The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1911, Image 1

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-4T ,43t.
JSl ,.1..Ww,8W,W
'I 4 Newspaper That filvcs Tlie Nchs Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For Sl.fiO.
Don't curry large sums of money
around with you. Hold ups lire not
unheard of.
Don t hide money around the house
There are a few burglars left.
Don't be extravagant, put your
money in this bntilc and add nil you
can spare to it.
Don't fail to take this advice and you
will buvo an easy and happy old ago
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President. S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, 'Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
There was a Rood rain hero Tuesday
D. 1). Kandeia came up from Diller
Monday evening.
Miss Melinsa J. Lambert closed her
school near Diller and returned borne
last Friday evening.
George limit and wife were over
from Ilurr Oalc attending the wedding
of Miss Lambert and Mr. Funders.
The weekly cottage prayer meeting
of the ltaptists was held Tuesday even
ing at the home of Hastings Milncr
and wife.
Mrs. Clara l'urker goos to Geneva,
iuy 9, 10, llth, to attend the 1). of 11.
district convention. She has a part on
the program.
The play given by the High School
Tuesday evening wns one of the most
largely attended entertainments ever
given here. Each one did bis or her
part most excellently.
Miss Cora Simpson gave an excellent
address Sunday evening on mission
work. Sbp bas just recently returned
from Foo Chow, Chime.
C.F Elyiand daughter. Miss Laura,
departed Tuesday night for California
to join Mrs. Ely at Los Augeles,whore
they will remain several months.
Wednesday afternoon a very pretty
wedding occurred at the home of Mr.
ami Mrs. W. S Lambert, when their
eldest daughter, Molissa .1. Lambert,
was married to D. D. Panders of Dill
er. Rev Itobbins of the ltaptist
church performed the ceremony. A
wedding dinner was served. A num
ber of relatives from a dlstaucu as
well as those living hero were in at
tendance. The Chief for all the News
A nice tain during the week.
Grandpa Harm's returned fiom Iowa
on Wednesday.
Clvde Howen and wife were visiting
in lied cloud Sunday.
Ikl Crary and Will Coons of Guide
Hock called on Guy Barnes Sunday.
George Jennings and faintly were
pleasant (-aliens on Smith and Fisher
Will Fisher lost a nice calf one day
lust week aud Guy Barnes made it one
better by loosing a calf and u hog.
There was a disking bee at Jack
Barnes last Thursday and they got
bis corn ground in good shape for
Will Fibber lias moved his road gang
over in East Gnrileld and is fixing the
roads in tiiat side of the township this
week and next.
Sunday seemed to be and unlucky
day for automobiles on wind mill row
for two different machines broke down
on the road there by Fishers.
The rest of the prosperous cattle
feeders shipped their stock to market
Sunday. They were Amnck Tiros.,
Grave n er Stansor aud Chris Hansen
and that about iinishos the fat enttle
in Garfield.
Owen Lopbii is on the side list.
Jos. J Vlivrb'ka lost a nice brood
Kliuoi- WSImhi lost a nice mute valued
at 8!'07.!H).
Mrs. Jooj Polnieky's hired man is
planting com already.
M Vuvrieka and .Too .Icliticlc were
shopping iu lllue Hilt Saturday.
Joe Puvlick. Sr., who has beou sick
for sometime. Is ablo to bo around
Joe Puvlick, Sr., and son John aud
Joe Jcllnek wero shopping in It laden
A nice shower fell Tuesday night,
but not enough to do the wheat and
oats any good.
Louis Vavricka lias installed light
ning rods on his bouse and barn. John
Wittwer did the work.
Jos J. Vavrioku, Ellis Gulllford
and George Kudrna have put in their
applications to join the Workmen.
Several from thin locality attended
thu dance Saturday evening in lied
Cloud. It was given by the Woodman
team and all reported having n good
The Birthday Gift
The practise of gift-giving at Christmas time is a
modern fashion a habit. There is nothing in the original
significance of Christmas to even remotely suggest a gift.
It is nevertheless a beautiful idea.
A much more expressive and consistent gift is a Birthday or ther
anniversary gift. The anniversary is hers, or his very own-Christmas
is evcrbody's. There is a distinction in the anniversary gift a com
pliment that the Christmas gift lacks.
Give her, or him, or them, mother, sister, wife, father, brother, hus
band or friend-a gift on an anniversary and it means something
Make that day the happiest of the year.
Our stock offers articles of use and bcauly suitable for all gift oc
casions, qualities unsurpassed and something at a price cu can afford
The distrjot Gil boys had their pic
tures taken.
Ren Kecd had a runaway Monday,
but no body was hurt.
Miss Itertiia Bliss and brother Fred
visited with Mrs. Albert ICnutson the
first of the week.
People say the peaches are hurt, but
we guess thoy are getting over worry
ing now as lots of them are coming out
in bloom.
Anti-gift Bill is a Law.
An Act to l'rovent (lilt KnterprlKCtf
and to provtito punishment (or u
lolMlon ot tlm name;
F. NEWHOUSE - - Dry Goods
One of the little helps to good
health we're selling for children is
the Nazareth Waist.
Can be worn over the underskirt
if extra warmth is desired without
Being elastic knitted it does not bind or
interfere with the movement of the child.
If the children are complaining of the cold
protect their chest with Nazareth Waists.
Sizes 1 to 13 yrs: for boy or girl.
Price 25c.
The best brass pin made at 5c.
Their is nothing so aggrevating as
to have a needle bend when you
are sewing. Try ours they do not
bend, 5c a paper.
Pearl Buttons, the kind that wash
and do not turn black at 5c a dozen
and all the better and fancy ones at
10c up to 60c a dozen.
Newhouse tiros.
C. ml. A Q. Watch inspector.
Jewatera and Optommtrlsts.
. L.1UI i
F. NEWH01SE, Dry Goods.
Butterick Patterns.
Both Phones.
Be it enacted by tin- Legislature ot
the State of Nebraska:
Section 1. Itshll bo unlawful for
any person or persons' to engage iu any
gift enterprise in this state. Every
person who .shall sell or offer for salo
any real-estate or article of merchan
dise of any description whatever, or
any ticket of admission to any exhibi
tion or peiformaiice, or other place of
amusement, with a promise, expressed
or implied, to give or bestow or in any
manner hold out the promisoof gift or
bestowal, of any article, or thing for
and in consiileiatioii of thu pmcliasu
by any person of any other article or
thing, wbeatber the object shall be for
individual gain or for the bom-Ill of
any institution of whatever ohaiaetcr,
or for any purpose whatever, shall bo
held to bo engaged in a gift enterprise
within the provisions of this act.
Section 2. Any poison or persons
who shall engage in any gift enter
pilse in tiiis .state shall bo deemed
guilty of a misdomcaiior and, upon
conviction tbeicof, shall be lined in
nny sum not exceeding live hundred
dollais. or imprisoned in the county
jull not exceeding six months, or both,
at the discretion of the com t
Section .'J. Whereas an emoigeucy
exists, this act shall tube effect and be
in full lorcc from and after its pass
age and approval.
All inorcbants or other businesses,
who are giving away premiums, or who
arc giving discount slips for cash or
any other article or money will be
compelled to discontinue such man
lier of getting business at once, us
they are llablo to prosecution under
thls not fiom now on for a violation
of the same, 'those giving premiums
awuy with baking powder, or anyoth
or article of meroliundibe, confection
ery, or any other kind of business are
liable under this provision. The Chief
publishes the law this week that all
may understand its provisions and
Judge their actions accordingly
Warning to Hunters
From this date no 'hunting or tres
passing will be allowod on the follow
ingfaims; Ikist half sec. U2 town II
range 12, Southwest If soe. fill town. .'I,
rancre l'J, Northwest H sec. 1, town 'J,
range 12, N. K. U sec. 5, town 2, range
12. A., Inavale, Ncbr.
Boys Attention
The b'aimer'ti Institute will give a
premium of 810 in three prizes for the
best 10 ears of corn ralsod by n boy of
1G years or under in the lied Cloud
Institute district. The prizes are as
follows: Plist, $5; second, S3; third,
The Institute will also give ?10 iu
threo prizes as follows for potatoes:
First. 8.'; second fit; third S2.
Gr.o, W. IIummicl, Pkusident
Harness Repairing and Oiling Neatly
Done at FOGEL'S
Also my stock of Harness of all kinds and Harness repairs
including Strap work, Collars, Halters and Saddlery.
My line of Harness Hardware is complete. Remember I
can give you just what you call for in this line and prices
always the lowest.
Joe Fogel, The Harness Man.
"IMPERIAL" high patent Flour $1.00 a sack, "SELECT"
Flour, 90 cents a sack, and in addition, in each sack of
Flour will be found a coupon, and eight of these coupons
and $2.95 in cash will entitle the holder to an
Each sack of Flour is absolutly guaranteed. If not
satisfied, your money will be cheerfully refunded,
Phone your orders to the mill, fthone Red 45. ALL
Frco Delivery tnado to all parts of the City,