F'l -jajt... -V J.u -m' A' M iwwiiwwiwwwiwnw nw FOR PUBUG GQNTROL HE OF GHKHEIT i vm -ko JOASH BEPAIRS THB-'TOJPLE B VAIL FOR REGULATION A8 WELL ,jj AS publicLYy. Preserved as Memorial to Hero of the Alamo. Saaitj Schiol Leuen for Apiil 23, 1911 iHs!itly Atrancsd forTlils Parcr q(SyaMiwMuwiriyBa)iy'iyt , ,m Mtt)j. . rw v- ","fr" i'l " mrxtXB'X I iiva&bftb' ". -pns( f V i.' I'.iciv Kl.- W i ; I f V i ' . A tti.nl package o? MugyonS Paw.Kiw NIkf -fill be 'fent free lij rtnjrouo.iin ..re quest. Addrccs l'ro?eHor MunjonT 53 J & .louciyoii bt$, Philndclplya, ra. U j on aro 'ininwa .of medif nl a-lWCtf. do udUf.uJ -to i rile-PiitfA-torVItftin) o"n,..Your camnfluit- cation will be treated in stiict confidence, fand rour cimj will bo di.ti'noscd na or ro- A , Munyon'n Paw Paw TilU are j'ulike All other laxatives or cathartics. ' 'uio: coar tho liver Into activity byTnootlaJ methods. Tlicy do not ncotir, they do not Rilpe, they do nut weaken, but they 4do ettyt all tho reactions, of the li-r ,nlBioniach in a; way that? ooii4puU -there -ortfin in "v Healthy1 cofiditSJnJ anil conccts constipation. In my opinion constipation is rcpcnsiblo for fnot oil mjnts. There jre ids Tfeel of" Imn'iia 'bov.els,v.wfiich 'is really a newer pipe. When tbi. pino became clogged the whole, hyi toil i becomes poiiQuetl, caus ing,. bilioU'titM, indigestion .nijd impure blood, which ofteii produce "fheumatiim nnd kidney ailment!). No woman who luilcrs wjth constipation or uny liver ailment- can expect to havn a clear conuilcsion cr enor cood health. "-If I had my way I wunld prohibit "lUe(eJo I vi ujiic-tvnms vi' uicycaiiuu uii aiiuv .j.u now Icing ioId for4hc.rAton; that tlfi-y soon destroy the lining of tho'tifomach, setting up jcriom fomii of indigestion, and so paralyze tho bowels that they re fuse, to act unic&s forced by strong purgatives. Munyon's Pnw Paw TilU are a-Ionio1 to the ktomach, Jircr and nctrcs. ifyy ' Invigorate instead of weaken? thcy1en-1 t tell tho blood Instead of Impovcilali It; they enaLlo' tho touucL. to, get anji,nS TKW l r TeBonm ?n the nouruhmcut from food that n put lino u. , j jT H J'l a if Thcso pills contain no calomel, no dope; thry aro soothing, hc.ihng and etiniulatijig. They school tho bowels ' to act without phjsic. -Regular size bottle, containing 43 pills, 25 cents. Munjon's Laboratory, C3d & 75eJffersjn Sta.. riilladclpbla. - kvtT ' ; fe-2 if Claislflcatlon. ' . "Sir." Raid lltlloblti3tcring man ! to avrellgi6u opponeiiti. "I say, air, J'do yotWknow to what sect I bolonu?" r,yeJj;-iivi!on,t exactly know," waa 4, .tlic.-nnswor; ''but to xJudgo by your " -.-3makc, chapo, and ulze, I nhouhl say lyou belonged to a clas3 called tho Insect." . Wo always 'llko those who ndmlre ub; wo doIio ttlwajra Uko'thoso whom wo admire. Francis Duo do llocho-i faucauld, V 'VI -rxPflPcHSc aWjOMnvorkcd digestive 'drga'iiS, Hrrcfts'VoniTipJiion, elearucs tho j stem, and ridi the blood of impurities. ' '' iiyJ,quirrcl ovor'religlofi'whon all mon agree all men, that Is, at the f .' JPfnol:er's.4il.g'KvV rtingli'DiVide cigar ,.fipt ifof!5tJ-,riehUuIlornia1itS'' it, ""' : ' njfjii Uu. u - til ''-V .: ;! rlj j , t Wi '' Enyilo-purilsblnir oarsclvoa-for bo Ing Inferior to our neighbor.? Wipe it oil your otherwise gaod (o$kwgi3.Q-ript outsat Baltkrild that CAS 'TStym ve vou as i?S8iPBiW Xt' '.a. ypswx, Jtrpm pscure ot rM: q Constipation or.a torpid liverj Kf ' It's soeasy doit you'll see. jii ii 1 i j, . ou ARET3 10c a box font week's . bu dmsrelsts. Iilssrett seller UUiion, boxes, a. xaoom. Nebraska Directory LINCOLN COMMISSION C0. ' UROKER3 AND DEALERS v OH AIN AND BTOCK3 f MAIN OFHCEi Fr.tornltr BuUdJn x UocoJn, N.briV fleU r-bune Ctf Anto Phons Ws I !' ii"-'' ; II ,1 ." T n UCDIUICUt "".H.lltoht T.wv v. r en i: wmnrut $i (RHF.UPMTISahoGOUT ,'X , 1 PROMPTLYRELIEVEDDY ISAFE& EFFECTIVE 50 &$ 1.1 11 I t O" 3 HEIIHY ST. HHO'OKLYW.H.V. J Beatrice Creamtry 0, ' , Fays tht blebtst pries tor CREAM SAYS BOTH HERE TO SlW Li M Fr; rsnii ocdcnitlon of Public Rlflhta by the President of Western Unloir-.and Telephone a .i Companies. ubUfc rft;u1oJIcn otj public service corporations Jrlis como to 6tny. U ought to have como and It ought to ttay. Tl:nt lo tlio flat find uncnuhocal assertion of Thoodoro N. Vail, pi oil dent of both tho American Tolophono and5 Tclerjraph company and the Wcltuirt Union Telegraph company. lit-Miie InKliajToVm of Jils niniual ro 'port to tho seventy thousand stock Holders of thdvtwo grfJaJ. corporations. Although MV VaUMndvocacy of full publlrity In connection with tho affairs j otjtwh concerns wai well under etwd. nobody; In ftnajidal circlcn had anflc'pated 'crf-frnrilcTin avowal' of f ulj public rights In tho shaping of their KcncrAl condncH -It camo conso- queiltlyl.'a'nin iurprtioy not only 'Tic;' cniiso or ua novelty and snuaroncsff, but flso on ncifbunt rf Jtlio unqualified ' l-.JS. i r.t 2. . ... comprising such eminent and conscrv- ntlv llnnnclcra aa Hobort WlnBon' of -ldcrrPcalxidy &. Ccq and Henry L. iirgginson"or Iloston, nenry 1'. Davl fion of J. P. Morgan & Co.; ssm W. Murray Crane, Georgo F..Dafir, Jcrcrwn Cfco ldfto Jr., Norman W. ilaiTlaJolMiuJiWaterbury and others. Pjcaldcjrt Vall'n declaration Ib hftF nldcd as'tho.llr3LrecoBjiltlon by thoeo ilu hfgh rfoiporato'aSuidrlty of tho Jus tice of tho demand that tho public brrYrgartlecl as' virtual partners Ih "all raaters that perlalh To tho common w-lfaie. "lie goes directly to tho point. "Public control or- icgulatlon ot PUblUBoVvIco corporations by perma nent commissions," ho Bays, "hna -.cmoynd como to stay. Control, or regulation, to bo offectlvo tnenns pub licity; It meann soml-publto discus Blon and consideration before action; It means everything wlilch Is the op posite of nnd Inconsistent with effec jtlvo competition. Competition--ag-BCfSBlveoffectlvp cpnipeti Hon moans i(rlfe,J'Ihdustrfali 'Warfare; It means contention; u oiionumcs meana tan nicaiis that tho consnlcncc of tho con lc8tanta flrio degreo of tho enforce ment of f"ho Jawa will permit. "Aggressive competition means duplication ot plant and Investment. Tho uKlmato object of such competl tion Is the possosslon of-tho flcjd wholly" or" partially; thereforo it moans cither ultimate combination on such basis and with such prlcca a3 will cover past lossos, or It meani loss of return on Investment, nnd evontual loss of capital. However It rosults, all costs of aggressive, un controlled competition nro eventually borne, directly or Indirectly, by the public. Competition which Is not ng gresslvo, presupposes co opcrativo ac tion, understandings, agreements, which result In general uniformity or harmony ot action, which, In fact. Is ;iot competition but Is combination, uiiEtnble. but 'for tho tlmo effective. When thoroughly undorfltood It will bo found that 'control" will give more ot tho benefits and publ(c ad vantages, wnicn are 'expected to be obtained through such ownership a ii'f will obtain them without tho puDU,c burden ofclther tho public oftlpe holder qfubllc debt or operalln'g dcllclt. 'V " - I "AVhen .Mirpughi a-wlso. undl'iiidll'' ,clou3,,btatq contioKan'd r.egulutloh.nl. tho advantages without any of tl:q nro BecurVd', " Blato- ofnershli)"' 1b Ioomcd." - .a V' " "If Mr.'Vairis Hght.'l'says Harper's ' WeeU'iy' fri1 'a" fconclsio - BUmmlngup, "tfted If Eecms 'pretty i plain-that wo aro entered upon a ndwcru In both economics and politics. And It la high timer wo aiu tr evolution is to sup. plant revolution as., nn. efficient Jorco In tboi development. of ; civilization." . "Unreliable Phyelojjnomy. M tl am a profound dlsbellevor !n,phys-, ognomy. .-'caiures, aro laiso wt ,nos3es. SlupldHy fi;e(idently wears a mask of intelligence, 1 know bual iicui men wno iook hko poetaand poets who look llko business men. Men 6f genius Invariably look like, luinix, ana 11 jou-picK ouc tno an "who looks most eminent In uparty you are sure to find he in a nobody. I always dletru&t mon who look mag nlflpcnt. JS'a'ture is a stingy creature. Bho Eeldoni gives a man tho doublo gift or being groat and looking great. She took care to Iamb Byron and de- formPopennd-dlBflBure-JohnBon. Hut the crowning example of her Jealous parsimony Is Shakespeare. I have al- rTT"ys bopn disappointed with Shakes-pqare-aface. it-doea -not live up to hU poetry. IUIsdulI,' heavy; and com- 'tionplace. Adventures In Xondon. 7 fl ".; '' - '. .... , : Veaetable. FancyWork. LlttlIra lrjdo had omost every thing to jeani abouhouaekoeplng, but he wasp enthuaiastlohtsr Interest tltyfcyaveryn was;1cIad4o help her. .Hg s6le PfrtJcHlnrrV flue .as t.r4ui,7tKei'fear)fttman'.t8ld her one l;i!MS'BOlayed.a bunch for her iWWteciacldfttfetM.jiU-JtSrIth 'uhai- fected amazement. 'ocs.Jt,grow.41ke-thatr!.aho asked. "I always sunpoaed tho cook braided"' 4H ctjafi oi4"4r'BPanIon. t.KKUMN TIT-'a Klrts' U.:i12,!C. kMiiliir)(f'-r5MU; . UOi.IUMN Ti:.T-i"Tll.lV JUf 0P16 re- i.Iccil. for UiTii, tlii tfftorr,rAll!lni:ly."- x t nit'mi.'rj,(.. II TIMB- Ot illr. lwrttty'thlrd-Tyrar of louh'u iiTj,ifr4 .H, C (Uceeher), 82t It. Tar masniiRP)., jonsn wni ruun in nir fcrlleth yrtfi-of his VelRH, 17-U.C. (Dec cliff). rfnjfUi J. (HosUhiRs). .. ft l,li.Cli-.taius.ili)i,i liiul Uio Temple. KlN'CJK-rn?acl Is klnir.or Py'rla: Je I'oalinB lia suei-eetlnJ Jehu In istael. I" A-hIa Hliatlunnfrui- 1I. lias illoil and Mtinminli-tntiwimis Jmn cpnif) to tlin tlirolu. Joanh dd,n.t which ,vun light .In the night of I ho Lord whllo .leholada tUc lilgli priest wan nllVe, bjit after thn,dcitt1 of thnt good man JonMi nl lowed, the people to becounj Idolaters ngnln. J'ven during .TchoJda'H lifo, moreover, tho worship at, t;o lilgh plact'B aB ullowod to go on'. Thcso local EnnctlturlcB were hold tq bo con dtifiv6'V t,t;uc' rollglon. The Tcmplo Vis hln" boyhood homo, htn safq vof lino for neven jcara film ttic murder- 'ottB cruelty of Alhallah. In tho Tcm plo Uvea Ij'a best friends. Thcro ho had' bpljti "brdwned. N'S w'b'ndcr' he canto to love Ihos8 cotirru. and to con row over t.l'olr dilapidated condition. Joai.li railed (ogethor the priests' arid the LcvH'cs, nnd bado them draw from th6' regular funds for the Tem ple rcBtoratlon. This money of tho dedicated things, tho money concc crated jo rejlglous. uses Jv J,lio people, was '.obtained 'frcm nthrffo'CKOiircear Money of every ono that passelh the account; thutMn, the poll-tax of a half cbckel "paid byDovary male Hebrew abovc-aho ngoTof. 20 whenever n con bus wnn taken. Money that every man Ih set lit; "All the assessments. Monoy that' comet h Into miy man's hoart to bring: Tho free-will .offerings of the people for this purpose, which Might bo largo. Tho church woilcrs, r.ven when they tnko thought for the church, huvo little heart In their work. "Tho facetious Sydney Smith had two nkc of oxen on IiIb llttln farm In Yorkshlro to which ho gave tho names of 'Tug' and 'Lug,' 'Haul' and Ciawl.' These would be appropriate names for u largo class of church members who put no heart Into tholr Christian work. It Is mere lug and toll nnd task to them. Thoro Is a lack of cooperation. A minister called upon n member who had been neglecting the week-nlghl service, and went straight up to the fireplace In tho Bitting loom, nnd with tho tongH removed a livo coal from off tho lire, and placed It on tho hearth, then watched It white It turn ed from the 'red glow of heat to a black inRss. The member in question carofully observed the proceeding, nnd then said, "You need not say a Mngto word, elr; I'll be thcro on Wednesday night." Xo church lire can hum brightly If the cohIs aro pull ed apart. Though many other reasons might bo given for tho failure when church .work falls behind, it is all summed up In one cause, tho absence of Christ "Getting Christ Into tho people will tiolvo tho problem of getting pcoplo Into tho church," nnd getting' them to work when they arc there. f With tho frnnkneps' and openness n lib wlilch all church matters should 'bo treated1. Joash t,enl for" .leholda alio tho( su'botdlijatq priests,' and ask ed 'them, with som6 Indignation. "Why repair ye not'the"'hreachea of jV new- ' - . A ltl. DlmnlA nlnn nn nilmilnil jj -p-J. 'Y )V " "'jP,!"""!"'" OUH laljOjlhp, petyjle, .A,flwopdpn cli chest jwag ,ta,Heil u,4 i fill,1 W ?,1,el,n th0 t"VAT wiWnli through. .l .T I iih.'M. A1. ' 'inie in b ii .B-W p?s 'V1 r. How Ki bwu$ foipwh pwt, , pooiie tiiu -jvubii a .winu .ouvvvvu -VUlllllllUU .1 'V lP ;..ujreqiy4 of a xailbe, o know JuBt liow their momjl'ls s'penj, Thej are far more likely to r6,Bpoud to Bpcclal "than to genernlappeals. T4iQiHitlK'frS"V0i'Qt:ai':g nnd tho high' priests wenU togotuor, lo .tho JehcTit,' .counted the money, nnd put It up In , bagn.. It iwaa tbca glvon. to. thaiover -BecrB of tho 'Work,-and they paid It out toothe.carpentf ru, builders, moBona and the nioa.Uat, Xumlshcd the Umber, Uowu stono.-aud lr.on nnd brass. Noth tngnWAB 4tpen ou-meie orunmonta rvoryjJilngsWASjsdrvotcd, to tho solid repair- of tho. .fabric, -, la, Hll church .wprk progress. Is. made only by fix- ;MB np9ii a pnljaniUaJlowUpg nothing tto.iuru.o!e ,iipU1v till tho.ifgoal Is .reached.,, . M , h , n fJ 1;1r t Tho cic-wii ot,iIoash,'B life. was what, bo did, fop, th 1)oubo of Gpd. Such work will bo .tho, crown qaiiy lifo that undertakes It... Tliqro In room In Clod's houso for all klndB of work ers and all degrees of skill. Even tho youngeflt scholar In tho Sunday Bchool can make a helpful contribu tion to"Uko Temillo scrvlco. Work for the church should be pro gressive; wo should become more ef ficient church workers every year. To this end it Is necessary that we begin young, Juat as singers and piano players begin joung. "Jack of all trades and master of none" Is as truo of church work as ot work In secular callings. Every joung Christian will be wtso It he oe IcctB Bomo line of work for God and cultivates It aB his specialty. It may be Kinging, or teaching, or social work, or administrative work, or evangelistic work, or tho use of tho pen.- Whatever, ft Ib, he cannot make 'the aelcctldnv tdo( early' or begin too sboh-on" his preparation. "It will bo the very best work of his 'life, and It 'deserves Mhebest years of hla llfa'ffnd tht! fullness 'bf -every one of bit powers. ' i f . .1 . .?i - , San Antonio, Where American Trooria' Concentrated, former Heme of Ono of Meet Ploturesquo Fron ttcrtrr.cn rf Nation. Tho center ot Interest In Amorlca today Is historic old San Antonio, which Ib tho point of concentration for tho bulk of troopa that hnvo gathered, in Te.as to bo utilized in (ho present emergency. Just beyond Port Sam Houston, which may bo termed the citadel of San Antonio, Is n grafn cov ored plain, SCO acres In extent, whero Iho gie.it camp la situated. Tho troops mo ninoiod by regiments, which nro oiKumpcd in uquads, all facing In tho direction of (Jon. Cat tor's head. quniUiH. which aro located on top of a llltlo hill that Id tho only elevation to break tho monotony of tho land ccapo Tho Interesting city of San Antonio consists of threw p.utu: tho old town, or Han Antonio proper, between tho San Pedro uud tho San Antonio rlv era; Chihuahua, wopt of tho Snn Pedro; aud Alamo, ast of tho San Antonio. Tho old town la tho busi ness quarter and Iiiih In grcnt part lost Its Mexican character, having been almost entirely rebuilt hIiico 1SG0. Chlhuahun la utmost exclusively Mexican In character nnd population. Tho houacB arc ond otory high, built partly of stono and paitly of upright logs with cauo roofB. Alamo Ib tho liugeat quarter of tho city, In conald eruhly larger than tho other two uud la mobtly Inhabited by Oormano. In tho noith part Ib tho Alamo p'arn, with tho fort of that namo which, 61 yeara ngo, was tho sceuo of ii savage, nnd sanguinary encounter between n mnnll company of Tcxauu mil Americans, cud n greatly superior !utco of Mexicans, which remitted In .he capture of tho fort aud tho mas- CTfe 1 lM 19 1 jffi LI 'A ttl" Davy Crockett Home. sacro of tho ontlro garrison. Among tho valiant defender as tho famouB Davy Crockett, who had gono to help tho Texans In tholr fight for Indepen dence, and who fell surrounded by tho bodica of thoso ho had elaln cro ho waa cut down. The heroic valor of tho garrison nnd tho barbarity of tho Mexicans thrilled tho American people. Tho cry of "Ho mcinber tho AInmol" wns heard throughout tho country; and tho feel ing which It excited did much to bring on tho war with Mexico, In "which an American nrhiy swopt triumphantly Into tho capital of tho Montezumna; Hard by this historic plnco lahq, old cabin of Davy Crockott. whlcft lias been presorved by tho patriot! ana na a lasting memorial to, tho wka lost, his life In the sublime of liberty. , . ,. ' Tl WHERE WOMEN ARE WArfTED . . t . ,, . : - v 'FornVero'of the Great Canadian rfcrth '- -.Weit Are Qufferlna From . ,v . Lpnellneosr i. i " a. ' t ...WlnnlpcBiMnnj Tha fa,W.er8 fiaug about- tho tiny s'tntions that do tho great trnnficontlncutal railroad t acks between Winnipeg and' tho RoAcIos, waiting' for d eight of tho'cmllrant lrls on tho J west-bound trnlu Jthat goes thrortgh once In 24 hours, livery one' of them Ib on tho lookout for a wlfo., LonellncBB la not good man, nnd that Is why ono finds dreds of young fellows who ar veioptng tno innu or tuo great wos't eager lo find k nlato. now scarco tno ngnt typo o for domestic work In Canada Is bo JudKfld frpnj tho words utterd 1 by lltyQWimWfej&dfoin n short Imo ago. "It Is practically ImpoBsl ilo," Uolsaldj 'HO srefraiJsoj-YnntLip Crtiada flf iQYP.PX. W?ey9I ? And pticcB for 2Q0 girls tomorrow Jf wo? had money to send them out." ; Further proof of tho dcartii' faf women In Cannda la furnished bS Ar? thur M. Orenfoll, son-ln-Inw ofjfearl Oroy, tho governor genornl of Cnn nda, who ays; "Thoro aro flight men to every woman in tho land.,. Do mcGtlc scrvlco of various kinds Is to bp had for tho asking." u Just a word ot warning, however. Girls muBt not expect to bo snapped up by tho first man that comes glong and hnvo n nlco, easy tlmo of It. Girls aro only wanted who know how to work and who will work, nnd for. Miem tho wagCB range from $10' a month for common help to 30 and ?60 for specialists that Is, for In sta,nco, qualified cooks. i " New York'B Street-Car Trafflfi. Now York.--More than 50 por"conT . in o,uuu,uuu iiurcuiiu, ui uio suvon'rail- llono living In Greater New York.anfl Its ' environs, rldo- dally on tho J'trao tlon linds of tho Metropolitan district, according to statistics completed bj tno public aorvico commlssloa Q snr n Bhun- 0 de- uprtn- gin may Pleaso Read These Two Letters. Tho ibllovrinpr letter from 3ro. Orvillo Kook "will vravo how utnvbio ib Is for women to nubmit to tho rinnrcom of u Huvgiciil opcnitiou hc:i ib jnny bo avoided hy taking 3ydiu E. rinklmtn's VyolablQ Cotupoimd. Bho vnn four wecka In tho hospital tiud cnino liomb fiufi'orhiT worNotliuu bi'foro. Thou ttftor till thnt BUlfcrliijy LydiA E.rink haui'u VcoUiblo Oompomid watorcil lior bcaltlu irUHE IS HER OWN STATE3H2NT. ,, Pair Pnir, HHelt. ' !. "..'u ; '4'ry f ovcreiy witn a uiJ-imuMMMcm--1 coiiiti noc lio on my l'ccfc for a lousr time. My phyr.lclan ti'oatud mo for snverul mout lis without uiucli re lief, and ut last hout xno to Ann Arhtir l'or tlw op Cmtlon. I avus there four wcokn mid am homo Kufforlnc Avorso than Iiol'oro, My mothflr ad- irrh ,i!( vised mo to try .1. Compound, and Hiruuir ;i:m uu iui lioallh to Lydlu liouuaniiu nuviKO with any fcmulo Orvillo ltock, it. Mlinrn nniri.t. it'no cif z:'r .' il .'.' P. A..W.V. nuiyi iiiuiu ,v.u vfi.v . f Roclcport, Ind.- ' Thcro never voa n worso c.nso of woman's Hln than mine, and I cannot heyln to toll you what. X Buffered. For over two yrars I waa not nhlo to do anythlnir-. I wart ih lied for a month and tho doctor said nothimrliutim operation, would euro inc. My father miptfostod LydiaJI3. IMnUIiamfs Vcgetublo Compound; bo to plcasp him 1 took it, and J. ImprovM 'Wonder fully, o I am aldo to travel, rldo horHolmc.lc, tnlco Ioiij? rides nnd never feel any III effects from it. I eon only ask other smfferlnjr women to prlvo I.ydlalil. Pliiklmui'H Vctretahlo Compound a. trial hoforo suhmltthtu: to an operiitlou." Mra. Margaret Meredith. IS. F. V. No. :t, ltoekport, lnd. ' Wo will pay a handsomo reward to any porscn who will prove to lis that thoso Ietter3 aro not Kcnuino and truthful or that cither oX. theso women woro paid in any way for their testimonial.-?, dr that tho letters aro published witliout their permission, or that tho original letter fixnu caeli did not como to 113 cntiroly unsolicited. For HO years Eydla 13. Plnkhr.in'n Vcfrctnblo Compound Iiiih Ihioii tho-Htandurd remedy for femalo ills. No Hick woman does justlco to liersolf who will not try this famoun medicino. Mado oxcluBlvely from roots and herbs, aad Iuh thousand:) of cures to its credit RfttaJtoMra. Pinkham invites all clck women C5 to writo her for advice. Sho has TUidod thousundn to health freo of charge. Address Mru. 1'iulcliam, Iiyan, Muaa. Truly Wonderful Cat. A wonderful cat l.t that owned by Mr. A. J. Omrlngo, a tradesman uf DItcliInK, Knelaud. Mr (lorrinpo han a bantam wliich lays her e(;gn In dif ferent parts ot tin yard, but his cat J never falls ,to 11 ml them. Hlic taken tho ecu between hor teeth, places It on the utcp, aud i attics tho door linn dlo with her paws until her mlstroos nrrlvos to tako In tho eg;;. Not ono uf the cgn hns yet been broken. Important to lYIothero j'JXamlno curefiilly ovnrv hnltln nf CASTOItIA, a safe aud suro remedy for J Infants nnd children, and scu that It ' Beard tho CIrin4iis. et , UlfjtIUUItU Wl LV In Use Tor Over 30 Years. -ChlldrorrfJrri'orFlctcliWa-Cafltd-rli tHWir -oyim- ,. c .-M.iui ,.w. ,ii;c(wuiiaiwiu tiy It fopjjotlf liot nnd cold Btarchlng, nnd ifjr'yodonHthliJk you do better woik, jn..ieflniinion,M.u at snmuflT CDsrr rotunufj Khd yourgioccr vil glvo you back-iouK.mpney, Bac - There; jfi nit ThncMt saylnjr, famous nnionfK inl;tAtlnt tou Bhouldst not Judge yullyiot'ja-iaall'o lifo beforo ho dlcth.fwhotjiQr Jt should bo bleat qrvffcfcheijr-ayphoclcs. iould bo called i..nin ca? wn.Mj hiiokh ens iio'ifealHit'krtor uMntt! Alii-n n I'oot-njuo.tho AnllMpl)o,pinr4 (ii bo tli.rn Into tint hluMn. It luakc. trflit'otrnajLtU)rgifolca(r. cilTri roHtcnJ lumfort. Ueuia $itMlnUti. l'or flU'.ll (rial packivo, adarcM Allon H. OlimtBUf'irJ-lloyrMrYr- ry v Away with these celntrjejjof. Biono; moy nro iiiucccnt; lot mo fado Into tho aunnymouB grass! fake Garfield Tea lo overcome conitipa tion, tlcatiDO system uud tiwiiitain health. A man doesn't havo to bo a detec tive In order to find fault. Toll the denier you want a Lewis' Kingle Dindcr htraiulit Co rli;ai. A woman, whp has a nose for news ..M.tnll. l.no t .1.ln 'nw .Alll..r I. jwouu. Mun .. w.llll 1UI VUl.illf, tb. SM fTj, . ,."" 1 1 irrrTttl f Sitt- -". ' '7"'"- ' lss;jss wrvtCMtiviA ww . i mjjtijMi.r clTcx- Teaclfir-pujiro-ltOjevoiT tnorn' : 9"9 J'?;....?.U;;.;?.....'.. .....I...B. pniiio ft u''i JT ie"f 'V ,l, wyj iiiiiiii inai. ji .,w. mill, b UUIIll JlUl IJiaiJll'U Ulll 1 uchdbllwlicN'iicao? -Jnij? hoiiltf.? 1 ,' t&lotfD4nanc6t,gtreTi5a farrvfrlhlJ- k ' A I?oor Weak Woman t At sbo is termed, will endure- bravely and patiently r.ouiM whloh ttrong man would give way under. Tho faot i women are more patient than they ought to bo under' luoh trouble. Kvery woman oufiht to know that (he may obtain the moat experienced medical advice fret f chart and in aiiolutt ctnfideue and privacy by writing to the Vorld'a Ditpensary Mcdioal Anociation, R. V. w Pjeroo, M. D President, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pleroa has been chief contultinjj phytlcian of the Invalid' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Uuaalo, N. Y., for many veart and hat had a wider practical exnerieneo In the treatraent of women 'a diieoses , . s ut meuicinet aro wona-umout tor tneir ' f-kjif Tho moat porloot reaiedr ever "" cato vromen !t Dr. Pierco'a Favorite Prescrfptloil. t IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, i,4iw'2Ai ..... i . mo many and varied tyraptomt ol woman peculiar ailraentt aro tuny ttl forth In Plain BnIisb' in tho' Peoploft Medical Adviser (1008 pages),, a riCn,jy ' T years atro J Hitf fcrotl Jiydla li. I'Inlthiim'M Vcjrfttahlo 1 did, To-day I am wcjl and my own ii)ii.smvoric. x awn niy 13. JMnkliam'n Vorcotablo'Coni- ovory woman uio is nirjietea comnlaint to trv tt." Mx3. It..Ko..C, UimvlEuw, Wiclu o -'nln rnpn 1' Th Farmer's Sqn's Gyeat 0portuniiy -.ynzwainor in oin-ira co brrocin jruurlDliurtunr lirlnnon in liruiiiira hit jmir iuuhp Siiuiorii7Pni innpwn Irnce. A tfnat oppor Uiullr nwalls Jem In M.tmtnba.Saakalclie-ian or Al!fna, .wlier.i jou prices. Now'stlieTlme not a jraf from now, wbrn In rul will bo Mail er. Tin) prom-, secured lliA nlitlfi.lnfi t. r.iitN nf lir-iit, Ouu .mill- Hurler, a oil ca raltlu raiding, te na a hUnar alarji.a In I.rli-0. (.OTeruincnt rrturni .how bat tlin iiuiulirr of (ottlen lit Wontorn C'lintult. from (ho IT. N. trna tlO per cent lamer In 1010 than tlie jircvi(,n year. -..Jlunjr-luruuorfl.rirwo imlil Tnr ttinlr Imiil out of (Uw yrncoetiani mm crop. thTtm Tjauauuattl of 100 nnroH ttnil irr-Aiiiitluns or Kill arl'M'vvuSSOOuiiHorn. l'lni) .clllkaSfe, ekxt arliixil. viimr raciiuios, iri wofiii, w- cm I IT OB- Tvft Host Wert." laiiio loratlon u i: buiiit to roMon, Oilnwa, luIUoYtAtent. ErlETT Omahi, Neb. a nkrpit you.) IT LaJOiiL -Wra MlkCEUANCO !S Elecifroty yes in qiiBat variety LbWEiT PHICU3 )Y -WRSTrjiffNEI EM t'NION 23,5r' o 'l.pt PARMEN'S AIR OALSArVI iim and brStinu tht hair. uioui a -innini riowuu ilialr to lis Yiturul Color. ei imp iu.Fa k our iuiu.(. DEFiftHGEOTRC-!LonpS0. otUir aurcb-tn only 12 ouncei-flama piles and 'DEFIAHCE'llH GUPEniOft QUALITY rrs. ' ir : I W. N U LINCOLN, NO. 15-1011. than any other phyftlaa In coantry. attonistUDt cUicaoy. ilevUed for wcaktutd cir"ir lwrna.tT?v TirF.T4Tl : 7. " .-vr'SJi . .. H Lizm&m E&k. utmmM i mm 1 IT l -. IBV ...HJ.I1 M fXttn&TSnn rniwxi&n f)Sm iinM ni na r-.' f.tfeACww1 tHjeert. ,u 'tCi2JIirVX 1-VAPMnpnlotJ' wmmvwjix t;.v.b i Itl M I? .VAin miUilrn i Wm mWFJT" BPAln7KvwSIIHk f Br,VaHKaliMuBH SwK BfnT-jJG r'" r t I i jfa. I i B i BtBL. 'JBHkIltm ieU- i ii ' . , ,v hr Ji K& m?-mimli1ltv9a,'i,fr'itil'J' S r etfKZSszsxzza