The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1911, Image 7

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    ."abjjfa-s jmamrt &
it i
VA !&
' l
) Tlio Qiic3tlon of rodprocAl trnilo re
lations between Iho llnllod-Htatpflniifl i
Canada has provoked ionBlierkblb
Iscusslon and IntcrosU Vhnlbjqr
lso tho discussion may hnvq tJpnb, It
as brought out (ho tact 'that onrilio
.'anadiait side of tho. 11:1 o tho nfcrl-
cultural Bltuatlon la ono that fqr.cea
Attention, and It has also brought forth'
(ho fact which It la well to face, Jthat
on tho American bldo of tho border,
thcro 1b a vaBtly Increasing popula
tion to bo fed with rt somewhat dq
Cr'easlng proportion of food producta.
Tills artlclo la Intended to point out
to thoso who may wish to become of
tioao who can ralso yhcat, oata, bar-'
ley, Dax, cattlo nnd hpgs at tho leant
cost that tho opportunities In Central
Canada aro what thpy aro seeking,
during tho past ycatv tho orflclal 11b
urea show that upwards of 130,000
Americana located in Canada, nnd tho
greatest majority of theso havo settled
en forms, nnd when tho time cornea,
hlch it will within a fowr years, ,thcy
will bo ready to help servo their par
ent country w,Jlh tho.fqod stuffs that
lis Increasing pppulat'lon, will require
flTho Immigration 'lor tho spring has
now set In In rp4t earnest, and train
load after train load of a "splendid
'class of Fotllera fcavo wcokly from
Kansas City," Omaha, Chicago, De
troit, St. Paul n,nd othor'nolntu. Most
of theso nro ddstlno'd through to points
in Manitoba, Sqskatchowan 'and Al
berta. Tho reports 'thal como from
(ho different farming districts Jhoro
aro that tho spring Is opening up well,
and tho prospects for a splendid crop
this year aro very good. la soma dls
trlcto good homesteads nro yet avail
able. Tho prlco of all farm lands has
naturally had an Increase, but It Is
isllll away below Us earning capacity.
Tho Immigration branch of tho Domin
ion Government has just published its
;J911 Illustrated pamphlet, which may
Ijo secured on application to tho Do
fjartrocnt of 'tho Intcrlo'rj bltaw'a.
,Canada, or any of tho ngents of tho
Dominion Government, 'whonoi ndvor
.tlsement may appeal clsowhero in this
y GroucUjtlll WjthijHUij.' V,
When Drown died, ho left an old
mend Hving.Db'yOtHornamo'Jof Jones;
who always rhad n, grouch. .After
$3rown had boeii in Heaven sSin'o' tipitf)
bo met Jones Just coming through the
gate, and as tho newcomer did not
Hook ns happy and contonted as ho
Wiould, Brown asked him what was
-5ho matMfrV'WeTl.'f Jffnba saluTn''!
kot my vJt pvot cgbitg fcris vo
,iver StyValfcl cfiu"h(n aastcaJd,
jroko mjlcfwwing
hate to- caftyt
It In a Bllng, and
talo don't" fit
rorth darn."
whlto goods thlsjBummer rnnkesthe
"ch"olce6f"STarcir nTma'u"ef orgreat'im
portanco. Deflanco Starch, being froo
from all Injurious chomicals, Is tho
only-ono which Js-safVto uso on flno
fabrlcn. Jta great strenglh?03'a stiffen
prl makes half tho usual 'Wnntlty of
Btarch necossa, wltJitht'teSult of
goods wore newt' Jjl; $$!?
'i ij''yji r-lrkYKf i
In o cf tho Buffrigott
iJicst natnmuzna.
I x't - ? Ii . 1
ll2iher-WhBro iiq-y
last?- S ,
TjjAJtetfrr-Ohr Imbin
left it Htlcklng in ffl
London Opinion.
TfcnVrO t. 1'wnO
' Tlils 'W Ihe VaW of tho c
This 'V the am6iofr tho 'p'c.itest of all
MmolieilforJIJitlcmpcV, PitjU'lJyoV-Hcavei,
ftKerifa ivontedJ Send -for Tree bbolc! Bpolin
Medical Co., Spec. Contagious Disease,
rtGopd br,cpijlng is j.benovolonco In
trjUlps.j oy,4hopr:for,oncof j)f others to
ourjselves ln'tly) Utlb, occur
rences' 'of, llfo. niiatham!
Full life exists la three- dimensions,
art.hutwo and sclcnp4n, one; llko a
Bollil, a nupcrflclcs, ami a line.
p. s -h "i r i i ii ii ' r
i IS .
The Bitters is a boon to
those in convalescence
yhen a tonic and strength
makeris needed.
Xy jit and see.
TfAvord fo tho wise Is sufficient.
you CAN MAJtn BIO to 830 A UAYi
dolJin ,.atllttl. Will Mild you complete li
tlifoj for II Httli tlis.uiulorsuintUiis u n-iur
ron few
112 u ri-iurn your
uiirner If yon am ni".l mare than im'iuoawlth our
XULiAlVlU tO.,Ul Itll, Ulu.lpfr, CuUi
' 1 ( 1
V-TMlOSl iv
1 i ir n It
Hv? I
B,ud IJtft lkfl ajn9ng,all ariss p;1ipmct.SoIiI
IjyiprugpistJIarness.Makprs, op,jcnd to
Clie Smanufhcturcrs. $50 and Sl.Oft a bottle.
A Condensed Statement of the Work
Accomplished by Nebraska
Digest of the Bills Passed by Both Houses of the
Nebraska Legislature at Its Thirty-Second Session
Which Havo Been Signed by the Gov
ernor and Will
the? Statute
House Rolls.
2 IVstiuaii. IMaMlshed hclioul of
Agriculture in t-outhwontcrii XuIm.ihU.i.
3. rtnttliL-c-. ,Approprtntlon of15,000 ti
llnlstt and eoiaplete tin basement "iooms
Of lllC State llOUHe
C Iliishec. l'toililes for election nf
KOMinliiK lioml nf tmstee.s ly 5jeioldrit
unit lellKlous societies.
7. l'rle-f. K-ttuhJIiura Hitlary to ho palil
cleik rf ilNttlot court. ' ' '
".'. Krles. Makes' It uptlon-il foi cehonl
l.r.anj tii f.ct ustilit u fund lot lllijitry
10. Frli'M, Jir.uid uuil injtlt jutoi'H sh.ill
tccclvo ?( per il'iy iiiul 10 coutsi jwr inlje.
Jl. Crosiiii.ui. i ProvMcH pollt hi:ikm
traton In cttlct tiful vlll m'os hIiiiII liu'tfj Qti
Pxti'iiMhc powniH wlllilu tlioi i-niporatc
limits of hiioIi ultlos to vIlliBtM. '
I'l. Ilutlk'lil. .Aiipropiliitloii of 18.000
for tho liinllitfli.iuco of the'i:i
Urtlioppdlc hospital..
SC. liarU.Ig. Ajiiirppihilton 'of immoi
lelonglnr to .itiilii. nbnnrij diool HVr.ny
fundn for purclufC of htwlss for st.ite
normul tit Wiijni'. r
27. PrlnuL-. , AinoiidiuiMith to constitu
tion. pro Klifr otnoiiMrtli-iu bo.ipl jtt
coutipl for all viujio '(itHjJt'.itloiiH,, '
29. Jloilartj'. l'atabllalu'i foes In
county Jiiiigi! uuil coUuty tniviuicr'p oUloe,
nil .. . - .'.
i-roposoa tin
inipndinen to
thn 'constitution it-lutint; to tlnV- or iiltct
ini? JuilRe.11 of.tho siipirino Vnitit. J
J!J". arcKlxsieu. A Milllrfoi'!':m'nqHto
protect. llvr Vjf the ttiiwllntrpti))fltf .(nil
ulallni; loftli? sl?.o jif cmv.
34. X-'ullit-J 1-lmpowors coiintyl'boards
,to orcct or ij'pi'J all lirldKi.4 not xccinl
Ine ii2cliit J'JOl-rtlthJUtr.uavurtl'Jinfr tor
bids... J 1 '
3S.I1 IQldlfilu JUKoii ID .unlawful to
ennin rin tho nubile highway. . .
?-i 'OcHor ;r uitcii$oiKv n ..mi orc
wic roiter or aiiiumi? injured on tlio right
of wny of rail toad coinpanlr..s.
43. Tujlor of Hitchcock. .Makes It a
tnlndenioanor to uhnudou maimed or oleic
dmncstlc nnlniul.i.
tii. Ta16rof Hitchcock. 5TKs It
iDlSUeintaiioC to Inliliioruicly 'or jjnri-a
to Inhtiiaaticly 'oriA-tistivi
ictc JUnals.vjrr7 j ' j
ail ApBroprlallo'n foH
. tlierchaffroii Twriuil School.
Alii tip:il.Jiniira4ln
'.f-4v lfcnt Ind CtlJ
49. I'otts. Authoilzcs thp stnto tretis
tirer to sell certain bonda held by thu
' r.5. McKI?s!ck". -ApproVrtatloh'for puV
chuso qitpply Cobbuy's Statutes for uso
of tho state.
C3. Lnwieni'c Provides tliatMim
plnycrs thall rIvo lettpr) to dluchiTTBed
.employees, HcttliiR forth n.'iturc'of oervlco
. a ..... r -
I'liuurcn, ii.y , - , .
oi. isartciit. I Appropriation ofi IJC.000
erect hall nnd library btilldlmr tar State
nbimnl nt Wavno. . f . I i.i
r 6li.v.l)oleznl. Joint and Wiimin-Jjhtlrcs-
ilutlon ratlfyluB iiippoafiL'nriiitridinw. to
coDtlttitloh qi tile Uiilu-dl SihtrH falatlncr
tb 'Incotnotitx '- " - i " - .
c 7. 'ilctZBcr. lilitfomuolncs to bo en-.' tS beivcffuV .a WiCl of habe.ii.
Ww- -rrriVcS' Vij-N -
des fo
$i.M Jio;
Clark. Appropriation of
to tho stato normjil
purchnpo nif bmks foi-'
Chadrofcibtj 111 1
J o u u t y commissioned
to $t per day. l i
Kent. "AnniVinrlnllnM
jt,00o HuaTV1 n heating plant ut tli
, "sstfv rr: r.T'i.
ZJU'llUUl. t
s,-Jniaftlii inlMW Vuld;
i miiuy.p xvuan
aruwnsllD ors
8.'-, Qilackeiiblisli. Annronrlatiou iif
itfu-Tot compioiinc nn atiuiiional alory,
OicTllbiiiry. building at tho Peru nor-
. tit . n
?Lftil. Appropriation ofl yfrj(js'bo)
lBlir& to tho state normal library funilp'
pitrchagc of booUspr.jatittoJiormal nt
WrOrucbor. limiting' the hours of
servico oi rauroau ompioyces.
73, Kotouc. Stale auditor rhall be the
lawful representative of foreign lnsura.iice
companies doing 'buslncla In4 tlilsj ttxjtc.
77. Colt'on. When lands revert or
escheat to the statu It is tho duty of the
county uttorncy to appear In court und
attend to tho Htatu'a Interests.
t 83. Potta. , Provldqs tlwt. Jurors draw
Iholr pay for scrvlcftfi us soon as they arc
completed u.nd, tho jury Is dlschargcij.
ti. lfnllltld, i:sabllshcs OJoari of
control for dependent children,"
SO. Bailey. Appropi lutes JD5.000 to
lmlld south wing to the prcsontnofiuat
college p.1 ICcaniey. g,
, SO., Btisheo. natabllahesa 'hospital for
tuberculosis Insane. - - " "
91. Gcrdos. Appropriation for payment
of ofllcers nnd employees of tho legUlu-
Mre- ? l c .
p2. .itlerdfis, Appropi latlon fot pay
ment of Incidental expenses of tho Jegls
Utlyc seFslon.v .v
PS." lJv.tns. Gieatcs ay ndvlsory jjoard
of pardons and making an appropi luilon.
JOJ),. Jones. Owners Qf land ruoVlpcr
liilttnd ;io drain th'pamc In tlioCironeral
coiiimc of natural dralnaKC.
107. HoushT Prohibits nil glfl iriter
prlses. '
measures -wljich tho houscgoxpeB to
in9a In .1 il ttirr$t r nr vWollnnlttnif lain.
(4AU i. .... . ...I V.. .'I t.T JjVIIV.HIj.blJIIItM
tion havo been introduced, They arc.
Canadian ricc'ltirorltri fjplfqwlfig trto
Identlral lines of the McCnll bill ex
cept for u cjauae atithorlilng con
tinued negotiations ou articles not cov
ered by tho pending ngrcement, and a
jill lo put on tho free Hot about 100
'irtlcles now dutiable, Both will re
ceive early consideration,
The free lift hill is dehlgned lo plac-
1 $Wm&zr
" UX)KTiyi iliMMlli
wprvfykmnQi for
Be Placed on
IC Shoemaker Make It a peniten
tial) ofroimu to carry rovolvcf.
111. Uinrett. Atiproiirlittlon of inoneyi
lic-lnnftliiKvtivnlule noitnal library funds
for purelikscwof ' hooks for slate normal
at Ki'irni').
HJ. Kuller. All , taxes shall be due nnd
juyiilil.i it thu" death of the deeetletit. n
US. 'iCotouet ppropilatlon of 0 prr
cent of 0i& M'lH levy ff6r tti"i of the No-
liraika slates tin i virai y. v
1..7. llutllebl. Alt net lo li'RilIze enr
tiilii defeetho nMljutnents of mot tuajjes.
ir.V. llitirifld. IIovMch for releaae 'of
tiiiitlw.iKo.-f ultliln ono joar f mill date.
l'5s. Krlce CliiiiiKiM tettns of ollleo of
district nmeaHorrt.
lC'J. OiuVkonbtlf.h ltegulatliiK llio
ITi-autliiiT of iidJoiiii'itneiitM or eontliiuaiibo
of enitiUM lit! tho illtjlilct courts of the
state. j ,
17t!. CJiiMlafhon. Amends primary lav.
1W. Dotes: il. I'lovldes for tlm puy-
tumit for till horsou killed by tho t.ite
.yeeilnnrlAii jvhleli were mirfrrlnK wljh
COltBlollH dlSOUM'H
ITS. Ilushi'o KstabllslieM a enmity
IiIbIi i.eliool board or 11 vo members, to lie
known na thy boaid of regents.
ISO. McCarthy. Providing a method
for perfeellus titles: to lei;allso ltiutni
mVntH nun appe-irlns of record. "
"1S3. Mol7;er Appropriates JS.OOO for
fonsl(uctlon of a'b un and atoro-ioiim'ut
Sf'.itf 'flhti hatcherlL's, South Hond. i
IS I. HcJvIjiilck. f Ainendi county as
sessor laiv. mliUthB precinct uiaeasirs
vleetlvec ii t n '
llt.l. Haotlcltv- Suto 'university nutl
Izcd tifiitcrut nut Q'v wenucats.
. lXiittaiiii'.1 .-Apptoprlalos ?100 for
Jho feljef of ylvtyitor V. Hathaway,
Hathaway, pern-
ii'niiaiy Bary,i injri)vi;y kuuomui.
197. Andirson of Kearney. Itallroads
intitt ,provdo Shelter for live stock.
203. l.avrenco. An, pet to piovlde
dniJjtliV4 Jt irplf,. fiwarnjl or wet lands,
2l Anderson. Prohibits public c
limilllif III i illlJll3iii. a i
,, 21U, S.indborn and Hardin. Genoal
'(vision itf raw rolatlvotto B.Ua of v
IturaXslJeds. C .
221. ,JSaiiH. jAppropnatllin for launary
iiui-iinis nsj7Utn. c j
222- CMnk. Appropriates Jt 1,000 to pay
traveling expenses of dlstilct JudgjoSln
ixeess of tho amount appropriated Jfor
this purpose In 1000.
"W2JS. Uas45jtt,MMcdcal cplIceH to iuvo
bodies of people vho dfo in poof-linuscM,
Insane uyluins and ponltentUry, when
agreed to by tolatlves.
2iSJ Taylor I of HltQhcocki'i nieifds
game laws of tho state.
240. Mctzgor; '' "'itcsldo'nts must have
licenses to Huh and hunt.
243. Melzger,. Changes open season
for hunting wild gamo.
. 247. .Ciossman. ..ItcgiiliUlnB and licens
ing jinaternlty homes,
48. Swan.' Appropriation for cxpcnseH
'of food.,drujf and.dilry commlsnlon.
" 2.J.2. McAf-6;le. 'Amentia law routing to
registration bf tA m6tor '"Vehicles.
' MS, lW 'of '"libit. ' Provldt's that
Judges of election" flhiltt' call nttentlon of
votferrt' trt'titty 'TOnBtttutlbnaa aniwulmoiit
to bo voted upon. , u t
r2C9..,Qunoliinblsh.',,Pxnv4doJ! walcij
wardkhViMilon of'jruJIrondhrldxvP hi th'''
at.'Uwior N4brBlowa ,: u htw - 't
274. CionlnrwBUtej 'M f?r. rtJfie-'' 0Vl '
135 .f qet, Ju length jputPHyjjylilJBJiwiiys.
..2tJ iJIftrdln. gelatins to
Juc-purp,.foodJ(UiJ. dfup (Utpartjiiont.
U 9. lpaijiiy,
y. vn .act to enabio owners
,hp namo thorcof.
'and e-
2S0., Ifardlnr'i'resc'rllilnt; triethods r
trMdmr'iinll'' welchlnc irraln.
a'S53.,',Ah'aDrsoil Of 'Kearney. ProTIiUsJ
Hut -ill perscuii 8er,ylng n Jurprs nuilt,
be. nuallfled eloctora of tho state.
. 203,i, AlcArdlo, find lasBett provides""
for, township, publfo ilhrarfos. ( ,
294. 'MqKJsslck. , t'fovldcs fo'r lncorpor-'
itlou ,ot lii8'unincoi corriranlpa.
301. Uonham." Appropriation fo'rmaik-
ing tho Oregon trail In tho stnto.
30$. QuackenbUHli. Provides when at
tachments for recovery of money may
309. Nelr. Provides for filling" vacancy
In congross.
313. Quackenbush. Makes It a misde
meanor for minors to smoko cigarettes.
314. MotJtger. Provides for tho accom
modation of carctakors of live stock while
In transit on railroads.
313. Unshoe. Organizes districts by
state boatd of Irrigation.
319. llospodsky. Appropriates 103,000
for erection of now buildings nt liiMtie
hospital In Lincoln.
322. KrloB. To give cities and villages
rower to acquire a mill dam slto.
32(1. McICelvlo. Appropriates 3"14 for
paving South street, Lincoln, In front of
the Orthopedic hospital.
314. UuHhee. Relates to construction
of wotks In Initiation districts.
3uC. Potts, Chargos tho county bonul-t
of supervisors with tho enforcement nf
iitintantlnii rulos and regulations of stat;
bourd of health.
337. I'otts. Village boards of trusters
rhaiged with enforcement of iitiarnntlno
ato farmdra Jot. ' agricultural' losses
i 1 r.
which they will sustain under the Can
adian agreornqntj'hutjt contains nlso
foodstuffs and boots and Bhoos. Tho
(istls aa follows fil'ltjwf, lliarfowtr,
ficadei-s, lmrveBtdrfl', reaperu!" ngl-lcul-tural
drills and planters, mowers,
horse rakes, cultivators, threshing ma
chines, cotton glnB, farm wagons,
farm carts and nil other agricultural
implements, Including roralr parts,
Nagging for cotton, gunny cloth and
fahilca suitablo for haling cotton, bur-
laps and bags for sacking agricultural
01 mrni3,JO.,recoru.j
r,2: tffiru-fn ' ,V;ro1i1ta , 'fpr
moot, of a "cqmiKls'slriW rto rovfso
b'tlo laws' of 'WilbrasKft
"aw" JiuiLif TnSiWTK a uttto itotef
ftWt OnlliKhor.. ftcucra-l iM
vr.. ucuera-l fliiaty ut'prqt,
fdr'itoonoct. w.l,
n.tlfrj Aipropilit(t .o(
leu of school, fin- ilufu
pClilthi.l bill ro
tCS,' Shoe'ni ddloioiii
377. MeAidlo. AiuomN law gratithig
fratu-hlses In lilies of iiicttnpntltnti clafs
fpr tats main?, ol'e.ilc Ifuliln, 1 1
SS!I. Kllk. MitLesL JudKei Un llKlhto to
othf r oiUces ilartiifc Ittclr tJrni "f ohW ui
4l MeAtdle. i:m itillxhM N'i I rnskn
IrgUlatlie liferrnce liutr:iu.
v2rl. .aioFMiiuu .AM'VWlntiH, , f51WQ,
Mr lir mAltmUoi' Hie ,NJ lir.u kfrt (ViboiiP
for de.'f nt Omalin.
431 lluigan. tlPfU'ir- ii'kI-IihI on of
nU pidiitreed ntaljtomi
.411 fliimly. Altfioprfitlon:for ftir- ii'
lief orV.'. A. PhllrVt?lhJi,idailAi'j-Iiiiii.
V4f4. KletnretiKl r . ,j. --jtft y tas-p'rolllhlt
throulng glatii eriiili.).qtiM, ;iv public
hlghwns. L
401. Prince niu Sink. Artluli'. of In
rorpiiiatlnti niuiL tl.v t)n termini uf nil
proposed .trtet rallru.iil".
ACtfi Koidgren Appropriates live thou
stiiul dollars fur llir-pntof V.iult-i for In
riiraiiee di pattm.-ut.
4M1 l.elillr.h, Appropriates JU.flOO for
ht'iitliiK plant foi the li.iftllute for the
blind at Nilu.irkiv Qltj.
181. I.cMIkIi. I'riiiti.- u luiiiMii nf
prlt'tlns mid itntilhlieH o iiiinmlpiloit
Pi. Ilitxhie niid ItaiiliuMnit. Apiuo
printer tl'.'S.euO Id Hid n"houl dliitrlell (n
hold at lead live muiithn' ikIiooI In inch
30.1. llohuej Approptlitti i for
punli-iMi of land for Ni'lu.ulii fcoluiel for
the deaf.
MI. (lalliigher. Appiopilatlmi l.lw foi
out i nt (vpiniPMiif the ntnte oilier iv
r. .".. Matiiiu. AppioptiatiM $iii0 fur
thi' lellef of I.oulst UnllliiH, Injured In
the fet'liln minded Itutltule nt IJeiitrn-e.
'.j,'i. l.lvu. Provldi t i'li.un;ItiK
dale of saloon lleemie In mrtrnpnlll.tu
eltl s nnd HtibmliiHloii of iinestloii of st
liniti Iiiiim In all eltleM upon n tltlnn
Blgtldl by lllllly teHlileilt fli'ijholili u.
."71. C'lilm. Coinpi Is nil Hlnlo liiitltu
tiiiiK t.) ttipo.sit ptlblli' fluids U the
Bt iti tieaiurei
r..1. rieides. Montis enlleelrd foi rx
ittnlnation of InMiratice i'iMiiilnle:i In hi
paid to fitato triMHitrer.
r.7l Oeidi'ij. Certain inembi'rs of the
fatuity of Un mate iinlveiHltv rliall be
uiuli'i' dlrietlim nnd eontio) of tho lu
K(iit. r.'U Kirk. Appiopr! itis tl.i.OOfl foi
ponririiutlnn of t.iuir nnd wulir H.vriti'in
at Wnytio normal.
r.'.i') (Itnktt nnd Pott. Prnvidei that
all liiilMlngH elected by "late npproprla-
(Kiiii siluill to i'oii(tiiii'lel within the
limlti of Miieli appropriation.
(.OS. l.cldlKh. Apin Iuu fin put -chnso
of two liloiiks nf land ailjoluliu; In
stitute for the blind at Nebraiiha City.
fiTJ. Hwan. Apptoprlutlfin for inlseel
liiurollH Items of IniUbtedllfvli o;ln by
tho state.
(.70. Joint Itoad Conniltteif. Kxtab
llshtM county highway etitniiilsHlnner.
Cdl. tSuslafson. AII'biHK'Y "i public
highways to be of jmljlclout Ktrmnjth to
bear tho wulght of tract fun eiiglii'i s.
703. (At 'rorttieri of irownior.") Pro
Aides for tAtelllBpUUM ofbitlhllngH.
"Sc'nar'eVflei.' ' '
I. SUIIfH."" Vimstflutlonn"! :une'liltufMi
piovldlng for the Initiative anil ircfcrun
'dun. - 1 - '"
7. Iteanan. OoiiRtlliillntial umojirtinfjit
peimlttliiB cUIch pvvr, B.'OOvi. to 'in.iltti Ihblr
own charters, ' t " '
?. Tlbliots. Amends law relafilitf'to
salnt'y of "county mtperlntiindenta.. !
II. Kenin. Permits chango of location
of school ,t!lte. it either rogular or upvcldl
1C. lteagon. Piovldlng for protect Ion
of persons hi nnd about tho const! uctlnn
or repairing of buildings.
Si. Conical. Cities of second :lans and
villages m.i) fund thulr IndebledneKs,
21, I'Juctlt. Itepcals section 310, Code
of Civil Procedure, relative' to nvw ttlAls
tl suits for damages.
S3.' PartOH. Actions may be brought
'fori recovery, partition or sale of real
piopeity. i k 1 ' i i
27, CoXiOC'HanJIiop. J'ixco s,ilajr,s of
omccr hi clllea of tjcqomt class.
31.. pulinpan 1'i-ovf.le'i for the" m-iiV ,
'rtEfo or'w.tlcY tbmnts lufiiilfifirMhrrtligh
prlvnto lands. .M'
' 37i TlDbctir.rCouiitynt4(irj)eys"ta3iioH-
In nvrtliJnfouiUW ujjcr a )?,
oCvenlie. ,
"4n 'r.-AC, 't.lw.oU'Vi', MM if3lV.,"rtSllbi
7Jf WhooV flixeiH lii'drtl plthO anU-iWlhttfea.
fiSP'iT1M4ns!tiAlwtr.n-iTlf otr.t)lilpta
0 vWcrtw:ltfilWh pr.jiiatf.ja. Iftittlljjipi-'H
appealed to tho Biiprt mo yyt.. . .
GO. Albert. Mavor and coundl in cltloa
fWHWftrH'tnpVltW-hPf "" ''
"'Kf. tllMtfnlnlf. WvleiJfoV 4nsiiIhndlH
hP5 IW'JilOB.
( r). JLc.n..
lpBTtcrH'(o' polls'" cn"iVei'tn dliV."-
and foi Man 'VSorpornttotin I'lioldihrtCfliKW
fOrelnrr liens. upon property 'iiititiinia
59. 'Ittmn.' lirovldcs for purolOjOt Jlr3t-torm-iPilspni-s.
" C2. Jlo'rton. An net rclatltiK to, pun-
derlng to dellne nnd prniiibit tno Bame.
C7. Morohcnd. Amends the lw pro
viding for register of deeds, flxitis salary,
71. Talcott. Making birthday nf John
Howard n legal holiday lu all penal and
roformntoiy Institutions,
7C. Tliown, Establish h statutes for
organization of n parUh of tho Protestant
Episcopal church.
77. Drown. Poos to ho charged In
olllcc of hccictnty of state,
78. Inown. Flving amount of foes to
b paid by corporations annually to tho
" 81. Tanner. Provides punishment nf
pcrfons lntorfeihur with tdrgr.iph nnd
telephone wjres.
8S. Ollls. ncflnoH moaning of co-operative
company, corporation or nssoelntlon
under tho stale laws.
03. Tanner. Amending- Houth Omaha
110. Ollfs. llellnes public stock yaid
und places tlio sumo under control of
stnto boa id nf railroad copimlssloueiH.
137. nodlnson. Provides when lions
against real estate shall not bo cnfoic"
nblb by i en .son of lap.-io of time.
147, Volpp. Amendments f oonstltu-
products j hoop or band iron pr s,teel
for baling cotton; wire for baling hay,
straw and othor agricultural product)-:;
grain leather, huff, fepllt, rotmli or hole
leather, bend or belting lenlhor, hoots
and shoes, harness, e.1ttllcn and sad
dlery and lcnther for manufncHurcrt ar
ticles, barbed fence wire, rods, wlro
stands or wire rope, wlro woven or
manufactured for wire fencing.
Meats, frcEl), salted, pickled, dried,
smoked, dressed or undressed, pre
pared or proscrvedj" bacon, hum,
jjihoulders, lnrd, lard compounds and
'trdiTrcWlnaflt tefm"6T omts'of membori
tu legislature.
H&. 'ViilptC t'ernttf rjnooJjUt1nV
hhiijll havo power to purchase or t.iko by
glfjl devlso or power of omluent domain,
I nidi, iHrcM'Acillhii' 320 nycs, nnd wmi
in bo fm$ fjnih taatton, s-
1S4. ItrlTnn tthblftheT law fmntlnS
dlvoieo under certain condition.
lfi-' Plaock. AutlioilKiM and cnipowcis
cltts of itri'ond class to ieiiulri nnd en
force the llghllnir of laltroad trarks.
K.S. Tanner. Annindi law lelalltig to
tct'nm of-inciulitii-i of bihooUbiNirda.lti
nigftiopolllnit HlUsi J f f
171. 'iblfetk. Aa'i 'rtel KuthbrHthitthJ
oi'ij.iiilr.atloii of 1 1 list cnnipiinles, itellnliiB
Ihvlr iiiiwerH and privilege.
1.7V Hoagland. Pimldeir for (ho Inde
nt initiate ffntenro of persons convicted
of cot lain ri tunics.
ITfl. ltaniiTnihv Audll'nr 'of ptlWIo no
couptu niijjioi Irril to dctuiiro two com
tteli'iit iieTOlmtaiilH to establish Uniform
ity lit UftvuK'li'rn onheeplnff at.coiinls.
1l. I'luoeU Dnilimgo dlutrlct oClcera
lire pcruiltti .1 to Ihhiio bonils Up to J5.000
ulthout the holilliift of elections.
10. Iliiitglaml. Providing for th
drainage of mlf-lttlKatcd land..
I'll, lloaglaiid. Dollnhig the duties of
b'lanl of diteetoiH of Irilgatlltg dlstrlql
fti3. Iloagland. P'pldcsifor the filing
of petitions byiltrttort In Irrigation Hu
ll kl "is'' ',
m. Iloartkuiifr lUl.ttes to mcMtnga'nl
InlKalloM ilisiilct boanls. and plovldeJ
for publleatlun of pioeccdlngM.
lit?. TlbbeK fotirt cotn to be (Axod
to prisons rtiHponiled or dlxhaircil In all
eouteiiiit pioi-ccdhiKS.
2tH. Albeit. .Itidlelal district appor
tionment law fpeylfyliiff i'oiiiiIIcm. In each
iV"iil,'i'VlHi jnnitilmr nf Judges to ,bo
llll'CKliUlU iuIjuh iJlHttll'tll. .' 1
.'ui, Utihwiuii. DciUuuiitca certain
days ns "leiral hollihys."
201 J In island I'iovImIoiis for eslab
lli'hlng u Nftem of seuerago und drain
age In iltliH r w J! (
lZ. Mi (Hew. AnieniH guaranty of
bank delitisltH Hlatlltcs.
22.'i. Ileaitliiiid. An imt to m.ilie IrrU'l-'
linn dlHtiieiil liable in dnliilRcs for ncir
llgeiiie In fiilltili! to deliver water.
22(1 lloaglnnd. To nppruprlato water
mid lnl(tate lands for which water has
alteady been appropi lated.
2:7. Iloagland. Provides for llHts of
all 1 in. In to be watered uiiiiioh of oUtcers.
owtieiH nnd theso hi control f rtlttlioh or
2:s. liubrinan. lUlliond cjitipanles to
build und inalntiilu hIiciIh for pmteulloti
or live Ktoik at nil shipping points.
2.ip. .itiiilclaiy Coiumlttno. 'l'le- fees
of shorthand repot torn ' In nil mnttein
olhit than dlHtilct court work.
23C. Iloagland. General Irrigation law.
241. Talcott. P.oird to niako 1 tiles and
ii-giilallons for admission of pupils In
public, ti'liooln -utiiUJiiniur nnd. summer.
eiiiinii nf ilrm lii nil eltleu where a lite
depnrtmviU iHIOCHttd. -. 1 O i
2.-.D. x$iri,jp3iO&0Uy)lMlV "5iio l'lfdj
Day" in till public and private hcITooIs.
An act tto legalb.o liuti--
thuy may bo overheard by persons near
the person sending or receiving,.
2fi9. Hot tun. Prohibits persona"" malt"-
ng coimcetlomi.wlth electric jvtres with-
..i.i.l. hntul.tilcrr. n rf rnrntixjit tit tflfiers..
,..v-... 't. -.r."-.--.- --.". - 7 - r ' '
I! r,i.i hu&khimX ltLUTiitg ktidlton fits
ln.eVs fttnliHft, ri.fifil;tV.lrrlitff.l
0. llartos. Ap aet ta prevent ijver-
joadliiK gif paMSPnirCJMW.S f T
. 271. Smith of lfoonq, woyldefj,fohc
'iiiMitloir of mortgnges onTPftl estatraml
,irevenlH double taxation on encumberud
piopcrty. tj.
273. 1'lacik. I.cglnlatlvd apportion
ment;,'! districting tljotatc Inaofiatbrttil'
mil ifpies.'ntntlvn district. ' - r
27fi. Horton. Fixes Hnlnry of sheriffs
!n emmtlfs hnvins n population of 110,000
ir over.
r alBl)oVat(lwiatc,rfl, iittainl
utda or a
ir iiweole
I irbtiyinlng
inccbailno o
eoaT to
1S2. TcT.nj 'AjJtljArlrls f lllfiisT
203. Iloagland. Defining tho tern)
"stato board of Irrigation."
2P4. TlbVct. Amenla law. relating ti
JrUtnjriwaUVUlirrfufs llrud'ettlVK ,
300. Selleek. County mipcrlntcndontji
shiill hold public examinations of person
304. nojllnnnn. -i'rpyldcs for divlfcloo
307. Jloaglanil. ComnflsslohOVs may
appoint temporary county Judgu undek-
certain ronuitioiiH,
tlvo to Bilnry ot couiily iittornoys.
and provide. peniJtlejiptorj.Uioso engaged
In promoting or 'jihHrOnf'.Ing tho same.
310. Panning. Compels railroads to
furnish watchmen to protect shipments
onfrHnitc Oil f ' '!'
1 flaw Pi4l(H,k AitluirlwH ounty'boaids
to gradoirf p:ive hi rynntles having cities
over iS.dbO'anil lifss'jtlmn.'lOO.OOO Inhabi
tants. 333. Iti-ngan. Authorizes uso of photo
graphic processrs In making and copying
of public records.
342. Panning". Commission plan of
government for nil cltk-fl liavlnjf a popu
lation of C.OOO InhabllantH or over.
35S, Selleelf. Provides for committing
drpwidont or netected children to suit
able InstltutlonH for thu purpose of car
ing of tho same.
3C3. Tanner. Establishes rates nnd
condition of seivleo under authority of
water boards In South Omaha.
370. Iloagland. An act to dotormlno
the rights of parties who hnvo n6n,ulrud
water rlghtB under tho act of congrcuu
of tho rnltcil Hiatus.
377. Iloagland. Provides for laying
out 'of public roads whoro topography of
country will not permit fallowing section
3SS. Hclleck. Authorizes mayor nnd
council (11 cities nf first class to levy
taxes for certain purposes.
substitutes; sausage, buckwheat, flour,
corn meal, wheat and ryo flour, bran,
middlings, and other offals of grain;
outmelil and rolled oats, all prepared
cereal foods, biscuits, ' hrdfid Wafers
and similar ""articles not swcotcnctU
Umber, hewn, aided or stjuared, round
timber used for rpars or building
wharves, shingles, laths, foncing ro&ts.
sawed boards, planks, deals and othor
lumber, except ebony, mahogany, ros&
wood 'and other cabinet' woods.
" Sewing machines ami salt complete
the free list,
ir4-'j-lilli. hivlilqitfitr) nfieal' Irorti
i1iclsbiieoriHtae4rathVatj;c0inililoi! t
Air.i iiort-liAir? HMovldei fori t Ifrei
lioiinl. to have authority for the lnvestl-
2u V. Hortiin.
MiiuiChr boin)ij.ftrvpiU4ioM UiilUitntflluK)
1. I fed It wyMutyffTrililll'u witB
my tMtimonlal n to wliat "'6ur remedy,
Kwamp-IIoot, dii! for flfbvhctrr wa:
phyHical wreck from kidney and bladder
Some ycaro oro I was not nblo to do any
work nnd could only just creep nrourid
(i tid nm satisfied that hid, ityiiot Icon, for
l nf ;i.,.'. -;."i,w..l.f,i t wr,1it,l niC-i
Ni?:. 'i "r 1 rv .'rv,. i'lrr " .Vi
linvo livcu. yiiiur using wiu irepaiaiiu;i
for ono month I was ab!o to work uomn
nnd when 3 had uficd $3.00 worth of
K amp-Hoot I could do a Rood day's work.
1 tmeil about $10.00 worth altogether artil
would not toko $10,COO fqr the cood thnt'U
did me. Lconslder it nOodsond to uffr;
inj nuraanlty for tlio durtaso for,rhicli yoU
tecoinnu'iuljit, and havo reconjAtciidcd'"ilJ
to many utffferero. "
n. l. nunaiKs,
'clch, Ark.
Personally appeared bsforo mo this 20tM
of September, 1000, IT. I;. HocbIiis, wha
tilwcribcd tlio abovo statement and matla
oath that tho flimo ii truo in tubstanc
nnd In foot. r ' '
SV. A. PAGE, J. V.
Pp. kilntr f.
Provo What Swamp-Itoot Will Do For Yptf
Bend to lr. Kilmer &-Co., llinnhatn
ton, N. Y., for a samplo boltle. It will
convinco ahyono. You will alto rccelvo
a booklet of valuable infonnalion, telling
all about tho kidneys ami bladder. When
writing, IxysuTb ami mention ibis pSper.
Tor fialo.nt jilhdnwjilofciJ' Pjico fifty;
ccnU and one-dollar.
How Qca Birds Drink.
Under tho hoiullluo, Whoro Do They
Clot Wntcr7 it wrltor In tho Young
Folka' Cntholld Weekly Bays: "When
1 wriH n cabin boy I often used to
wonder, Brelng blnln thounnndo or
nillos out to Bcp, what .they did for
fresh water whon Uioy wcro thirsty.
Ono day 11 squall miBWored thnt qiica
tion for mo. It wna n hot and Bllttor-
lrjfT tiny In tho tropica, and in tho elenr
olty ovorhotul "black rain cloud ap
peared nil of a nutldon. Then out of
empty npneo over n hundred Fen blrd.t
cnnio (lartlnr; from every direction.
Thay got tinder Uio rnln cloud, and
.waitort thoro for" about ten rhlnutcs.
circling- round and round, nnd when
tho ruin began to fall thoy drank their
fill. In Iho tropica, whero tho crcat
oca birds tall thousands of mllcH away
from ehor;e, they gel thelrTflrlnKlwr
vaiof In UiUt XvAy'Chdy khdlllout'a
ptormjn Ifinfe W. qff; IthW
hundred iff Ilea Vi?b6 t(f tfot pn&oVlt,
nnd they Bwallow cnouRh raindrops to
lcqcf tlcm KolPC. Iow York Trll
,U"P-i L.'VJJuU
An Crnbassadorfs Nose.
(cV'iiiiitrflB tlMounry,
irell rLaJnpfcrlttjju8cJlto.
gurdlng n Bpcclal kind of leather man
ufactured thoro. Ho would havo boon
"looked on with suspicion had It been
Bunpoctetl that hocculd learn oany
Thlhof (hbaqTfffotlitas. Uut"MUcinK
x-hS hSjorri;hi)((jot6iear coigtltcj Cr-
tain raciODoa to regiaior, iiirouBuiun
Atluntlc Mngazlno.
- Ho' Might hlave Earned a -Vote.
Llttlo Johnnlo stood gazing'-' solemn
ly on tho decrepit form of an old
counl'rymnn. Noticing tlio boy's" atten
tion tho old man asked: "Well, what
asked, "did tho politicians kiss you
wJiuk So, tfai a Ckpy7"-ucccss
"you wrllo for tho moro lovo of
rts5( thifod&li&feirfjt Uortcd.
"but I still hopo to some day bo abla
OS ri5N?,(yit(icW
I Found a Change In F001
And Found
Food Put
X3rGnld1!iot(iipi3o ;IWod tha
tlmo ho oponds In thinking over hla
business, bltih"ovdcifns loth to glvo
hla .buxlnoss would bo w;otli. llttlo
without good' health? to car 6 'foi1 It. A
buBinosa maa tells how uo did Jilm
self good by carefully thinking over
his' physical condition', lnvetlg-atlng to
find ouf wnat v,'aa needed, and then
chnnglng tp tho right focd. I
i "Fop sorao years I had been hothor
ed a great deal of tor moals. My food
seemed to, lay Ukorlead In ray stomach,
producing heaviness n'nd'dul!nc6n and
eometlmos! posltivo pain. Of courso
this rondorcd mo moro or less" unlit
for business, and I mode up ray mind
that something would havo to bo done.
"Reflection led mo to tho conclusion
that ovor-oatlng, filling tlio stomach
with Indigestible food, wbb rosponslblo
for many of tlio Ills that human flesh
endures, and that I was punishing
myself In that way that was wnat
was malting rao so dull, heavy and un
comfortable, and unfit for business
after meals. I concluded to try Grapc
Nuta food to oeo whnt it could do for
"I havo been using It for somo
months now, and am glad to cay tha
I do not suffer any Iongor after meals;
my food seera3 to asslmllato easily
and porfectly, and to do tho work ror
which It was Intonded.
"I havo rogalnod my normal weight
and find that business iu a pleasure
onco Tuoro can tako moro Interest l
It, and ray mind la clearer and mora
Namo given by Pestum, Co., Battla
Creek, Mich.
Read "Tho Road to WoIIyIUo," in
pkgs, "There's a Reason."
one nppenrn trora time V.J,"i,f,i..7i2
nre Benulne, true, aua uli ot fcuaMiQ
a lM
eenae 01 Bincii, aomo iniprosnionu wnu
which hojaflHAblo tpwrJrkJ'ouUio
"fortnulnn when'' ho rctufnea" Uonro.
1 I )
wlli: 'nHttMwmummtmi ma c,: ,., or-t - .j