100 Im. iriinnry,'A ton mow,
double granary 1040
No. 40
160 A.
Ml. Them ItuprnvemrntN
ie nil less Hum 5 years old except the bouse. All
In good repair. Good feed ynrd and mueh old
hhcddlni;. Hue young oichmri, U-Vi sipples, UK)
pcai'Iitx, pluniH, i'htrrli'H.k pears, grapes, thrlftj
tn-ertln exrellent locution, li'iarrew under cultln
tlou, 15 acri.'K alfalfa, :!0 a it in pasture, 5 ui'ret yin its.
orchards and buildings. I, and nil mnoolb or gcutly
lolling, soil good, (re. from Hiiud or rock. In town
school district, 'J 1-2 mlli-H from one good town and
and r, miles fioin smaller one.
I'll Improvements on this farm cnu not be
rebuilt for lew. than WKW. I'lilinprovid lund of no
belter quality mirroundlng llstid at STOOD nuil tHOOil
per iiinitcr. This hind as huprovul fora hoiiin
U) a man Who knew how.
DAN GARBER & CO., Agents,
men ci.orn.
1 '"
i 11 ii l i i . ii w.
be selected now. J We have a
large assortment at present. 1$ All
work done with Pneumatic Tools.
Come and see us
Overing Brothers & Co.
mmmmn&i;mMX3mBxm mm
for Sale
ultb 10 it. posts, di he-
way lUx 40, all tihlnglr
roof; machine hIumI 'Jl x
IH. Khlngle roof, with
unuill km op room nt
tiU'!ied;rob house Ux'Jli,
henhouse, cow shed 'M z
xi:im hk..